hormone survival guide - afrouzcourse.s3-us-west-2


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D R . D E M E R I ' S





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A Message from Dr. Demeri - Welcome!I’m Dr. Afrouz Demeri, ND - a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Zumba

instructor, yoga lover, and cooking enthusiast. I am passionate about health

and wellness! After many years of private practice, I have come to

appreciate that it is the simple and profound changes that we make in our

lives that have the greatest impact on our health - both mind and body! I

hope to share with you some of these “simple” lessons

- to help build a foundation that will make it possible

for each of you to successfully find your path to wellness.

While I continue to work directly with patients both in

private practice and at the Samueli Integrative Health

Institute at UCI, I find teaching through lectures,

workshops, retreats, and online courses to be especially

rewarding. I have recently launched my new online

course, Trimester Zero™, for women who are planning

to conceive within the next 5 years or are having

difficulty conceiving. This course pulls together so

much of what I have learned about our body, our

hormones, and our mental and emotional health.

I have designed it with the “future baby” in

mind! Preemptively optimizing moms-to-be to

have a healthy, successful, and meaningful

pregnancy, birth, and baby!

In my work as a doctor, I am most concerned

with the whole person. My training has taught

me that no part of the body functions

in isolation. Symptoms are opportunities for us

to understand what may be out of balance

- our bodies are complex biological systems,

made up of an even more complex and

fascinating network of chemical and

electrical signals, communicating constantly

to ensure that we function well!

Much of this “communication” is happening

through our endocrine system, the

neuroendocrine connection, and our mental

and emotional responses to everyday stressors.

Maybe this is what really drew me to study

neuroscience in my early training, and to

focus on hormones and the mind-body

connection in my work as a naturopathic



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Neuro-endocrine imbalances, or what I would call “maladaptive

responses” to stressors, are at the root of many health conditions. These

include thyroid disorders, stress and stress-related diseases, weight and

metabolic diseases, digestive health issues, immune-related diseases,

fatigue, depression, anxiety, memory, and so much more! By

understanding and helping patients better understand their health, I am

able to focus on underlying causes of illness and apply functional &

integrative methods to help my patients regain health - inside and out!

Growing up, I was inspired by my grandmother, who was a food and

herb specialist in Iran. I was surrounded by nature. My food was all the

things that we are only now learning to be healthy - I ate local,

organically-grown (in our own garden), seasonally appropriate, nutrient-

rich, and home-prepared, whole-food meals. We didn’t think much about

health and disease, we didn’t discuss what we should or shouldn’t eat,

diets and dietary rules or restrictions were not spoken of. We simply ate

food that nourished us - we ate it mindfully, together as a family and

sometimes as a community, never in excess, and always with gratitude.

When I moved to Australia several things changed. My family and I were

introduced to a food culture that was not familiar to us. We had access to

foods that were not in season, processed foods were staples and readily

available, and our community was no longer with us. We were a family of

busy immigrants adjusting and adapting to a new lifestyle, new culture,

new values, and certainly a new way of perceiving health, disease, and

the treatment of illness. Herbs, nutrition, mindful living, and connection

with nature were replaced with more Western medicine practices and,

more importantly, philosophy.

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It wasn’t until many years later, while exploring and following my path

that I came across naturopathic medicine and felt right at home! This was

the medicine I was meant to practice, and that gave me the tools to help

my patients reconnect with their journey towards health. And so began

my journey - since 2007, when I completed my studies and became a

licensed Naturopathic Doctor, I have been determined to teach about

healthy living, our connection to nature, the importance of our mind, and

the complexity and the marvel of our endocrine system.

Thank you for caring about your health. Thank you for trusting me to

participate in your journey to empower and own your own health. I hope

that you find this guide, or any of the many programs and courses that I

share wth you, to be helpful, practical, meaningful, and informative.

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I created this Hormone Survival Guide because I wish something like this

was available years ago when I was experiencing numerous health issues.

It’s crazy how many health problems can arise from hormone imbalances

alone. The good news is that over the years, I have researched and

learned ways to fix these imbalances. My patients have benefited from

these tips and recommendations time and time again. Now I want to help

you! My vision is to help as many women as I can with this simple, yet

educational guide. I hope you find it helpful and are able to implement

and benefit from the information that I am sharing with you.

My Survival Hormone Guide is one step, one tool, one opportunity to help

spread the message! It is the first step in transforming your health! I have

created this guide with a focus on hormones. Within this guide you will

find relevant information to help you better understand how hormones

function, along with simple recommendations to help you balance your

hormones. I hope that it will help you feel like yourself again! Let’s work

together to improve your health - whatever your symptoms, whether it be

fatigue, irregular periods, acne, constipation, painful sex, fertility issues,

mood changes, sleep problems, weight gain or loss, and more, regulating

hormones and correcting imbalances will help your body be at its best!

This guide will explain hormones, their role in your health, their

relationship with one another and your organs and systems, and the

symptoms you may experience when one or more of them are out of

balance. It will go further to teach you about effective and natural ways to

improve and “reset” your hormones to regulate and communicate the way

they were intended to. You came across this hormone survival guide for a


Take the time to read it and put these healthy practices to use - you will

be surprised how quickly you can feel better and how simple things can

have a significant impact on your health. Before you read any further, take

the time and think about a few things, maybe even take some notes.

Dr. Demeri's HormoneSurvival Guide


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Ask yourself if you tend to be cold or hot, excited and anxious or sluggish

and depressed, is your digestion healthy, do you eat a healthy diet, do you

manage stress well, are you experiencing sugar cravings, do you have any

symptoms that you don’t fully understand, have you noticed your mood

affect your health, any menstrual symptoms, weight changes, difficulty

sleeping, low sex drive, memory issues, etc. Then take a minute and think

about what it would feel like as you begin to feel better - does it feel

lighter, more grounded, less anxious, more energized, sharper, faster,

calmer, or more confident.

Remember this feeling and remember that everything you feel, whether

you think it is negative or positive, is communicated to our mind and body

through your hormones! So let’s get started and let’s get these hormones

back to sending the right messages at the right time and make you feel

great again!

I would love to hear from you if you are working through this guide. Make

sure to follow my Instagram and Facebook page for more health tips and

information and please share this through social media to anyone you

believe can benefit - This will help me spread the message further and

gives me the opportunity to share more with all of you.

If you are planning on conceiving in the next 5 years, I highly recommend

signing up for my online “Trimester Zero” course, which is packed with

information on how to have a successful and healthy pregnancy. Also,

check out my “Trimester Zero Cookbook” with recipes designed to support

a healthy pregnancy, and tasty enough for the whole family to enjoy!Thank


I hope you gain good information that will help you. I look forward to

hearing from you or seeing you become part of our growing community.

In good health,


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What are Hormones & What Do They Do for Your Body? . . . .8

Take the Toxin & Hormonal Quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Get Your Hormones Tested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

How to Avoid Hormone Imbalances in the First Place . . . . . . 15

Ways to Balance Your Hormones With Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Additional Ways to Help Your Hormones Reset. . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Trimester Zero™ Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

About Dr. Afrouz Demeri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Table of Contents


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Cort isol




Insul in



Hormones are your body’s messengers that travel in the blood to

communicate and regulate how the different parts of your body function.

Hormones are produced in the brain (Pituitary gland) and in the endocrine

organs throughout your body such as the thyroid gland or the adrenal

glands. Hormones are released in response to mental, emotional, and

physical signals.

There are over 200 hormones that have different roles in your body. When

these are balanced, your bodily processes work how they should. You feel

great, and your body can do its job correctly. However, when one or more

of these hormones are out of balance, it can disturb the delicate equilibrium

that keeps us healthy - hormone imbalances can result in numerous

symptoms like chronic fatigue, infertility, skin issues, weight gain, insomnia,

mood swings, etc.

This guide will focus on the most common hormonal imbalances in women.

This way we can narrow down the information that’s most vital and

relatable to you.








What Exactly are Hormones &What Do They Do for Your Body?


7 Most Common Hormones That AffectWomen's Health

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Cortisol is a steroid hormone that plays an important role in our body -

most notably, cortisol affects our immune system, metabolism (including

sugar or carbohydrate and fat metabolism), as well as our stress response

and overall resilience. As a result, when cortisol levels are not well

regulated, you can experience more anxiety, fatigue, mood and memory

changes, increased infections, autoimmune reactions, weight changes

(especially central weight gain around your waist), and poor blood sugar


Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone”. When you feel stressed out,

your adrenal gland is busy producing Cortisol. This is especially true in the

case of prolonged stress. Elevated levels of cortisol over a long period of

time can lead to decreased sex drive and, in women, irregular periods, and

in some cases less frequent or absent periods. High cortisol can have a

suppressive effect on other hormones, particularly the luteinizing hormone

responsible for regulating our sex

hormones and reproductive

health, as well as the thyroid

hormone which regulates our

metabolism - both of these

hormones are essential in fertility,

pregnancy, and birth. Poor diet,

inconsistent meals, and lack of

sleep can significantly affect your

cortisol levels as well.

Most importantly, higher cortisol levels are linked to increased symptoms of

aging and frailty such as weight loss, decreased muscle mass, fatigue,

memory changes, and osteoporosis. On the contrary, lower (normal)

diurnal cortisol levels are associated with increased longevity and improved

quality of life. No wonder meditation, yoga, mindfulness, healthy sleep

patterns, and a healthy diet keep us young and vibrant!!

**Cortisol in your bloodstream can determine how much of your other

essential hormones can get absorbed into your cells.**


1. Cortisol

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Estrogen is an important sex hormone - it is a steroid hormone that is made

from cholesterol and helps mature, develop, and regulate the female

reproductive system. Estrogen has numerous other functions - for example,

it maintains bone mass, helps with cognition and memory, and affects our


Low levels of estrogen can result in lighter periods, vaginal dryness, low

libido, hot flashes and/or night sweats, poor memory, mood changes, mood

swings, decreased bone mass, and fatigue.

High levels of estrogen (Estrogen dominance) can result in mood changes,

including depression and irritability, acne, infertility, increased risk of breast

disease including fibrocystic breasts, painful breasts, and cancer, increased

endometrial cancer risk, decreased sex drive, and weight gain. Elevated

estrogen levels also interfere with thyroid function. In some cases, estrogen

dominance is not the result of elevated estrogen but rather due to

decreased progesterone - progesterone and estrogen have an important

relationship where progesterone can act to oppose estrogen and decrease

its negative effects. In these cases, correcting progesterone levels can help

keep estrogen in check, reducing the risk of developing symptoms of

estrogen dominance - which can help reduce those symptoms stated


Progesterone calms us down and keeps us sane

before our period- so we don’t become an emotional

mess that the rest of the house buckles down for!

This hormone also helps us sleep and rest. Low

progesterone can cause heavy periods, feeling

nervous and losing control, spotting before periods,

and that lower belly pooch that we all detest! If you

are known to go a “bit crazy” during your cycle,

you might want to get your progesterone levels

checked because there’s a high chance that it’s

declining. This is also an important hormone to get

your body ready for babies. Low progesterone is one

of the most common causes of infertility and can

also increase the risk of miscarriages.


2. Estrogen

3. Progesterone (aka "zen" hormone)

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This hormone isn’t just for men and for libido! If you have low levels of

testosterone, you may experience a low desire for sex, as well as low

muscle tone and bone density. You may also get tired super easy when

you workout, and you may have a hard time experiencing orgasms. Low

testosterone has also been found to cause more wrinkles and “aging” in

the face.

Too much testosterone can cause irritability, masculine characteristics,

painful sex, oily skin and/or acne and fertility issues. PCOS is a common

condition that results in elevated testosterone and can affect fertility and

overall hormonal health.

Insulin is an important hormone that is produced in the pancreas. Its

primary role is to help regulate blood glucose (sugar) levels by signaling

cells to take up glucose to use as a source of energy. Without insulin, cells

in our body can not get enough glucose to use as a fuel source and sugar

circulates in the blood, contributing to increased blood sugar and in some

cases, this can progress to become diabetes. Low insulin can promote

cellulite formation, sweet cravings, increased appetite, and infertility.


4. Testosterone

5. Insulin

6. ThyroidHaving a thyroid imbalance

can cause cold hands and

feet, hair loss, weight gain,

constipation, puffy face in

the morning, dry skin or

brittle nails, and make you

feel more tired at rest than

when you’re active. This

can also cause infertility or

irregular periods.

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Many women experience low thyroid

levels during pregnancy. Since pregnancy

can easily and commonly alter your

thyroid levels (even if your thyroid levels

are usually normal), it’s critical that you

get your levels checked as soon as you

find out you are pregnant. If not addressed,

low thyroid levels can increase your risk of

premature birth, preeclampsia, miscarriage,

postpartum hemorrhage, and anemia.

Your thyroid hormone is usually never the hormone to be going out of

whack first. Other factors are most likely to cause the thyroid to become

imbalanced. For this reason, I try to treat the other health issues first to see

if your thyroid levels restore themselves. Stress, infections, toxins, Fluoride,

medications, or immune disease can have a significant impact on your


Helps your Muscles and Tissues

Aids in Detoxifying Toxins

Plays a Role in Memory and Learning

Affects Sleep

Impacts Immune Regulation

Aids in Thyroid, Pancreas and Ovarian Function

Influences Body Composition/ Weight-fat Distribution

This is the most important to test because it:

Low DHEA can lead to dry hair, noise intolerance, handling stress poorly,

weak muscles, and absent hair under both your arms and pubic

areas. DHEA is converted to testosterone.

So if your DHEA is low, the chances of your testosterone levels being low

are also very high. Also, your testosterone levels then get converted to

estrogen, so your DHEA levels can have an effect on many of your other



6. Thyroid (Con't)


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Let’s find out your hormonal profile to see which hormones you are

imbalanced in. If you notice that your answers suggest an imbalance in

one (or more) of the 7 hormones, you might want to go a step further and

get your levels checked with a blood/urine test. It’s not essential that you

get every hormone checked, but this hormone quiz can lead you in the

right direction of what ones to focus on.

The set of questions (in order) are to examine your levels of:


Take the Toxin Questionnaire & Hormone Quiz

Toxin Questionnaire

Hormone Quiz

Toxins can majorly affect your

hormones. It’s critical that we find

out if you are being exposed to

toxins that are putting your body in

chaos. In this day and age, we are

exposed to chemicals everywhere

we go. Those air fresheners we spray

a couple times a week, the

deodorant we use every day, the

cleaning supplies we use... they most

likely are poisoning our bodies

slowly. Being aware of those toxins

and our daily use of them is the first

step to detox our body from those

harsh chemicals that are disrupting

our hormones.






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sex hormones

stress hormones throughout the entire day


cortisol levels

the breakdown of estrogen (to assess your risk of estrogen-positive cancers)



DHEA levels

And more

This is the most comprehensive test. It looks at:

**Take this test around day 19 of your menstrual cycle if you are a woman

who has regular menstrual cycles.**


Get Your Hormones TestedBlood Test

Dutch Test: At Home Urine Test

This examines Cortisol, sex hormones, and thyroid levels. However, blood

tests don’t account for free & bound hormones together in your body.

Things to Consider:Cortisol

Your cortisol levels should be the highest right when you wake up. Then

throughout the day, they should slowly decrease. If you have high

cortisol levels all day, you’ll feel fatigued and/or stressed out. In

addition, your memory will be reduced because your adrenals are on

high alert all the time and your body will be exhausted!

Women who have low cortisol levels in the morning and then high

levels at night have a higher risk of breast cancer. I make sure these

patients really focus on getting their cortisol levels back on track to help

lower their risk of cancer.

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DHEA (Youth Hormone)I get this tested every year on myself, and have my patients get it

tested every 3 or 6 months until it normalizes. You want to make sure

this is at an optimal level.

I look at my patients’ hormones in a specific order. Because one hormone

imbalance can affect the others, I first look at the mother hormone,

cortisol. We want to hit on the most impactful hormone first before we

can fix the others. If you have low cortisol all day, we need to focus on

that first and foremost. If you have high cortisol, or an imbalance of

thyroid, insulin, or inflammation, that is our next focus. Then finally, we

look to correct your estrogen, DHEA, testosterone, and progesterone levels.

How to Avoid Hormone Imbalancesin the First Place

Avoid Excess Sugar- especially

refined sugars

Say No to White Processed Foods -

Sugar, white rice, bread, and foods

made with white flour such as

muffins, bagels, pasta, and pretzels.

Put your Alcohol Intake on Pause- or

even better...say goodbye to it forever

for those A+ students!

Clean out Your Pantry- keep only

healthy, whole foods in your kitchen,

so you don’t tempt yourself every

time you are in the kitchen.

Chronic Cardio- don’t over-exercise

Avoid Smoking and Drug Use

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Help Your Thyroid By Eating These Foods






B Vitamins

How you eat affects your stress levels (cortisol levels). Your adrenal gland

loves consistency. Those of you who skip meals or binge eat may be doing

a disservice to your hormones.

Once you’ve done your hormone quiz and tests, you’ll have an idea of

what hormone(s) you need to focus on balancing. Below is a guide to

foods you can add to your diet, depending on which hormone you need to


Ways to Balance Your HormonesWith the Food on Your Plate

Add These Essential Nutrients:






Gotu kola

Iris Versicolor

Herbs That Can Help Stimulate Your Thyroid Function::

Avoid excessive cold, raw, and “damp” foods. Try to eat more grilled or

baked foods that are warm in temperature and add warming spices.

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Seafood- excellent food choice to help

balance your thyroid. Seafood has

selenium and iodine, which are both

great vitamins for hormones.

Mustard Greens- high in tyrosine

Brazil Nuts- high in selenium

Pumpkin Seeds- a great source of zinc

and tyrosine. Eat a handful of pumpkin

seeds a day to increase your levels.

Spinach (Buy Organic)- this includes

magnesium, iron, and tyrosine, which

are needed for optimal thyroid function.


Help Your Thyroid By Eating These Foods(Con't)Here are a couple examples of things to add to your diet.

Chicken with the skin on- This includes fat-soluble vitamins. However, be

sure to buy chicken that is organic and well trusted. Eating chicken with

antibiotics and other nasty things will only hurt your health.

Sweet Potatoes- includes vitamin A which can help the thyroid hormone

within your body’s cells.

Bone Broth- includes magnesium and vitamin A which is vital for thyroid

health. It can also help gut health, which can affect the majority of our

bodily processes-especially hormones).

Oranges- This fruit contains vitamin C, which is excellent to pair with iron-

rich food since vitamin C can help the absorption of iron

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Foods to Support Your Adrenal Gland(Cortisol Hormones)


Vitamin C


B Vitamins


Add These Essential Nutrients:



Holy Basil

Schisandra Berry



Herbs to Incorporate to Support a Healthy Stress Response:

Eat more small and frequent meals with enough protein to ensure blood

sugar regulation. This can help reduce excess cortisol production and

regulate adrenal activity.

Regulate Blood Sugar By Including TheseFoods (to Help Insulin Imbalance)






Add These Essential Nutrients:Cinnamon

Bitter Melon






Herbs to Stabilize Blood Sugar:

Just like with supporting your thyroid, to help regulate

your blood sugar, avoid excessive cold, raw and “damp”

foods. Try to eat more grilled or baked foods that are

warm in temperature and add warming spices.

Increase High Fiber Foods- These can consist of

flaxseed, black beans, & chia seeds. Adding some flax

or chia seeds over a salad or in yogurt is a great way

to easily add extra fiber to your diet.

Include whole, unprocessed foods

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To Balance Estrogen Levels, IncorporateThese Foods


Oat straw

Lemon balm

Red Clover


Raspberry leaf


Add Loose Herbal Teas that include::







Angelica S.


Herbal Powders that are great for Female Hormones are:

High Fiber Foods- These help your good gut bacteria and help move

that extra estrogen out. Simply adding some chia seeds to a smoothie

or on top of a salad is an easy way to incorporate some fiber. You can

also add flax seeds to recipes as well.

Broccoli- One of my favorite foods to balance hormones! Broccoli is

packed with anti-cancer properties and has excellent fiber content.

Sauteing some up with rice and onions and other veggies is an easy

way to add these to your meals.

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Foods & Minerals That Can BalanceTestosterone Levels

Seeds- include more seeds like

pumpkin, hemp or sesame seeds

Legumes- chickpeas, beans, and

lentils are a great source of zinc.

Nuts- pine nuts, cashews,

almonds, and peanuts can all be a

great grab and go snack to help

your levels.

Zinc is a vital mineral that can help

balance out testosterone levels. Here

are some great foods you can add to

your diet to help balance your


Include These Foods in Your Diet to AidProgesterone LevelsZinc is mostly known to help with balancing testosterone, as mentioned

above. However, zinc plays a critical role in progesterone levels too. Eat

foods that are high in zinc, like those listed under the testosterone section


Also, add Vitamin B6 rich foods to your diet as well. Vitamin B6 is essential

in progesterone metabolism. Certain medications like the pill can deplete

your progesterone levels. You may benefit from incorporating foods like

chickpeas, organic chicken, and wild salmon into your diet.

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Follow a consistent sleep/ bedtime routine.

Control your stress by practicing breathing

techniques, meditation, yoga, and mind/ body


Be aware if you are on a cholesterol-lowering

medication like Statins. All hormones are created

from cholesterol. So if your cholesterol is lowered,

it could have a domino effect on your hormones.

Get moving - get your sweat on, girl!

Add in intermittent fasting to your routine (12-

16 hours of fasting)

Additional Ways to Help YourHormones Reset

It’s essential to look at the production, regulation, and elimination of your

hormones. Any one of these problems can be causing the imbalance of

hormones. Sometimes giving you hormones that you are low in will not

actually fix the problem. It could be that your body can’t regulate, so even if

you have a lot, your body might not be able to use it correctly. Once you

have a truly healthy hormone balance, you’ll feel better all around. You’ll

have stronger bones, better sleep, have a healthy stress response, a regular

menstrual cycle, increased energy, mood, and weight.

This will be a lifestyle change. It’s not going to be fixed overnight. Pick a

couple easy steps first to get started. We don’t want you to give up before

you even begin. Find and embrace your why. Why do you want to

transform your health? During the hard times you can go back to your why

to keep you motivated and get back on the wagon. You got this ladies! I

know you can improve your hormones and health without those unneeded

prescription medications. Your potential is unlimited. It’s up to you to

believe in yourself and to stick with it.

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Trimester Zero ™ is a PROVEN, INDIVIDUALIZED self-paced course for

couples that would like to conceive ANYTIME in the future.

This course will walk you through everything you need to know to give your

baby it’s best shot at a thriving, healthy life.

I am going to take the guesswork out of conceiving a healthy baby and lay

out a simple, straight forward, easy to follow plan, so you can be sure that

you are doing EVERYTHING in your power to have a healthy baby.

Whether you’re walking through infertility or simply thinking of trying to

conceive, Trimester Zero ™ will take you through an evidence-based

approach, that has helped my patients build healthy thriving families.



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Dr. Demeri has been helping patients reset their health for the past 12

years. She is the Director of Functional Medicine at the University of

California Irvine’s Department of Medicine. She has been featured in

publications such as Women’s Health, Now Magazine, Weight Wise Expo,

and Vitality. Her patients say she’s one of a kind because of her passion,

intelligence, and compassion. She truly listens to her patients, has solutions,

and sets a fantastic example of attaining lifelong wellness herself. Dr. Afrouz

will not let you down and is the integrative and functional medical doctor

everyone needs in their life.

Learn more about hormones, women’s health, and preparing for conception

at www.aimforwomen.com. Check out Dr. Demeri’s amazing and

informative online course, Trimester Zero™, to prepare your body in the

most optimal way for conception.


About Dr. Afrouz Demeri