how to deal with and prevent joint pain - discount blaze€¦ · lose weight this one should be...

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected] How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain Joint Pain is not something to look forward to; unfortunately, someday we're all likely to encounter painful, achy, degraded joints. As sad as that realization is, and as miserable living with it may become, like all things, there is a silver lining. That's right; you can be one of the few who mitigate many Joint Problems by taking steps to help prevent them from occurring in the first place. What about those of us who already have Joint Pain? I'm glad you asked, because there's good news for you too! The same products and steps that can help prevent future Joint Pain will also go a long way in alleviating current Joint Problems. Think of it like car wax. Not only does the wax goes a long way in preventing oxidation from ever forming, thus keeping the car looking brand new, it also brings back the luster in a car's paint that has already been oxidized. In other words, whether you currently suffer from, or just want to avoid the inevitable future of having Joint Pain, be pro-active! There are several tips and products I'll mention below to help you achieve this, which have gone a long way in helping me overcome many Joint Problems. The key is to find what makes the most sense for you and to try out, and then consistently incorporate a few of them into your routine. For example, many of the products have multiple health benefits, such as Fish Oil and Epsom Salts , so it may make sense just to include them in your routine for your overall health.

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Page 1: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain

Joint Pain is not something to look forward to; unfortunately, someday we're all likely to encounter painful, achy, degraded joints. As sad as that realization is, and as miserable living with it may become, like all things, there is a silver lining.

That's right; you can be one of the few who mitigate many Joint Problems by taking steps to help prevent them from occurring in the first place.

What about those of us who already have Joint Pain?

I'm glad you asked, because there's good news for you too! The same products and steps that can help prevent future Joint Pain will also go a long way in alleviating current Joint Problems. Think of it like car wax. Not only does the wax goes a long way in preventing oxidation from ever forming, thus keeping the car looking brand new, it also brings back the luster in a car's paint that has already been oxidized.

In other words, whether you currently suffer from, or just want to avoid the inevitable future of having Joint Pain, be pro-active! There are several tips and products I'll mention below to help you achieve this, which have gone a long way in helping me overcome many Joint Problems. The key is to find what makes the most sense for you and to try out, and then consistently incorporate a few of them into your routine.

For example, many of the products have multiple health benefits, such as Fish Oil and Epsom Salts, so it may make sense just to include them in your routine for your overall health.

Page 2: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Tips for Healthy Joints:

Avoid Corticosteroid Injections

They're just not good for your joints. In fact, studies have proven that quarterly Corticosteroid (Steroid) Injections for knee osteoarthritis have lead to an increase in cartilage loss over the course of 2 years. If that weren't bad enough, this study also concluded that the injection shots did not provide any clinical benefit; talk about a “lose-lose” situation. Speaking of Steroids, stay away from other types as well.

Avoid Anabolic Steroids

There are several great reasons to stay "Natural", which I'm a huge proponent of, and Healthy Joints are only one of these reasons. Sure, if you're 18 you probably don't care, but spend any significant time in the gym, or in life for that matter, and you will most definitely begin to care about having Healthy Joints!

As far as Anabolic Steroids go, there are two things at play here. First and foremost, there is some compelling evidence; though not yet irrefutable, that Anabolic Steroids degrade your connective tissue. There may be kind of a chicken or egg thing going though, which takes us to the other thing at play. What may actually be causing the Joint Pain is the rapidity of strength gains. It seems kind of ironic to complain about that though, since it sounds like gaining a huge amount of strength in a very short period would be pretty Awesome!

Awesomeness aside, think of it like throwing a Supercharger on a car's engine that doesn't have Forged Pistons (I know another car analogy, right?). Sure it'll be fast, but it won't last long! In other words, it's a recipe for disaster, which is the perfect segue to our next tip; lighten the load in the gym.

Science says Lighten the Load

It's a given that lifting progressively heavier weights goes a long way in improving muscle size and strength; however, all that extra weight sure does take its toll on your joints after a while. In fact, what you do to build size and strength has an opposite effect on the joints, which will lead to Joint Pain over time. That's right, lifting heavy weights actually reduces the mass of cartilage; Bummer, I know!

A team of scientists discovered that using weights heavy enough to prevent you from completing 8 or more repetitions per set can cause inflammation in the joints that not only leads to cartilage deconstruction, but also inhibits reconstruction.

It seems that heavy weights cause cell-signaling molecules called cytokines to initiate a chain of events that result in the release of chemicals that appear to attack cartilage; a type of attack that is similar to arthritis. Scary Stuff!

Page 3: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Chemical reactions aside, the heavier the load the greater the toll it places on various other support structures within the body. With that said, don't give up the heavy weights, at least not entirely. The previously mentioned research team also found something very interesting. They established that training with light weight (15-20 reps per set) not only prevented this cartilage deconstruction, but actually enhanced its reconstruction! It's easy to assume that going lighter and giving your joints a break from heavy lifting will start to make them feel better, but apparently that is not entirely the reason why.

How Should I Train Then?

Utilize both high reps and low reps. Switch up the routine. Heavy weights definitely have their place, but you may just want to do "Pump Work" for a couple of weeks every once in a while. You can even incorporate a couple of Light Days in your routine during the week that is offset with the Heavy Days. I'm currently doing something similar with my training, check out my High Rep Workout for an example.

Properly Warm-Up

Mild Joint Pain is likely no cause for concern; in fact, movement helps re-lubricate painful joints and you’ll almost immediately begin to feel better after you warm-up. However, if you experience sharp or severe Joint Pain, it’s advised that you stop the exercise causing it, as it may be a sign that the Joint Damage is so severe it may need professional rehabilitation. When in doubt ask your doctor.

Light stretching, speed-walking on the treadmill, body-weight squats, marching in place, Jumping Rope, Foam Rolling and even light Yoga-type movements will all go a long way in helping you properly warm-up and prevent injuries during your workout.

Personally, I prefer light stretching and doing various movements from the “Foundation” as part of my warm-up routine. I usually save the Foam Rolling and Longer Stretches for after the workout.

Lose Weight

This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing on your joints. When looking to lose weight, I actually prefer the term "fat loss" over "weight loss", as it entails a different sort of approach.

It should be your priority to maintain as much lean muscle as you can. Some of the diets out there are strictly concerned with rapid weight loss, and usually achieve this if followed correctly.

The problem with such quick results is that the majority of the weight loss is water, then muscle and fat. Not only that, these kind of diets aren't usually sustainable long-term, or even healthy for that matter.

Page 4: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

You're going to need to reduce your calories to aid your "fat loss". If you're going to cut your calories, a good way to ensure that you preserve your lean muscle mass is to supplement with Branched Chain Amino Acids (go ahead and check out my article on BCAAs).

Proper diet and exercise will go a long way in not only helping you shed, but also keep off the pounds. For an extra boost, there are several fat loss supplements available that can help. One of the products I like a lot is Lean Mode from Evlution Nutrition. It's definitely one of the healthier options out there as it's stimulant-free. It contains Green Coffee Bean Extract, CLA, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Garcinia Cambogia Extract and Green Tea Extract.

Foam Rollers

Foam Rolling has become quite popular over the last few years. I remember starting out with weight training over 20 years ago and there wasn’t a Foam Roller in sight; in fact, I'm not sure anyone used or even heard of them yet. Come to think of it, there weren’t really even any around 10 years ago, which is in stark contrast what you'll find at the gym nowadays; you practically can’t turn a corner without bumping into one.

Speaking of the Foam Roller in the gym, they're most likely pretty disgusting as I bet they rarely, if ever, get cleaned. Not only that, they're likely degraded from heavy overuse and from being tossed around everywhere. With that said, I recommend you get your own; in fact, they make Smaller 13x6 inch Foam Rollers that are perfect and small enough to fit in your Gym Bag.

Another very good option that'll really help you get in those nooks and crannies are Lacrosse Balls; these are usually recommended after you have grown a tolerance from using Firmer Foam Rollers first. Use them to really focus on a small area, such as deep tissue work on the glutes, pecs, feet and more.

The Importance of Foam Rolling

While lifting weights will help keep you “looking young”, foam rolling will help keep you “feeling young”; which is equally important. What you’re essentially doing is giving yourself a Myofascial Release, sort of like what a trained masseuse will do for you; the only difference is that you won't go broke getting it done every day.

Page 5: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Fascia is the connective tissue running through your body that surrounds and separates your muscles, joints and organs. It also helps cushion your joints from impact. If it’s tight, muscle and Joint Pain can result. Think of those knots you feel that give you discomfort in your muscles as well as Joint Pain. The Myofascial Release helps bring more fluid back into the fascia, which helps the joints stay cushioned. It also helps break up and release toxins, so drink plenty of water when you foam roll.

How to Perform

Relax into it, don’t tense up, and work the muscle over, back and forth. Utilize different angles and you’ll really start to feel it “breakdown”. Funny enough, it's actually a skill you'll develop over time. Depending on the muscle, it can be excruciating, so you’ll have to build a tolerance, and it's recommended you start with one of the Softer Foam Rollers. It's a good idea to keep one of the Larger 24x6 inch Foam Rollers for use at home and one of the Smaller 13x6 inch Foam Rollers for use in the gym (which can easily fit in your gym bag).


Stretching will help lubricate, enhance, and maintain good range-of-motion in your joints. All this goes a long way towards alleviating Joint Pain. I place Stretching in the same category as Foam Rolling; as they both go a long way in making you "feel younger".

Start "Feeling Younger" now; get a Complete Mobility Kit (foam roller, lacrosse ball and stretching band).

Page 6: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Collagen is Key

The Department of Nutrition and Sports Nutrition for Athletics at Penn State University researched the effects of Collagen supplementation on athletes over the course of a 24 week period. The results were pretty damn impressive! They found that the majority of participants showed significant improvements in their Joint Pain as well as a decrease in factors that negatively impacted their athletic performance. Bear in mind, these are athletes who put a great deal of stress on their joints, and they showed Significant improvement, not minor; color me impressed!

Sounds good, how can I increase my Collagen?

I'm glad you asked, since lower levels of Collagen caused by aging can lead to a loss of cartilage and joint function resulting in Joint Pain. There are various ways you can increase your Collagen intake. Various Collagen supplements are available as well as supplements that help boost your body's own ability to produce of Collagen. Foods such as Bone Broth can also help.


Starting at age 21, our Collagen diminishes 1% per year. By age 30, the signs become visible. Scientists have searched for years for a method that would give the body the ability to regenerate its own Collagen, and ch-OSA, the active ingredient in BioSil makes this a reality.

I prefer the Liquid BioSil and usually place 5 drops in my beverage twice a day as part of my overall anti-aging routine. It smells a little "fishy", but it doesn't taste that bad.

BioSil Capsules are also available and likely more convenient for most people.

Page 7: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Bone Broth:

Parts of a cow or chicken, such as the bones, marrow, skin, feet, tendons and ligaments are simmered down, causing the release of Collagen, praline, glycine and glutamine. Bone Broth also contains many minerals in the forms that are easily absorbed by your body, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, silicon, sulphur and more.

Bone Broth also contains Chondroitin Sulfate and Glucosamine, two popular supplements used to help cure Joint Pain. Besides being delicious and nutritious, it's no surprise Bone Broth has been known to promote Healthy Joints, among other things.

What to look for?

Many of the store-bought "Stock" and "Broth" aren't actually real. For example, companies often use lab-produced meat flavors in bouillon cubes. This means that the "Broth" may taste good, but you're Not actually getting any of the health benefits.

Making your own fresh Bone Broth is ideal; however, it is time consuming and kind of a pain in the butt. If you don't have the time or motivation to make it yourself, one of the top broths you can currently buy is from Kettle & Fire. Great care is taken in the preparation and they use only the finest ingredients.

The formula is simple. Their Bone Broth is made only from hormone-free and antibiotic-free animals, organic vegetables, organic herbs, sea salt and peppercorn. The ingredients are slowly simmered down for 24 hours. It's simply Delicious, Natural and Healthy!

Check out their Beef Bone Broth (Grass-Fed and Pasture Raised) and their Chicken Bone Broth.

Collagen Peptides

Consuming nutrients is one thing, having your body actually absorb them is another thing. That's where Collagen Peptides come in. These small bioactive peptides are created by breaking down the molecular bonds between individual strands of Collagen. This makes a huge difference in the bioavailability and thus your body's ability to absorb this form of Collagen. But don't take my word for it, studies have actually shown that "Collagen peptides are absorbed, as evidenced by their presence in human blood 1-2 hours after digestion".

One of my favorite times to take Collagen Peptides is after my workout. I simply add them to my Whey Protein shake for an extra recovery boost.

Find a great deal on high quality Collagen Peptides.

Page 8: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Collagen Protein

Comprised of the same amino acids as Collagen Peptides; however, it contains a higher molecular weight. This roughly means the bioavailability isn't as high and that it won't mix quite as easily in cold water. It's usually used in soups, stews and desserts. As far as supplements go, make sure to go with the Collagen Peptides.

Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM

Three proven ingredients that help build the cushy cartilage that acts as a shock absorber for your joints. They simply help you kiss Joint pain away.

Glucosamine Sulfate

Glucosamine Sulfate helps stimulate Healthy Joints through its ability to act as a component of and stimulate the formation of cartilage glycosaminoglycans as well as the hyaluronic acid backbone that is essential for the formation of proteoglycans. Scientific mumbo-jumbo aside, know that there are several studies that prove the effectiveness of Glucosamine.

Keep in mind that it is sourced from Shellfish, so if you're allergic to Shellfish, definitely avoid it.

Chondroitin Sulfate

Chondroitin Sulfate has been shown to inhibit MMP-3 synthesis, which play an important role in the homeostasis of cartilage proteoglycans. It can also downplay MMP-13 in chondrocytes, which helps maintain the integrity of the articular cartilage matrix. In simple terms, Chondroitin may slow the breakdown of cartilage.


MSM is one of nature's primary sources of Organic Dietary Sulfur that has been shown to work synergistically with Glucosamine and Chondroitin.

There are several studies that prove the effectiveness of Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM, which may help alleviate your Joint Pain.

Buy a high-quality product featuring Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM.


Two decades of weightlifting can take its toll, and I’ve had my share of achy joints from time to time. However, I’ve noticed some much-needed comfort from taking Celadrin, and highly recommend it to anyone I run across in the gym.

Page 9: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Proven to aid joint flexibility and relief, Celadrin is comprised of esterified fatty acid carbons and other active synergists. It has also been shown to work synergistically with Glucosamine and Fish Oil to provide even better results when dealing with Joint Pain.

Find a great deal on Celadrin.

Celadrin Cream is also available, which I prefer over other products such as Ben-Gay. It's perfect for massaging into achy joints and muscles.

Joint Support Sleeves

Whether it’s your Knee, Ankle, Wrist or Elbow, a Joint Support Sleeve will help increase blood flow and reduce Joint Pain. The compression encourages blood flow through the blood vessels and helps keep the joint warm. This goes a long way towards lessening Joint Pain and swelling during and after your workout, leading to better recovery. They can also provide extra support and relief for life's daily activities.

Knee Sleeves

One of the top companies that make Joint Support Sleeves is Rehband, which has been around since 1955. Their Knee Sleeve is actually patented and has been built in close collaboration with athletes, making it by far the cream of the crop.

Find out more about the Rehband Knee Sleeve.

Bear in mind, the Rehband products are all sold as single sleeves, so the price will actually be double if you want/need a pair.

While Rehband happens to be the top-of-the-line, and you definitely get what you pay for, there are other more affordable Knee Sleeves that are still very good. For example, Nordic Lifting makes a very high quality pair of Knee Sleeves for an affordable price.

Check out the Nordic Lifting Knee Sleeves.

Elbow Sleeves

Whether you're doing heavy pressing or pulling movements due to bodybuilding, weightlifting, powerlifting or cross fit, it's imperative you do what you can to reduce the wear and tear on your elbows.

Are your elbows already feeling a little tender? Then get some much-needed relief with Elbow Sleeves and start enjoying less Joint Pain. A high-quality Elbow Joint Support Sleeve can even be helpful for Tennis Elbow.

Page 10: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Buy a Rehband Elbow Sleeve.

Find out more about a pair of Nordic Elbow Sleeves.

Wrist Sleeves

Joint Pain in the wrist is another popular area that tends to give people problems for a variety of reasons. Whether the Joint Pain and discomfort stems from heavy lifting, playing golf or just typing in an office all day, a Wrist Sleeve can at least help alleviate the Joint Pain.

I actually prefer the less cumbersome Wrist Sleeves (the ones that don't wrap around your actual hand). One such pair is made by a company called Pure Compression, and they're not only effective, but also pretty affordable.

Ankle Sleeves

Whether you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis or just have a mild ankle strain, Ankle Sleeves go a long way in reducing painful symptoms. They're also highly recommended for activities such as basketball, baseball, cross fit, soccer, hiking, running and more; basically, any activity that puts extra strain on your ankles.

It's important to not only find a product that provides adequate support, but one that is also comfortable. That's where PowerLix comes in. Whether you have meaty ankles or slender ones, their Ankle Sleeves are specially knitted to match different types of joints. Tight and form-fitting, they provide superior support and relief without compromising your mobility. The comfortable special fabric is designed to give you a smooth and soft feeling so that you can wear them all day long.

Page 11: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Check out the PowerLix Ankle Support Sleeves.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil, the Omega-3 Fatty Acids, DHA and EPA in particular, have a whole host of health benefits. Since this article is about Joint Pain, we'll focus on that. EPA and DHA can reduce inflammation; thereby reducing the swelling and pain in your joints. EPA and DHA also inhibit the expression of various proteins that contribute to Osteoarthritis. It's no surprise then that Omega-3s have been shown to decrease morning stiffness and Joint Pain.

Page 12: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

I personally use Carlson Norwegian Fish Oil and highly recommend it. It doesn't taste like fish (I get the lemon flavor) or leave fishy smelling burps (which is often a dead give-away that you're using a cheap low-quality oil). It's regularly tested (using Aoac International Protocols) for Freshness, Potency and Purity by an independent (meaning unbiased, which is very important here) FDA-registered Laboratory, which has found it to be free of detrimental levels of Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, PCBs and other contaminants. It's also processed and bottled in Norway, where oceans aren't ruined, like they are in many other parts of the world.

See more on Carlson's Finest Fish Oil here.

Get the Convenience of Carlson Fish Oil Capsules.

Krill Oil

While everyone sings the praises of Fish Oil (and for good reason); in many ways Krill Oil may actually be more beneficial. Although I recommend you try to get the majority of your nutrition from a healthy diet, the problem with getting your Omega 3 Fatty Acids from the fish you consume is that the fish has likely lived a long time.

Why is this a problem?

While you should be happy the fish enjoyed spreading it's fins and spending years of its life swimming around in the ocean prior to arriving on your dinner plate, you should also know that it's long life likely lead to the accumulation of various toxins, such as Mercury for example. In fact, it's no surprise Tuna is well-known to contain high levels of Mercury.

Another extra benefit of many Krill Oils is that they also often contain Astaxanthin. In fact, the ingestion of Astaxanthin from marine algae is what gives Krill its pinkish color. Some of the health benefits of this super food are that it's anti-inflammatory, helps fight fatigue (providing excellent recovery from exercise), supports eye health, helps clean up your body's cells, and also acts as a natural internal sunscreen.

Page 13: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

Just like Fish Oil, you get what you pay for. While you don't necessarily have to pay top dollar, I'd recommend avoiding the cheapest ones you can find. Not only will the dosage on the label be suspect, but the quality of the oil could even be toxic.

Here's a high-quality Antarctic Krill Oil with Astaxanthin.

Epsom Salt

There’s nothing more relaxing than soaking in a warm bath with Epsom Salts after a hard workout. It’s equally soothing and relaxing after a stressful day in general. The magical ingredient in Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulfate, and it has a whole host of benefits. Not only will it help reduce your muscle aches and Joint Pain, it will help draw toxins out of your body too. Also, it's a great way to increase your body's own levels of Magnesium. That's right; you can actually absorb it through your skin, which is pretty neat.

Don't think that's important? Well, bear in mind, the majority of the US population is deficient in magnesium, and it's likely that active individuals who work out and/or play sports are even more deficient. In fact, Magnesium supplements have been shown to "enhance exercise performance via increasing glucose availability in the blood, muscle, and brain during exercise".

Find a great deal on high-quality Epsom Salt.

Wrapping Up

I hope this article on Joint Pain has given you some actionable ideas and been informative. These Tips and Products have certainly gone a long way in helping me. I'm currently 37 years old and have been consistently training with weights and martial arts since I was 14.

While 37 is not necessarily old (of course it depends who you ask), spending 23 years in the gym consistently training will definitely put some wear and tear on your joints. When I say consistently by the way, I mean it; I do not take days off. If my current Training routine is 5 days a week, you can bet I'm at the gym 5 days a week, training for several hours at a time.

Okay, so now that you know what I've put my body through, I'd like to mention the products I personally use and vouch for.

Epsom Salt - I usually soak 2-3 days a week (after workouts) Celadrin (one of my essential supplements) Fish Oil (there are too many benefits Not to) Biosil (I'm trying to maintain my youth) Collagen Peptides (It's great for overall recovery after the workout)

Page 14: How to Deal with and Prevent Joint Pain - Discount Blaze€¦ · Lose Weight This one should be pretty obvious, as the more weight you're carrying around, the more stress you're placing

©2017, David Kurzhal [email protected]

As far as Support Sleeves go, I'm feeling pretty good right now, so I only occasionally use the Knee Sleeves on heavy leg days. Once in a while I'll use the Wrist Sleeves if they're feeling stiff.

Your author at 37, trying to maintain his youthfulness and currently happily living with less Joint Pain than he was 10 years ago.