humanitarian crises and the management of refugees in central africa (a case study of cameroon.)

Mbuli Rene: Mphil in international Relations Contact: [email protected] Tel: +237 75 18 18 00 Paper submitted at the World conference of humanitarian Studies in February 2009 in Groningen (Netherlands). Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.) Introduction The phenomenon of refugees and displaced persons has been part and parcel of humankind’s history from ages and the movement has constituted one of mankind’s greatest social challenges to manage. Conflicts, natural or man-made disasters as well as persecutions of political, socio-cultural and religious order have been the major causes of human movements within and across boundaries. Since the end of the cold war and the new world order with monopoly replacing bipolarity, the number of refugees and displaced persons have increased at exponential rate due primarily to the changes in the security trend. The African continent has witnessed more of intrastate violence in the post Cold war period than the classical interstate conflicts and the civilian faction has been the most affected group during such political events. With the outbreak of violence, uncountable numbers of vulnerable persons have had the tendency to move towards politically calm and peaceful countries to seek refuge. The central Africa region commonly described as a “hotbed “of fratricidal tensions has witnessed a greater occurrence of the refugee phenomenon in the continent. Failed states, dictatorship, mismanagement and unequal distribution of funds, social injustice intense desire for democratic succession and power sharing as well as the proliferation of small arms and lights weapons across porous

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This article is a vivid study of the phenomenon, conditions and socio -economic situations of Refugees in Cameroon. With field interviews and in-depth research , the article It explores the causes of the refugee problem in Cameroon, dis into their living conditions and makes recommendations to Government, policy makers and international stakeholders for the improvement of the refugee treatments and better management of refugee crises in Cameroon and Africa.


Page 1: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

Mbuli Rene: Mphil in international Relations

Contact: [email protected] Tel: +237 75 18 18 00

Paper submitted at the World conference of humanitarian Studies in February 2009 in Groningen (Netherlands).

Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)


The phenomenon of refugees and displaced persons has been part and

parcel of humankind’s history from ages and the movement has

constituted one of mankind’s greatest social challenges to manage.

Conflicts, natural or man-made disasters as well as persecutions of

political, socio-cultural and religious order have been the major causes of

human movements within and across boundaries. Since the end of the

cold war and the new world order with monopoly replacing bipolarity, the

number of refugees and displaced persons have increased at

exponential rate due primarily to the changes in the security trend. The

African continent has witnessed more of intrastate violence in the post

Cold war period than the classical interstate conflicts and the civilian

faction has been the most affected group during such political events.

With the outbreak of violence, uncountable numbers of vulnerable

persons have had the tendency to move towards politically calm and

peaceful countries to seek refuge. The central Africa region commonly

described as a “hotbed “of fratricidal tensions has witnessed a greater

occurrence of the refugee phenomenon in the continent. Failed states,

dictatorship, mismanagement and unequal distribution of funds, social

injustice intense desire for democratic succession and power sharing as

well as the proliferation of small arms and lights weapons across porous

Page 2: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

borders inter alia are reasons that have contributed to the persistence of

such “new conflicts” in the region. Cameroon as state within the region

enjoys “relative” peace and stability which many have considered to be a

great blessing. This calm environment has transformed the country to the

major pole of attraction for refugees and displaced persons circulating in

the region. The socio economic and political problems that have

accompanied refugee outflows and displacements which public opinion

have considered as a dysfunctional issue has made many to view

Cameroon’s peace rather than a curse. Against this backdrop, the

central interrogation in this paper is: What impacts and challenges

(“dysfunctionality”) have the Cameroon government faced due to refugee

influx in the country and how the “dysfunctionality” can be converted into

an asset. Other questions the paper shall address would be to know

what contributions the refugees have brought on the development of

Cameroon. What are the difficulties and challenges refugees in

Cameroon face in integrating the society? What are the consequences of

non-integration of refugees in Cameroon? The paper ends with some

recommendations or measures to facilitate the integration of refugees in

the Cameroonian society. The rationale in this paper is that if refugees

and displaced persons are not just a burden or source of security and

instability (dysfunctionality) as popular opinion holds, but that if well

managed, they could bring plausible socio-economic and political

contribution to their host country. The objectives therefore will be to

make concrete assessments on the above questions.

Conceptual framework

Within this research, principal concepts used include the followings:

Humanitarian crises and refugee.

Page 3: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

� A humanitarian crisis has been defined as an event or series of

events which represent a critical threat to the health, safety or

wellbeing of a community or other large group of people, usually

over a wide area.1 This paper defines it as a situation of social

anarchy and suffering marked by depreciation in the standard of

living to the point of threatening human life and wellbeing in a given

environment. The common determinant of a humanitarian crisis in

the context of this paper would be the presence of refugees and

displaced persons.

� Refugee.

The convention relating to the status of Refugees (1951) under

article 1b defines a refugee as: any person who, owing to a well

founded fear of being persecutated for reasons of race, nationality,

membership of a particular social group or political opinion is outside of

the country of his/her nationality and is unable or owing to such fear is

unwilling to avail the protection of that country.2

In 1969 the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) adopted a convention which defines a term of refugee beyond the 1951 convention and the 1967 protocol on refugees. It coined the definition to fit the context of the African reality. In article 1 of the convention, a refugee is defined as: every person who, owing to external aggression, occupation foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part or the whole of his country of origin or nationality, is compelled to leave his place of habitual residence in order to seek refuge in another place outside his country of origin or nationality.3

All persons under such conditions have the full rights to seek

refuge in any other politically stable country while waiting for

situations in their home countries to get better. There is therefore a

major difference between a refugee and a migrant. Normal

Page 4: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

migrants move across boundaries “voluntary” in search of better

economic standard; meanwhile refugees are forced to move

because of threat for their life.

Short presentation of Cameroon The republic of Cameroon is situated in the central Africa region.4

She is commonly known as Africa in miniature because of her

cultural and geographical diversity. The political history of

Cameroon like many others African countries was marked by

bloody struggles for independence. This was one of the toughest

and most fierce moments of her history. The Union des populations

du Cameroun (UPC) a political party led by its charismatic leader

Ruben Um Nyobe waged a hostile resistance to French

colonialism and advocated immediate independence for

Cameroon. The party translated its disgruntlement through violent

riots and killings called “Maquis”. Thousands of Cameroonians lost

their lives during the period of “Maquis” that began in the earlier

1950s and only ended in January 1971 with the arrest and

execution of its last surviving leader Ernest Ouandie. In 1960

however the political evolution led to the independence of French

Cameroon meanwhile southern Cameroon (British part of

Cameroon) voted to join the francophone section in 1961 to form

the federal republic of Cameroon. It took the status of the republic if

Cameroon in 19845

The violence that marked Cameroon‘s independence helped to

shape the political attitudes of many Cameroonians. The craving

for peace has greatly contributed in making Cameroon the relative

peaceful country it is today. Despite the differences Cameroon had

with some of her neighbours such as Nigeria over the Bakassi

Page 5: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

peninsular or with equatorial Guinea over an island at the mouth of

the Ntem river, peace still prevailed and Cameroon remained

politically and socially stable. Nonetheless the peace that was

hailed by many as blessing has been a pull factor for many African

fleeing wars and violence in their countries into Cameroon, well

known for her hospitality. Cameroon occupies the place of choice

for many refugees and displaced persons from the wider central

African ECCAS region 6 and this has become a call for concern.

Some Statistics on Refugees in Cameroon

Intrastate conflicts that hit countries in Africa have caused massive and

uncountable numbers of refugees and displaced persons in the central

Africa region. Cameroon, an adherent to both international (Geneva

1951 and 1967) and continental (OAU) conventions and protocols on

refugees has hosted thousands of refugees and displaced persons.

Cameron hosted approximately 60,000 refugees from different

countries such as Democratic Republic of Congo(D RC), Rwanda,

Burundi, Central Africa Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Sudan,

Liberia and Nigeria; with the highest group hailing from Chad numbering

about 200,000 during the violence of may 1980, and to about 40,000

persons in 1990,(Nkonlack,2003:15)7. Following the 2007 statistics

there were around 20 to 30,000 Chadian refugees in Cameroon 8

Though many left for Chad when things calmed down , recent clashes

between rebels and government troops of Idriss Deby in February 2008

saw more than 58,000 Chadian refugees fleeing from N’djamena into

neighbouring Kousseri9 town in Cameroon with over 30,000 living

without shelter. Today many have left Kousseri and are resettled in

Maltam and others in Mandana (all towns of north Cameroon). Many

Page 6: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

who have extended families in Cameroon have moved to urban areas.

According to a United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees –

UNHCH (2008) press release on 14 February there are only about 5,000

refugees left in Kousseri region. 10 Jacques Franquin, the Representative

of UNHCR in Cameroon revealed that Nigerians who fled ethnic clashes

since 2001 and settled in the Adamawa and north west11 region of

Cameroon numbered close to 17,000, though many left in April 2005

following the joint Cameroon /Nigeria /UNHCR voluntary repatriation of

10,000 Nigerians.12 In 2007 there were just about 3,000 Nigerians

refugees left after the repatriation. Those from the Central Africa

Republic mostly “mbororos” who fled the fighting and attacks from their

country since 2005 numbered approximately 26,00013 However, their

number has reduced drastically as many returned home after the relative

peace that prevailed in their country. Those present in Cameroon settled

mainly in the eastern region of Cameroon, predominantly around

Kenzou, Bertoua, Garoua Boulai and Batouri. Following the June 2005

urban refugees statistics, there were close To, 10.000 refugees living in

the capital city Yaoundé and 5 000 in the economic capital Douala

(Tadjon, 2003).14 Today, the number of urban refugees has risen to

15.318 due mainly to the continuous search for better survival

opportunities and the desire to meet with extended families living in the

urban zones. According to the December 2008 UNHCR Cameroon

statistics, there are in total 82, 776 refugees and 2 759 asylum seekers

in Cameroon; 62,919 settled in the Eastern and Adamawa regions, along

the CAR border. There are 2,871 Nigerian refugees in the Banyo area

(Adamawa region), meanwhile the recent violence of February 2008 in

Chad caused the movement of 4,236 Chadian refugees into the North

region of Cameroon15.

Page 7: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

French-speaking (since most countries in the region are French-

speaking). There is from the statistics of persons of concern to UNHCR

in urban areas in Cameroon on table I below, it can be deduced that the

majority of refugees have hailed from the Central African region with

Chad Republic toping the charts. This is explained mainly by the

persistent domestic violence that has trapped the region since the end of

the Cold war. The recurrence of violence in Chad, DR Congo and the

Central African Republic (CAR) particularly hold this analysis true. The

high influx towards Cameroon has been almost spontaneous and natural

because she is first and foremost politically stable; a neighbouring state

(Chad and the CAR, Congo) and seemingly a rise in refugee influx in

Cameroon compared to the past. From an analytic viewpoint, the

statistics which have moved from 60 000 refugees in the 1980s and 90s

to 82, 776 in 2008 points a serious and growing domestic insecurity

problem in the Central African region. It seems like the region’s elites

(leaders) are retrograding politically when other nations (democracies of

the North) are moving forward. With such violence at a time of global

economic meltdown, it is doubted if most of the countries in the region

would achieve the Millennium development goals (MDGs) se for 2015

(this of course is another debate).




Page 8: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)






CHAD 6 234 1 196 7 430



3 516 905 4 421

RWANDA 1 381 117 1 498




680 234 914

BURUNDI 259 2 261



150 12 162

LIBERIA 86 13 99

SUDAN 79 9 88

IVORY COAST 52 139 191



36 3 39

TOGO 17 11 28

ANGOLA 17 0 17


Page 9: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

GABON 6 0 6


UGANDA 5 2 7


GHANA 4 0 4




7 106 113

TOTAL 12 559 2 759 15 318

Source: UNHCR December 2008 refugee statistic report

Historicising the “dysfunctionality” of refugee inf lux on Cameroon

The Central African region has known uncountable moments of turmoil,

civil wars and strife. Since the end of the Cold war, there has been

growing global shift from state to human agenda and many statesmen

have been called upon to give considerable concern for the security of

individuals and persons be it nationals or foreigners within their national


As earlier mentioned, one of the reasons that attracted thousands of

refugees into Cameroon was the relative peace that reigned in the

country; Cameroon has always demonstrated great hospitality towards

refugees and displaced persons fleeing from wars and violence. Though

refugees are generally victims of violence and insecurity such as rape,

coercion, intimidation, and many other criminal activities (recruitment of

Page 10: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

children into rebel militia, and kidnapping young girls for forced

marriages) while in the camps: they are almost unanimously considered

by many observers as a threat to the security (political and socio-

economic) of the local population and to the nation as a whole. There

exist substantial historical evidences to demonstrate Cameroon’s shares

of victimisation from refugee influx. These shall be analysed moving from

national and diplomatic insecurity to human insecurity perspectives.

History has shown that during an emergency, it is not all who flood the

borders of neutral countries in search of safety and shelter who are truly

“persons in distress”. Some armed militia-men sometimes manage to

trick their ways into foreign countries under the refugee cover and later

become trouble-setters. Cameroon’s national security was threatened in

the period following the Rwanda based in Arusha, escaped and sought

refuge in Cameroon. Following serious alert and search, Bicamumpaka

Clément Jérome (ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs), Mugiraneza Prosper

(ex-Minister of Public Works and Professional Development) and

Mugenzi Justin (ex-Minister of Commerce) were arrested by the

Cameroon government, kept in arbitrary detention at a criminal brigade

in Yaounde before being sent to the International Penal Tribunal for

Rwanda in Arusha for judgement (Amayena, 1999)16. If we recall the

violence which Hutu Rwandan interahamwé refugees exported to the DR

Congo after the genocide, it could be concluded that the presence of

these three individuals on Cameroon soil constituted a serious factor of

destabilisation and threat to national security.

Moreover, refugees and displaced persons have been a factor of

diplomatic instability between Cameroon and her neighbour Equatorial

Guinea. The dictatorial rule of Macias

Page 11: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

Nugema in Equatorial Guinea in the late 1960s and early 1970s led to

the mass migration of over 30,000 Equatorial Guineans into Cameroon.

Amongst these persons who fled persecution from their country into

Cameroon were rebel forces who man, geld to penetrate the territory

with their weapons unperceived; facilitated by the porosity of the borders

in the Central African region. Cameroon in the long run was transformed

by the rebel forces of two principal opposition parties present in the

territory – MOLIFUGE and OLGE17 – into a ground for launching counter

attacks against Nguema’s regime between 1975 and 1977. From

Cameroon, they attacked areas like Afangui and Ntumadzap in

Equatorial Guinea (Koufan and Tchudjing, 2001)18. These activities had

diplomatic effects as they strained relations between Cameroon and

Equatorial Guinea, despite efforts by the Cameroon government of stop

the attacks (for example by expulsing the recalcitrant refugees). The

government of Equatorial Guinea continuously accused Cameroon of

supporting the subversion. Relations only normalised with the complete

expulsion of identified recalcitrant and dangerous elements amongst the

refugees. Such individuals and activities were very detrimental for a

developing country like Cameroon which strove to achieve its own

national interests while keeping to its continental commitments of non-

interference in states’ internal affairs and maintaining cordial relations

with neighbouring countries.

Human insecurity was also an impact of the influx suffered by Cameroon.

During the Chadian refugee influx in 1980, the population in Kousseri

rose from the normal 10,000 person to between 200 to 230 000

inhabitants, meaning that the refugee population in that area alone

exceeded 200 000 people (Bandolo, 1980)19. Faced with the increasing

number of refugees who crossed the River Chari into Cameroon, Samuel

Page 12: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

Eboa, the then Secretary of state at the presidency and head of the

National rescue Committee for refugees, complained about the

insufficiencies in the aid package to the government from foreign donors

and other international bodies. Health wise, there was an increase in

epidemic diseases, measles, cholera and typhoid fever in the region and

a great shortage in vaccines and medicines in general.

Hospitals were full to capacity and the local inhabitants of Kousseri were

highly affected by epidemic (Ndembiyembe, 1980)20. A similar situation

occurred during this last influx in February 2008.

Access to food was very difficult. There was increased competition over

the scarce resources – food, water, land – between the refugees and the

local population that was ill prepared to face such a challenge but simply

placed before a fait accompli. This increased hunger and poverty in the

Kousseri area as commodities such as rice, sugar, millet, corn fish, and

meat became scarce. In the begriming, the first wave of refugees who

arrived was accommodated by the local population in their houses in all

hospitality knowing the conflict would be short lived.

But as the conflict persisted, the rising number of new arrivals became a

disturbance and source of conflict between the two groups.

In addition, the conflict in Chad was directly felt in Northern Cameroon.

Stray bullets and bomb shells that landed at the Kousseri hospital from

N’djamena caused the death of 4 persons and left 8 people wounded as

well as immeasurable material damages (Bandolo, 1980)21.

There were also reported cases of banditry and refugee aggression on

some local population as well as on some police officials. Some

aggression cases occurred mostly during the process of food distribution

in camps. With the rise in criminal acts, the government was forced to

Page 13: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

beef up her police in the stations in Kousseri and also put up a landed

military group in case of any subversion. During the recent influx of

February 2008 for example, there was a reported strike manifestation

carried out by the refugees molested both UNHCR personnel, the

divisional officer of the Pitoa locality (found in the North) and wrestled

with gendarmes and the forces of law and order who were sent to calm

the situation. After seizing and destroying UNHCR and seven military

vehicles, the situation only got better after four days of serious

negotiation. In the end, three gendarmes (amongst whom the brigade

commander of locality of Garoua – in the North of Cameroon) and two

refugees were seriously wounded. According to the head of the Chadian

refugee community in Yaoundé, one Chadian refugee lost his life in the


The burden of refugees on Cameroon

In the early years of independence, when the economies of African

countries where growing exponentially and there were limited numbers of

refugees and displaced persons; the spirit of African hospitality was at its

top. Many refugees enjoyed a wide range of facilities and consideration

in their host countries. But with the economic crises that hit many African

countries and the increased number of refugee influx into neutral

countries, the perception by the local population and authorities that was

masked in the past due to better living conditions was unveiled and

began taking a new shift. Hospitality was now being replaced by

disgruntlement. Many began perceiving the high presence of refugees

and displaced persons as a socio-economic burden on their government,

citizens and the country as a whole.

Any host country haven signed or ratified any of the international

instruments on refugees has the primary obligation to cater for the

Page 14: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

refugees on her territory. Cameroon has always tried to live up to the

expectation of their international engagements. The government as well

as its citizens has always been first on the scene whenever such events

occurred. During the 1980 events in Chad for example which saw the

displacement of 230 000 refugees into Kousseri in Cameroon, the

government prepared a vast land where the various refugee camps were

built. Moreover, the government made available large quantities of food

such as: rice, sugar, millet, maize, oil, fish and meat as well as

emergency medical packages for the refugees while waiting for

international assistance. The Ministry of Health of Cameroon made

available a stock of medicines to the tune of 3,6 million FCFA (close to

5 500 euros) following the 2008 Chadian refugee influx into Cameroon23.

The continuous provision of such resources proved very costly for the

government as refugees kept flooding in an unexpectedly rate.

The government at some point had to send appeals for support even

from some philanthropic members of her society. Assistance brought by

the Cameroonian public in February has been equally remarkable as

many opened their doors to provide shelter and food to many refugees

who had no living space in the camps, churches and public schools

(3 000 lived at the college d’Enseignement Technique et Industriel de

Kousseri (CETIK), the majority being women and children)24.

The government in the past as well as recently has had to mobilise its

security forces to ensure the safety of the refugees from any attack

(Chad rebel militias for example) in the camps and to maintain general

law and order in the area. Elements of the General Delegation for

National Security and the National Gendarmerie were all placed in

strategic positions for emergency action. Other experts/specialists were

also mobilised to ensure the registration and identification of all displaced

Page 15: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

persons, ensuring that they separate real refugees from normal migrants.

The services of all these specialists and professionals have been very

costly for the government. Another perceptible burden on Cameroon has

been the destruction of her ecosystem by the activities of refugees. For

example, the felling of trees for cooking energy or for commercial

purposes (the sale of charcoal) contributes to environmental


The socio – economic and political contribution of refugee

presence in Cameroon

Many onlookers, policy-makers, scholars and general public opinion

have almost unanimously settled for the fact that refugees are a great

burden to the host country; failing Completely to look at the other side of

the coin. The non-negligible but almost ignored part played by refugees

in the development of Cameroon is caused amongst other factors by the

absence of research or study either by the government or UNHCR on the

issue. This paper tries to turn the camera on the possible and perceptible

contribution these refugees have brought and are still bringing to the

Cameroon social, economic, political and diplomatic domains.

Direct social contribution

Socially, evidence exists to show the valuable contribution or refuges in

the nation’s building. Amongst the many displaced persons who entered

Page 16: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

Cameroon during the various turbulent moments were literate and

illiterate, skilled and unskilled refugees from the academia have taken an

active part in the education of many young Cameroonians. Doctors,

professors and ordinary teachers who managed to integrate themselves

in the society have greatly helped in the training of future administrators

and leaders of Cameroon. Unleashing their knowledge and expertise for

a pittance just to eke a mini mum living, refugees have all brought their

little contribution to the edifice. There are many examples such as

Salvador, a Burundian refugees teaching in a college in Dchang

(Western region of Cameroon); Domitil Nieligka Marie, a PHD student

from the Rwanda teaching Bio- chemistry on part- time basis at the

university of Yaoundé I; Mr Bizimana Jean Baptist, a Rwandan lecturer

who introduced the Banking Department at the professional Institute in

Yaoundé- Siantou Supérieur where many young Cameroonians where

trained on accounting, banking and finance and who today occupy good

positions in both private and state – owned banking institutions.25 Mr.

Bunane Charles also from Rwanda, former lecturer ; and worker at the

National Tourism Office in Rwanda before the genocide presently gives

lectures at the professional institute – Ndi Samba Supérieur in Yaoundé.

He does this cumulatively with his post Director of the institute. He has

trained many Cameroonians who today find themselves in the civil

service.26 Cameroon has benefited immensely from this “brain


Besides the academia, some work as interpreters, pastor and medical

doctors and all help in one way or the other in shaping the moral and

health of Cameroon society. Health wise, some of the health centres

which some groups, philanthropists or international organizations built

and equip with staff, medicines and drugs for the refugees are not

Page 17: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

entirely consumed by the refugees alone. It goes way to benefit even the

local population who enjoy from such high quality treatments for the

improvement of their health condition. An example in point is the Centre

Medico- Social Henry Dunant (a gift from the Japanese government) set

up under the Cameroon Red Cross based in Yaoundé.

Direct Economic contribution

The vast majority of refugees present in Cameroon are unskilled. Despite

their status, their economic contribution is in no way small. Many driven

by their enthusiasm and desire to cut the umbilical cord liking them to

dependency have chosen to carry out small and income generating

activities. Many refugees cultivate different kinds of crops which benefit

even the local Cameroonian population. Rwandans are best known for

their “push fullness” and prosperity as revealed by the head of the

Chadian refugee’s community in Yaoundé. They are the community that

has succeeded to fully integrate the Cameroonian society. They own

provision stores, and sell local food to Cameroonians. Many Ivorian

refugees have also joined the informal sector. They are involved in small

trades like selling cooked food in restaurants and owning provision

stores, while others are into craftwork, sculpture and sewing/ in order to

run these activities, they have to buy the needed raw materials. More

than 90% of Rwandan refugees in Cameroon are into petty trade and

business while a few are into sector of services (education, medicine,

accounting and mechanic).27 The wealthier refugees engage in export-

import trade, they for example buy loin materials and jewelries from

Cotonu or Dubai to sell in Cameroon. For this, they have to pay custom

Page 18: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

duties at the ports and borders to state officials, and the money enters

state coffers as well.28 Since a very small percent of refugees² send back

money to their home countries (probably due to continuous insecurity

and/or dysfunction in the system), these economic activities contribute to

increase liquidity and money circulation into the economy. Many pay

taxes to the urban councils Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and

Finance and to market officials which go straight into government coffers.

Wholesalers who run provision stores for example pay taxes such as:

• Trading License tax (patente in French) which varies depending on the size of the business.

• Lease (Droit de Baile). Paid to the Urban Council yearly, this tax varies between 35- 50 000CFA francs (Cameroonian currency). It was initially suppose to be paid by landlords. It represents 10% of the business structure. Mathematically, the formula is:

Rent x 20 =Lease


• The Sanitation tax paid yearly to the Ministry of Health which range between 15 to 25 000CFA francs.

• Medical certificate which on paper is 9 000 CFA francs is being paid on the field at 25,000 CFA francs. This money is paid every six months to the council officials which is sent to the ministry of health.

• Another market tax which cost 10,000 CFA francs is paid every 3 months to the Urban Council.

Based on the above statistics, if there are 1381 Rwanda refugees in

urban areas in Cameroon for example, with 90% into trade and petty

business, haven lived in Cameroon since 1994 after the genocide (14

years); then paying the sanitation tax only, 690 refugees (half total

Rwandan refugees in urban areas) running provision stores alone in 14

years have produced 241,500,000 (Two hundred and forty one million,

five hundred thousand) CFA francs. If the other taxes were to be

Page 19: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

included in this calculation (for Rwandan refugees alone running

businesses), it will be discovered that refugees in the Urban areas in

particular and in Cameroon in general contribute enormously to the

county’s economic growth.

The presence of refugees increases the demand for goods and services.

Though many have seen their presence as an inconvenience because of

the food shortage it creates; economically, the phenomenon is

advantageous since it increases the economy by pushing both the

government and the entrepreneurs to create more infrastructures and

jobs that will increase the production or manufacturing of such needed

foods. The benefit comes in more because refugees consume less than

they produce (goods and services). These activities and businesses

undertaken by refugees have a fiscal effect on the economy. Apart from

trade and petty businesses, thousands of skilled refugees are simple

labourers who dig trenches, work farms for pay, work in building

constructions (building large edifices such as government ministries or

big commercial enterprises, industries, hotels, school), house helps, etc.

These refugees who most often are preferred by their employers

because their services are less costly than those offered by

Cameroonian citizens; help in no small way in providing the building

block in the advancement of development infrastructure and activities of

the country.

Indirect Economic Contribution

Besides the direct implication of refugees, their presence also brings

indirect advantages to the government. The very presence of the

Page 20: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

UNHCR office in Cameroon, highly staffed by Cameroonians has helped

to reduce unemployment for Cameroonians. According to the 2008

statistics, UNHCR has recruited close to 35 Cameroonians- 21 in

Yaoundé office; 7 in the Bertoua office and 7 in the Garoua office.29

Recently in November 2008, some 6 more job vacancies were being

announced. More, as paid workers these Cameroonians pay taxes to the


Moreover, processing the refugees documents (refugees cards, visas

etc) demand the direct implication of both the Ministry of External

Relation, the General Delegation for National Security and the frontier

police. These services are done freely for refugees but UNHCR pay for

them indirectly to the government. It is similar in the health and education

sector where refugees receive treatments freely in most hospitals such

as Police Hospitals, Centre Pasteur, Djoungolo Hospital all based in

Yaoundé. Some of these hospitals are state owned and UNHCR pays

the cost of the treatments. It also pays school fees of most registered

refugee children studying in schools, colleges and state universities.30 As

revealed by Jacques Franquin, the UNHCR Representative in

Cameroon, more than 910 pupils in the primary, 156 student from the

secondary and higher education benefited from scholarship and

bursaries from UNHCR in 2003 (Nkonlak, 2003).31 These fees when paid

represent much money for the economy. Despite the lack of statistics on

refugee contribution, this paper holds that if all the above evidences are

put together for analysis by economic specialists, the results would be

affirmative on the fact that the presence of refugees has valuable

contributed to the growth and development of Cameroon.

Political Contribution

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Politically, the presence of refugees in Cameroon denotes some level of

stability and peace in the country. Hosting and protecting refugees helps

to boost the image of Cameroon in the face of the international

community. Cameroon is therefore seen as complying and fulfilling her

engagement taken at the UN financial bodies such as the World Bank

and IMF.

Diplomatically, Cameroon’s hospitality towards refugees and displaces

persons in the region has also helped to increase and strengthen

diplomatic ties with the home governments of the different refugee

communities in Cameroon. Countries such as Chad, Central African

Republic and DR Congo for example refrain from any political actions

that may jeopardize the relationship. Thus, maintaining friendship ties

becomes a form of manifesting gratitude for Cameroon’s actions towards

their displaced citizens.

Some Obstacles or Difficulties Related to the Integ ration of Refugees in the Cameroon Society

There are a couple of hindrances or difficulties refugees face in the

Cameroon society. These are cause by the identity factor, society and

institutional shortcomings. The points listed below are not exhaustive but

will be a springboard to sort out further loopholes.

� On the identity factor, many refugees find it hard to integrate the society because of their refugee status. It becomes even tighter because most refugees are uneducated, less educated or unskilled. Refugees from Chad, the Central African Republic, Burundi and even Ivory Coast face the problem of getting access to

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some white collar jobs because of this setback. This explains why many end up as labourers, small traders or work as night vigils under insecure conditions and environments and with meager salaries ranging between 30 to 50,000 CFA francs (about 50 to 100 dollars). Some cases of exploitation of refugees because of their “less respected “status or identity have been registered. For example, a Chadian refugee by name working for a security agency “DAK Security” as an Interpreter for 15 years Ndoutabé Ferdinand who after was fired and refused the right to his pension benefits. All attempts to solve the matter ended at a deadlock just because it concerned a refugee. The situation is similar for another Rwandan refugee who worked for a traveling agency for close to 9 years. For the simple fact that he fell sick one morning and absented from work for two days without permission, he was immediately fired upon return.32 Such treatments render integration very complicated as refugees constantly find themselves in search of new jobs.

� Concerning the social aspect, it was noticed that the negative public perception of refugees poses a great problem of integration. Although Cameroonians are generally hospitable, economic constraints have pushed many to be less considerate towards the “strangers”. This is mostly underpinned by the ideas that they constitute a “fiscal burden” to the country and are “job usurpers”. Often regarded as miserable paupers, desperate and unfortunate underdogs, the clichés make it difficult to comprehend the fact that refugees are not the cause of their unfortunate plights. According to the head of the Chadian community, most refugees by the very fact of their status find difficulties of being recruited when job offers come up even if they qualify. This is because of the lukewarm attitude most employers have concerning refugees, especially when they present themselves with refugee cards33

Moreover, some refugees who have prospered economically often face

the problem of being confused and discrimination against and exploit

because of their status. They are often confused with other voluntary

expatriates due to their slight difference in accent and articulation;

leading to their being discriminated against. In the accommodation sector

Page 23: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

for example, some landlords tend to increase the cost of rooms- to –let

under the erroneous misconception that “all foreigners” are loaded with

money.34 All these make the integration process very difficult.

� Institutional wise, the government of Cameroon’s absence to set up a

committee to check refugee eligibility that can ease the recognition of the

refugee’s skills and access to the job market is a hindrance to

integration. Also, some refugees consider the slow processing of their

papers as a big problem since they are legally recognized as refuges

until the issuing of a refugee card (which acts as their residence permit).

Many therefore are scared to get into certain places or environments to

seek for jobs or other facilities because of the fear of being arrested and

maybe repatriated. Receipts issue to many refugees upon deposit of a

demand for asylum living in Cameroon could be a judicial cover to some

extent but cannot replace the refugee card itself.

Moreover, many refugees complain of constant police harassments be it

on the high ways as well as in the neighbourhoods. Many who find

themselves in public transport vehicles (taxis) during police checks are

often dropped down because of the presentation of a refugee card

(which is different from the national identity card they are used to

seeing). Many police officers sometimes claim either not to recognize the

document or insinuate that they are forged. Some refugees are directly

taken to the police stations for further questioning upon presentation of

the card. The unfortunate victims are kept for long hours and maybe

days under detention on such flimsy excuses just because of the desire

to squeeze a token or bribe before any release.35 Such harassments

increase the fear of movement amongst refugees and render the

integration process of refugees in the society more difficult.

Consequences of the Non- integration of Refugees in the Society

Page 24: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

Refugee integration as seen above can produce very positive results. It

also reduces dependency on the state and international organizations by

helping the refugees themselves to be self- sufficient i.e. become able to

meet their basic needs (foods, shelter, healthcare ect) and those of other

members of their community. However lack of foresight to realize the

important albeit ignored contribution of refugees in the development of

the society and to ensure their full and unconditional integration can have

some negative repercussions on the country. Thought there may be

other consequences, the ones given below will help to throw some light

on the issue.

• Due to the difficulty of integration the society and getting a good job or any other source of lively hood, many refugees (skilled and unskilled, educated and uneducated) are most often transformed into eternal beggars and dependents. Backed by hardship, the to survive and to meet vital need which even the meagre subsistence allowances given by the UNHCR cannot meet; many men and sometimes woman are forced to embark on criminal activities- theft, robbery, falsification of refugee cards and even travelling papers reserved for refugees which they sell to Cameroonians desiring to seek their lot in other countries.

• Many have flooded the streets of the capital Yaoundé and Douala with their “begging dishes”, harassing passers- by and creating a very uncomfortable social situation.

• Most women on their part engage in prostitution as the easier way to get fast money. In order to ensure a good feeding, many have to sell their bodies for money. This only helps to increase the rate of insecurity and social instability in the country which greatly affects the ordinary Cameroonians citizens. Prostitution further exposes both the refugees and the Cameroonian to sexual transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS, leading to an increase in the prevalence rate of the disease in the country. Following the 2003 estimates by

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the United State Central Intelligence Agency. Cameroon harbours more than 560,000 people living with HIV/AIDS with a death toll of 49,000.36 With increase social decadence, the figures are definitely at a rise.

Proposed Recommendations to Ease Refugee Integratio n in Cameroon: Actions by Government, Civil Society Orga nisations (CSOs) and UNHCR

• Government should involve refugees in their Poverty Reduction Strategy Plan (PRSP) and promote some community development projects that directly benefit refugee communities and facilitate their self- sufficiency and integration. These could both qualified citizens as well as refugees without discrimination.

• Refugee women and children who are the most affected groups during conflicts and displacements need greater attention from government and UNHCR. Programs such as women’s empowerment, peer socialization (Oucho,2002),37career oriented discussions and vocational trainings for both women and refugee youths, micro financing for small scale refugee women trades or businesses etc. this will ease their self- reliance and reduce or stop the dependence on their male counterparts who use the dependency factor as ground to carry on domestic violence on their women.

• UNHCR in collaboration with the Cameroon Red Cross (CRC) are putting in enormous effect o to facilitate the integration of refugees in the society by providing subsistence, micro- financing projects and taking care of their education and healthcare ( although many refugees complain that UNHCR mostly concentrate on small illnesses as headache or stomach aches, while ignoring complicated an expensive problems such as tooth ache, complicated medical operation which are left for refugees to handle). Despite these efforts, the support is never enough since the numbers of refugees keep rising and the charges become even heavier. As some of the successes for 2008 indicate, UNHCR has

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supported 8 000 refugee children to access local primary schools and distributed 3 000 school benches manual and UNICEF school kits to schools hosting refugees; registered some 62 919 refugee and included them in a database (02 registration operations in 2008); provided 17 742 adults refugees with UNHCR identification documents; facilities access to education for 1,200 primary school students, 140 secondary school students and 25 university students. Despite financial support from the special budget of the High Commissioner and the budget revision in April 2008,UNHCR still faces enormous funding challenges to cater for the refugees in and off camps.38 Adequate funding will help to improve for example the food assistance towards refugees in Cameroon. Government should therefore allocate some funds to support the efforts of these organizations in order to better meet up with refugees needs and facilitate their integration. It might be good to underscore here that it is the primary role of governments to cater for the refugees on their soil and international organization are simply there to support and ensure the effectiveness of the actions.

• Many refugees have tabled the issue of frequent police harassment which makes them feel excluded or strange in society which professes hospitality. The Cameroonian authorities need to step up measures aimed at restoring order within the police corps and put an end to such unprofessional acts which are buttressed most often by the high level corruption that haven eaten deep into the fabrics of the society.

• CSOs equally need to play an active part in condemning corruption and lobbying or advocating for the greater respect of the rights of refugees and displaced persons in our country. a proper dissemination of information on the authenticity and know how the cards look like) would ease their recognition and respect for the cards when they meet one.

• Another very good way to ease the full integration of many refugees in Cameroon would be to facilitate their possibilities of being notarized as Cameroonians for those who have stayed for a couple o years in Cameroon and desire to dwell in such a peaceful

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haven; far from the sounds of gunshots, grenades and bombs. Many who do not wish to have an “eternal refugee status” in Cameroon have complaint about this difficulty even after spending more than a decade in the country. Their “smooth naturalization” will also benefit them greatly as many qualified refugees would have possibilities of postulating for job opportunities in the public sector which are reserved only for nationals of the country. it would equally limit their frequent clashes with the police since they will henceforth carry with them Cameroonian identity cards like any other citizen and be respected as such.

• The rights of refugees in Cameroon have more or less been baffled because of the absence as a specific law pertaining to them. Ever since the cry by the HCR for the Cameroon government to vote a law on refugees in Cameroon, it was only in July 2005 that the government took action. This bold step by the National Assembly to adopt and the head o state ti promulgate the law outlines under Art.9 of Chapter III the right of refugees in Cameroon which includes: the right to non- discrimination, right to property, the freedom of association, freedom of circulation, freedom to naturalise, right to have access to justice, right to work, education and accommodation.39

• However, it’s simple adoption would do no good to the refugees since it would just be like “a gold in pig sty”. The government via the head of state needs to sign the decree of application that will ensure full operation and enforcement in legal framework. Until this is done, refugees will continue to be discriminated against and exploited in the labour market and the society in general.

• The Cameroon government in partnership with UNHCR and CRC can jointly sponsor and carry out a research that focuses essentially on the contribution refugees and displaced persons in Cameroon have played in the socio- economic and political development of Cameroon. Such research should centre on refugee contribution in areas such as: per- capita GDP ( Gross Domestic Product), balance of payments, employment opportunities, government expenditures, production and consumption, demand and supply, living costs and capital accumulation and circulation. As best practice, a British Home Office research that was carried out 2002 into the costs and distributions of foreign- born people in the United Kingdom came

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out with wonderful results. The research estimated that foreign- born people (including refugees and asylum seekers) contributed about 10% more in taxes than they consumed in benefits and state services. Concerning their net fiscal contribution to the national economy, it was equally found that they provided around £2.5 billion; meanwhile the UK Treasury Minister Ruth Kelly held that the foreign- born population accounted for 10% of UK GDP in 2001.William’s own study revealed that immigration has a relatively small impact on the balance of payment in the long- run; and that in the longer term immigrants contribute enormously to government revenues and the general well being of the economy (Stevenson,2005).40 If a similar study was carried out on refugee and displaced person’s contribution in the development of Cameroon, the results would certainly be fascinating. Such information can greatly alleviate the negative perception host citizen have on refugees as well as accelerate government policies towards alleviating the conditions, status and easing the integration of refugees in the society.

• Government, CSOs and UNHCR should do much sensitization of the public concerning refugees. The public should be educated on the fact that refugees are normal people like them who happened to fine themselves in such circumstances because o unfortunate events in their countries; and they too could be victims of such events. Moreover, the negative and erroneous conception that refugees are a burden, a social pest should be wiped off by showing the positive contribution of the refugee presence in Cameroon. CSOs should organize seminars and workshops as avenues to share ideas, experiences and approaches. Refugee representatives could even given their experiences both on their contribution and on the psychological pains they go through because of negative treatments. These actions could even go beyond seminars to bring included in school curricula which will go long way to promote equal opportunities, the respect for difference, end discrimination and stereotypes. If such values are imbibed in the growing generation. Then we can be assured of better treatment of refugees and displaced persons in future years. The media. Especially community radios should equally be involved in this endeavour since they are in close proximity to the population.

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This will improve the perception of refugees from a liability to an asset and ease their acceptance and intergration. In return. When refugees feel accepted, they will quickly adapt to the society and contribute to its development.

• When the economy is booming there are new jobs being created both for the skilled citizens and the youths who graduate from universities and professional institutions, no one will have a reason to “scape goat” or throw “hot water” on the refugees. Every one will then find his or her place to fit in and achieve not ony the personal goals but also contribute to the development of the country. That said, the government of Cameroon should conduct a “national enquiry on poverty” in order to determine real working strategies to put in place and effectively reduce unemployment and poverty (Memunatu, 2005). Government needs to step up its anti-corruption fight as well as to better tackle the problem of poverty and unemployment.


There exist concrete evidences to show the great role refugees and

displaced persons, both skilled and unskilled, have played in the

development of Cameroon in particular, and the entire continent in

general. If attentions are tilted for a fraction of second to the fact that

great mind such as Albert Einstein, Claude Levi – Strauss in Europe;

Wole Soyinka from Nigeria or even Ngugi Wa Thiongo from Kenya were

all exiled at one point of their life, with the recognition of their impacts in

tose societies, it would be regrettable to delay or refuse giving such an

opportunity to the refugees in Cameroon to fell accepted and share their

intelligence, skills strength or character. Although nature or fate has

swept these fellows from their warmth in their home countries into an

uncomfortable situation, they nevertheless should be given a second

chance of survival and success through love, care, protection and

acceptance, unless the government of Cameroon effectively taps these

human resources that are put at her doorsteps thanks to the refugee

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influx to benefit the country, she will only produce more social instability

and keep public perception of refugees focused on the negative idea that

they are a burden and source of threat and insecurity without noticing the

wonderful asset that they represent. Any proposal given above is just a

means to handle the outcome of an event. To effectively meet up with

the problem of refugees and displaced persons, we need to urge our

governments in general and all belligerences in particular to be more

democratic, transparent and to seek more political rather than military

solutions to their differences. It is no hidden fact that the greatest cause

of the displacement phenomenon especially in the Central African region

today stems from the persistence of intrastate violence. Until this is

understood and dealt with, most policy and decision makers would

simply be shunning and trying to solve a problem a problem while

constantly fuelling the machine that produces it.

1. 1Humanitarian crisis (Online). Available at: crisis (Accessed December 06 2008).

2. UNHCR, 2007. Convention and Protocol relating to the status of refugees. Geneva: Media Relations and Public Information Service.

3. The OAU Refugee Convention. (Online) Available at: en.html. [Accessed November 30th 2008].

Page 31: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

4. Cameroon is bordered in the west by Nigeria; in the east by the Central African Repubic (CAR), in the northeast by Chad meanwhile Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and the Republic of Gongo are her southern neighbours.

5. For Further readings on the history of Cameroon see – Ngoh, V.J., Cameroon 1884 – 1985:a hundered years of history. Limbe, Navi – Group Publications, 1987.

6. The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) is composed of Angola. Burundi, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo. Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, and Sao Tome and Principe. This was done through the merging by UDEAC members, Sao Tome and Principe and the members of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes State (CEPGL established in 1976 by the D R Congo, Burundi and Rwanda); while Angola silently observed until 1999 when she decided to join.

7. Nkonlak, R.J., 2003. Cameroun terre d’accueil ou terre d’écueils? Les Cahiers de Mutations, No 051,p.15.

8. “Cameroon”. The World Fact book. United States Central Intelligence Agency (CLA). [Online] Available [Accessed 30 October 2008].

9. Kousseri is a remote and isolated border town in the North Cameroon that is connected to N’djamena, the capital of Chad by a small bridge over the Chari River which separates and acts like the border between both countries. Kousseri is approximately 1.000km north of the Cameroon capital Yaounde.

Page 32: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

10. UNHCR Press release, 2008. La France vient en aide aux regugies Tchadiens au Cameroun. Protection Department, UNHCR Cameroon.

11. It should be noted that Cameroon was initially divided into provinces (ten in number). In 2008, a presidential decree changed the appellation from Province to Region but maintained the same number.

12. “CAMEROON-NIGERIA: Repatriation of Nigeria refugees to start on Monday” [Online] Available at: http.//[Accessed November 26 2008].

13. “Aid sent to refugees in Cameroon”. [Online] Available at: [Accessed November 26 2008].

14. Tadjon C., 2003. Les réfugiés peuvent être un facteur d’instabilité politique. Les Cashiers de Mutations, No 015, p,8.

15. UNHCR, 2008. Briefing note on UNHCR operations in Cameroon. Protection Department, UNHCR Cameroon.

* UNHCR Cameroon, 2008. Urban Refugee Statistic report, December 2008.

Page 33: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

16. Amayena, N., 1999. trios ex-ministres Rwandais transfere de Yaoundé à ARusha. Cameroon Tribune, the National Bilingual D. ily, No 6832/3121, p.3.

17. MOLIFUGE stands for Mouvement de la Libération et du Future de la Guinée Equatoriale and OLGE stands for l’Organisation de la Libération de la Guinée Equotriale.

18. Koufan, J. and Tchudjing, C., 2001. sur la voie de l’intégration sous-régionale: Les Facteurs d’adhésion de la Guinée Equotoriale à L’UDEAC… In: D. Abwa et al. (eds.), Dynamique d’intégration régionale en Afrique Centrale, tome I. Yaoundé: PUY, p.227.

19. Bandoleo, H., 1980. Réfugiés Tchandiens: situation alarmante à Kousseri, Cameroon Tribune, the National Bilingual Daily, NO 1784, p.1.

20. Ndembiyembe, B., 1980. L’insuffisance des secours apportés aux réfugies Tchandiens est évidente. Cameroon Tribune, the National Bilingual Daily, No 1794, p.3.

21. Bondole, H., 1980 Rtombées du conflit Tchadien. Cameroon Tribune, the National Bilingual Daily.. No 1883, p.1.

22. Interview with Madjamra Samuel 54 years, Head of the Chadian refugee community in Yaounde, 30 November 2008, Yaoundé.

Page 34: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

23. UNHCR Press release, 2008. Rapport sur la situation des réfguies tchadiens au Cameroun 9 février 2008. protection Department, UNHCR Cameroon.

24. UNHCR Press release, 2008. Rapport sur la situation des réfugiés tchadiens au Cameroun. Protection Department, UNHCR Cameroon.

25. Interview with Sibomana André, 56 years, Pastor and Head of the Rwadan refugee community in Yaoundé, 06 December 2008, Yaoundé.

26. Interview with Abuwe Mireile Charline, 24 years, Rwandan refugee student and daughter of Mr. Bunane, December 03 2008, Yaoundé.

27. Interview with Mugabo Innocent, 29 years, Rwandan, Expert in Economic Policy Management, 14 December 2008, Yaounde.

28. Interview with Fofana Issa, 40 years, head of the Ivorian community in Yaounde and business man, December 07 2008, Yaoundé.

29. UNHCR, 2008. Briefing note on UNHCR oprations in Cameroon.

30. Interview with Lienou Valerie, 27 years, Protection Clerk, Protection Section, UNHCR Cameroon. 20 Nevember 2008, Yaoundé.

Page 35: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

31. Nkonlak. R. J., 2003. Cameroon terre d’accueil ou terre d’écueils?

32. Interview with Madjamra Samuel

33. Interview with Majamra Samuel

34. Interview with Fofana Issa.

35. Interview with Fofana

36. “Cameroon”. The World Fact book. CIA.

37. Oucho, O.John, 2002. Impact of African refugees on development: why the silence on their contribution? Africa’s Refugees. ACCORD Conflict Trends Magazine [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2008].

38. UNHCR. 2008. Briefing note on UNHCR operations in Cameroon.

39. Law no 2005/006 of 27 July 2005 relating to the status of refugees in Cameroon.

Page 36: Humanitarian crises and the management of Refugees in Central Africa (A case study of Cameroon.)

40. Stevenson, R., 2005. Refugees and economic contributions. In: Centre for Refugee Research, Hopes fulfilled or dreams shattered? From resettlement to settlement conference.

November 23rd – 28th [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 26 November 2008].

41. Membeunatu, P., 2005. Conflict and the Millennium Development Goals. In: Breaking with Business as Usual. Perspectives from the Civil Society in the Commonwealth on the Millennium Development Goals, London: Commonwealth Foundation, p.75.

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