how to manifest success


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Post on 14-Apr-2017



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Page 2: How to manifest success

If you want to know how to manifest success, here they are.

How To Manifest Success? There are many variations in the process of manifesting and manifestation but there are 6 principles which can be universally applied. Due to the heavenly grace, we are able to manifest our powerful thoughts towards reality. A vital part of heavenly grace is ‘loving acceptance.’

The Supreme power existing at the higher level of energy and thought is helping us in sending our goals and desires to our mind where thought is created.

– ☻ STEP 1: IntentionOur ‘good intention’ is the first step to successful manifestation.We all make conscious choices when we desire something. If you are not sure about what you want, then you should take a moment to imagine that you already have that thing with you. How do you feel about it? If you are unable to picturise it or feel it that means you don’t want it or it is not ready for it at that moment. Perhaps you may also feel that you don’t deserve it or can’t have for any reason.

Sometimes we deny ourselves to desire about a thing when we don’t get it and slowly we give up desiring or thinking about that thing. This happens because of fear of disappointment which undermines our desires or intentions. We don’t give the opportunity to ourselves to even make a try for it as we are afraid that we won’t achieve what we want. We start feeling unworthy which can create this fear of disappointment.

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– ☻ STEP 2: CommitmentThe second step for achieving your goal is your strong commitment to having it anyway. You must be precise with your commitment without any confusion or hesitation, without any if’s, but’s or maybe’s in between.

You should focus on your true intentions to experience the commitment and conviction you have in it. Your strong commitment towards your desires will provide you positive energy to attain your desired results.

– ☻ STEP 3: AffirmationThe third step is about the affirmation of what it is that you want. The more you develop the habit of shouting out load, reciting or writing down your affirmations for claiming what you want, the better it is as each affirmation activates your intention and it also begins to establish in physical reality.

The sound of our voice creates an energy waveform. The power of your intuition and strong and clear visualization gives the affirmation extra strength and durability.While visualizing the desired result of your goal you should experience it to the fullest extent. Another positive way of affirming and manifesting your desires is a ‘vision board’.Reinforce your inner conviction and affirm your goals to the Universe by following these actions.

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– ☻ STEP 4: ThanksgivingBeing grateful and appreciative to what you already have with you in your life and what is due to come, is the fourth step to successful manifestation. You should be thankful for manifestation as if it had already taken place. Because this has given you fruitful results in your life. You should act as if it is already an inevitable part of your life. You should be grateful to it and should be generous in your thanks.

– ☻ STEP 5: ‘Letting your goal go’The fifth step to successful manifestation is ‘Letting your goal go.’In this step, you have to release your goal to the Universe. So that the Universe can accept it, prepare it. It delivers fruitful results to you. It is the most difficult part as you have to ‘let go’ your goals and desires without any hesitation or confusion to get your desired results.You should trust your goal or desire and should have faith that your desires results are on its way towards you. You should be thankful for what you have and what is going to come as mentioned in the fourth step.

– ☻ STEP 6: RelaxYou should relax and enjoy your life to the fullest knowing that you have followed all the steps towards successful manifestation for achieving your goals and desires. Feel that all your prayers have been heard and just wait for your miraculous desired result to come to you on divine right time.Intense hard work, faith, trust and commitment must be put on your behalf to follow the steps to successful to manifestation properly.

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☻ Keep your THOUGHTS positive because your thoughts become your WORDS,

☻ When you keep your WORDS positive because your words become your BEHAVIOUR,

☻ Keep your BEHAVIOUR positive because your behaviour become your HABITS,

☻ If you keep your HABITS positive because your habits become your VALUES,

☻ Then, keep your VALUES positive because your values become your DESTINY

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