how to contact the acha area offices whqdqwviluvw · achaa is one year repairs spent £3.8 year we...

Tenants at Cragroy sheltered housing complex in Dunoon were given a new planted area to commemorate ACHA’s first birthday. Pictured with tenants are members of the Cowal & Bute Area Committee and Susanne Gilbride, Area Housing Manager. How To Contact the ACHA Area Offices Helensburgh & Lomond telephone 01436 658700 31 James Street, Helensburgh G84 8AS [email protected] Cowal telephone 01369 708688 Dolphin Hall, Manse Avenue, Dunoon PA23 8DQ [email protected] Bute telephone 01700 501314 Union Street, Rothesay PA20 0HD [email protected] Mid Argyll telephone 01546 604800 Dalriada House, Lochgilphead PA31 8ST [email protected] Kintyre telephone 01586 559055 Old Quay Head, Campbeltown PA28 6ED [email protected] Islay telephone 01496 301312 Jamieson Street, Bowmore PA43 7HP [email protected] Oban, Lorn and Isles telephone 01631 567962 Albany Street, Oban PA34 4AW [email protected] Mull telephone 01688 302051 Breadalbane Street, Tobermory, Mull PA75 6PX Get in touch …. If you have any comments or queries about this newsletter or any of the information contained in it please contact: Gillian McInnes, Community Development Manager tel: 01546 604088 63 – 65 Chalmers Street, Ardrishaig, Argyll PA30 8DX Frost Precaution Information on how to avoid frost damage Advice Action If you would like to know what effect very cold weather will have on your home, advice and assistance is always available from ACHA. Should you wish to talk to a member of staff regarding the workings of the water system in your house or to report any defect due to cold weather, please contact: ACHA Repair Hotline Freephone 0800 028 2755 Frost Precaution Information on how to avoid frost damage Advice Assistance Action If you would like to know what effect very cold weather will have on your home, advice and assistance is always available from ACHA. Should you wish to talk to a member of staff regarding the workings of the water system in your house or to report any defect due to cold weather, please contact: ACHA Repair Hotline Freephone 0800 028 2755 Keep Warm This Winter As the weather gets colder ACHA urges all tenants to stay warm. All area offices have copies of the above leaflet on how to avoid burst pipes etc. so give us a call if you would like advice. ACHA Insures a Winner !! Pictured right is Miss Cunning- ham from Islay who was the lucky winner picked out of the prize draw for a years worth of Home Contents Insurance. Handing over the new insur- ance policy is ACHA’s Area Housing Manager, Iona MacPhail. Two runner-up prizes of half price insurance for a year were won by Miss McGillivray and Mrs McInally both from Oban. Congratulations to all the winners and we hope that this will bring peace of mind that in the event of an unforeseen incident your homes are fully covered by the new insurance policies. The pol- icy being offered by ACHA for both ten- ants and former tenants is underwritten by Norwich Union and is fantastic value for money. If you would like a quote or more information please contact Marie on 01546 604575 or pop into your local ACHA office and pick up a booklet. Pictured cutting ACHA’s first birthday cake is Norman Beaton, Chair of ACHA’s Board together with some Board members, Alastair MacGregor (Chief Executive) and SFHA (Scottish Federation of Housing Associations) Chief Executive, Jacqui Watt (fourth from right). Inside this issue: ACHA is one year old on the 21st No- vember and by the end of the year we will have spent £3.8 million on repairs with a staggering 30,000 repairs or- ders logged. We will also have spent £12.8 million on im- provements to ten- ants homes in the first of a six year programme. December 2007 Putting Tenants First Happy Birthday ACHA Chief Executives comments 2 New Board of Management 2 Repairs - one number 2 ACHA’s first regeneration 3 Low Energy Light bulbs 3 Don’t go in to Debt for Christmas 3 Keep Warm This Winter New planted area for tenants Contact Us 4 4 4 Ins A ACH Isla ham from Pictured right n e Putting T e inner !! sures a W ay who was the ng- is Miss Cunni nants First Inside Decem Chief Ex this issue: mber 2007 i t i 2 i i w T Tw MacPhail. Housing Mana cy is ance poli Handing over Home Conten prize draw for lucky winner p Isla ham from f zes o o runner-up pri w , Iona ager Area s ACHA A’ the new insur- s Insurance. nt r a years worth of cked out of the pi ay who was the b f of hal en m com Chief Ex m Manage New Boa ber m nu Repairs ACHA’s nts ives t i xecu 2 t n e m of ard 2 - one 2 first 3 by the new ins incident your h mind that in th we hope that ation Congratul from Oban. Miss McGillivr price insuranc Th icies. surance pol y cove homes are full he event of an unfore this will bring peace ns to all the winners ray and Mrs McInally ce for a year were wo he pol- ered eseen of and y both on by million on will have s end of the vember an old on the is o ACHA A airs rep spent £3.8 year we nd by the 21st No- one year regenera Light bul Low Ene a Christm Debt for t go Don n atio lbs ergy 3 as in to 3 fice a of f ACHA A on 01546 604 more informat . If for money by Norwich Un s and form ant fer icy being of ff by the new ins ck up a bookle and pi 4575 or pop into your act M tion please cont ke a quo ould li you w c asti nion and is fant s is underw mer tenant for both ACHA A red by Th icies. surance pol et. r local Marie ote or ue val written h ten- he pol- e s hom ant provement i £12.8 mill also have ders logge 30,000 rep ag with a st million on es in the to ten- s t on on im- spent will e ed. W e irs or- a p ggering airs rep Contact area for New plan This Win Keep Wa Us tenants nted nter arm 4 4 4 p p a H A H C A y a ay d th r i B y p AC cak Pic program first of a s A HA’s Board together wi ke is Norman Beaton, C ctured cutting ACHA’s fir me. m six year th some Chair of rst birthday from Chi Fed (Ch Boa m right). utive, Jacqui W ief Exec deration of Housing Ass hief Executive) and SFH ard members, Alastair M Watt (fourth sociations) HA (Scottish MacGregor

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Page 1: How To Contact the ACHA Area Offices WHQDQWVILUVW · ACHAA is one year repairs spent £3.8 year we nd by the 21st No-one year regeneratio Low Energy Christma Don’t go in to ation

Tenants at Cragroy sheltered housing complex in Dunoon were given a new planted area to commemorate ACHA’s first birthday.

Pictured with tenants are members of the Cowal & Bute Area Committee and Susanne Gilbride, Area Housing Manager.

How To Contact the ACHA Area Offices

Helensburgh & Lomond telephone 01436 658700 31 James Street, Helensburgh G84 8AS [email protected] telephone 01369 708688 Dolphin Hall, Manse Avenue, Dunoon PA23 8DQ [email protected] telephone 01700 501314 Union Street, Rothesay PA20 0HD [email protected] Argyll telephone 01546 604800 Dalriada House, Lochgilphead PA31 8ST [email protected] telephone 01586 559055 Old Quay Head, Campbeltown PA28 6ED [email protected] Islay telephone 01496 301312 Jamieson Street, Bowmore PA43 7HP [email protected], Lorn and Isles telephone 01631 567962 Albany Street, Oban PA34 4AW [email protected] telephone 01688 302051 Breadalbane Street, Tobermory, Mull PA75 6PX

GGeett iinn ttoouucchh ……..If you have any comments or queries about this newsletter or any of the information contained in it please contact: Gillian McInnes, Community Development Manager tel: 01546 604088 63 – 65 Chalmers Street, Ardrishaig, Argyll PA30 8DX

Frost Precaution Information on how to avoid frost damage

Advice Action

If you would like to know what effect very cold weather will have on your home, advice and assistance is always available from ACHA. Should you wish to talk to a member of staff regarding the workings of the water system in your house or to report any defect due to cold weather, please contact:

ACHA Repair Hotline

Freephone 0800 028 2755

Frost Precaution Information on how to avoid frost damage

Advice Assistance Action

If you would like to know what effect very cold weather will have on your home, advice and assistance is always available from ACHA. Should you wish to talk to a member of staff regarding the workings of the water system in your house or to report any defect due to cold weather, please contact:

ACHA Repair Hotline

Freephone 0800 028 2755

Keep Warm This Winter As the weather gets colder ACHA urges all tenants to stay warm. All area offices have copies of the above leaflet on how to avoid burst pipes etc. so give us a call if you would like advice.

ACHA Insures a Winner !! Pictured right is Miss Cunning-ham from Islay who was the lucky winner picked out of the prize draw for a years worth of Home Contents Insurance. Handing over the new insur-ance policy is ACHA’s Area Housing Manager, Iona MacPhail. Two runner-up prizes of half price insurance for a year were won by Miss McGillivray and Mrs McInally both from Oban. Congratulations to all the winners and we hope that this will bring peace of mind that in the event of an unforeseen incident your homes are fully covered by the new insurance policies. The pol-icy being offered by ACHA for both ten-ants and former tenants is underwritten by Norwich Union and is fantastic value for money. If you would like a quote or more information please contact Marie on 01546 604575 or pop into your local ACHA office and pick up a booklet.

Pictured cutting ACHA’s first birthday cake is Norman Beaton, Chair of ACHA’s Board together with some Board members, Alastair MacGregor (Chief Executive) and SFHA (Scottish Federation of Housing Associations) Chief Executive, Jacqui Watt (fourth from right).

Inside this issue:

ACHA is one year old on the 21st No-vember and by the end of the year we will have spent £3.8 million on repairs with a staggering 30,000 repairs or-ders logged. We will also have spent £12.8 million on im-provements to ten-ants homes in the

first of a six year programme.

December 2007 Putting Tenants First

Happy Birthday ACHA

Chief Executives comments


New Board of Management


Repairs - one number


ACHA’s first regeneration


Low Energy Light bulbs


Don’t go in to Debt for Christmas


Keep Warm This Winter

New planted area for tenants Contact Us




Insures a WAACH

Islay who was the ham fromPictured right is Miss Cunni

nePutting TTe

inner !! sures a W

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Inside this issue:

December 2007

Chief Execu

this issue:

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Light bulbs Low Energy

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Contact Us

area for tenants New planted

This WinterKeep Warm


tenants nted






ACHA’s Board together with some cake is Norman Beaton, Chair of Pictured cutting ACHA’s first birthday

programfirst of a six year


HA’s Board together with some ke is Norman Beaton, Chair of ctured cutting ACHA’s first birthday

me. msix year

th some Chair of rst birthday

from right). Chief ExecFederation of Housing Associations) (Chief Executive) and SFHA (Scottish Board members, Alastair MacGregor

m right). utive, Jacqui Watt (fourth ief Exec

deration of Housing Associations) hief Executive) and SFHA (Scottish ard members, Alastair MacGregor


Watt (fourth sociations) HA (Scottish MacGregor

Page 2: How To Contact the ACHA Area Offices WHQDQWVILUVW · ACHAA is one year repairs spent £3.8 year we nd by the 21st No-one year regeneratio Low Energy Christma Don’t go in to ation

New Board of Management

It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since the transfer on the 21st

November 2006. It has been a busy year and by the end of March 2008 we hope to have put in 1,910 new kitchens and bathrooms, new windows and doors in 397 homes and 402 new heating systems. We will also be starting roof replacements and roughcast renewals to 190 homes. The Association was very pleased to introduce the grass cutting service for elderly and dis-abled tenants which has proved very popular. The Association also set up our community grant scheme which will pay up to £300 to voluntary groups who work with ACHA for the benefit of communities. The Association has

been busy taking forward the first of our new build housing as you can see on the opposite page. Since transfer ACHA has let 440 homes which in itself makes a contribution to meeting housing need. There have been challenges in the first year, notably dealing with the scale of ground maintenance and the backlog of repairs. We are hopeful that in dealing with 30,000 repairs in year one, this will have dealt with the catch-up and with respect to grounds maintenance we have much clearer information now on what ACHA has responsibility for, which should be reflected in a better service next year.

Could I finish on a personal note and wish you and yours all the very best over the festive season AAllaassttaaiirr MMaaccGGrreeggoorr (Chief Executive)

At ACHA’s AGM (annual general meeting) held recently in Inveraray a new Board of Management was elected. Thanks must go to the outgoing Board who have worked extremely hard to see ACHA set up and go through stock transfer last November. Particular thanks to Professor Colin Davidson from Ardfern who retired from the position of Secretary. ACHA is delighted to see re-elected as Chair, Norman Beaton, a tenant from Ardrishaig. Filling the post of Vice Chair is Gail Dow from Kilkenzie (Kintyre) and Councillor Rory Colville takes up the vacancy of Secretary. Many thanks also to all Members of the Association who attended ACHA’s first AGM. Membership of ACHA entitles you to vote at the AGM and to receive ACHA’s Annual Report. The £1 for life Membership Application Form is available at any ACHA office or call Fiona on 01546 60 4095 to have one sent out to you.

Now Only One Number

You will have seen in previous newslet-ters that we advertised our Repairs Freephone number alongside a num-ber to call for ‘out of hours’ emergencies. This is now just one number so call our Freephone number to report a


Freephone 0800 028 2755 Please note that if you call this number from a mobile phone you will be charged for the call.

Remember to ask for a Repairs Satis-faction form after your repair has been

done and tell us what you think.

roof replacements and roughcasdoors in 397 homes and 402 new heating shope to have put in 1,910 new kitNovember 2006. It has been a busy year and by the end of March 2008 we It’s hard to believe that a year has

st renewaland roughcass and 402 new heating s

hens and bathrooms, new windows and cn 1,910 new kitt has been a busy year and by the end of March 2008 we

passed since the transfer on the 21that a year has

s to 190 homes. The Association also be starting ystems. We will s

nd bathrooms, new windows and and by the end of March 2008 we since the transfer on the 21

ssociation be starting dows and h 2008 we

ste 21

year one, this will havmaintenance and the backlog of repairs. We are need. There have been challenges Since transfer ACHA has let 440 homes which in itbeen busy taking forward the first of our new

e dealt with the catch-up ill havnd the backlog of repairs. We are

in the first year, notably dealave been challenges ACHA has let 440 homes which in itg forward the first of our new

who work with ACHA for the benefit ofour community grant scheme which will abled tenants which has proved very populwas very pleased to introduce the grass cuttiroof replacements and roughcas

and with respect to grounds maintenancatch-up hopeful that in dealings. We are

the first year, notably dealself makes a contribution to meeting housins which in it

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h has proved very populo introduce the grass cutti

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ing with the scale of ground eala contribution to meeting housinyou can see on the opposit

mmunities. The Association has ay up to £300 to voluntary groups

slar. The Association alng service for elderly and dis-utti

s to 190 homes. The Association

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gng housine page. posit

ation has ry groups so set up

y and dis-ssociation

New Board of Management

e nexcbetter servimuch clearer informatiyear one, this will hav

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the festive season Could I finish on a personal note and wish you and yours all the very best over

t year. exon now on what ACHA has reformati

e dealt with the catch-up ill hav

riririattataatasaasassasllAAve season ersonal note and wish you and yours all the very best over

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ng Board who have worked outgoiThanks must go to the elected.

a new Board of Management was meeting) held recently in Inveraray



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to Professor Colin Davidson from last November

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Now On

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previous newslet-seen in

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our Freephone number to report a This is now just

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Annual Report. s’ACHA

to you. 46 60 4095 to have

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Campbeltown Regeneration Project took a step further recently when around 150 local people came along to talk to ACHA staff and the design team and see draft house designs and layouts. The proposals are for the former Parliament Place and Broad Street sites. A Steering Group of local people have been in-volved from the beginning of this project.

A Brighter Future ….. Low energy light bulbs use 80% less electricity and used around the house save you lots of money (an average of £9 per year each). They last around 12 times longer than normal bulbs also saving you money. Different sizes and shapes of low energy bulbs are being offered now along with a softer glow appearance allowing them to be used anywhere round your home including table lamps. ACHA tenants in sheltered housing and all new ACHA tenants are being given two low energy light bulbs (some conditions apply). The initiative is a partnership between ACHA and Scottish Gas and is designed to encourage more people to use low energy bulbs.

Mr Ferguson from Caledonian Court in Ardrishaig receiving his new light bulbs from sheltered housing Warden, Bell Hatton.

Don’t go into debt for Christmas …….. Scotwest Credit Union offers a brilliant savings account for Christmas 2008 - you can start paying in from late November so now is the time. The application form (pictured right) is enclosed with this newsletter. You can pay a weekly or monthly contribution to this through any ACHA office or better still, set up a direct debit from your bank account. There are local credit unions that may be able to offer a similar savings scheme:

South Kintyre Credit Union tel. 01586 55 3368 Islay and Jura Credit Union tel. 01496 30 2225 Bute Credit Union tel. 01700 50 2000

150 local people came along to tCampbeltown Regene

aople came along to tration Project wn Regene

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volved from the beginning of this project. Place and Broad S

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the beginning of this project. SAAtes. treet siroad S

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project. oGroup of lteering S

The proposals are fo

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and used around the house Low energy light bul..

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newlamps. Abe used anywhere round yoalong with a softer glow appshapes of low energy bulbulbs also savieach). They last around save you lots of money

ACHA tenants are being given two low energy HA tenants in sheltered housing and all Cps. A

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pes of low energy bulng you money. Different sizes and s also savi

h). They last around (e you lots of money

being given two low energy sheltered housing and all

nncludiur home id yoearance allowing them to appare being offered now bsl

oney. Different sizes and 12 times longer than normal an average of £9 per year

energy and all g table

g them to d now es and n normal

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rden, Bell Hatton. housing Wanew light bulbs from sheltered Court in Ardrishaig receMr Ferguson from Cale

Scotwest Credit Union ofDon’t go into debt for Christmas ……..

energy bulbs. designed to encourage morepartnership between ACHA and Scottish Gas and is light bulbs (some conditions applneww

, Bell Hatton. rom sheltered

iving his aig recedonian m Cale

a brillfers edit Union offfers o debt for Christmas ……..

gy bulbs. gned to encourage morenership between ACHA and Scottish Gas and is bulbs (some conditions applACHA tenants are being given two low energy

iant savings account rillas ……..

e to use low peoplmoreHA and Scottish Gas and is

he initiatiy). Tons applbeing given two low energy


ow s and is

ve is aiatienergy

your bank account. ofACHAAany

y a weekly or monthly contributiacan p(pictured right) is enclosed with this newsletterNovember so now ifor Christmas 2008 - you can

There are local credit unions that ccount. set up a direct debit from fice or better still,ffice or better still,

eekly or monthly contributiht) is enclosed with this newsletter

The applicatithe time. so now iasts 2008 - you can

cal credit unions that et up a direct debit from

on to this through tributiuoYYo.his newsletter

on form he applicatiying in from late aart p


at om ugh


Bute Credit Union Islay and Jura Credit UnSouth Kintyre Credit Union tel

may be able to of

tel. 01700 50 2000 t Union ion tel. 01496 30 2225 ura Credit Un

yre Credit Union tel

r savings scheme: afer a similto offfer a simil

l. 01700 50 2000 l. 01496 30 2225 . 01586 55 3368 l

vings scheme: