how to receive rebuke rebuke = to judge or correct


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Post on 29-Mar-2015




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Page 1: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct
Page 2: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

How to Receive Rebuke

Page 3: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Rebuke = to judge or correct

Page 4: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct
Page 5: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct
Page 6: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise.

—Proverbs 15:31

Page 7: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

It is better to heed a wise man's rebuke than tolisten to the song of fools.

—Ecclesiastes 7:5

Page 8: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

God is more concerned about your characterbecoming like Jesus Christ than anything.

Page 9: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

God is more concerned about your characterbecoming like Jesus Christ than anything.

Hate - Love Deceit - TruthUnfairness - JusticeImpurity - PurityBitterness - Mercy

Page 10: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

We love our sin more than we love Jesus and being conformed to His image.

Page 11: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Mark 4:16-17

“And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; and have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended.”


Page 12: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct
Page 13: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

”The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases.”

—Proverbs 21:1

Page 14: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Benefits of Receiving Rebuke

1. Draws you out of sin & closer to Christ

Page 15: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Proverbs 1:23 “If you had responded to my rebuke, I would have poured out my heart to you and made my thoughts known to you.”

Revelation 3:19 “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.”

Heb. 12:10-11 “Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

Page 16: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Benefits of Receiving Rebuke

1. Draws you out of sin & closer to Christ2. Brings abundant life

Page 17: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Pr. 6:23 ”For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life”

Pr. 10:17 ”He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.”

Prov. 15:10 “Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path; he who hates correction will die.”

Proverbs 29:1 “A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.”

Page 18: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Benefits of Receiving Rebuke

1. Draws you out of sin & closer to Christ2. Brings abundant life3. Makes you wise

Page 19: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Pr. 15:31-32 “31 He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise. 32 He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.

Pr. 9:8 “rebuke a wise man and he will love you”

Pr. 12:1 “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.”

Pr. 15:5 “A fool spurns his father's discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.”

Pr. 17:10 “A rebuke impresses a man of discernment more than a hundred lashes a fool.”

Pr. 19:25 “Flog a mocker, and the simple will learn prudence; rebuke a discerning man, and he will gain knowledge.”

Pr. 21:11 “When a mocker is punished, the simple gain wisdom; when a wise man is instructed, he gets knowledge”

Page 20: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Benefits of Receiving Rebuke

1. Draws you out of sin & closer to Christ2. Brings abundant life3. Makes you wise4. You’ll be blessed & honored

Page 21: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Job 5:17 "Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.”

Ps. 94:12 “Blessed is the man you discipline, O LORD, the man you teach from your law”

Pr. 13:18 “He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored.”

Page 22: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Benefits of Receiving Rebuke

1. Draws you out of sin & closer to Christ2. Brings abundant life3. Makes you wise4. You’ll be blessed & honored5. You receive treasure from God

Page 23: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Psalm 141:5 “Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it.”

Pr. 25:12 “Like an earring of gold or an

ornament of fine gold is a wise man's rebuke to a listening ear.”

Page 24: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Benefits of Receiving Rebuke

1. Draws you out of sin & closer to Christ2. Brings abundant life3. Makes you wise4. You’ll be blessed & honored5. You receive treasure from God6. Fulfills necessary function in body of


Page 25: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

2 Tim. 4:2 “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.”

1 Tim. 5:20 “Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.”

Page 26: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

How to Receive Rebuke

1. Get in Word daily.

2. Listen in humility.

3. Don’t defend yourself or make excuses.

4. Seek correction. Be open to it. Be teachable.

Page 27: How to Receive Rebuke Rebuke = to judge or correct

Q: Are you hungry for God?

Q: Do you love truth (Jesus, the Truth) more than you love your sin?

Q: Are you willing to let God speak into your life no matter what the cost?