how you can be healed

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  • 7/30/2019 How You Can Be Healed


  • 7/30/2019 How You Can Be Healed




    The General Cause of Sickness

    In seeking a cure for sickness and disease, which has so plagued mankind,

    it is important to learn something of the cause and origin. Where does sickness

    and disease come from or originate? Does God send them or are they from

    the enemy of God, Satan? Let us make the question even broader. Just what

    is the reason for so much pain and misery in the world?

    The great tide of sickness and its attendant misery, despite all our human

    efforts, still overwhelms mankind, and at the present time, an effective

    method of combating it, has not been discovered. That is as far as the worldis concerned.

    The fact is, as we shall see, the cause of sickness is of a spiritual nature.

    Therefore, the best cure for an organic and mental disease is spiritual.

    When the rst man and woman, Adam and Eve, were created and placed

    in the Garden of Eden, they possessed perfect, though mortal bodies. They

    did not have eternal lifeonly mortal life. In the midst of the Garden, God

    planted the Tree of Life which symbolized immortality. Had Adam and Eve

    not rebelled against God, it is probable that in time they would have been

    permitted to partake of the fruit of that tree and become immortal. Their

    disobedience brought sin into the world, and with sin, death came upon them

    and their posterity (Romans 5:12). The day that our rst parents disobeyed

    God was the rst day they began to die.

    Sin came into the world, therefore, it is directly or indirectly the cause

    of death and sickness. For example, the child of a drunkard suffers for the

    sin of his parent. A child of a mother with social disease may be born blind.Nevertheless, as Jesus said, many times the sickness may not be the result of

    the sin of either the aficted person or his parents (John 9:3). The cause may

    still be further back. Obviously, if Adam and Eve had not sinned, there would

    be no sickness in the world.

    Our bodies are made in such a way that normally they resist disease.

    If this were not so, the race would have soon been destroyed. However, if

    for any reason the natural defenses of the body are weakened, disease has a

    good chance to secure a foothold. Undue physical strain, failure to take care

    of the body properly or just plain sin may weaken its natural resistance. The

    result is disease may be able to get the upper hand. There is always a cause.

    Proverbs 26:2 declares: A curse without cause shall not alight. The indirect

    cause of all sickness in the human race is sin, although there may be other

    contributing factors.

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    This is plain from the Holy Scriptures in Deuteronomy 28:15, 22, 27-


    But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the

    LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments

    and His statutes The LORD will strike you with consumption,with fever, with inammation, with severe burning fever, with

    the sword, with scorching, and with mildew The LORD will

    strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab,

    and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed. The LORD

    will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of


    Jesus Christ, the Son of God, identied sickness with sin when He said tothe paralytic, Son, your sins are forgiven you (Mark 2:5). The Early Church

    recognized the connection between sin and sickness. In James 5:13-15, the

    command is given for the elders to pray for the sick, and we are told that

    the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if,

    he has committed sins, they will be forgiven. James urged in the verse that

    follows to Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that

    you may be healed.


    The question may arise as to where disease itself came from. The answer

    the Bible gives is that Satan, the evil one, is the author of disease.

    In the story of Job, we are told that God built an invisible hedge around

    him, so the devil could not touch him. For reasons we cannot go into here,

    one day God withdrew His protection, and permitted Satan to afict him with

    painful boils. Notice, that although God gave the permission, it was actuallySatan who laid the boils on Job.

    So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD, and

    struck Job with painful boils from the sole of his foot to the

    crown of his head (Job 2:7).

    It was God who answered Jobs cry and healed him. There is also the

    case of the woman with the inrmity whom Jesus healed. This woman hadbeen oppressed for eighteen years with a spirit of inrmity. Jesus revealed

    the cause of her sickness in His conversation with the religious rulers. It was

    Satan who had bound the woman.

    So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham,

    whom Satan has boundthink of itfor eighteen years, be

    loosed from this bond on the Sabbath? (Luke 13:16).

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    Note again, when Peter was speaking of Christ, he connected the ministry

    of healing with deliverance from Satanic oppression:

    How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit

    and with power, who went about doing good and healing all

    who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him (Acts


    We see healing was in effect, liberating people from the oppression of

    the devil. We also see this verse isnt just poetic language. As we witness and

    study the miracles of our Lord, we often nd that evil spirits were involved

    in the cause of the sickness. These had to be cast out before the person could

    get well. The Bible speaks of deaf spirits, dumb spirits, insane spirits, inrmspirits, deceiving spirits, seducing spirits, lying spirits, familiar spirits, a spirit

    of divination, perverse spirits, wicked spirits, unclean spirits and foul spirits.

    All of these have different ways of aficting or deceiving people.

    Satans power over people varies with the individual. In many cases he

    merely oppresses them. Thousands of Christians are oppressed by the enemy

    simply because they have not learned to take their authority in Christ and

    rebuke him. The devil cannot actually possess a true Christian, but he can

    oppress him. Believers must learn to rise up in the Name of Jesus and takedominion over the oppressor.

    On the other hand, unfortunately, there are more people than we like

    to believe who are actually demon-possessed. Some become completely

    controlled by Satanone cause of insanity. Such persons have no power of

    their own to exercise faith for deliverance. They are as the demon-possessed

    man whom Jesus met in the tombs (Mark 5:1-19). Unless somebody exercises

    faith for them, they may never recover.

    Some want deliverance from the sickness, but not from their sins. Wemust remember that the promise is a two-fold cure from a two-fold curse.

    Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benets: Who forgives

    all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases (Psalm 103:2-3). The promise

    calls for deliverance from sin rst; then deliverance from sickness.

    When Hezekiah, King of Israel, was sick unto death, he turned his face to

    the wall and prayed. God heard his prayer and said, I have heard your prayer,

    I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you. On the third day you shall

    go up to the house of the LORD (2 Kings 20:5). Some people, in seekinghealing, have little thought of serving the Lord afterwards, but not Hezekiah.

    On the third day after his deliverance, he went up to the house of the Lord and

    worshiped God for his great deliverance.

    Jesus healed an inrmed man who lay 38 years in an absolutely helpless

    condition at the pool of Bethesda. Afterwards, the Lord said to him, See, you

    have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you (John

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    5:14). Certainly Jesus made it plain that continuance in sin might lead to a

    worse condition (see Luke 11:24-26). We can gather from this statement that

    this mans afiction was possibly caused by previous sin in his life.

    A heathen woman came to Christ for the deliverance of her daughter who

    was possessed of a devil. The Lord pitied the poor woman and indeed had

    compassion on her, but He realized she was not yet ready. There are some

    who would have the minister pray at once for everybody and anybody who

    wants healing. Jesus did not always grant healing at the same moment in

    which it was asked.

    The Lord did not answer the woman at once. She pleaded with Him to

    help, but he answered not a word. Why? She had addressed Him as O

    Lord, Son of David! As the Son of David, He could not help her. Being

    recognized only as a man, He could do nothing for her. Nevertheless, shetried again. Lord, help me, she cried. This time Jesus spoke to her. Yet, His

    answer seemed a denial of her request. He said, It is not good to take the

    childrens bread and throw itto the little dogs (Matthew 15:26). Could she

    bear such a test? She could and did. She determined her daughter would be

    healed. She would not take no for an answer. In deep humility she accepted

    the Lords words and actually made it an argument for the deliverance of

    her daughter! She said, Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs

    which fall from their masters table. The Lord, marveling at her faith, thenanswered her prayer. He told her to go her way; her daughter was healed.

    Salvation had come to their home.

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    Why Does God Heal?


    If Christ heals the sick today, why does He heal, and on what termsdoes He do it? He heals because of His compassion. Matthew 14:14 declares

    that when the multitude brought their sick to Him, He was moved with

    compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. When the two blind men

    came to Him crying out for mercy, the Lord had compassion and touched

    their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followedHim (Matt. 20:34).


    Notice again the words that Christ spoke to the heathen lady. He said,

    Let the children be lled rst, for it is not good to take the childrens bread

    and throw itto the little dogs (Mark 7:27). The point is, when one becomes

    a child of God, he does not have to beg for deliverance for healing is the

    childrens bread.

    Are you a child of God? Then you have the right to receive healing. If

    you are not, then you can become one this moment by asking Jesus Christ

    to come into your heart. Divine healing is not a luxury to be enjoyed by the

    favored few. All the children of the Lord, by virtue of their position in Christ,

    have the right to receive the blessing.



    Why does Christ heal the sick and the aficted? It is because healing is

    in the Atonement. Isaiah, the prophet, looking forward to the coming of the

    Messiah, declared, Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows:

    yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and aficted (Isaiah 53:4).

    The Spirit of prophecy interprets this Scripture in a remarkable way. Jesus

    had healed Peters mother-in-law to the peoples amazement. Then as

    evening came and the Sabbath was over, a multitude brought their sick to be


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    Jesus healed them all for the reason given in the following passage of


    When evening had come, they brought to Him many who

    were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word,

    and healed all who were sick, that it might be fullled which

    was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: He Himself took our

    inrmities And boreoursicknesses (Matthew 8:16, 17).

    We are clearly told that Christ healed because He at Calvary, bore

    the sicknesses as well as the sins of the human race. This is not a human

    interpretation of Isaiahs prophecy, but one given by the Spirit of God. The

    following verse in Isaiah carries out the thought even more fully. It says,With his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

    Therefore, since Divine healing is in the Atonement, it is as much a part

    of our inheritance as is our being pardoned from sin. Indeed, all spiritual

    blessings we receive, whether it be salvation, healing or whatever, are obtained

    through the Atonement of Christ and not through our personal merits.


    It has been supposed by many that God sends sickness on His children to

    reveal His glory. This is not true. In fact, it is just the opposite. Sickness and

    disease have caused many to question the providence of God. On the other

    hand, when healing took place, the people gloried God:

    and He healed them. So the multitude marveled when

    they saw the mute speaking, the maimed made whole, the lame

    walking, and the blind seeing; and they gloried the God ofIsrael (Matthew 15:30-31).


    Christ also heals, so He might prove His mission to the world. He said, to

    the Jews, If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I

    do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know andbelieve that the Fatheris in Me, and I in Him (John 10:37-38).

    A widow in the town of Zarephath was persuaded the prophet Elijah was

    a true man of God after he revived and healed her child (1 King 17:24).

    In the Great Commission, the healing of the sick in the Name of Jesus

    was to be one of the signs of true believers (Mark 16:17).

    Some have inferred that Christs deity has been so fully proven that

    miracles are no longer needed today. As if the whole world now believed in

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    Christ! The sad fact is, there are hundreds of millions of people living today

    who do not know Jesus as their Savior. The power of the supernatural to

    conrm the claims of Christ is needed more now than ever before.

    Why does Christ heal today? He heals because it is His nature to heal. He

    heals because it is His purpose to destroy the works of the devil (Acts 10:38

    and 1 John 3:8). He heals, so that the sick one, who is made well, can serve

    Him in the joy of salvation. He heals, so the well one made whole may go out

    in the harvest eld and work for Him.

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    Is it Gods Will to Heal You?

    The question many people ask is not, Can God heal? If one believes

    that God created the human body, he must believe He is surely able to heal it.

    The question so many ask is, Will He heal? If so, what are the conditions

    upon which He does it? In answering this question, let us look to the Bible,

    for only the Scriptures can provide the true answer. We believe that it does

    give the answer, so clearly that no one should misunderstand it.

    A leper came to Jesus not knowing for certain whether it was His will to

    cleanse him of his leprosy. In his ignorance he said, Lord, if You are willing,You can make me clean (Matthew 8:2). At once, Jesus proved for all time

    that it was His will by reaching His hand out and touching the poor leper,

    saying, I am willing; be cleansed.

    Some people argue that God healed in the days of old, but it is not His

    will to heal today. Yet, those same persons, the moment they become ill,

    will call the doctor and ask him to cure them. They never say, Doctor, I

    think it may not be the Lords will for me to be well; just let me suffer. You

    see, although with their mouth they say it is not Gods will to heal, in theirheart they know it is. Otherwise, would one not be a hypocrite, claiming to

    be a Christian, and then, at the same time, try to get out of the will of God?

    The Scriptures teach them from the beginning it is Gods will to heal. No

    sooner had God redeemed His people from Egypt than He gave them the

    covenant of healing. He actually made healing a law! There He made a

    statute and an ordinance for them, and there He tested them (Exodus 15:25).

    He even went further than that. He told them if they obeyed His statutes and

    His commandments, they would not get sick:

    and said, If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD

    your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His

    commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the

    diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I

    am the LORD who heals you (Exodus 15:26).

    The book of Psalms is the great inspirational book of the Bible. It tells usto not forget all of Gods benets:

    Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me,

    bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget

    not all His benets: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals

    all your diseases (Psalm 103:1-3).

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    Many people remember the benet of salvation, but they overlook all the

    benets of healing. As a result they may suffer sickness and pain, all because

    they have not known this great benet. Another promise has been given to us

    in the Old Testament, saying of those who put their trust in God, nor shall

    any plague come near your tent (Psalm 91:10).

    Centuries later when Jesus began His ministry, He preached one of His

    rst sermons in His home city of Nazareth, and this was the text He used:

    The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has

    anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me

    to heal the brokenhearted,To proclaim liberty to the captives

    And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who

    are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD(Luke 4:18-19).

    Jesus not only healed the sick, but committed that same ministry and

    authority to His disciples.

    So they went out and preached thatpeople should repent.

    And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many

    who were sick, and healed them (Mark 6:12-13).

    Later, when He gave them the Great Commission, He included the

    promise of healing to all believers in Mark 16:16-18:

    He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who

    does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow

    those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they

    will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if

    they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they

    will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

    This promise was not only for the apostles, but it is still valid today for

    those who believe. Notice the words of Christ in Matthew 28:19-20:

    Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of

    the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have

    commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end

    of the age.

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    Just as God gave a statue and an ordinance of healing to the Church in

    the wilderness, so God gave a command authorizing the ministry of healingin the Church of the New Testament.

    Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of

    the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil

    in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the

    sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed

    sins, he will be forgiven. Confessyourtrespasses to one another,

    and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective,fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:14-


    The remarkable thing is that there is not one place, not even the slightest

    hint in the Scriptures that Gods command in praying for the sick has ever

    been revoked. Also, in the fulllment of His Word and promise, He is just the

    same today as He was yesterday.

    What about doctors? We are not trying to reect in any way against the

    medical profession, which has done a great work in alleviating the ills of

    humanity. After God gave Israel the covenant of healing, He also taught them

    health laws and appointed certain ones to administer those laws. The world

    needs specially trained men to teach people the proper care of their bodies.

    Christ did not criticize those who cared for the sick and wounded (Luke

    10:34). He said that those who are sick have need of a physician (Matthew

    9:12). Mothers, for example, need special care at the time of the birth of theirchildren.

    All thoughtful persons appreciate the value of help which trained

    personnel can give to the sick, but doctors can only go so far. Even they will

    confess, they can only assist nature.

    In His graciousness, God has given us the assurance of a well body if we

    accept His word. An assurance no less denite than the promise He his given

    us of health for our soul.

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    How You Can Be Healed

    We all know there are those who hear the message of the Gospel and are

    saved, while others go away without salvation. Likewise, there are those who

    hear the glorious truths of Divine healing and deliverance, but they fail to get

    healed. Why is this?

    Most of us know we receive the gift not because we merit it, but because

    Christ purchased it for us on Calvary. Nevertheless, we can do things or fail

    to do things that can hinder our faith. Let us take a look at a few of the more

    important steps to healing.

    PREPARE YOUR HEARTA very common reason why people fail to receive deliverance is because

    they do not take the time to get the Word of God in their hearts. They insist

    on being prayed for before they know what it is all about. Faith comes by

    hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17).

    Christ went to His home city, Nazareth, to teach and heal the sick, butthe people looked at Him with skepticism and unbelief. To them, He was only

    a carpenter. As a result, there were very few healed in Nazareth. Now He

    could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick

    people and healed them (Mark 6:5).

    If you would be healed, take time to read and listen to the Word of God,

    so your heart may be prepared to understand, and so you will know the

    conditions by which deliverance is given.


    Of course, one cannot receive healing if he has doubts as to whether it

    is Gods will to heal. Indeed, if God had not already revealed His will in the

    matter, none of us would have cause for faith. However, since He has made

    it so plain that it is His will, how can we by our attitude say, Lord, I do not

    know whether you really mean what you have promised? God does not deallightly with the sufferings and misfortunes of His people. His word is Yes

    and Amen. Jesus said to the leper, I am willing, be cleansed. So today, the

    promise is still true. Jesus said, They will lay hands on the sick, and they

    will recover (Mark 16:18). If you believe, then you shall surely recover and

    be healed from your sickness.

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    Included in the promise of healing, in James 5:13-16, there is a clause

    which is often overlooked. It reads, Confessyourtrespasses to one another,

    and pray for one another, that you may be healed. Sickness may be the resultof some sin, and we must be willing to confess and forsake it. David said in

    the Psalms, If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear (Psalm

    66:18). If you have committed wrong against someone, go to them and

    confess your wrong-doing and be healed. Are you deling your body with

    tobacco or are you overweight? Ask the Lord to help you with these problems

    that cause sickness and even death to so many.


    We remember the case of a woman, who had a stubborn spirit and

    bitterness in her heart. She almost broke up a certain assembly that was

    struggling to survive. Then, sickness came upon her in the form of a serious

    oppression from the enemy. Because of the severity of the attack, it could

    have meant her death. However, she cried out to the Lord for mercy, and then

    called every member of the church to her bedside asking their forgiveness. The

    Lord raised her up. Afterwards, for as long as we knew her, she manifested

    a spirit that was characterized by sweetness and humility. She was healed

    because she was not only willing to confess her sin, but forsake it, too.


    Others never set a time for deliverance, but continually place it in the

    indenite future. They always say, God is going to heal me, instead of,God has healed me. Jesus said, Whatever things you ask when you pray,

    believe that you receive them, and you will have them (Mark 11:24). There

    comes a time when we must take our stand, believing that God has already

    done the work. The results may not immediately or visibly manifest in that

    exact moment, but that does not matter. On one occasion, Christ saw a g tree

    that was bearing no fruit. Symbolizing what would happen to lives that bear

    no fruit, He cursed it. The roots of the g tree died the moment Jesus cursed

    the tree, but the results were not seen until later. One receives the answer tohis prayer the moment he truly believes that the work is done, although the

    visible results may not manifest or be seen until later. As long as the physical

    symptoms last, we must not doubt, but rather rebuke Satan. Just as a sinner

    must set a time in which he believes God for salvation, so the sick person

    must set a time when he receives his healing.

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    Some do not have a sufcient or strong desire to get an answer from

    God. Jesus said, Whatever things you ask, when you pray. In the early days

    of King Asas reign in Judah, he served the Lord with all of his heart. In thosedays, all of Judah entered into a covenant to seek the Lord with their whole

    heart (2 Chronicles 15:12-13). The 15th verse declares that they sought him

    with their whole desire; and he was found of them.

    Although there are people who let hindrances and difculties discourage

    them from getting deliverance, there are others who are determined they will

    not be denied.

    Yield yourself completely to God, so that He can show you and lead

    you in His perfect will. Put God rst in your life, and He will take care ofyour needs. It is important to remember the Scriptures say But seek rst the

    kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to

    you (Matthew 6:33).


    Though many healings are instantaneous, some of the greatest deliverances

    from afiction have not taken place immediately, anyway, not as far as the

    eye could see or tell. It is true that most of the miracles of Christ occurred as

    He spoke the word, yet, not all of them. When Jesus healed the ten lepers,

    He told them to go and show themselves to the priests. Apparently, there

    was no immediate evidence of healing. However, they obeyed the Lords

    command, and when they were some distance on their journey, they reported

    they were cleansed of their leprosy. Their faith to accept the Word of the Lord

    brought deliverance, although, at rst, they could see no change. The onlydisappointing thing about this miracle, which is noted in another chapter, is

    that only one of them returned to the Lord to give thanks (Luke 17:15-18).

    In the rst miracle of healing which Christ performed, He taught the

    people a fundamental lesson on faith. Because of the unique anointing that

    rested upon Christ, most of the healings which took place in His ministry

    were instantaneous. But Christ did not want the people to get the impression

    this was the only way they could be healed. The Lord wanted faith built upon

    something stronger than just the signs and wonders that could be seen withthe physical eye. He desired to establish in the hearts of His disciples a faith

    that rested upon the Word of God. He wanted to impress this upon them right

    at the beginning of His ministry when the very rst healing took place. To

    the nobleman who had come to Him for the healing of this desperately ill

    child, He said, Unlessyou people see signs and wonders, you will by no

    means believe. Paraphrased it meant, Will you believe, even if your boy is

    not instantly made whole? The nobleman rst hesitated, but apparently he

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    accepted the lesson, for when the Lord said, Go your way; your son lives,

    he went his way trusting in the Word that had been spoken.

    The nobleman understood from the Words of Jesus that no spectacular

    manifestation might take place, but even without it, the child would get well.

    When he arrived home, he asked when the child began to amend. They told

    him that at the same hour Jesus spoke the Word, the fever left him. Notice,

    too, although the healing to the outward eye was gradual, the Scripture speaks

    of the healing as a miracle (John 4:54).

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    How to Keep Your Healing

    From what has been written in the previous chapters, it is evident that in

    this world the Christians walk will involve warfare against Satans forces.

    These forces attack us in many areas, spiritually, mentally and physically.

    Never can the child of God relax his watchfulness or take for granted that

    all will go well because there is an unseen foe who contests his progress at

    every step. The weapons of our warfare are mighty, however, and through

    them we are more than victors. In Christ Jesus we can do all things, even

    to the breaking down of the strongholds of the enemy. Nonetheless, untilJesus comes, the price of continued victory involves being eternally alert. As

    the Lord, Himself, said, Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be

    counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand

    before the Son of Man (Luke 21:36).

    Victory over an enemy depends in some measure upon the knowledge of

    the tricks or schemes of the adversary. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

    We should know and realize that sin or carelessness will break down the

    border or hedge of protection God has placed about us. We have seen inActs 10:38 and Luke 11:24-26 that sickness, in general, is caused by satanic

    oppression of one form or another, and once the devil is cast out of a man,

    he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and nding none, he says, I will

    return to my house from which I came. If the man continues his careless

    life and has not lled it with spiritual things, the devil will come back with

    reinforcements, inviting other demons to share the place with him and making

    his control over the man seven times stronger. Therefore, instruction in the

    Word of God and faithful obedience to it is imperative to those who havebeen delivered.


    Every Christian will testify that after he is saved the devil comes back

    to tempt him on the reality of his experience. This is to be expected. Even to

    Christ, the devil said, If you are the Son of God. If Satan could question

    Christs relationship as Gods Son, we can be sure he will not spare us. Christ

    put the devil to ight by using the Word of God, as we are also instructed

    to do. However, the point we wish to make is this: just as Satan tempts men

    and casts doubt on the reality of their receiving salvation and the healing of

    their souls, he will also try to bring into question the reality of them receiving

    healing for their bodies. He will seek to produce symptoms in the body of

    the person who has been healed. If the individual accepts the evil suggestion,

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    the way or a door to sickness and injury is opened through doubt. Then, the

    afiction can and usually returns. However, if he rejects the devils advances

    and stands upon Gods Word of deliverance to him, he will banish both doubt

    and the symptoms. Let us now consider some of the things that cause people

    to lose their healing.


    As we have noted in the earlier chapters, sin is the direct cause of sickness

    in many cases. It is assumed, therefore, that the person who comes to God for

    healing has repented and turned from sin. There is no use in treating a man

    for arsenic poisoning, if he knowingly continues to take arsenic into his body.

    There is no purpose in trying to bring deliverance to a person who willfullycontinues to live a life of sin.

    After you have received the answer to your prayer, continue to live for

    God. It is a sad thing that some people only come to God when they have an

    emergency. Then, after it is over, they forget all about God or the promises

    they voiced to him during their crisis. The law of sin and its penalty has never

    been revoked. One cannot expect to keep his healing if he does not live for



    Many, after they have received a glorious healing, have failed to give

    God glory. The individual is under obligation, rst of all, to tell others he was

    healed, and then, to give thanks to God. The nine lepers, who were healed as

    they went, failed to return and give glory to God. Christ mentioned that of

    the ten lepers who were healed, only one of them came back and gave thanks.The proportion is not much greater today. We nd that many people who have

    been healed never bother to give their testimony, though they have solemnly

    promised to do so. The next time they are heard from is when they are sick

    again. Few people realize Gods attitude toward ingratitude. It is the sin of

    the age. Mans rst step in deserting their principles is described in Romans

    1:21, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God,

    nor were thankful. If an afiction should return after one has experienced

    deliverance, let him ask himself the question: Did I give thanks to God?When the visible part of the disease has gone, public testimony should

    be made. To the man who was healed of lunacy, Jesus said, Go home to your

    friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how

    He has had compassion on you (Mark 5:19).

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    Jesus, in speaking of the man from whom the devil was cast out, noted

    that the demon eventually decided to return to the house from where he

    was cast. Upon returning, he found the house swept and garnished. In otherwords, the works of Satan had been cast out, but no effort had been made to

    replace them with the things of God. A spiritual vacuum was left in that part

    of his nature which must worship something, either God or the god of this

    world. The devil, seeing his advantage, made his entry secure by taking seven

    other spirits, more wicked than himself, so that the last state of the man was

    worse than the rst.

    There are those who do not covet or long for or desire spiritual things,

    but instead, give-in to a gratication of their carnal or selsh, eshly nature.When we feed on the things of the world, we excite appetites that crowd-

    out or leave no room for the spiritual life. What misery awaits that person!

    When Satan nds re-entrance into this life and the individual discovers that

    his deliverance is gone, he has once more moved into the toils or plans of the



    When healed, one has a new-found strength, but this is not to be used

    in vain ways. We have witnessed those who have been gloriously healed,

    and then used little wisdom. Remember, even a well man, if he exhausts

    his strengths, may succumb to an afiction which takes advantage of his

    weakness. How much more at risk is a person whose strength has not been

    built up, yet, and needs to take good care of his body? This does not mean

    however, that one should pamper or baby himself. Indeed, day by day, he

    should take new ground from the enemy, and as he praises and serves God,his deliverance will be a marvelous testimony of the power of God to heal

    and to deliver. We cannot over-emphasize the fact that some will lose their

    healings. It is simply because they do not take proper care of their bodies

    once deliverance has come to them.


    Some do not recognize their healing. For example, a cancer which hasbeen killed must pass from the body. Sometimes, pain accompanies this.

    If the individual becomes afraid or fearful, it is possible for Satan to take

    advantage of that fear. One woman, after she had been prayed for, became so

    frightened that she decided to have an operation. The operation showed that

    the cancer was dead and was passing from the body. Sometimes after prayer,

    the diseased part will throw off the waste, and in doing so, the afiction may

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    appear temporarily to be worse than ever. If the individual is calm in his

    faith, the poison will pass, and the person will nd that deliverance has come.

    The immediate visible manifestation of healing is not necessary. Indeed,

    some people put their faith in that, and then, when the slightest unfavorable

    symptoms develop, they lose all condence. But if faith is based on the Word

    of God, symptoms may come and they may go, but the deliverance will be for

    sure because Gods Word, when it is trusted, cannot fail.



    Above all, keep your eyes on the promise, not your symptoms. Watching

    and nursing your complaint will result in a wavering faith. Our prayer mustbe made in unwavering faith. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for

    he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For

    let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord (James

    1:6-7). Peters walking on the water is an example of the manner in which a

    man may receive the benet of a mighty miracle one moment, and then be in

    jeopardy the next. He walked on the waves, and as long as his eyes were upon

    Christ, he deed the laws of the sea. But the moment his eyes left Christ and

    he considered the winds and the waves, he began to sink. Our security in God,whether for body, soul or spirit, is not in past experiences, but in a continued

    trust in God. We may note in passing that Peter had at least the presence of

    mind to call on Christ to save him when he was sinking. And he was saved,

    not by his own faith, but by the faith of Jesus.

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    How to Turn Faith Loose and

    Receive Your Healing

    By Kenneth Hagin

    When a child of God needs healing or deliverance, it is necessary that

    faith be released in order to receive, but many do not understand just how to

    do this. If you will follow faithfully and prayerfully the steps shown below,

    you can be sure of complete healing.

    BE BORN AGAINThe rst thing is to know that you are born again and that you1.

    are living in all the light that He has put in your pathway. In order to

    be converted and become a child of God, you must believe that Jesus

    Christ is the Son of God. Then ask Him to come and live in your heart

    so that He may direct and guide you and be the Lord of your life. If you

    ask Him to come in, Christ will surely live within you. For He has said,Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and

    opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me

    (Revelation 3:20).

    USE THE WORD OF GODFrom the Scriptures listed in this booklet, pick out two or three2.

    and memorize them thoroughly, saying them over and over again. In

    the same manner that Christ did when Satan tempted him, you will beable to protect yourself from the enemy who will come with doubts and

    unbelief. You must know and fully realize the integrity of the Word of

    God and know that this Word is actually what it declares itself to be. It is

    a revelation from God to us. We should know that it is God speaking to

    us NOW. It is not only a book of the past and a book of the future; it is

    a book of NOW. The Holy Bible is God-inspired message. Hebrew 4:12

    says, For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any

    two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and

    of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of

    the heart. Quickmeans it is alive, living. Therefore, the Word of God

    is a living thing. But it will come alive to you as you accept it and act

    upon it. An important step is to settle on the integrity of Gods Word.

    Remember, that the Word is of foremost importance. It is God speaking

    to us. Always maintain that attitude and act upon the Word in that way.

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    It is as though the Lord Jesus Christ Himself were with you in person,

    speaking to you.


    Set a time to claim your healing. You may come to God alone,3.or you may agree with someone else, an elder, your pastor or another

    believer. Now you are ready to place your petition before Him. Ask God

    the Father in the Name of His Son Jesus, who died to save you from your

    sins and heal your body and mind from all sickness and disease, to heal

    you NOW. Then tell God that you have accepted what He is doing for

    you. Rebuke Satan and tell him to leave your body alone. Do this in the

    Name of Jesus. Tell Satan that you have authority over him according to

    Mark 16:17, and Luke 10:19.

    PRAISE GODPraise the Father for healing you. Continue to praise Him daily4.

    and even hourly, for healing you, even if you do not feel any differently.

    Some healings come instantly. Others come gradually. Pay no attention

    to the symptoms. You are not healed because you feel better, but because

    the Word of God says you are healed. Let every man be a liar, but let

    God be true. (As we stated, some have been known to get violently sickeven though they were being healedfor example, the dead tissues of a

    cancer when passing from the body.)

    CONFESS YOUR HEALINGTell others that you accepted your healing. If they ask you how5.

    you are, tell them you are healed according to the Word of God. Never

    confess to them that you feel badly or that nothing has happened. That

    is actually testifying to the works of Satan. Remember, you are seeing

    through the eyes of faith. You believe and say it because God said so. This

    bold confession will further strengthen your faith. A negative confession

    will weaken your faith and serve to neutralize your prayers.

    This is the crucial time for your healing through Jesus Christ. If

    you will believe what Christ said, and not what you feel, there can be no

    failure. If you continue to believe God, Satan will see that he has to take

    his hold off of your body.

    MEDITATE ON THE PROMISES OF GODMeanwhile, meditate constantly on the promises upon which you6.

    base your healing. See yourself with what you have asked for, and make

    plans accordingly, as if it were already a reality.

    Let every thought and desire afrm that you have what you asked.

    Never permit a mental picture of a failure to be in your mind. Never

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    doubt for one minute that you have the answer. If doubts persist, rebuke

    them, and get your mind on the answer. Constantly afrm that the

    promises are true, and that prayer has been answered.Eradicate every

    suggestion, image, vision, dream, impression, feeling; in fact, extirpate

    all thoughts that do not contribute to your faith that you have what you

    have asked.

    Thoughts are governed by observations, associations and teachings.

    Guard against every evil that comes into the mind. Stay away from all

    places and things that will not support your afrmation that God has

    answered prayer.

    In your waking moments think on the greatness of God and His

    goodness. Count your blessings and faith will increase. Lift your heart

    to God constantly in gratitude and increasing praise for what He is doingfor you now. Maintain that all things are possible to the believer.

    DO NOT ASK GOD OVER AND OVERMake every prayer relative to what you have askeda statement7.

    of faith instead of unbelief. Do not ask God over and over again for the

    same things as if He had not heard you the rst time. Rather, remind

    the Father that you are still claiming the promises and that you praise

    Him, and you know He has heard you and has answered you. In Isaiah43:26, God does tell us to remind Him of what we have asked Him. Put

    Me in remembrance; Let us contend together; State yourcase, that you

    may be acquitted. Remind Satan that you have taken authority over his

    oppression in your body.

    Constantly give praise to God for your healing. Then your spirit (the

    inner man) will rise up and take hold of the promises of God, and you

    shall see victory.

    SAY ALOUD WHAT YOU BELIEVEConfess your faiththat is, say aloud what you believe. For with8.

    the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession

    is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10).

    For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be

    removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but

    believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever hesays (Mark 11:23).

    Notice that the tenth chapter of Romans says unto salvation, but

    that is not only true concerning salvation. It is true concerning anything

    else that you receive from God. All that you receive from God comes

    the same waythrough faith. It is with the heart that man believes for

    answered prayer, and with the mouth confession is made unto. It is with

    the heart that man believes when it comes to healing, and with the mouth

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    that confession is made unto. Whatsoever you receive from God will

    come in this way.

    Notice again the text in Mark 11:23 says with the same thought

    involved, For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain,

    Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart,

    but believes (that is, shall believe in his heart) that those things he says

    will be done, he will have whatever he says. Jesus in this text mentions

    believing one time, and He mentions saying three times. Many people

    believe, but they are not saying it. One has to say with his mouth what

    he believes if it is to work for him. No Scripture in the Bible teaches that

    if one just believes in his heart, that he will receive an answer. But the

    Bible does teach that if you believe with your heart and say it with your

    mouth, whatever you want shall come to pass. The 9


    and 10


    verses inRomans 10, say that, and we know that it is true.

    Notice the 8th verse of Romans 10: But what does it say? The word

    is near you, in your mouth and in your heart(that is, the word of faith

    which we preach). Again, the Word of faith must be in our mouths as

    well as our hearts to work for us. If it is just in our hearts, it will not work.

    But when it is in both our hearts and our mouths, thank God it will work.

    With the mouth confession is made unto.

    You can say, I am healed, I do have faith, or I do believe thatI have what I prayed for, just as easily as you can make statements of

    unbelief. You can think thoughts of faith just as easily as you can think

    thoughts of doubt and unbelief. It is thinking faith thoughts and speaking

    faith words that lead the heart out of defeat into victory. Do not accept

    No as an answer. Do not be denied. It is our family right as children

    of God, our redemption right, our gospel right, our creative right to have

    what God has promised. It will come. It isyours now, so accept it, and it

    will become a reality.Our confession can be, God is with me. Greater is He that is in

    you, than he that is in the world. You can fearlessly say, God is in me

    now. You will nd that your confession of faith will cause Him to work

    on your behalf. He will rise up in you and put you over. The Master of

    creation is in you. You can face life fearlessly because you know that He

    that is in you is greater than any forces that can be arrayed against you.

    This should be your continual confession. Hold fast to it.

    Actually, there is no faith without confession. Confession is faithsway of expressing itself. Faith is of the heart, the spirit. Faith grows with

    your confession. You do not realize beyond what you say. If you say

    you cannot, then you cannot. You get nothing. But if you say you can,

    then you can. You can have what you say, whether unbelief or belief. It

    mightily affects your spirit or your inner man.

    The reason the majority of Christians, though earnest, yet are weak,

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    is because they have never dared to make a confession of what they are

    in Christ. Boldly confess what the Word declares you are in Christ. As

    you do this, your faith will abound. The reason faith is throttled and held

    in bondage is because you have never dared to confess what God says

    you are. Remember that faith never grows beyond your confession. Your

    daily confession of what the Father is to you, of what Jesus is doing

    for you now at the right hand of the Father, and what His mighty Holy

    Spirit is doing in you, will build a solid, positive faith life. You will not

    be afraid of any circumstances. You will not be afraid of any disease.

    You will not be afraid of any condition. You will face life fearlessly, a

    conqueror. But you will never be a conqueror until you confess that you

    are one. If you are going to get to be a conqueror rst, and then believe

    you are one, you are all wrong. You have to confess rst, and then youbecome a conqueror. Faiths confessions create reality.

    DO WHAT YOU COULD NOT DO BEFOREDo the things you could not do before. If you could not bend over,9.

    do so. If you could not walk before, start walking. God has committed

    Himself to honor your faith. If you could not see before, start looking.

    Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead (James

    2:17).Remember the Scripture says, Faith is the substance of things hoped

    for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). When you see the

    answer, you will no longer need faith for it. IT IS ONLY WHILE YOU




    One last great truth about healing should be grasped by every Christian.

    Even though it is Gods will to heal us every time we are sick, His perfect

    plan is not for us to be continually in need of more healings, but to live in

    divine health and strength as revealed in 3 John 2, Beloved, I pray that you

    may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. He

    will renew your strength as eagles. Just as it is not Gods will that we be

    saved over and over again, but that we remain spiritually well, it is not reallyGods best that He heal us over and over again, but that we be in health.

    Then, whenever Satan tries to put any weakness on our bodies, we should

    immediately take these same steps to force him to withdraw before he gets a

    stronghold on our physical being the same way we could rebuff an attack on

    our spiritual being.

    Until now, we have been mainly concerned with the healing of those

    who are already sick. But Gods best for you, His child, is actually something

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    more than healing. God has said that His will is that you should prosper

    and be in health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 2). When God gave the

    covenant of healing to the children of Israel, He did not emphasize healing

    so much as He did divine health. He said that if Israel were obedient to the

    commandments of the Lord, disease and sickness, which had come on the

    Egyptians, would not come on the Israelites.

    Should the people of Israel misunderstand the real meaning of the

    covenant of healing, the Lord repeated the promise in slightly different words

    in Exodus 23:25:

    So you shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless

    your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from

    the midst of you.

    The promise is repeated and the condition is repeated. The people were

    to serve the Lord, and he would bless them by taking sickness away from

    the midst

    In the book of Deuteronomy, the promise of Divine health and immunity

    from sickness is repeated again:

    And the LORD will take away from you all sickness, andwill afict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which

    you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you

    (Deuteronomy 7:15).

    It is interesting to note that the book of Deuteronomy concludes with the

    observation that if plagues and the sickness in Egypt should appear among

    the people of God, it would be a sign of their disobedience (Deuteronomy


    The remarkable thing is that the children of Israel did for a considerable

    period appropriate and live under the blessings of the promise. There were

    exceptions in which some of the people disobeyed God. There were jealousies,

    murmurings, lusts that resulted in bringing plagues upon themselves. But

    as a whole, over a long period of time, while the nations wandered in the

    wilderness, the people were immune to sickness. Therefor, the Psalmist could

    say: He also brought them out with silver and gold, And there was nonefeeble among His tribes (Psalm 105:37).

    The Scripture gives us examples of those who enjoyed Divine health. One

    was Moses who had reached the advanced age of one hundred and twenty. In

    the natural, we might suppose he had become extremely feeble and senile, yet

    he retained the strength and energy of his youth until the day he died:

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    Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he

    died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished

    (Deuteronomy 34:7).

    Moses was not the only example of one enjoying the benets of Divine

    health. There was Caleb, one of the twelve spies and one of the two who

    brought back a good report. Caleb had put in some strenuous years, and yet

    at eighty-ve years of age, he had a remarkable testimony:

    And now, behold, the LORD has kept me alive, as He said,

    these forty-ve years, ever since the LORD spoke this word to

    Moses while Israel wandered in the wilderness; and now, here

    I am this day, eighty-ve years old. As yet I am as strong thisday as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was

    then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for

    coming in (Joshua 14:10-11).

    It is evident that the reason we have so much sickness in the church

    is that we have restricted Gods promise to repeated healing instead of the

    promise of health. Of course, there are conditions to the promise as the

    Scriptures plainly show. But, if we are obeying Gods commandments andliving in fellowship with Him, then it is our absolute right to Divine health.

    Then, when Satan attempts (as he may do) to put sickness or disease upon our

    bodies, we should not wait until we are overcome with sickness. At the rst

    sign of attack from Satan, we must rise up and rebuke him. Resist the devil

    and he will ee from you (James 4:7). We must continue to ght him until

    he sees we mean business and we are determined to defeat him.

    The Bible teaches that it is Gods will that the believer should have a

    long and useful life, blessed with health and strength. The best medicine isthe 91st Psalm which should be read over and over.

    He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall

    abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD,

    He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.

    Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowlerAnd

    from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His

    feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truthshall be yourshield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the

    terror by night, Norof the arrow thaties by day, Norof the

    pestilence thatwalks in darkness, Norof the destruction that

    lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, And

    ten thousand at your right hand;Butit shall not come near you.

    Only with your eyes shall you look And see the reward of the

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    wicked. Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge,

    Even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall

    you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He

    shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your

    ways. In theirhands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your

    foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,

    The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.

    Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver

    him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He

    shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in

    trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will

    satisfy him, And show him My salvation.

    Psalm 103:5 speaks even of the renewing of the believers youth:

    Who satises your mouth with good things, So thatyour

    youth is renewed like the eagles.

    Of course every promise has a condition. The condition, in this case, is

    that the individual will satisfy himself with the good things of Heaven and not

    the things of Earth. He must soar like the eagle up above the petty things ofthis world. He must learn to dwell in the heavenly place with Christ Jesus.

    And raised us up together, and made us sit together in the

    heavenlyplaces in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6).

    In closing, we would direct attention to the Word of the Proverbs which

    inform us that if we diligently give heed to the Word of God, then we can

    claim the promise of health.

    My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to

    my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them

    in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who nd

    them, And health to all their esh (Proverbs 4:20-22).



    Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me,

    bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget

    not all His benets: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals

    all your diseases (Psalm 103:1-3).

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    Healing of the body and salvation of the soul go together. Physical

    healing will benet a person very little if he continues to reject Christ as his

    eternal Savior. Christ said, For what will it prot a man if he gains the whole

    world, and loses his own soul? (Mark 8:36).

    And so when Christ died for us in our stead, He took care of all our

    needsboth spiritual and physical.

    Let us think back upon the day when Christ was crucied. There He

    hung between Earth and Heavena spectacle to men and angels with the

    tortures becoming more unendurable every moment. Death by crucixion

    includes the sum total of all the suffering a body can experience: thirst, fever,

    open shame, long continual torment.

    It was now the noon hour, ordinarily the brightest hour of the day. But

    instead, darkness began to descend upon the earth. Nature itself, unableto bear the scene, withdrew its light, and the heavens became black. This

    darkness had an immediate effect upon the onlookers. There were no more

    jeers and taunts. People began to slip away silently to leave Jesus alone to

    drink to the deepest depths the dregs of suffering and humiliation. Yet, a great

    horror was still to come. Instead of a joyful communion with God, there was

    a cry of distress. Jesus found himself utterly deserted by both man and God.

    His cry even today brings a shudder of terror. It was

    My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?There was apparently one thing that God had held back from His Son

    Christ. The terrible truth came to Him only in the last hours of darkness. As

    the sun withdrew its shining, so the Presence of God was being withdrawn,

    also. Though sometimes forsaken of men, He could always turn in condence

    to His Heavenly Father. But now, even God had forsaken Him.

    God indeed had forsaken Him, though only for a moment; and the reason

    is clear. It was at that moment the sin of the world with all its hideousness

    rested upon Jesus. He became sin; For he hath made him to be sin for us,who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him

    (2 Corinthians 5:21).

    We have the answer to what happened. Christ was made sin for us. He

    took upon Himself the sin of the world, including yours and mine. Therefore,

    He had to receive the judgment that fell upon sin.

    And now, at last, the end was drawing near. The loss of blood produces a

    thirst that is beyond description. Jesus cried, I thirst. The One who hung on

    the cross thirsted. He is the same One who now satises our souls thirstIfany man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink (John 7:37).

    The nal moment had come. Jesus bowed His head in death saying as

    He died, It is nished! Salvation had been completed. It was a salvation

    that couldnt be earned by works or fasting, by penance or by a pilgrimage.

    Salvation is forever a nished work. We need not complete it by our own

    efforts. There is nothing more to do, but to accept it. There is no need to

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    struggle and to labor, but to take quietly what God has prepared, an innite


    Did Christ die for our salvation? Was He raised, after three days and

    nights, in glorious triumph to die no more? Yes, He was! Therefore, He says,


    God has done all that is possible to bring you eternal life. He paid the full

    price of punishment for your sins. It is now your turn to accept Him. God sees

    your mind and soul. He knows all of your thoughts. If you sincerely want to

    accept Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into your life, you will be reborn. You

    will become a child of God, and God the Father will become your Father.

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    1. ACKNOWLDGE: For all have sinned and come short

    of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). God, be merciful to me

    a sinner (Luke 18:13). In the light of Gods Word, you must

    acknowledge that you are a sinner.

    2. REPENT: but unless you repent you will all likewise

    perish (Luke 13:3). Repent therefore and be converted, that

    your sins may be blotted out (Acts 3:19). You must see the

    awfulness of sin, and then, repent of it.

    3. CONFESS: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and justto forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous-

    ness (1 John 1:9). With the mouth confession is made unto

    salvation (Romans 10:10). Confess your sins to God.

    4. FORSAKE: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the un-

    righteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord

    for He will abundantly pardon (Isaiah 55:7). Sorrow for sin is

    not enough. We must be ready to quit doing it, once and for all.5. BELIEVE: For God so loved the world that He gave His

    only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not per-

    ish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). That if you confess

    with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that

    God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with

    the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouthconfession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:9). Believe in

    the nished work of Christ on the cross.

    6. RECEIVE: He came to His own, and His own did not

    receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave

    the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His

    name (John 1:11, 12). Christ must be received personally into

    your heart by faith, if the experience of the New Birth is to beyours.

    (Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship, International)

  • 7/30/2019 How You Can Be Healed



    Dear Heavenly Father,I thank You that You love me.

    I ask Your Son, Jesus Christ, to comeinto my life.

    I know I have sinned and committeddeeds unpleasing to You.

    I ask You now to forgive me of these

    sins and to cleanse my life.Help me to follow You and Your

    teachings.Protect me from Satan and evil.Teach me to put You rst in all my

    thoughts and actions.

    Help me to love my fellow man as Youhave loved me.

    And, Father, show me step by step theplan You made for my life.

    I give You myself and my life.I worship and praise You, my Creator

    and Lord.I will continually thank You for

    sacricing Your Son on the cross thatI might have eternal life with You.

    Help me to win others to Christ.I await the return of Christ to take me

    to Heaven.Come soon, Lord Jesus. Amen.

    If you wish to accept Jesus Christ into your soul and life, it will help you

    to pray this prayer:

    Published by

    Christ For The Nations

    All Rights Reserved

    Unless otherwise marked, all Scripture quotations are taken from the NKJV.

    Scripture quotations noted Amplied are from The Amplied Bible (AMP).

    The Amplied Bible, Old Testament copyright 1965, 1987 by the Zonder-

    van Corporation. The Amplied New Testament, copyright 1954, 1958,

    1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

  • 7/30/2019 How You Can Be Healed
