how to be funny around girls

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How to Be Funny Around Girls

The Power of Sub-Communication With Humor

By: Frankie Cola

Want to know how to be funny around girls?

Then read on as you discover the "Secret Language"of Sub-Communication and why it matters when you talk to girls.

Read on to the very end and I'll link you to a FREE guide on what to say to a girl to make her want you.

Trust me, you'll want to have this conversation tactics arsenal in your back pocket...

But first, let me tell you about the WRONG kind of humor that you might be using to accidentally turn girls off...

You see, there's a type of humor that will turn a girl off.

You won't notice it, unless you know you're doing it...

And there's also a type of humor that will turn a girl ON if you use it right.

Because using the RIGHT humor is CRUCIAL if
you want to get the responses you want from women.

The Answer Lies in Sub-Communication...

Whenever you say a joke, not only does it havea "surface" meaning, but the joke also has a DEEPER meaning below the surface.

This is called the "Sub-Text" of what you're saying.

And this is what makes up sub-communication.

What's More

The subtext of a joke leaves clues, to the kind of man that you are, and the female mind hunts for these clues like Sherlock Holmes.

Something You Might Not Know is

A lot of men don't understand how to be funny around girls, so they fall into a trap...

They Fall Into the Trap of Getting Laughs From a Girl

When you're starting out in your "dating career, it's easy to get into this routine:

You get a laugh from a girl, it gives you good-feelings that make you feel validated...

But what you may fail to realize is that, those laughs aren't laughs of ATTRACTION!

Which is why even though a guy might act like the entertainment monkey around a girl... he will probably NEVER take her home!

Why? Because of the unattractive sub-communication that he fails to notice in his humor.

Examples of Sub-Communication: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Ugly: The "Dead Baby" Joke

Have you seen these jokes before?

An example of it is "What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and a ferrari? I don't keep a Ferrari in my garage"

(For those of you who don't get it, it implies you have a pile of dead babies in your garage)

The Bad: Self-Deprecating Humor

Self-deprecating humor can work if it's coming from a position of strength... but when you're a "noob" in the dating game and you're just starting out trying to better yourself with women... self-deprecating humor is a bad idea.

If you aren't good at establishing confidence yet then you run the risk of the girl laughing AT YOU, and not WITH YOU.

That's why you might get fooled thinking her laughs are attraction... yet she's really just laughing at you!

Instead, let's go over the "Good" and how it can work wonders for you when you say it to women.

The Good: Joking About Guys Who Get Needy or Clingy

This is one technique that sub communicates strong social acuity and it implies to the girl that you understand her perspective

(it even suggests you have EXPERIENCE with women and the dating world)

Remember how I said humor has a "sub" level of communication?

Well the subtext of this tells the girl that you're not the kind of guy that will get needy or clingy if she decides to get intimate with you.

And this is HUGE...

You see, almost every attractive girl can tell you her "dating horror story" about a guy they went on a date with who suddenly go all clingy and even stalker-ish.

...And they REALLY REALLY want to avoid that again.

So what do girls do? They subtly throw tests at you to see if you're that kind of guy.

This is where THIS humor works its *Magic*

When you playfully make a joke that you hope she doesn't get clingy or you exaggerate how you'll get clingy... it will not only make her laugh, but you'll sub-communicate that you're really NOT CLINGY.

That's why when I'm talking to a girl on OkCupid or Pof, I tease her that hopefully she won't call me 17 times a day.

Or sometimes I say "Don't worry I'll only call you 17 times a day"

Although at the surface "logical" level it seems that I'm admitting I'll get clingy, the funny sarcasm in my humor communicates that I get it and that I'm actually not the type of guy to get desperate or needy over a girl.

Knowing how to use humor is one giant leap towards creating attractive conversations with smart beautiful, women who know you "get it"...

If you feel stuck with what to say next to a girl... struggle "escalating" a conversation... or feel helplessly lost when it comes to getting physical with women...

Then get this FREE 23-page report that reveals exactly what to say to make women want you.

Word-for-Word Lines for Getting Girls: FREE 23 Page Manuscript Reveals Exactly What To Say to Make Her Want You

Inside this Free Report, you will learn:

The #1 mistake men make that prevent a conversation from turning sexual (page 8)

How to create "conversation momentum"by using a "role" (page 11)

How to ESCALATE a conversation into asexual topic that gets her excited to keeptalking to YOU. (page 17)

Read More Free Articles on creating attractive conversations on

Blog Article: How to Be Funny With Girls -The Power of Sub-Communication