i clay city times iinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54gc31/data/0618.pdf · c o i d ij h the clay city times...

c o i d iJ h The Clay City Times J E BURGHER Pub CLAY CITY KY eeeeoeoeeeeoeeee ee e SUMMARY ° i OF A i i WEEKS EVENTS I Latest News of Interest Boiled Down for the Busy Mall- S ° TOUR OF THE PRESIDENT President Taft was given a hearty welcome on his arrival at San Fran ¬ cisco and the program for his eaten tainment was carried out WIthout a hitchPresident Taft at Seattle expost Uon In his speech said be would ask congress to pass a ship subsidy law PERSONAL Mrs E E Pitts of Laurens S C Is said to have been cured recently of pellagra in an advanced stage Miss Ruth Bryan has announced herself as a candidate for congress from a Colorado district Attorney General Wlckcrsham and Secretary Nagel of the department of commerce and labor arrived In Wash ¬ ington after their vacations Richard U Sherman son of Vice President Sherman and Miss Eleanor Mills a society belle of Utica N Y were married at that city Postmaster General Hitchcock Is at Flagstaff Ariz for a bear hunt Ho will loin the Taft party at Yuma Prof Abbott Lawrence Lowell was Inaugurated as president of Harvard university GENERAL NOTES Sensational developments are ex ¬ pected In the Jurytampering scandal nt Chicago States Attorney Way man has r discovered much newev- dencejanddraUs at more indictments arcLbeing prepared and the present grand jury fe expected to return them Action has been begun at Washing- ton before the interstate commerce commission br the Federal Sugar Re- lining ¬ Company of New York against several eastern railroads in which al ¬ legations of unjust and unreasonable charges for transportation of sugar are made l The Spanish ambassador to France has again formally assured Foreign Minister Plcbon that Spain has no In ¬ tendon of departing from her original program regarding Morocco as com- municated ¬ to the powers The Upper Mississippi River im ¬ provement association In session at Winona Minn has adopted a resolu ¬ tion requesting congress to appropri ¬ ate 20000000 for a sixfoot channel in the Mississippi river from Minne apolls to St Louis The Mayor of Marshalltown la and six members of the pollco force and sheriffs office have been indicted by a federal grand jury for placing an In ¬ dlan service officer In Jail and keepldg him there for more than 24 hours The oldfashioned lord mayors show which for many centuries has been one of the most picturesque Englandwill new lord mayorelect Sir John Knill Kings Mountain day the annlver nary of the victory over the British In 1780 at Kings Mountain N C was celebrated in South Carolina and TennesseeWilbur Wright made the most spec ¬ flight In his aeroplane at New York that the world has ever wit ¬ nessed He circled the air 100 feet over New York harbor In an 18mile windCostly war in Morocco Is rapidly precipitating a crisis in Spain which may bring about the overthrow of King Alfonso Spanish affairs are causing much uneasiness among the other powers Aviator Wilbur Wright announces be will hereafter direct his efforts to the commercial exploitation of his machines and will make no more pub- lIc flights tormerltyjudge who became prominent in eqaneetlo with the famous Schley court of la ro qulry died at St EllaaUtka ho sttaJ 4 WashingtonAs class at West Point Is about eighty men short of the number of officers J1 dedb7 the army an effort will be ma eby Presi ¬ dent Taft to persuade congreuto In ¬ crease the number of cadeUJo be q w potat9d j William R Hearst has Accepted the YorkU1I11oralty at Cooper Union called by his admit ers St Charles Mo the first tp be incorporated in Missouri begana hundredthbirthday er entertainments The annual convention of the Polish National alliance opened in Milwau ¬ kee Wls with about 450 delegates present A fine granite monument erected by the federal government and the state of West Virginia was unveiled at Point Pleasant W Va to commemorate the defeat of the allied Indians there otf October 10 1774 at the close of Lord Dunmores wa- rlbetourteenth annual state confer- ence of tharltles and corrections was heldin Peoria 111 and was addressed by many experts in philanthropic service Seventeen men wero killed and ton severely injured in a collfslonbe tween freight and work trains on jthe Santa Fe road near Topeka Nearly all the victims were Mexican laborers Naphtall Herz Imber the Hebrew poet who wrote HaUkvab the Zion ¬ let national hymn will probably be burled at New York In a grave which he purchased several years ago giving In exchange a l4llne poem in classic HebrewFour persons perished In a Nash ¬ ville Tenn fire which destroyed a brick residence Two negroes were arrested on suspicion of having fired the structure Pittsburg chan plon National base- ball team defeated Detroit winners of American league pennant in the first game of the world championship series J C Mabray and 89 others were In ¬ dieted by the grand Jury at Omaha on the charge of promoting fake sporting events Dr Frederick A Cook had to be es ¬ corted from tho Coliseum at Chicago by the police so great was the enthu ¬ slasm of the audience to pay him horn ageDr Cronk medical inspector of New Brunswick N J urges the board of education to provide every public school pupil with a tooth brush as a health measure Mary Keegan who was a domestic for 30 years on the family of Thomas B Kerr of New York has been re ¬ warded by a legacy of 10000 In Mr Kerrs will A woman confederate Is suPPosed to have aided Oscar Dragege alleged bospttatfundsto princeMfguel ander Geprgfevitch Romanowski duke of Louchtcnberg a protege of the czar are said to be rival suitors for the hand of MarJorie Gould daughter of George Gould of New York Mrs F A Halght of Chicago fell In front of a New York subway train and escaped death by a narrow margin She was taken to a hospital slightly injuredBecause John F George vicepresi ¬ dent of the Harrington Leather Com ¬ pany at Elizabeth NJ would not resign when the United States Leath ¬ er Company bought the plant but re- lied on his contract of employment he was put to work as an ordinary labor ¬ er He continues to draw 10000 year salary The birthday of the late John H Reagan who was postmaster general of the confederacy and who was the last member of the cabinet to dIe was celebrated In Texas A HudsonFulton fete was held every night in midocean on the steamer President Grant on the voy¬ age to New York The reproduction of Henry Hud ¬ sons exploring vessel half Moon which took a central part in the Hud sonFulton celebration will bo perma- nently ¬ placed in a lake in Prospect park Brooklyn- A monument to the Rhode Island troops who fell In the civil war at thereGov officials taking part A flock of over 4500 sheep and lambs from Colorado la under quaran ¬ tine at the Kansas City stockyards by order of Inspector HD Adair who declares that the animals are afflict ed with the Up and leg disease Lieut Gen Adna R Chaffee re- tired does not believe enforced idle ness Is causing the high death rate among retired army officers accord ¬ ing to a statement theinadeatLoa Angeles The climax of tbo north pole contro ¬ versy Is expected within a week when the Peary Arctic club will make pub ¬ lie Pearys statement hhedecJ- ares will prove that be was the only white man to Teach the pole andfsheggs of fisheries of the department of commerce aad labor in the last year Pittsburg tendered DrFelhirlckA Cook such a wana ovation that the northern explorer was visibly affected He aasouncesthatthe facts In the pole coBtroversy will begiTen to the pub lieaeoqxag4a4Xeryttagttlod R1tit Jatex iH I GSv News General Interest Ii fmarized Form i BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS Court 5fAppeaU DeclArer Officers of- Corpora ens MUltrOea Diligence In Iefd ming Themselves of Condi tidnar FranKfort KIn reversing Judg ¬ men IofltheVdravea clFcuit court In8 casfejVJttAllen against H C Neals and pthop dlrectors and officers of the rata qb where it was tp rccoyfJI1oney used In purchasing company alleged to worthleiiB lifl Kentucky court of ap peals dwltWd that officers and dire tore of eet porauonsInthis state ma notcl e r eyes to the existence offactsbtiatthey ought to know and If theyglvout statements which are false in Material degree those per sons whe eML with the corporation or buy itii stMKibaaed upon such reports are eHtltlidJo recover whatever damn ¬ age they BUffer The court declares that ftl feretof corporations must use ordinarydlHgenco and perspicacity In informlng kernselves of the condition of the corporation they control SAOIES LIVES SAFEGUARDED By Appellate Judge RearLDeclslon thatiXuthocitles Have Right to KIII Tuberculou CattleI Frankfort KyAs a result of the decision Judgo Ed C ORe rhitho court ot appeals in the case of Jobfj Wlttwer aadr others against Dr JM Mathews rind others of Jefferson county tfefe jlvea of thousands of ba bles Jn Keathtkyw111soon be put out of peril so far as impure milk 19 con- cerned ¬ a4Ee ORear delivering the opinion ofifee appellate court says it is better teVklll the cows than the ba bias ahdtfee right of the authorities to kill the tattle that can not stand the tuberealln tact is upheld inthls opin ¬ ton Thi nct1onpraYAtorlq the Jeffereea Wfjcult court to the beard et fifth from klliBgthe cattle thatrgRclded by the authorities n nor aaysJedjs ORear tq hIs aatalea1- 6ANKtE < J rA jX 1EOLUTIONS Declaring In FavareExaminationsuiy- State Examiners of llState Banks land TftS + i Qempanles- Louisville i 1 iBy Tge17th annual convention of a Ilentucky hankers association enadtiere with the elec ¬ tion of JcUtl i1backof Paducah Ky aa president and the reelection of Secretary p f Louisville and Treasurer H D Immediately following adjournment a meeting of members of the American Bankers wLarkin state vice presUMf and E C Molls hon of ShelbyyU was elected execu ¬ tive commltt0 Bari from Kentucky One of the prlwlpat rgaolutlons was an emphatic deolaratioa in favor ot examinations byjWate examlnersof all state banks companies tfier authorization f i such inspections to be granted by ithe Kentucky legisla¬ ture X MUNICIPALITJV OT RESPONSIBLE For Failure of 5tl nhouie Keeper to PreservStbrier In Jail Frankfort K The Kentucky court of appeals IniSrBrfng the Judgment of the Shelby r court holda that amunlclpalc iHratinicaJi not bo ofitss der among the ia fiIr and prevent their injuring MHi Mother The do Morgan Vision againsireityotshelbyviile The appellant W over night quarreled wlth4WB > ether inmatesof the cell he wa Jt7lngaridtbey gave him a se He sued the city and therceert sustained a demurrer to t tier < c r WInchester j lie Grand Lodge of Kentucky Kl < of PytalMveTect ed0 H pol an- chanccJlorC npaet grand F ere iFrankfort grand chancelidrI L Slade London grand vice chai H A Soha berth Yeraallie jpftlate JW Carter Owens and keeper of baakDowIIng quer George jLatonla grand LeenFrankUn lIlaYITUIti gra Esardr38f Mathews JpvJ ry Hoplil 1eJ1 ttYee to- Ihe au8reme reevtbf ° skew 137ltmembers I f < T- u > 1 I LdXirsVlLjUC MAYOR IS IJKDl Action le reuihf to rover Him Pressing His Candidacye LoulsvlileKtyGeorge D Todd lay republican toy mayor brought sul agalsti ypr James F Grinslead and County Clerk Mark Gabhart asking that the fornjer ba enjoined from pressing his candi- dacy and that the latter be restrained from placing Mr Grinsteads name on thY ballot Mr Todd In his petition states that only he is legally qualified to become mayor but takes issue on Mayor Grtnsleada eligibility saying that he believes the election of 1907 was for a fixed term and quotes the constitutional Inhibition against may ¬ ors of firstclass cities succeeding themselves In office He says that un ¬ less legally prevented Mr Gabhart as Grinsteads taket Mrg Todd who he says Is the only man who had announced that he was qual ¬ chairy warmest municipal campaign In many years both parties being split anti each having two tickets in the field The negro enters largely into the cam paign and the democrats partlcuafly those on the ticket beaded toy William OHelda prominent tobacco ware man have made this the para¬ mount issue and asking for a white mans government The Citizens ticket a defection principally from the Head ticket is headed by Owen Tyler a wealthy business man TWENTYFIVE NIGHT RIDERS On a Mysterious MIssion In Harrison and Robertson Counties Cynthlana Ky Twentyfive night- riders on a mysterious mission through Harrison and Robertson counties or- dered the citizens pt the little town 61 Clayyllle Harrison county to extin ¬ guish all their lights They halted at the edge of the town and communk Gated tho order which was promptly obeyed Through the darkened city the riders then passed about midnight and those daring enough to peep at the band saw that they carried white horseblankets Where they went Is a mystery but they returned through Clayville early In the morning and disappeared in the direction of thla city w JDD6iigs nIcntuclc Yo Louisville KyThetotalreglfilra Jlon of Louisville was Democratic 24594 republican 19054 lndepand ent 10065 a gain of 2325 over 1908 Glasgow KyOdell Kirby a negro fatally cut rom SIkes a white man here Feeling Is very bitter against the negro and if apprehended a lynch- ing will likely follow Owensborp TyThe burley com¬ mittee 0f the Green river district has closed a deal with the American To ¬ bacco Co whereby the crop of 1909 Is sold at 14 for leaf and 6 for trash Lexington KYAt the JJurley Loose Leaf Tobacco Warehouse 1430 pounds of tobacco from tho 1909 crop of Osborne Berry of this county was sold tp the American Tobacco Co for an average of 1540 per hundred OnE basket of the tobacco brought f 1725 per hundred Loulsyllle KyJames G F Shut tleworthr a millionaire merchant lies purchased the holdings of the Ross Paris Co In the Louisville hotel for 115000 A short time ago Shuttle worth purchased the Interests of Mrs Walter S Paris In the property The Loulsyllle hotel Is one of the best known In the south Henderson KyThe Corydon Coal Co and J LandT E Jones at Cory don this county who also own the title to the Magnolia coal mine sold a half interest jn both mines to Dr J R Slgler apd V Q Conley for 20000 About 1000 acres of coal rights are in- cluded ¬ in the deal and the purchasers have about 1000 acres more to be added IAxlngtonKr1frsLuCAlexan der 65 relict ofA 4 Alexander and mother of Mrs WE Slmnis Dr AJ Alexander and Kenneth Alexander riled suddenly of heart failure in her residence on the famous Wperfburn farm jtt Spring station Jilrs Alex- ander ¬ was one of the wealthiest and moet widely known women In the blue graHreglon T eulavllleKyr three b hundred dale gates were preeeBl when pjesldejritlSd wards called the NatjonalAMpoIatlon of Life Underwrlters i convention to order Mayor Je F GrMli 4d do- ltveredaweleeese address wkteh was- reependedta ytt1d prealdbat JaDJH wQ1eeseJorhaeOI4 Ua r ekwrils 7pwpelntlsa c j- t M I f i r 2 i t HAftOiUPfOft ACASE JI CopNar then out of IU Mixed bathing aint allowed Ally Sloperj iot Poverty and Consumption That pov rtJils8 friend to consump Jfi lion Is demonstrated by some recent r t German statistics which show that of 10000 welltodo persons 40 annually die of consumption of the same num- ber l only moderately welltodo 66ot rr the same number of really roQrt7 and of paupers 97 According to John 1f Burns the famous English labor lead r er90 per cent of the consumptives In f Lqndon receive charitable relief In their homes M When Coloring Rags for Carpets or rugs always use Dyola Dyes be i ifm Once try Dyola and you will nevergo back to the old fashioned dyes lOc j per package at your dealers Write 17 Dyola Burlington Vt for free book o 5 directions and color card + Appropriate r First Milliner You have designed the north pole hat i- Second MillinerYes It will ba a mac matter of dispute between the pur chaser and her husband Farmer Summer Trials i What do you find the hardest work connected with farming 1 Collecting a board bill troD TOU city chaps when its duel A Rare Good Thing Am using AlIef aFootEaae and can nt I would not have been without tgSvemYJlchlngfeetI thing for anyone sore or Mrs Matilda Holtwert Providence It V Sold by all Druggists sc Ak today Drug Store Color fortunejGeraldLean money instant Relief for Alt Eyes that are Irritated from duet heat win or KAIIdrtaogistaor 44 Its a many Wifi cuUThU hair he JIr entitled to R ldtrraore s sympathy than C begets y i Wlnatows Soothing gyrepw 4 For children icothtae oof tens tbo EUBII reduce f azamauoaanartu curMwIadcotyu 260 a j r Smith So the will was read IIIt Jones Yes but the air was blue SICK HEADACHE I CARTERS yiheaeIJttle They also relieve Dia ntromD7pepI A dictation end Too nearly Bating A perfect rnn JJ edr tor Dlitlneu N uf DadTstsiatbeMoutbCoa ed Tongue Fain In tht side TORPID LIN13 Tb rre ttl t the BoweU fegelable- WALLPILLSMALLDOSESYAIhpRICE ifI ffac v iII vc cW S REFUSE SWSTITWES 1I TfHERCULOai8CONQUEEPD J Writ toe 7j seen + r1rOnus r t t cite4wttianEJw t r < Cblldren r Like t PJSOSCV if t1Ut Ststitrt hirojtwltsa- s lfleOxplNlaat 11o aj f 1J > i Jt tfi J < < of c n k v d D y r t > to Rk > or f hfi fiX1- 1 >

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Page 1: I Clay City Times Iinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54gc31/data/0618.pdf · c o i d iJ h The Clay City Times J E BURGHER Pub CLAY CITY KY eeeeoeoeeeeoeeee ee e SUMMARY i OF A i i WEEKS EVENTSI


o id iJ h

The Clay City Times





i OF A i

i WEEKS EVENTSILatest News of Interest

Boiled Down for theBusy Mall-

S °


President Taft was given a heartywelcome on his arrival at San Fran ¬

cisco and the program for his eatentainment was carried out WIthout a

hitchPresident Taft at Seattle expostUon In his speech said be would askcongress to pass a ship subsidy law


Mrs E E Pitts of Laurens S CIs said to have been cured recently ofpellagra in an advanced stage

Miss Ruth Bryan has announcedherself as a candidate for congressfrom a Colorado district

Attorney General Wlckcrsham andSecretary Nagel of the department ofcommerce and labor arrived In Wash ¬

ington after their vacationsRichard U Sherman son of Vice

President Sherman and Miss EleanorMills a society belle of Utica N Ywere married at that city

Postmaster General Hitchcock Is atFlagstaff Ariz for a bear hunt Howill loin the Taft party at Yuma

Prof Abbott Lawrence Lowell wasInaugurated as president of Harvarduniversity


Sensational developments are ex ¬

pected In the Jurytampering scandalnt Chicago States Attorney Wayman has r discovered much newev-dencejanddraUs at more indictmentsarcLbeing prepared and the presentgrand jury fe expected to return them

Action has been begun at Washing-ton before the interstate commercecommission br the Federal Sugar Re-lining


Company of New York againstseveral eastern railroads in which al ¬

legations of unjust and unreasonablecharges for transportation of sugarare made

l The Spanish ambassador to Francehas again formally assured ForeignMinister Plcbon that Spain has no In ¬

tendon of departing from her originalprogram regarding Morocco as com-


to the powersThe Upper Mississippi River im ¬

provement association In session atWinona Minn has adopted a resolu ¬

tion requesting congress to appropri ¬

ate 20000000 for a sixfoot channelin the Mississippi river from Minneapolls to St Louis

The Mayor of Marshalltown la andsix members of the pollco force andsheriffs office have been indicted by afederal grand jury for placing an In ¬

dlan service officer In Jail and keepldghim there for more than 24 hours

The oldfashioned lord mayorsshow which for many centurieshas been one of the most picturesqueEnglandwillnew lord mayorelect Sir John Knill

Kings Mountain day the annlvernary of the victory over the British In1780 at Kings Mountain N C wascelebrated in South Carolina and

TennesseeWilbur Wright made the most spec ¬

flight In his aeroplane at NewYork that the world has ever wit ¬

nessed He circled the air 100 feetover New York harbor In an 18milewindCostly

war in Morocco Is rapidlyprecipitating a crisis in Spain whichmay bring about the overthrow ofKing Alfonso Spanish affairs arecausing much uneasiness among theother powers

Aviator Wilbur Wright announcesbe will hereafter direct his efforts tothe commercial exploitation of hismachines and will make no more pub-lIc flights

tormerltyjudgewho became prominent in eqaneetlowith the famous Schley court of la

ro qulry died at St EllaaUtka ho sttaJ4 WashingtonAs

class at WestPoint Is about eighty men short of thenumber of officers J1 dedb7 thearmy an effort will be ma eby Presi¬

dent Taft to persuade congreuto In ¬

crease the number of cadeUJo be


wpotat9d j

William R Hearst has Accepted the

YorkU1I11oraltyat Cooper Union called by his admiters

St Charles Mo the first tp beincorporated in Missouri beganahundredthbirthdayer entertainments

The annual convention of the PolishNational alliance opened in Milwau ¬

kee Wls with about 450 delegatespresent

A fine granite monument erected bythe federal government and the stateof West Virginia was unveiled at PointPleasant W Va to commemorate thedefeat of the allied Indians there otfOctober 10 1774 at the close of LordDunmores wa-

rlbetourteenth annual state confer-ence of tharltles and corrections washeldin Peoria 111 and was addressedby many experts in philanthropicservice

Seventeen men wero killed and tonseverely injured in a collfslonbetween freight and work trains on jtheSanta Fe road near Topeka Nearlyall the victims were Mexican laborers

Naphtall Herz Imber the Hebrewpoet who wrote HaUkvab the Zion ¬

let national hymn will probably beburled at New York In a grave whichhe purchased several years ago givingIn exchange a l4llne poem in classicHebrewFour persons perished In a Nash¬

ville Tenn fire which destroyed abrick residence Two negroes werearrested on suspicion of having firedthe structure

Pittsburg chanplon National base-ball team defeated Detroit winners ofAmerican league pennant in the firstgame of the world championshipseries

J C Mabray and 89 others were In ¬

dieted by the grand Jury at Omaha onthe charge of promoting fake sportingevents

Dr Frederick A Cook had to be es ¬

corted from tho Coliseum at Chicagoby the police so great was the enthu¬

slasm of the audience to pay him hornageDr

Cronk medical inspector of NewBrunswick N J urges the board ofeducation to provide every publicschool pupil with a tooth brush as ahealth measure

Mary Keegan who was a domesticfor 30 years on the family of ThomasB Kerr of New York has been re ¬

warded by a legacy of 10000 In MrKerrs will

A woman confederate Is suPPosedto have aided Oscar Dragege alleged

bospttatfundstoprinceMfguelander Geprgfevitch Romanowski dukeof Louchtcnberg a protege of the czarare said to be rival suitors for thehand of MarJorie Gould daughter ofGeorge Gould of New York

Mrs F A Halght of Chicago fell Infront of a New York subway train andescaped death by a narrow marginShe was taken to a hospital slightlyinjuredBecause

John F George vicepresi ¬

dent of the Harrington Leather Com ¬

pany at Elizabeth NJ would notresign when the United States Leath ¬

er Company bought the plant but re-

lied on his contract of employment hewas put to work as an ordinary labor¬

er He continues to draw 10000year salary

The birthday of the late John HReagan who was postmaster generalof the confederacy and who was thelast member of the cabinet to dIe wascelebrated In Texas

A HudsonFulton fete was heldevery night in midocean on thesteamer President Grant on the voy¬

age to New YorkThe reproduction of Henry Hud ¬

sons exploring vessel half Moonwhich took a central part in the HudsonFulton celebration will bo perma-nently


placed in a lake in Prospectpark Brooklyn-

A monument to the Rhode Islandtroops who fell In the civil war at

thereGovofficials taking partA flock of over 4500 sheep and

lambs from Colorado la under quaran ¬

tine at the Kansas City stockyards byorder of Inspector HD Adair whodeclares that the animals are afflicted with the Up and leg disease

Lieut Gen Adna R Chaffee re-tired does not believe enforced idleness Is causing the high death rateamong retired army officers accord ¬

ing to a statementtheinadeatLoaAngeles

The climax of tbo north pole contro ¬

versy Is expected within a week whenthe Peary Arctic club will make pub ¬

lie Pearys statement hhedecJ-ares will prove that be was the onlywhite man to Teach the poleandfsheggs

of fisheries of the department ofcommerce aad labor in the last year

Pittsburg tendered DrFelhirlckACook such a wana ovation that thenorthern explorer was visibly affectedHe aasouncesthatthe facts In the polecoBtroversy will begiTen to the publieaeoqxag4a4Xeryttagttlod R1titJatex iH


GSvNews General Interest Ii

fmarized Form


Court 5fAppeaU DeclArer Officers of-

Corpora ens MUltrOea Diligence

In Iefd ming Themselves of Condi

tidnarFranKfort KIn reversing Judg ¬

men IofltheVdravea clFcuit court In8casfejVJttAllen against H C Nealsand pthop dlrectors and officers of therata qb where it was

tp rccoyfJI1oney used In purchasingcompany alleged to

worthleiiB lifl Kentucky court of appeals dwltWd that officers and diretore of eet porauonsInthis state manotcl e r eyes to the existenceoffactsbtiatthey ought to know andIf theyglvout statements which arefalse in Material degree those persons whe eML with the corporation orbuy itii stMKibaaed upon such reportsare eHtltlidJo recover whatever damn ¬

age they BUffer The court declaresthat ftl feretof corporations must useordinarydlHgenco and perspicacity Ininformlng kernselves of the conditionof the corporation they control


By Appellate Judge RearLDeclslonthatiXuthocitles Have Right to

KIII Tuberculou CattleIFrankfort KyAs a result of the

decision Judgo Ed C ORe rhithocourt ot appeals in the case of JobfjWlttwer aadr others against Dr JMMathews rind others of Jeffersoncounty tfefe jlvea of thousands of bables Jn Keathtkyw111soon be put outof peril so far as impure milk 19 con-cerned


a4Ee ORear delivering theopinion ofifee appellate court says itis better teVklll the cows than the babias ahdtfee right of the authoritiesto kill the tattle that can not stand thetuberealln tact is upheld inthls opin ¬

ton Thinct1onpraYAtorlq theJeffereea Wfjcult court to thebeard et fifth from klliBgthe cattlethatrgRclded by the authorities

n noraaysJedjs ORear tq hIsaatalea1-


< J


Declaring In FavareExaminationsuiy-State Examiners of llState Banks

land TftS+ i Qempanles-

Louisvillei 1

iBy Tge17th annualconvention of a Ilentucky hankersassociation enadtiere with the elec ¬

tion of JcUtl i1backof PaducahKy aa president and the reelectionof Secretary p f Louisville andTreasurer H D Immediatelyfollowing adjournment a meeting ofmembers of the American Bankers

wLarkinstate vice presUMf and E C Mollshon of ShelbyyU was elected execu ¬

tive commltt0 Bari from KentuckyOne of the prlwlpat rgaolutlons wasan emphatic deolaratioa in favor otexaminations byjWate examlnersof allstate banks companies tfierauthorization f i such inspections tobe granted by ithe Kentucky legisla¬

ture X


For Failure of 5tl nhouie Keeper toPreservStbrier In Jail

Frankfort K The Kentucky courtof appeals IniSrBrfng the Judgmentof the Shelby r court holda thatamunlclpalc iHratinicaJi not boofitssder among theia fiIr and preventtheir injuring MHi Mother The do


againsireityotshelbyviileThe appellant W over nightquarreled wlth4WB > ether inmatesofthe cell he wa Jt7lngaridtbeygave him a se He suedthe city and therceert sustaineda demurrer to t tier< c

rWInchester j lie Grand Lodge

of Kentucky Kl <of PytalMveTected0 H pol an-chanccJlorC

npaet grandF ere iFrankfort

grand chancelidrI L Slade Londongrand vice chai H A Sohaberth Yeraallie jpftlate JWCarter Owens and keeper of

baakDowIIngquer George jLatonla grand

LeenFrankUnlIlaYITUIti gra Esardr38fMathews JpvJry Hoplil 1eJ1 ttYee to-Ihe au8reme reevtbf °skew


f <






Action le reuihf to rover HimPressing His Candidacye

LoulsvlileKtyGeorge D Todd lay

republican toymayor brought sul agalsti yprJames F Grinslead and County ClerkMark Gabhart asking that the fornjerba enjoined from pressing his candi-dacy and that the latter be restrainedfrom placing Mr Grinsteads name onthY ballot Mr Todd In his petitionstates that only he is legally qualifiedto become mayor but takes issue onMayor Grtnsleada eligibility sayingthat he believes the election of 1907was for a fixed term and quotes theconstitutional Inhibition against may ¬

ors of firstclass cities succeedingthemselves In office He says that un ¬

less legally prevented Mr Gabhart asGrinsteadstaketMrgTodd who he says Is the only man

who had announced that he was qual ¬chairywarmest municipal campaign In manyyears both parties being split antieach having two tickets in the fieldThe negro enters largely into the campaign and the democrats partlcuaflythose on the ticket beaded toy William

OHelda prominent tobacco wareman have made this the para¬

mount issue and asking for a whitemans government The Citizensticket a defection principally fromthe Head ticket is headed by OwenTyler a wealthy business man


On a Mysterious MIssion In Harrisonand Robertson Counties

Cynthlana Ky Twentyfive night-riders on a mysterious mission throughHarrison and Robertson counties or-dered the citizens pt the little town 61

Clayyllle Harrison county to extin ¬

guish all their lights They halted atthe edge of the town and communkGated tho order which was promptlyobeyed Through the darkened citythe riders then passed about midnightand those daring enough to peep atthe band saw that they carried whitehorseblankets Where they went Isa mystery but they returned throughClayville early In the morning anddisappeared in the direction of thlacity w

JDD6iigs nIcntuclcYo

Louisville KyThetotalreglfilraJlon of Louisville was Democratic24594 republican 19054 lndepandent 10065 a gain of 2325 over 1908

Glasgow KyOdell Kirby a negrofatally cut rom SIkes a white manhere Feeling Is very bitter againstthe negro and if apprehended a lynch-ing will likely follow

Owensborp TyThe burley com¬

mittee 0f the Green river district hasclosed a deal with the American To¬

bacco Co whereby the crop of 1909 Issold at 14 for leaf and 6 for trash

Lexington KYAt the JJurleyLoose Leaf Tobacco Warehouse 1430pounds of tobacco from tho 1909 cropof Osborne Berry of this countywas sold tp the American Tobacco Cofor an average of 1540 per hundredOnE basket of the tobacco broughtf 1725 per hundred

Loulsyllle KyJames G F Shuttleworthr a millionaire merchant liespurchased the holdings of the RossParis Co In the Louisville hotel for

115000 A short time ago Shuttleworth purchased the Interests of MrsWalter S Paris In the property TheLoulsyllle hotel Is one of the bestknown In the south

Henderson KyThe Corydon CoalCo and J LandT E Jones at Corydon this county who also own thetitle to the Magnolia coal mine sold ahalf interest jn both mines to Dr JR Slgler apd V Q Conley for 20000About 1000 acres of coal rights are in-


in the deal and the purchasershave about 1000 acres more to beadded

IAxlngtonKr1frsLuCAlexander 65 relict ofA 4 Alexander andmother of Mrs W E Slmnis Dr AJAlexander and Kenneth Alexanderriled suddenly of heart failure in herresidence on the famous Wperfburnfarm jtt Spring station Jilrs Alex-ander


was one of the wealthiest andmoet widely known women In the bluegraHreglon

T eulavllleKyr three bhundred dalegates were preeeBl when pjesldejritlSdwards called the NatjonalAMpoIatlonof Life Underwrlters iconvention toorder Mayor Je F GrMli 4d do-ltveredaweleeese address wkteh was-reependedta ytt1d prealdbat JaDJH


r ekwrils 7pwpelntlsac


t M

If ir 2i



CopNar then out of IU Mixedbathing aint allowed Ally Sloperj iot

Poverty and ConsumptionThat pov rtJils8 friend to consump Jfi

lion Is demonstrated by some recent r tGerman statistics which show that of10000 welltodo persons 40 annuallydie of consumption of the same num-

berlonly moderately welltodo 66ot rr

the same number of really roQrt7and of paupers 97 According to John 1fBurns the famous English labor lead rer90 per cent of the consumptives In fLqndon receive charitable relief Intheir homes


When Coloring Rags for Carpetsor rugs always use Dyola Dyes be iifmOnce try Dyola and you will nevergoback to the old fashioned dyes lOc jper package at your dealers Write 17Dyola Burlington Vt for free book o 5directions and color card +

Appropriate rFirst Milliner You have designed

the north pole hat i-Second MillinerYes It will ba a mac

matter of dispute between the purchaser and her husband

Farmer Summer Trials iWhat do you find the hardest work

connected with farming 1Collecting a board bill troD TOUcity chaps when its duel

A Rare Good ThingAm using AlIef aFootEaae and can nt

I would not have been withouttgSvemYJlchlngfeetIthing for anyone sore or

Mrs Matilda Holtwert Providence ItV Sold by all Druggists sc A k today

Drug Store Color


instant Relief for Alt Eyesthat are Irritated from duet heat win orKAIIdrtaogistaor 44

Its a many Wifi cuUThU hair he JIrentitled to R ldtrraore ssympathy than Cbegets y


Wlnatows Soothing gyrepw 4For children icothtae oof tens tbo EUBII reduce fazamauoaanartu curMwIadcotyu 260 a j

rSmith So the will was read IIItJones Yes but the air was blue


CARTERS yiheaeIJttleThey also relieve Dia

ntromD7pepI Adictation end Too nearlyBating A perfect rnn JJedr tor Dlitlneu N ufDadTstsiatbeMoutbCoaed Tongue Fain In thtside TORPID LIN13

Tb rre ttl t the BoweU fegelable-WALLPILLSMALLDOSESYAIhpRICE ifIffacv

iII vccW



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