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    People's Democracy(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)

    Vol. XXVI

    No. 19

    May 19,2002

    Behind The Home Trade Scam

    C P Chandrasekhar

    IN the era of liberalised financial markets in India, it appears that even before the dust settles on one

    financial "scam" there is a new one in the making. We need only recall the engineered boom in stock

    markets in the early 1990s which involved all major Indian and foreign banks and the "big bull"

    Harshad Mehta, the subsequent periodic instances of alleged insider trading and price rigging by

    corporations and broking firms, and, more recently, the infamous Ketan Parekh episode involving

    among others the Madhavpura Mercantile Cooperative Bank. In all cases, investigations, while focusing

    attention on the ease with which one or more high profile brokers or firms could access huge sums of

    money to play the market, have not yielded adequate "regulatory measures" to prevent another scam.


    Not surprisingly, therefore, the media is agog with another financial scam, involving a set of cooperative

    banks and a high profile broker, Home Trade, which has once again seen a few hundred crores of

    rupees disappear into thin air. What is surprising was that this was a scam which was obviously in the

    making before the very eyes of the regulators. Home Trade was an unusual venture inasmuch as, at the

    time of its launch around two years back, it combined activity in two areas which were both at a low, if

    not in a state of collapse. The first was an internet venture, in the form of a portal that provided

    information and entertainment to satisfy visitors interested in its principal activity. And second, its

    principal activity, which was to encourage internet trading of stocks and shares. This dotcom brokerage,

    ostensibly aiming to attract small investors who had fled markets after burning their fingers, was

    launched with a high profile advertising campaign that roped in celebrities like Hrithik Roshan, Sachin

    Tendulkar and Shah Rukh Khan. The campaign, estimated by one source to have cost as much as Rs 65

    crore, was mysterious, since it long remained silent on the product being sold, and was geared at

    establishing the "Home Trade" brand and win customer confidence in the name. What it did not fail to

    do was to attract public attention, leading to much media discussion on the campaign itself.


    The experience with dotcom failures, abroad and in India, that spent huge sums of money even before

    earning a single unit of currency, should itself have alerted the authorities into scrutinising the venture.

    More so because, unlike conventional dotcom firms, this one had a revenue model that made it even

    more risky and suspect: to earn money through brokerage fees from small investors at a time when the

    market was by no means booming. The case for suspicion and a modicum of scrutiny would have been

    strengthened if the regulatory authorities had examined the antecedents of the promoters and its chief

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    executive, Sanjay Agarwal.

    Agarwal came to Home Trade with a reputation, built during his days with Lloyds Brokerage set up by

    Lloyds Finance, one more Mumbai-based finance company that had picked up the name of an

    internationally known finance company. Set up in 1994, with a paid-up capital of Rs 2.2 crore, Lloyds

    Brokerage soon acquired the reputation in market circles of being a "dynamic", market-mover.

    However, when the BSE Sensex fell by 367 points on a single day in mid-January 1997, the Securities

    and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) launched an investigation that came to the conclusion that there

    was prima-facie evidence that Lloyds Brokerage, was responsible for the unusual volatility. By then the

    firm had changed its name to Euro Asian Securities (EAS), consequent to a sale of 75 per cent of its

    stake to Mauritius-based S N Investments. Speculative transactions, it appeared, were key to the

    strategy of EAS, as it has been known to be of most financial entities. However, whether for lack of

    adequate evidence or other reasons, in October 1999, EAS was let of with an admonition by SEBI,

    which even permitted the promoters to offload 25 per cent of their stake through a public issue valued at

    Rs 32.94 crore.

    Armed with those funds EAS transformed itself into the internet-based brokerage Home Trade, that

    was soon favoured with venture funding from two new sources, Euro Discover Technology Ventures

    and Euro Discover, which also established a second company called Ways India Ltd that functioned as

    part of the Home Trade group.


    Given this rather labyrinthine evolution of Home Trade from sources that had been investigated for

    possible market manipulation and given its seemingly irrational choice of area of operation and timing,

    the company was seen by many, barring the regulators, as being an operation that was suspect from the

    point of view of market prudence. Yet investigations into Home Trades activities had to wait for a

    NABARD report filed on April 19 to the RBI, on the Nagpur District Central Cooperative Bank

    (NDCCB), which had made huge investments in government securities, but was not in possession of the

    certificates for the same. Home Trade, it transpires, had obtained Rs 124 crore from NDCCB forinvestment in government securities, but had not delivered the certificates. Caught out by the NABARD

    team, the chairman of NDCCB, Sunil Kedar, was the first to file a complaint against Home Trade on

    grounds of cheating.

    Once the NDCCB complaint had been filed, the floodgates were opened. Thus far at least eight

    cooperative banks in Maharashtra, some banks from Gujarat and, in an unusual turn, the Seamens

    Provident Fund, have reported having invested in government securities through Home Trade and

    another brokerage Gilt Edge but have yet to receive the relevant certificates. The sums involved could

    be in excess of Rs 300 crore. What is more, some of the banks had reportedly provided Home Trade

    with loans to pursue its undefined activities, serving virtually as venture capitalists.

    The revelations have resulted in investigations into investments in government securities by cooperative

    banks and provident fund organisations. It has also increased coverage of the Home Trade scam by

    sections of the media, which normally tend to celebrate high profile financial players and present their

    views as disinterested assessments of market movements and government policies. But now that Home

    Trade, which had access to crores, of which a significant chunk was handed over as advertisement

    revenue to the very same media, is now reportedly left with just Rs 22,000 in its bank account, the

    tendency is to dismiss the firm as just a scam and a few individuals in Home Trade and the cooperative

    banks as aberrations.

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    The route to discovering that Home Trade was a fragile venture that was bound to collapse from losses

    suffered by investors who, not to legitimately, had handed over large sums of money to the company, is

    indeed circuitous. After all by March the financial press was reporting that both Home Trade and its

    sister company Ways India were downsizing operations and retrenching staff, many of whom had not

    been paid for some time. But neither the regulators nor the media found reason to investigate a

    company that had burnt up crores in a few months.

    Sanjay Agarwal, who has since been arrested, is reportedly himself unapologetic. While admitting to

    some "mismanagement" in his debt servicing division, Agarwal is reported to have claimed that Home

    Trade has a "great financial model." At one level he is perhaps right. His was a model of changing form

    to pursue every option of speculative return that existed. When the project of earning huge commissions

    through internet broking was found to be not working, he expected to make large sums by trading in

    government securities in the expectation that their prices would rise since the government was keen on

    driving down interest rates. To find investors who would make their purchases through him Agarwal

    offered an extra two per cent return on investments made through him, and targeted cash rich but

    poorly regulated sectors like the cooperative banks and small provident funds. His gamble did not work,

    leading to his being unable to deliver on his trades, but in keeping with what is the true business offinance he at least gambled.


    The difficulty about dropping Agarwal like a brick when he is already well on the way down is that the

    exercise only serves to divert attention from larger issues. These are that financial markets, where

    information available to some is not available to others, are prone to speculation and failure. They therefore

    need to be tightly controlled or regulated. But Indias economic reform programme has not only liberalised

    these markets substantially and devalued regulation, it has made the garnering of large profits by financial

    entities a sign of "efficiency". This legitimises speculation, so long as you are not caught out because offailure.

    One result is that when failures do occur it is not the system put in place by reform that is blamed, but

    the individuals who have been caught out because of failure. Liberalisation is persisted with and

    financial failure recurs. The problem is that failures affect not just the speculators or those involved in

    the bank-broker speculative nexus. It also threatens to wipe out a part or the whole of the savings of

    individuals, which have been invested in entities they do not control, but which they believe the

    government regulates. It is this trust in government rather than the confidence bought by huge publicity

    campaigns that finally explain the willingness of small investors to hand money over to entities that are

    similar to those who have known to have misused them in the past. Given that, it is not enough if the

    government wakes up each time it is faced with what it dismisses as a scam. It must undo the regime and

    the structures that render the system fragile.

    When failures do occur it is not the system put in place by reform that is blamed, but the individuals who

    have been caught out because of failure. Liberalisation is persisted with and financial failure recurs.

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