hp bb 104 12 v2pub - forestry corporation · produced by: michael mclean non forest freehold vacant...

! ! ! ! G v B A T EM A N S B AY C L Y D E RI VER DURR A S L A KE W A T E R F A LL CR E EK M UND A RL O W CR E EK C Y N E M A LL O WE S CR EEK B UC KE N B O W R A RI V ER S H E EP S T A T I O N CR E EK M CL E O D S CR E EK CURR O WA N CR E EK CU M B R A L AW A Y CR E EK N E L L I G E N CR E EK B E N A N D A R A H CR E EK B RI D G E CR EEK H A N G IN G R O C K CR E EK M u r r a m a r a n g NP C y d e R i v e r NP C u e n d u a C r e ek NR T o g a t e s a n d s NR D u r r as M a l u a B ay L o n g B e a ch B a t e m a ns B ay 104 104 E m e r g e n cy M e e t i n g P o i nt E v a c u a t i o n R o u te H a u a g e R o u te G ! T o w n s & L o c a i t i es P r o duc e d B y : M i c ha e l M c L e an N o n F o r e st F r e e h o ld V a c a n t C r o w n L a nd W a t er N a t i on a P a r ks n f o r m a R e s e r ve F o r m a R e s e r ve P an n i n g U n it M a j o r F o r e s t R o ad M a j o r R i v e rs S t a t e F o r e st L O C A L I T Y M AP C o m p a r t m e n t 1 04 B o y n e S t a t e F o r e st N o . 8 32 E M P 47 S e a e d R o ad H e lic o p t e r L an d i n g S i te P S O U T HE R N REGIO N: S O U T H C O AS T M AN A G E M EN T AREA S c a e : 1 : 1 0 0 , 0 00

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Page 1: HP BB 104 12 v2pub - Forestry Corporation · Produced By: Michael McLean Non Forest Freehold Vacant Crown Land Water National Parks Informal Reserve Formal Reserve Planning Unit Major


























Murramarang NP

Clyde River NP

Cullendulla Creek NR

Tollgate Islands NR


Malua Bay

Long Beach

Batemans Bay

1 0 41 0 4

Emergency Meeting Point

Evacuation Route

Haulage Route


! Towns & Localities

Produced By: Michael McLean

Non Forest


Vacant Crown Land


National Parks

Informal Reserve

Formal Reserve

Planning Unit

Major Forest RoadMajor Rivers

State Forest

LOCALITY MAPCompartment 104

Boyne State Forest No. 832

EMP 47

Sealed Road

Helicopter Landing SiteP


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245000E 46 47 48


5 55



DATE: 18 / 10 / 2012

FMZ 4 - Retain BA Exclusion(Resource Unit 2)

NET HARVEST AREAFMZ 4 - STS Heavy (Resource Unit 1)

STREAM EXCLUSION ZONES (EPL IHL 2 & TSL)Feature Filter Strip Protection Zone Operational ZoneUnmapped

1st Order2nd order3rd order4th order








0 250 500 750 1,000125Meters

Scale: 1:15,000Contour Interval 10m


Compartment BoundaryÉÉ ÉÉ ÉÉ


Major ForestMinor Forest

EPL Standard Existing (Minor)EPL Standard Existing (Major)

Mapped LIC DrainageDRAINAGE




Permanent Bee Set Down

Temporary Dry WeatherTemporary Wet WeatherExisting Crossing


Rainforest and Buffer (20m)High Conservation Value Old Growth

Owl LandscapeSpecial Management (FMZ 2)Ridge & Headwater Habitat (40m)

Slope >30 (IHL 4)

Michael McLeanPrepared By:

Version: 2........................................................................................ ³Map Sheets:

Compartment:Harvest Plan Operational Map



SOUTHERN REGION - Native ForestsState Forest: Boyne 832No:

FMZ 4 - STS Light(Resource Unit 3)

^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Feed Tree)



XX# Varied Sittella

Eastern Freetail-bat

Powerful OwlMasked Owl

Yellow-bellied Glider (Heard)

Page 3: HP BB 104 12 v2pub - Forestry Corporation · Produced By: Michael McLean Non Forest Freehold Vacant Crown Land Water National Parks Informal Reserve Formal Reserve Planning Unit Major

Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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Boyne State Forest – Compartment 104

CertificationThis plan has been prepared in accordance with the Integrated Forestry Operations Approvalissued under the Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998. The Standard Harvest PlanConditions for Native Forest Operations in Southern Region, South Coast apply to thisoperation.Prepared By:HarvestPlanner


Endorsed By:Harvest PlanningTeam Leader

Kate Halton Approved By:RegionalManager


Signature MichaelMcLean

Signature Kate Halton Signature DanielTuan

Date 5/06/2012 Date 5/06/2012 Date 5/06/2012

Note: Approval includes the Harvest Plan Operational Map (HPOM) with thecorresponding approval date displayed on the map, verifying final approved version.Other maps included with this plan are Locality, Forest Type, Roading and CulturalHeritage (limited distribution).

Description of Proposal

Harvesting of native forestHarvesting of native forest, using Single Tree Selection, Silviculture subject to theSouthern Region, IFOA requirements will be undertaken within this planning unit.

The primary product of the harvesting is high quality large sawlogs (quota logs),small high quality sawlogs, veneer logs, girders, poles & piles where timber marketsare available. Parts of felled logs that do not meet high quality log specifications aresegregated and graded into other classifications such as salvage sawlogs, pulplogs & miscellaneous timbers e.g. split & round posts, firewood, mining timbers &craftwood. The availability of miscellaneous timbers depends mainly on foresttypes, log defectiveness & market conditions at the time of harvesting.

Clause 22 – Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) ConsiderationAll relevant factors have been reviewed taking into account the volume andmonetary value of each forest product to supply Term Agreement Holders. Theharvesting operation also complies with Clause 22 of the IFOA.

Attachment 1: Site Safety Plan prescribes safety requirements and MedicalEmergency Evacuation Plan for this harvesting operation.

Attachment 2: Roading plan prescribes roading requirements for this harvestingoperation.Attachment 3: Burning Plan prescribes burning requirements for this harvestingoperation.Post-harvest burning should be confined as far as practicable to the Net Harvest Area.Site specific burning exclusions associated with Flora, Fauna, Cultural Heritage,

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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Riparian and other exclusion zones are explained within the relevant sections of thisHarvest Plan and indicated on the HPOM.Where practicable, snig track patterns should be designed to double as bare earthcontrol lines to prevent fire entering specified burning exclusion zones and othertenures, i.e. Smoky Mouse, Southern Brown Bandicoot & significant Cultural Heritagesites.Where this is not practical, the Contract Coordinator is to assess the need for a bareearth break to be constructed close to harvesting exclusion boundaries and seekadvice and approval from the Harvesting Team Leader for the additional earth works.Specific areas identified during the planning stage which require a mineral earth breakare identified in the burning plan.

Area Identification and Yield Estimates

State Forest Compartment/s Region ManagementArea

Certification HarvestPlan ID

Boyne 104 Southern SouthCoast

AS4708:2007ISO 14001


Cpt 104 TotalEvent ID 3942 N/AGross Area (ha) 293.7 293.7Net Harvest Area (ha) 224.8 224.8Quota Logs (HQL) 8.5 m³/ha 1350 m³High Quality Small 0.7 m3/ha 110 m3

Salvage 2.9 m³/ha 460 m³Pulp 24 t/ha (20.0 m3/ha) 3800 t (3170 m3)Estimated Total Yield(m3/ha)

32.2 m³/ha N/A

Estimated Total Volume(m3)

5090 m³ 5090 m³

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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Forests NSW – Southern RegionHarvesting Plan HP_BB_104_12

Compartment 104

Attachment 1 – Site Safety Plan


Emergency Plan Information

(a) Mobile Phone reception on work site:Good Poor Nil

Nearest reliable reception: Mobile phone reception across entire compartment.

(b) Forests NSW Radio from work site: Contractor Radio at work site:Channel No: 236 UHF Channel No:Call to: Batemans Bay Contractor Radio No:Call sign from: Your name Call to Bush Boss:

(c) Emergency meeting point for ambulance:Junction of Tomboye Road and Princes Highway EMP 47.1:100000 map sheet: Batemans Bay 8926MGA zone: 56MGA Grid reference: E251283 N6057303.Lat/Long for GPS: 35° 35' 48" S 150° 15' 16 " E

(d) Closest Helicopter Landing Place:(e) Junction of Durras Road and Princes Highway, opposite the service station.(f) 1:100000 map sheet: Batemans Bay 8926(g) MGA zone: 56(h) MGA Grid reference: E250108 N6051459(i) Lat/Long for GPS: 35° 38' 56" S 150° 14' 23 " E

(e) Procedure for obtaining Ambulance assistance:Dial "000" OR Call Batemans Bay Forestry Office 1300 880 548 for Ambulanceassistance.Dial “112” only as an alternative to “000” if you have a GSM digital mobile phoneand you are outside your own provider’s GSM network coverage area.

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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"000" Operator Question. Response1. Police , Fire , Ambulance? Ambulance Wollongong

2. Suburb (State Forest name): Boyne (Nearest town or named locality): Batemans Bay (Nearest Ambulance station): Batemans Bay

3. Address: (Nearest named State forest road): Tomboye Road

4. Nearest Road Junction: Tomboye Road and Princes Highway RoadJunction.

5 Local Government Area: Eurobodalla Shire Council.

6. Nature of the problem: Give details of accident, number andcondition of casualties.

7. Where is the accident: Work site location – (Centre ofCompartments).

MGA Grid reference: Zone 56 E247196 N6054136

Lat/long for GPS: 35° 37' 36" S 150° 12' 31 " E

8. Directions to navigate from Ambulance Station to meeting point:

Directions from Batemans Bay:• Head north along the Princes Highway for approx 15km to Tomboye Roadintersection on the left.

9. Injuries?: Give detailed information about the conditionof the casualty.

10. Call back No.: Give your Mobile Number.or Batemans Bay Office:1300 880 548.

11. Name of Reporter: Give own name.

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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Site Specific Identified Hazards

Assessment of existing hazards was undertaken at the time of planning. Thesehazards are in the attached table and where appropriate, control strategies have beenapplied. Where no control strategy has been described, the contractor must developappropriate strategies as part of the contractors Safety Management Plan. A copy ofthe hazard assessment and control strategies is provided to assist in the developmentof the contractors Safety Management Plan for this harvesting area.

All additional site hazards identified during harvesting must be assessed anddocumented in the CC, SFO and Contractor copies of the site specific plan.

Identified hazards requiring risk assessment and control strategy in SafetyManagement Plan



1. Adjoining roads of varioustraffic levels

1 Warning signs at intersections, road closure andtraffic control measures.60km/hr speed limit on all State Forest gravelroads unless otherwise signposted.Compliance with Forests NSW lights on policy.

2. Cliff lines & rocky very steepterrain

3 Operators to assess work site within two treelengths to identify immediate hazards.Communicate to other operators and mark sites.

3. Hazardous or dead trees 1 Refer to Forests NSW safety standard 1.3.9.Assess area within two tree lengths of work site.Assess risk, mark any Distinctly DangerousTrees with the symbol Ø & if necessary removehazard or move work site. Use machinery toassist with hazard removal if possibleContractor is responsible for implementingcontrol strategies during harvesting.

4. Overhead hazardsassociated with dumps

1 Refer to Forests NSW safety standard1.3.9.Assess overhead hazard within two treelengths of the dump. Assess risk, & if necessaryremove hazard or relocate dump site.Contractor is responsible for implementingcontrol strategies during harvesting.

5. Dust from passing vehiclesalong dirt haulage routes

2 Restrict speed to minimise dust generation, slowdown when passing vehicles. Turn on drivingand hazard lights to increase visibility.


Hazard Nos. 1/2/4/5 are shown on the attached HPOM

Traffic management/road closuresThe logging contractor is responsible for traffic control on all roads when felling is withintwo tree lengths of the tallest tree to be felled of the road or snigging on roads orloading is occurring within 10 metres of a road. Warning of trucks entering must be

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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displayed 200 metres either side of all State Forest road approaches leading toareas where harvesting operations are in progress.

Warning of timber harvesting operations must be displayed 200 metres either side ofall thoroughfare State Forest road approaches leading to areas where harvestingoperations are in progress.

This plan identifies haulage from the compartment will be east via Tomboye Road andturning left or right onto Princes Highway. The intersection of Princes Highway andTomboye Road has been assessed as achieving a minimum of 200m sight distance onboth approaches. Therefore at this intersection additional signage in accordance with aTraffic Control Plan is not required.

Road intersections outside the control of Forests NSW are not covered by this plan orany Forests NSW Traffic Control Plan. Haulage contractors must abide by RTA roadlaws and standard operating procedures in relation to haulage routes outside thecontrol of Forests NSW.

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

HP_BB_104_12_v2 19-10-12 7

Silviculture and Harvesting Prescriptions

Year 1953 1975 1980 1989 1999 2010


HR Burning X X X J J J

Wildfires X X X J X X

Logging m3 262 145 10030 0 0 0

J - applies, X – not applicable

Compartment No. of Sweeps BA Average (m2/ha) BA Range (m2/ha)

104 23 25 18-34

Silvicultural PlanningSingle Tree SelectionThe STS tract (224.8 ha) is a predominantly mixed aged mature forest and will beharvested under a heavy and light single tree selection (STS) regime. The objectivewithin the 191.6 ha net harvest area for this operation (resource unit 1 and 3) is toremove 45% of commercially mature and defective trees to create canopy openings forregeneration, whilst retaining and minimising damage to young regenerating stems,seed trees, habitat and recruitment trees.

It is envisaged that the next harvesting operation in this compartment would be onaverage 30 years time.

The STS tract for IFOA purposes includes the net harvest area of 104 as indicated onthe HPOM.

Single Tree Selection (STS) must remove no more than 45% of the basal area(BA), while retaining a minimum BA of 10m2 per hectare within the tract.

1 Overstorey dominated bySpotted gum (C.maculata), Grey ironbark(E. paniculata), andBlackbutt (E. pilularis).Other species includeYellow Stringybark (E.muellerana).

• Ridge tops and gentlysloping areas in northern endof the resource unit haveundergone light selectivelogging (targeting sawlogs),in the 50’s, 70’s and 80’s.Less evidence of previouslogging in steeper areaswhich and are relativelyundisturbed.

• In 1989 a small area alongLookout Road was burnt by

• The resource unit isunevenaged, mostly fullystocked. Highly variableover short distances.Mostly mature andovermature with someadvanced pole/smallsawlog sizes and clumps ofsapling regrowth, (BArange 18-34m2/ha).

• Small areas of thickregeneration occur ondisturbed areas such as old

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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wildfire.• In 1989, 1999 and 2010 the

resource unit was burntunder hazard reductionburning conditions.

road and dumps.• The stand is in good

condition with a viablelignotuber growing stockavailable to regenerate. Agrassy/shrub understory ispresent.

2 Overstorey dominated bySpotted gum (C.maculata), Grey ironbark(E. paniculata), andBlackbutt (E. pilularis).Other species includeYellow Stringybark (E.muellerana).

• Ridge tops and gentlysloping areas in northern endof the resource unit haveundergone light selectivelogging (targeting sawlogs),in the 50’s, 70’s and 80’s.Less evidence of previouslogging in steeper areaswhich and are relativelyundisturbed.

• In 1999 and 2010, parts/allthe resource unit was burntunder hazard reductionburning conditions.

• The resource unit consist ofregrowth and early maturetrees. Scattered overmature remanentoverstorey (BA range 18-24m2/ha). The stand is wellstocked with good formtrees, stand to be retaineduntil the sufficient volume isachieved for a commercialoperation.

3 Overstorey dominated bySpotted gum (C.maculata), Grey ironbark(E. paniculata), andBlackbutt (E. pilularis).Other species includeYellow Stringybark (E.muellerana).

• Ridge tops and gentlysloping areas in northern endof the resource unit haveundergone light selectivelogging (targeting sawlogs),in the 50’s, 70’s and 80’s.Less evidence of previouslogging in steeper areaswhich and are relativelyundisturbed.

• In 1999 and 2010, parts/allthe resource unit was burntunder hazard reductionburning conditions.

• The resource unit consist ofregrowth and early maturetrees. Scattered overmature remanentoverstorey (BA range 18-24m2/ha). The stand is wellstocked with good formtrees, stand to be retaineduntil the sufficient volume isachieved for a commercialoperation.

Harvesting PrescriptionResource Unit

(Refer toHPOM)

% of NHA Silvicultural Treatment

1 70% STS heavy:• Retain and protect from harvesting/fire damage:

-poles/advanced growth (<40cm DBHOB) with good form andvigour,-habitat and recruitment trees as per TSL,

• Retained trees should be evenly spaced throughout the

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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resource unit.• Ensure no more than 45% of the BA within the resource unit is

removed, while retaining a minimum BA of 10m2 per hectarewithin the tract.

• All other products should be removed markets permitting. If thisobjective cannot be achieved the following options should beconsidered:-reject tree felling (Contract Coordinator must first obtainapproval from harvesting team leader),-defer harvesting until ideal market conditions prevail,-consider harvesting under a light or medium STS regime

2 15% • Retained BA, exclude from harvest due to low viability.3 15% STS light:

• Retain and protect from fire/harvesting damage:-poles/advanced growth (<40cm DBHOB) with good form andvigour,-habitat and recruitment trees as per TSL,-retain additional dominant and co dominant trees of good formand vigour to ensure the total BA removed across the tractresource unit is no more than 45%.

• Retained trees should be evenly spaced. throughout theresource unit.

Note: The area of each silvicultural treatment must be mapped and recorded in thePost logging information section of this plan.

Special Requirements

Non-harvest areasThe HPOM indicates the non-harvest areas in the compartments, as detailed in thelegend. Harvesting disturbance is not permitted in non-harvest areas unless authorisedby the Regional Manager.

Noxious Weeds/Disease/Pests Hygiene RequirementsThere are no known noxious weeds, pathogens or diseases in the compartment.Harvesting Machinery is not required to be washed down prior to leaving thecompartment.

Permanent Growth and Research PlotsAny inventory plots located during the harvesting operation are to be treated the sameas the surrounding area.

Occupation PermitsApiary6 apiary sites provided in the table below are located within the planning unit asdetailed in the table below. Contact details are available from the Batemans Bay office.

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

HP_BB_104_12_v2 23-10-12 10

Name Boundary Location

Southern part of compartment 104

Southwestern corner of 104

Southeastern corner of 104

Central part of 104

Northern part of 104

Northwestern part of 104

• The Contract Coordinator must provide the apiary permittees with at least two weeks advance notice when bee boxes need to be removed or relocated.

• 2 permanent apiary set down sites are located in north-eastern corner of compartment 104, within excluded forest area (see HPOM).

Forest Management Zoning

FMZ 2 Special Management and FMZ 4- General Management (normal harvesting prescriptions apply) occur within the compartment. Refer to HPOM for more detail. FMZ 2 – No harvesting machinery or harvesting activities are allowed in this/these zones. Prescribed burning is only permitted in these areas where fire does not conflict with underlying protection zones e.g. rainforest, cultural heritage etc. (Refer to cultural heritage flora and fauna sections of this plan and the standard harvest plan conditions for more detail).

IFOA Required Approval of Forestry Activities

Approvals have not been obtained for snig track construction and/or use and log haulage in FMZ 2. If the Contract Coordinator identifies the need for harvesting related activities to occur within FMZ 2 during the operation, the Harvest Planner must be contacted to seek Regional Manager approval. All areas of Rainforest, HCVOG, require prior OEH approval and Stream Exclusion Zones require prior Regional Manager approval before forest harvesting related activities (eg: road or snig track construction & reopening) can be undertaken. It is the responsibility of the Contract Coordinator to identify any exclusion areas which will need to be crossed during harvesting. The Contract Coordinator should then contact the Harvest Planner to obtain the necessary approval.

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage - All relevant representatives have been consulted &/or inspected Compartment 104. Due to the confidentiality of the Cultural Heritage sites, a Cultural Heritage site map will only be attached to the specific copies of the plan. All 10 metre radius exclusion buffers are to be marked in the field as hard exclusion zones (i.e. pink & yellow tape) where logging and/or road works are scheduled to be undertaken. All operators must be taken to each site within the planned area before any activities are commenced.

Flora and Fauna

Refer to TSL Booklet for Conditions Mark-Up Conditions During the pre-harvest mark up the SFO/Contract Coordinator must search for and record threatened species habitat features consistent with Conditions 5.2 and 8.6 of the TSL. Searches for threatened species features must be conducted within that portion of the net planned area where harvesting will occur, and within 50 metres outside this area (eg HCVOG, etc) (conditions 5.1, 5.2 of the TSL). Where any of these features are found, the feature must be recorded, the Harvesting Plan, including the HPOM, must be amended accordingly and the appropriate condition applied. Species adequately covered by general prescriptions: The following species have been recorded in or around the compartments and are adequately covered by the general prescriptions. No further protection measures are required for these species: Sooty Owl (Tyto tenebricosa), Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami), Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus). Tree Retention

Zone Habitat Trees/ 2ha


ent Trees/ 2ha

Protection of R

etained Trees

Stag Retention

(only if safe)

Significant Food R


Regrowth <10 <10 √ √ √ TSL condition 5.6c 5.6d 5.6g 5.6e 5.6 f

√ - Condition applies General exclusion zones General exclusions as listed below are shown on the HPOM. Feature/Condition TSL cond’n Occurs within Planning Unit High Conservation Value Old Growth 5.3 Yes Rainforest 5.4 Yes Riparian Protection Zones 5.7 Yes

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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Ridge & Headwater Habitat 5.8 YesWetlands 5.9 NoHeath and Scrub 5.10 NoRocky Outcrops and Cliffs 5.11 NoEndangered Ecological Community NA None identified during

harvest planning process.Inform Ecologist immediatelyif potential areas of EEC areencountered during mark-up.

General Threatened Flora and Fauna PrescriptionsFeature Records in 104 Licence conditions

under the TSC ActThreatened Frog General

Protection MeasuresNo 5.12

Bird Nest and Roost SiteProtection

No 5.13

Tree Bat Roost Protection No 5.14.1Subterranean Roost

ProtectionNo 5.14.2

Significant SubterraneanRoost Protection

No 5.14.3

Protection of flying-foxCamps

No 5.14.4

Burning Net planned area 5.16Ground Habitat Protection Net planned area 5.17

Species & Site-Specific Threatened Flora and Fauna PrescriptionsContractors and supervisory staff must immediately report any sightings of Schedule 1and 2 species to the Harvesting Team Leader. The Harvesting Plan must be amendedto include additional prescriptions if necessary.

The following species have been recorded within or nearby the area and theassociated prescriptions must be implemented:

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

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Threatened species and habitat featureswithin trigger distance

Records in 104 Licence conditionsunder the TSC Act orrelevant Site-specific

prescriptionPowerful Owl Ninox strenua, No 6.4

Owl Landscape ExclusionZones occur in

compartment 104.Specified Forestry

Activities are prohibitedwithin these “hard”

exclusions.Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor No 6.5

Yellow-bellied GliderPetaurus australis

No 6.13

Gang-gang CockatooCallocephalon fimbriatum

No Inform ecologistimmediately if this species

is detected within thecompartments or within

100m of the compartmentboundary.

Little Lorikeet Glossopsitta pusilla No Inform ecologistimmediately if this species

is detected within thecompartments or within

100m of the compartmentboundary.

Varied Sittela Daphoenosittia chrysoptera Yes 50m exclusion aroundnests.

Fisheries Licence Conditions

There are no known records of threatened fish species or class 1 or 2 aquatic habitat relevant tothis operation. The conditions of the fisheries licence are not triggered for this operation.

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Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

HP_BB_104_12 05-06-12 13

Soils and Water Protection

Refer to EPL Booklet & Standard Plan ConditionsSite-specific EPL Conditions

Elements Conditions

Unmapped Drainage Lines EPL does not apply: refer to drainagefeature protection below.

Drainage Feature Protection See HPOM for widths

Inherent Hazard Class 2

Dispersible Soils No

Seasonality Harvesting Exclusions No

Seasonality Burning Exclusions No

Log Dumps Refer relevant conditions for IHL

Snig Tracks Refer relevant conditions for IHL

Roads See Schedule 5 of EPL Booklet

Slope limits for harvesting Refer to Schedule 4B.3 of EPL

Drainage Feature ProtectionFilter strips (EPL), Protection Zones (EPL), Operational Zones (EPL), Protection Zones-hard (TSL) and Protection Zones -soft (TSL) must be retained along all drainage lines,prescribed streams and watercourses within the net planned area of the compartmentsat minimum widths as stated in the Table below.

Stream Order EPL Filter StripTSL Protection


EPL Protection ZoneTSL Protection*




Unmapped N/A# N/A# N/A#1st order 5 5* 102nd order 5 15* 103rd order 5 25* 104th order orgreater

5 45* 10

Note: *TSL Protection zones (hard & soft) are contained within the EPL Filterstrip, which have the greater level of protection.# for this operation Forests NSW has chosen to harvest this area without EPLcoverage. All EPL conditions continue to apply except for the rules applying to filterstrips, protection zones and operational zones of the unmapped drainage lines.Refer to Best Management Practices for unmapped drainage lines in the standardconditions. Harvesting of unmapped drainage lines, MUST NOT occur in unmappeddrainage lines which are running or holding water. It is the responsibility of the ContractCoordinator to inspect each unmapped drainage line prior to harvesting it, to determineif it is running or holding water.

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Log Dump Location17 log dumps are indicated on the HPOM. Field location of log dumps must utilise themost level site available consistent with the location indicated on the HPOM. Inherenthazard level 2 Conditions 26, 27, 28, 30, 31 and 33 of Schedule 4 of the EPL mustapply.

Expected Felling/ Extraction & Loading MethodThe expected felling method is mechanical, extraction method by skidder/dozer, andloading method is by excavator.

Drainage Feature CrossingsThree drainage feature crossings (C1, C2 & C3) are approved for use on drainagefeatures. (Refer to HPOM). C1, C2 and C3 are gully suffer crossings, which require bi-weekly checks during haulage operations for compliance and any required repairs.

Mass MovementCompartment 104 is not in an area identified as having a potential for mass movement.No specific prescriptions relating to mass movement/snigging are required.

Suitability of existing log dams and gully stuffersThere are no known log dams or gully stuffers on snig track crossings in thecompartments.Condition 47 of Schedule 4 of the EPL must apply.

Road WorksThe HPOM indicates the location of existing roads and crossings.

Feature Length &/or Number Work RequiredExisting Roads 8,360m YesNew Roads 0 N/AExisting Crossings 3 YesNew Crossing 0 N/ABorrow & Gravel Pits 0 No

Roading and Crossing details are contained within Attachment 2 of this Plan.The roading and crossing works must be undertaken, by contractor or ForestsNSW staff, prior to the commencement of harvesting activity in the area servedby the road or crossing. Forests NSW will supervise and pay for the maintenanceworks.Within the compartment boundary only roads that are shown on the HPOM as EPLstandard or sealed may be used for haulage. Refer to EPL Schedule 5 – OperatingConditions for Roads.Roads within the compartment boundary may be used with Contract Coordinatorapproval for snigging or extraction provided they are drained to EPL specifications.

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Legal Conditions

In 2001, the Commonwealth and NSW Governments signed a Southern RegionalForest Agreement which, among other things, allows for the supply of timber for 20years from public lands under the following NSW legislation:

• Forestry Act 1916, and• Forestry & National Park Estate Act 1998

The latter Act provides for the Southern Forest Agreement and Southern IntegratedForest Operations Approval (IFOA), both approved by NSW Government Ministers inMay 2002. This harvest plan is issued under the authority provided within the IFOA.

The IFOA also contains three licences issued under:

• Section 55 of the Protection of the Environment Act 1997 (EPL)• Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSL).• Section 220ZW of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 (FL).

This harvest plan will be managed in the field under:

• Licences issued under the Forestry Act (1916)• Forest Practices Code part 2 (Timber Harvesting in Native Forests - 1999)

and part 4 (Forest Roads and Fire Trails - 1999)• Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Operations Under the

IFOA, Southern Region-South Coast Area.

Harvesting operations must comply with all of the above Licences and the Code(unless otherwise specified).

Further information is available from http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/

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Pre-Operational Briefing

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Harvesting Plan for Compartment 104in Boyne State Forest and that I have been briefed on the conditions of the Plan andunderstand the supervision and operational control requirements as explained to me bythe Harvesting Team Leader or his/her delegate.

Position Name Signature Date

Details to Record in Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes

• Dates of commencement and cessation of logging• Record the commencement and completion of harvesting at each dump• Record the occurrence of temporary stopping of harvesting at each dump.• Situations where drainage could not be completed due to saturated soils must be

recorded in Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes.• Record the commencement and completion of each construction, upgrading or

maintenance of drainage feature crossings by snig tracks or extraction tracks.• Bi-weekly checks of road drainage structures during haulage operations.• Record the date of checks, drainage structure compliance and the any repairs

required within the specified time period.• Records of Threatened Flora and Fauna identified during compartment markup.• Minor variations associated with moving or adding dumps.• Daily events of importance eg. Instructions to crew, work activity.

Post Harvest Mapping Features Confirmation Checklist

Feature PlanningUpdates


GIS updatetoolcompleted?



Soil Regolith NoMapped Drainage NoRainforest NoRocky outcrops NoWetlands NoCultural Heritage NoExisting Roads NoNew Roads Yes Error YesHeath NoPowerlines etc No

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Contract Coordinator Feature Usage Record

Dates of commencement and cessation of loggingDate of commencement of logging:_____________

Date of cessation of logging: __________________

DUMP USAGE RECORD• Record the commencement and completion of harvesting at each dump• Record the occurrence of temporary stopping of harvesting at each dump.





completedwithin 2 days


Date oftemporarycessation

**Temporary trackdrainage completed

within 5 days(yes/no)


*At completion of snig track/dump, track drainage must be completed within 2 daysunless soil is saturated.

*At temporary cessation of snig track use, track drainage must be completed within 5days unless soil is saturated.

Situations where drainage could not be completed due to saturated soils must berecorded in Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes.

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Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes

Date Event Signed


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Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes (continued)

Date Event Signed

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Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes (continued)

Date Event Signed

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Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes (continued)

Date Event Signed

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Contract Coordinator/SFO Notes (continued)

Date Event Signed

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Clearance Certificate


To ..............................................................................................Contract Coordinator

I request approval for me to move my logging crew and all associated machinery from theabove-mentioned area to the next compartment in accordance with Section 3.5 of the ForestPractices Code.

I certify that:(a) all permanent roads, trails and mitre drains have been cleared of harvesting debris;(b) butt damage to retained trees has been kept to acceptable limits;(c) all trees marked for removal have been felled;(d) utilisation limits have been satisfactorily met;(e) stump heights conform to requirements;(f) all hanging trees have been felled and brought down;(g) all log dumpsites have been satisfactorily restored as required;(h) harvesting debris is not accumulated around retained trees;(i) all accumulated litter has been disposed of properly;(j) all filter and buffer strip requirements have been complied with;(k) all snig track, extraction track and temporary logging road drainage has been

installed satisfactorily and other required rehabilitation work has been completed;(l) all necessary repairs to damaged roads, signs, fences and other structures have

been carried out.(m) _______ (insert quantity) rubber flaps have been recovered in a satisfactory

condition and reported to Operations Branch for collection.(n) all machinery, equipment and vehicles have been checked and are free of noxious

weeds, diseases and pests.

I believe that I have met all my obligations under the conditions of the Timber Licence,the EPL and TSL which apply to the compartment just completed, as stated in thisHarvesting Plan.

Signature...................................................Name......………..................Date ..................Contractor

As a result of inspections of the logging operations made in accordance with this HarvestingPlan, I am satisfied that, to the best of my knowledge, the contractor responsible for thisharvesting operation has satisfactorily completed all work and approval is given for her/himto remove her/his machinery and equipment and leave the area/commence operations inanother compartment.

This clearance does not release the contractor from any obligation to undertake anyremedial work if subsequent deficiencies are shown to result from inadequate practicesduring the harvesting operation, which are found during any inspections of the area madewithin 12 months of the date of this post-harvesting inspection.

Last inspection was made on ...........................................................(Date)

Signed .........................................................................(Date)....................Contract Coordinator

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Post Logging Information

Record any circumstances of significance relating to the harvesting of this compartment.Please draw or include any annotations on the attached operation scale map.

Summary of silvicultural treatmentTreatment type Area (ha) subject

to treatment(Contract


Number of AGSgaps created


Australian Group SelectionSingle Tree SelectionThinning/SpacingPost Harvest Silviculture

Actual area harvested (record on attached HPOM)

Give reasons for harvestable areas that were not harvested (eg. Too steep, defective timber).Make reference to map.

Post Logging Basal Area sweeps

Dump No# Sweep 1 Sweep 2 Sweep 3 Sweep 4 Average

Post BA Average m2/haPre BA Average 25 m2/ha

Comply with maximum STS BA removal of 45% or Thinning BA removal of 60% Y/N

Possible next cut (tick appropriate boxes)

Main product type Anticipated volume Time to next harvestH M L 0 to 5 years

Girders 5 to 10 yearsVeneer 10 to 20 yearsPoles/piles 20 to 30 yearsQuota 30 plus yearsSmalls/ThinningsSalvagePulpwood/chipwood

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Summary of Roading Requirements

Length of existing roads/trails to be maintained 8,360mLength of new roads to be constructed NilNumber of existing crossings to be maintained 3Number of new crossings to be constructed 0Length of road >10° NilMass movement prescriptions apply NoDispersible soil conditions apply NoSeasonality provisions apply No

Note: Maintenance works not completed by Operations must be recorded and passedonto the Contract Coordinator Harvesting for completion and documentation.

The start and finish dates of all maintenance and construction must be recorded on theindividual roading sheets along with other relevant changes or explanations.

All rubber flaps on minor forest roads must be removed and replaced with trafficablerollover banks on completion of operation.

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Road/Crossing Name Works Required DateStarted



Lookout Road


Reshape entire length – crown andoutfall

Clear up to 3m either side of roadpavement.

Reinstate mitre drains.

Check inlets and outlets of pipes.

Remove existing mitre drain crossingcpt 104/4 Road.

Install 5 x dropdown dissipaters asper attached roading map.

Maintain vegetation along batters.

Ops/Contractor CoordinatorComments:

Cpt 104/2 Road


Reshape the entire length – crownand outfall.

Clear up to 3m either side of roadpavement.

Reinstate mitre drains and rollovers.

Install mitre drains/rubberflaps/dropdown dissipaters as perattached roading map.

Ops/Contractor CoordinatorComments:

Cpt 104/3 Road


Reshape the entire length – crownand outfall.

Clear up to 3m either side of roadpavement.

Reinstate mitre drains and rollovers.

Install rubber flaps/dropdowndissipaters as per attached roadingmap.

Ops/Contractor CoordinatorComments:

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Cpt 104/4 Road


Reshape the entire length – crownand outfall.

Clear up to 3m either side of roadpavement.

Reinstate mitre drains and rollovers.

Install mitre drains/rubberflaps/dropdown dissipaters as perattached roading map.

Ops/Contractor CoordinatorComments:

Cpt 104/5 Road


Clear fallen vegetation from roadpavement.

Reshape the entire length – crownand outfall.

Clear up to 3m either side of roadpavement.

Reinstate mitre drains and rollovers.

Install mitre drains as per attachedroading map.

For section to be cleared. Installdrainage as per the EPL Sch 5,Section C, Table 1.

Ops/Contractor CoordinatorComments:

Cpt 104/6 Road


Reshape the entire length – crownand outfall.

Clear up to 3m either side of roadpavement.

Reinstate mitre drains.

Install rubber flaps as per attachedroading map.

Ops/Contractor CoordinatorComments:

Cpt 104/7 Road


Reshape the entire length – crownand outfall.

Clear up to 3m either side of roadpavement.

Reinstate mitre drains.

Ops/Contractor CoordinatorComments:

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C 1

E 247658

N 6054600

Refer to attached Crossing Form

Ops/Contractor Coordinator

C 2

E 247797

N 6054765

Refer to attached Crossing Form

Ops/Contractor Coordinator

C 3

E 247853

N 6054155

Refer to attached Crossing Form

Ops/Contractor Coordinator

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Planning Information

LGA: ?????? Shire

Fuel Management Zone & Proposed Burn Summary

(Refer to Section 1 & 2 of the Harvest Plan for details)

Fuel Load (t/ha): 50-150 tons per hectare of Logging Slash - est 10 t/ha between fallen tree


Season: autumn / winter / spring

Zone 3B Post-Harvest

Fuel Reduction Objectives: % of net planned area to be burned: approx 75% Reduce fuelsto: < 5 t/ha

Regional Burning Guideline

Max Temp (°C): 20°C Min RH (%): 40% Max BKDI: 100

Max Wind Speed (km/h): 15 km/h

Max FDI: 6 (Calculate using McArthur Meter if favourable conditions deteriorate)

Minimum Fuel Moisture Content: 12% (16% on edge of Main Drainage lines, not in dry up-slope

filter strips)

Max Rate of Spread: 1.5 m/min (Regulate with lighting pattern. Eg, A single “spot fire” on the up-

hill side of head, and don’t light heads directly beneath deliberately retained trees)

Average Flame height: 5m (Post-logging burn tree head debris only)

Scorch Height: to 15m (ie, scorch height = approx 3 times flame height)

Environmental Prescriptions

Flora, Fauna & Other Exclusions

(Refer to Sections 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 of the Harvest Plan for details)

Soil, Water & Aquatic Habitat

Preferred months of burn: April to September (Post-Logging)

Filter Strip Protection: Fire to be excluded from main gully filter strips using fuel moisturedifferentials. (Refer to Section 11 & 12 of Harvest Plan for details)

Soil exposure: Mineral earth exposure limited to less than 15% of undisturbed area (post harvestburn only)

Aquatic habitat protection - Fire to be excluded from main gully filter strips using fuel moisturedifferentials. (Refer to Section 12 of Harvest Plan for details)

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LGA: Eurobodalla

Fuel Management Zone & Proposed Burn Summary

Refer to area identification and silviculture and harvesting prescription sections of harvest plan. Season: Winter / Spring


Max Temp (°C): 25 Min RH (%) : 30 Max Wind Speed (km/h): < 20 Southerly aspect< 15 Northerly aspect

Max BKDI:< 70 Max FDI: 7 ( subject to area assessment). Scorch Height: 0.6 x dominant tree height – Post Log10m – Broad Area

Max Fuel Moisture Range: 12-25% Max Rate of Spread: < 300m/hr. Average Flame height: up to 4m – Post Log<1 – 2m – Broad Area

Fuel Reduction Objectives: 60 -80% of net area to be burned. Reduce fine fuels to: manageable levels - Post Log4 – 8t/ha – Broad Area


Fuel loads: 50-150 tons per hectare of logging slash, 10 – 20 tons per hectare in between tree heads.

Fuel arrangement: Multi-tiered structure (litter, grasses, shrubs, eucalypt regeneration and mature trees)

Terrain: 0.6%>30°, 3.3% @ 25°-30°, 11.9% @ 20°-25°, 59.5% @10°-20°, 24.6% @ 0°-10° slope.

Time since last burn: 2010

IMPORTANT BURNING PRESCRIPTIONS• A small test burn must always be lit prior to main burn. This will assist in determining FIRE BEHAVIOUR and IGNITION


• Seek information from Harvesting Contract Coordinator on regrowth excluded burn areas.

• Sections will be lit by drip torch to a determined ignition pattern.

• Areas will generally be burnt from ridge tops down and into the wind to minimise excessive fire behaviour.

• Minimise fire intensity in regrowth stands.


• Seed bed and/or Lignotuber regeneration event

• To reduce fuel loads to 4-8 tonnes/ha. (assisting future fire suppression)

• A burn coverage between 60-80%

• To contain fire within designated boundaries.

• To observe and record data, assisting in future high fuel load and advanced regrowth area burns.

• To minimise crown scorch; not exceeding 10% of dominant and co-dominant crowns.

• To minimise defect damage to retained regrowth stems.

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Refer to Flora and Fauna sections of the Harvest plan document. H & R trees should be raked around if the risk of burning ishigh. Logging slash collected around retained trees should not be burnt.


Refer to Soils and Water and Drainage Features sections of the Harvest plan document.

• Preferred months of burn – April to September

• Fuel moisture differentials will be utilised to minimise impacts upon drainage features within the burn area

• Note Harvesting of unmapped drainage lines was planned to occur within these compartments. To ensure that >70%ground cover within the modified harvest zone of the unmapped drainage lines is not compromised, the burnsupervisor should pay particular attention to the fuel moister differentials mentioned above and not deliberately burnheads within the modified harvesting zone.


Refer to the cultural heritage section of the Harvest plan document. Significant sites, e.g. scar trees, groove stones, should beraked around to prevent fire damage. Where practically possible, burning of scattered artefacts should be avoided.



EXISTINGDescription of each control line

Description of Work Required CompletedYes /No

Lookout Road Nil

Cpt 104/2 Road Nil

Cpt 104/3 Road Nil

Cpt 104/4 Road Nil

Cpt 104/5 Road Nil

Cyne Mallowes Creek Fuel moisture >16%

Unnamed drainage lines Fuel moisture >16%

Check for trees that could burn down and fall over any boundary roads and wet down or rake around as necessary

PROPOSEDDescription of each control line

Description of Work Required CompletedYes /No

Additional control lines may be required where snig

track network is not adequate along boundaries of NHA

To be determined by Contract

Coordinator/SFO during harvesting.

Control line to be established on the northern end of

Lookout road, between NHA and FMZ2 zone.

To be determined by Contract

Coordinator/SFO during harvesting.

Control line to be established between NHA and

HCVOG area in northern part of the NHA.

To be determined by Contract

Coordinator/SFO during harvesting.

SMOKE HAZARD AND MANAGEMENT: http://www.bom.gov.au/general/reg/smoke/nsw/index.shtml

Smoke / Hazard Reduction Signs required?:……….. YES NO ( tick to indicate)Smoke Dispersion Forecasting via BOM utilised?..... YES NO ( tick to indicate)

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Safety Considerations (pre-burn) DAY1







Personnel Names of fire crew documented daily.

Visitors on site Visitor on site induction carried out


Documented in plan

Traffic control Traffic control signs to regulate traffic if required

Smoke management: Assessment of prevailing winds at the time of burn.Road side signs warning of smoke hazard.

Supervisor to initial

Pre-burn preparation activities and responsibilities.Activity Specifications and tasks Responsibility

(inc date)Signature

Fuel monitoring Regular monitoring prior to burning

Weather monitoring Conducted prior to and during burning operations.

Trail preparation

• D3

• Hand tools

Mineral earth control lines prepared prior to burning tocontain fire within designated burning block.

Neighbour liaison Notification and communications documented.

Liaison with fire &emergency authorities

“as above”

Media releases To advise local community of SF burning activities.

Radio station notifications “as above”

Equipment Ensure all required equipment is available.

Communications “as above”

Visitor Safety Burn is sign posted. All visitors to report to burnsupervisor immediately

Burn approval Daily burn approvals given by delegated officers

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Neighbours……………. Contractors……………. Lessees………………....

Apiarists…………….…. Shire FCO…………….. Govt Agencies………….


RFS (Rural Fire Service)

Name Position Phone Number Notified


NEIGHBOURS: (Refer to compartment planning folder for details prior to burning)Owner Postal Address Lot / Plan Phone Notification

Letters sentReply


APIARISTS: (Refer to compartment planning folder for details prior to burning)Name Site Number/s Phone Number Notified

DAILY CREW SMEACS BRIEFING SHEET(tick daily when briefed)

SITUATION DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- Burn area to be treated (location, boundaries, control line types and exclusive areas) ..................£££££££- Burn area characteristics (e.g. terrain, forest cover, sensitive areas, etc) ..................................... £££££££- Burn area access by road class (checked beforehand, dead ends, watering points etc.)............... £££££££- Fuel Loadings and fire behaviour prescriptions for the HRB area .................................................. £££££££- Staging areas. ................................................................................................................................ £££££££- Expected weather .......................................................................................................................... £££££££

MISSION- Overall aim of the hazard reduction burn........................................................................................ £££££££- Site specific aims for sections of the HRB (eg, protection of patches of advanced regrowth,

rainforest pockets, buildings, bridges, etc.)..................................................................................... £££££££- Secondary aim/s should the HRB escape ...................................................................................... £££££££

EXECUTION- Plant and manpower resources (FNSW, RFS, OEH, others) ......................................................... £££££££- Division of burn area into ‘Sections’................................................................................................ £££££££- Starting points, starting times, finish times (start ‘down wind’ if possible) ...................................... £££££££- Safe ‘approved’ lighting patterns and directions ............................................................................. £££££££- Work down-slope, keeping below active fire (except where good fuel breaks occur) ..................... £££££££- Location and activity of other burning crews................................................................................... £££££££- Personal and crew safety - buddy system when lighting up ........................................................... £££££££- Progress reports at pre-designated times...................................................................................... £££££££- Maintain awareness of other burning crews (do not light up below other burning crews)............... £££££££- Expected fire behaviour, trouble points and contingency plans ...................................................... £££££££- Actions to be taken in the event of an escape e.g. to pause the light-up........................................ £££££££- End of burn debrief e.g. reporting areas requiring ‘follow-up’ patrols after burn ............................. £££££££

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ADMINISTRATION- Reporting field fire weather to the office at regular times................................................................ £££££££- Receiving forecast weather reports from office............................................................................... £££££££- Logistical support (fuel, food, water, heavy plant, back-up crews etc.)........................................... £££££££

CONTROL, COMMAND, COMMUNICATIONS- Chain of command (burn supervisor and sector bosses)................................................................ £££££££- Communications systems for fire-ground and command (UHF & VHF radios, mobile phones)......£££££££

SAFETY- Medical Emergency Evacuation Plan & Site Safety Plan................................................................ £££££££- Areas of likely tree or limb falling hazards (methods to identify/mark hazards) .............................. £££££££- Look up and look around procedure (for self and workmates)........................................................ £££££££- Location first aid kits and first aiders............................................................................................... £££££££- Pre-burn safety actions including ‘Smoke Hazard’ sign locations, traffic control plan etc ............... £££££££- Location of safety zones, and escape routes ................................................................................. £££££££- Safe parking of SF vehicles within the burn area and vehicle speeds during the burn .................. £££££££- Crew vehicles to have headlights and flashing beacons on where practicable............................... £££££££- Schedule adequate rest breaks and set appropriate work pace .................................................... £££££££- Ensure crews have access to supplies of drinking water............................................................... £££££££- Visitors to the site are inducted into the SSP ................................................................................. £££££££

Day 1 - Burn Supervisor………………………Date………….. Day 2 - Burn Supervisor…………………………Date…………..Day 3 - Burn Supervisor………………………Date………….. Day 4 - Burn Supervisor…………………………Date…………..Day 5 - Burn Supervisor………………………Date………….. Day 6 - Burn Supervisor…………………………Date…………..Day 7 - Burn Supervisor………………………Date………….. Day 8 - Burn Supervisor…………………………Date…………..





SIGNATUREIncident Controller

Burn Supervisor

Crew Leader

Crew Leader

Crew Member

Crew Member

Crew Member

Crew Member

Crew Member

Crew Member

Crew Member

Crew Member

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Personnel and equipment requirements:Resource State Forests NPWS Brigades Contract Coordinator


Incident Controller

Crew Leaders

Crew Members

Tankers 1

Slip – on Units 1+

Dozer n/a

Helicopter n/a

Radios – handheld UHF 1 per person

Weather monitoring equip. 1 per crew

Burning Operations Record

Forecast Weather and Indices (Obtain from Office)

See attached daily weather forecasts and relevant indices obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology

Burn Site Weather ReadingsTake daily on site readings (hourly if possible) and note un-forecast weather changes.

Date Time







Wind Sp.



Page 44: HP BB 104 12 v2pub - Forestry Corporation · Produced By: Michael McLean Non Forest Freehold Vacant Crown Land Water National Parks Informal Reserve Formal Reserve Planning Unit Major

Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

HP_BB_104_12 05-06-12 41



Date Time (hrs)

Flame Height






Flame Height





Ignition details – DATE (s)………………..Type: Aerial / Ground Method: Contour / Ridge / Road edge / Top disposal Pattern: Line / Spots

Incendiary Capsules used: _______ (aerial ignition only)

Ignition details – DATE (s)………………..Type: Aerial / Ground Method: Contour / Ridge / Road edge / Top disposal Pattern: Line / Spots

Incendiary Capsules used: _______ (aerial ignition only)

Ignition details – DATE (s)………………..Type: Aerial / Ground Method: Contour / Ridge / Road edge / Top disposal Pattern: Line / Spots

Incendiary Capsules used: _______ (aerial ignition only)

Ignition details – DATE/sType: Aerial / Ground Method: Contour / Ridge / Road edge / Top disposal Pattern: Line / Spots

Incendiary Capsules used: _______ (aerial ignition only)

POST BURN ASSESSMENTEstimated burn coverage (% of net area):…………………..%

Estimated burn coverage:…………………………………….ha

Fine fuel reduced to an average of :………………………….t/haEstimated area of crown scorch :……………………………. %

OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE REVIEWBurn complete? Yes/NoFollow up action required ? Yes/NoBurn contained within planned boundaries? Yes/NoBurn coverage objective met? Yes/No

Fine fuel reduction objective met? Yes/NoEnvironmental prescriptions met? Yes/NoThreatened Species License conditions met? Yes/NoFisheries License conditions met? Yes/No

Page 45: HP BB 104 12 v2pub - Forestry Corporation · Produced By: Michael McLean Non Forest Freehold Vacant Crown Land Water National Parks Informal Reserve Formal Reserve Planning Unit Major

Southern Region – Compartment104, Boyne State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area

HP_BB_104_12 05-06-12 42

Remedial Action required (if any):___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Remedial works certified complete.

Work Supervisor___________________________________________________________ Date:_______________

Comments:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Attach additional pages as required