how america is falling behind

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  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind




    Austin Hill

    Mrs. Longworth

    English 2 (Honors)

    2 June 2011

    Period 2

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Background Info

    America has always been a superpower,

    but advantages long held are falling away.

    And poor choices are made and havebeen made.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind



    America is slowly falling behind other

    developed countries by accumulations of

    debt and poor choices from thegovernment.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    America is fast accumulating large

    amounts of debt. America has accumulated around 14.7 trillion

    dollars of debt. Mainly to China, Japan, and the


    This would have been WAY more under control

    if the 2001 bush tax cuts were not implemented,

    which basically gave rich people money. Instead

    of having a bursting tax of over 70% GDP we

    would have had a smaller more controllable take

    of >50% GDP.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Americas teachers are getting

    worse. Almost 40% of united states math

    teachers do not even have a minor degree

    in math. More and more states cut the educational

    budget, reducing drive to specialize in


  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Other countries more readily

    employ higher technology. 7% of American households employ the fastest

    broadband access. Compared to the 30% in

    Korea and 20% in Japan.

    U.S investment in research and development

    has flat lined over the last three decades, while

    growing dramatically among competitors such

    as Brazil, Israel, China, and India.

    Many of our militarys ships are out-dated, and

    our fleet is as small as it was in 1917.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Worth of Dollar going down.

    The worth of the united states dollar hasslid around 39% downward since 2002.

    This will (and has) hurt consumers due to

    foreign products being much moreexpensive.

    As well investors are shifting from

    investments in our banking systems to

    investments in Europe's banking systems.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Chinas economy quickly rising.

    Chinas economy has grown by roughly

    10.7% GDP. This is obviously due to

    several factors

    First of all they have very little debt, and

    many other countries owe them money.

    Second of all, a emphasis on very hard

    work in their school system boosts their a

    economy with a surplus of skilled labor.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Other countries are being more

    inventive. The Chinese are inventing many new

    things, such as the new train, which is the

    fastest commercial train in the world. (The

    French tested a train that went slightly


    Frenchmen Rod Sprules invented the Java

    log. A log that burns off coffee grounds.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    U.S.A economy dumping.

    1.2 million jobs lost.

    The U.S spent around 900 billion dollars in

    a attempt to fix the economy WhenMANY leading economists advocated that

    the solution to the recession was time.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Past poor leadership.

    America has been marked by poor


    No Child Left behind act caused manymusical and artistic programs to be cut.

    Bush invaded Iraq on false pretenses.

    Hurricane Katrina wreaking havoc and the

    bridge collapse in Minneapolis should

    have turned Bushs eyes to Americas

    failing infrastructure, but he had no plan.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Many Jobs outsourced.

    Many United states jobs are being outsourced to

    other countries, primarily India.

    To add insult to injury, many recovery funds

    made available to wind energy products wereused to create jobs overseas. Creating 6000

    jobs overseas and only hundreds at home. The

    wind energy products budget was 2 billion


  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Reverse brain drain.

    Many intellectuals, primarily professors,

    are leaving the united states in order to

    conduct research elsewhere.

    As well China graduates in a year as many

    engineers as we graduate in ten. And

    many of our engineers graduate from

    other countries.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Ineffective spending of cash.

    Basic needs of our infrastructure, such as up

    keeping roads and bridges, are being ignored.

    The American Society of civil engineers issued a

    report card on Americas infrastructure. We gota D.

    Estimates say we need 2.2 TRILLION dollars to

    fix failing infrastructure. Much less then basic

    maintenance would have cost if the government

    had simply kept things up.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind



    All of these factors reflect the falling of a

    great nation. Many problems could have

    either been stopped or controlled with the

    right, careful reactions. Unfortunately

    America lacks those reactions. As for

    other countries rising where America has

    fallen that just reflects where our countryCOULD have been had we hopped onto

    the success bandwagon.

  • 8/6/2019 How America is Falling Behind


    Chang, Michael. "America's failing Education System | On Campus |" Michael Chang, 22 July2010. Web. 03 June 2011. .

    "U.S Debt Clock." U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time. Web. 02 June 2011. .

    "The U.S. Is Falling behind in Tech and Science. - Broncos Country Message Boards." Broncos Country Message Boards - Powered byVBulletin. Web. 03 June 2011. .

    Coy, By Peter. "The U.S. Dollar: Still Going Down." Businessweek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice. 29 July 2008. Web.03 June 2011. .

    Branigan,Tania. "China's Economy Grows by 10.7% | Business |" Latest News, Comment and Reviews from theGuardian | 21 Jan. 2010. Web. 05 June 2011. .

    Moyers, Bill. "Outsourcing and Patriotism | Election 2004 | AlterNet." Home | AlterNet. Web. 06 June 2011..

    Cholia, Ami. "A New Chinese Train Beats Countrys High Speed Rail World Record AltTransport: Your Guide to Smarter Ways ofGetting Around."AltTransport: Your Guide to Smarter Ways of Getting Around. 30 Sept. 2010. Web. 06 June 2011..

    Isidore, Chris. "It's Official: U.S. in a Recession since December 2007 - Dec. 1, 2008." Business, Financial, Personal Finance News -CNNMoney. 01 Dec. 2008. Web. 06 June 2011. .

    Eden, Michael. "Obama Fiddled, Stonewalled And Lied While Gulf Coast Drowned In Oil Start Thinking Right." Start Thinking Right.Web. 06 June 2011. .

    Webber, Alan M. " - Reverse Brain Drain Threatens U.S. Economy." News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports,Technology, U.S. & World - 23 Feb. 2004. Web. 06 June 2011.

    failing infrastructure by numbers. Center for American progress. 17 Aug 2007. Web. 07 June 2011.

    Ensinger, Dustin. "Outsourcing America's Stimulus Jobs | Economy In Crisis." Economy In Crisis | America's Economic Report - Daily. 2Mar. 2010. Web. 09 June 2011. .

    Mcfeatters, Ann. "Examining Bush's Failed Presidency -" Seattle News, Sports, Events, Entertainment | 2 Feb. 2008. Web. 09 June 2011. .