horror sub- genres joe lawson. slasher/stalker definition: slasher/stalker is a sub genre of the...

Horror sub- genres Joe Lawson

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Horror sub- genres

Joe Lawson


• Definition: Slasher/stalker is a sub genre of the horror genre of film, these films most often involve a psychopath killer following the victims with a large blade, such as an axe or a chainsaw and murdering them in an extremely graphic manor.

Defining Characteristics• Psychopath Killer• Large weapon• Tension building music• Usually the killer has a motive, i.e. revenge• Linear narrative• Classified by the BBFC as a film with an audience limited to 18+• Dark locations• Poor lighting conditions- add effect• Fast editing- back to back to add to the fast pace of the film• Mix of camera angles- conversation- over the shoulder shot, close up of killer• Movement to follow movement of characters

Examples• Friday the 13th (1980)


This film clearly fits into the subgenre of slasher/stalker because it contains the conventions of this genre. There is a killer whose aim is to get revenge by slaughtering victims with a large blade which is common in slasher stalker films. The most important convention that this particular film follows is the use of sound to create effect , therefore dramatically building the tension.

Examples• Scream (1996)


This is another example of a film that fits clearly into the sub genre of slasher/stalker. The lighting used represents this as whenever the killer strikes it is always in the middle of the night. Alike Friday the 13th costumes have been chosen wisely as the killer is wearing a mask, therefore to keep them as an unknown assailant. Again the killer is seen to always be carrying a large blade.

Zombie Horror

• Definition: A zombie horror film is a feature length film on a relatively high budget that contains zombies which are usually people who have either come back from the dead or infected with a virus. Zombie films usually contain a small amount of human beings trying to survive in the newly inhabited world.

Defining Characteristics

• Deadly virus• Very few humans• Linear narrative• Multi- stranded, one main plot but different sub

plots• Sound effects • Detailed and dramatic costume, e.g. make up and

fake blood


• 28 Days Later (2002)


This film fits perfectly into the sub genre of zombie horror as it uses many of the conventions, for example the main character and the few people that he meets are the only humans left on Earth. This is clear from the beginning when a usually busy hospital is deserted. This film takes advantage of the use of sound and sound effects, to firstly add to the genre of horror but also to build the tension.


• Dawn of the Dead (1978)


This film is another classic example of the zombie horror sub genre. Although this film is an older film, it still uses the conventions of sound and sound effects, for example the sound effect of the television to add to the worldwide problem. In this film, the zombies have not been infected by a virus but they have come back from the dead. The use of sound also adds to the genre horror of horror by the use of screams.