huawei 3g integration

Sherif Mahmoud El-Shalawy Mobile Access Engineer/Etisalat UAE [email protected] “Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it'll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein. Huawei 3G NEW SITE Integration / Expansion Manual 1 st Edition,

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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3G integration


Sherif Mahmoud El-ShalawyMobile Access Engineer/Etisalat UAE Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fsh by its ability to climb a tree, it'll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid. lbert Einstein.!uawei "# $E% &'(E'ntegration )E*pansion +anual 1st Edition, Version1.1(o do Before &tarting,1. eighbor list! "all to the #lanning/$M", as% for neighbor list for your site, this list contains ode& '#, Subnet Mas%, (ateway '#, )" '#s *+efault and standby,.-. "ell details! call to the $M" As% for local cell '+s, site con.guration*number of sectors, /ower,0. 1in% chec%! to con.rm that the transmission between the ode& and the )" is established this can be M2 lin% or o/tical .ber according to the site. a. Set your com/uter '#, subnet mas% and (ateway to the ode& '#s from neighbor list.b. "onnect your 1A cable to the transmission /ort in the lin%.c. 3ry to /ing the (ateway '# gi4en from the /lanning team if you recei4ed res/onse then the lin% is $5 ifnot call to the transmission to chec% as you cannot integrate the site without wor%ing lin%.6. "reate a new folder with the site '+ *$/tional, and /ut old scri/t .le inside it to be used.ow you ha4e chec%ed and ha4e all the data needed to start the integration.-e.uirements for the integration,1. 2or%ing 1a/to/ with 2eb 1M3 )718V-97 software, internet e:/lorer ; or older 4ersion and ce management setting to 1E.-1.-.18.c. $/en the 21M3 and login with Username! admin and /assword hwbs@com (for UMPT boards)(for WMPT username: admin and password: NodeB)d. 'n the MM1 window start setting the ode& '# by!1ommand 2etails3&( 2E7'/22 2E7'/3&( 2E7'/ 3o chec% old de4ice data loaded with con.guration .le download 3o Add '# As shown in ?ig.6! for the '# address set the ode& '# and the Mas% as gi4en from the /lanning. 2ith 1S3 command again you will .nd two '#s old one and the new one you added now %ee/ the old one and donFt remo4e now. Gou ha4e to remo4e the '# cloc%, $M channel, '# route, '# #ath and S"3# lin% before remo4ing the old de4ice '# because all ofthis de/ends on it.3&('/1383'$8-+7'/ ?or remo4ing the '#"15 set lin% number to 7 to remo4e the acti4e '#. ?or adding the '# cloc% lin% set the ser4er '#46 *)" acti4e as shown in .g.8. ?or remo4ing the '#"15 set lin% number to 1 to remo4e the standby '#. )e/eat the addition and change only the Ser4er '#46 to )" standby '# as shown in .g.9.-Sherif Mahmoud A [email protected]'$822'/1383'$83&('/1383'$8-+7'/1383'$822'/1383'$83&( 0+1!+02 0+1!3&( 0+1! 1S3 to see the e:siting $M cnannel so no need to remo4e Hust edit. 'n the M$+ mode set the local '# to the ode& '#I1, local mas% as gi4en from /lanning, and /eer '# to 17.-6.7.-19 this /eer '#0Sherif Mahmoud A [email protected].:ed allo4er UAE and /eer mas% -88.-88.7.7 then bearer ty/e'#V6. As shown in .g.E3&( '/-(-+7 '/-( ?or listing the '#)3 chec% how many routes you ha4e then delete all by re/eating )MV command for each route inde:. Almost from 7 to 6.22 '/-( )e/eat 8 times for route inde: from 7 to 6 changing the destination '# and itFs mas% as follow *re/eat as shown in .g.=,1. 'nde: Jero ! +estination '# ! 17.-0E.-17.E7 .:ed for all UAEand Mas% ! -88.-88.-88.-88.-. 'nde: 1 ! +estination '# ! 17.-67.7.7 .:ed for all UAE and Mas% ! -88.- 'nde: - ! +estination '# ! gi4en )" '#-1 and Mas% ! -88.-88.-88.-8-.6. 'nde: 0 ! +estination '# ! )" acti4e '# and Mas% ! -88.-88.-88.-88.8. 'nde: 6 ! +estination '# ! )" standby '# and Mas% ! -88.-88.-88.-88.9. All the remaining .elds still the same no change and for the ne:t ho/ '# is the (ateway '#.3&( '//(!+02 '//(! 1ist all e:isting '# /aths then you can directly edit it by editing the ode& '# and the )" '# then re/eat 6 times for /ath '+ from 1 to 6 and change the +S"# as follow! *'+ 1 +S"# K 69,'+ - +S"# K 1=,'+ 0 +S"# K 17,'+ 6 +S"# K 0=3&(&1(/3'$8+02&1(/3'$8 1ist the S"3# lin% /arameters the you can modify the .rst local '# to the ode& '# and .rst /eer '# to the )" '#. )e/eat 0 times for lin% number 1,- and 0 without changing anything as shown in .g.17.-+7 2E7'/ ow you can remo4e the old de4ice '#.3&( '9B1/22 '9B1/ 1ist old 'U&"# if 0 e:isting *7,1,-, then no change if not add new0 by only changing the "&&ear '+ 7,1,- and /ort number 7,1 onlu for '+ 1,- as shown in .g.11.&(E/ (!-EE , -4 layer 5 &ite confguration6,:6 ))U/2)?U con.guration !a. "hange 1A '# to 1E.-1.-.16/19.b. "hange /rogram '# to 1E.-1.-.18.6Sherif Mahmoud A [email protected]. $/en the 21M3 and login with Username! admin and /assword hwbs@com (for UMPT boards)(for WMPT username: admin and password: NodeB)d. 'n the MM1 window start con.guration by * ?or ))U sites, !1ommand 2etails3&( --9-+7 --9 3o chec% /re4ious ))U setting *how many ))Us you ha4e, if e:ist remo4e it by re/eating for all e:isting ))U.3&(--91!


'$ 3o chec% /re4ious ))U chain setting *how many .ber cables connected to the 2& board, if e:ist remo4e it by re/eating for all e:isting ))U chains.22 --9 )e/eat ))U addition for your all ))Us number with its con.guration *"ascaded or single ))U, as shown in .g.1- ?or single ))U for e:am/le 0))Us re/eat 0 times and change only the subrac% number =7, =1, =- and ))U chain number 7, 1, - *.ber cables, and the /osition is 7 for all. ?or cascaded ))Us for e:am/le 9 ))Us for 0 sectors *- for eachsector, re/eat 9 times for the 9 ))Us and change only subrac% number, ))U chain number and the /osition as following !1. Sector 1! *1st ))U - Subrac% =7, /osition 7,* -nd))U - Subrac% =1, /osition 1, *))U chain number 7 for both,-. Sector -! *1st ))U - Subrac% =-, /osition 7,* -nd))U - Subrac% =0, /osition 1, *))U chain number 1 for both,0. Sector 0! *1st ))U - Subrac% =6, /osition 7,* -nd))U - Subrac% =8, /osition 1, *))U chain number - for both,22--91!

'$ )e/eat changing the chain number for all main "#)' cables connected to the 2& board for e:am/le *0 ))Us connected to 2& re/eat 0 times,*9 ))Us cascaded -/sector re/eat also 0 times for the 0 "#)' cables from 2& board, as shownin .g.10 ?or 2)?U con.guration change the subrac% number will be 6 and slot from 7 to 8 as 2)?U installed inside the cabinet.;6 Sectors con.guration !8Sherif Mahmoud A [email protected]. 3his section to the sectors and sector eLui/ment settings, 'n the MM1 window start con.guration by!1ommand 2etails3&( &E1(0--+7 &E1(0-3&(&E1(0-E