how can i make my school more ecological


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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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How can I make my school more eco-friendly?

The terms “eco-friendly” or “green” are used to describe activities which are good for the environment.This terms are very usually in our days. People engage in eco-friendly activities because they are concerned about the health of the environment. Unfortunately most of us take the view that being green is somebody else's responsibility. The stark truth is that we all have to do our bit. The responsibility for being green is shared among all of us. But rather than become overwhelmed with macro issues such as carbon footprints, why not just do some really simple things which can be very effective if only we all do them? Why not teach students how to be sensitive to their environment? It makes so much sense to teach them these important habits while they are young.

Some easy tips that I think that could help are school and the environment are :

Firstly,we must start a recycling program in our school. The teachers should learn as every stage about recycling. After, every class should have a recycling bin and assign two students to be in charge of emptying it when it gets full. The biggest sources of waste for schools are paper and food, so recycling is a very simple and effective way to help our school to be greener.

Making our own lunch and packing snacks can be fun. It does take some planning and effort, but the payoff is eating healthy and not creating more container waste. If you pack a plant-based lunch, you will do even more to reduce global warming. Keeping a container of snacks such as nuts and raisins in our desk is also much more economical than purchasing packaged snacks from a canteen. Also. a primary thing is to replace standard light bulbs in classrooms with energy-efficient models, so we can reduce the energy and protect our planet.

Reuse is a way to have a eco-friendly school . To reuse is to use an item more than once . We should bring books that we don’t need anymore and gives them for recycling . Also,buy reusable pencils and pens then refill them during the school year , bring plastic lunch bags instead of paper ones. We can reuse this plastics bags.

And in the end I think its important for us to have a pleaseant environment around the school that would encourage studying and reduce borigness. The best way is to create a small beautiful garden with trees and a lot of flowers .