hu~band to~~i::li~h'~!oi.,· an~t odd~ ~1il cn'i'

tJie. . . ,. tate of lntereat the No pre.enl'ollm\!nt 'lViUbo h6ld beal'. l!liglLSChOOI student. W. yellt', mte for the yellr Is 25e hils been the custom In the Plllt. fund, 18c tor co\lrt._ rollment tor all andes wilt ill! betel. fund and 10c fop Monday moming of next week, .. whldl Include bonds ler a,aId. in construction of the [&c:tdt)' Named for band Cotton Centcr and Run· WIU'd .chool faculty membel'l lire: 12 Grille 8),ltelll 1_ l·oode. Miaa-F1ora B. Magaard, tltlt !fale Center this yoar ore $18,464;. inltn/ctor; Misa RlIby the 12-grade lya'tem, 11\ $200.000 under ond grade; Mr •. Lucille In keeping with a movelll nt figure.. This reduction, third grade; Mrs. Imther Mounts, way In Texas thIs yelr" Miller sold. Is largely dlle to oJrth grade' -C. "uck. principal that all pupil, WiIJ enroll two P'Ililo of the rolla and, ward a hool, tifth; Mrs. Glad· aheBd of their last a .... atag. ' . the a'bd IlSSl!Ssmcnts on per-I ya Whitacre, sixth. The work In the Ing with those who were promoted ehnrge will not be contlnu. was the Rev. J. F. Michael, forml)! further detllils, aee Walt . . . propert) ' carried tor levera! grade school will be on a home· Ito the third grade la.t )lear; i. e., Ilftcr thia week unless a large IMethodist minister here, land now A large crowd attended a abQY- which dOell not now exist. I l\oom bul s, with no departmentlll 1the y wUl be In the fourth fl'Ilde, tl!e ,rowd attends. "nnd, unless we can in the Claude pulpit. Ing of tree motion pictures In ---V --- work lhi. year. II departure from a pupils promoted to the fourth will I'loke enough to make the pIon pro- PaU beuera were Joe Weddington. ward Bllhool auditorium laat IN HOTEL system employed tor tmlny YCII1' 8, be III the fifth, those pr-omoted to fltlllf.e." he added. - . - •• Short,; $Ila" by farm agencios in and Ml'8. E. L. D9rrouflb Miller Mid, the fifth will In the atxt.t\" . .. -, --V ---- . gordo Clyde and ijryan Nicholson, coun,y ... Comedies were shown week succeeded Mrs. Almll Woody Jllgh school faculty memberlf are: to the puplla who were promoted . •. I .-1. A. ro. MEET Flower gitla were Misses Corinne long with educationlll farm moviee os operator of the Hot,el Mr.' Virginia Benn, seventh, eighth the 11th grudc. wh.o will go to the , Firat oltho Pal'cnt-Teach- .. Scrogglns, Jan\! Charlotto and Joe Is this anqther false startY .•. bere. and hllvo announceu will lInd eleventh yeaH English. and girla 12th thll yelll'. ., tra IIss0Cllltion in the. new school 1I1nl'gllret Weddington. Janette Wat · Once again. word comes from the change tho name th" hotel to Its coach: Dob Roberson. seieM" in All youngstera uflClcr tr% term will 'be .held ThursdllY night kina of Prlnhandle, Peggy- Jean ' WPA that actual construction willorigi nBI ti tle. Haven Hotel. The seventh, eighth and tenth grade•• of age will be lIhrolied. in a '.rst 1 1ext week i n ward Bchool. audi- Nicholson nnd Cllrmen Hitchcock. begin next Tuesday on the sewer atructure hilS been rCPIlired. all and will conduct bQth the high school IfJ'IIdc. and all . pupil. Qver n- torlum ot 8 0 clock p. WIth a The American Joins others hore In system here . . • Thllt's the fourth are being rcpapered and olh. and elemcntllry scoot band.; M.!SI terlng achool for their first -Um!!. I rogram theme of .Ahead." express ing deepest regrot at the stBrtlng date they'vo announced ., reconditioning work is done. Mona Horton, high ec hool /llilth. will enter the second grade. Pupi'll Instllllation of new officers wld 11 pllasing' of another from thl), ranks J. Nute Watson and '"nilly are driv· Room and bOBrd. & ingle room •• 3- l\ir •. Lucille ' Masten; home making who wen! in the first erade ta lk on P.-T. A. objectives tor 1941- of carl}' ,'ay Halo Center ,., \Idcnt ll. 'Jig 'a new Jo'ord cQnch . , . It's 8 6. or · tamil)' .tyle In high .chool : Wade Davis, vorotion. laRt semester will be pia-oed In the · 12 by Super.\lltQlldent J. E. . · --V---. The R. L. Jone. family bAM n new alone IlI'C Ber"lees oftered by Ma'· .. n III lIgriculture; Sam Bryan. high Recond this yellr. second JI'IId. will be .on tbe along wl. th BAPTIST CHURCH .NOTES Chevrolet sedan. . . Hotel. school principal. commercial and . cnwill s.dy 11 SImi lAr COUI'M to a receptiOll hOnol'lngtoochers alId "Whllt I. J ..ove," a discussion. of ClII'f Burgess reporlJl he recently m nt .;r 80clal science, and boYII' coach: MU- the f irst erode... this year dul'l", . new 'lISsoc'tatlon .memberll•. Hoatcases the world'a most .powerful. emol,oll: SAW u g81'4en snake trying t (j jiwul· JUsI unpac:k,-d a lIew . hip e ler, sorial science and math, and J. the tirst YOllr of the plan, but 'later for U\covenlilg w . ill be Mmes. . Elmo will be /j ubjcct for SundBy 8 sundo)I ' IOW 11 bl\by rst, ond at the SlIme beautiful Camark .pottery In 1.. Hill, post-graduate defen.. pro. in the term. the 8C\"ood grader., ' '' ,Ill 'lIl1dle,·&lm Bryan, B. W. Lewis. D. school les80n at the Boptl.t chul'ch, tln19. irl' to oulrun n moUlu rnt and and pepper ..hakers. use .. p Jcct instructor, be given more advanced work, Ml!. - l.. . Fromm,- P. · L. Pollord, Carabol announces tho Rev. O. C. Edwards, 11 pOlm rllt that 1'ellily givi . and' knick knacks. See them. Englu.h Teacher Rettlgn. I ... 1181<1. I.emond :and Ow Il Belin. . "ostor: Excerpts from the , lesson Ihim fits ... Cliff' said he killed Dru,. . Itcsignat10n of Mi8B Hazel Kirby In the opening program ,'1 0 114&. 1, __ __ noy will . boprint1 ld In next week s Am:,: snnke, and t)oied to kill the r ats. SllturdllY 08 English Instructor was the . Rev. O. . C: Edwards. I!aptl.t l'Iw,· Lol}.ella Henkel, eriC/ill. flclmduted -- at tho} but was unablo to .'. .• ' liccepted by tho boltrd this wook, IUld. paator. will "olld!,ct . __ . ___ \j"e-PrIlllldent. and Miss Ruby Bru- Bnptlst thurch Sunday achool . Mrs. F. H. Copeland, daughte r of ; amidl her vllC&llcy layet to be filled. Mi •• at th .. ward oChool. nnd the Rev• . lon, secrctary-'reaI UJ'or. Executivo nt 10 11. m.• preachmg at 11 II. m., Mr ond Mrs. J. Harvel, lind her. I II' wr nches Kirby Is to teach In Ozonll sehoola. A. Melhodl st mlnlster, members a,re Mm a. Wardlllw.train.lpg union nt 7 : 45 p. m,. preach. aro to . tench lit l..nhvlow >Q1 Bua drivers for tho new t.erltl arc conduct tho dovotlonal at the Henkel. Caudle. lAlthor Malinta. Ing lIt 8 :30. p. Ill. on lind this t tl rm , , . They tBught nt Bllen " n rural telephone Del. ae follows: J . P. Law. bus No. I, high Bchool. Cecil WhItN:re, Vic Lamb. O. C. Ed- at 8 p. m. Thero were 208 In cI'I8.1C. for several yell1'8 •.. Member. of .ends, a II. Also listed though Stoneback district; Joe Scho. Band Pupl" to Meet Wards. Min M(llla Horton and C. lit Sunday Bchool lust SUllday. the thtfllolcg, Orp!Janll' Home of Quln- hghttng faml nellr town, onvolt. bus. No.2, through Center Bob noberso", new band E. Duck. ' pastor reports. Another Ill rge Ion. TOX08, entertlllncd members 01 hall sec W G 56111'8. If Pllllllli and. Sunshine districts; Geo. lor. met with members of the . hlgh --- V --- tondllllCC is anticipated for thiS the Churrh of .Chrlst. their 81JOnsor, See.ertificaie see me. Rawls; 1m!!' No. S, through and elementary bands TUII.- Jo'imt meting" of . tb.o , new club week. '" - lin n program of longe lit tho . district; Sum Bryan. bUI No. C, day night at the ward a.chool. for yellr tor Lb.o club will . b" . -- - ,,--.- u ply 01 her. ·Tuesday morning ... The local where you know Iowa Avellue dtatl'ict; T. Y. MaDan. a f irst rehear9al Ilnd get-acQuain tecl held WedneadllY next week at 2 ,30 . We a'",a,. tsr yaP . I church the youngstel "ll din . theflnt rule. \\>h",e 101 bUll No. 6 ' over tho old •. origlnlll meeting. A 8cL"nd rcheanaliato '''dock p. ' m; In tho . home of Mr •. FIlESH tamera tilm for all MZO ner at Jack' s cilleat nOOIl , . . that you're lollln il Center ;ou",' And LeRoy Low be held tonIght (Friday at the Wllrd 'Ployd F1 rll'l110n, ame.lls. ' AI",r yell' ve made . Iholl" , Visitinlf Uncle Bob Lemond laS! you pay for. will be ,ubltltutc school. to which '1 1il .I),olpcctlve n. ew -V--- brhllf us Ih .. ron or tIlm wook.ond . wall I. M, Clubb. wealthy We are proud of our reputation for Cu. t"dian. for the new term nre student. . are .invitM. ae well aa Whether "ntrens . of the . 10 he printed. Fa. 1 owrvlt... roooon'IOIi 1Illln of K8W' City; Okla., who 'air dcalina. It Is • reputation that Leo Llnil, wurd •• hool building. and former student., and .I!.are te. . commwllt)' school dlat1'fct and_ .bl .. e h.rld., PllIlIOn .Dru g . wos n c6w-boy buddy of Bob will he presuved. We"ley 1100110, at th" hlllh oehBOI. The WPA hot lunch mom project l .akll!! ld. e, lll .. d .. e.pend nt. diaulc\ . WI."h __ . I'!::":".' . --V -. -,- . In Ihe Cherokee ._trIP back in 1881 . WALT PADGE'I'T. BLACKSMI1'U Work I. conlinul.n g rllP.ldl Y on t.hC. will not be ill ti P.crauon fol' II fow to Pctertbur.,< In · TO IIA WAIIN ISLANDS . . . Wow, tbat'l 54 yeai'll lI1fo .• , __ . NYA project, 11 $4 .600 building dBys at th," bell'inning of . the new dependent· dl.trlct )"ilI be Joo Cecil Jlullbard. of James RUI'ul school teaclle... in this ' 5c cash the 'high school, to be Wled for VOCll- t .. ,m. hut will b" a8 800n a8 poulble. a1 II lpeela' electIon called lor S"I· M; Uubbard. ltoute.'. th18 d l y. c n'I' lIion for the new acllcol teml . open. cotton .nail. No ovel'llll8, .1'0)' oJll'lc.ulture Ihop work, 08 an To, daLe , mol'<! ,than 2,100 ..contalJ!" urdu)' b)J Fl'IlIIk DIl)', count)( Judgu IiBt(jd lal t week ror tho Corl)s or inll' Mondlly. Include : Velma 31l1dlll' c lothing _wjth button. wanll'd building, for tbe defenaU' orR of vegetables have been. pUt up 1IIIi'l .... --, In Lhe regular army. IIIl.d . Happy' 11nloll. Roe C. ' Bird and Motol' t:o. . program. a. well a. a bUB by WPA workertl I.n II. cannmg . kit- hOB been Qulgned to lhe Motone Wind", hen at Hooper. aM I. L. ' Hili. defolUlC propam chen in thtl word Rch?OI. The can.ned I'landa. He II now cnroulc •. vlu Fort Mra. Grace I.oy4:1 at Sun.hllle • IneLl'Uctor. ,Is. IlIpI!rvllOf for (be foods will be used In the lumho. In , Cllllromla. J08S- Whitacre, alletman horll buUd;ng, with cia M youths employ- later In the school year. Whent'he -.-- V--.- Wlnn Motor 00., PiJalnv1ew cd at pfelellt. Several more will 'lIlQ- Illnch room \lpenB. fresh ve,etablea; PICNIC . .. . . reporta tlle .. 10.of Q go on the P!'yroll door achool out of the tour-acrega"dlln . pown , The ChlIdrctl'8 Depllrtment of the l it ton Ford t tu 1t to Tom HW' repettl. . Ilouth of the achool building . l\V. Metbodisl Chul'Clb honol'N the Sun· Gild all .,-tho .. (If.i .1941 . .. ed WPA Cl'eW this IIPri,Dg and IJIImmII1', School clll . of .• coupe-.edart to' " Jlt . Nicholas bMt\ .. m))loyed . a. will be served. Among the . retabl",. with a plenic' on the CIQ' Oanll.l •• • ' to kMp. . all live bulle. In CAnned for future ule 1ft rllOOn. , r.- ; condition durinr the term, wblch I hOlM •. IQU\1lll •. okra, d ... wa. wlnl\llr- In will atled • Illvln. tor tho toebool, cucumberi-. A J\IIlC.b Wit . itera - mate . • ' . and .

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tJie. . . , . tate of lntereat the No pre.enl'ollm\!nt 'lViUbo h6ld beal'. l!liglLSChOOI student. W. yellt', mte for the yellr Is 25e hils been the custom In the Plllt.

fund, 18c tor co\lrt._ rollment tor all andes wilt ill! betel. fund and 10c fop Monday moming of next week, ~II ..

whldl Include bonds th~ ler a,aId. in construction of the [&c:tdt)' Named for band

Cotton Centcr and Run· WIU'd .chool faculty membel'l lire: 12 Grille 8),ltelll 1_ l·oode. Miaa-F1ora B. Magaard, tltlt !fale Center ~hooi. this yoar ore $18,464;. inltn/ctor; Misa RlIby the 12-grade lya'tem, 11\

recl~'iD~"'appro:"hillate.IY $200.000 under ond grade; Mr •. Lucille In keeping with a movelll nt figure.. This reduction, third grade; Mrs. Imther Mounts, way In Texas thIs yelr" Miller

sold. Is largely dlle to oJrth grade' -C. E~ "uck. principal that all pupil, WiIJ enroll two P'Ililo of the rolla and, droPPlng~. ward a hool, tifth; Mrs. Glad· aheBd of their last y~'. a .... atag.

' . the a'bd IlSSl!Ssmcnts on per-I ya Whitacre, sixth. The work In the Ing with those who were promoted \llis~lon ehnrge will not be contlnu. was the Rev. J. F. Michael, forml)! further detllils, aee Walt . . . propert)' carried tor levera! grade school will be on a home· Ito the third grade la.t )lear; i. e., ~c1 Ilftcr thia week unless a large IMethodist minister here, land now A large crowd attended a abQY- which dOell not now exist. I l\oom buls, with no departmentlll 1the

y wUl be In the fourth fl'Ilde, tl!e

,rowd attends. "nnd, unless we can in the Claude pulpit. Ing of tree motion pictures In ---V--- work lhi. year. II departure from a pupils promoted to the fourth will I'loke enough to make the pIon pro- PaU beuera were Joe Weddington. ward Bllhool auditorium laat IN HOTEL system employed tor tmlny YCII1'8 , be III the fifth, those pr-omoted to fltlllf.e." he added. - . - ~. ~mlth •• ~d Short,; $Ila" fll.~·llponlOred by farm agencios in and Ml'8. E. L. D9rrouflb ~ Miller Mid, the fifth will 1» In the atxt.t\" ~ . .. -, --V---- . gordo Clyde and ijryan Nicholson, coun,y ... Comedies were shown a· week succeeded Mrs. Almll Woody Jllgh school faculty memberlf are: to the puplla who were promoted ~_~, .•.

I .-1. A. ro. MEET Flower gitla were Misses Corinne long with educationlll farm moviee os operator of the WO~y Hot,el Mr.' Virginia Benn, seventh, eighth the 11th grudc. wh.o will go to the , Firat l~ceting oltho Pal'cnt-Teach- .. Scrogglns, Jan\! Charlotto and Joe Is this anqther false startY .•. bere. and hllvo announceu the~ will lInd eleventh yeaH English. and girla 12th thll yelll'. .,

tra IIss0Cllltion in the . new school 1I1nl'gllret Weddington. Janette Wat· Once again. word comes from the change tho name ~f th" hotel to Its coach: Dob Roberson. seieM" in All youngstera uflClcr tr% y~ara term will 'be .held ThursdllY night kina of Prlnhandle, Peggy- Jean 'WPA that actual construction willoriginBI title. Haven Hotel. The seventh, eighth and tenth grade • • of age will be lIhrolied. in a '.rst 11ext week i n ;h~ ward Bchool. audi- Nicholson nnd Cllrmen Hitchcock. begin next Tuesday on the sewer atructure hilS been rCPIlired. all and will conduct bQth the high school IfJ'IIdc. and all . pupil. Qver 6~, n-torlum ot 8 0 clock p. ~., WIth a The American Joins others hore In system here . . • Thllt's the fourth are being rcpapered and olh. and elemcntllry scoot band.; M.!SI terlng achool for their first -Um!!. I rogram theme of "Loo~lng .Ahead." express ing deepest regrot at the stBrtlng date they'vo announced ., reconditioning work is ~eing done. Mona Horton, high echool /llilth. will enter the second grade. Pupi'll Instllllation of new officers wld 11 pllasing' of another from thl), ranks J. Nute Watson and '"nilly are driv· Room and bOBrd. &ingle room •• 3- l\ir •. Lucille ' Masten; home making who wen! rctllin~d in the first erade ta lk on P.-T. A. objectives tor 1941- of carl}' ,'ay Halo Center ,., \Idcntll. 'Jig 'a new Jo'ord cQnch . , . It's 8 6. ~rtmcnt8. or · tamil)' .tyle ~",aI8 In high .chool : Wade Davis, vorotion. laRt semester will be pia-oed In the ·12 by Super.\lltQlldent J. E. MU~er . ·--V---. The R. L. Jone. family bAM n new alone IlI'C Ber"lees oftered by Ma'· .. n III lIgriculture; Sam Bryan. high Recond this yellr. Th~ second JI'IId. will be .on tbe ' pro&,~am, along BAPTIST CHURCH .NOTES Chevrolet sedan. . . Hotel. school principal. commercial and .cnwill s.dy 11 SImilAr COUI'M to a receptiOll hOnol'lngtoochers .· alId "Whllt I. J..ove," a discussion . of ClII'f Burgess reporlJl he recently ~--V--- m nt .;r 80clal science, and boYII' coach: MU- the f irst erode... this year dul'l",

. new 'lISsoc'tatlon .memberll •. Hoatcases the world'a most .powerful. emol,oll: SAW u g81'4en snake trying t(j jiwul· JUsI unpac:k,-d a lIew . hip e ler, sorial science and math, and J. the tirst YOllr of the plan, but 'later for U\covenlilg w. ill be Mmes . . Elmo will be /jubjcct for SundBy 8 sundo)I' IOW 11 bl\by rst, ond at the SlIme beautiful Camark .pottery In unlll~~ 1.. Hill, post-graduate defen.. pro. in the term. the 8C\"ood grader., '' ',Ill '·'lIl1dle,·&lm Bryan, B. W. Lewis. D. school les80n at the Boptl.t chul'ch, tln19. i rl' to oulrun n moUlu rnt and '~I and pepper .. hakers. use .. p Jcct instructor, be given more advanced work, Ml!.

- l.. . Fromm,- P. ·L. Pollord, Carabol announces tho Rev. O. C. Edwards, 11 pOlm rllt that w~re 1'ellily givi . and' knick knacks. See them. Englu.h Teacher Rettlgn. I ... 1181<1. I .emond :and Ow Il Belin. . "ostor: Excerpts from the , lesson I him fits ... Cliff' said he killed Dru,. . Itcsignat10n of Mi8B Hazel Kirby In the opening program ,'1


N.ilW. ~~. __ !~_~.!'I'~ __ noy W~rd- will . boprint1ld In next week s Am:,: snnke, and t)oied to kill the rats. SllturdllY 08 English Instructor was the . Rev. O . . C: Edwards. I!aptl.t l'Iw,· pl'esldellt.~_ Ml'1\.. Lol}.ella Henkel, eriC/ill. Servlce~ ' flclmduted -- at tho} but was unablo to . ' . .• ' liccepted by tho boltrd this wook, IUld. paator. will "olld!,ct . thc.._~ellot~to::;n:;;'I:.. __ . ___ ~_-" \j"e-PrIlllldent. and Miss Ruby Bru- Bnptlst thurch lUclu~e Sunday achool . Mrs. F. H. Copeland, daughter of ; amidl her vllC&llcy layet to be filled. Mi •• at th .. ward oChool. nnd the Rev • . • lon, secrctary-'reaIUJ'or. Executivo nt 10 11. m .• preachmg at 11 II. m., Mr ond Mrs. J. ~', Harvel, lind her. I II' wr nches Kirby Is to teach In Ozonll sehoola. A. Hitch~ock. Melhodlst mlnlster, I ",a~d members a,re Mm a. Wardlllw.train.lpg union nt 7 :45 p. m,. preach. hu~band aro to . tench lit l..nhvlow >Q1 to~~I::li~h'~!OI . ,· An~t odd~ Bua drivers for tho new t.erltl arc ~1Il conduct tho dovotlonal at the Henkel. Caudle. lAlthor Malinta. Ing lIt 8 :30. p. Ill. on Sun~IIY, lind this t tlrm , , . They tBught nt Bllen " n rural telephone Del. ae follows: J . P. Law. bus No. I, high Bchool. Cecil WhItN:re, Vic Lamb. O. C. Ed- at 8 p. m. Thero were 208 In cI'I8.1C. for several yell1'8 •.. Member. of .ends, a II. Also hnv~' listed though Stoneback district; Joe Scho. Band Pupl" to Meet Wards. Min M(llla Horton and C. lit Sunday Bchool lust SUllday. the thtfllolcg, Orp!Janll' Home of Quln- hghttng Pla~!~ faml nellr town, onvolt. bus. No.2, through Center Bob noberso", new band ~mc. E. Duck. ' pastor reports. Another Illrge a~. Ion. TOX08, entertlllncd members 01 hall sec W G 56111'8. If Pllllllli and. Sunshine districts; Geo. lor. met with members of the .hlgh

---V--- tondllllCC is anticipated for thiS the Churrh of .Chrlst. their 81JOnsor, See.ertificaie see me. Rawls; 1m!!' No. S, through Mayfiekll8cho~1 and elementary bands TUII.-Jo'imt meting" of . tb.o , new club week. '" - lin n program of longe lit tho chu~l~ . • district; Sum Bryan. bUI No. C, day night at the ward a.chool. for

yellr tor Lb.o ~eedle club will . b" . --- ,,--.-u ply 01 her. ·Tuesday morning ... The local where you know Iowa Avellue dtatl'ict; T. Y. MaDan. a f irst rehear9al Ilnd get-acQuaintecl held WedneadllY next week at 2 ,30 . We a'",a,. tsr yaP . I church bough~ the youngstel"ll din . theflnt rule. \\>h",e 101 bUll No. 6 ' over tho old •. origlnlll meeting. A 8cL"nd rcheanaliato

'''dock p. ' m; In tho . home of Mr •. FIlESH tamera tilm for all MZO ner at Jack's cilleat nOOIl , . . that you're lollln il H~le Center ;ou",' And LeRoy Low be held tonIght (Friday at the Wllrd 'Ployd F1 rll'l110n, ame.lls. ' AI",r yell've made . Iholl" , Visitinlf Uncle Bob Lemond laS! you pay for. will be ,ubltltutc ' dri~r. school. to which '11il .I),olpcctlve n.ew

-V--- brhllf us Ih .. ron or tIlm wook.ond . wall I. M, Clubb. wealthy We are proud of our reputation for Cu. t"dian. for the new term nre student. . are .invitM. ae well aa Whether "ntrens . of the . 10 he printed. Fa. 1 owrvlt... roooon'IOIi 1Illln of K8W' City; Okla., who 'air dcalina. It Is • reputation that Leo Llnil, wurd •• hool building. and former student., and .I!.are te. .

commwllt)' school dlat1'fct and_ .bl .. eh.rld., PllIlIOn .Drug

. wos n c6w-boy buddy of Unrl~ Bob will he presuved. We"ley 1100110, at th" hlllh oehBOI. The WPA hot lunch mom project l .akll!! ld.e, lll .. d .. e.pend nt. diaulc\ . WI."h __ . I'!::":".'. --V-. -,- . In Ihe Cherokee ._trIP back in 1881. WALT PADGE'I'T. BLACKSMI1'U Work I. rllP.ldl

Y on t.hC. will not be ill tiP.crauon fol' II fow

to tOnllOJlda~wlth Pctertbur.,< In · TO IIA WAIIN ISLANDS . . . Wow, tbat'l 54 yeai'll lI1fo .• , __ . NYA project, 11 $4.600 building n~ar dBys at th," bell'inning of . the new dependent· dl.trlct )"ilI be d~ Joo Cecil ~. Jlullbard. 801~ of James RUI'ul school teaclle... in this ' P6~ 5c cash fo~ the 'high school, to be Wled for VOCll- t .. ,m. hut will b" a8 800n a8 poulble. a1 II lpeela' electIon called lor S"I· M; Uubbard. ltoute.'. th18 d ly. cn'I'lIion for the new acllcol teml. open. cotton .nail. No ovel'llll8, .1'0)' oJll'lc.ulture Ihop work, 08 an To, daLe, mol'<! ,than 2,100 ..contalJ!" urdu)' b)J Fl'IlIIk DIl)', count)( Judgu IiBt(jd lalt week ror tho Corl)s or inll' Mondlly. Include : Velma 31l1dlll' clothing _ wjth button. wanll'd building, for tbe defenaU' orR of vegetables have been. pUt up

1IIIi'l .... --, 11o~lldlnee,. In Lhe regular army. IIIl.d . Happy' 11nloll. Roe C. ' Bird and Motol' t:o. . program. a. well a. a bUB by WPA workertl I.n II. cannmg . kit-hOB been Qulgned to lhe Ib~lIlln Motone Wind", hen at Hooper. aM I. L. ' Hili. defolUlC propam chen in thtl word Rch?OI. The can.ned I'landa. He II now cnroulc • . vlu Fort Mra. Grace I.oy4:1 at Sun.hllle • IneLl'Uctor. ,Is. IlIpI!rvllOf for (be foods will be used In the lumho.

In , Cllllromla. J08S- Whitacre, alletman horll buUd;ng, with ciaM youths employ- later In the school year. Whent'he -.--V--.- Wlnn Motor 00., PiJalnv1ew cd at pfelellt. Several more will 'lIlQ- Illnch room \lpenB. fresh ve,etablea;

PICNIC . .. . . reporta tlle .. 10.of Q go on the P!'yroll door achool out of the tour-acrega"dlln .pown , The ChlIdrctl'8 Depllrtment of the l it ton Ford ttu 1t to Tom HW' repettl. . Ilouth of the achool building .l\V.

Metbodisl Chul'Clb honol'N the Sun· Gild all.,-tho ~ . . (If. i .1941 . .. ed

WPA Cl'eW this IIPri,Dg and IJIImmII1',

School clll . of . • coupe-.edart to' " Jlt . Nicholas bMt\ . . m))loyed . a. will be served. Among the . retabl",. with a plenic' on the CIQ' Oanll.l •• • ' to kMp. . all live bulle. In CAnned for future ule 1lr~:

1ft rllOOn. . ~.. ~ ,r.- ; condition durinr the term, wblch I hOlM • . IQU\1lll •. okra, d ... wa. wlnl\llr- In • will atled • Illvln. tor tho toebool, cucumberi-.

A bu~ J\IIlC.b Wit . itera - mate . • ' . and . _~ '.', ._ . ' ~~.~u"'. ,

7:T."P=-------·I.o\,DLERIIKA Ilvet me proper adion. and- fUr. Uled ADLER ..

10 rUD tOl~ .,peJh of. ~Oft· (A. ,W •• YL) ADLERIKA

tlel,. bowel» quickl, and reo IU p.I ... Gol II TODAY. --:-:---==---.....:-­I'INIION DRUG (,'0.

BURT · E.lectric Shop

E!<ctrkal Co., ....... - . R.efrfp .. ator 'Benke .. Iooil. 157 81' lid",. Plaln,lew IIM:;;-;;;;>~;;;;-~;;;;:~ I ~pite Furniture Co,

. . PEI\J'ECTJON ST~VES ~,y._Iio.. PIoor e.

,'II · 'IIOAI>WAY"':'~· ;,. Used Furniture • '. . 712 BROAllWAY

',OOl~iirl·. eonndenc:e ~;~~J~~~~~=-j~~5a!;!~~!!I;! . me_Ill· 50, much" .' . - ~ .. nd Is 10, Il1.\lIortlnt. Gel her 1tef-.nd M .vre of he. hippillo" For Safer Dliving .

.. . ' . . . ' . ....... thor"'" the .. h ... T.~"t.,I'\a1JIII.wnj '8 I . I ' MI· .

. Us F,o,r .. ,A. Il .. K. 'mds O· .e .. f· .. At"'.· . •... S "·70V ......... ... , ..... . . ..... '' lid •• I. oIIoad •• • _ I. Fire.- Tbert .• 8e-'lon'lJ .1.IabUlt,.'flpfrt)' Diml,f"

. ' New & Us'!!d .. " ... . Avuld .'Ino.dal · "BIo ... Outa" with Gu ... rtt .... i ... r ....... ,Ied · IIUrs!:ll!J I . , BEA~ SHOP '''~~N~~~: ~~I~~F~~~&AVING ON YOUR ' YACATIO~. ' . 'l'lEW'fJUSED MIS. Archie . B •. • . ., . ·C.IUT·"· ' . ..

n80".IIOO){ SUITES . ~ n DB •• 'lI ~Weeding Hoes' .. .uS·"." ."U CI AGIR" "Y

';;th- BARGAIN PRrCES ON BEAUTI- CONOCO an URftn ~ ~'UL SWIlHTLY .u:reD .. IANO Products VI"II M.rtill" Mil'. . DIal 2111

Dye-Wilson Furniture Co,

. Am St. Plain VI •• BUY NOW If )'ou can .nord . .. nfl.' ear, rlllh't now ' is. the timr tu hu)' .•.•

righl nuw whUeweQRlltUl .I\,f' you Hille choice ~ .. rlghi . ftOW'

~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'=:!!J~~!.:!~~~~::..;I ",hUe prkl'A att' lower than you may ,"ver tK'e the", Bcain; = . now w-hil~")'oo caP lIuli g_' eh-y .pa.J'maltL SOON MAY OE TOO LATEI

•• Une Your Battt'r}, Ch.rJt'l'CI whl1i you wait&" We "have thf' new "Speedwa)'" MethOd. Al~ • cf)m~dt' lint' of Standard IUI',lr Pari ••

Itemember p~~ Motor ExdlUlIge PlaD .

... r

~.tterlH. Char,eci . Whle 'U Walt~,O Mlnut~ i8 aU It rake.


---e--­For new, or used. autos, see our

salesmon in Hale Center, JESS WHITACRE

MOTOR Ford Dealers

rif!1e, ' Food· arid MoneY


SIlJti.~I'~" oi., buctho.e pleas.aot late . A'li8'i;~r$e~mbet lOCI October day. abead are ideal tor ~ti6il ulp., 8r~ away from busiocn and home . ~\ u.k. 1Q"".catiOQ trip DOW buo,. lummer Ilip' by.

f.·c. WI' OH or .11 .0' ,Ites •• cettlc wottrle,lallrl • • 1. SANTA ;k

C)rai .. :1 Canyon • Carlabad CjV.~n. ;, Yo.emlte Indian Detourl .• Cailfornla

Aak JOU loc:al Santa Pe ageDt today Cor cle.cripdvefolden Iud complete vacation .Wo~matioD; ,-

Spec;it1 'Ndent tickets now on sale to ac:hool points nut and fat.