hunger games book cover redesign variations - liam heeley

Book Covers Liam Heeley

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Post on 16-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley

Book Covers

Liam Heeley

Page 2: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley


• I chose this design for the front cover of the hunger games because I liked the way the 2 colors, yellow and black, contrast with each other, this allows the black text to stand out. The size of the book name text is larger than the other text so that the audience see the name of the book first, before anything else. The font I used was an eroded font, which I got off dafont, this links to the theme of the book because it is derelict and the film is about war. The simple design of the book cover is effective because it makes the reader focus mainly on the book title.

Page 3: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley


• This book cover design was very randomly thought of, I came up with it as I was messing around with the text and realized that the composition of the text worked well with the composition of the colors, which makes the reader have to read the cover in a certain way, abit like the Z effect. The simple design, with the text and background works well because it again allows the reader to focus mainly on the text. I chose only 3 colors and no image so that it isn't too complex for the audience, but still makes them work out how to read the text, in what order.

Page 4: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley

FRONT VARIATION 3• I think this is one of my favorite book covers I did because

the background image, I took myself, which was took on top of IKEA looking over Ashton, with some filters added to it from illustrator. If I was to redo this book cover, I would change the typography so that the middle text is the title of the book and is enlarged. Then the text outside is the another and the publishing company in smaller text. I used the simple colors, black and white, to create a vintage style book cover, which could also be seen as modern, I did this to link to the book which represents the two different types of people in the synopsis.

Page 5: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley


• This design was originally supposed to be different, I was putting the lines all over the book cover then making words out of the spacing's of the lines, but it didn't’t go right, so I rethought the idea and came up with this. If I was to redo this design I would make the words ‘DESTROYING’ and ‘MAKING’ more obvious, so that the audience can see that they contrast with each other. The simple colors, black and grey, work well together because it allows the black text to stand out and for the audience to focus on the quote in the middle of the book cover.

Page 6: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley

FRONT VARIATION 5• This simple, but effective book cover was designed quickly,

but is attractive to the reader because the background has a filter on it, which makes it look vintage, this is something different to solid color backgrounds on many other book covers. I have used the same font in another book cover design because of the relevance it has to the book. The larger text, which is on the title of the book, is important because it allows the audience to focus and see the title of the book before anything else on the book cover. I added a red box on the bottom half of the box and turned down n the opacity to add abit of character to the cover.

Page 7: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley


• This book cover is very similar to book cover 3, but I have adjusted the composition of the text. I have done this by making the name of the book the biggest text on the cover so that the audience focus on this first. I thought this was important that I changed the composition of the text because the title of the book is the most important thing on the book cover, so therefore I made it stand out more than anything else.

Page 8: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley

FRONT VARIATION FINAL• This is my final book cover, which was originally supposed to

different to how it was finally designed. To start the text was smaller and the grid effect, the lines on the book cover, was not originally there, it was very simple. But I wanted to try make my cover even better than how it was, so I started to mess about by adding lines, which then eventually led me to adding lines onto the back cover aswell, so therefore the front and back cover have the same format. The font used in the book cover is very formal and is a serif font, which links to the books synopsis because is is in a very controlled environment. If I redid this book cover, or adjusted it, I would make the text slightly bigger on the title of the book so that the audience see it before the author. I would also design the grid in a type of way that they need to follow the lines to read the text.

Page 9: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley


• I designed this as my back cover as I like the simple, but effective design. The lines that separate the title of the book and the author adds a formal format to the book cover. The background is an image that I took myself and I simply added a gradient and a blur to it, which gives it the grey blue effect. The two words ‘HOPE’ and ‘FEAR’ are in a bigger text size as they are opposites and counteract each other. The grid effect on the book cover adds a little bit more complexity and makes the design that bit more unique.

Page 10: Hunger Games Book Cover Redesign Variations - Liam Heeley