human capital - bringing in international talent - cbs competitiveness day 2016

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Copenhagen Capacitys talent attraction

Bringing in International TalentNikolaj Lubanski

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Investment promotionCluster developmentTalentCopenhagen Capacity is the official organisation for investment promotion, talent attraction and cluster development in Greater Copenhagen.

Our goal is to create growth through internationalisation.

The worlds most innovative regional investment promotion agency

- The Global IPA Innovation Awards 2013Who are we?Copenhagen Capacity at your serviceInvestment PromotionCluster DevelopmentTalent Attraction

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Images can be found at:p/marketing tools/images05-09-2016Copenhagen Capacity |#

The problemWhat are the companies experiencing today?The highest proportion of companies have experienced the acute skills gap (58%) to some, large or very large extent, due to a lack of qualified employees within the past 12 months.The skill gap varies greatly between regions and is highest in the Capital Region.What companies expect going forward?50% of companies expect that the skills gap will remain the same over the next 12 months while 41% expect their labor shortage will increase in the period.It is especially businesses that expect employee growth in Denmark, which expects that the shortage of qualified employees will increase over the next 12 months.

Definition Akut kompetenceklft: nr virksomheden ikke har kunne finde kvalificeret arbejdskraft til en opslet stilling inden for tre mneder.

Forskelle: -De strste danske virksomheder (mlt p medarbejder og omstning) oplever en signifikant strre kompetenceklft. -ICT virksomheder i Danmark oplever, i gennemsnit, et signifikant strre kompetenceklft end andre industrier. -Kompetenceklften varierer i hj grad mellem regionerne og er strst i Hovedstaden, hvor 21% i hj, eller meget hj grad oplever en akut kompetenceklft (hhv. 14% i Syddanmark, 11% p Sjlland, 10% i Midtjylland, 0% i Nordjylland).

Den oplevede kompetenceklft varierer imidlertid ikke mellem virksomheder, der opererer international eller ej ligesom den ikke varierer mellem udenlandsejede og danskejede virksomheder.

Sprgsml: -Hvilke virksomheder som oplever en kompetenceklft: CBS er blevet spurgt, om de vil/kan oplyse dette.-Til sprgsml vedr. medarbejdervkst: Der er ikke blevet spurgt til virksomhedens kompetenceklft internationalt men til forventninger til medarbejderstaben de kommende 12 mneder i svel Danmark som udlandet (sfremt virksomheden har aktiviteter uden for DK)-Procentdelen af virksomhedens samlede ledige stillinger, som er forblevet ubesatte i mindst tre mneder, som flge af en mangel p kvalificerede ansgere, er typisk under 10 procent (22% svarer ingen, 57% svarer mindre end 10 procent, 12% svarer 10-24 procent, 7% svarer 25-49 procent, 1% svarer 50-70 procent, mens 2% svarer ved ikke). Dvs. 20% af virksomhederne har haft svrt ved at bestte 10% af deres stillinger eller derover.

n forklaring p, at virksomhederne kun har haft svrt ved at bestte mindre end 10% er deres stillinger kan afspejle, at det er en speciael type medarbejdere (specialister), som virksomheder oplever mangel p..


Skills gapThe biggest shortage of qualified employees are found in th following workforce segments: Scientists and engineers (32%)IT and IT-related (23%)Skilled production workers(17%)

Tal i parentes angiver andelen af virksomheder, der enten har oplevet stor eller meget stor mangel p medarbejdere inden for de respektive faggrupper

Tendens med mangel p faglrte: Tal fra DI (2015) viser, at Danmark vil mangle 44.000 faglige i 2025, hvis det nuvrende uddannelses- og beskftigelsesmnster fortstter. Primrt inden for tekniske omrder som elektrikere, vrktjsmagere og industriteknikere.

Tendens med mangel p ingenirer: Engineering the future (af IDA og DI) opgr manglen til over 13.500 ingenirer og naturvidenskabelige kandidater i 2025.

Der sprges i undersgelsen (udfrt af CBS) til syv forskellige faggrupper p linje med en rkke international studier (fx PwC 2012, ManpowerGroup Talent Shortage Survey 2015; UK Commissions Employet Skills Survey 2013 mfl.).


Suggested solutionsDifference: The largest and internationally operating companies in the sample tend to seek the solution outward to (increased focus on international recruitment), while the smaller companies focus on increased recruitment in Denmark.The sample companies have several ideas about how to solve and minimize the negative impact of the lack of qualified employees in Denmark.

05-09-2016 | www.copcap.comCopenhagen Capacity |#

Over 60% af virksomhederne har tilkendegivet 3 lsningsforslag, 24% har markeret to lsninger, mens kun 4% har markret en lsning hvilket vidner om, at der skal flere indsatser til at lse problemet..

Forskelle: - Generelt viser analysen, at de best performing virksomheder (dvs. dem som har haft vkst og som fremadrettet forventer vkst i DK og Vest Europa), foretrkker get international rekruttering som en lsningsmulighed.Blandt virksomheder med international aktivitet, peger 35% af virksomhederne p get international rekruttering som en vigtig del af lsningen andelen er kun 10% for virksomheder, som udelukkende opererer i Danmark. Endvidere er der flere store virksomheder (mlt p antal ansatte svel som omstning), der har peget p get international rekruttering som en lsningsmulighed.

Fra de kvalitative interviews: Ovenstende forskelle skyldes bl.a., at de store virksomheder har ressourcer og netvrk til at rekruttere internationaltForuden de opremsede lsningsmulighederne i sprgsmlet (jf. slidet), fremhvede en rkke virksomheder i en ben svarkategori employer brading som en mulig lsning til at imdekomme kompetenceklften. Mens nogle virksomheder fokuserede p, at de selv skal blive bedre til at brande sig, mente andre at generelt mere branding af Danmark vil vre en metode til at tiltrkke mere internationalt talent. En rkke store virksomheder fremhver, at eftersprgslen ikke kan dkkes med rekruttering i Danmark alene. Muligheden for at tiltrkke internationalt talent er en afgrende faktor for at kunne f de rette konpetencer til de ledige stillinger i den nrmeste fremtid. (Eksempel p citat fra Novo: For us, it is the war for international talents... Right now and during the next 5-10 years the fight will be fought outside of Denmark)

Opfordring: Vi arbejder p talentindsatser, men virksomhederne har ogs et ansvar - det krver at virksomheder bner op for internships. Blive bedre til at bne sig for internships, studiejobs osv. Evt. medlsningsforslag, bner sig op for at tage engelsksproget folk (dette glder isr for de sm og mellemstore virksomheder, som i mindre grad fokuserer p internationalt talent i dag)

Sprgsml: -Ift. til lsningen vedr. get fokus p fastholde og udvikling af talent er der r desvrre ikke blevet skildret mellem danske og udenlandske talenter.. -CBS er blevet spurgt, om de vil besvare, hvor mange store virksomheder, der har tilkendegivet, at de har flyttet stillinger til udlandet. 5

We assist businesses in Denmark in attracting foreign talentWe match international talent with companies and aim to get international talents into a career in Denmark

What do we do in Talent Attraction?

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Our talent attraction efforts

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Marketing toolboxMore than 200 free marketing materials about Denmark (Place Branding) as an add- on to the companys own Employer BrandInfographics, videos, articles, facts, etc.A free and intuitive download function easy to use on the companys communication platforms e.g. social mediaMaterials can be adapted to the companys own visual identities (CVI)

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Images can be found at:p/marketing tools/imagesCopenhagen Capacity |#05-09-2016 |

Work life in Denmark

Copenhagen Capacity |#05-09-2016 |

Marketing campaigns exposing Denmark as an attractive career destination Based on the companies need for skillsSupports the companies own recruitment strategiesFocus: Cleantech, Life Science & ITTarget groups:International specialists+5 yrs. experienceThe majority have spouse/familyPrimarily passive candidates

Success factors:Higher and effective exposure of career opportunities in Denmark to the right recruitment target groups

Higher traffic of relevant candidates to the companies own job postings

The companies perceived value by participating the campaigns

More international specialists in jobsAll the campaigns can be found at: www.talentattractiondenmark.comTalent attraction campaigns

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Images can be found at:p/marketing tools/imagesCopenhagen Capacity |#05-09-2016 |

Targeted international talent attractionBy gathering a group of Danish companies within the same sector, we help them:market themselves to selected groups abroadscreen motivated candidatesemploy international talents

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Images can be found at:p/marketing tools/imagesCopenhagen Capacity |#05-09-2016 |

Targeted campaign approach

Focus on Greater Copenhagen and liveabilityFocus on the specific jobs and companiesScreening and matching candidatesAttentionSocial networks & VideoInterest & DesireInspiring content, Targeted job offerings & HeadhuntingActionInformative landing page

Copenhagen Capacity |#05-09-2016 |

By joining your company will:Receive qualified and pre screened candidates ready to employment We pre-screen the candidates

Have cost redutionsOur digitial marketing efforts identify and screen the right candidates for the companies, which saves HR both money and resources.

Be part of an overall effort there is critical a mass and more funds for marketing

Recieve subsequent assitance withretention and integration in DenmarkE.g. via our partners (Universities, municipalities, Internationl House, etc.)

Next campaigns Autumn 2016: Gaming, FintechSpring 2017: Life Science What is in it for you?

Copenhagen Capacity |#05-09-2016 |

Move to DK appAn app that companies, universities and recruitment agencies can share with potential candidates.An overall gateway to the many websites and authorities who should be contacted when moving to DenmarkIn cooperation with our supplier, we can offer a solution where businesses can get the chance to get a customized Move to Denmark app in its own CVI.

It is a one-stop point to information on everything needed when moving to Denmark.

David Hampton, moved from Canada to Copenhagen

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Images can be found at:p/marketing tools/imagesCopenhagen Capacity |#05-09-2016 |

Our talent retention efforts

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Talent retentionWe are building a pool of international talents for Greater Copenhagen.We facilitate contact between Danish based companies and the international talents.

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Images can be found at:p/marketing tools/imagesCopenhagen Capacity |#05-09-2016 |

Career programmes for international talentsGreater Copenhagen Career program: A mentor and networking programme for international students and graduates in Copenhagen. Youth Goodwill Ambassadors of Denmark: A career counselling programme for international full time students studying a Masters degree.

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Where to find us

ThanksNikolaj LubanskiDirector of Talent AttractionPhone: +45 2216 [email protected]