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Page 2: HRIS Human Resources Information Solution RESOURCE GUIDE Plan Audit Reports.pdf · HRIS Resource Guide - Internal Use Only August 16, 2019 Absence Plan Audit Reports 4 HRIS Field

HRIS Resource Guide

- Internal Use Only August 16, 2019 Absence Plan Audit Reports 2

ABSENCE PLAN AUDIT REPORTS Table of Contents EMPLOYEE ABSENCE PLAN OR LEAVE HISTORY REPORT LP220 .............................................................................. 3

LP220 REPORT RESULTS JOB CARD PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................ 6

ANNUAL LEAVE ROLLBACK WARNING ZT202 ......................................................................................................... 7

REPORT PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 REPORT CRITERIA ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 REPORT CONTENT .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 REPORT RESULTS PARAMETERS ......................................................................................................................................... 9

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Employee Absence Plan or Leave History Report LP220 Run Employee Plan History Report (LP220) to print a list of employees or a listing by Plan/Structure.

The listing shows changes made to fields. Also, the logged date or the effective date, the field, the

previous field value and the new field value, along with the date stamp and user ID. Initial adds are

logged with the create date, time, and user ID. Changes are logged with the change date, time and user

ID. System generated changes will have a user ID of hrismstr.

HRIS Field

Required (R)

Optional (O)

Step / Action Expected Results Notes/ Additional Information

White Search Box

R Type LP220 in the White Search Box Press ENTER

The LP220 Employee Absence Plan or Leave History Report opens.

Job Name Field

R For a new report, type a unique name for the job. To use an existing report, you can select a previously defined job from

Job Name is established for the resulting report.

Define different sets of parameters for the same report by using alternate job names. For example, inquire on an existing job name, change the parameters values, type in a new job

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HRIS Field

Required (R)

Optional (O)

Step / Action Expected Results Notes/ Additional Information

the Drill Around. The jobs displayed are for the active user, displayed in the User Name field.

name and use the ADD button. Each job defined for a particular user must have a unique name.

Job Description Field

O Type a description of the job

A Job Description will display

The job description helps you identify a batch job by providing additional information about the job name.

Company Field R Type 1 in Company field

State of Arizona displays

All forms/actions must contain a 1 in the Company Field.

Absence Plan Field

O Select an Absence Plan to limit report records within structure group

Structure Group Fields

O Select a Structure Group to limit report results

Excluded End Date Field

O Enter the date that will be used to exclude records that have a Master End Date on or before date specified

If you leave field blank, all records with employee master end dates will be included.

Employee Fields

O Type the Employee ID

The report will be restricted to the

EIN (s) listed.

Date Range Fields

O To run a report for a specific date range, type the beginning and ending date

All logged history with an effective date range with the date range will be included in the report.

Date Type Field

O If you select a Date Range, select Effective or Logged date

Effective date for the LP31.1 is the Master Entry Date. Effective Date for the Emp LOA (LP51.1/XT51.1) is the Request Date.

Choose: Effective Date for LP31.1 Logged Date for LP51.1

History Type Field

R Select the type to print the history

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HRIS Field

Required (R)

Optional (O)

Step / Action Expected Results Notes/ Additional Information

logged for changes to 1 - Employee Master Records (LP31.1) or 2 - Employee Leave of Absence (XT51.1).

Page Break by Employee Field

O Select Value: 1 No 2 Yes

Y = insert a page break between each employee

Report Sequence Field

O Select report sorting, either by plan; structure or employee

Add Field

R Click Add to save a new report or Click Change if you selected a previous job and have created new parameters

Submit R Click Submit Pop-Up Window displays. Hit Submit again

Retrieve results from your print manager

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LP220 Report Results Job Card Parameters


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Annual Leave Rollback Warning ZT202

Report Purpose The State of Arizona requires that covered employees’ annual leave balances not exceed 240 hours and

non-covered employees’ annual leave balances not exceed 320 hours at the end of each calendar year.

In addition, the accrual for the final payroll (as of the last pay period that begins in a calendar year) will

be added to the limit amount and rolled into the new year. This requirement is for all System S agencies

and selected Non-System S agencies that choose to participate in the Annual Leave Rollback process.

Please see personnel rule R2-5A-B602-D for more information, as this process is governed.

The Annual Leave Rollback Warning (ZT202) report identifies the employees who will have excess annual

leave at the end of the calendar year. The report can be run on demand.

NOTE: This report calculates a projection though the end of the last payroll paid in the

current year. To get the final totals, it must be run no later than the last day of the year.

Report Criteria This report displays a listing of employee balances projected to be over the allowed limit and the

liabilities for those leave hours. Required fields include:


Agency and/or Process Level(s)

Annual Leave Plan

Projected Hrs in Pay Period

Report Content The report results display the information sorted by Process Level and then EIN.

As of the date run, for each employee, the report displays:


Employee Name

Employee’s hourly rate

Employee Status

Annual Leave Current and Projected Balance

Annual Leave Adjustment and the Dollar Amount of the Adjustment.

Total of Projected Hours Lost and the Projected Pay Lost

The report displays sub-total for the Process Level and the Agency.

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HRIS Field

Required (R)

Optional (O)

Step / Action Expected Results Notes/ Additional Information

1 White Search Box

R Type ZT202 in the White Search Box click ENTER

The ZT202 Annual Leave Rollback Warning Report opens.

2 Job Name Field

R Enter Job Name Maximum 10 characters – NO SPACES, NO Special Characters

Valid Job Name:


Invalid Job Name: Z202 PI100

3 Job Description


O Enter a description for the job

Maximum 30 characters Ex. ZT202-PI100 10/01/2019

4 Company Field

R Type 1 in Company field

State of Arizona displays

All forms/actions must contain a 1 in the

Company Field.

5 Agency Field

O Type the two-digit agency code in this field.

If no agency is entered, users will see all agencies within assigned security access.

6 Process Level range


O If applicable, type or select from the drop down menu the specific process level to

If no process level is entered, users will see all process levels within assigned security access.

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HRIS Field

Required (R)

Optional (O)

Step / Action Expected Results Notes/ Additional Information

include in the report. If no process level is desired, skip this field

7 Annual Leave Plan


R Type ANNUAL or select Annual from the drop down menu.

This is the plan that must be selected for annual leave.

8 Projected Hrs in Pay Period


R Type 80 in the field This allows for 80 hours per projected pay period.

9 Add Field

R Click Add to save a new report or Click Change if you selected a previous job and have created new parameters

10 Submit R Click Submit Pop-Up Window displays. Hit Submit again

Retrieve results from your print manager

After you have submitted your report to HRIS to process, you can view your results by accessing the

Print Manager under Jobs and Reports Bookmark.

Report Results Parameters

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