hwtm, - university of washington · 2009. 4. 6. · 'r'p !vw.., *as'rno or..d-. ed- a ron 'ou p,...

c5E 321, Sp 09 oiscrele 5tructures 3/30/0912r56 PM hWtM, Computer Scifncet Engineeringt' CSE 321, Sp '09: Discrete Struclures Adminislrative ) schedule & Feading Course Email Subscripiior OPtions E.mail Co!rse Staft Assignmenls Lecture: l,l}l llll B!r:!,jr!! Section A: hlil025 (.j.".*. Section B: 1,L11o2j (.-",.,ir lnstructor: ltrdry_ I{u27., TA5: Aeron Bryce. paradoxa at In Chng, inchens at cs LL . !!. :l -. rrr : csE 554206,543-6298 MWF 1r30- 2120 Th 1130 2120 Th 2130 3120 TBA cs TBA TBA CourseEmail:c\c:i2irso09.'ru.\xnririr,!i..lf.Usethislintoaskand/oranswcrquestionsabout homework, lectures, elc. Thinstructorand TAs are subscribed lo this lisl. All me$agcs arc auromalically !!Iqlti]!jL Questions not of general inl rest ma) bc dirccted to the instrucrorand TAs: cs..l2I ,st.t1, orjust to the instructor: rzzo ar cs. You will probably wanl to !hrns! \.ur Catalog Descriptlon:I undamenul\ or .errheor). enth rheory. enume'ajon. dd r'lgeb?rc structures, wiih applicalions in compuring. Prerequisit : a:SL l.1i i either MATH 126,I4-{TH 129, or MATH 136. Credlts: 4 Slanclard Syllabus: CSE12l Srlhbus Grading: Homework. Midtenn,Final. Overalllveights: HW557,, nidtem 157.,final30"/d. roughly. Lale Policy: Assignments aredueal1hcstanof class on rheduedare.20% off pcr day thereafter (day = blsiness day,e.9., Monday: Friday + 1). Extra Credit: Assignments may include "extra credil' scctions. These rlill enrich lour undeBtarding of the material.bulat a low points per hour.a!io.Do thm ibr rheglory, nol rhe pornls, anddonl start cxtracredit until the balics ar complcte. Collaboratlon: Homerorks de atl individual , not group, exercises. Discu siDg thern with others is fine. evenencouraged, bul rou hust ptod.ce lour o\|n howwo/k salutians. Folla|| rhe,,cilligan's IslMd Rule':it )ou discuss the assignmenl with someone else, don'r keep any notes (paper or electronic) from thediscussion. thengo 'vatch30+ minutes ofmind nunbing TV (cilligan's Island reruns especially recommended) before you continue work on rhehomework by )owself. You may trorlook at otherpeoples wri[en solutions to these problems, nor in your lri Dds Dorcs. not in the dom fil s, nol on the inlcrnet,er?f. If in anl doublaboul rvhethr your activitiescross allo$able bo,undTies, teLl N before,.ot after,you turnin low assignment. See also the UW CSE \r.{l.ori. !!l$s1!!Lildi!!, and thlinks rherc. Textbook: D6.r./e tLrhrr.r/i.j drd /rs 4Dlcarirrt. hi\lh edilro0J by Kennerh Rosen, Mccraw- Hill, 2006. !uj44. (Available from LlblLsjrtrg, A4!2s1, etc.) Portions of theCSE321Webnay bc rcpiinten or adapred ior academic nonprontpuQoses,providing thc sou(e is ac.udtelyquoted udduly credited. The CSE32l Wsb: O 1993 2009, Depaflmenl of Conputer Scienc and Ensineering, University of washington. Compuler Scienc& Engineering University oi Washington Box352350 seaflle wA 9s195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voce, (206) 543-2969 FAx 'r'p !vw.., *as'rnoor..d-. ed- a ron 'ou p, l2l 09,o

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  • c5E 321, Sp 09 o isc re le 5 t ruc tu res 3/30 /09 12r56 PM

    hWtM,Computer Scifncet Engineeringt'CSE 321, Sp '09: Discrete Struclures

    Adminislrative) schedule & FeadingCourse Email

    Subscripiior OPtions

    E.mail Co!rse StaftAssignmenls

    Lecture: l,l}l llll B!r:!,jr!!Section A: hlil025 (.j.".*.Section B: 1,L11o2j (.-",.,ir

    lnstructor: ltrdry_ I{u27.,TA5: Aeron Bryce. paradoxa at

    In Ch€ng, inchens at cs

    L L . ! ! . : l - . r r r :

    csE 554 206,543-6298

    MWF 1r30- 2120Th 1130 2120Th 2130 3120

    TBAcs TBA


    CourseEmai l :c \c : i2 i rso09. ' ru. \xnr i r i r , ! i . . l f .Useth is l in toaskand/oranswcrquest ionsabouthomework, lectures, elc. Th€ instructorand TAs are subscribed lo this lisl. All me$agcs arcauromalically !!Iqlti]!jL Questions not of general inl€rest ma) bc dirccted to the instrucrorand TAs:cs..l2I ,st.t1, orjust to the instructor: rzzo ar cs. You will probably wanl to !hrns! \.ur

    Cata log Descr ipt lon: I undamenul \ or .er rheor) . enth rheory. enume'a jon. dd r ' lgeb?rcstructures, wiih applicalions in compuring.

    Prerequisit€: a:SL l.1i i either MATH 126,I4-{TH 129, or MATH 136.Credlts: 4Slanclard Syllabus: CSE 12l SrlhbusGrading: Homework. Midtenn,Final. Overalllveights: HW557,, nidtem 157., final30"/d. roughly.Lale Policy: Assignments are due al1hc stan of class on rhe due dare.20% off pcr day thereafter

    (day = blsiness day, e.9., Monday: Friday + 1).Extra Credit: Assignments may include "extra credil' scctions. These rlill enrich lour

    undeBtarding of the material.bulat a low points per hour.a!io. Do th€m ibr rhe glory, nol rhepornls, and don l start cxtracredit until the balics ar€ complcte.

    Collaboratlon: Homerorks de atl individual , not group, exercises. Discu siDg thern with others isfine. even encouraged, bul rou hust ptod.ce lour o\|n howwo/k salutians. Folla|| rhe,,cilligan'sIslMd Rule':it )ou discuss the assignmenl with someone else, don'r keep any notes (paper orelectronic) from thediscussion. then go 'vatch 30+ minutes ofmind nunbing TV (cilligan's Islandreruns especially recommended) before you continue work on rhe homework by )owself. You maytror look at other peoples wri[en solutions to these problems, nor in your lri€Dds Dorcs. not in thedom fil€s, nol on the inlcrnet,er?f. If in anl doubl aboul rvheth€r your activitiescross allo$ablebo,undTies, teLl N before,.ot after, you turn in low assignment. See also the UW CSE \r.{l.ori.!!l$s1!!Lildi!!, and th€ links rherc.

    Textbook: D6.r./e tLrhrr.r/i.j drd /rs 4Dlcarirrt. hi\lh edilro0J by Kennerh Rosen, Mccraw-Hill, 2006. !uj44. (Available from LlblLsjrtrg, A4!2s1, etc.)

    Portions of the CSE321 Web nay bc rcpiinten or adapred ior academic nonprontpuQoses,providing thc sou(e isac.udtely quoted udduly credited. The CSE32l Wsb: O 1993 2009, Depaflmenl of Conputer Scienc andEnsineering, University of washington.

    Compuler Scienc€ & EngineeringUniversity oi Washington

    Box352350seaflle wA 9s195-2350

    (206) 543-1695 voce, (206) 543-2969 FAx

    ' r 'p !vw. . , *as ' rno or . .d - . ed- a ron 'ou p , l2 l 09 ,o

  • The primary goal of this course is to developyour abil i ty to do the kind of formal reasohingrequired in computer science. In particular youwill be asked to learn what a proof is, how toorganize a proof, how to break a problem intocases, and how to distinguish valid from invalidreasoning.

    The secondary goal is to learn material aboutspecific domains within discrete mathematics(logic, number theory, combinatorics, graphtheory) with applications throughout computerscience.

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