hpucc.org  · web view2013-06-03 · together, we are investing in communities worldwide:...

Hamilton Park UCC Service of Worship (HPUCC) 1210 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603: (717) 397-9791; [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hpucc/ ; Website: hpucc.org Bulletin Markings: Bold Letters invite all to join in. invites all to stand, as they are comfortable, in body, mind or spirit. Hymnals: “H” indicates the burgundy hymnal and “N” indicates the black hymnal. March 15, 2020 Worship Theme: “Catalytic Conversations” Just talking with someone can change two lives: ours and the other persons! Today we are invited to reaffirm our baptisms.

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Page 1: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

Hamilton Park UCC Service of Worship(HPUCC) 1210 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603: (717) 397-9791; [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hpucc/ ; Website: hpucc.org Bulletin Markings: Bold Letters invite all to join in.

invites all to stand, as they are comfortable, in body, mind or spirit.Hymnals: “H” indicates the burgundy hymnal and “N” indicates the black hymnal.

March 15, 2020Worship Theme: “Catalytic Conversations”

Just talking with someone can change two lives: ours and the other persons!Today we are invited to reaffirm our baptisms.

Page 2: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

A Special Welcome to our Visitors and Guests Whether you are worshipping with us for the first time or returning after time away,we are so glad you have chosen to be with us today. There are many exciting things going on in the life of our church at this time and one of those things is that our church is on a six-week journey through Lent where we have made a commitment to let as much of the busy-ness of church go for a while. By doing this, we believe that we will be able to dive more deeply into the fountain of God's refreshment and discover, more fully, what it is God is calling us towards as individuals and as a faithful church community. Outside of our worship celebrations, many are gathering weekly in small groups to pray, discern Scripture and share about where God is moving in our lives and in the lives of those around us. We believe that this time "off" will rekindle our faith in extraordinary ways that will continue to grow for a long time to come. We are praying that all who worship with us during this time will feel the amazing transformation that is being kindled here. If you would like to learn more, please speak with Pastor Libby; God's transformational experiences are open to all of us and you are welcome to join us however you are comfortable. In the meantime, we hope that the information in this bulletin can serve as a little guide to help you participate however you feel led to. If you need help, those around you welcome the opportunity to be able to reach out and help you. We thank you for being with us today and we hope that you find what it is you are looking for!

Unbinding Your Heart: 40 Days of Prayer, Faith Sharing AND AMAZING GrowthWe invite all who are involved or affiliated with the church to pray for God’s Spirit to soar among and within us throughout our Lenten journey. Each worship service will weave together our prayers and gatherings. To learn more, contact the church office.

Children: We have a special location in the sanctuary that has items for children of all ages to take to their seats or they may stay in that area, with their families, to utilize

the child-friendly items. A nursery is available for children through 6 years that opensfollowing our children’s message. This is located through the middle doors out the sanctuary,

down the hall to the right (just past the bathrooms).

Page 3: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

Gathering MusicGathering WelcomePrelude (Light is carried into the sanctuary) Poor, Wayfaring Stranger Gathering Word

Lift up your lives! Day and night, we lift them up!God has touched with heavenly possibilities. God is here!

Gathering Hymn God is Here! As We Your People Meet N #70

Children at the Chancel Steps Water of Life

Unison Prayer of ConfessionGod of mercy, hear the prayers of your thirsting people. (Silence)For every time we have refused to claim for ourselves, your life-giving waters.Forgive us, we pray. (Silence)Loving One, Bring us to the well of grace, in Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Declaration of Grace and Peace (based on Romans 5 and John 4)

Prayer for Illumination

John 4:7-10, 16-29 (reading on the back side of this bulletin)

Unpacking the Scriptures Transformational Conversations

Anthem All Things Bright and Beautiful John Rutter, 1983 (see words in N .#31)

Engaging the Gospel

Quiet Prayer Reflection (During this time, as you are comfortable, all are invited to receive water may bring their bulletins to participate in the reaffirmation below. This time is also a time to use a leaf and place prayers on the prayer wall tree.)

Reaffirmation of Baptism

Page 4: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

Living water for you...take and drink, be refreshed.I am refreshed by this living water and reaffirm my baptism. Amen.

Prayers of the ChurchPrayer of our Savior (Paraphrased) A time of silence will be held after each bold response for reflection & prayer.

Our Father, in heaven and earth, Holy Be Your Name…Your Kingdom come, Your Will Be Done…On earth As it is in heaven…Give us today Our daily bread…Forgive us our wrongs As we forgive those who have wronged us… Save us and Do not let us fall into temptation…Rather we pray Deliver us from evil…For the kingdom, The Power, and the glory are yours…Now and forever And ever and ever into eternity…Amen and Amen Yes! Yes! Yes and Amen…

Empowerment Chorus God Empower Us (to the tune of “Sanctuary”) God empower us to be a witness for you, acting boldly, in your name; seeking justice, where there is hurting, offering hope where there is pain.

Invitation to the Offering (John 4:5-42.)

Offertory Only Trust and God Will Guide You J. S. Bach

Offertory Response Doxology N #785

Prayer of Dedication God of the Living Waters, like the Samaritan woman, we give our hearts and our lives to You as we seek to share Your Life through the network of relationships You have placed before us: one family, one person at a time. May all that we offer through our gifts and commitments be a way to offer Your Living Waters. Amen.

Sending Hymn (as candles are extinguished) I Love to Tell the Story N #522

Sending Benediction

Sending Hymn Pass It On Verse 3 (projected)

Page 5: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

Sending Music (as we move our service into the world)

Our Service in the World Begins

Our Monthly Mission: One Great Hour of SharingThe next two pages shares about this offering

(adapted from 222.onegreathourofsharing.org)

"You are God's field; God's building."Through the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering, we are planting seeds of new life.Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training, supporting microcredit lending and seeing people through to self-sufficiency, empowering families with skills to support themselves and their neighbors, and participating in sustainable solutions that offer dignity to all. These are just a few ways the OGHS offering touches God’s children, in addition to disaster relief and refugee initiatives.

Through your generosity, the world is a better place. But more is needed. Today, you have an opportunity to plant seeds into the lives of others. Be a co-worker with God. Building, planting, watering…and trusting that God gives growth to all good gifts shared in faith.

Page 6: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

Our church partners with this special mission and invite you to be a part. There are envelopes in the pews, in your personal offering envelope sets or you can mail a check to the church office, with the memo line noting: 2020 One Great Hour of Sharing.

Thank you for your generosity!

Invest in FuturesIn Thailand, a 13-year-old girl arrives at the New Life Center, seeking relief from the cruel conditions that have brought her here. Her life up to this point has been mostly about survival. Here, she meets others like her. Some are survivors of sexual abuse, domestic violence or human trafficking. Some have been forced to work when they wanted to go to school.

What will the future be like when she is empowered to share her gifts with her community and the world?

At the New Life Center, she is met with the investment of time, support, and resources. And she is loved. She is allowed to imagine a new future. Finishing school. Learning a trade. Even going to University to earn a degree.

In I Corinthians 3:9 Paul writes that we are all co-workers together in God’s service. Some of us plant. Some of us water. But God gives the growth. Paulreminds us that we are all called into the service of God, who cares for each and every one of us. What could the future be like when we work to plant and water together, and trust God to give the growth?

When you give to One Great Hour of Sharing, you invest in the futures of these girls and countless others

like them. Your gifts go to provide education, vocational training, basic necessities, and much-needed community support. When we share the love of Christ in this way, we see lives transformed. Not just their lives, but ours as well. Because when we empower girls to build a life for themselves, we help God build a better world for us all.

Page 7: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

As we invest in futures and serve as co-workers with God, the future becomes one of endless possibility and opportunity. What a great return on our investment!

Page 8: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

More About HPUCC can be found on our website: hpucc.org.If you don’t have access to the internet, pick up a “Weekly Watch” from an usher.

Present: March 8, 2020: 59

Those in Service among us today:Ministers: All our members Altar Guild: Flora Poulos/Mary Ellen CharnigaPastor: Libby Nocheck Opener: Fred SnyderSexton: Dawn Snyder Usher: Ned KreiderAdmin: Eileen Littell Lector: Ted RasmussenChildren’s Ministry: Lauren Weaver Worship Choir Interim Music Dir: Glenn Lehman Nursery: Mindy NewcomerTreasurer: Stephen Hohenwarter Closer: Tony MadonnaPreschool Director: Megan Griffith Fellowship: Needed

Acolyte: Darius Frailey

The Week Ahead: Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri (9:00am -12pm) Wed. (1pm – 4 pm) Sun 9:30 am: Worship (Sanctuary) Followed by Fellowship (Narthex)

10:45 am: Congregational Meeting (Sanctuary) 11 am: Consistory Meeting (Library)

Tues 9 am: Fit for Life Exercise (Maugans Chapel)3:30 pm: Community Meal (First Reformed UCC, 40 E Orange St. Lancaster)6:30 pm Zumba (Social Hall; $5 a session)

Wed 7 am: Prayer Service (Maugans Chapel)Thurs 10 am: Starbucks Friends (Starbucks, Stonemill Plaza, Columbia Ave)

6 pm: Zumba (Social Hall; $5 a session)7 pm: Choir Practice (Sanctuary)

Fri 9 am: Fit for Life Exercise Class ($5 a session)6 pm: All Church Dinner (Social Hall) (sign-up in narthex)

Sat 1 pm: Women’s Gathering (Maguans Chapel)Sun 9:30 am: Worship (Sanctuary) followed Fellowship (Narthex)

Further Ahead on the Calendar:

Mission Collection: One Great Hour of Sharing Sun, April 5th 8 am: Palm Sunday Breakfast (sign up outside main office)Sun, April 15th 7pm: Climate Change Book Study

Page 9: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

John 4:7-10, 16-29 A Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, ‘Give me a drink’. (His disciples had gone to the city to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, ‘How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?’ (Jews do not share things in common with Samaritans.) Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, “Give me a drink”, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.’ … Jesus said to her, ‘Go, call your husband, and come back.’ The woman answered him, ‘I have no husband.’ Jesus said to her, ‘You are right in saying, “I have no husband”; for you have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband. What you have said is true!’ The woman said to him, ‘Sir, I see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshipped on this mountain, but you say that the place where people must worship is in Jerusalem.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.’ The woman said to him, ‘I know that Messiah is coming’ (who is called Christ). ‘When he comes, he will proclaim all things to us.’ Jesus said to her, ‘I am he, the one who is speaking to you.’ Just then his disciples came. They were astonished that he was speaking with a woman, but no one said, ‘What do you want?’ or, ‘Why are you speaking with her?’ Then the woman left her water-jar and went back to the city. She said to the people, ‘Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He cannot be the Messiah, can he?’


Page 10: hpucc.org  · Web view2013-06-03 · Together, we are investing in communities worldwide: providing education to girls and boys, empowering communities through vocational training,

Resources and Ideas for today’s service was created by Pastor Elizabeth Nocheck following the "Unbinding Your Church" program.