horst malun: healed and delivered from liver cancer by jesus christ

Encouraging reports of our time - Please copy and share. Horst Malun HEALED AND DELIVERED FROM LIVER CANCER BY JESUS CHRIST Translated into English by Annette Zürn Publication on www.Lebensentscheidung.de with permission To God alone be all the glory! Early in the morning on Saturday, September 5 th 2009 I was taken to the hospital of Plattenwald in Bad Friedrichshall in Germany. My temperature was 40.5 C° (104.9 °F) and I was suffering with symptoms of blood poisoning. One week later, on September 11 th the doctors detected a tumor of the size of 15 cm x 10 cm (5.9055 inch x 3.937 inch) situated in the liver. My condition was so bad that my wife thought I wouldn`t make it back from the hospital alive. Two days later, Martina Gallert came to me for visitation. She prayed with me for two hours for deliverance: in the name and the authority of Jesus Christ. She cast those demons and curses of cancer out, after I had deeply repented from every sin and iniquity that might have brought this curses and demons in me. Already 1972 I had suffered from cancer in the lymphatic glands and I got healed by Jesus Christ in South Africa. Before this healing took place, one of the world’s best specialists in this kind of cancer had told me, that this cancer cannot be healed. My father, my mother and my eldest brother, they all died of cancer. So this is likely to be a generational curse. Although I came to Christ at a young age and I always confessed my sin before a prayer partner, I obviously suffered from the same curses that had killed my family members. Then two days after the deliverance of the cancer curses and spirits in the hospital of Plattenwald and four days after the cancer was found by biopsy, there was another examination by the doctors. All of my doctors came to see me and they told me the “bad” news: the cancer couldn`t be located anymore and they supposed that they had been looking at the wrong place. The liver at the largest expanse is 18 cm – 23 cm (7.0866 inch – 9.0551 inch). That tumor was 15 x 10 cm (5.9055 inch x 3.937 inch)! Martina had told me that my first healing of cancer that took place 1972 was really a healing by the Lord, but at this time no demon was cast out, that caused this disease and that curse of cancer. After 12 days in that hospital I got permission to leave but I had to take responsibility for doing that. Further examinations, such as another CAT scan, a medical ultrasonic and another nuclear spin, took place in other hospitals and all with the same result: no cancer was found anymore! At the next examination on February the 5th of 2010, the doctors took 80 internal pictures of my liver and with some of them, a scar could be located at that place, where at some time the tumor might have been! Praise be to our heavenly surgeon Jesus Christ! Until now I have no symptoms of any of that cancer or problems with the liver anymore. All the glory the Lord Jesus Christ alone! Horst Malun, Beilstein November 2010 Email: [email protected] You are the God that does wonders: you have declared your strength among the people. (Psalms 77, 14 KJV) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31) - www.Lebensentscheidung.de/salvation

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Page 1: Horst Malun: Healed and delivered from liver cancer by Jesus Christ

Encouraging reports of our time - Please copy and share.

Horst Malun



Translated into English by Annette Zürn

Publication on www.Lebensentscheidung.de with permission

To God alone be all the glory!

Early in the morning on Saturday, September 5th 2009 I was taken to the

hospital of Plattenwald in Bad Friedrichshall in Germany. My

temperature was 40.5 C° (104.9 °F) and I was suffering with symptoms

of blood poisoning.

One week later, on September 11th the doctors detected a tumor of the

size of 15 cm x 10 cm (5.9055 inch x 3.937 inch) situated in the liver. My

condition was so bad that my wife thought I wouldn`t make it back from

the hospital alive.

Two days later, Martina Gallert came to me for visitation. She prayed

with me for two hours for deliverance: in the name and the authority of

Jesus Christ. She cast those demons and curses of cancer out, after I had

deeply repented from every sin and iniquity that might have brought this curses and demons in me.

Already 1972 I had suffered from cancer in the lymphatic glands and I got healed by Jesus Christ in

South Africa. Before this healing took place, one of the world’s best specialists in this kind of cancer

had told me, that this cancer cannot be healed.

My father, my mother and my eldest brother, they all died of cancer. So this is likely to be a

generational curse. Although I came to Christ at a young age and I always confessed my sin before a

prayer partner, I obviously suffered from the same curses that had killed my family members.

Then two days after the deliverance of the cancer curses and spirits in the hospital of Plattenwald and

four days after the cancer was found by biopsy, there was another examination by the doctors. All of

my doctors came to see me and they told me the “bad” news: the cancer couldn`t be located

anymore and they supposed that they had been looking at the wrong place. The liver at the largest

expanse is 18 cm – 23 cm (7.0866 inch – 9.0551 inch). That tumor was 15 x 10 cm (5.9055 inch x 3.937


Martina had told me that my first healing of cancer that took place 1972 was really a healing by the

Lord, but at this time no demon was cast out, that caused this disease and that curse of cancer.

After 12 days in that hospital I got permission to leave but I had to take responsibility for doing that.

Further examinations, such as another CAT scan, a medical ultrasonic and another nuclear spin, took

place in other hospitals and all with the same result: no cancer was found anymore!

At the next examination on February the 5th of 2010, the doctors took 80 internal pictures of my liver

and with some of them, a scar could be located at that place, where at some time the tumor might

have been! Praise be to our heavenly surgeon Jesus Christ!

Until now I have no symptoms of any of that cancer or problems with the liver anymore. All the glory

the Lord Jesus Christ alone!

Horst Malun, Beilstein November 2010

Email: [email protected]

You are the God that does wonders: you have declared your strength among the people.

(Psalms 77, 14 KJV)


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