hot stuff dutch colonial architecture and town planning in indonesia

Hot Stuff Dutch Colonial Architecture and Town Planning in Indonesia University of Cambridge Department of Architecture November 14, 2013 Pauline K.M. van Roosmalen

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Hot Stuff Dutch Colonial Architecture and Town Planning in Indonesia


Hot Stuff Dutch Colonial Architecture and

Town Planning in Indonesia

University of CambridgeDepartment of Architecture

November 14, 2013

Pauline K.M. van Roosmalen

Making of town planning in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia (1905-50)

Reception of colonial built heritage in Indonesia (1950-present)

The Dutch East Indies - Europe - the Netherlands

Military Officials

Source: Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden

103238 (5e Bataljon Infanterie, Atjeh), 66611 (ambtenaar c. 1860-70)

Entrepreneurs Families

Source: Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden

111151 (tabaksvelden Deli) 114741 (familie)

Indonesians Chinese Arabs British Indians

Source: Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden

30491 (Arabier), 75316 (Indiër), 75304 (Chinees), 87470 (Indonesiërs)

‘allow mutual penetration of races […] wherever life demands individuals to meet ’.

‘laisser le chemin libre pour l’interpénétration des races […] partout où les besoins de la vie exigent que les individus se mêlent.’

A.B. Cohen

Source: Jean Royer, L'Urbanisme aux colonies et dans les pays tropicaux, Tome I, Délayance Editeur, La Charité-sur-Loire, 1932, 276.

Housing conditions in Batavia and Semarang (c.1910)

Sources: H.F. Tillema, Kromoblanda. Over het vraagstuk van “het Wonen” in Kromo‘s groote land, N.V. Electr. Drukkerij en Uitg. Mpij. ‘de Atlas’, Den Haag, 1920-1922; H.F. Tillema, Van wonen en bewonen. Van bouwen, huis en erf, Semarang, 1913

Projection Menteng New Gondangdia, Batavia (ca. 1910)P.A.J. Moojen e.a.

Sources: Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden.

Projection Darmo, Soerabaya (1914) H. Maclaine Pont

Source: A. Plate, ‘Het uitbreidingsplan der Indische Gemeenten’, De Ingenieur (1918)

Projection Menteng New Gondangdia, Batavia (ca. 1910)P.A.J. Moojen e.a.

Sources: Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden.

Projection Darmo, Soerabaya (1914) H. Maclaine Pont

Source: A. Plate, ‘Het uitbreidingsplan der Indische Gemeenten’, De Ingenieur (1918)

Projection extension plan Semarang (1916) H.Th. Karsten

Source: Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam 03883

Projection extension plan Bandung (1917)F.J.L. Ghijsels

Source: ir R.W. Heringa, Bloemendaal

Designs and impression kampung Taman Sari, Batavia (1913-17)

Sources: ‘Beknopt overzicht van verrichtingen op hygiënisch gebied in de jaren 1910 tot en met 1926’, 1927; H.G. Tillema, Kromoblanda. Over het vraagstuk van ‘het Wonen’ in Kromo‘s groote land, 1915-1922

Locations and impressions of four new kampungs, Medan (1923)

Sources: Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam; J. Hogervorst, 1927, De volkshuisvesting te Medan

May that segment of the population which inhabits the town kampongs still live in muffled resignation, unconsciously convinced that it cannot be any other way, one should not forget what a rewarding field it is to work with such a population for those who set themselves the goal of overthrowing the authority which allows such situations to continue without intervening. It is no coincidence, Mister Chairman, that a number of leaders are not at all enthusiastic about the kampong improvements. As long as political power is not obtained they prefer to allow the poor situation to continue; there is no better thinkable means of propaganda. Up until now the kampong population has remained quiet but the source of unrest, the perpetual threat to peace and order remains in the so badly neglected kampongs.’

J.J.G.E. Rückert

Source: Minutes of the People’s Council meeting of 31-7-1928, 26.

Standardised design for kampung improvement projects (1938)

Source: Eerste verslag van de Kampongverbeteringscommissie, 1938

Herman Thomas Karsten(1884-1945)

Henri Maclaine Pont (1884-1971)

Projection master plans Malang (1929-33) H.Th. Karsten

Source: Th. Karsten, ‘Het ontwik-kelingsplan der gemeente Malang’, Indisch Bouwkundig Tijdschrift/Locale Techniek (1936)

Regional plan Malang (1935)H.Th. Karsten

Source: Th. Karsten, ‘Het ontwikkelingsplan der gemeente Malang’, Indisch Bouwkundig Tijdschrift/Locale Techniek (1936)

bron: Nationaal Archief (Collectie Spaarnestad), Den Haag

Transfer Sovereignty (December 27, 1949)

Proclamation Indonesian Independence (August 17, 1945)

Projection and plan Kebajoran Baru, Batavia (1948-1949)M. Soesilo

Sources: Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, Jakarta; Source: ir R.J. Clason, Arnhem

Survey before plan, Samarinda (1950)Planning Bureau Balikpapan

Source: Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam




Post-colonial appropriation of colonial built heritage in Indonesia

Heritage Walk & Festival, Jakarta (2008)

Radar Surabaya (January 21, 2012)article about former Dutch Social Club ‘Simpang’ (c.1930)

Downtown Jakarta (1950)

Central Jakarta (1950-60s)

Plan of Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park, Jakarta (1972)

Jakarta (early 1980s) Bandung (mid 1990s)

Social club ‘ De Harmonie’, Batavia (1809-1982)

Traffic junction ‘Harmoni’, Jakarta (2007)

Hotel Savoy Homann(1939)

from: Bandung in Watercolour!(2005)

Indonesian Heritage Trust

Documentation Centre for Indonesian Architecture

Bank of Indonesia

Indonesian Railway Company

Network for Heritage Cities

Factory Outlets, Bandung

Arriving in the Netherlands from Indonesia (1950s)

‘…architecture as a cultural institution is a continuing process… In that context we could see the architectrual contribution from the Nederlandsch Oost Indie period be part of the Indonesian culture, and therefore by conserving selected monuments form the period it should be regarded as a kind of historical completeness and cultural survival….’

‘…last July…I contemplated about the architecture of the Dutch period in Indonesia and its recognition as part of the Indonesian Architectural entity…

‘…efforts (must) be made before the general public, the profesisonals, and the decision makers (to) perceive the Architecture of the Dutch period in its right perspective’.

R. Moochtar

Source: Radinal Moochtar, «Sambutan», Change and Heritage in Indonesian Cities, Jakarta, AIA/BNA, 1988, p. ii-iii.

‘Town in search of a centre’NRC Handelsblad (April 16, 2006)

‘Medan fosters its heirlooms’de Volkskrant (January 18, 1999)


Building National Archive of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta (1995)originally: Reinier de Klerk Residence, Batavia (1760)


Kota Station, Surabaya (c.2011)
