human brain and models of ann

Definitions of Certain Key Terms Neuron: The basic nerve cell or computing unit for biologic information processing. Action potential: The pulse of electric potential generated across the membrane of a neuron following the application of a stimulus greater than the threshold value. Axon: The output node of a neuron that carries the action potential to other neurons in the network. Axon hill cock: The starting point of the axon. Dendrite: The input part of the neuron that carries a temporal summation of action potential to soma. Soma: The cell body of the neuron (that processes the inputs from dendrites). Somatic gain: The parameter that changes the slope of the non-linear activation function, used in the architecture of neuron. Synapse: The junction point between the axon of a pre-synaptic neuron and the

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Artificial Neural Network


Page 1: Human Brain and Models of ANN

Definitions of Certain Key Terms

Neuron: The basic nerve cell or computing unit for biologic information processing.Action potential: The pulse of electric potential generated across the membrane of a neuron following the application of a stimulus greater than the threshold value.Axon: The output node of a neuron that carries the action potential to other neurons in the network. Axon hill cock: The starting point of the axon. Dendrite: The input part of the neuron that carries a temporal summation of action potential to soma.Soma: The cell body of the neuron (that processes the inputs from dendrites).Somatic gain: The parameter that changes the slope of the non-linear activation function, used in the architecture of neuron.Synapse: The junction point between the axon of a pre-synaptic neuron and the dendrite of a post-synaptic neuron. It is the axon-dendrite contact organ. Synaptic and somatic learning: Synaptic learning is the component of the learning that determines the optimum synaptic weights based on the minimization of certain performance index of error. Somatic learning consists of the adaptation of the optimum value of the slope of the non-linear activation function.

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1. Neuro Computing

A human brain consists of approximately computing elements called neurons. They communicate through a connection network of axons and synapses, having a density of approximately synapses per neuron. The human brain is thus a densely connected electrical switching network, conditioned largely by the biochemical process. The neuron is thus the fundamental building block of a biological neural network and operates in a chemical environment. A typical neuron cell has three major regions: the soma (cell body), the axon and the dendrites. The dendrites form a dendrite tree, which is a very fine bush of thin fibers around the neuron body. Dentrites receive information from the cell body through axons (long fibers that serve as transmission lines). An axon is a long cylindrical connection that carries impulses from the neuron. The end part of the axon splits in to a fine elements, each branch of which terminates in a small end bulb almost touching the dendrites of the neighboring neurons. This axon- dendrite contact is termed as a synapse. The synapse is where the neuron introduces its signal (in terms of electrical impulses) to the neighboring neuron. Further more the neuron is covered by a thin membrane.


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A neuron will respond to the total of its inputs aggregated over a short time interval (period of latent summation). The neuron will respond if the total potential of its membrane reaches a certain level. The neurons generate a pulse response and send it to its axon only under the satisfaction of certain conditions. The incoming impulse may be excitatory if they cause firing, or inhibitory if they hinder the firing. The precise condition for firing is that the excitation should exceed the inhibition by the amount called the threshold of a neuron (a typical value for the threshold is 40 mV.).

The incoming impulses to neuron can only be generated by the neighboring neurons or by the neuron itself (by feedback). Usually a certain number of impulses are required for a neuron to fire. Impulses that are closely spaced in time and arrive synchronously are more likely to cause a neuron to fire. Observations showed that biological neural networks perform temporal integration and summation of electrical signals. The resulting spatio-temporal processing performed by the biological neural networks is a complex process and is less structured than in digital computations. Furthermore the electrical impulses are not synchronized in time as opposed to the synchronous discipline of digital computation. One important characteristic feature 0f the biological neuron is that the magnitude of the signal generated does not differ significantly. The signal in the nerve fiber is either absent or has a maximum value. This means that the information is transmitted between the nerve cells in the form of binary signals.


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After carrying a pulse, an axon fiber undergoes a state of complete inactivity for a certain time called the refractory period. For this time interval the nerve does not conduct any signals, regardless of the intensity of excitations. The refractory period is not uniform over the cells. The time units for modeling biological neurons may be of the order of milliseconds. Also there are different types of neurons and different ways in which they are connected.

Now understand that we are dealing with a dense network of interconnected neurons that release asynchronous signals, which are not only fed forward to the neighboring neurons but also fed back to the generating neuron itself. Thus the picture of the real phenomena in the biological neural network becomes involved.

The brain is a highly nonlinear, complex, and parallel, information processing system. Human brain has the ability to arrange its structural constituents (neurons) to perform certain operations like pattern recognition, perception and motor control, many times faster than the fastest computer available today. In what follows an example of such operation by human brain is explained.

Consider the human vision which is an information processing task. The visual system continuously gives the representation of the environment around us and supply the information needed to react to it. The human brain routinely accomplishes these perceptual recognition tasks in approximately 100-200 msec. A digital computer will


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take days to perform a much less complex task. Consider for example, the sonar of a bat, which is an active echo recognition system. The bat sonar gives information like how far away the target are, the relative velocity of the target, the size of the target, the size of the various features of the target, and the azimuth & elevation of the target.

The vestibule-ocular reflex (VOR) system is a part of the vision operations performed by the human eye and the brain. The function of the VOR is to maintain the stability of the retinal image by making the eye rotations opposite to the head rotations. There are pre-motor neurons and motor neurons which carry out any muscle movement. The pre-motor neurons in the vestibular nuclei receives and process head rotation (inputs) signals and sends the results to the eye muscle motor neurons responsible for eye rotations. Since the above input and output signals are well defined it is possible to modal such a vestibule-ocular reflex (VOR) system.

In what follows two questions are asked.

1.1 Why Neurons are very slow?

1. The axon is a long insulated conductor. It is a few microns in diameter filled with a much poorer conductor than copper, even a few millimeters will have high resistance.

2. No insulation is perfect. Some current will leak through the membrane


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3. A cell membrane is an insulating sheet tens of an Ångstroms thick with conductors on both sides. The membrane material has a high dielectric constant. So we should expect a large membrane capacity (a typical value would be 1 F per ).

Now, the time constant which is proportional to the product of the resistance and capacitance is also high.

1.2 Why the action potential is all-or-none?

A neuron will respond to the total of its inputs aggregated over a short time interval (period of latent summation). The neuron will respond if the total potential of its membrane reaches a certain level. The neurons generate a pulse response and send it to its axon only under the satisfaction of certain conditions. The incoming impulse may be excitatory if they cause firing, or inhibitory if they hinder the firing. The precise condition for firing is that the excitation should exceed the inhibition by the amount called the threshold of a neuron (a typical value for the threshold is 40 mV.).

1.3 Computation by human brain

We may have the complete knowledge of the neural architecture and arrangements, yet the characterisation of the high-level computation of the human mind remains a mystery. This is because the electro chemical transmission of signals and the adjustments of the synaptic (connection


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weights) are involved and it is complex. This paradoxical situation of human mind can be roughly explained as follows:

Imagine connecting a logic analiser to a working CPU with a completely known and well documented architecture. Let all the signal flow from the logic analyzer to the CPU and from CPU to the logic analyzer is known and is documented and analyzed. The knowledge of this activity in the micro level is insufficient to explain the computation that is taking place in the macro level.

Note, however, that the primary purpose, application, and objective of the human brain is survival. The time-evolved performance of human intelligence reflects an attempt to optimize this objective. The distinguishing characteristics does not, however, reduce our interest in biological computation since,

1. The brain integrates and stores experiences, which could be previous classification or associations of input data. In this sense it self organizes experience.

2. The brain considers new experiences in the context of stored experiences.

3. The brain is able to make accurate predictions about new situations on the basis of previously self organized experiences.

4. The brain does not require perfect information. It is tolerant of deformations of input patterns or perturbations in input data.


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5. The brain seems to have available, perhaps unused, neurons ready for use.

6. The brain does not provide, through microscopic or macroscopic examination of its activity, much useful information about its operation at high level.

7. The brain tends to cause behavior that homeostatic, meaning ‘in a state of equilibrium (stable) or tending towards such a state. This is an interesting feature found in some recurrent neural networks such as in Hopfield and grossberg networks.

1.4 The Artificial Neural NetworkThe idea of artificial neural network has been motivated from the recognition that the human brain computes in entirely different way from the conventional digital computer. Such a neural network is defined as follows:A neural network is a massively parallel distributed processor made up of simple processing units, which has a natural propensity for storing experimental knowledge and making it available for use. It resembles the brain in two aspects: (1) Knowledge is acquired by the network from its environment through a process of learning(2) Interneuron connection strengths, called synaptic weights, are used to store the acquired knowledge

1.5 Representation of knowledge


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Knowledge refers to stored information or modals used by a person or machine to interpret, predict, and appropriately respond to the outside world. The neural network will thus learn the environment in which it is embedded. Such a knowledge learned is of two kinds:

1. The known world state, or the facts about what is and what has been, Known. This kind of knowledge is referred to as prior information.

2. Measurements (observations) obtained by using sensors designed to probe the environment. This information provides examples to train the neural network.

The examples may be labeled or unlabelled. In labeled examples, each example representing an input signal is paired with a target or desired response. Unlabelled examples consists of different realisations of the input signal by itself. The neural network will then acquire knowledge by training using these examples that are labeled or unlabelled.

The knowledge representation inside the neural network is rather complicated. In what follows four rules are explained which are of common sense in nature.

Rule 1. It is obvious that similar inputs from similar class usually produce similar representations inside the network and therefore they should be classified as belonging to the same category.


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One usually used measure of similarity is the Euclidean distance. The Euclidean distance between a pair of vectors and in the Euclidean space is given by

The similarity between the two inputs is defined as the reciprocal of the Euclidean distance between the two vectors. Lesser the distance more similar the inputs are.

Rule 2. Second rule is just opposite of the first rule. Items to be separated as separate classes should be given widely different representations in the network. Consequently, the more is the Euclidean distance the inputs are more separate.Rule 3. If a particular feature is important, then more number of neurons should be used for the representation of that event in the network.Rule 4. Prior information’s and invariance should be built in to the network, so that they need not be learned and these results in the reduction of the network architecture. The free parameters to be adjusted are reduced and this results in less number of building blocks and less cost. Here we are talking about specialized networks. Biological neural networks are specialized indeed.

There are no general rules for incorporating prior iformatios and invariance. It is possible to incorporate prior information in to the network architecture by weight sharing and localized connections. Invariance


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actually means invariance to transformations. Invariance to transformations can be achieved (i) by structure(ii) by training

1.6 Characteristics of Neural network1. GeneralizationA neural network derives its computing power due to (i) Its massive parallel-distributed structure (ii) Its ability to learn. Thus we train the network using some training examples. The network will give an appropriate response if we give an example that is not included in the training examples used for training.2. NonlinearityThe basic model of a neural network is nonlinear if the activation function is nonlinear (that is usually the case). Nonlinearity is an important feature, since the underlying physical mechanism is nonlinear. Furthermore the nonlinearity is distributed trough out the network.3. Adaptation

A neural network is inherently adaptive When a neural network is doing a task two features are

involved; space and the time The training of a neural network is usually done in a

stationary environment But the environment will change continuously So a spatiotemporal training is required. The synaptic

weights of the network (weight space) will change continuously

As a result when the environment changes the training examples as well as the weight space changes.


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This is a continuous process in all animals Such a continuous change is also possible in an

artificial neural network. In other words the training process in an artificial

neural network is continuous and the free parameters of the system should continuously adapt to the environment

The question that arises is how often this adaptation should take place? That depends on the application

An unsupervised training will be better than supervised training, as is the case in human brain?

1.7 Models of a neuronA neuron is an information-processing unit. A neural network consists of a number of such units. The figure shows the model of a neuron. One can identify three basic ingredients of such a neuron model.

(i) A set of connecting links called synapses between the input signals and neuron k. Such synapses are characterised by their synaptic weights

. Note that the subscripts of ware kj and not jk, the meaning of

which will be clear when we deal with the back propagation algorithm for training the neuron.

(ii) An adder which sums up the input signals weighed (multiplied) by their respective synapses.

(iii) It is required to limit the amplitude of the output of the neuron to some finite value. The amplitude of the output of a neuron may be limited to the range


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[0,1] or [-1,1]. This operation is carried out by a squashing function called the nonlinear activation



The above neuron model also includes an externally applied bias term . The effect of the bias term is to increase or lower the net input of the activation function as shown in figure.Induced local field, 0 Linear combiners output,

We will describe the neuron by using the following set of equations:


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To incorporate the bias term as an input term, the neuron model may be modified. Accordingly the equations are modified as

1.8 Signal Flow Graph of a Neuron

The signal flow graph of a single neuron is shown in the figure below. One can identify the source nodes, the computation node and the communication links from the figure.


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Signal flow graph of a neuron

1.9 Types of Activation function

Three types of activation functions are explained below.

1. Threshold Function: As shown in the figure, we have


1 This type of neuron model is known as McCulloch pits model

-1 2. Piecewise-Linear Function

3. Sigmoid Function ( Logistic Function )


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The S-shaped sigmoid function is the most commonly used activation function.


1. The sigmoid function is differentiable, where as the threshold function is not. Differentiability is an important feature of the neural network theory.

2. As , and it reduces to threshold function.

3. The logistic function coined its name from the the transcendental law of logistic growth. Measured in appropriate units, all growth process are supposed to be represented by the logistic distribution function

Where t represents time and are constans. Another example of the odd sigmoid function which ranges from -1 to +1 is the hyperbolic tangent function (the sigmum function) given by the expression


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This is bipolar continuous activation function between –1 and 1. With , we have a bipolar hard limiting activation function with output as either –1 or 1.

1.10 Exercises:

1. Show that the derivative of the logistic function w.r.t v is

What is the value of this derivative at the origin?

At Therefore,


2. Show that the derivative of the tansigmoid function w.r.t v is

What is the value of this derivative at the origin?


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3. In logistic activation function, the presence of the constant ‘a’ has the same effect of multiplying all the inputs with ‘a’.

4. Show that

(i) A linear neuron may be approximated as a neuron with sigmoidal activation function with small synaptic weights. ( Hint: For small values of x, )

(ii) a McCulloch-Pits modal of a neuron may be approximated as a neuron with sigmoidal activation function with large synaptic weights.

What a single neuron can do?

1.11 Logic operations performed by ANN

Logical AND :


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Consider the truth table illustrating an AND gate

v y

hard limiter


Logical OR :

Consider the truth table illustrating the OR gate

Note: The implementations of AND and OR logic functions differ only by the value of the bias


v y

0 0 0

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 1

1 0

0 1


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hard limiter


1. Show the implementation of NAND and NOR gates.

2. Try the implementation of an XOR

1.12 Memory Cell

A single neuron with single input with both weight and bias values of unity, computes . Such a simple network thus behaves as a single register cell, able to retain the input for one time period. As a consequence, once a feedback loop is closed around the neuron as shown in the figure, we obtain a memory cell. An excitatory input of 1 initializes the firing in the memory cell, and an inhibitory input of one initializes a non-firing state. The output value, at the absdence of inputs, is then sustained indefinitely. This is


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because the output of zero fed back to the input does not cause firing at the next instant while the output of 1 does.

1.13 We will Pause an Identification Problem

Consider a dynamic system with m inputs x(i) such that

Let we do not know anything about the system other than that it produces a single output , when simulated by the input vector. Thus the external behavior of the system is represented by:

Now we will pose the problem: How to design a multiple input-single output modal of the dynamic system using a single neuron (perceptron)

If we assume the neuron is linear (with linear activation function), the output y(n)is the same as the induced local field v(n); ie

where is the m synaptic weights measured at the time n. Now we have the error e(n)=d(n)-y(n). Now the adaptation of the synaptic weights is straight forward using


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the unconstrained optimization techniques like steepest descent, Newton’s method, Gauss-Newton’s method etc.

1 -1

1.13 Network Architectures 1. Single layer feed forward network


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Input layer of Output layer source nodes of neurons

1. Multi layer feed forward network

Input layer of layer of layer of output source nodes hidden neurons neurons