how to build a list of amazing - amazon s3building+bundle/list+building... · more you can tune...

Middle School Physical Science Students in middle school continue to develop understanding of four core ideas in the physical sciences. The middle school performance expectations in the Physical Sciences build on the K – 5 ideas and capabilities to allow learners to explain phenomena central to the physical sciences but also to the life sciences and earth and space science. The performance expectations in physical science blend the core ideas with scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts to support students in developing useable knowledge to explain real world phenomena in the physical, biological, and earth and space sciences. In the physical sciences, performance expectations at the middle school level focus on students developing understanding of several scientific practices. These include developing and using models, planning and conducting investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematical and computational thinking, and constructing explanations; and to use these practices to demonstrate understanding of the core ideas. Students are also expected to demonstrate understanding of several of engineering practices including design and evaluation. The performance expectations in PS1: Matter and its Interactions help students to formulate an answer to the question, “How do atomic and molecular interactions explain the properties of matter that we see and feel?” by building understanding of what occurs at the atomic and molecular scale. In middle school, the PS1 Disciplinary Core Idea from the NRC Framework is broken down into two sub-ideas: the structure and properties of matter, and chemical reactions. By the end of middle school, students will be able to apply understanding that pure substances have characteristic physical and chemical properties and are made from a single type of atom or molecule. They will be able to provide molecular level accounts to explain states of matters and changes between states, that chemical reactions involve regrouping of atoms to form new substances, and that atoms rearrange during chemical reactions. Students are also able to apply an understanding of the design and the process of optimization in engineering to chemical reaction systems. The crosscutting concepts of patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion and quantity; energy and matter; structure and function; interdependence of science, engineering, and technology; and influence of science, engineering and technology on society and the natural world are called out as organizing concepts for these disciplinary core ideas. In the PS1 performance expectations, students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in developing and using models, analyzing and interpreting data, designing solutions, and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. Students use these scientific and engineering practices to demonstrate understanding of the disciplinary core ideas. The performance expectations in PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions focuses on helping students understand ideas related to why some objects will keep moving, why objects fall to the ground and why some materials are attracted to each other while others are not. Students answer the question, “How can one describe physical interactions between objects and within systems of objects?” At the middle school level, the PS2 Disciplinary Core Idea from the NRC Framework is broken down into two sub-ideas: Forces and Motion and Types of interactions. By the end of middle school, students will be able to apply Newton’s Third Law of Motion to relate forces to explain the motion of objects. Students also apply ideas about gravitational, electrical, and magnetic forces to explain a variety of phenomena including beginning ideas about why some materials attract each other while others repel. In particular, students will develop understanding that gravitational interactions are always attractive but that

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Post on 17-Apr-2018




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Page 1: How to build a list of amazing - Amazon S3Building+Bundle/List+Building... · more you can tune into the heart and soul of your business and share messages ... I often find that when
Page 2: How to build a list of amazing - Amazon S3Building+Bundle/List+Building... · more you can tune into the heart and soul of your business and share messages ... I often find that when


Building your email list is one of the most impor tant things you need to do as an entrepreneur…no matter what kind of business you run. Whether it’s offline, online, service-based or product-based.

Why? Because it’s a powerful way to build a deeper relationship with your audience; your potential customers and your existing customers, communicate with them and build the know, like and trust factor.

How much would you and your business benefit if you had an email list of hundreds or thousands of targeted people who were getting to know, love and trust you through your emails? How powerful would it be when you’re looking for feedback or opinions on upcoming products/services you have coming out? How powerful would it be when you have a marvelous and valuable new product or service launching? How powerful would it be for getting recommendations and people spreading the word about you and what you do?

It would be sooo powerful. I know, because I’ve experienced it.

Over the past few years I’ve built a big email list from scratch and it’s been one of the best things I’ve ever done. Through my emails I’ve got to know some amazing people, I’ve been able to share things that I really care about with those people and it’s also helped me to build traffic to my website, make meaningful sales and create successful launches.

So in this month’s bundle I want to take you behind the scenes and show you how I’ve built my list.

H o w to b u i l d a l i s t o f a m a z i n g s u b s c r i b e r s & k e e p t H e m e n g a g e d

In this training I’m going to be covering:

Getting star ted with list building: picking your topic & knowing your audience

Creating your offer – how are you going to add value?

Setting up your mailing list & creating your opt-in

Marketing your offer

Nur turing your list - how to know what to say and when to say it and how to know know how much you should give for free.

By the end of this training you should have an amazing process set up for growing your email list.

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pa rt o n e

Getting started with list building

So the first thing I want us to do is to lay the foundation for building your email list and for engaging with your audience and how you’re going to delight them.

It’s so impor tant to have this information at the forefront of your mind when crafting your emails, because the more you can tune into the hear t and soul of your business and share messages that your audience will love, the more success you’ll have with it.

So, let’s get star ted.

W e ’ r e g o i n g

to s ta r t b y

g e t t i n g r e a l ly

c l e a r o n :

w H at ’ s yo u r c o r e b u s i n e s s m e s s a g e a n d m i s s i o n ?

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w H at a r e t H e to p 3 - 5 c o r e va l u e s o f yo u r b u s i n e s s ?

What are they like? What problems do they face that you can solve? What are their interest? What do you have that they are interested in?

w H o s p e c i f i c a l ly w i l l b e r e c e i v i n g yo u r e m a i l s ?

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What kind of relationship do you want to have with your readers? This may seem like a strange question, but I think it makes a difference. Do you want to be the sister, the best friend, the aunty, the teacher? David Siteman Garland does this really well, he often refers to himself as Uncle David and he takes on the role of the “uncle” in his emails. He’s not like a parent that’s telling you what to do, he’s the fun uncle that is there for you and can help you.

I’m not saying you have to go this far, but it can really help! Whenever I send out my weekly emails, I’m sending them to my friends, my business besties. I’m the person that’s right there with you - I’m next to you, not really ahead of you. I’m definitely not as good as David, but knowing what kind of relationship I’m trying to have with my subscribers really helps me when I’m writing.

I often find that when people haven’t dug deep into the relationship they want to have with their subscribers their emails can be a little off, or too formal, or too wishy washy.

So dig deep now and decide...

w H at k i n d o f r e l at i o n s H i p yo u wa n t to H av e w i t H yo u r r e a d e r s …

What do you want people to experience as a result of being on your mailing list? What transformation do you want people to have? How do you want to make them feel?

(When you’re thinking about this, go back over your core values and message and think about the problems and interests of your audience and make sure it all aligns and resonates well.)

H e r e

a r e s o m e

e x a m p l e s :

• I want people to feel inspired to build successful businesses.

• I want people to feel excited about their health and show them ways they can be the healthiest person possible.

• I want people to feel like they’re becoming a marketing genius after reading the powerful marketing strategies I’m going to share with them. Their business is going to fly.

• I want busy mums to feel like they’re not alone and that they can juggle raising children with building a successful business. I want to empower them.

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I want people to experience...

All of these questions will help you to build an engaged list of subscribers who connect and resonate with you. You can’t just leave it to chance, you have to be so intentional with how you want to make people feel and how you want to connect with them.

Building a solid list means digging deep and creating value that people will rave about.

Once you’re clear about this foundation piece, the next thing you need to do is get clear on what you’re going to offer them to sign up.

When I first got star ted I didn’t really consciously think about this stuff much and it left me feeling really confused… kind of like I didn’t really know what my purpose was with sending emails! I think that’s how a lot of people feel

when they star t out.

That being said, the one thing I was clear on was that I wanted to send emails to inspire my audience and I wanted to add value.

Just attaching the core purpose (hear t and soul) of your business to your email list is a really good star t. You don’t have to have everything figured out,

because it will all evolve over time.

My Experience

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pa rt t w o

Your offer

The questions you answered in par t one will really help when it comes to deciding what you’re going to offer in order to get people subscribed to your list.

You want to make sure your offer is aligned with your core message and values, and the problems and interests of your audience. If you do that your audience will be delighted to subscribe!

If you don’t already have an email list yet then my tip would be to just get star ted - even if you just have a box in the sidebar of your website that says, “Sign up for a weekly dose of XYZ here”. A lot of people put off creating an email list, because they think they have to have something to give away.

You don’t need anything to give away as such, if you’re offering amazing value to your audience and building a relationship with them via blog posts, videos or maybe just mingling in online and offline groups, then people will want to get more connected with you because of what you’re creating with your business.

Once they’re signed up you can send them a great welcome email and then you can email them updates and tips, weekly, monthly or whenever you can, as you’re getting star ted (more on this later).

to H e l p y o u

H e r e a r e s o m e o f

t H e o n e - l i n e r s

ot H e r s u s e to

g e t s u b s c r i b e r s

Make sure you don’t copy any of these, you need to put your own magic touch on whatever you use.

• Sign up here to receive a weekly dose of inspiration - this was my original one

• Get free tips to create a business and life you love - Marie Forleo

• Get updates (it’s free) Learn how psychology helps you get traffic and sales with the Social Triggers newsletter. - Derek Halpern, Social Triggers

• Do what you love… full time (I’ll teach you how) - Lewis Howes

• Let’s keep in touch. Get exclusive offers, sneak peeks, and insider tips delivered straight to your inbox - Birchbox [PRODUCT]

• Become a Stripe Insider. Sign up to receive updates, exclusive offers, and behind the scenes peeks into all things The Stripe. - The Stripe [PRODUCT]

• Add me to the VIP list, baby - Nikki Elledge Brown

f o r n ow l e t ’ s c r a f t o u t t H e t e x t yo u c a n u s e f o r yo u r s i g n u p.

What would people want to sign up for? Tips? Inspiration? Strategies? Offers?

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All that being said, there’s nothing wrong with creating a freebie as an incentive - just don’t let this stall you!

I now create freebies all the time for my audience and they work well, because it gives people more of a reason to sign up and join me (notice that I said ‘now’... when I got star ted I just gave people the chance to join the mailing list).

The truth is, creating amazing incentives to get people to subscribe will definitely help you to build your email list faster.

Nikki originally got people to sign up to find out more about what was “coming soon” - a brilliant thing to do, you can read all about how Nikki got her first 1000 subscribers here.

These people aren’t giving anything away as such (like a worksheet or some kind of freebie), but they’re giving their audience a chance to connect fur ther. So if you’ve been putting lots of effor t in to spreading the word about your business and what you’re doing in Facebook groups, on social media, at networking events, then people will want to connect with you (if you’re offering value to them).

I think we’ve all probably been a little brainwashed with the idea that we need an email list in order to make more money by selling to our subscribers! But that is not true.

First and foremost your email list is a way for you to build a relationship with your audience. It’s a way for you to connect more and to get to know each other. So don’t worry if you’ve not got funnels set up to turn your subscribers into customers yet! Just focus on adding value and building a strong relationship first.

By doing that, a lot of your subscribers will naturally want to become your customer, because they’ll really like you, know you, and trust you. Whereas if you go about all of this with the mindset of selling, selling, selling, your audience and subscribers will feel that, and so might not be as interested.

The value is in the relationship. Better to have 100 subscribers who are totally engaged and love your emails than 1000 subscribers who are totally disengaged.

c r e at i n g s o m e t H i n g to g i v e away

H e r e ’ s t H e b i g q u e s t i o n to a n s w e r :

What could you create and give away that would add massive value to your audience and resonate with your core message and values?

some ideas to Help youAccess to a membership/private Facebook group A guide

An online conference Advice or tips by other exper ts

Webinar A weekly/monthly email

Free template Access to oppor tunities

Workbook/worksheet Checklist

Video/video series An email series

Top tips A list of amazing tools and resources

Something inspirational An audio

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I find that when the freebie is shor t, sharp and sweet it goes down really well - one page worksheets, top tips, top resources, free templates - things that are actionable and fast to implement, because then your audience will realise how valuable what you’re sharing is and they’ll tell their friends about you, share what you’re doing and want to stay connected.

Alternatively, webinars work really well too. Back in 2012 I star ted hosting webinars with other exper ts and that helped me to add thousands to my mailing list.

If you could create your own webinar then great, if not, which exper ts could you reach out to that you’d love to collaborate with? Or do you have any business friends you could collaborate with to create a fun hangout for your audience?

When I did my very first webinar with Amy Por terfield I had 2,419 email subscribers. That webinar added 1,702 subscribers to my list, because I was able to promote it more via social media (more on this later).

Brainstorm some ideas that you think your audience would love:

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c r e at i n g yo u r f r e e b i e

If you would love to create a freebie to increase sign ups then here’s my plan of action for you:

w H at a r e yo u g o i n g to c r e at e ?

(A worksheet? Checklist? Resource list? Top tips list?)

w H at i s t H e p u r p o s e o f yo u r f r e e b i e ?

What will the subscriber gain? Why will they love it?

w H at a r e t H e c o r e m e s s a g e s / p o i n t s yo u wa n t to g e t a c r o s s i n yo u r f r e e b i e ?

What do you want to include? Break it down:

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Once you’ve written it all out, it’s a good idea to ask someone else to check over it for you, to make sure it all makes sense.

s c H e d u l e a t i m e ( s ) f o r w H e n yo u ’ r e g o i n g to c r e at e i t :

Top tips for creating your freebie:

• Make sure it adds lots of value to your audience - you want them to love it!

• How it looks and feels is impor tant. You want it to represent your brand well, so use your brand colours, fonts and make sure it looks good. For help with this, go back over The Graphics Bundle, where Michelle Rohr shares how you can create worksheets, checklists and graphics that align with your brand.

• Keep it simple - less is more.

• Here are some examples of the freebies I’ve created in the past that have gone down really well:

• Make sure your company name is on each page of the printable (something I’ve forgotten to do in the past!)

yo u c a n d o i t p r i n ta b l e

m y f o c u s f o r f e b r u a ry

r e a d i n g c H e c k l i s t

m a k e yo u r w e b s i t e a m a z i n g w o r k s H e e t

a f f i r m at i o n s

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pa rt t H r e e

Creating Your Opt-In

Once you’ve decided on your offer to get people to sign up, now you need to get everything set up, so that people can subscribe.

As there are lots of different options, I’m going to focus on sharing what I do.

Step Oneo p e n a n a c c o u n t w i t H a n e m a i l m a r k e t i n g p r o v i d e r & g e t s e t u p

For an email provider I use Mailchimp. I picked it originally because it’s free to use if you have less than 2000 subscribers and it’s also easy to use.

If at some point down the line you need a more comprehensive solution for creating email funnels you can move all of your contacts over to a solution like Infusionsoft or Ontrapor t, but they’re expensive, so if you’re just getting star ted then I would recommend going with a solution like MailChimp.

Once you’ve opened your account you will need to create a “list” - this is where you’re going to add your subscribers to. So my main mailing list is called ‘Female Entrepreneur Association’.

You can find lots of tutorials online, which will show you exactly how to do this.

There are four core parts to this:

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Step Twoc r e at i n g yo u r s i g n u p

Next you need to create the sign up, there are two main options for this:

You can also ask me any questions you have on this in the Facebook group - use #askcarrie, so I can find your question easily.

You can use a piece of software, like LeadPages, to create a landing page or pop up box. This option is paid.

You can create a signup page using your email provider - this will just be a basic page where you can add a header image, a little bit of text and the boxes for people to fill in their details. This option is free.

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Because FEA is a community, I encourage people to leave a comment and introduce themselves - makes them feel par t of something

Your thank you page doesn’t need to follow this formula, but really take some time to think about what an amazing thank you page would be for your subscribers. This is your chance to wow, don’t let it go to waste.

It includes:

• Pretty image, which aligns with the brand and reinforces the benefit behind signing up.

• A sentence to tell them what’s going to happen next, so that they know to confirm their subscription.

• A few sentences to welcome them into the community and again reinforce the core message/benefit.

• Details of the good we’re going to send their way (to encourage them to check their inbox for an email from us)

• Information on how they can get more involved with FEA - if someone has just shown an interest in what you do, they’ll probably want to know what else you can offer them, so make it easy for them.

Craft your thank you page copy on the next page, or write down some ideas for it:

Step Threes e t t i n g u p yo u r t H a n k yo u pa g e c o n f i r m at i o n a n d w e l c o m e e m a i l

Once someone has subscribed, you’ll want to make sure that your emails are set up and ready to go out!

Here’s what you need to think about:

1 // The Thank You

This is the page they’ll be sent to straight after they subscribe. It’s an impor tant page, because it’s the first experience they’ll have with you once they’ve decided to become par t of your tribe. This is your chance to make them feel welcomed, make them feel like they made a good choice and tell them what happens next.

It’s also an oppor tunity to tell people more about what else you have going on, lots of people will use their

thank you page to present an offer, because the person who has just signed up has shown interest in what you do, so maybe they’d love to buy what you have to offer too.

Here’s an example of my thank you page for when people sign up to FEA.

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This email doesn’t need to say much, but why not take the oppor tunity to share your excitement with them? So many people’s confirmation emails could have been written by a robot. It’s not like having an amazing confirmation email will make your business a roaring success, BUT we you take time to put your hear t, soul and personality into each message you craft, it star ts to add up.

Once someone has hit the ‘confirm’ button they’ll often see a confirmation thank you page. Again, take some time to think about what you can see on this page. Take the oppor tunity to build the relationship, reinforce your brand.

Here’s a page I created not long ago that I star ted testing as the confirmation thank you page for a few opt-ins I created.

2 // The Confirmation Email

Most email providers get you to have a double opt-in, which is where someone subscribes and then you send them an email asking them to confirm that they want to receive your emails. Even though this will lower the number of subscribers you get, it is impor tant to have, because that way the people who are on your list are the people who really want to be on it.

Again, this is a chance to build your relationship with your subscribers more, by coming across really well.

Here’s an example of one of my confirmation emails:

Your worksheet is nearly here...

Please confirm that you’d like the Create An Amazing Brand Strategy Worksheet.

We’re so excited that you’d like us to send you the 30 day tracker worksheet we’ve created, all you need to do is hit the button below and the clever people over at

MailChimp are going to send it right over to you :)

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The page says...

It’s not much, but have a read of the comments on the page - there aren’t that many at the moment, but look what people are saying…

Thanks Carrie! You always provide great value with each episode. I love being a par t of Female Entrepreneur Association ! Also, your website is so’s just relaxing to be here. Nice Job! Have a beautiful day! Amy

Carrie, you are so adorable! I just love your videos. Many thanks for reminding me/us that how we think creates our world. With gratitude, Elena

How you interact and engage with your audience at every step of the journey makes a difference.

I just received the download! I can’t wait to get going.

Check your inbox, because the goods are on their way to you right now :)

I hope you enjoy them and find them helpful!

Thank you for being par t of the Female Entrepreneur Association, we’re so happy to have you on board.

Carrie xx

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Step Fouryo u r w e l c o m e e m a i l

This is what they’ll receive in their inbox once they’ve confirmed their subscription. Everyone deserves a warm welcome + whatever you’ve promised to send them.

I know I’m probably sounding like a broken record, but again, this is your chance to deepen the relationship and engage with your subscribers.

Here’s an example of a welcome email I sent out for one of the specific opt-ins we created:

Your Financial Abundance Guided Visualisation Script + Money Book Reading List is here!

*|FNAME|*, I’m so excited to share these with you! This visualisation helped me so much and I hope it helps you just as much.

So download it and get recording your very own visualisation and then make sure you listen to it daily! If you want to share yours with us or any results you get, just reply to this email

-we’d LOVE to hear all about it :)

May money flow into your life quickly and easily!

With love,

Carrie xx

P.s. enjoy the books too, they’re wonderful!

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Here’s the breakdown of what I included

A pretty image, that’s consistent with the brand

A headline letting them know their goods have arrived

Images of the goodies - this gets people excited

Actual text links to the downloads - remember, most images don’t show up for people, so you need to include text links too.

A paragraph or two about what I’ve sent them to deepen the relationship

When someone subscribes to the main FEA mailing list, we send them an email which is more about them joining our community:

e x a m p l e

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Welcome & Goodies

You’re all signed up *|FNAME|*, and we’re so excited to have you here.

You’ve now become par t of one of the largest online communities for female entrepreneurs and we’re delighted to have you on board. We’re a collective group of like-minded women,

who are passionate and determined to build successful businesses, incredible friendships and to suppor t each other along the way.

Here’s wHat you’ll get access to now tHat you’re part of tHis association:

• Every Tuesday you’ll receive a 10-Minute Masterclass to help you succeed in business.

• You’ll get access to oppor tunities to guest blog and get your story featured to our network of over 200,000 women (so keep a look out in your inbox).

• We frequently host live hangouts, where we’ll invite exper ts to come along and answer your questions and you’re invited to all of these.

• You’ll be the first to get access to our latest goodies.

• + much more

We’ve also got an amazing suppor tive Facebook group and lots of resources for you over in our Members’ Club, which you can find out more about here >>

we’ve also got a little sometHing to welcome you on board too…

You can download them here >>

Leave a comment on the download page and share the #1 thing you want to make happen! You can also find out more about what’s going on over at the Female Entrepreneur Association and

download more goodies we’ve created at our Getting Started Page >>

That’s all from us for now, if there’s anything we can do to help you, please let us know - we’re here to help suppor t you to build a successful business.

Love, Carrie & the FEA Team xx

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Here’s the link to the goodies they can download, so you can see how we’ve created it.

You want to get people involved, give them something they want, make them feel par t of something.

Note: you don’t need to create your emails and pages like I have done for FEA, in facts it’s probably better if you don’t - you want to come up with something that is right for you and your audience. But take inspiration from it all and come up with ideas that would work with your style and brand.

What could you add to your welcome email that will really make your subscribers feel welcomed?

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pa rt f o u r

Marketing Your Offer

Now that your signup page is all set up it’s time to get your offer out there!

This is ultimately a numbers game - the more traffic you drive to your opt-ins, the more lovely subscribers you’re going to get.

Don’t worry if you have zero traffic at the moment, luckily there are a few ways round it.

g e t t i n g s u b s c r i b e r s v i a yo u r w e b s i t e

You don’t want to be missing oppor tunities to get your visitors to become subscribers. Here are several things you can do to increase your chances of conver ting your visitors:

All of these subscribe options are really easy to add. You don’t have to necessarily try all of them, but try at least 3 to get going.

Add a pop up box (I use SumoMe App, it’s free)

Add a signup image to your sidebar

Add a signup banner

Add a signup banner to the bottom of every post you write

Add text at the top of every post saying, “Looking for more help with X, Y & Z? Click here to sign up for our…”

Promote your freebies in your blog posts

Remember, if you don’t ask, you don’t get!

6 t H i n g s to a d d to yo u r w e b s i t e to g e t m o r e s u b s c r i b e r s

In order to create beautiful images to get people signed up on your website, check out The Graphics Bundle (in particular the masterclass, Michelle Rohr shares

how to create beautiful sign up images for your site).

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There is no magic wand you can wave to generate traffic and subscribers, it takes time (and patience), consistency and lots of effor t to add value, connect with your target audience and delight them. So many people

star ting out just want 1000 or 10,000 subscribers NOW, but it takes time, and you know what? THAT’S OK.

You’ve just got to put the building blocks in place consistently, day in, day out.

Again, there are so many different ways to do this, but the main point is this: add value and delight your audience and they will want to subscribe if you make it easy. Firstly, if you don’t have anything to give away as such, you can still drive signups from social media. I do it every day by sharing a blog post that my audience will love. My aim is to get them to my website, where I make it easy and obvious for them to become a subscriber. This alone can generate 100+ subscribers a day (but remember, it’s a numbers game).

Here are some ideas for how you can generate subscribers from social media:

g e t t i n g s u b s c r i b e r s v i a s o c i a l m e d i a

Share what you’ve created in groups you’re in - make sure you do this in a fun, friendly, giving way, not a “I just want you to subscribe” way, basically put your personality into it and think about what you’d love to see if you

were in the shoes of the audience you’re sharing your message with.

Set up Facebook ads and promote your offer (make sure you’re using a conversion tracking pixel for this and watch the masterclass with Julie Lowe on this, so you know exactly how to do it).

Create great images to promote your offer via your social media - Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram etc. (Watch back over the tutorials in The Graphics Bundle to learn how to create amazing images.)

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In my experience the fastest way to get subscribers is to proactively put yourself in front of your target audience by adver tising to them.

When I star ted my first business back in 2005, Facebook ads didn’t exist, so I got in front of my audience by using Google Adwords. I had a small budget and I did lots of testing and that’s how I began to build it all up.

When I star ted the Female Entrepreneur Association I focused on leveraging Facebook ads to grow my email list and fan base. Again, I had a small budget and I tested like crazy and I was consistent about it all, so that I got results.

Thanks to Facebook, you can get yourself in front of your target audience for very little.

People who are building big lists are doing this. There’s nothing special about them, let me rephrase… there’s nothing that they’re doing that you can’t do.

That being said, you will definitely see results without paying for adver ts, but it will take longer.

My Experience

H e r e a r e s o m e e x a m p l e s o f H o w ot H e r p e o p l e H av e g r o w n t H e i r l i s t s a n d H o w l o n g i t ’ s ta k e n t H e m :

I have grown my email list to 3000 subscribers over a period of 15 months. The process has been fair ly simple and organic. I would offer access to free printables in return for someone trusting me with their email address. Half of the sign-ups have come through the Hello Bar installed on my blog while the other half has come through sign-up links within blog posts, promoting a par ticular free printable. The biggest key to my success has been sharing pictures of my printables on Pinterest. This has brought me lots of traffic and new subscribers every day. My #1 tip would be to make sure that the freebie you’re offering in exchange for someone’s email is designed to attract your ideal customer and leverage the power of Pinterest to get a constant flow of subscribers.

Michelle Rohrsecret owl society

I have grown my list to 3100 and this has taken about 2 years

I have grown my list via a mix of opt-in offers, live events like webinars, mini trainings leading into a product offer, guest posting.

A strategy that has worked the best for me would definitely be guest posting and webinars.

My top piece of advice to others would be, if you’re going to be doing guest posting (and even if you’re not) make sure you have goals set up in Google Analytics so that you can see where your opt-ins are coming from. You’ll find that some guest posts are more valuable than others! Traffic doesn’t always equal opt ins and it’s impor tant to track what matters.

Heidi Thompsonevolve your wedding business

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The lovely Andreea Ayers, founder of Launch Grow Joy shared some great ideas for how product-based business owners can grow their email lists. If you have a product line definitely check out Andreea’s website, she teaches business owners how to get more traffic to their online stores using PR.

t i p s f o r p r o d u c t- b a s e d b u s i n e s s e s

Here are a few ways to increase your subscriber list:

Create an image to promote your offer and share it via social media and test out running an ad - even if you have a tiny budget. Just take consistent action to get

yourself in front of your audience.

Action to Take

Focusing on growing your email list as a product-based business owner is crucial to your business’ growth! Why? Because email allows you to start and grow a relationship with your subscribers that you can’t have with your web visitors.

Sending regular emails (whether it’s weekly, every other week or monthly) to your subscribers is a great way to connect with them on a deeper level, to share things that you might not be able to share on your website or social media and to invite your subscribers to reply and tell you what issues they’re looking to solve by using your products.

Offer a special offer or discount to anyone who signs up for your email list as an incentive.

Run a contest and require people to give you their email address for a chance to win one of your products.

Install a nicely designed popup on your site and ask visitors to subscribe to get an insider’s look into your company.

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pa rt f i v e

Engaging Your Subscribers

Ok, so now your subscribers are growing, yippee! But now what? You don’t know what to say, how much to give away, when to email etc. etc.

Don’t worry if you feel like this, because we’re going to create a plan of action for you!

Before we get star ted on making your plan there are a few impor tant things to cover that will help you to get the best results.

H o w f r e q u e n t ly s H o u l d i e m a i l m y l i s t ?

A lot of people feel confused as to when they should email their audience and so they keep putting it off. Here’s the thing, how often you email your audience is totally up to you!

If you want to email once a week or once a month, great! Nothing is set in stone - you can always change it up.

It really does help, however, if you know when and how often you’re going to email, because when you get intentional about it and have it planned out, it will help you to stick to it.

s o , H o w o f t e n a r e yo u g o i n g to e m a i l yo u r a u d i e n c e ?

w H at s H o u l d i s ay i n m y e m a i l s ?

(and how much should I give away for free?)

Now you know how frequently you’re going to email your audience, you need to decide what you’re going to say in your emails. A lot of people get hung up here - they’re not quite sure what to say, so they just put off emailing.

Another hang up people often have is, “how much should I give away for free?”

A mentor of mine once said, “you have to fire your big guns first”. Don’t worry about giving away too much, you have to wow your audience with what you’ve got, don’t hold back.

If you’re worried that you’ll give it all away and then have nothing left to give, think about Pat Flynn…

He produces so much amazing content and always

shares that whenever he creates new content, he strives for it to be epic. He’s always going above and beyond to share his experiences and knowledge and that’s why people love him.

The result of this isn’t that no one buys from him, because he gives too much away.

The result is that lots of people can’t wait to get closer to him and buy his products and go on his masterminds, because they already know how amazing he is.

I am one of those people. I love everything he shares, he always adds so much value.

That’s what we all need to do - add real value, in a way that is authentic and feels good.

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w H at H o w

If you’re still unsure as to what to share and what not to share, then there’s a good tip you can follow...

Often people will give lots of value sharing that “what”, and then the “how” is what people pay for.

This is usually what happens during webinars - exper ts will share great insights and tips for what people need to be doing, but they won’t necessarily spend time showing them exactly how to do it.

So get really clear on distinguishing between your what and your how:

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For example, I once sent out an email that said:

Getting back to your emails though, here are some other impor tant things to consider when emailing your list:

Set goals and objectives for each email - what transformation do you want your subscribers to have? What do action do you want them to take?

Decide what you’re going to say in your emails - make sure it resonates and aligns with your core business message (the hear t + soul).

Make your emails compelling - I’ve found that shor t, compelling emails get a much higher rate of engagement.

3 steps for managing your social media & how we schedule our FB posts

I hope these 3 things help you as much as they helped me :)

As we’re talking about social media, why not leave a comment at the bottom of the post and tell us which your preferred social media platform is and leave the link to your profile?

Have a wonderful week!

Carrie xx

Hi << Name >>,

I’m going to keep this shor t...

If it weren’t for these 3 things we’ve shared in this week’s video, about managing social media, I would have gone insane.

No joke.

Have a watch here and make sure you do them >>

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It was shor t and I gave people a compelling call to action and so the click through rate on this email was higher than average.

Here’s another example of an email with an above average click through rate:

When you’re writing your emails, read over them and ask yourself whether the message, the style and the tone resonate with your brand. You want to make sure that you’re really writing as YOURSELF. When your personality shines through, people will love you even more.

I find that great images in the email help to increase engagement - especially when people see what they’re going to access (whether it’s a screenshot of your video or a screenshot of a freebie you have for them). That being said, you can use pretty styled/stock photos too (like in the first image above).

Challenge & printable to kick star t 2015

Hi << Test First Name >>,

I’m so excited to share this week’s video with you!

I’m sharing the one thing I star ted doing that helps me to make progress, faster (simple, but ridiculously effective!).

AND, I’ve created a 30 day challenge & printable to go along with this video to help even more!

Watch the video & download the goods here >>

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This makes it easier for me to write my weekly emails, because I have an email formula I’m following. I don’t necessarily stick to it every time, but it’s there to guide me and to help me.

So come up with some kind of structure for your weekly emails - create a style that feels right for you. Your emails don’t need to be like anyone else’s.

s t r u c t u r i n g yo u r m a i l s

I follow a similar style for each weekly email I send out, which is:

Hi *name*

Intro line

Tell subscribers what I have for them (benefit driven)

Include clear call to action, “Watch here >>”

Include pretty image, which will compel people to want to click through

Sum up & say about leaving a comment (with another link to the post)

Sign off

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s u b j e c t l i n e s

A great subject line is the difference between getting lots of people to open your email and getting very few people to open your email, so it’s really impor tant you do your best.

So to help you write amazing subject lines every time, here are some tips from the wonderful Lacy Boggs, she works undercover as a ghostblogger and teaches the tricks of the trade to DIY bloggers. Check out her own blog at

When it comes to writing amazing headlines, Lacy is the best, so definitely take your lead from her. In my experience, writing subject lines and headlines is tough, because you have to get them right… so often I’ve found myself going backwards and forwards, not really knowing what the best subject line/headline is!

That’s why I star ted to follow a formula.

My formula consists of thinking about the benefit people will get from reading my email.

I like to follow the 4 U’s. Subject lines should be:




and ultra-specific

Your subject line is a promise that the email/blog post fulfills. It needs to tell the reader how the email/article will be Useful to her. You need to add a time element if possible, to make the article

Urgent. It should be as Unique as possible, so you stand out from the crowd, and it needs to be Ultra-specific , so people can tell right away if the article is what they’re looking for.


“How to Write Headlines” is not as good as

“Before You Write Another Blog, Get These 4 Tips for Better Headlines from a Pro-Blogger”

Finally, make it part of your process to write lots of versions of your headline. I like to use the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer to compare different versions of my headline to see which I like best.

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Here are some of my subject lines that have worked well:

As you can see, they’re all benefit driven to some extent.

You know your audience the best, so what would compel them to open up and read?

• Avoid anything that sounds spammy

• Don’t come up with a headline that’s misleading, it’ll annoy people

• Give yourself time to come up with a subject line, if you rush it last minute, chance are that your subject lines will be a bit hit and miss.

• Try to keep them fair ly shor t (under 50 characters, if possible).

Behind the scenes of my business hub

Reaching a big goal (that you keep putting off!) + printable :)

3 tools to save you massive amounts of time + printable

Challenge + printable to kick star t 2015 :)

c r e at i n g yo u r e m a i l c o n t e n t p l a n

Being consistent with emailing your subscribers can get a little overwhelming, so the best way to stay on top of it all, effectively, is to make sure you create a content plan, so you know what you’re going to email people about.

Ok, so now let’s create a plan of action for you...

c o n t e n t p l a n f o r yo u r e m a i l s

s u b j e c t l i n e c tat y p e o f

c o n t e n tg o a l

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e n g ag i n g w i t H yo u r a u d i e n c e t H ro u g H a w e l c o m e c a m pa i g n

Another thing you can (and should) do to keep engaging with your subscribers is to set up a series of welcome emails. This could be as shor t as 3 emails or it could be a welcome series that goes on forever! Pat Flynn has lots and lots of emails he sends out as par t of his subscriber campaign - I would highly recommend signing up over at Smar t Passive Income and pay attention to his emails.

• Sharing tips

• Sharing oppor tunities

• Sharing content (blog post/video - some people will repurpose their blog posts and add them to a nur ture campaign, so when new people sign up they see previous content)

• Sharing freebies

• Asking for feedback

• Trying to get to know the subscriber on a more personal level

• Telling your audience more of what they can get from your - what you can offer them/help them with

• Invite to a hangout/workshop/webinar

• Give them a coupon

y o u r W e lc o m e

c a m pa i g n c o u l d

c o n s i s t o f

t H e f o l lo W i n g

t y p e s o f

e m a i ls

c o n t i n u e d. . .

s u b j e c t l i n e c tat y p e o f

c o n t e n tg o a l

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Again, you want to focus on over delivering and adding lots of value. This is about building the relationship with your new subscribers.

So for example, when someone signs up to the main FEA mailing list, here’s what they get initially:

Immediately after sign up: Welcome email + goodies + sharing what FEA is about and what we provide and how they can get started.

(this is included earlier on in the workbook)

Day 3: Let’s connect :)

Day 5: Share your story + get more involved

Day 10: Do you have any questions?

Day 20: Invite to guest post

Day 30: How have you been getting on?

Also, throughout this time they’ll also be receiving our weekly emails with our latest video in it.

s o , H o w a r e yo u g o i n g to w e l c o m e yo u r s u b s c r i b e r s ?

Plan out your welcome campaign in the space below:

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b l o g p o s t v i d e o s u rv e y

t i p q u i zq u ot e /

i n s p i r at i o n

q u e s t i o n o p p o rt u n i t y o f f e r

w e b i n a r f r e e b i e

p e r s o n a l s to ry, w i t H s i g n i f i c a n t m e s s a g e to

i t

a c t i o n to ta k e

Plan out the next 4 emails you’re going to send to your subscribers.

t y p e s o f c o n t e n t yo u c o u l d u s e i n yo u r e m a i l s :

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Hopefully by now your head should be buzzing with ideas and ways to build more subscribers and engage with your list.

If you have any questions about anything please head over to the Facebook group and ask away, Use #AskCarrie so I can find them easily.

Now the challenge is for you to put everything into action, so you can star t seeing results:

• Create your opt-ins (freebies and just signup options with no freebies)

• Optimise your website to get more conversions

• Use social media to get new subscribers (Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)

• Use Facebook ads

• Keep your subscribers engaged with an amazing welcome campaign and regular emails

• Go out of your way to add value and delight your audience!

Good luck!

t H e r e i s a n e m a i l t e m p l at e f o r yo u to u s e b e l o w


• Make sure you add lots of value.

• Make sure your message resonates with your brand - keep it all aligned.

• Be compelling.

• Make sure the reply email is correct (no one likes the noreply@ emails)

• Make sure your name is formatted correctly, so people can easily see who the email is from.

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e m a i l t e m p l at e

w H at ’ s t H e k e y b e n e f i t o f yo u r e m a i l to yo u r s u b s c r i b e r s ?

a m a z i n g s u b j e c t l i n e :

s u m m a r i s e w H at yo u wa n t to s ay :

w H at i s t H e a c t i o n yo u wa n t p e o p l e to ta k e o n c e t H e y ’ v e o p e n e d yo u r e m a i l ? H o w a r e yo u g o i n g to g e t t H e m to ta k e t H at a c t i o n ?