i g i r m m i -...

ChSgeTAgainit Federal Gov- Simient of Barterant Sale of Offices Made by South- ern Members. (Ily tb» AHwlalril Pfpw) .'..:_._JEAailIKaTQN._iInrrli ___IO.t^TIiC- / fttitidc Wpin A wmV oro by \ R^pmrntntivA WnKlmrh, rrmilillmn, T*su, on tJn* aethoiU ot <l/»pfn»}ri<c -~~rfrrtBTnl -pttttflnftgt.-iB..tbo .ioutli,-waa irWfnfil toilny In n jwliil wliprc «ou»i- frn tlptnoffBtii In thp liemc fl.iilv rbarRPil thn bartrV nml *ntr« of n^ flttt. Colnfl.lPnt jfltli ttip fMumptlft:- of tiio agitation In rnnjtrM*. R. K CtMRrr, rcniilillrfln, nntlonni dimmlf- tefmnn for Tcxni, rallp,l nt Uih Whllo Houm, to atlvjpo I’tMlilrnl rnolI.lRi- to take no notlre> of romplnlntii DRalnai ' dUlributlon of palronnRc lii Trxai. Domoenu Allfn- i npprPMnlntlve Hiiil.y, drmorrnt, , ■ailM l.ilppii-trl.n Iim |,o>ilUff lution (IPftlIng willl Ihe mtlijprt, npciii'.l tho illMiiiiton In till* li6ii*p, mill Iip WOI nulckljr rrinforrril by Rq.rp»pntii- ---- HTf^W4JM*rJJiuUiippUnnil_5iiiif''- •on, floutJi C«tolln;i, ilpmnrrntn. wiw ^ o t r i l . InfnrmntloM fiiriil>hp.l lo t*ii- _____ i7n...« »n n ■nliMr.iUn .lpi«-fil.p.l bv _____ Mr. WlUon an n .ilUgraro tn itrronl ---- COVcrnniffitT*’ ----- ------------ .OorrnpUon Ohargwl rffliiRiplWTt ' H tiH ■ ntiWH* panW fpdprnl ajipolntmriitii ^‘nvcr Hip rntirp ■oiilh.” lWf«pntntlvp- Hiialiy Ipjil. Tlione SHllly, hp nam.',l nt ngpniii reiponilblp to I’crry W. !?««•• ard, a Wniblngtnn rmployr of tlip iIp- ]iartmrnt of jiutipp. Two o f J«nw.ir<|-« bnlf brothPM, lu« Mid, hnd been rri'illloil in rf|>ort^ 1 tfUPblnR him, with off.TloR u I'nitrd ^ fllatf* manhaiihlp foi..,*I.MO rniih. FNon prpfcrn'J |io«ltloin, KmOi hk Roml plar'p* nt i>ciloffii'P wiiictntvA. -Mr. Huiby lalil, find bfpn tnml'* Ihp bAilj for fonb traBiafllniii. WHEAT SUPPLIES Ot( FApi^pMAtl,| 5 T: lf(.; ; YEAhS, .SAYS MURRAY \ CHICAOO, M ar^lO yp)-Mitrr«y of Clptnpnt, Ciirtl* niid 'fnnijmny miyi: “ Slopki of whpat on fnrmi nrp thp ■mnllpal ilnrp IRD.'i nnd, rcdiirpil to ti lintin of ppt rnpltn nf |>opiilntlon iu tbo nitcil Utiitpn, ,SK huilK'la In tho «maltp<( on rpoord. “ ComiKired wllh thi‘ nvnriiRO por -ra p lla lioldiiiRii for thn lii«t trn yi'urn, Htop.k^ on fnrmr. nrP nn prr m t I.-m: #tocki.in_coumry iailUjwd-iauv4itonir .00 buiheU-.pcr-«aplta, arn COfcr rent lM i| vlilblo Ktorki .»H bunhcl ppr ranltfi, nre 30 ptr ronl lru; total In ------- t6r«-iH>iUloi.., vlr.,..lJ!L,bm(icl ja-r capita, ll ns-ppr rrnt 1 p»' Ihn........it -------- y r rtM nvi'rn g r nmt—ihp - ««n'ilnit—i>ir record. TEM r . MISEIF Representative Jones Says Gen- eral Wood Is Unlit to Govern Plilllpplnes. WABHINflTON, Mnrrb \0 - BeprrarDtntlvp Junra, do'nnrrat, Trx< J ua, Id thu bou>« today dpcluri'd . Ihnt \ Ooaera) Wood U Mnfit to Rovetn tho Pbillppinra becauip “ bU llfo trulnlnK bat In n largr niraiiirP dlKiunllfioil him for rivll nulhorlty, and tx-caiin)' hhi dccp-ient«d ronvlrtloiii nro for tbo permanoiit Vtentlon of tbo lilaiidi und therefor# rontrary to Ihe fro- /American Rovern'uiPnt” _______ Ihc T exM «oMBTf«jintn_jlpvo!o|i_ _u large part of bit timo to nmilii;R tho view* exprcwpd by Heprpiottnljvo Underhill, republlraii, Mauarbuiettiii beforo tbo houii* ln«l-vr<fk. Shotild Ooran Rtpljlng tg_lje^ no moro-fit for npIf ROrprnmrnt tban nn equal tiunibor of ehlldren,” Bepre- •pnlotlvB Jooei (]iiotc<l-rontra^.,itato. -------- liibnta from Ihc WnodTorbft, roporl. - i.- in .ijj^i'«)ftli»'iMiiQtn.advjnecd_fDf. ------- pertnaneot •. rotoiitlon, • -ReproicnUtlvo Jooe* taldt ___ <*.Whou‘^ther^nrii~flBinyr:raiiiyZc(r - -u -iadl;*(ft«d-4owa,..tlic/ -Wouot JuIaI’ < s(>ed Ibelr producU, of.vblrJu tbero U o thorfago In thil eountry.’; ; . oas 'PW ob advakobb.1-; - 13EATTLE, Waih., Mnreb 10 (<P>— The Aueelated Oil eompany aonouiie- --------- nt.tlllMA will t^rtvQtieo two prnli — '-nr-BnlltJir-hr-BettilJ^ioBiortow.-uoMi r rr —ii5S-wiuriairfdr:2tMSU-ir:8iUoB-;.-fc twa-cenl tax Utladed,- and.wa'SJ-'ll*: ^ T ^ n ittle r- iT-fueT- for rb(iiiU-*UiU-a-2: Tilt j a y n ot wu . fDnfirmiid hy i hfl ' uloo Oil eompauy. Tho filandard Oil oomiuay italed It bad expoeled nn incruue. - . . - • • ’ ................., -I'paui'it'jbum.'IOPtBlbl.'DlLl:.. -'4 •VAMOPIATTO »HMB . >- ' In Pew Y ears; H ad , ITen Cents t» S tart' K«w JTorlter Pflei no Fortnne . in Saal Estate Bnsiaeat; Waa ft — ^ _____ ^ _ , NEW TORK, Mnreb |H. the tlreelt of Xew Tork with but, hi* rndrs eapllal. Today hll llfo , >rniiniurfd for II,000.000. ' ' Turker, now a real mlalp dralpr, e 'witirtifflfrii In Camden,- S.-XrBnd— . Ni'tr Vnrk, wa* repmented at bPloR I. t)A'.yniinffp«t man in thn United Htnten (o bo'ld tbat amount of In- nnrnnrr. fiU flnnnrlal rli« boRan wbrn ho ]inwnpd hU watrh'for'lrnln fare t» I'hlladplphia whrre bp got a Job aa n rlvi'tor In ihe .('nmdpn ablphuildinR yAnlt. Honn nfler- C- —word h** liMsni* u rMil-miale-MW- ; r iiinii, alxjuoiitti'i blirr br or|;aiilzPd II, hi* nwn firm, nild in two Ti'ara wfli ' g rnloil B ni»llonn(re. ' sTEBSPOSiLi: ,, MoVp Started to Restore CHI-' ^ zenstilp K igm s. to. iiooiaiist ^ ;; Leader. . 1 WAHIIIXOTON. Mnrrli IH. tX •fnovontpnWi"»-W<w-»la»od_U^iav£ _ .citi.:cllMllp/ll!hl|. rpfil''r.;.| In Knucne V. j ripba, unplnllKt Irailrr whn iprvi'il nioro , ' Ihnn hvn yrnra iu thi- Atlniitii prnllpn- j ^ tinr.v.mr ii|i|kiiuik .\mrrirnii pnrtiWpa- , ' tinn In tbo world wnr. £. .lii'i'*.!!’ fr.,!.." .T l " f . ‘ l u il',. ' ’• bail ihnwH tympnthellc iMtprrit in un ' nppoal for llehi. Tomorrow, BrrRpr ; plnn* tn dliriiia tbr (iiintlon nf onuirMv wllll drpnrtmpni of juatiee offlelnl*. \\ BtombUsf BbKk. 'I • Onn nf tbo atumblliiR block* to rpitor. ' nllou of rltlipnahlii'rriiliti in Uolx' rp- fiianl to mnko a npriunul appllciitlon for *• n-fnll-pardmiT—llc-ndhpmrtnlhirljrllpf,- - I'* oxprraurd durlujj bia Irliil whpn he n- fnapil lo imploy rnunapl. Ihnt bo com- mitlod nn'crliiio In vnirlng bin ojiiaal- tlori to wnr lu hit faniou* Cnuton. tfhlo. ' *po<»i'h. ' Tho ninlji nliJectof Mr. BerRpr'a vUlt Y lo Ihe dpjMirtniont of ju*lifc will ho In ' doterinlae whether lome one i-lip ean Inlllule a piirdoii application, ly When the prlion ipntenpo of flptia, i: who wai four llmea a rnndldato for >p prraldrnl Vn 'Iho «o>InlIit ticket, wa> n rnmmulrd ><y I'realdput IlardlnR, hli lu rill»on»hlp rlRhl« woro not re»lorpil. Up 10 \% MOW 7-1 y rn ra old, living la Terre lluiilf, Indinna. BUTLER CONTINUES DRIVE J -AGAINST-DRINriN-WEST In h a n DIKOO, CbL, Mnrph 10. (/p>— BrlRadlcr.Ocoerat Binrdley 1). llutirr, ^ whn t.inr)nl nff bia wnr record nll^ilPVil doif" to flRbi v:re and flipinr in l’hila- . delphiaai hcud of Ihc poliro depart- mont tbrro fnr Iwo yrati, ronllnued Iili rniaado aRuinat drink hprp todny whrn Ko’fiiinl eharRfa of driiokennri* mid rnnilurt uuhcruminR an offirrr aR-.iliiil “ t'liloiirl Aloxnndrr Wllliaum o f Hiiu . IMogi. marine ba»e. ■■■0“ nVrnl ■niitlpV’raplI.TiT fulln'^wl'T dinner Rivon Hatiirilny evenliiR nt Colo- ucl WilllnmH hoi^io In (-oronndo In lion- — em l'*7f)iiller’a bnnor. -Copktail»,'U-1* . anlil, werv aprvnl nl ihp dinner, whlrb *■ waa attended hy a nnmhrr of nffiprra of Iho mnrlno porp« nml Ihrir wivra. It 'n la aaid Ihnl llrnrral Uutlrr tnndo >ome eoniment roRscdlnK tbe eorktaili. The phnrRPi nKniiiDt I'ulonel Wllllami, how- , rvor, wrro bn»ed nn u imrtv whicb wai hpId Inter nt a hntrl In Coroniido. j; Titian-Haired Girl ;; From Idaho May Be Second Bernhardt J* Marie AdolaTlT Years Old. Takes New York by Storm — —In^Bola^of^bxanei-OritldBr .n _Appla«d. _______________ ___ ho I vo POCATRLLO, Idn., >Dirrb 10. (ff)- t*i Uow .Mflrlf Adeli, tltlnn'halred beauty, wbo bai taken New York by itnrm In tbv rote nf nmnnp whom Cyrano dp Ber- whn told liBte \i»\oy by bet faXlirr,' li. , K. Adoli, Idnho ranrh owner nnil furmor , ■ New Yofk- npwiiiapprman. A tbi AdeU It Imi 21 ye.art nf aRp and, TfTcoTrtlnirnmramntJe“fTttlfir’»’'H«M . to*follow In tbe.footat<p« of.thf Inimor- ^ Walter Hiimpdpn in bl»Vvlv»ro7l|oi. •lUnTrV''Cyraloy ’BvrrBratr^OTi 'Ul CmildhDod. , - Mlu<Adeli, tald her father today, bat boon groomed for Iho ilngo alnee the wall Ihreo yenrt old. j l linpiieilM-In Ibb mnnneri \ .KlghltPn yean agoiwhen flaron Bern- ^nrilt^wBi"totiring Auirriin, alie idayeil lil nt ]{omtflii.-IaH!.^Utro in- •.ft In-tbat elty, th»ff-iwder tbo waaago* U«i l'~ Idol of the alt(«~in<t\ the- r«d-lulred thft 011 aam made (he nre.tlellon whle^ hai.iuit nn eome true for New Vork'a moit reeeat aeclnlned^ator, • ____ _______. _ i i i p ;:;-^.^^'rVTO^-FAa£sr^DAflo IhiinnT 1irr ift Is t SHORT L IFE IS s-PHIClfi- m irciii; W lih New Combination Only _ _Eew._Houis. Old Maneuvers - Are Started to End Its Career. (Ily thn Aaaoriatrd . I'rou) liAltlH, Mnrrh tn.-W ltb AtMlde BrIaniL’a nlnlh cabinrl »nty n fow bonra old nnd tbc forimil inliilatrvlnl decJarulioii atilt a wrrk iiwiiv. i>iii)m-»- vora itnrtod tnnifiht In m:iko n lifo — lhnrt.~-Onp attark rnitrr* - m i- l^'uia -- - .MntN-v; -who linlda thp jiortfolin of mln- laler'of'the lalorlur.' -- Dptmly Ybnnipcnray arrvr.t imtlro on M. lirland tbnt hp wonlil Intrri.'ltnto r tbe prpmlor “ nimn Ihe i.ri-aonro uf M. Melvy in tho rnhinol.” ' M. Mnlvy hnd brrn mlnl^ipr uf Ibo C Intprlor'niidor ihrre dlffrront riihlni'U during Ibo wnr and wna rnlird “ tho Ir. rrmnvuble miniatpr nf tlip Intrrior.” Con»iSed"Diirln|'War; *l'« * “■ rolipli-d ill tbo mind of ^ atnl.-»moH were ponvlrtPd nf dpfriitlmn In war lime nnd bnni>hrd. llo wua ro. Inatntrd by M. llerrlnt inltl:'4 nml onro ^ moro bna bornmo nno nf tlio rlilMi;; ]ki\v- I — -mrln-^«rmrh-polltlr*:------------- ---------- . •A Leatei forflenoya. •> li M Uri,n.,r ■■ I" (tviiov'ii (onlKht. . Up . wu Rivrn u -klu maiiv apiiatora nnd ilrpnlira, thr I'.itlali ^ nmbiiaMdor and tlio Hwia* mlnlator J ^ wi'll. Soii'ntor J'nniii, tlio t'rrnrh .plcmt-ntary dplemta.lo tha l»iijiuu-al*» - ptopoodrd In llrnrvn by Iho anino } Tho <irnpvn mini.try la bnw M. [ Brlnnd'a rubinot la drarrili’pd hy tbo rlRht nnd reiitor Rroui'*, whirh prnpboay , n abort term 'of llfo for the mliilatr.v, hlntlnR Ihnl ll mny fait iiuninlintoly > nftor il. Krinnd'a rrtiirn to I’nria, , ------------ Anthnritv T. nblertlv>L 4 n-! "Tbo rnbinol'a anieohjprt U tn RO In 1 1 ,1. Oeneva with full aulhoiily.” anra |ho 1 i«|. Pignrn; "aiinlhpr prohnMv will br 1 In fnrinod abortlv to deal wllh' thr flnnn- t rial problrm.'• , t TWO HDNDREtr MEN MAKE ! WAY TO SAFETY WHEN 1”; MINE FIRE BREAKS OUT hla h’AlRMONT, W. Va., Mnrrh 10 (iP) Ue —Two biindrrd men mado thoir wny rre tn anfoty lodny nltrr fire hnd hrokoii ont In iniiip niimbor li:i of tho Cmi’ aoliilntlon Conl pnm]«iiy nt MnimnKah. r Tho blur.r, n aPVore Oiio, romj^miv of- t firlflta anid, wnt being Imttlod tonif{bt JT I1V flro~flghtrni fmm nil—ovri— chr ' ■'* Fnlrmont ■roglnii, dlrprted b? alutii mine Inijwctom, -- The inlnori, whn wrro workiiiR bo- Iff yund the fire s^nnp, mnde Ibrir wny frum Iho mlno thrnugh n)>nmlonod VJl ,.f„.l.l..jj. _________________ rl- ------ “AND T ,lld ' " ---------- nil ----- 1--------------------------------- --------- ‘- l i -------- 1 (\ ( oue SmB, VARLBT— N I'i' >)- \ 2 I “ y. r >|P knd, _ ^ iiM --------------------- nor- . ___ lii - -Tv *he tbb em- ....... ' IJg —— ....... jut»' - eent , ig ir HQ.-^^THPSSiyS^y MORNP Hold B aiiain Sale Of Ij^ig^rial Relics ' . Shoes ..oad jj« aots Worn. :by Ladies of Q<>art Put on Block: I -ltoJCftker«>-:.; _________ I.KS'IN'OARD, 9ii«>in. Mnrrh Ifl (;PI—Tbn . loeiil M vl.'i nuihorllloa __ffontlniiing ' thelrf, llgiiiilnilnn of tho proprrilR of#hr rr.nrl.t rrii- ■- '— :tn>rh'«'>n>i*wn*!ron-iirF:nmTniot— ilv l”< roraeta nnd OOO fiair* of ahora 1 "y oneo wont by tM' bidioa .,r Ibo < imperbl eourt. ^bmit «hp tenth — »■« ~ tn « OtiRlnal nrleel aro nnkod, bul . M 'far Ihcro .................. no iuki-r<<, ts ainre tho Brtfelea, nrr m irnM SO yonr. behind t!|0 Myto*. The coraott dale turi’olv (rom Virtiirlnu llmea, »hllo, ihp khiH'i woro atyliah during tho r;irllMt yenn of the" protent ronliirv. ‘ illiBS ; >1. -! I ;;; Fifteen Per Cent of 1925 Crop ; '' Stili in Granaries, According ; to’ Reporl. . i ’•'I' Hf)lHi:. Mnrrh IO.j M>)—Kifirrn.per- , '"’I'V" '■''‘1’ '* "" ,M- Idnbo fnrma, nrenrdlliL* to fiL’um -iif-a. . — anrvov nnnniiiirod |od;iv I.v .Iiiliua II. ,, Jaoidiaun, frdernl rri>i> alullallrliui for , Idnhn. Tbla reijroapniH ;i.lHiil,(i(i,i Iniah-, “ I-—I*‘"i...|il| hll anlili ___ ' j — »*nmpni l>nii nf-tho-fiRnrr-n-nl=-wh«-nl- nd »C“ K‘iln . ilr yi’nr ARO nnlv 1- por rent nf ihp I0l!-l ' tl- l.i'-J^.OOO linahrla. roiiuiiru-d on j 4C^ynr7iV>iwt u.»orrat | mutl.uin...lata...... , • i , “ til«lm'i Hl'»i Mill li.l ■ I»irl coiillnitpa, “ wna onlv ]0,0.1ll,UUU , buahpla, tbo amnllral alnro 1017, while hor IDJ.' rrop uf llfl.OV.VllUl buahrla wna | ' nuo uf Ihc larKcat on rocnrd.» Tlir nvrr- , OKO rnrry ovi-r of wlirnl fur tlic l-.iat , ' ton vpiira In Idaho irn .Mnrrh 1, la 17 ,.i.; |ior ....... “ Tltc I'nltpil Hlntca wlioat .lorlia on ! furiiia Mnrrh I wire tni.'JTIi.UUd linahoU, ---- ^1 , ---- .i„.„ , lln Hinrlia nf wbnit bold bv rnnntrv Iho Mlili. nmt i-lrvntnra tbruiiRhuiit Iho no- : b r Inn nro rHtimiitod nt 7.',4JII,Ullll hiiahola, nn- riunpiirod wilb |i7,00<l,nnil hiuhola. tho trn yo.ir iivrrnRp holdliiRa.".............. .... E BLOOwi HEADS TEACHERS ' N ASSOCIATION IN STATE nOIfiK, Mnrrh l'l. (;P)-K, 1>. Ilhmnrof Tivi:. Fnlla hna boon [/<) olrrtrd briid of Iho Idnho Trnrh- ‘■"y om' n..i.rl:iHoii for tbo riimlnR <*•'■ yrur. il wna ....... .. lodny by K. llinat, tPllriiiR pro-ddcnl. ah. Oilu-r oflirrra ................ro 11. M. «'f- (’.irlrr, Wri.rr, viro proaiilpnl; I.. «bt ,\. Willinm.. Caldwoll, niidltor. thr ” Offli'H*-Wor.‘-|i»inod n l' the nn-— utu nnnl-moolliig In Doromhrr, uml wriP eleeled t)\^mnil bnllot.-Offi- - bo- oiul ri-«illa of tho o!i-etinn will ho .'iiy niini.unre,i in tl^ Id n h o , Tfarhcr . ii'd piihlicatlon or'tlio atntf Irnrhtfra' _—I __ orPfinlrnHoii for Mnrrh.___________ D THE VILLAIN STILL PURSUES "N \ ovca MY DEAV ^ i- ; I J , '_-MpyTifiiit, :.V TOG; pHiiirt ; PlLEHi ■ nEHDi; United Stales as .Arfiiter in "^bulh American Dispute ■Feels Decision Soon ,to be Made. (lly-Iho Aaanelnloii I'reaa) WAmil.NOTO.S......Mnr.-U— lu.—Th# - atl .... pt uf WaihliiKlun lu aettle Ihp Hgnth Aenirlpan fouil nvor Turnii-AripB . »loirly 1* «ppr«nrfijnff iln' tnHioii, hot whnl the burvrat willlx- la a aubjeel Of I --‘A"ypnr nnd-n'dnyTiow'haii'-etnpapd ■( alnee I'rrildrnt CuuIIiIko, aa arbiter tie- I Iwi'oH I'ldU' and Perw. dceltfpd tii »lakf . thp auVPtrlRiily of Iha.iliapulPil.pror- I Ihi'o. nA n plrhW ilr. ^Vtr'munthl n ape- " rial roninilaaiiin at Arlen hna heen ptod- [jn dinR townrd nn un'deratnniliuR on the rulea for aurh un plrellon. Outwardly, >iQ Iho alato deimMmrnt profi-aa every. ' ennfiarnro thnt Ihe method uf deeliion iintimai'd br-tbr uroililrni. atill eon be . rairlril Into psiieiilhin: but. Ihrap faeli 1 trll but hnlf the atory oa It hna rame to ' «r- rlea pver^vwhere. <|'! Panitaat BattU. * .. _ ^ —I'hrtr hnvriJoon mnny open'thn-flti 'I- nml aonle l.loodihrd lietwecn pnrtluoi f‘; ' of the Iwn ronutrlra. "b*. In aomo Houth .\ii(erlran rlrelri, at _ JcaM. Iho nulnloH ia bold Ihat n plebii. ™’- 'fltf^nrtnnwmllitrTiniHrndpn h p to^w ^ ibi „f dltiluinntin aunron- aeveral Infominl ‘ fiMil''am"'otheV a"oli"llon. V 'b^l part ' jm th^-ataiiL-dmmrtnipnt _in.nv^vo had in ~W lili otl^r Kouth Amerlein nnlloni ' ^00 unwilling In nrl, and wllh Chile and ' l'l'* I'prn *11 luvulved a t tg' bV unable lo | *'“• brotPli a pro|M>vl fop a jiew deal all '■'f- nro.... 1, atutr ilepnrtinont offielalt havo i bpen iidvUod from aome quarteri to ! I‘ opinlv nrkniiwloilRo Ibnt a. iilehlieile ii impoaiiblr und projHiae n-illrfel .tollle- ' ‘llurliiR Ihe time tboa* thlnRi lia*e ““ «>.lno. hH..nllnn nf _ hklii'at of/leiala of the de(Hirlmenl, ' Oonrrnl I'erahlng hna relumed to Waih- ington fur mriiicnl treatment nfter hla tryiuR arrviro »■ hend nf Ihe |^rbiipljr i '' CONFERENCE O F STATE TE OFFICERS TO BE’ HELD ON HIGHWAY PROGRAM tl ................. . I- IIOIKK, Ida., Marrh llV (/P)—Confrf- R pnro of atato and miinleipnt nffleiala of y II,p rummimwrnltba ofOreROK, Nrvndn nnd ladhnVlIl bo held Thlirmlay nt On- I. turln, llteRon, rolallve to the feailbll- .. ilv of hullilbig the l.'O. N. blgbway be- Iwecn Doiae and Wlnnemuppa, Keftdn. 1- ihrongh ihe'Jordan volley In'Orfgon, ll (iiiveruor J. 0. Rebrnghnm,. of Nev- I- - ndn,'anil his partv, arrived in Bolae thlt 1- morniiiR, hnving drivrn throilRh from 'r. OniauH (.'U.v, n n d - r x p e e t r d —to-rpmillir 1’ nvrr nlRht and continue to Ontario [Tliiirailav fnronoon.___________________ UESHER" . V I 3 / «ELp TW' \ S 'Pooh. ^ -WOBKW-'—/ - -ZI ilfilit,10Se, by Ui ' i New Yorlc Trlbuae, loe. iOVST¥ ___________ m m i " |.‘ ......... . " ' r- Bob6er-G€t8-$4QfKh^-f)f In Noon-Hour Raid' h Of Colorado Bank , Bandit Looka Employe inVault; Overlooks Qold in His Hurry I, : -to ^ _______________ M HTKHI.IN’fi, Colo., M;.rrh 10 (/P) ll —Thr -t.1!o Imnk nf Ovid, near herr,. waVrtibljed nf upprnxlmolo- 1T^;W '0Ty"n”1nrip‘>jnndlt”diirlng •- — jjj the nonn hour lodny, .Inbn Mr- j Ortw, a luiokkoepor, nlono in iho * itg bnnk at the time wnn forced Inlu thp vault nt the |nlnt nf u re- bO volvpr. The bnndit Ibrn Rnthsrrd up the.looae rnah und fled. In hU litale nVPtlnnkiiiu a largo nnionnt of KOld and mill tlml hi.d bron ^ Wcappod. Thr liuokkrrprr ra- !lie - ra|tp«l front-Iho. Vrtiilt--b.‘r-ii'irtR'-n------- III'' anow ^driver. tl !ut 1'’ of nle.on Ihe iral'l of iho liiiof. iM tilri I im i^ ion ■' be . ,1 t West. Virginia Mine Rescuo ^ Wm’ltun> tiunllMUH E lfurtii jtl ^ __ I Workers. * ' All ^ *“■ . ----- . KCCI.KH, W, Va., Mareh 10. (/p)-Of- n ,,1“,. flrlali.of th* nlalo department nfmlnei > ' m— Jtnil Bf the.l'raL.Orclinril.Jfluiruvemmt _ ^ >^oIinileer workpra,' Vere “ T fj toiiigkt Riudunllj. fi>i((li.K *ilTi-iid III tbii H ,„,i leillout laik oriicnetnllng Iho dialnnt h In working! of-the rmmber five,mine of r 1o'y«al^^^^ lii» f*I*B wen ttlll un' * ,"5 aeeMntod'fair'and who, U,U bilieved, t Ig may be found «llrf; Twenty nlne mon ,11 were ontombod'-by nn fizploalon In 'ihe 1 .y . pilno Momlny and nf .thli nnmbrr t«a r In wrre brought'out nllve whilo'fourtpcn .I,' bodiea b*ve been-recovered. 11 1)1 Jl wai'hpllevnl thnt Wlllinm Cvrna and WlMlam Ulekey, niorhino mrn, were \ , , , working lii « aeellnn nf thi* mlno lao- r , nf IntPd from tho hhiat and ttinr they aur- » ^ Teedetl— (a— l»(rieadinc_Uhemaelvet 1 Ilh! agtlntt the poltsuout k"*'*! «* «K'I <■(* » hit ten lurvlvqra. | .[(. Ueantline, a pump waa rigged up and I «Uile.l workli>K-(onlRl.l tn draln-walee - from the pit nt tbo bottom ot thp e^iafl I H'lilrb I* believed to bold llip'WU'pii’df '* the othor throo men. |. . Robert l<amblo, ehlef of the Itate mine bureia, who wai overcome lait nlRht during tbo daab ifhieb reiulted In . the tticue of. lhe lea mtm reliirntjl to , Ihp mino inday. lli>«ald he waa fpcling 1 . well, bol yielded to iho. Iniiaknto of ( other workera nnd did not go Into tho | Ou- ___________ T. PRESIDENT’S FATHER f ■ ^^r-r-lMpROVING-STEADILY tbli ■ I'KYMOUTir, Vermont, Mireh 10 fom (/P)—Improvemont In the conilitlon u{ M iir c~o(<it«-JBini c, copiiaiTerfnnw— of arlo the prcalilcnt, .wnt roimrteil tonight. ___ Dr. Albert W. Cnim. thp colonel'1 jihy»lclan,^UrTlial jialu In'thv, lower H I obdomrn liad tubtldcd, tbe pnllpiit wna "vPry comfortahlp” nnd thrri wai no immedintr oaiiae foralnrm.. ___ In Ihe luat four dnya' ColoiiulJroul- -----iOge,• III for aoveral -iiioiab#--aud_wlth bil Ipri paralyted by n hourt nffcr> tlon, tina hnd ronaiderahio more puiu, ___ l‘r,...Crnin_M;iH>flcil..^ni|iLlli»_i>rPij,<j'L hnd not lipcn up to tho iiinal atnnd , nrd. OOiUaSHlOirCB-WIBIOKB------- -MUHK0{{KK, Oklu., Mnrrh 10. L4>) —Chnrirk 11. Hilrko, rommiailuner uf Inillan nffnlra will roaign almrtly nml bc auforrded by John II. h'dwarda, adiitnnt aeercliiry of tbo Interior, thr MiiakoRoe Oailv I’liornix will anv tnmnrrow, bnaliig ita atory nn infoi- nintlnn frum Waihington. ^ Prison Flogging Is Being Investigated Salt Lake Sheriff Whipping Reported to Have - TftH^n PIaflfl-t,n, Rnfnrnn„Rul., Ings of Prisoners’ "Kan- ------ garoo Court,'*- - HALT I;AKB,-Marrh 10. (/pl-lnvea- tlgatiun of Ibn rc]>ortrd flngRhiR of J, . I’. Sumiiirtho.va in Iho Halt l.ako county jail woa ordoreil toduy by Hhrrlff lion ^^mr^f^^&rrToa'^nrarted’ lif^kiri^ thal n •■kBtiKatiKi c o u n " wai bvlnu eondupted by Ibo prlaonera In tbo jail In Older In Ret funda for Ihelr "prlaon roffer'.' hol.duol»rd that floRglng tu — .T-.- •pBforer'tiic:millnir»-:of7tinr-conrt-.bad litcn atrirtly forbidden. ------------------jumtBd-Tor'BootiBggiflg:— ^— ' Ikroinplalncd.'ycaterday to^'fcderaUf- flren thfft he. wm ael upon by prlaoncre In <he jail Innnediatety upon, hii being ' tt; hroughrin;-Upon hli;rcfo«Bt-to-pay inio the fund, ho deelaret, be wnt bent- . over n labln while a negro clubbed blm. ' r DOCTOES TO ,COHVHKa_._' liiilted-8Utra 'aBd-CaBadft will mVe etiL.UiMiieal .■•Meiatlon to be .held tnfc • ttfrefToin A pril'W ta fil ' j | S | Three Nations, at Unofficlai' Meeting ol Council, Indloate . ' Refusal to Vote Germany : Permarwnt Seat. V -J; (Ilv tbe AaMiriuled Preu) ------- aK N n‘A7Tinirrino:^Thc erltli In tlio nffnlra uf tho ronnell of the league i.f nationa wna conildered erltlral Ut< - ', (unlghf. (‘oiilrary tu Ifip aomewhal roty irimrla given ont by aome of tbe neia- , . - iM-r* thal-lhe.allunllou-*'wal-rlpeBlB|^>-~•• luwnrd' rin' urrurd;” ''rellii1iIo~lhfarWi»------ ^ fiiin Indiriiloil tbnt three mrmberi of , , Ibp ruoiiril, l)rnzl) Hpnln and Jnpan^- . . . drrlinrd today at thc unoffielaL.meet-..____ _ ing of the rounell lu aay thnt. they I I wonld vote for Ihe elrrtlou of Oermany jll aa n porinunent member. [| oleoD PnnlU. .The Rreateat gloom prevail! among ' nil Ibe ilelogntloni and_lt Jt thought . .'1 thal ontv Iho matter linail of BrIan'iT U0 ran anvo Ibe alluallon, whirh. In v iew -, of mnny nf the leader*, threaleai Ihe ^ Afrnnin Mello Krincn. of Brnxll. Informed the eounell that he had ex- , " *“ T>lIrIt“ Ti«irui'Ttnii» fmm" tlii' mpitilpni '' "■ nf Iho lirnzillan ropublle Ihat if he vot« od In fnvor of giving Oeriiiany b per?' [)f- niauPBt tpnt he mual ilmultaneouiiy. . ' 7, net vote Braiil the Mme privilege. - . tut ________ T>,>. n ,^ rre TTie~rltmt»i"of the teaalon rame~wbwT'**^**f int bl'p reanit f^on?lbe d'ebat^*put*7^ of rert iiuettlon to all the nemben of tiM- ^ rL ^umicli, ; _ .-1’^ un> "Aro you readv to vole for the »!«•: od, ilnu nf (lerniaoyt” '• '’ . ’v ion llraxll nniwered ot Indleatnl above,' Ihe while Count Qubionei de Leon of Hpain t«B rpfuicd to antwec nt alt. ... ^ I’m Jnpan wna alio-nbaololely nnnrnmv. mliiul In tho aurprlae of many, . rnt ' Tho hjg powers who aro rommitled tn ere volo fur flormaay by Ibe agreement _ lao- reaeheil nt trfi'ramo. ell aarionaee Ihey . . ur- will do ao. M. rani Uoneeur of Pranre.,' vet titokpofa'*^Ihlreoli«rtlBRieBCUe'' ■■,■7- the mid warnr^-hI« eollW|piW-onbB iKiWi .’-..:^ gerout repereuaalon of Kurope md break-np of (be lengoe of natWo, ii iiRStSAUFRIEflD. OF\- ' . 7 MARTYRED. PRESIDENT . . i:l’ t DIES IN NEW YORK ' i I In ............ . .'f I li? ..NEW.YORK,.Mar.-m IR-tiwM al ____ ling lerviee* were held today for Leonaril of Orover, n pritmnal friend of AbrahUui tho Unpoln and for more than ilxty yrara aaioelBted wilh ihe itage at netor, mnnnger.and drnmatUt. , Utirf Melntoah-delivering the eutflgr........T , y. tiioko of Mr. Oruvfr*! ^ n o n al .frlenJ- L l ihlp with Llnfoln. - Ho; tald-tti«t-It-------- wan onlv n whim of &lrt. Uneoln'a . 10 thnt aenl the preililcat to .>'urd’e ' . of thealre on tbv niuht of hit auattlaa- ■ ^r Hoir;’ur*ihp“prcidtli‘hf had“inailBT)liii» nht. lo be thp gueii of Mr. Orover In tho cl'i Injer’a jilayhouae, known ni Orover'* ' ” w«r ihentro, Ihul night. IFJMS r ^ Relief Measure for' Middle - ■ Western Agriculture Soon 'I"; Ready for Committee. ifol- WA8HIS0T0N, Marrh. Vfi— With tho drnft nf Ihelr bill nearing ) couiplellon, fnrm rpllof leadrrt of ih^ d middiv wf»t pxpreiaiil tntlaftption to- alght al tho progreu thry havo made >AA iliicc liivniling WaabiiiRton a week I I I ago- The hnuto ogrlcuUure committee . . conllnuod hrnrlugi'today on the plan ' of Ihu deloRotlon lo have Ihe govrrn- m»iit .la »y- e » .^ gat«ultu«i l i iBlereetB.fta ^ . . ^ [an- pi|Ualir.allun fee fur inautnnpp nRalu^l loaara un aurtdui rropa. - - Draft Hnr --------------------- lt-,wna iiu11r.Tlcd thni tho bill.,would follow iho Ilnri ■of Ihc McNnry- ,Lllllv Uniigon mraiuro which pawpd. th e ', II,;, houio bnt fnllod In thr apnnlo ut the .. Inat apaion .ind tho Dipkinann bill.____ ^ ...Inu ................ . fcJlim-a, inch aa pro* , iJ vialnn for n rontrafl method of plu,- riaun l»K tb'o'roltou rnip. • : If. iu ' ‘AllhuiiRh fhotp wlU'lio niodlDca-. . —— at-thr-^I>w~Mplney-fitrT»t-Tehef-^.»'’ < ...; t,nn,, ference. " we_yill. not aller.our t*- _. rt,l«h. lentlnl^rworomen^mna.--^^^^ II of- through exlitlny.'Bgenelee, tne> » tlio,’ oner* fnrmora* .eooperetjye .organ^tlp*!^^ i/elng nnd there wonld be-no-- prUe-fixlagc^-^ •”~ owS ou 5 bb' sIOU»{m b =:

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C h S g e T A g a in i t F ed eral Gov- S im ie n t o f B a r t e r a n t S a le o f O ffices M ade by S o u th ­e rn M em bers.

(Ily tb» A Hwlalril Pfpw). '..:_ ._ JE A a ilIK a T Q N ._ iIn rr li___IO.t^TIiC-

/ fttitidc W pin A w mV oro by \ R ^pm rntn tivA WnKlmrh, rrmilillmn,

■ T *su , on tJn* aethoiU ot <l/»pfn»}ri<c -~~rfrrtBTnl -pttttflnftgt.-iB ..tbo .iou tli,-w aa

irW fnfil toilny In n jwliil wliprc «ou»i- f rn tlptnoffBtii In thp liemc fl.iilv rbarRPil thn bartrV nml *ntr« of n^ f l t t t .

Colnfl.lPnt jf l t l i ttip fMumptlft:- of tiio agitation In rnnjtrM*. R. K CtM Rrr, rcniilillrfln, nntlonni dimmlf- tefm nn for Tcxni, rallp,l nt Uih Whllo Houm, to atlvjpo I’tMlilrnl rnolI.lRi- to take no notlre> of romplnlntii DRalnai

' dU lributlon of palronnRc lii Trxai.D om oenu Allfn-

i npprPM nlntlve Hiiil.y, drmorrnt,, ■ailM l.ilpp ii-trl.n Iim |,o>ilUff

lution (IPftlIng willl Ihe mtlijprt, npciii'.l tho illMiiiiton In till* li6ii*p, mill Iip WOI nulckljr rrinforrril by Rq.rp»pntii-

---- HTf^W4JM*rJJiuUiippUnnil_5iiiif''-•on, floutJi C«tolln;i, ilpmnrrntn. wiw ^ o t r i l . InfnrmntloM fiiriil>hp.l lo t*ii-

_____ i7n...« »n n ■nliMr.iUn .lpi«-fil.p.l bv_____ Mr. WlUon an n .ilUgraro tn itrronl---- COVcrnniffitT*’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

.OorrnpUon Ohargwl •rffliiRiplWTt ' HtiH ■ ntiWH*

pa n W fpdprnl ajipolntmriitii ^‘nvcr Hip rn tirp ■oiilh.” lW f«pntntlvp- Hiialiy

Ipjil. Tlione SHllly, hp nam.',l n t ngpniii reiponilblp to I’crry W. !?««•• a rd , a W niblngtnn rmployr o f tlip iIp- ]iartm rn t o f jiutipp.

Two o f J«nw.ir<|-« bnlf brothPM, lu« M id, hnd been rri'illloil in rf|>ort^

1 tfUPblnR him, with off.TloR u I 'n itrd ^ f lla tf* m anhaiihlp foi..,*I.MO rniih.

FNon prpfcrn 'J |io«ltloin, KmOi hk Roml plar'p* nt i>ciloffii'P wiiictntvA. -Mr. H uiby lalil, find bfpn tnml'* Ihp bAilj fo r fonb traBiafllniii.

W H EA T SU PPLIES Ot( F A p i ^ p M A t l , |5 T : lf(.; ;

Y EA hS, .SAYS MURRAY\ CHICAOO, M a r ^ lO yp)-M itrr«y

o f Clptnpnt, Ciirtl* niid 'fnnijmny miyi: “ Slopki of whpat on fnrmi nrp thp

■mnllpal ilnrp IRD.'i nnd, rcdiirpil to ti lintin o f ppt rnpltn nf |>opiilntlon iu tbo nitcil Utiitpn, ,SK huilK'la In tho «maltp<( on rpoord.

“ ComiKired wllh thi‘ nvnriiRO por - r a p l l a lioldiiiRii for thn lii«t trn yi'urn,

Htop.k^ on fnrmr. nrP nn prr m t I.-m: #tock i.in_coum ry iailU jw d-iauv4itonir .00 buiheU-.pcr-«aplta, arn CO fcr ren t lM i| vlilb lo Ktorki .»H bunhcl ppr ranltfi, nre 30 p tr ronl l r u ; total In

------- t6 r«-iH >iU loi.., vlr.,..lJ!L,bm(icl ja-rcapita , l l ns-pp r rrn t 1p» ' Ihn........it

-------- y r rtM nvi'rn g r nmt—ihp - ««n' ilnit—i>irrecord. ’


R e p re se n ta tiv e Jones Says G en­e ra l W ood Is Unlit to Govern P lilllpplnes.

WABHINflTON, Mnrrb \0 - BeprrarDtntlvp Junra, do'nnrrat, Trx<

J ua, Id thu bou>« today dpcluri'd . Ihnt \ Ooaera) Wood U Mnfit to Rovetn tho

Pbillppinra becauip “ bU llfo trulnlnK b a t In n largr niraiiirP dlKiunllfioil him for rivll nulhorlty, and tx-caiin)' hhi dccp-ient«d ronvlrtloiii nro for tbo permanoiit V ten tlon of tbo lilaiidi und therefor# rontrary to Ihe fro-

/A m erican Rovern'uiPnt”_______ Ihc TexM «oMBTf«jintn_jlpvo!o|i_ _u

la rg e p a rt o f b it timo to nm ilii;R tho view* exprcwpd by Heprpiottnljvo U nderhill, republlraii, M auarbuiettiii beforo tbo houii* ln«l-vr<fk.

Shotild O oran Rtplj l n g t g _ l j e ^

no m oro -fit for npIf ROrprnmrnt tban nn equal tiunibor of ehlldren,” Bepre- •pnlotlvB Jooei (]iiotc<l-rontra^.,itato.

-------- liibnta from Ihc W nodTorbft, roporl.- i . - i n . i j j^i'«)ftli»'iMiiQtn.advjnecd_fDf.

------- pertnaneot •. rotoiitlon, • -ReproicnUtlvo■ Jooe* ta ld t ___ •

• <*.Whou‘^ther^nrii~flBinyr:raiiiyZc(r- - u - ia d l ;* (f t« d -4ow a,..tlic/ -W ouot J u I a I ’

< s(>ed Ibelr producU, of.vb lrJu tbero U o thorfago In th il eountry.’; ;

. o a s 'P W o b a d v a k o b b .1 - ; -13EATTLE, Waih., Mnreb 10 (<P>—

T he A ueela ted Oil eompany aonouiie-

---------nt.tlllMA will t^rtvQtieo two p rn li— '-n r-B n lltJ ir-h r-B ettilJ^ ioB io rtow .-uoM ir r r — ii5S-w iuria irfdr:2tM SU -ir:8iU oB -;.-fc

tw a-cenl tax Utladed,- and .w a 'S J-'ll* :^ T ^ n i t t l e r - iT-fueT- for rb (iiiU -*U iU -a-2:

Til t j a y n ot wu . f Dnfirmiid hy i hfl ' uloo Oil eompauy. Tho filandard Oil

oom iuay ita le d It bad expoeled nn inc ruue . - . . -

• • ’ .................• • , ■ —

- I 'p a u i 'i t ' jb u m .'IO P tB lb l . 'D lL l:..-'4 •VAMOPIATTO »H M B . >-

' I n P e w Y e a r s ; H a d ,

I T e n C e n t s t » S t a r t '

— K«w J T o r l t e r Pflei no Fortnne .in S aal E sta te Bnsiaeat; Waa

ft — ^ •_____ ^ _

, NEW TORK, Mnreb |H.

th e tlr e e lt of Xew T ork with but,

hi* rnd rs eapllal. Today hll llfo , > rn iin iu rfd for I I ,000.000. ' '

Turker, now a real m la lp dralpr, e 'w itir tifflfr ii In Camden,- S.-X rBnd— .

N i'tr Vnrk, wa* repm ented a t bPloRI. t)A'.yniinffp«t man in thn United

Htnten (o bo'ld tb a t amount of In- nnrnnrr. fiU flnnnrlal rli« boRan w brn ho ]inwnpd hU watrh'for'lrnln fare t» I'hlladplphia whrre bp got a Job aa n rlvi'tor In ihe .('nmdpn ablphuildinR yAnlt. Honn nfler-

C- — word h** liMsni* u rM il-m iale-M W - ;r iiinii, alxjuoiitti'i b lirr br or|;aiilzPd ‘II, hi* nwn firm, nild in two Ti'ara wfli ' g rnloil B ni»llonn(re. '

sTEBSPOSiLi:,, M oV p S t a r t e d t o R e s to r e C H I - '

^ z e n s t i lp K i g m s . to . i io o i a i i s t

; ; L e a d e r . . 1

WAHIIIXOTON. Mnrrli IH. tX •fnovontpnW i"»-W <w -»la»od_U ^iav£ _

.citi.:cllMllp/ll!hl|. rpfil''r.;.| In Knucne V. j ripba, unplnllKt Ira ilrr whn iprvi'il nioro ,

' Ihnn hvn yrnra iu thi- Atlniitii prnllpn- j ^ tinr.v .m r ii|i|kiiuik .\mrrirnii pnrtiWpa- , ' tinn In tbo world wnr.

£ . .lii'i'*.!!’ f r . ,! . ." .T l " f . ‘ l u il',. '’• bail ihnwH tympnthellc iMtprrit in un '

nppoal for llehi. Tomorrow, BrrRpr ; plnn* tn d liriiia tb r (iiintlon nf onuirMv wllll drpnrtmpni of juatiee offlelnl*.

\\ ‘ BtombUsf BbKk.■'I • Onn nf tbo atumblliiR block* to rpitor. '

nllou of rltlipnahlii'rriiliti in Uolx' rp- fiianl to mnko a npriunul appllciitlon for

*• n-fnll-pardmiT—llc-ndhpm rtnlhirljrllpf,- - I'* oxprraurd durlujj bia Irliil whpn he n -

fnapil lo imploy rnunapl. Ihnt bo com- m itlod nn'crliiio In vnirlng bin ojiiaal- tlori to wnr lu h it faniou* Cnuton. tfhlo.

' *po<»i'h.' Tho ninlji n liJectof Mr. BerRpr'a vUlt

Y lo Ihe dpjMirtniont o f ju*lifc will ho In ' doterinlae whether lome one i-lip ean

In lllule a piirdoii application, ly When the prlion ipntenpo of flptia, i : who w ai four llmea a rnndldato for >p p rra ldrn l Vn 'Iho «o>InlIit ticket, wa> n rnmmulrd ><y I'realdput IlardlnR, hli lu rill»on»hlp rlRhl« woro not re»lorpil. Up10 \% MOW 7-1 yrnra old, living la Terre

llu iilf , Indinna.


J - A G A I N S T - D R I N r i N - W E S T

In h a n DIKOO, CbL, Mnrph 10. (/p>— BrlRadlcr.Ocoerat Binrdley 1). llutirr,

^ whn t.inr)nl n ff bia wnr record nll^ilPVil d o if" to flRbi v:re and flipinr i n l ’hila-

. d e lp h iaa i hcud of Ihc poliro depart- m ont tbrro fnr Iwo y ra ti , ronllnued Iili rniaado aRuinat drink hprp todny whrn K o’fiiinl eharRfa of driiokennri* mid rnnilurt uuhcruminR an offirrr aR-.iliiil

“ t'liloiirl Aloxnndrr Wllliaum of Hiiu . IMogi. marine ba»e.

■■■0“ nVrnl ■niitlpV’raplI.TiT fulln'^w l'T dinner Rivon Hatiirilny evenliiR nt Colo- ucl WilllnmH hoi io In (-oronndo In lion-

— e m l'* 7f)iiller’a bnnor. -Copktail» ,'U -1*. anlil, werv aprvnl nl ihp dinner, whlrb *■ waa attended hy a nnmhrr of nffiprra

of Iho mnrlno porp« nml Ihrir wivra. It 'n la aaid Ihnl llrn rra l Uutlrr tnndo >ome

eoniment roRscdlnK tbe eorktaili. The phnrRPi nKniiiDt I'ulonel Wllllami, how-

, rvor, wrro bn»ed nn u imrtv whicb wai hpId Inter nt a hntrl In Coroniido.

j; T itia n -H a ire d Girl ;; F ro m Id ah o M ay Be

Second B e rn h a rd tJ* M arie A d o laT lT Years Old.

T akes New York by Storm— — I n ^ B o l a ^ o f ^ b x a n e i - O r i t l d B r.n _A ppla«d ._______________ ___ho Ivo POCATRLLO, Idn., >Dirrb 10. ( f f ) - t*i Uow .Mflrlf Adeli, tltlnn'halred beauty,

wbo bai taken New York by itnrm In tbv rote nf nm nnp whom Cyrano dp Ber-

whn told liBte \i»\oy by bet faXlirr,' li., K. Adoli, Idnho ranrh owner nnil furmor , ■ New Yofk- npwiiiapprman.

A tb i AdeU It Imi 21 ye.art nf aRp and, TfTcoTrtlnirnmramntJe“fT ttlf ir’» ’'H«M

. to*follow In tbe.footat<p« of.th f Inimor-

^ W alte r Hiimpdpn in b l» V v lv » ro 7 l|o i.•lU nT rV ''C y ra loy ’B v r r B r a tr ^ O T i

'Ul CmildhDod. ,- M lu<Adeli, ta ld her father today, ba t boon groomed for Iho ilngo alnee the wall Ihreo yenrt old. j l linpiieilM-In Ibb mnnneri \

.KlghltPn ye an agoiwhen flaron Bern- ^nrilt^wBi"totiring Auirriin, alie idayeil

l i l n t ]{om tflii.-IaH !.^ U tro in-

•.ft I n - tb a t e lty , th»ff-iw der tbo waaago*U«il '~ Idol o f the a lt(« ~ in < t\ the- r«d-lulred thft011 aam made (he nre.tlellon whle^ ha i.iu it nn eome true f o r New Vork'a moit reeeat

aeclnlned^ator, • ____ _______. _

i i i p; : ; - ^ . ^ ^ ' r V T O ^ - F A a £ s r ^ D A f l o

Ih i innT 1 i r r ift Ist SHORT LIFE IS s-PHIClfi-m i r c i i i ;

W lih N ew Com bination Only _ _ E e w ._ H o u is . Old M aneu vers -

A re S ta r te d to End I ts C are e r .

(Ily thn Aaaoriatrd . I 'ro u ) liAltlH, Mnrrh tn.- W ltb A tM lde

BrIaniL’a nlnlh cabinrl »nty n fow bonra old nnd tbc forimil inliilatrvlnl decJarulioii atilt a wrrk iiwiiv. i>iii)m-»- vora itn rtod tnnifiht In m:iko n lifo

— lhnrt.~-Onp a tta rk rn itrr* - m i- l^ 'u ia --— - .MntN-v; -who linlda thp jiortfolin of mln- •

la le r 'o f'th e lalorlur.' --Dptmly Ybnnipcnray arrvr.t imtlro on

M. lirland tbnt hp wonlil Intrri.'ltn to r tbe prpmlor “ nimn Ihe i.ri-aonro uf M.

Melvy in tho rnhinol.”' M. Mnlvy hnd brrn mlnl^ipr uf Ibo C

Intprlor'n iidor ihrre dlffrront riihlni'U during Ibo wnr and wna rnlird “ tho Ir. rrmnvuble miniatpr nf tlip In trrior.”

C on»iSed"D iirln |'W ar;*l'« * “■ rolipli-d ill tbo mind of

^ atnl.-»moH were ponvlrtPd nf dpfriitlmn In war lime nnd bnni>hrd. llo wua ro.Inatntrd by M. llerrlnt inltl:'4 nml onro ^moro bna bornmo nno nf tlio rlilMi;; ]ki\v- I

— -mrln-^«rm rh-polltlr*:------------- ---------- .•A L ea te i forflenoya. •>

l i M Uri,n.,r ■■I" (tviiov'ii (onlKht. . Up . w u Rivrn u -klu

maiiv apiiatora nnd ilrpnlira, th r I'.itlali ^ nmbiiaMdor and tlio Hwia* mlnlator J

^ wi'll. Soii'ntor J'nniii, tlio t'rrnrh.plcmt-ntary dp lem ta.lo tha l»iijiuu-al*» - ptopoodrd In llrnrvn by Iho anino }

Tho <irnpvn mini.try la bnw M. [ B rlnnd'a rubinot la drarrili’pd hy tborlRht nnd reiitor Rroui'*, whirh prnpboay , n abort te rm 'o f llfo for the mliilatr.v,hlntlnR Ihnl ll mny fait iiuninlintoly >nftor i l . Krinnd'a rrtiirn to I’nria, ,------------Anthnritv T. nblertlv>L 4

n-! "T b o rnbinol'a anieohjprt U tn RO In 11,1. Oeneva with full aulhoiily.” anra |ho 1i«|. Pignrn; "a iin lhp r prohnMv will b r 1In fnrinod abortlv to deal wllh' th r flnnn- t

r ial problrm .'• , t

TW O H D N D R Etr MEN MAKE ! ” WAY TO SAFETY W HEN 1”; M INE FIRE BREAKS OUThla h’AlRMONT, W. Va., Mnrrh 10 (iP) Ue —Two biindrrd men mado thoir wny rre tn anfoty lodny n ltr r fire hnd hrokoii

ont In iniiip niimbor li:i o f tho Cmi’ aoliilntlon Conl pnm]«iiy nt MnimnKah.

r Tho blur.r, n aPVore Oiio, romj^miv of- t firlflta anid, wnt being Imttlod tonif{bt J T I 1V flro~ flgh trn i fmm nil—ovri— chr ' ■'* Fnlrmont ■ roglnii, dlrprted b? alutii

mine Inijwctom, -- The inlnori, whn wrro workiiiR bo-

Iff yund the fire s nnp, mnde Ibrir wny frum Iho mlno thrnugh n)>nmlonod

VJl ,.f„.l.l..jj. _________________

rl- ------

“ AND T,lld ' " ----------nil ----- 1------------------------------------------

‘- l i --------

1 ‘ ( \

(oue SmB,V A R L B T — N


>)- \ 2 I“y. r > |P

knd, _ ^iiM ---------------------nor- . ___

l i i - -T v

*hetb b

em- ■

....... 'I J g — — .......

jut»' -eent ,

i g i rH Q . - ^ ^ T H P S S i y S ^ y M O R N P

Hold B a i i a i n S a l e

Of I j ^ i g ^ r i a l R e l i c s '. Shoes ..oad j j « a o t s Worn. :by

Ladies of Q<>art Put on Block:I -ltoJC ftker«> -:.; _________

I.KS'IN'OARD, 9ii«>in. Mnrrh Ifl (;PI—Tbn . loeiil M vl.'i nuihorllloa

__ffontlniiing ' thelr f , llgiiiilnilnn oftho proprrilR o f # h r rr.nrl.t r r i i- ■ -

'— :tn>rh'«'>n>i*wn*!ron-iirF:nmTniot—ilv l ”< roraeta nnd OOO fiair* of ahora 1 " y oneo wont by tM ' bidioa .,r Ibo < „ im perbl eourt. ^bm it «hp tenth — »■« ~ tn « OtiRlnal nrleel aro nnkod, bul. M 'fa r Ihcro .................. no iuki-r<<,t s ainre tho Brtfelea, n rr m irnM SO

yonr. behind t !|0 Myto*.The coraott da le turi’olv (rom

Virtiirlnu llmea, »h llo , ihp khiH'i woro atyliah during tho r;irllMt yen n of the" protent ronliirv. ‘

i l l i B S ;>1. • -! I

; ; ; F ifteen P er C en t o f 1925 Crop ; ' ' S tili in G ra n arie s , According ;

to’ R eporl. . i

’•'I' Hf)lHi:. Mnrrh IO.j M>)— K ifirrn .per- ,

'"’I'V " '■''‘1’ '* "",M- Idnbo fnrma, nrenrdlliL* to fiL’um -iif-a. .— anrvov nnnniiiirod |od;iv I.v .Iiiliua II. ,,

Jaoidiaun, frdernl rri>i> alullallrliui for , Idnhn. Tbla reijroapniH ;i.lHiil,(i(i,i Iniah-,“ I-—I* ‘"i...|il| hll anlili ___ ' j— »*nmpni l>nii nf-tho-fiRnrr-n-nl=-wh«-nl-

nd »C“ K‘iln .

i l r yi’nr ARO nnlv 1- por ren t nf ihp I0l!-l 'tl- l.i'-J .OOO linahrla. roiiuiiru-d on j— 4C^ynr7iV>iwt u.»orrat | mutl.uin...la ta ...... ,• i , “ til«lm'i Hl'»i Mill l i.l ■

I»irl coiillnitpa, “ wna onlv ]0,0.1ll,UUU , buahpla, tbo amnllral alnro 1017, while hor IDJ.' rrop uf llfl.OV.VllUl buahrla wna |

' nuo uf Ihc larKcat on rocnrd.» Tlir nvrr- , OKO rnrry ovi-r of w lirnl fur tlic l-.iat ,

' ton vpiira In Idaho irn .Mnrrh 1, la 17,.i.; |ior .......

“ Tltc I'nltpil Hlntca wlioat .lorlia on ! furiiia Mnrrh I w ire tni.'JTIi.UUd linahoU,

---- ^1,---- .i„ .„ ,l ln Hinrlia nf w bnit bold bv rnnntrv Iho Mlili. nmt i-lrvntnra tbruiiRhuiit Iho no- : b r Inn nro rHtimiitod n t 7.',4JII,Ullll hiiahola,

nn- riunpiirod wilb |i7,00<l,nnil hiuhola. tho trn yo.ir iivrrnRp holdliiRa.".............. ....


nOIfiK, Mnrrh l'l. (;P )-K , 1>. I lhm nrof Tivi:. Fnlla hna boon

[/<) o lrrtrd briid of Iho Idnho Trnrh- ‘■"y o m ' n..i.rl:iHoii for tbo riimlnR<*•'■ yrur. il wna ....... .. lodny by

K. llinat, tPllriiiR pro-ddcnl.ah. Oilu-r oflirrra ................ro 11. M.«'f- (’.irlrr, W ri.rr, viro proaiilpnl; I..«bt , \ . Willinm.. Caldwoll, niidltor. th r ” Offli'H*-Wor.‘-|i»inod n l ' the nn-— utu nnnl-moolliig In Doromhrr, uml

wriP eleeled t)\^m nil bnllot.-Offi- - bo- oiul ri-«illa of tho o!i-etinn will ho .'iiy niini.unre,i in t l^ I d n h o , T farhcr . ii'd piihlicatlon o r 'tl io a tn tf Irnrhtfra'_— I__ orPfinlrnHoii for M nrrh .___________



\ o v c a MY D E A V ^

i - ;


, '_ -M pyTifiiit,


T O G ;

p H i i i r t; PlLEHi ■n E H D i;

United S ta le s a s .A rfiite r in " ^ b u l h A m erican D ispute

■Feels D ecision Soon ,to be M ade. ■ ■

(lly-Iho Aaanelnloii I'reaa)WAmil.NOTO.S......Mnr.-U— lu.—Th# -

a tl....pt uf WaihliiKlun lu aettle IhpHgnth Aenirlpan fouil nvor Turnii-AripB . »loirly 1* «ppr«nrfijnff iln' tnH ioii, hot whnl the burvrat w illlx- la a aubjeel Of

I --‘A"ypnr nnd-n'dnyTiow 'haii'-etnpapd ■( alnee I'rrildrnt CuuIIiIko, aa arbiter tie- I Iwi'oH I'ldU' and Perw. dceltfpd tii »lakf . thp auVPtrlRiily o f Iha.iliapulPil.pror- I Ihi'o. nA n plrhW ilr. ^Vtr'munthl n ape- " rial roninilaaiiin at Arlen hna heen ptod-

[jn dinR townrd nn un'deratnniliuR on the rulea for aurh un plrellon. Outwardly,

>iQ Iho alato deimMmrnt profi-aa every. ' ennfiarnro thnt Ihe method uf deeliion iintimai'd b r - tb r u roililrni. atill eon be . rairlril Into psiieiilhin: but. Ihrap faeli 1 trll but hnlf the atory oa It hna rame to '

«r- rlea pver^vwhere.<|'! P a n ita a t B a ttU . * .. _^ — I'hrtr hnvriJoon mnny open'thn-flti 'I- nml aonle l.loodihrd lietwecn pn rtluo i

f‘; ' of the Iwn ronutrlra."b*. In aomo Houth .\ii(erlran rlrelri, at _ JcaM. Iho nulnloH ia bold Ihat n plebii. ™’- 'fltf^nrtnnwm llitrTiniH rndpn h p to ^ w ^ ibi „f dltiluinntin aunron- aeveral Infominl ‘

fiM il''am"'otheV a"oli"llon. V 'b ^ l part ' jm th^-ataiiL-dmmrtnipnt _ in .nv^vo had in

~W lili o tl^ r Kouth A m erlein nnlloni ' ^00 unwilling In nrl, and w llh Chile and ' l'l'* I'prn *11 luvulved a t tg ' bV unable lo | *'“• brotPli a pro|M>vl fop a jiew deal all'■'f- nro.... 1, atutr ilepnrtinont o ffielalt havo i

bpen iidvUod from aome quarteri to ! I ‘ opinlv nrkniiwloilRo Ibn t a. iilehlieile ii

impoaiiblr und projHiae n-illrfel .tollle-

' ‘llurliiR Ihe time tboa* thlnRi lia*e ““ «>.lno. hH..nllnn nf _

hklii'at of/leiala o f the de(Hirlmenl, ' Oonrrnl I'erahlng hna relum ed to Waih- ington fur mriiicnl treatm ent nfter hla tryiuR arrviro »■ hend nf Ihe |^ rbiipljr


ON HIGHWAY PROGRAMtl ■ ................. . •I- IIOIKK, Ida., M arrh llV (/P)—Confrf- R pnro of atato and miinleipnt nffleiala of y II,p rummimwrnltba ofOreROK, Nrvndn

nnd ladhnVlIl bo held Thlirmlay nt On- I. turln, llteRon, rolallve to the feailbll- .. ilv of hullilbig the l.'O . N. blgbway be-

Iwecn Doiae and Wlnnemuppa, Ke ftdn .1- ihrongh ihe 'Jordan volley In'Orfgon, ll (iiiveruor J . 0 . Rebrnghnm,. o f Nev- I- - ndn,'anil his partv, a rrived in Bolae thlt 1- morniiiR, hnving drivrn throilRh from 'r . OniauH (.'U.v, n n d - rx p e e t rd —to-rpmillir 1’ nvrr nlRht and continue to Ontario

[Tliiirailav fnronoon.___________________

U E S H E R " . V I

3 / «ELp TW' \S 'Pooh. ^

-WOBKW-'—/ -

- Z Iilfilit,10Se, by Ui'i New Yorlc Trlbuae, loe.

iO V S T ¥ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

m m i" |.‘ .. . . . . . . . . " 'r - Bob6er-G€t8-$4QfKh^-f)f

In Noon-Hour R aid ' h Of Colorado Bank

, Bandit Looka Employe in Vault; Overlooks Qold in His Hurry

I , : -to ^ _______________

M HTKHI.IN’fi, Colo., M;.rrh 10 (/P) l l —Thr -t.1!o Imnk nf Ovid, near

herr,. waVrtibljed nf upprnxlmolo- “ 1T ^;W '0T y"n”1nrip‘>jnndlt”diirlng •- —

jjj the nonn hour lodny, .Inbn Mr- j Ortw, a luiokkoepor, nlono in iho *

itg bnnk a t the time wnn forced Inlu thp vault n t the |n ln t nf u re-

bO volvpr. The bnndit Ibrn Rnthsrrd up the.looae rnah und fled. In hU litale nVPtlnnkiiiu a largo nnionnt of KOld and mill tlml hi.d bron

^ Wcappod. T h r liuokkrrprr ra-!lie - ra|tp«l front-Iho. Vrtiilt--b.‘r-ii'irtR '-n-------III'' anow ^driver. tl

!ut 1'’of nle.on Ihe iral'l of iho liiiof.

i M t i l r i I i m i ^ion ■' • „be . ,1

t W est. V irg in ia Mine Rescuo ^ Wm’ltun> tiunllMUH E lfu r tii j t l ^ __ I W o rk e r s . *'All ^*“■ . - - - - - .

KCCI.KH, W, Va., Mareh 10. (/p)-O f- n ,,1“,. f lrlali.o f th* nlalo department nfm lnei >' m— Jtnil Bf th e .l 'ra L.Orclinril.Jfluiruvemmt _ ^ >^oIinileer workpra,' Vere “T fj toiiigkt Riudunllj. fi>i((li.K *ilTi-iid III tbii H ,„,i leillout laik o r i ic n e tn l ln g Iho dialnnt h

In working! o f-the rmmber five,m ine of r

1o'y«al^^^^ lii» f*I*B wen ttlll un' *," 5 aeeM ntod 'fair'and who, U ,U bilieved, t

Ig may be found « llr f ; Twenty nlne mon ,11 were ontombod'-by nn fizploalon In 'ihe 1

. y . pilno Momlny and nf .thli nnmbrr t«a r In wrre brought'out nllve whilo'fourtpcn

. I , ' bodiea b*ve been-recovered. 111)1 Jl w ai'hpllevnl thn t Wlllinm Cvrna

and WlMlam Ulekey, niorhino mrn, were \ , , , working lii « aeellnn nf thi* mlno lao- r , nf IntPd from tho hhiat and ttinr they aur- » ^ Teedetl— (a— l»(rieadinc_U hem aelvet 1 Ilh! ag tln tt the poltsuout k"*'*! «* «K'I <■(* » hit ten lurvlvqra. |

.[ ( . Ueantline, a pump waa rigged up and I «Uile.l workli>K-(onlRl.l tn draln-walee - from the pit nt tbo bottom o t thp e^iafl I H'lilrb I* believed to bold llip'WU'pii’d f '* the othor throo men.

|. . Robert l<amblo, ehlef of the Itate mine bureia, who w ai overcome la it nlRht during tbo daab ifhieb reiulted In

. the tticue of. lhe le a mtm reliirntjl to , Ihp mino inday. lli>«ald he waa fpcling 1

. well, bol yielded to iho. Iniiaknto of ( other workera nnd did not go Into tho |

Ou- ■ ■ ___________

T . P R E S ID E N T ’S F A T H E R

f ■ ^ ^ r - r - lM p R O V I N G - S T E A D I L Y

tbli ■ I'KYMOUTir, Vermont, Mireh 10 fom (/P)—Improvemont In the conilitlon u{ Miir c~o(<it«-JBini c, copiiaiTerfnnw—o f arlo the prcalilcnt, .wnt roimrteil tonight.___ Dr. Albert W. Cnim. thp colonel'1■ jihy» lclan ,^U rT lia l jialu In'thv, lower

H I obdomrn liad tubtldcd, tbe pnllpiit wna "vPry com fortahlp” nnd th rri wai no immedintr oaiiae fo ra ln rm ..

___ In Ihe luat four dnya' ColoiiulJroul------iOge,• III for aoveral -iiioiab#--aud_wlth

b il Ipri paralyted by n hourt nffcr> tlon, tina hnd ronaiderahio more puiu,

___ l‘r,...Crnin_M;iH>flcil..^ni|iLlli»_i>rPij,<j'Lhnd not lipcn up to tho iiinal atnnd

, nrd.

— OOiUaSHlOirCB-WIBIOKB--------MUHK0{{KK, Oklu., Mnrrh 10. L4>)

—Chnrirk 11. Hilrko, rommiailuner uf Inillan nffnlra will roaign almrtly nml bc auforrded by John II. h'dwarda, ad iitnn t aeercliiry o f tbo Interior, th r MiiakoRoe Oailv I’liornix will anv tnmnrrow, bnaliig ita atory nn infoi- nintlnn frum W aihington. ^

P rison F lo g g in g Is B eing In v e s tig a te d

Salt L a k e S h e riffWhipping Reported to Have - TftHn PIaflfl-t,n, Rnfnrnn„Rul.,

Ings of Prisoners’ "Kan- ------garoo Court,'*- -

HALT I;AKB,-M arrh 10. (/pl-lnvea- tlgatiun of Ibn rc]>ortrd flngRhiR of J,

. I’. Sumiiirtho.va in Iho Halt l.ako county jail woa ordoreil toduy by Hhrrlff lion

^ mr f ^&rrToa' nrarted’ lif kirithal n •■kBtiKatiKi c o u n " wai bvlnu eondupted by Ibo prlaonera In tbo jail In Older In Ret funda for Ihelr "prlaon roffer'.' h o l.d u o l» rd th a t floRglng tu

— .T-.- •pBforer'tiic:millnir»-:of7tinr-conrt-.bad litcn a trirtly forbidden.

------------------jumtBd-Tor'BootiBggiflg:— —

' Ikroinplalncd.'ycaterday to^'fcderaUf- flren thfft he. w m ael upon by prlaoncre In <he jail Innnediatety upon, hii being

' tt; h ro u g h rin ;-U p o n hli;rcfo«B t-to-pay inio the fund, ho deelaret, be wnt bent-

. over n labln while a negro clubbed blm.

■ ' r DOCTOES TO ,C O H V H K a_ ._ '

— liiilted-8U tra 'aBd-CaBadft will m Ve

etiL.UiMiieal .■•Meiatlon to be .held tnfc • ttfrefT o in A p r i l 'W ta f i l

' j | S |

T h ree N ations, a t U n o ffic la i' M eeting o l Council, Ind loate . ' R efusal to Vote G erm any : P erm arw nt S ea t. V - J ;

(Ilv tbe AaMiriuled P re u )------- a K N n ‘A7 T in ir r in o :^ T h c e rltli In

tlio nffnlra u f tho ronnell of the league i .f nationa wna conildered erltlra l U t< - ' , (unlghf. ( ‘oiilrary tu Ifip aomewhal roty irimrla given ont by aome of tbe ne ia- , .

- iM-r* thal-lhe.a llun llou-* 'w al-rlpeB lB |^>-~••luwnrd' rin ' urrurd;” ''rellii1iIo~lhfarWi»------ ^fiiin Indiriiloil tbnt three mrmberi o f , , Ibp ruoiiril, l)rnzl) Hpnln and Jnpan^- .

. . drrlin rd today a t thc unoffielaL.meet-..____ _ing of the rounell lu aay thnt. they

I I wonld vote fo r Ihe elrrtlou of Oermany j ll aa n porinunent member.[ | o leoD P n n lU .

.The Rreateat gloom prevail! among ' nil Ibe ilelogntloni and_lt J t thought . .'1 thal ontv Iho matter linail o f BrIan'iT

U0 ran anvo Ibe alluallon, whirh. In v ie w - , of mnny nf the leader*, th rea leai Ihe

^ A frnnin Mello Krincn. o f Brnxll.Informed the eounell that he had ex- , "

*“ T>lIrIt“ Ti«irui'Ttnii» fmm" tlii' mpitilpni ' ' "■nf Iho lirnzillan ropublle Ihat if he vot« od In fnvor o f giving Oeriiiany b per?'

[)f- niauPBt tpnt he mual ilm ultaneouiiy . . ' 7 , net vote Braiil the Mme privilege. - . t u t ________ T>,>. n , ^rre TTie~rltmt»i"of the teaalon rame~wbwT'**^**f

in t bl'p reanit f^on?lbe d'ebat^*put*7^ •of rert iiuettlon to a ll the nem ben of tiM-

^ rL ^umicli, ; _ .-1’un> " A ro you readv to vole for the »!«•: od, ilnu nf ( le rn iaoy t” '• ' ’. ’vion llraxll nniwered o t Indleatnl above,'Ihe while Count Qubionei de Leon o f Hpain t«B rpfuicd to antwec nt alt. . . . ^I’m Jnpan wna alio-nbaololely nnnrnmv.

mliiul In tho aurprlae of many, ‘ .rn t ' Tho hjg powers who aro rommitled tn ere volo fur flormaay by Ibe agreement _ lao- reaeheil n t trfi'ramo. ell aarionaee Ihey . . ur- will do ao. M. r a n i Uoneeur of P ra n re ., ' vet t ito k p o fa '* ^ Ih lre o li« r tlB R ie B C U e '' ■■,■7-the mid w arnr^-hI« eollW |piW -onbB iKiWi .’- ..:^

gerout repereuaalon o f Kurope md break-np o f (be lengoe of natW o,

i i i iR S tS A U F R I E f lD . O F \ - ' . 7 MARTYRED. PRESIDEN T . .

i:l’t DIES IN NEW YORK ' iI In ............ . . ' fI li? ..N E W .Y O R K ,.M ar.-m I R - t iw M a l____ling lerviee* were held today for Leonaril

o f Orover, n pritmnal friend of AbrahUui tho Unpoln and for more than ilx ty yrara

aaioelBted wilh ihe itage a t netor, mnnnger.and drnmatUt. ,• Utirf Melntoah-delivering the eutflg r........T

, y. tiioko of Mr. Oruvfr*! ^ n o n al .frlenJ- •L l ih lp with Llnfoln. - Ho; ta ld - t t i« t - I t --------

wan onlv n whim of &lrt. U neoln 'a .10 thnt aenl the preililcat to .> 'urd’e ' . of thealre on tbv niuht of h it au a ttlaa -

■ ^ r H oir;’ur*ihp“prcidtli‘h f had“inailBT)liii» nht. lo be thp gueii of Mr. Orover In tho c l 'i Injer’a jilayhouae, known ni Orover'* ' ” w«r ihentro, Ihul night.

I F J M S r R elief M easure f o r ' M iddle - ■

W e s te rn A griculture Soon 'I" ; R eady fo r C om m ittee.ifol-

W A 8H IS0T 0N , M a rrh . V fi—W ith tho d rn ft nf Ihelr bill nearing

) couiplellon, fnrm rpllof leadrrt of ih^

d middiv wf»t pxpreiaiil tntlaftption to- alght a l tho progreu thry havo made

>AA iliicc liivniling WaabiiiRton a weekI I I ago-

The hnuto ogrlcuUure committee . . conllnuod hrnrlug i'today on the plan '

of Ihu deloRotlon lo have Ihe govrrn- m»iit . la »y- e » .^ gat«ultu«i l i iBlereetB.fta ^ . . ^

[an - pi|Ualir.allun fee fur inautnnpp nRalu^l loaara un aurtdui rropa.

- - D ra f t H n r ---------------------lt-,wna iiu11r.Tlcd thni tho bill.,would

follow iho Ilnri ■ of Ihc McNnry- ,Lllllv Uniigon m raiuro which pawpd. t h e ',

II,;, houio bnt fnllod In thr apnnlo ut the ..• Inat apaion .ind tho Dipkinann bill.____ ^

...Inu ................ . fcJlim-a, inch aa pro*, i J vialnn for n rontrafl method of plu,-riaun l»K tb 'o 'ro ltou rnip. • :If. iu ' ‘AllhuiiRh fhotp wlU'lio niodlDca-. .

—— at-thr-^I>w~M plney-fitrT»t-Tehef-^.»'’ < ...; t,nn,, ference. " w e_yill. not a lle r .o u r t*- _. rt,l«h. le n tln l^ rw o ro m e n ^m n a .- -^ ^^

II of- through exlitlny.'Bgenelee, tne> » tlio,’ oner* fnrmora* .eooperetjye .o r g a n ^ tlp * ! ^ ^ i/elng nnd there wonld be-no-- p rU e -fix lag c ^ -^

•” ~ ow S o u 5 bb ' sIOU»{m b =:

I ^ B

j '. M ichlaan-C ircuit Judg e M clcs p b u t Longest P rison T erm to L _ W e a l t l i M : o u t h - l i i r l is s a u l l ,

on S tuden t.

..............(Uy. tlif Aiuutlali-it ------ •MAHO'X, Mu'h., Miin'h 10.—Arllm r

Itlcli, fii.ii »f H wriillliy lliilII.' I'fivk 1 jiimiiif.irliiri'r, «vn« fouii.l *•>' ";• jilrv ill r itrn il r.uirl loiln.v u f (-rlliiiiiiiHy •

nuiiiiliitit' Kitic, muiii-iit mtnii-,01' Mny L’-'. lii'f. •IihIbi' C'hiitlpii CiiIlliiK'wooil ........ ..•iili'u.’.'.l IiirhIffi- luii'rl...riiiiriil III .larkwiii |rri<uii. Tin- jilr> ilHilirriiti'tl min- UlM.

■i.i.cTHiin.cl riM|iir«l.-,| ,ii.y o f Ki'ii- ti'iiri- {■I'liilliiu niifiCNil tu llir ntote nil’ pti'Uip rniirt. I>iil llir’iiu.lluii wiin .Iflilcl.

Verdict II Bliodc.VoiliiR Illrli, « illi Ilia l«r.'iilM. witltcd

III fht* roiir(ro<im ii JiJlc JJii* Jm-,*- two mil.Iio m -lnl whrn ilu- vi'ritii'l nnii rpml.

7n|(i-ll»-r wltli MI'm KIiik mul iiiintlier.• • fnu|ilp, IMfh-B-rnt-III nn nnlomciliilr »<> •

' Jh.' I laltlr Cri-rk CciilHlTy i llll. wlirr.', Hip ulnli- rliiiro-il, Iii> nltn rkn l ln-r. Si‘v- I'tiil liniNcii iiliniil th r fnrt iiiiil » lirnk- ru juiv rlilrli MI«, KitiK '.ufri'rfit w rrr ' ilri-liirrd l>y llir l>rcmrrlllluu • li> ImVi'l.rrii iliflirlr.t hy Hlfli. Tr«lliiH.Ny <liir iuk' the tria l irv ru ln l tiuil tlir jinrty li‘"l brrn .Iriiikini; nit.l itirl. ti-Miflvcl Im- wai. t.K) .Iruiik td rdiii'MiliiT if lir luni «trupkMI»»KlnK.----------- :----- ----------- I

C u e DrftWf Ciovd.A crowili'il ruurt rni'ni Imlny ln 'f

llir m'lirrnl iiilrn-»t w'lilrli tl.r _

ilrCBllioUH'r«i'mty. Itultlr l.’r rrk , lu»t--- ■ jiiry-ijJuUciL _in dprlnralioii o f iiiiMrlnl. W lini tl.r.................. U|> iiU«lll f 'T •' ‘•''""K ''of vrinir lii lliBhnm ruuuly wun «i'i'iirn|. Drtiwlii^' llf 11 Jiiry^for |h. ’ tfiiil

rr iiiimv foUaWKil'iSiatily. • . . . .

l u i l i s 41 1 H s

lAotors Fail a n d D Irigibts D rops In to .. H a m p to n jp a d s ; C rew Is R cscued. lu;

" ' . - -INOllKOI.K, Vll.. Mnrrh Kt. >

rntiiliR «nii nml fiiiluro o f her m o lo r' *ruUM'il tho nrmy rllriRil.lr TA-*. lo ,lto |i rnu tr fi>r»l lnl lo.Iilv In lowrr ni.lii|>- |iIn,. llomU iiriir Tl.lliitil.' i.li..n|-|lKl>l. ■

- - Tlip Mirif o.ri> nl.ouKl'IiikI luirrow Iri>rniiri. lint fvrrr fi'v u n l witliiuil m t '.- iioiix Injurv liv thi' i'o:mt ^iiiiril I'litrol I iMUit " :tu ‘.

Till' prow «n .' nihilioin'il i.f l.iriil.'ii-liiit Howlniiil Ki.rbiiru. nn.l 'IV .Im i.iil ^

'K<'rK»»Mtii-t;ii>'iiti'r Juliu>uii nn .l Jo«i'[ih ' Wlnti'ru. l.irutrrinnt Kirliurlr. «n» f 'f 'l ff|M,rt<i,t-lHi.l|y-tnJ»h‘il Iml .wan fmiui! ^ to hnvr lircn imir kUkIiIIv hurt.■ Tlie TA-.'r niid .ili*rrvi'.l‘ III h r ill tr.in- " h ir Iw rntv iiiinnti'i lirfarr nlir frll, nn.l

wriil ii|i III o ffrr uMNtniirr hill voiil.l '.to nutlilnu. !

-------- Th.*.-»hl|*-wu*. UUU. fi'i't .111 .lliu-iilr "Hlirn tronlilr ilrvrl.iii.'.l hnt I.IrliU'niiiit '' Ki.-hnrl* n iunnivrinl I.rr In w illiln .Vltl ' f.'rl of Ihl' «urf«i-r lirfurr ' ‘"In' wriil .hiiflt onl o f rniilriil. ^<hl' »ni> to 'v n l lo .I.iini{lrv firlil, wlirrr i.lir lm- li.-rii n«.'i| I

......fo r trnlninj; r'ir|i<'»r'. j'

VOTB MODERN UQUIPPAOE (j------- eH IO A dl^—Mnrrh— l*'—UP>----- •■J’;'*'- I

li-liln for h.iiKi'W 1 H|inrri'il on liy Ihr .•lo.|ni'Ui’.' " f

___ Al<l*’«m«*u-MMlCliiby,_u .uli.viiiuaiilUu.loiliiy i[iiil Joikrviiiu _nml j-riivi-ly '

------nitril tn -rrrom m rm l lo n rtuiiinilt 'Ihnl in ihi' liilrrl'.l uf kin.ln.-«- lo 'iinlumU Inil linh l. -hmilil h r ]irrm-rll- tn l for r<iiiinnry nf llir liriiUr ",

SAYS h i s ”p r e s c r Tp t i q n 1HAS POW ERFUL INFLUENCE „

OVER R H E U M A T I S M j.Mr. .Inrii.- . 11. Alh'.i .if "ll Kntl..'. '

« lr.'.l, lln rlir-I.'t. .\. Y„ i.nff. t:;il tn r ^v rn r ' wilh ............. .Mnny lim .s'lilin Irrrlhli' i|l>.'nv' Irfl hiii«i h-'l|-l"S'nn.l iinnlilr l» worlt. ..

Hi- f in u lly '.... ol."!. o f i .r y r;ir , -if [

■ ■ : i ; r\nm nlitl.;il liii|>iirillia. lonmii.oly rnll-il

_ 4 ir l . i . n rl,|. iliijiojtiu,:. ivrtr.. lUigiulvi'il -inth f initll" mill .... •..•Il'n ll.nl r\l'.'H r.lfrnm Ihl- ..... ..

Witii Ihll. iil.’ii in rnin.l In- mui-illlnl I'liyiiirintiK, luailr rs|>i'rliin iilx mnl fin- nllV rnm[ionml.-<l ii |nr>i'ti|ition Ili.n;

, J WU:.iaii^;itl r niii|il i l i;ly_li;i« i4a-4l-»;u;t^'.

,lli< KVstrni!'• ill ' f tr i'lv KUM’ hin .lii-nH.TV. iihirli

Vw.]iW«>it{>V'Alli-iirl.ii; lu OtlicM-uliV rm.k. jt...ff_ltlr.w liD t jnl«lit. Ill* riiU rii' Jiiut.^

• nhflUt t iu ' itltrnT-grv. thrnnph-rii.v

iirtiicri|il 1(111 uiuru, nol . :^ « ’ycrT;:> 'kll':lMilL«l.»Pj»ni ' o f Hir ..ll«- •^rrniicrliO 'trlir'iffintlr'n’tnrTi-j'nur inoiu'v

i ; > ftttft «t»ek Df iBmiy.

■jC y

| i ■ ^T~ ------------- -*<


. - - r,1*'

' iL’

: 4 m m i t

. I>r

, I 'A ^ i c E ; IF .T /.' S E ^ T O E f c H A V r : ; • » '

BUIKO o r - i -n jT f iv jB f M i u r o a r v nl . r . 8«nd«luuf._ o f • UllwaukM, (•„

la jr. lbs d lK hw ied two of tm .iw t- u„ I, b«nd 'i itc flo r*pU m and p lck td cflt n , f MUI AUc4 Wblle U M V iJ, tT

nAd' rou(»-leM.- ' Now H lu W liltt

' Ubsd and tbe wUo h u i o b u ln td n H! w a t ra n t. , > '

f a l i p iH I H U ^

S ta te O w nership, b u t . P riv a te111

D tvelopm ent, R ecom m ended ' by Bl'itish C om m ission.' ' -------- ' ■■ ■ I.OMION, Mabli 111. {;p)-H liito own.

i'ri.hlii nf (Irral llrltnin '« ,'inil mim-ii, hui vl . (i>nlJiiiiaiiL.u_ii(.llicii-.iti!vulii|nusu<_h}i -M

.(iVivuIr rntrriiriiir nn.k-r guv<Tiiiiiriit ; >uiirrvl»lciL, In trroiiimrMilp.l In th r nu- J | 1 xlonnly nw,iii...l rriiiirl'( if Iho roynlXinl li, I r.imiiiloioii, Tlir rAuiinliinlnn wm. n|i-

|iiil.ilnl aix niiiiilhii n^o to rvolvr■rl...... ivliirh wonl.l ]<ilt thP ruul imlmi- ||

' Iry .>■ II iioumMiiini« nml-cHminnlp lh r ■), . mniiKluiit .lt>»-.lrnmi .lin]inlm lii'twrrn - I Hir mliiri» mill th r oivnrrn. ,f,

AKalnit NatlotuiUaaUon. 1''I .Vl llir Kiiiiirtiiiir tlir (-nnMni<’'lon ilr- ', rliiirit m;aiuil nulliuiiill/iillmi nn rrc- ; , oimiirnili-d bv thp- iiiln(ril fv.I6ri.li.ni., Ib c commmW-#-fln.li.iK-«.^i'-|lH^.ju.«- at

Iimi cif iialiiiniiir»:itin¥ w n»'iirrlin|n llir . nnr-in-w hlplr-tlip -whdli.- rminlr%- Vrn«

I nioM vilnllyjiitrrriit^il. ' ’ *’■. ll a(;tri-ii wllh ik .' virw iif llir uilur 1 iiwiiriii t in .r ti ir^ m rn rn irn f jn iT p “ r ru r ~

r.ly ia lo v n f l n r i ' I r i u j l l i i ' n . Ibc f Iiiiuii. of iv.ifk nn.l i!crrr;i»p tb .' mil- V! [ wnyVnl.'--; by luwrlil;!: lli.-'wnj'i-a nf lbr I riillwuy i;n-u. ' •'*I T l- . :s L iic .io f A avaocr. ,,I . Il riiva tliMl llu ' UIU' In nrnfiirrllvI lir . in thr,-.' Ihk 'f Ilii'r-. nf ........... . =

iiuin.-ly, uf.-.iln .;i)i|illi'iituin uf-*r!rnii; ^ In th r miiihiu ;iii<l n.iiiK nf lonl in bir- ¥ u r r 'u n lu for inniliirllini nml illKlrilim I

. .liim-auiLfulla.juituutililii-ljulttia'Ji-iiiil- *

\Vilb ir«ii.'rl I'n u lliiimiliuitiiiii'. tb r J ,. .!iii!iil"'i* llf lhi'.rmiit'.ii.isiuii.»;iy._lLK,v. 5 . arr ill 11 “ i;i;ivr rroiinuilr .lllhBrra;" T . Ihry "rmi7.-m|.ln(r-nrror.Hn)ilv rontlii. X , onnrr uf Ihr imlimlry nnd rr jirivnlr rn- f . tri]iri«r,” hill in tb r rrorjianliallon J

arhrm.'< Ihrv ilrrhirr Ibat th r “ rr/or Z tvhirb wn. niailr iu tlnirn (mat in nllnn-. t ini' Ihr onm'ri.hi|. on rn^ll lo full lulo I ]invnlr Ini.iilii ■liniiM hr rrlrh 'V i'd ." •

T br rnntl...... . o f Ibo Kovrrumpnl t’ mill Kub'iilv, llir i-bniiiiiMlnn dfrbitra ii t I im irfrii.lhir, iiud xlionl.t m -v .'r 'h r rr- I

|irah’d. Tlir •ommla'.Inn ....... tbul ZIhr unly wuy In nvi-tl iiii|irndln|t .Iliua- J ll'r i-< 111 rrviar Ihi-.un^ira fixrd In IU;.'-I, I a Iimr nf Iriiijmrury proajirrlty. •

' Xcwi Want Am rcacb tho .peopk I . j-ciii triiih lu a ttract. ♦

Wheat Smut• .

OontroUbd w itb Goppor

con ia in s od p o r-o o b l UOp-" p e r, . . , ,

■ ^Tnrmora rd p d r t | h a t ’ tK« tTby pTf'P &TboBH itf^tr ek tq tf’

j M l r r g i m a i m M - ^ l i l l l l i l i :

Rp y r n r i n i i t te ty ^ K 'p w r o p y t

lo ss s c c d 'is noodod to 'so* ' p u r e f t ' g o b d 'a t a D d . T "

Also P rev en ts in feo tion "in

d E e s P S S t i G ^

S i f i i■I:- • - t>U

^ f tf lfla l P f l t r f J j l t

, ' S e r v i c j D u rb iB ' l J e S V /( l ‘ J,"

m o s t , A lt D a t j a B e . ; . ’ ' K.'

“ T T ~ - dU' I’N lVKRW ITyOP JDAHO, Mmrow, 1"'

. Unrrh Ki.—Alrplanni w tr t e f uotahte

Maho .ilnrinu W tf , arron llns tb a bullrtin nf ih r u a iv friity urTiool of 1 Jgn 'ilty .' T br jilniiri, UM'd )iaMlrulnr- “ [ i f lor .Irlri'llnn oC—itaK fltfta .iif tm .M

- rnrh plrrtrirnl »loriB, *nrc f ir» l-rc- *“ ® jniria oii SO Rniall f l r n iinil kept fire fl||hlrr* lufornipd ,iif tbu (irogrpM'of 'I**' la Itrui' firr*. T h r nrrial fo rn t I’D' 11 *' linl work wn» d lrprlr.l b f ihe tJiiltcH Hlotrf forrat *r(vle<>, f '

V ltlunlly-nll .lumuar orcurrfj on n few i-rllltnl drtya, thu bulletin rointci. (,'oiiaidrrahlp rrai-urrh ' U nnnr bpln|( liour wHb A vU'W to nrpurotd}’ fnri- rnaiiiitt lhe niwonph of tbHc “ fItp

' dnya" III Ihni p rn tcrllv r orgaiilutiuna mnv iiiiiko iM fla l (irrperatlon. ,1*,’^

L tfb ta lu f L « td f OauM.' l.ljibininK wnn rrapnnalhle for ap-

iiroilinnfi-ly’ tbrrr-fourthii of tb r f i r n I'” liuflnK tVS'i, figurr* ulvrn io Ihd Imf. ' Inlu afmw. In ll>-4 Irai tbau hnlf , ,

-. ib c .lfn W i .w u c .ji(trlljutoble-ao_JU ?,■■ Flrpn from..all .Atlifr rau»M w#rr, liia- ,,' iprlnlly rov rr, nltboiish Ibr totnl num-

bfr for th r ycitr wn* liirsBr by I.’O. Hninkrttf w rrr i;lv.'n -tbo,' rriponalbility^ Tiir'onlv fl2'fTni>1i».ro1n(iSrp.Tln "r2 ,, in 11^4. ,*. <.'niiii-a .o f f l m hi , Idnho f.irrita

werp r'plxirlpil n» folhiwa: ( ,|„i11*24 lM-1 j]„,

J.UMnluiu-___ — -.-T ...,...... ..HilL-li]:;! ..--i!■ B^lrund* ..... ................... .....'1(10 4:i ,.j,,

C nm ii.niM -...... ............. 1S8 fl"Hniokcra'-, I ,i.,;

t Hni.b hurnlr., ..................... 147 fl,'. . . If ™ i i ^ y .... Lumborlnii ........................ 71' 4 4 |„ (

;• MlwfHiraeTOi ..... - .................. I tI’uknonii ....... ....................... U7 .111 ,ro

1 - Ttilal ...... ...........................IfllU llO'.'fl nnil- -iJlf_tbu..SU21l.-fiftn, K ai-.itetfl nuct. « t -- T in ffinn 'rr-h ri.’i ii 'l i rfn rn tn ss -w c rB - ^-uj

Irflwwn Aiir-fourth n rrr anil 10 urrta .jhm“ unit aiilM m rnrd"ovfr more tban llw .[ur

orrra. , Ihr\ — —1 " fnn

T h r e e I n c h e s o f ■ ^

S n o w a t H o l l i s t e r £ '

3 IlOLMflTKH March lO .-lt.illialrr. .vr.iti-a wrfo huth niiriiriird amt |ilpnan| h

J tn ir r Ih rrr Inrlipn of amiiT mi t 'lr itni»jrfluml TiiMilny iiuirntnif. J

Mri, (W ll ilnrrli. in , ronvnlrarlh;t da>ftou. au lillnpic nf iniriimunlii. wri. Mr>. y. I‘. l la t r t t< on tbo airk Ou

’ liM Ihl* «Trrk. .Mr*. Krrd W bito .if .Ipmiuip Ik dn\

1 vUiUwu tli t .Uumv 6( bvt Jl"’''" '* 'y -Mr.-aoil M r«-John • Dndtrv. — nmt Mr. nn.l Mrn. A. (I. Kmirll nml tbi< I- Mra. Ifrynnhl* W(-ri* b rrr fniiu K:i|imiu'' Ihim .Vfblny., . • aon'• Aj i IiIp U in'li U o x |in l r ' Inuur frniu tr r<* llip T»ln t'iilU boapllnl thi* wrrk. tm'- Ilp nmlrrwrnl ’ nn .i|iprn'tnu for n|>' via*■ lUinlirllU ntimr l l ..... nii'i. ' - 'n Mr^ J . (i. Hphwln« Irft f.n, M.nit- rm

K.>i-. '( ’nlurndo, lanl. Tbnra.Liy. Klir du; vaa nrrutn|ianh-il hy iirr ‘ b.nuMrr,

, Mia. I,nrn Cnldwrll. p |,Mr«. II. M .,Blltn of Ihihbmd, vl.ii- n

' rd lu r iHirvaU, Mr, -mnl Mr*.' I..<wr -aUlelUMcr-jBuiiilny.------------------------------:

Mri.. Vlialtcr I'Ole .ii.'(iiriii'.l lo brr (/T 'i houu '-i'rld iiy .-irom lhE...T«lu...rnll»-L'n

b(ii|iltat ‘whprp she umlcfw.nl nu bj.'.i}Krullnn nonic Iim r n|;n. ' Xc

p — M ri-oinl-M r«r-4’ni.iipr--Nrciir.l—nnd-dor ■ i-i.li, Oai-nr; .Mr. nnd .Mta. H K. I.nw.inii'

I, I.'Urr iinil (7roti{i‘ Hanililclun w riP 'ru t' dinnrr £upiit*-nt thp bnm r‘nf‘.Mr.'"iiit| tin; *. Mt». Ktii«ini'ycr hnturdny rvputnu |» ani

rrb-bratP Mr. Klniinu-ycr'a h ir tb .h v jrrr iiiuivpr»nrA-. - . ’ ' j

I FirI' S If .y o u need nny D airy Feed,. I 'been tr ie d . T he only trouble wII t duction. S om e m ash Peddlers ;• Z the ir Ffecd y<Ju will have Stroii • t You don’t w a n t to 'H itch ’Em

t Ri\d t\gHln, i f y our CttWea wov » I Fet'd muk€« ’Em there miirht L

t Boys nnd you m itfh t'h a v e to i .1.—

Should you w an t ,voiir cow.s ’em Halt. -Thnt’s chenper-thnn don’t lond u p too Hoa\7 on tl tell w hnt Science may discover they d iscover Home Ingredient t

also. n s wc M ay Sell, th e kfndli C o a l-F ree.. •_ - v. -; - ;

J3 d e iia H e T C ^ -j iu tra d e - .a l . .S , m elxhnn^iiic; j ' ' i'

D e t w i■ ’ - : r T l ) a ^ r y r ? q p iT * ? r

F a t W e | I

Mi firo «0 'd l |K iir ,n wbkh wben 1“4 w l l i w i l - t t » » »M tb-t>ad»^y 2 ,

\iA num ber of Mr.'arid Mra. g '

N, Ii. Rwrnfob/criebrfltril |I|S birthday ? ' of M rf. 8iiiiiiWBi8aa.lay with a big d ianrr a t .tbo iareiiwu homo. a a« ita liirluiird tliii famliira of II. K. {Irirtlon,

e Hoy Uimlon, C. >T;.iinrAlf an .l'M r.'aa.l a. Mn-r H. A. CInth .'M r -alnd Mr.. I^_W, . . ., S t l f ^ 'T n U . i t ■ : ............. rI ' rjofinliv iJa h i wire mado b n o la it .. T hurtdpy e v en la i to rcoruulilM iho * ‘ t K.lrn D a lrro a a oA H uii w hc.ijU lu ltio l ‘!l K aiBotlug waa Cehl-by ih f a r r f r a l 'd a l^ . r g m«i o f Hie f lrat irRri'iiathni. M vrra l ( t|K-nkcni /lou i out uf lown iH kuhciI , iirubtrroa rtr tn ln lu s to th«< im luatry, , . T h r »|H'ak>ra iMrtuiIrd Mf. Jloilljroni- A<

pry o f liiinort, I», J , Korniif of the Twin , f u l l . D airy nllwiflalimi, Ilnrry .VoUoii, ,, fii'lil mun fur tbo J pki.up Ci. o i .m t lv r *'• . t.'ri-flinrry ronifiaiiy, nnd lluy Hmlth, •'*• ninrmt«<r. TIio ................. followc.l the

.Ilnjiluy Ilf n .jilc tu rr fjlm tha t lllui- ,1* lrnt.-d Ibe manner .if nirini; for da iry powa nml tho hflnillliitC nf th r crcam,Till- IMrri D airy na.orl.'ilioii vrai orRaii- ijird h rro about' tb rrr yrar* ago bu t tm

' iirrninnciit urj|niiUntlon wm jicrfer.tcd nl Ibc tin ip lin d ilurp then lbo-(irifflaal

1 monihrra huvo drflfi|tpil out. .MpmUern nt tb r tim e alffiiMl niutructn tu acll J*

• lbflf-aW lU "lb--tIu ''JcrijU ir.-cr.m orC -: <;■" ; Moro thno UO mcuibrra wpro -obtiilui'd

at .............. Thiimlay fvcnlnj!. I t• in rx[KTlril tbu t thr rrurKnnl/uliim ^

will bu cnnipld'cd a l tbr urxt uvutinK ..‘ wbirb will h r wllhin u frw wceki.

Tbe n rw nunoplutiou wltl rxlpiiil over ' llip rn tiro .flm l ariin-ualiun nnil tlie .[d a iry p rm lurli nro tn Iir lunrkcloJ wlib ! tlip Jcrom o preamery. •'*'' -—•rhr |ilny, “ Thp-W omsTilpiit-W rtl:• diii)(," wIiIpIi wna |irL-*riitnl bi-ru rv-■ rrn llv by the i^iIrn rnrriit'Tcnrhpr n»- . .• aocia'tion, will Up rr«lnC''il al thi> Kui- IVl■ ,r l . I . .n r ^i-I.Mnllin;..,- Kriihv - rvrnim?. _1 ' Murrh IL’. T b r ra tt , whlrb li made ii]i Mof cntiroly nmio rliiirarlrra, hna lirrn __• I well aclcrt.-.l unit tlunr iirrJotmnncc> nrornl n d.-pldr.| hll. fii- Tho i:.lou Maaonir ludkEr lirld II* nn- tn ' iinal * 'n t bom o" bu t l‘rlduy rvcnini; „„ t-4i|.-ll>ii LuhIuu-illlll. iu lluxiiltoii-—\n — V lfiTJnyn1iI~irroj(yiiiir"(;r"f'iir»1p iSliil f.'ffil". hma w ere 'g iv e n follnwrii b r n linn- ntiI .[Urt. T lir ({Uc*t» mi tin- orniiilon were ^

Ihr m rinhrni of^ th r nnlrr nml th r irfmiitllpa. Dnnrlug wii« riijoypil un til | .

ilobrrt ^ loin, |ifiif^ Hip u . ^ barbrr ahoii bore, hua Inianl bia »bo|i ...

• to Mr. McNcll o f Kib-r nnd will tnkr up iiinio ontdlior work for Ihr benefit o f llln b.'atih .turini; tbp nrxt frw

' wrrka. —I H tirriff Ktunton wno a buniiii'K* via- p . p itn r h.To fioni Jernim' Saliirday.

.Mrn. Millnii .M. lii'iilb-r arrive,I Hnn- ” I day from lioiui' lu afriiil Ihr nrxt frw

wr'rki. h.Tc viiilliii; hrr daujjbtPr,' -Mra. t Oiilbin (iordmi -aiiil fninily.

Allnn JeffririJ nml Knri rrlnn ird Krl- « dnv frnm n btinlnr** Iri;' to llntlpv. T br I. U«v» Uuw M'rUtvil innsr iiviir ilaiU-y- nnil'iilni:-ln-*um nirr-tbplr «l'Pi'li'tiJ»'ln “ d Illtll rpnervp.u -MrK. (Inmin,. wbo bua hrru aiirhdini.

aomr llllle tlme .bvrc wllh hrr ilauifb. a tr r , Mrn. II. K. (lur.toii. .vriit In Mur- :. tmi)(b Hiuiibir uvrulii|; for nu cxtpiidril

viait th rrn wilb frirnd".Mr. nll.l Mra. II..II. Tburiitmi of .Ir-

'. r.iiup were xiienla of Kdrn frirnd* Sun- r lluy.

FLAM ES GUT HUGE LINER! >ii:WI.‘'onT_NKW H,-V8., - March Uj .

(/P)—b'iri' i.wr|it thrniijili Ibr jii .tn tin l t -L'niled ..Slutri. -Ilnrr-Aaivrirun - aii->br n hiv ,i( b rr 'h crth at lhe jdanl nf thv I .Vrwimrl, .Vpwn ljhi|dinihlbii{ nml Dry-d-d..pk—romj'nny-.—p ttt i« ( r ' 'th re r—.le rH - -. iiim l .tnmii({lni{ olhcr*. The Inni wn* r -r-.liim ilrd b riw m i oiip nml two' niil- it| tlnn - doltiiri Im f im ln-io of Ilfn rr- 'i ian l tri l nllboii|ib ".'<i ineuilirra nf Ihr vlrn-vr were iihuiinl wlicii'tln; f itr »t;irt-

I -'-I.

rst i‘ced o r L ay in t; Miush. Our.s has *lie w ith o u r m nsh Ih over p ro - Iile rs w ill tell you by fcedinir ;H rongor Cnives. What'.s tlia l? ■Em up L ike Muloa o r llorKe.'t, % w oultl be s tro n g e r Ihnn oor

:ht be d a n g e r o f h u r tin g -y o u r J to h ire a P u g ilis t to handl;j

row.s to d r in k m ore w nter k Ivc ; hnn D nir> "-rced . O urndv icf.-- ; jn thi.-« N ew Shift-f-you can’t over in th e N e a r F u tu re . I f ■nt th a t , w ill induce your cow« ^ e U L h a i^ i r - .K o r - S n l« .— -------------- | -

fndlintr nnd L e l you have thu

i l v 2 0 : i E S O E : 6 e f f 5 A O t L . a l L ^ . L

W B W i a i--f p

>»»♦»» g f » f f E

V deal a r I farm a t i iS '( b t i ^ M M iV r iq ^ K !

. p r r i fn t a t the ilr e . Fiv« ' buailMd i

; be low.' « ' / • t • '' ^ l l « J l a b c l J V U .U y . i , ; e B t iW W k ,{ And In Twin Fallo. ‘ k• ^ |p b«0flflt ; . jatitB , bItcii^ Mondfly ?

0.1d re llow i ia lJ 'w a i biria jy jItiMdrU 4 „ neiiolt t RalBbo .-br(iitirm--:fumiihe<l JI tbo muilr. fi - - ^ f n . r J o t a r ^ tn n r » m-CTf?TCilB^»i'(r -f I Pfltorday - N ifb t vBrldjic tlub tbia : I wetlc. ' J!

M rt. J . A. Madi«an, ab ler o f.'-M rt V . Adolph JohuH ii ii e'zpeeicd .bcre tbia , w eek from-.Canada.

M n . I lattio 'W IiM B l l the (u u it i [. ibln week o f b rr daughter.'M rn. 1'. J . i. , .Vclvinn n f ttie Hyrlnga iltiirler. ,„ .Mrn. Cnrl .Miller and Mra. >'latrher j . Hklltrni, lluhl paiienfi nt ihe Twlu (]

Va\U bo»p»n\ a rr maktajt iBllafartoTy ; rceiiverlei nml will return homo in tlt« h

. n i'ar fulnre. [, T b e 't tu i ln rm Women’« rluh bold I Ita recnlnr hu ilneu nirrtlnff itondny I rvenini-. No program waa sTven. nio»l , of tbo Mieioliera n tlenillnr the' Filer- I Tw in Kalin jpime.; (.■nmrany 'l ) . “ o f 'lI i~ ia a iro ~ X B lio i iil 1 (Siitiril rnti'rtnliipa flnturilay eveulnit t lit n daiiee Bt tbo Odd iVhowa Iinll., A pnpneiiy crowd flllpd tbo hnlt.. ..F , T. I 'B tLiL .aud .W. .ir.. JIalflelu

littcilded II Mleelliia of thv heri r cr* niwemlloii hebl nt. KImberlv,. Friiluy eveninB., Mr. nnd Mr*. Elmer IIutiiH-rfcIl of

Miuini. Okla,, nre vlalilni; Claude I’arke ; nml—KlWu—lhiiiimit*nf n u h l. ' ■ —

: MURTAUGH BEGINS WORK r ^ N - “ S HO ESTRIW a" ROAD- M ir ilfA riJH , Miirrli 10.—W ill Orif.

fu ll, nupcrvlior o f rua.7* of tiio Mur-• tniiah blRhway d lilrlet, ttn ried work• ou ihp Hhopitrlni; road Moudny.

— W n ito rA * li!b m rn rim rB a b c tu an u p :bip hnvo rented Iho A.' W. N'etnoii

1 jiliii-i on t l i . . ‘ '9 liW tfl»e» ^or i l t r aumnier.

J Mr. ami Mfn. I.. C. Doty „r Kimlicr- ■ v iiilliifi..^ ii» .--.__

; W .ilirr Tnylor mid iliiughierMiutijc!"; motored to Twin Fall. Batnrlnv cvc- . I'lMK-

Mr*. K. R Walker hnn rclurned

^PuriH model d resses n t

price . E.xcluslve s ty le s ,

P h illip e tt Gnaton o f P a ris - d iffe ren t. You’ll f in d o n e I w ill be becoming to you

$16.95S p o rt Coats In m ix tu r e s , j

iii- th e J iig h e r priced, g a rm c n in con trastin g c o lu rs^ C h o b

you to com pare theae w 'tth ',

: -.■i<-i«.Sniart ..nultr : =■ rr^fM ^H ^iK haLplaiD or. mixi ------------- i n - w i g l o - o p ^ u b l e - b r c o s t e


■' __' ’ tl1 A l{8Ti5B D A li;iU rch‘ lO .- i-n p d a lly B

J- * r \ 'l tc by inaU wM«h U DOW Jo effec t ll M ‘0 ineonlit* and ootgoleg mall, *

*» ibo“A m m flJL S . S l e ? ' ' ^fy ; On Tnetday uo rn lac o f thia week a 5 “ K®*’' / o f M verti laehea covered J

ibc Sr«Qnd with a while b lanket. *■ J J , M^i. l \ R. Wblte w ta a Bdbl v lillo r ♦

*1 ’ / S S S S S S S S S T S S

;| YourSy, 7 0 U B S S E D 6 o r o t b e o ta r 't i i ' 7 0 D B CfBOP r o p r e i c n t i y o u r

Y O T O S E g P flh o o ld h e ^ O W I

E v e r s in c e tb i a s e c t i o n w: fu rn la & ln g o u r c n a t o m o r t w i th

J J ----------------------------------T H B B JEBT I_ B u y Y o u r B o e d i f r o m M e n V (. m a k e s o e d s th e i r -b a a h io B s .

X t h e b b s d s t o b• • ' ' •__________ — th o

®r ---------------------- ----------B B S T 'S E B D -

O p e n W e d n e s d a y a n d S a t o r d T- ' , ' •afiaBo

I: Twin 1

You’ll want a new dresi a i-e so many to choose fw sure to find one to please in price.

n t a v e ry lo w * P r e t t y D re n sc s

e s , d e s ig n e d b y c h o o se f r o m — m a

i r i s — e v e r y d r e w c o rd e d s n t l n a n t

l e i n t h i s l o t t h n t r o s e . b t u e t l e , bl

u O n ly

15- ■, ; . _; !ic s . jn a t e r in lH l ik e . th n t u s u a l ly f o u n d

n c n t« . - A l l 'a r a - f u l l . l i h c d p T r i m m e d —

'h o b « e y o u r a ' f f o n T l H s c s ^ ^ c ' ' i T } i l t ~

i t h .th o s e f o u n d a n y w h e re . •.

i Q i i i t — r

T iix c d m a to r ia j8 ,itiv o ..b u tlo u u $ ty J e ! i—4

t 3 t c d ^ . - - ' - l ----------- ’ . _ -----^

[ V ■ ■ ■' . j _ ’ ' ~ r i j i . I ■ ' ' ■..........

[j f i n T ’

v h l ^ U 4 M itee d to jidIi^tltBdf:«ui(h !!* a i t l e i l l f tUe v a r y l^ h c lftit o f tbe— MODllllM goM truel.-----------■ ■ ^ t i* wheel h u 'e I * b l T -»bap«tr ad.

5 01 ^ « t» ^ i i t - i ««*•** 'w lde .-uA U t* *0 mounted.OQ aa a i r

IL U tfit taek tb i t It riaea and falia wltb to e r i f t f ’a cbanaaa tb w o ih any hetgli:

lly “ p to W rn t.- U la OMfl ror^putnplflf ' 'Ct I r r ln t l o i w ater f r o a a : tflaianea o t

380 feet lo a h t l jb t W TO fee t t b i aoorce. Pum pi and len rin* are B lactd o& It)* and the '

*; wbeel aad U nk a r* ceia*cted by a ~ ahaft lia»iD# tuU ieraal eotiplJnia a t

" ■ : }

’ S e e d sA rt ln g o f y o n r c ro p , o n r y e a r 's in o o m o .lOOD S E E D . _________

J w a s s e t t l e d w e h a v o b e e n f w i th ' '

B T in aU T in fl--------------------- --------------------------an W h o K n o w f le e d s a n d w h o ______

I. .

T O R E G IV E S Y O U ,

- t h o — '■:______________ • ____5 E D -S E B V 1 0 E --------- -----------------------

t n r d a y \4y oQ m gs d u r in g s p r ln s : f ia s o ij. ■

in FaUs

— ..............




m W w^

ress or coat. There ,jErpm Jhat. yo.uyi_b.e__ ___ase ydu in styie-and......... - ^

iH scsinn large a w o rtm e n t o f

- m a te r ia ls o f sa tin do chino,

and crepe.M. C olors, ru s t , \, black, brow n nnd nuvy.

$ 9 j5 -id . .

^ D in e c lo r s b t I r r l g a t ld n 0 1

■ ’ t r i c t s a n d C a n a l C o m p a i

^--------------M a k e - F i g h t - o n - W a t e r - E :

c h a n g e P o l lo y .

nir'felorii of ihe'MinMoVn lrrlK<iti< d la ir ln , iturlpj’ Irrlsallnn d litrle t ni Twin >'a1Ii-Cnnnl rompnn;, In joi

» WMlnn.hpfe WnlnMilay, qiloptPd tcj liillnn* ntlilrPMCil-tn J)f. Hiibcrl Wot n r r r r ta r / uf Jhp Inlprlor; Worrpn HwrmliiPti. Idalio commliilnnor » f n )aiBatlon, anil K >1. riiuniiel for llip I 'n iin t fiCnloi rin-l inolion Rtrvlrn In Jitalin, 4>rntriitli n({aiHiil'«'*rhnin[o'of w ntrr roprcm-nlc

• l.y .locrfpd naliirnl flow wnl.T rish , on 8 ii.ilti' river fnr w nlfr iilnrp*!4 .Inrkiiiti Lakp or Amcrira'ii FiilU re if \ voir ilurlnj; Ihp RrAion o f ni

upon tlir»c o t l ie h h lo " fo r i willr n«p nnil pxerrlar - ihpir liiwf ntilhiirtv In prpvpnt llip pnrrylrijc oi

■■■■nii.t. i>XPiUlli>ii o f 1lu‘ inlMl»<vt(it jitnnd anil p ra e llf f i " cotnplaiitt HKaiiiM.

B e iu lu In Infnrjr. 0|iCTUIlun of ttip pxrliniigp plnn, n

rnrilInK tn Hip |irnlPKlnni, " i r i l l wm to our grcnt nml Irrcpnrnlilc ilomn^ i>ii<] liijiiry and will lm|inir onr pro r rty rielilR In nnd to ilie wntcrK i

. Biiiihp rivpr'Itpln'fKTna Id na,«<iiit wl ■ | lU'privp im of tlip luc of unr Nni

' wniPr nnd propptly.*' •_________ Till’ roi.lntlnn wtH dn ftm l l»u ■

rnnilnltlop roiiiponPil nf Cnrl J. Mlllp Twin Knilij W. t.'. 1'hiiI, Hnport, nn

nilppto.t l.y mniiltnnin voto o f Hi ■lirpriori nf llu* iwn Irrlcnlinu dl tfirtu lind rnnnl rompaiiy. ,

T rx l of tlic rpxotulinn i< no fnllowi

------------nf-thr-wntpr-ttiB'ni-nfTtfiitript-N(>.--fli________«'lil--l. w.i^ lirlil nt lilnho Fnll«. H»i

Iirvlllo^niim ty, itn ir o f IdnI.o, o Mnrrl. I. 1I>S!(I, ll w.i» drrlilrd liv viv VI.CP votp. nnd not l.y n utork i

• *'ir»l—To~rrfnmmrni| to Hip wnti mnitpr of nnid dinlrirt Hint llii- owi o n nr holdcM of d rrrrrd nntnrnl flo rifjlitii of Knnkr rlv rr lir pprm lllrd , t trndp, PZi'linnjiP n r ' trnnafrr ' woli ri'prrsrntrd by nil.'li rlulilR for wnt<

k Hlornil in ' Jark*ini-^Tk — fr..TV c,rr- ■|n Amrrirnn F'nlU rr.orvolr dnrinth r ................. IDJtl; und,

tjpTond—To- rrrommrnd • lo nni________^irnr.pr.j|inBtjir... tim t. .he „ p c rm ll._ t l

IraniifiT nr rxrIiiinRp of uiiliinil flo ri^lil* of nnid 8 nnkp rlvrr or n portio of mirli riuliln n l th r rnjiii'Ht »if ll

------------ l.old.>r». tlicrcof, und .le tw i;« i iU ffifUii-rrn wlilioiit'n''romitUfincp iw illi'4 f Inwx nf thp ila tp nf Idnlio rrl'ntin|> I

i wnlpr riKlil* nnd lo ttiP ' trnniif. \ ihnroof; nnd,^ Wliprrn/, (I. 1,'IviIp Ilnldwin. tl

w atrr mnnlrr of xnid dinlrirl No. H . thri'riti'nn nnd liilPnd«.|o_ comply wit

uud III' Kovrrni-il by anid pnrpnrlc m olu tlnm ; nml,

Wbrrtv.-, th r rnrrylMj! Into r f<<rt nnd rxi-rntlnn uf mild rmnliitloi by laid watiT ninMrr w ill'w o rk I our k’ ''i>> ‘Illd Irri'purablc'diiniuiiP :in injury nud will ini|ialr onr iiro|>rrt

• ri^htn iii nnd lo wntrrx nf Hunko rivi liolonciuK to III, and wilt di'privc i of till' n«r of onr aald w nlrr nn

— ------------WhpTMn,—th r-M id -« ;-< 'lv ilc -B n l.win, wni.'r n.Ml.-r uf w hi d i. tr ir hnn, nr clnini* In liovr, nnd rxi-n-iai fu ll’ niitliorliy nud rotitrol ovi-r II; dlitlribiilion niid'iloraRc of th r wntci o f Hnakr riv.-r within xnid dU trlrl

U nfair and Unlawful.Now, llirrrfnrr. In- it rrnolvr

hy lhi>- l‘i‘aK\- n t ■ iWrrrinn o f fl; Twlu Fnlln irunni rotn]>;iny, diMrirt, n niunlrl[ial rnrporatlon, nu

, llio Hiirb% irrlxnlioii diatrirl, ;i luuil __ i n h ' i ' ' for|>oralion, nil orjianlU'd ;iu

A rjiUiinic'nirdi'f“ ibd“ liy~ vlrttip -nf~ th — “ —lown—ilf—(lM*^alBl»^rf—|flnliOf—n t-'-l l*i'

a Jnini niri'jinK <if th rir >.’|ld hour I • n f dirrrtom , lirld nl Twin Kiilli, i . Hip rountv of Twin Knil*. a tu lr o

Idnlm. ou Ihi. inih dny of .Miirrli, / 1>. UW.-.

KIrat—Timt tlin rarrylnj; oul nu rxrriillon of thn ri'anluliona adn|i|i> nt Ih r nnnual inrrtinRii o f HiP wnti' n . r n of dlxlrlrt No. :'(1, lirld nt Idiili ]'\ilN, Jdnho, Mnrrli I, IHiO, li.-r li

/ulii.vr rpfrrri'd lo, la nnfnir. iinjii« Iniid unlnwfiil. and tl.nl tlip nnm V ou ld nnd will rrnuli In c rrn t nn lrrp|>nrnlilr dnmnRr and Injury to u and ,lhi' wnter uirrn bv tin rpprpnrnl I'll, nud will m u lt In Hi<> Inijmlriiirn

— of onr vrntrd iirnruTlv rlf[!iU Jn nU' 10 tlifl wnlrra of Haake rlvM, nn'

~n I—- J l -

t a

D m

........o n c a j e m

D i s - _ _ _ _iny '^ X . - ---------------

"M y l i i t t t B itty ihou^ht h«r cnrll I n n « u lost and I t w as r isb t

• mv rrnm » h/>r«i Illln*. .........- .......................-nn" **” • EJItorfc !»

jo ln lrrno. will drprivp un of ilir unp, rnjovnir iTork, and-lii'itcfltn i.f our nnid prop.T n n! rlRlita; and, ' ‘

rrr- *l>‘ ll fu rth rr roi.dvrd, llm l wc eyer, "Olruml.v and nirM.'.*tJy /iffaln,,,-la- tlir rarryiuit ouc nud ••Xrrutloii itiiii; aaid trg.ilullon nml th r (ilunn ni ■nlrd p rn rllcra 'by it rou lrm p lu ln l; uud, iQhtn It furllii-r rr.o lv rd tlia t n roill in of tliln ri'noliitiou In' nprcnil iiiioii i cnrr* tulnutrn nf onr ri-npiTtivo roriKu nud tl""". nud that a rop.v b r rn .f l,r trui

„rih‘ m il ln lti . Mir ) / « ) , , IVorw ful aprrrlnry of ihn liiti-rinr of II

ou t Unllrd Htnln., In Hir Ilonornlilo \Yn ■tdtin- rpii <1, ■H w ndnpn.--rm n m lw lnnPr - ' i iurd rprbinintlnn nf ihn nl;il<- of Mnli

' luid to Hir llouornldi- !l. K Kti.ni niryrr, rdiliinnl of lh r U n itrd Hint rorlaiuntii.ii ni-fvii-n w llhin tb r ntn

' " 'J of Idnho: and,Illl il furlhrr ri-o lvrd tba t w r i

mont rnrii.allv iinlili.u, n u d 'r r . iu r tlir nnill ilonorablr I jub rrl Work, nr

\ ..m •■■‘‘•rb.r n f th r I'lilt.« ! ' H latr., Ihn anld llo.u.rni.lr W arrrn (

Hwrndirn, rnmiul.nlniinr nf rnrlnm Iiou of llir nialp of lilulin, nnd -tl nam llyiiuralHrtl, (•;. titnu lriiiry rr, ron nrl nf H.P l-iiiird StalrH rrrlntijntii

•IIUI „.rvl.-n, In forlliwld, l.nr .•ind fxrrrli

rarryiiii: out’ n u d " r x m i t im r o"'~llmlnrbrvlnnn tiiari. ...... i irn r tir r i rn,trm pbilrd' bv |),r rrno lu lion’ i>r.nal

g TURNS~TABCES~W TTH~'Siriviva a, Hrndrir Itiiffini;ti>M i:i nuiiind i . ur drfrndaiil In nu urtion inHlltulril I

nHT tnn tlirniiKli t-wi-rlnv nud' H w rrlrv, iiJwn. tornrv*, fnr rnrovrrv nf on mflow I'ount of rxjirunr to whlrli p la in tiffll. to nlli-|!i'd In havr b rru pnl. by rrn^on (B irr nil nttnrhuiriil Inniind out nf jirobal■ntrr rourl In-r lanl Hnturdny nnd *ulr or krr|iirullv di«"nlvrd liv iirdi-'r iT“ flrlnc prohalr'rourt ou Ihr jjfouiuh Ihul II

t'oinplaiul hnd brru wroni;fiillv iotiiritnid Tlip -Unllrd Hliitrfl Fidrliti- uii.l .UuuM l t 3UtV -rum |u»v-«lid.M ..K. l-'iiirli, nlirflow iff, ninn an- nm.... I nn .Irfrndim tn.•tion ------ ------------ -

infrr ' •________________

'Jn I’K nniN K .- Mr. nnd M r... U ; _ :, l Dodil. lloi;rr«in: I!. .1. Hriiulir. ><a

I.nkr; (?. H r Cllnr, H rn ttlr ; 1‘ailV , Vranrv, Hi'uvrr; .1. H. Crorkw rll, flu l,nkr: W. I-. Allrii, D rn v rr: .Joh I.luKrllinrli. Coutnrl; Mih. Klunnr; .Mm, 1,. (I. Morrin, lln llin lrr ; W rbb 1

' ' Vannnr, Hall U Ik '; M. A .'M oraii, .Ml< M. I.n n rri. Bnbbin'rhilllilirrlniu, Alie

i! •; nruiiPtt; - Npw •’\ ’n r k : - n . - M n r k - n u O 'n rlro , I.oii AukpIpk; V

M. Hmilh, OiKiin; .1. Dnblin nnd wif , Toiiy llrOnlo, Nrw Y ork; K. 1). Vov

1- 1,1. j r i_ ‘a»lLmIi:,_’:n i1ik. v’ow irr, Mnnrlir ^ trr . Minn.! F. Vaillk. Ilolnr; O. ( ' r ' Cnuarr, Hiii;rrmun; .1. I I . Wnrlr'

Hurry Savflbrtft, A. W. Nipimr,. ItoVItrr* ______ •

I*KRUINR~\V. T. (librrnon. R. 1 , . , IlnrdliiB. Hall I .akr; W. M .. Hrn

• D cnvrn E .-fl..\V rnl. l-i)illniid;..A . V " " Howuian, Hnn .rarluln. Ni-v.; U. I

‘! Wny, (i, llimuinii, OKiIrn: .1. llnwrna: "l'l Siiokanr: U. A. .Maurr, JlniKr; H, ,

JbrlOL', Oiidrui .T. It. llru ir , I'liivrrri IScliirr.:J>:»11';r_M,_.lnurn. rtlll l.^ik.

7 ? " Clinrlpn t'laytnu. O ^ilni: .T. J . Ollvr "’‘V FrrTaidrTl.~TrT5ririmnrR> nii'—ni.Tylrr, Homr, (jri'Kon; Mrn. I'rnr.r

' '» r rtk iiin ; Iininr; 'P . Itrnn rU . I.on Ai RpIpi; M. 'Hppiirrr, 'K. .1. Hraiii, fin

• ■A- IJik r: U. A. Soul.-, J’o rll.ind ; Fran I„ .larkann, Moimlain H nm r; Jl. .

'" 'l l Owrn. (Ilrn W ulkrr, A. Wlllnnl)it,i I” ’''* Knit U kp; A. N. Hnnriiknnip, I.;iraiiii 'll''"' Wyomiim: W, llnllKlimnu, • l,i lulio Aiik’rb'n; I.. -1. Hnuiaru. Balt I.akf ■•“bl- T . ' U Diiu.morr, M rM iuiivlllr, Or jll ll i*on; Cltiiidr K, nnvm. Tlolnr; W .-J ‘""I- KI. Clair, Han F ra iir i.m : (1. K. tin »»d rpti, R H. KlUprt, Halt h a k r ; t). V' ua U.-,»linn mu) n o u j ' . d. I’lnlnlrd. IMn.'pnl- .lohn Cnmrr, OKdrn; J . l.Ioyd .lonririil !-!illadpl|ihin! C. 0 . Tnriiciulnl, Ainnd Oanff, Otfdon; M. F. Voiinj;, « . 1nnd I'utumn,-»P«IH«—------ --

= n o [ E x c ^ ^

- = 1 S P I... . -^Beginning S

-------- r . - ---------— & t

:_ -, ,..$2.50 Easta

.._F irs t.sa l£ o l

B E a B B C S X E

glfVetwans io f lS te ; □ Elect New Olficen

, Capinln P. W. MpRoIwH* Id Io I ^ p«w)iw».|rf o f arnfral ijtw to a wm ■ y Twin Falli, Unitpd Rpanlili W ar Vr

"T«ii»i"forM(io romliia-.yfflr;‘ ftfeor<lln 10 tpwill* nf nn anuunl cleclion n

--------- •onlail-at-A-niM tinK-af-lhfl fMMt WmIl linday PvriiTna.'tJlJirr nffirprii wpi \ plpplcd an .folloWKi Krnlnr virc run \ tnandor,' J , W. Houlon; jurilor vir \ pomniandir, Unyd K. W lilixpli n ffltt

• ‘' “y» f’nmronp} oHiei ot. thp Ruard, l^hatlrn it. .ThOR)|iMn

JliiKhra,’ M .'c . Wnrr. 'Tifp ronimnndrr r lr r t nnnounrml a]

--------gffUcr«..j»:hii.-wmi-lLc-acadycnrllni nfflrrra will l>r inntnllrd n t a tnrp I h t In Ins of Hip j>oai nrxt Wrdnpadny r v

6r« p n n l mnjor,-7H.. -A.- L iitin Ddjutanl, Frank J . Hmllh; nrnior rol(

a. Ibr.) itprsmnt, J . A. I>v)(rrt; Junior poIc — iPr((rnnt, Adnlpli Itnv; iinnrtPrmnnir

, a C. W yali; rhnplaiu, M. C. Wnn hiaturlan, Jnlm J . lluyhr*; munlrlai C. II. Ulrlrh.

W. A. Fiilonn, I’. R. U lrirh nud I’m T. Irfirnou * rrp Inlllntr.l an nrw mrii iM'm of Ihp pnnt nl thin nipptlnK.

TIiP 1M1»I hun now n mrnilirmhlp r I V"'‘ 3:1, and lian rrr r iv rd nppllrntlon* froi

nrvrn othpr vrtrrnim, nci thn t lln mrn ' lirrn).i|> 111 Hip Im m rd ia lr ' fn lurr wi

roui[irinr 10 vKrrann ..f lhr’ 8 i>anial

'Irunn’ -V '""’" " ' "2 1 ____________

'3: Sacramento Invites S T "idaho^ExcursionistiHt’n trs /Inrrampnlo'i .Invllallon nud prnmb

- tn lr wrlrnmp to Twin Fnlln rountv rll rrnn on Hi" Twin Falln.Cnllfornln r '

,t„ purninn to b-nvr herr Mntcli L’.T 0 i-.iiir.i ll-da ra 'to iir waa d rliv rrrd herr Wci , ' ‘ nrailn'y to Anhpr H. Wllaon, prrabln,

I of Twin FnlU Chainbrr o f (.’ommrrn 1: bivilnllon wns rnntnliird in

•iniii’i! telpRrnm from lh r a irrn m rn lo Chnu 1 ,1! . I>rr“nf Oommrrrr. li nnid:

------- -In urnn^iiJi; fur lu u t i|UTl-it t intmovrinrnt from Twin FnlU to Cal

‘■"V fornin, b r nnrr In Hop in Snrram rnli o t I 'a i i tv u u iL ^ w U L i^ m .

. ,, lnl, «iviiip ynur .Irlpunlrn opportuiiit, ' to nrr tlir r irh n t nnd monl br.inlifi.

' ' PHrltnlliiral vallry . lu lh r I’nitr• Slatr*. I 'lraar ihform nn nf .bit of;.r«»iwil; lim iiuJ> « -.ii;ill lliv

SUiT T rntallvr w hrdulr for Iho rx rnn

|.,1 inriiln fnr lAo hnura from H a. n ,,,, I,', lo lU n. III., Marrh \i7.

y, nl- TVSSOCtATtOPTDFFtCEBS" iff"';; TELL OBJECTIVES HERIon of ---------oba tr OUjrdivrn nnd uirlbndn of th

nub. lilulin Hnmr InduMrlra nworintloi TIII.T' ‘w rr.^ I.rU M rd l>v T. (). Hmllli o It Ihr Ilnlnr, prrniilrni, nnd Nnrninu U. A.I i«vir.l, liinoii of Hiilnr, nPrrrlary of ih r ni Uuar- lu tia tlon ,-a t a mtellnjr a t lunrhroi nh rt' Turiilav In the i’urk liutpl lu-rr a

In. whirh rnvprn w rfr laid for Williai Himp^nn. .Inmrn firlllry, Kdw. Coopn

-------» M. H. lliHivrr, j . JI. Mnnlcrn, K. ‘i1— 7 • iC*iiH»Vv«i3»l*H'^.-I(wi|n.t,l..gf«r.‘lnr I jC of Twin .n l lK 'g u if io rr 6 t rommrrrc

uud H.- I!. Ilndlpy nf WnnhiuRtoii rrpr.'nrnlalivn of th r ( liam lirr n

------- foninirrrr of ihp ITnllrd Htalrn.


’ .John ' ---------mnrv. A .' lar rn r nnd n rook nhnrk pin;Ilb II n |irominrnl I'nrt iu nn n rtion rrrrn t

.MIm lv luntitulrd bv Kdwurd .IriinPn iiA lirr liialrlcl ruurt h rrr in w birli liunwp- nud nnrt rrnniTomplaint ‘ wnn --filed—thf ■n; A. wrrk li'y lirn ry IJayur*. ou r o f Ihi! drw ifr, fciidniiln, IhroUKh. IiU a tto rney , A. W Vow Onltuiii of Huhl, ■

iirliM- .Irmcii broiiHlil null lo rpcovrr lln (>. (l7 rnr nnd rook nlinrJi, w liirh Had' lirri nrlrv, Irvird ujmn. I>y Ihr nh rrlff undrr rx ituVr- ccutiou of Judcm i'iit. and fnr nunul

mrnl of n rhn ttr l uiorlRnur' rovrrlni lh r rnr nnd.riiuk ahnrk'on ihP ground:

R. II. Hint uo rnntblrraliun hud brrn Hrnn, for llip morlKnRr nml for dnmni’cn fo

\V. ullrc-'il wroniiful.. dduallo ii of_. Hu {. H. pro|K'tlv.vmaii. In hli nnawrr Ilnynm druirn Inrl. II. A. nf ruiiiiilrrntion' and nllof’rn Ihr fnclvrrriiJ 1„ br that Hi ....... w a^K iven til.jikr; ai-rurr nnvuirnl of tUOllll for n Ihrrah HIvrr. lu7 r-S S lfiir7 rr '" iilirc rn ~ fiir lh rr-tlin l~niiy- '4i,?.im:iii5inn uiipni J o i n i ia t~arroiiiil rnr.rh ;,|„l lu liia rroaa-rnmplninl, ankn foi ' Ju'fCnu-nVfor Hint amount.

Frank jf e ^ i W ant A di reach tho poopli n . .1. m n winh In nttriP».

S ; i : : . - - - - - - - - -(.J.:: Income Tax Senice

A v o id f u t u r e t r o u b io b y iln /; fittv lug y o u r I n c o m e T a x

). w . E e t u r n p r o p e r ly m a d e n o w


[J. ij. Ilooni 5. Idaho Pow ff Bide.

iCMlSAlE-- Saturday. JVlarch 13th ji

^ e - H u n d r e d — - -------------1]

stman No. 2.Cai’tridge__ E

nly $K 2S [e ^ n i L e j ^ p n _ j

C J L _ J ^ l j | ^ _ j u i A J ! f - ____ I

B i u u i ' i i J i u i j i E a c

| ;

lo l)p‘ ' *,-1.',-', poi,,,

r . ~on rr-I w»d. ^

r v iri

offieirrn;i»on{ ’


olCAUd -mppi- ' J E

ly J H

r rolor ' JKMM• polar

: ‘l'rom :

MMB. n z r IAM BEDJO, .w ir brli , , . , 1.1 Prtne* OmoI, o f Ronniaiuft. wl

rm ounctd him ctalm to lUo tlirot and h ll royal w ife, Prln^eti IIcI( of Oreece, ho« fiJod tu lt Id Par

p q for U n million (ruic>t. aileglni: th: 0 »r#l, In fa tu itod w ith hin new lov

I S t ^ ^ r - ' " ' ^ ' ' " " ’ - 'w n r t ln . I,,


Mr.. .r. M. P w I7 of ll, rKrr wi in M ' ‘■"ll '■'»» P.vlio’i siniv nf -'Til

J," • O lbrr Wiar M ail," nl lhr I'lr.inni' “UU'- Virw I'rrnbvtrrlaii ................. Frida

rvrn inr T)tr- iliiry i. ^ li. in .m - ' ‘v‘ fliVorllr rrndlnK nnd In-r drlivrrv n,'JrH ui

.1 f,;i,."‘.7 I nntnliri. I.v Mr. ami -Mr.. I,. A. Wi '7 ' , 'ianin of KiI.'ik und nrlivlloii. bv Ih

I‘lriin.’iu r Vlrw mnk- ......t in . ' '

^ “ SNNOTOCEMKNTS’»• ■"• Thr Mrlhodiat Wumnu'n Ilmiir Mi-

nlonury norirty will m rrt in thn . hurc

Thr 11. II. rlub fnmiliw will I.p pi: iE R E irrlaiurd ijnlunlav rvrniiiK. Mnrrh 1

l.y Mra. .1. P. Kiirharl.f th r . ■ ■■ -•i;itlon Thr I’yihiau Hintrrn will liold Ihri111 of ri-Kiilnr lrm |ilr mr,.tiui; in Hm I. II. A.I- 11. F. h:ill Fridiiy rvn ,inn , Marrh llhr n»- at r;;m p. m.

'.’rV lit lltnlhrHiimd ^ Amriiri.ii Yrnnir.'illiam 'u rrt ni ih r ............ . Wouirn;„onrr, ''■•'''»y rv..ni,i,.. All mr,iK. •!’. rrijiirnlnl m Im pri-«riit 1

irrinry ri'a isli-r.- . ........ - ............ ................

UKton: V. Wnl'ib.,: .ir r lr, I.adirn.P „( th r (I, A. 11., will m rrt at th r hiiiii

nf Mrn. 1). .I>. Alvord, lllil Hixl nvrnur norlh, Thiirnilav rvniini Mnrrh 11, nt S o ’rlork.

TION PROPERTY DISPUTE AIREIc piny Trini In th r huIr of 11. M. Itrai•rrrnt- a|!aiiint th r FirM .\nlini.nl ilank 0Pn iu Twin Fnll>. iiii itriinn lo n i i l r t tillIlinwrr lo liT T 'S ,'fdi.rk 'liiyTl'w-in ' Falln. o<—thin ruplrd-tlip I’ntlrp ila \'-ltrd l"lr lr t“ rntuhi! dr- h..fi- Wcdurnduy. an uddilinual IrntA. W. moiiy rrmniiin In b r iiilrodtirrd 'tf

dny. . Wiliirniirn fnr lh r drfriidniil lifr Iho rluib'd_W. I’I- tjliiLtli. ..V .-L^Hwim^t. 'l ir rn H. Iliown an.t .T. M. Muxwrll. lionr r rx- ]I,-aui wan rnlird In Irntifv in-i>np].(.rannul, uf ih« plnlma o f . i h r p la in tiff .. Tlivrrlnic trirti in l.rintf roiidurl.-d by .IndKr Wroundn A. Habn.rk, wilhoul a jnrv.Kivrn ------------------------en for Wnrrnnf/i o f ludrpriid rn l Rriiool Di:t_.Hil! lrlet-No.-l,-Nuiub<.r« 47H toD2l>'bot

. Inriuaivr ou firn rra j Funil nnd .Tl lo •!I Inrk bolh iiirluaivp on 'rrannptirlntioii Fun> fuel will Lc p iid on prrn<‘nlnlion to Trra:

hrrah- Interest will rrnno M arfli Till, IMd.- t h n t - ' ------------ p.- H. .lOHNHON, TrraMirrr,-FTJiini-------Indriim dm fH rhonl-}HiitT irt-NorI~n fo^ ---------- -

p . .p i . A n O p p o r t u n i t y

= = ^ Wr havr nirniuht piaiiiiH nii.l'I'lnyrrn In ntora-r h rrr tlia*

6 Wr "n rr ''prvj'rrr'.’i'' 'ir''n!ii'r!fi'.'(-t y pllrcn nud rx tn id low Irriiin Io

nrll t l .... I in Illin lornlitv rathrri** Ihnii Hhi). K. Kill J,alir

ir von hnvr u |.inno to Iradr in wr will uivr y.m lh r lofi <il- liuvaupp. Fill lu rmipon brbnv nnd uiuii to Warbpri; Trniinfrr Co., Twin Fnlln,

c o n .^o m d a t k T) MiTfiin co .—S = .-In Wr^rlinri. Tfn-.nfrr Co.J Q - T i V ) „ V ; ! ) ^ " —

D l’lraap ncnd p rirm 'nu il Irriiin on y b u r‘Plnypf“ Pian(ijCTJ;..‘....-.V....~.'

M fliralKlil Piannn .......... ;......... .I I I f n piano to trndr in nini.i

Jli ........... ;.. .— I I ■»tmvp--lff'"innni);p - I t t -

M Twiu Fnlln.

i | | f e = 5 ! g

n x MOUNTAIN a n o W N r 'i ’A N 'c i^t SEI.KCTBD^

—H t — ^-ellow Danver M i Seed JH - holt Ilrn ln o f - Colorado-

z i


- ■ - EdllPa b r. . Mm . >: JJ. -'rfjlH aai

l'hon«;SDO\ • •«

Tho M. a nml R. rluli m ri Wednpidn- ^ flftonqorLrwill. «ifirir>n--m.;m1.r r . an

Hip folldwInK |>iirnla prparni, .Mpmliimi Carl rhnilim -. 0 . W. Wilham, K. A. I.m don. W. II. Hlnniry nnd’DnvId Urow

.. Holl rnll wan ani>wrfc'd wltli riuntalini on Hip wor.ln "Srnilr nud Riinahlap.

_____ T hr tfiPrlbiK otira. d-witKITTp-flngliir.

o f llip pr.-nldrnl, MrC Klilr.il. A anlr----------did-rrtT;r<im"w:it-rn]nTrttr>tni.- r r - :^ - . ljanU iuiJ»v«r«.l-ili.-,1,il,-wHM w« d m liKliIfiil >olo>, "A LIUI,. lilt o f llpavr M Hurr Thry Call li Irrland,” ai m — ‘.‘Tliank Iiud Fo*w»4;nrT!mr*J-'Ptic*t*lr f l mrmi.rrn nan;; irvrral Iriili iiirlodic■ .Mrs, (). W. Wiil.na, «avr n^ r.p rrln l H riitiTlniiiluK uiul iiinlrurlivi- paprr r■ lit lrd " I.iw n . MqhiuK and llrPnkUiR.■ A r lrv rr i;ur..iMj: rm ilrnt’ wua hi'i■ (lUPnlioiin brinu hrld that roUld bn nV , nw.'ri-<l from l.iiimbi'n fnrr nu B ppnn■ • fjrnl [irirr wan won bv Mrn. Dav^ Ilrown .... I r<iii>nlailon liv Mrn. Cifrry ' lliltllT. Ih r.r n r rr rniblrilin nf Ht. I’nI_t r irk . Drlirioiin rrfrrnhmrnin • wr

"■''■'■‘•‘I .......... '"'•i'-'' ’irnir rnjoyrd, lln».nl«liint ...................... . Mrmlanv

'■ ...... Min. W. A. I’oIlflpd “"'■''■'■‘I ■" ’‘' ' f '’’"

r i . r Mriilor rlu/j uirt ni Ihn lu'imr 1 -\lrn. A. I). Smilh. .Mnrlrrii wprr prr rn i Ullll .Mrnilaiiirn .lumrn l‘ntrifk.-Cii

During Ihr Imnl.... . I'lirolluK iVwnn Vos s B i r d 't i . Join Ibr di:ilrirl frdrrntloii nn H

liiiHvi.liml rluh. Itwilini-n nn "W hi A n C..nnlltu1r 11 linml Cbdi M rm lirr" wpi H U P bv Mr..Iimirn C. J . KrliroclrJ i n U Kniiiia 'M. Kiiiilli au.l I.ltliaii Hmllh nii

,i,ovr.l mont i.nlrrlninii.R. Ilniiily rr will .............llin rntrviii,; ont II Hi . I'lilrirh• 'T h r rolor r.-hri....... I Ktrrn and whllr wn

ranniit r rrv rd , Ihr hy<l.'inrn lipin^ nnninird I •’riilav Mrndnmrn .laliirH I’atrirk , (Inv lluuti *m 4 .-T n ld n i lffm.lll. Tllr f lllb Will hirri i rv n,i. two wrrkn wilh Mrn. Niim Cowhniii, 1

havr thin lim r Ihrrr will br nu rxrlmni;p < im tl. Hrnln nnd bulbn.___________________

voi :il TllO drniiin ami lilrraliirr dr]i;irluiri . Wil- o f lli. 'T w riil lr lli Crnlnry rlnl. inrl wilV lh r Mrn. .1. T. Ilr.iwii Wr.lurtilnv aflrrmxi

w itll .\lrx. T. .1. I'onirr ni.nlnl'inc hant.-n . JiEliciu]ai:_iiUinit'£.ii5C4aiDii-wM-iic;i r c w ith Mrn. 1:. V. I’nrkrr in Hir rlinl

■ " .Inwni CI<airui.ni.‘.Mrn. II, L. Frir.^. vii ' Mi"' rim irman, Mrn. IMwiii Wriln; nerrrlnr; b»r>'h IMun-. xnlryfril _ Hin,_____ I'lirrp w;if! im i'f;ii;rniiiJh‘'.^|im]mU'r.i

th r aflrriionn wun npput -norlnllv nt *'"• tlip bonlr.n .rriii-d drlirioiin rrfr.-n

'•'> iii.'iitn M th r .rvriilrrii mriiil.rrn prr

th rir Mr>i, Cllrtton Smith, Mrn. W. K. .loir I. 0 . rl.iii mill .Mrn. C. II. llnrvrv ru lrrtalni

■h 1L‘. 111.. Cnilv rlub Wrilnrn.lav nflrriimin I lh.> homr of Mm. HiniHi. Kij-hlrrn niPi I,rrn nud tw.i uur.U w rrr p rr.rn l. Tl

rnniru ................. wnn ilrvoird J.buonI rn lir r....-u 'f to liiininrnn. It wnn \oip.V In c iv r '

mr,.|. nl:ili-.| ...... lo lhr loan nrl.nlnrnhi]. fill■III ll. nud aInn In ralnr inoliry for Hr. rndoi-------- m n i t ' f a r Ibr•■i.im.'“ fi'.1f iii1lli

O fflrrin w rrr rlrdp il fur tlir I'lumflirn of y .a r nml nrr: i 'r r . ..... it, Mrn. It.hniiir KvaiiC v irr prraldrni, Mrn, J'amrn Nol SixHi -..rrrM rv. Mr.. (I. W. Ilirr; Irrnnurr

mini; Mrn. Will lln rli; fnlrration ilrl.-itntc Mrn. C. T. Iliirtl and Mrn. II. K. Ilalb” nli..nial.'n. Mm. IMi;nr I'n lrirlc. ai

I R p n Mr-, Frank Unlmnii. Drlrrtnblp rfrrsh ...... in w n r nrrvr,l ul II1P rhinr i

......... ......... ............. ... .'ll .Mrn, ,Iolin Mi.Jwrll nud Mrn. W. !

t i 'b ' Nixon riilrtlninrd Ihu Wimndnnil rltor- „„ \s'.'dn....Inv with a drliuhtful lunc

-rnurl- t- t m —a . . I , - -----

l ” to ' " f e"'1 I” . S t o r i e s T h a t H w i i i

I n»ctc ll mucIi3ull,diyTunln-teratlngiiulfbelndw tiitcnioday

, (hatm atqueraJciundcrthenine oflitcrature.U uttheaveriijepet-

" • •o n w a n u to re a d .io t lc i llia iV under (he. tkin", that (trip cne Imaiiinailon—itorlet about teal

111 1",.' „.hutT'«p,bciiiiawhohavcftaiully . .n ^ lived the comedlw and iraffedles

o f ilf-:.' It It luch itotiei that appear

1 rran- m onth after month in tbat mo>twidely-read of all publlcsiioni—.---

P.d. "T rue Stoty Magwine. In the

- - -- perlencei o i . t e a l . l i f e a te re« ?counted bytliotewhohavellved them. Thelrloveiandhatei, their

, y temptation! and wronfy, their. itrugslei, dcfeati, ttlumpha and

iiid traiicdici a te frankly revealed iol,„t tha t otbera may be warned, Buld*•lv, cd. helped and liMpited to avoid.j,'.,. th e unhappy e rro ri th a t the

i„ w tlten have made.True Story Magatlne for April

conialnitfiihrlllinitfeatutea.Now onthencH'U tandt. Duylttoda;.

K IrueStory

■-» S A T U R D A Y S P E C I A L

...J M arch i:Uhntn

______ ■

‘J^Z > y - - - : s T P p A T R lC K * S - - ^

^ = T P u ^ e —

I N e w ; V ' D oliciou.'i'

“ " T i n r x i v B , o a o t y " s k » ’‘= 1 rTO:;mDilMM>-Koi.--l-Pho»'TCTg:

RCH 1 1 .192C/ - --?=5••^* X frill a f tliB Iinmp nf ihn foroicr on-H?j Q A Piith nv6niip raat. riapp i wfrp marko 11% ■ for tw p n ty n fa r tp ’ltirso oml lw(f,«innl I I U InblP^ Imvlnfj far eentprplpppa pryita

rnndlrailpk* holdiBjt #rfpn tnppm nm aiirrnnndrd Iiy almtnrorki, pnrrvlnir on lh r Hi. V ntrl.k inoilf, Ih" Mmo color

V brlnii foatiircd In ilip driaprt, Tlia lU w UI-aflrrnoou- fo1lowp«l

'* I '™ " ” ! '' ' d« ll m t a ;V." ' . 1hr-hnmf~iif-Mrt.-Hlmw-and Mni.-Hiiv I - . rrland Bn hintrnn W rdnmdar’aflPruonr

’W l '■"H '« * annwrrpd 'w itli Irla l'l'' “-“"I iMuaarllon 0

““ ‘’I ’; l.uninran » Hi. I’nl rlrk V proaram wa

<us»lnn nml Mr<i. Juno Klrkmnn. M r nnlru. '""I Mr«.'Owrnn urrnrntPd

lv ." Mr*. ............................. . n aoii“ ' - > r c r .B F : - r - i s T $ s - .— ~ t e i n i'pnv..n, y,nj,hophonr aeromiii.ulmpnt, Tli

■Hi*I*, .is, s";

u L M '"C Thp rlub ailifluriipd in mr.lirid " i ’ '' •'•'•‘■'''I" -*■

.{ipiinv Addinnii-Avrnup pliib lirld tlirDnviii '■'’Kulaf mrrliiiK with .Mr^ Norn lin rCifrrlo *'""*• i^P'JnpiKlny aflprruKiti irltli iilrI I 'n t mrniliprn iitrnpnt. Mra. Ilammonx w:

in pharRO of Hip InininrM arn-lim.'ll llir l’“f*V wnn drriiled nn fnr r lnb mrn .,ln....n i'rrn.nnd thrlr.faniilirn for tlir.rlu li ni ! nivrrnnrv nml n rnm m lltrr nf Ihrr

Mrn.|niiir>i W. O. Smilh, 11. 0 . Kuvkri dnll nu.l Ouy Turnrr. nppolnlpd lu a

'imr n f f'*"**’ “ I'f“«'am and rrfrrnhm rnt. f. r rr.I. th r rv rn l . Mr*. W rntrolt nud Mr k, (iuy .Tnylor wrrp Kueita o f th r rlub. Tl

n . 'w i ' '■r nnill. » Mont drlprinlilr rrfrrnhmrii: nn an '•'•’■'''''I I"’""’” -

‘ Wlinl ndjouriiPd In inrrl with .Xfrn. T. J n u rn u .m Marm I’l.

Mrn. K. 11. Wllliamn Piilrrtaiufd 11 Wrdiirndnv Ilrldj;p rlul. HiU wrri

Vl..k'- '•’'" '.ir for'nrorp wna wou by Mra. U. ( I.nulrrbnrh, ______,

ll'nii/rr 1>»tb Woo'd ,wna ho.lmn I

n.'ii nl " ‘‘'i ‘’'n b l mPiiibrrn p r rv n l . nii l. t l ir .- r .vlHliorn, Mr.!. Hhnrl. M n. lli

*' iopi. and Mrn." linker.' Thr nfiprnnci ‘ -ir.’n uprnt iriflv flwl

.1,., ,.i blir honr th r lionlrM nrtvril a 'd n iu l7 wVtl Tli'‘ 'I '- 'l ...... ‘"Hf >''l'l >.'riioVm •'!” >• ‘ '".V*. Mnf<-ti !«•.anti'nn. ! ■ ' _ 1 r

rhnlr. p ]

■•.virr .................. .

u k L lL t_______Iv nnd ■ V ■ • i W Wrfr.-n1.. J L 1 M A T T' prrn.

• On L•tnlnrd

----------------------------------------J iniiri-ly

Eif' _ ' ^• i ii t l i iu r ----------------------------''""'•"ffiiif.‘Kntrn,la ib r ;

irip'‘rr- ■ 'lnnr of

w . F., Bruidoil ruR.i o f fin eII eitib pearnnce o f th e old fftalil

In U il-ec'sizes-^price '

$1.19 $•

I Kalburnie ( i 19c Yardlu H ri jfh t n e w jiiilte rn K

t h u t w ill m itl«i s m a r t ( ” . Y o u k n o w th is c lo th — it

heh e ~ ---------------------------------------------------

i r ^54” WooIFn J A s iio c ia l iiurcbiiKC o f. y . e le v e n n h a d e s , .su ita b le :,id o r c h i ld r e n , o n ly

s ; ^y A Complete7 W e jiiH t r e c e iv e d a li

. e liid iii} ' th e w a n te d ite n i!— _ BiaH T a p e o r c o lo ra n n d

' u r e s — C o m b .-t^ U M C T h

ttahrD" I f I t I s n 't R i

Our fozei ore big produeon and ;. aro Beelimiitod-to Idalio. CAll-at.

. . Iloom -1,13d Hhoaliniii liiM , Tivin \ / Pa lli , fa r partieiihnk You can■ arranso to ico oud leleel fo z i iW TZ TTtftfdtflTHiyliiB—

tarkcd .' ' ‘- j '

7S W o m l r a P'•■A >»• lowpii.

"t u i j d t t ^ t i y i n g - h y ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ Tiionn. i i aaurHl

Irlab Give* o b f o lu t e 'p r o t t e t i i n ^ ' ' di»card»’lilet&|Me\{ '

->dnr( - I . . — I. i.i-i II ■ ’* '1 ■■'A 'ilfrt— L,:'

A DANCE, a ih e et ^ 4-;.:^A ^ ^ ^ n ; a ^ le t j l l

n *0| |0, r ■•*I't Tim The Itaxarda of the old-time OBt-'i. ;.

n itron‘h " ° ; l I t is called "KOTEX" , . .- fiTfl -n m rrl tim i* m abtorbcnl a i ordin«ry coir.', .,>i

lon pads. • . • - Ahiorhf and deodorlxef a t t h e - ./ .

,I tlirir lanie time. Thtii ending ALL, fea r .*'vI Ilnm- of oflcnding.}, nino i / 'Y o iid f iM rd ita je a » i} y * ja p te c e 'nn wnn r ofllM ue. Mo laundry; N o etn -nn. A barrattm cni, ' • .........

mrui. ■\’oit Rct ii for a few een ti t t an y ' ' ’lull nu- jruB or department tio re ahnply by ,. faym n "KOTEX." Women a tk foruykpu- it without hciilancy, • 'lu ar- T ry Kotc*. Comei 12!n a package.

I Mrik J’™’''* unneceiiary riik .

- 1 / ^ V

“ “ ” V AV . m ! No Ifl«niry-dU earti IJfc« -• i

Pd Hipw rrk. ■

^ d h n cC ' -t Ilin- l'" f” “ BprlnR toalc,prnooii ♦ t- 'f^-n f Ford f p r t l l lW

m n O M MOTOR 0 0 , . ,

' ' '

^ _ £2


~ .......

fin e y a rn s nnd rags, h a v o .a p * 'ftflbloned-hand m ade rugfl. Show n -- -

$1.39 $2.19

; Ginghamrd ....... yrnK in p re tty color com binatibna ' ir t (Ire.s.se,H. P la in coiom also—— it w eans woll nnd Is fn s t color. ,

-------1 9C—Y n n l --------------------------------

Flannel $1.95e o f fine wool flannel—Show n in ble fo r Hport dre.s.ses fo r w omen

$1 .95 Y a r d

ite Notion Dept.a In rg e Hhipm ent o f no tions in*

len iflV -& nie o f them are W rig h ts nnd w m te -^ B iitto n 3 ,'T ap e meaa- Threac}— D arningr cotion, e tc l' “ *'“

D ^ t. Store“ “t R ig h t B r in g I t. B ack"

^ - D A I ^ T O M G f f T ; -

. . J ' ‘ M u s i c b ; ^ t l i e n ” ' ?

' S : ..... N I T E H A W E S ‘. 5 ^

K e g i U a r H r i e e r -

--- r-J’S H

‘ o r AasociiiTBD winya. •

~ T m K i i S » y i f e i p r o / ' t t .I*.— ... Qufggu ur QiuuuiiDn. rrwn wnom wii

N 9 'm ^W > tllV ~ U "M itin iM IW til*

! o iJ ? o r n ^ « lS /d ! « m V o ? o %I u< l DO manuaerlpu will be rcturnM

BslM ueo»|«iil*<> mr niow ianf pm tu* .

A KEOOEDThfl *lnJrmrut ia iiinilo Ihnl fur Uii’

tlmo In tl.o hiilory nf T«dn ■KiilU t'outily n full falrinlnr y rat

'. h u l a w ) irHJiwut » HiiirtliT.I Uiirlii^' iiliictcdi himilrt'il twviily-

______ flv.« iih 'ninrilpf wun cmiimlttcil wllhlii. Twin KbIIi Counly.

Many will jioiiil to Uip fnct -in cvldeneo tlmt a tnnrlinl Imiirnvi'iiiriit il taking lilnrc 111 llir niurnH oiif lH.'0|>Io} othora wltl affipii tha t tlii'

• d ftrffluif c ff rr l o f Uic Ji'irkii »nilcni'i' ;,!f tlic plilcf cnu»c.

iVuth iiutluui an- rraiuimlili' nl-

.^gesU'cl t^« t llll? rlrfiim"l:iii(0 “ Juft omf Hint no I'artlnilar

______ ^^caiiia-Bt-alU»_luilkttt£il,_____________llurrcvcr Unit mny' liu tl niiiy he

rfiiiarkcil in iKnialnif llm t tlio nl'iiUu a t iJic Jiirkii cnil- fu r llio irnnt Iwn yynm U np titly lri«lnn nli;ili-v<-r i-!c-

-------- '. aic n f H niay-liirrc - onre tiu.HL-m il in ,■ » wnriiina iin.l j.n cxiimiilc to woiitil-;

------ -• Ur-iiitinlcYr^Ui -Xvarly in'u vonra liiivc |>niui'i| atui'O

4TTrlfo ’i “ r o n v i r t i c n - f a - i .m f lT O 5 n =___ . " t i l l fnipfnl il Btlll iirMtHnif. Li-furi! tlin,

■; Malm Bniiremu Coi'irl.' - I’robnlily nu alnok- iinUviiliml la tn

_ ItluTtiu Iiut, ns tins lii'Vii saiil ticfurc,- Uicrc i* aonictliliiK wronj: «'iH> » J“- !! iliclnl RVHlrm «liii-U niuki'x aitcli ilv- ; fuyi iiomIIiK _________________


^ TllC Uiim1.hi govcniuii-iit, prlrliral - -■ li'lL 11“' ijgl'tti nnliivpniiry of t!in

.... — Ilal““ iinny;~Ii(*ll' il‘; tlint it lina " l l i r (iixallcat lliliV r<<iUl‘, '••♦i|H'ii»lvc nrmy In Ihi’ , nurlil. ” I Vi Tliut iinny may ' lif InuaiiM'iiilM', I- ioni(inrrtl wiUi iiurn. iliw l f.in-laul t ’aniilM nr;-. .IlH t.llic fipiri-s bIiow itl “ aevernl tinn-i tlio aim- of oiir»,.iii jiro-1 --I'orllon lo iKijmliitioH, ovi-n n fler ilal “ /i-tliii-liiiii fioiii Bpvi-riil iiiUli'ina tol >• Sli::,1)00. I t ' . ' Tliu r n t ‘lit UK,.ilctlutca lliu Miiacutr j “ 'iti>'’i'/iinioiili aro ull iniiiurliillati-. I

I - . / • ,H.UtiiwfwiI iiii]ivrintiaiii .ruuliuYO*—lO'“ iariii ilBi-lf unUt-r llio_voU_ _of_ ti»^'aiuiiiiiii'iit. lloiirvi'oi* rtiuiitrii’9 ill’

— ^ rr ifn ir— tu n r—m ltltnry— troiterts— ninl•|:toiiceiil Itii'ir initltury fon-i'i,”M. Wo aHi>iiD«t- wi-’io a •Miourjji'ul*

------ r.-^uuulry.'-’- - H ut—if - w o ’ni -roiipvutinK• tiiy mililiiry foj-ir», onr llnlnln'virt ^ frlcntla know u liil niiiri; aoout U lliiiii

------- ••Anicrlmii taj;i>ayi'ra- i l n . - 'A i f f i i r lm-- . . iiiTiiillsiii, wi‘ 'v f liiTii nlnii>lo niiinti-it

’ rmiucli to Biii>iiosi' tlifil Uioro nut- riiiiUKti llf Unit li'fl III <iiir i-y-ti-iii r 'M 'Ui' 'woriil oiioiiliiiiiiii'i,'; I'vi'ii UitiiJ({ir

------:^ n t^ itu _ iu u .- jic ro sa_ a ji_ u lJ :fu jJ iu iu c i- T. iiii[>i'riiillat i>i-i'iii>i<iii.'illy~ ntio ntiil

■ ihlllka tlllll till- 1..M uiiy to Ki'I.iiSiii;; >■ n ltli uur Lutiii-.\iiii'rii-flii frk'iiOi

,T}rt|uld lu- lo injiido Moxii'u.

AK BX PIANATIOKIUkIi Ih uf .I(-f,'if.i- atliirtii'VM in ,<iii

!' ni'i'Uiin with Ull' ii|>]pi'!il lu .till' lili-h.i ' hitliri'liio l.'iiuil ill tin- oii i- uf l.yiln '' Houtlinnl WCH' (illuivnl to lii]«i- wltliin .. ii yi'nr o'r .livu v f Ihr iviiiiiiiti'x cnn- ' "Vlrllun iiuil |irri>nr3Uiin of trnii'iiti>: • - tif ovi<li-nrr inkrn in tin- triiil i.;ii .' UioTofiirc lotully iiiini-ron'Ciry, c.iul ’ li:ia born for ii loii^ lii»i' I'uxt.

lluftii'n i'i’ to llio iiiHlliT in tliis',- = ." = 1 - talomn»-«u4lau4-of-t«<u;ii(fo-cjii3r.J!i-;

i.<Ivorlo<lly !in\i- ({ivi'n ri«r to Uio ■' llioilglit Uml r fi tii i.nili .v a a itlly.ilii'u-

------- _ ^ |( j . -,liiTtlrti—lownntn 'l lio -mnrhilipry• i.f tlio U ijlfirt Cliutl. Thia wna Ul.l . tlio cnao fur llio roaiuii Uiat nu ir irti-

r ri |it wna“rallo<i fur in mpw u f ijio fuot llm l Ihl' ujijH-nl ivua ii(Vi'i< j>c:.

- (urncy (Ii'lioriil’i offieo in iiskiii"" for

. ] f ' . iU - J . - J I . Itnrkor In M. «iully;

:W ; i:nler: in iik ; i-’ ' • j , ; t i , jjw -8 iv-ia-iy -i7 (W eil

Z . ' (T irib -n t l i l litnft)

J ' ’ . . J ro A C u K M imV I0:4.-> p. m .-N lR h tlitifk fr«ll<.>4 ' K to ; OaU L e l w - W * ® . ■

NiaU |i. in.—Lreliirc.01 U:UU Ik .III.—OvrcjiMwiitli -Clinwbcr

- 5 l i r o A ^ i r o i F £ u r . ----------------------■M- EOO, otUand'->soo>m.

llrtH) n. in.—“ K Rttilprn-M ovour- ncrn,” a iloniralle ir lih drdma,

lir 1 l iDU ' IK • i;i.~D rok.»w urfliBal'fa:—a l l ---------^BD FW ,-T*W tUlia=iW .ttr“ ■^ RiIlU 11. ni.—W catlicr, |>i»1lro ami

tnarkct rrjio H tj- iir^ ^ lc in r- iin d iiwrl-

^ KiI3 II, m.—Locttirc.^ K n , L o t A nnle»-4e7-in.

fl:0(I II, m.— I’nigrniii liy U nlvrnltr (d nf Huulhorn Cn)if(ir>i<ii. f«- Ji):(lO |i. m.~l'rncTHin liy Houtliorn ~ Collfornla Miialc pomjiaiiy.

KPO, Baa Frasdseo^SO .t^m .» 7i4i) ]i. 111.—I.tiiil'a orrliratra.

■KiliO (I, tn—Meiuer'a orrliratm.“ II, in.—Ciwwcll'a atrlnu <|uliilct.

WOAW, Omaha-626-m. hi< tl;.10 )i. in.—Omailula ortlioalrn,

lliOU i>. in.—Tliu NiBhlliiRnlu or- clicaltu.

KOA, D snw r—32H-BJ.«;,W I'. JJI,—Coitpprt I'V I’lilavc

y. Hlrlnir orrliPatrn. jj,, KNX, llo llyw M d-M aO tB.

I ffA u ln» BiUO K in.—ilnniral projjrain. '„t KS1>, a t. ZrfiillJK-AlC-m.

7;00 |>. m.-Clir.i|UOl fUkimoa pfo- , - ijrnm. of iIbhpc niuaio.

8:00 ]•, ni.“ Hilvprtottii Conl urclioj- tra from Now York <Hty.

WOO. Dav«ai)0rt—„|. 10:00 I'. i».—Orrlioitral |irui!niio.

I t : ________________________________ ____

^ _______________ _____________________


~ "Wlion l)ro7mi""Cum p"'T rup." n11 pomi’i'- '■Irnina l)v W. ('.f tr Tlcnimii,~ wUH lip ~lhr^ffrT in |r~ of~ tlirI,-. Tnvlor I’lnvura a t llio Imvorini;

thcntrc ^or itir tsat hnlf of Iho wfcii lirslanliiK toul;:ht.

■f* Tlip |iluy ii in trriiliiiK fjoni Iu-- rc, KininuK tu oml, IclliiiK uf tlic nffnirn u. nf Hnrry Cnraiin,ln notllni; li [’Icro ofI i>roj>rrtv to a wHowoil nioUirr in LIu'

liioniilaiiia of Nrw York. InliT flliiltliR nul tlinl hia traiianrtiun wna u niia' tnkc, na Uio [iroiicrly liciunipa vnlu-

U nlilo Ull nn-nunt of auiiimor lunrlal ’rnvol, Carauii trioa to ^'cl it linrk

II oaly to tic foiloit a t lila own t:nnic.It la nia.......... of Ihun- fiiiiiiy 'I'oliyjilnya,- an.l- T iitiy.-duiw-tiU-.iJuiru.-ot aclitniiiii* to iioli. b is frioiiitii.,

Z B P P S L m CBASn .FILMED''' riiiii);lii|' cnrtliwnnl ii in I il llir

411 alirioka of lliiflo fKrt.?ii-.l |ia»«i-n(;rra. it nil niri.>lnnc rrii-lii-.l inlo il full Utl.

u liUBo Zi-iiiiotin miraruluiiAly ninio lo.. ■« atop 'jnat Ion fcol nff tlio Krtinncl

a t Firal N utiunnl’n atii.lio^, xvlitiiii to five liuuia o f Uio all lo roal rraull

of thu IjlicniUKluiili, whicli aiiliffnl unt ,,,, fi.iirlooH livca.. Thia U a tlifiliiiiK .tpLioilc In. Uic

.rtrcii i>liiy. ‘ 'Wc .Mmlcriia.’' at Uic

i*. Thui amipoiMlnl bclMccn liky nn.l [■„, rnrth, liy iiivi'ltilo mipjiorfs, tho Zc]>-

ud lu-.rriii!L 'a 'a_ jiu iH _ail_ ii'i i’i:»aiii. hml UiacniUaduil.

••Thr liiKKc.it t liriir wc ovi-r had,” ils fxrtnlinod Uio th irty nnhiiri aky rom- 111! itutcr3.afl_Un'y_j!tW '-il-ilt!^vnJ»'.l'li'ri'. , out uf tlio craft wilh rc;il alalia of

rolii'f.«" Thoy were ••oxtrnn,” m- Tlicii the ■ nlranitiiirt 'if c rii ff 'w iu i-it cnt iiilrift to rniitiiliii' ita plnii^c iimt

I'oiiiplcto tu domoiilloii.‘ ' Ami all Ull- w hilo -u f coiirM— tho

cnmorns «hirrod. •---------

c i _lLW inTD..0UTLAW ” -A ^ : .IDA110_ill The rn lv .r -n l |.lrtnrc, “ Tl.i' Tcaa.- .... or,” foatiiriiiK I^iiira l.al'lanto Hill ," rluic ita locat cncnKcinciit tiulao nl

Uip Mahu tlioatn- lo t.o fottuxvcd to- murruw nud Hnlur.tny l.y "TJn- WhiteOllttiiw,’ ' 11 yroat ivc.ilorn .......Icrthrill ro,’i1nr<' iironciitiuj; “ tv'oiit,” Uic uhllc l.caoly hurac, nml “ Hunl;.’’ Ilic

M-, Utout ahrrp .toK,1.., A llirllliii^: fi)-l>l l.i'twci'ii a lu-ar , ;iml n mnr.- |iriilccliiiu her nili i, nio

of Uic OT.-itlii« m'cii.s in tl,.- ..... ..I'll uf a l\lti| hurai-, ••'I'lu- Whito Ont' ill- l^iw.’’1.,; faint; ri-nl nnirnnl.i in lliiii fiKlit

Cliff Moiilli ubinlnc.t ouc uf the mu«t

llu- iiiiiiiiul kiniittoiii.cvrr |iti|ilut;ra]ili- ■ I'd.' The aei'ii."« wor.' Iiikcn nt acUii-

... .'lu'C H|I .tinlaiin- niul -lioiv c\cry1..., muvc U l l l i . t l i ^ . a a i w U ua^Lbc/.■ ■ 5t?e v.iili ullior ny.. 'I"' None of tl.0 niiimnli vorc ia .mv ’II-. »ay tiurl iu lhe inKiut- of ihe pi.-

wnMii r ra l lU ^ ji ia r .r i . l ’iyful j:i!r,a"liaa lltllo killona inaiilco in while phiv- iiiK, Tlu- bonr nnd the loli wero in

Jio roniity havlnjj Iho lim e,of llieir tivr. c^ uml to ;;ive the pi,'iiin-'ihv ft:ivnr of

nini r l^ 'h m l T o 'H s wttrgigprinii'i>f>6tstcg-'‘i fp ~ . '- 7 ~ 'ir . '

__ i arly V ice PreiidihTi ~J g —ji*fii>-AO«nii»f-’w li< > -r« flY « I- lh « r^

ond litKlivat num ber of vuIiim, bwumea d proiildetK-ln- iliii-tlrwt-Jina-ittconfl

n tn^ np-Timr f l TiT-JpTtmQfl-:\yfl¥-flggTgr vice lin-sldenl In I'tMJ wlicn, Adami

ly,' nim jlccjvil l*rt»ldcnl. niid Aaron Burr fouk j c w a i l i ) la «

ii fcrnon wiii oloctod r rw ld e n t lly Uie tw dfth nmendment to ttio 'C nniUtu-

^ ■iton.’-cffW tT q ^ cprc'mbcr- a , - l » > ^ t : f

;u, ra te lr fo r. r r e a l i lc o r a n j tlco nrial- -r- SffT .— ~Uew i ^ t i t i i i t o n ^ r ^ ^ t S e ^ ^

m aii'iiuiulpateJ nail-clcctcd lo tIi_^ot;

lb lil K o fw bpr. IBW; wlicn Jeffcrion wai rw loctod I'rciildcnt.


ter. \ \

mlt l . i s s s M V ; — g b pyR isH ;L *»

I'e ler a n J 1 ilDckid ln(o our ilnlc* roorri n* tlia two como nft. Tlioy went

».’■ Into nenoi" room, wljich vaa noxt in Molm'B. nnd for iotao time we cnuld „ liear them lalKln« In low lone*. W ien , they como oo t F lln l waa tay lnc:

"llllod, Bill, on eaar n io . but civo

em nu ulnek. And liavo the irpneh ' ■ nlf)np. ’T m rnld nnly make cnille*s

iMiililo w r llio crow." ''ur.. llmioA reiillcil will) ft bllMerlns str inc '

it curie«. “"And yc were o fool," ho wnimd up.

IVC - to Ipl I^njT jo lm make odd* «' Mx I to one. Ifn plQifa duff lo Kilvcr If tngtit linppciii to re," rtinon»lnitc<l i-

••Dnn't ye worry. Dill. There’ll bfl nuo mnn In tliU crew wllllne to lift n rdneor n fte r I come nbonrd ounln. nU'liero'B my FlemlaU p lito le tsr’ -*

CJ. Whi-n tliey Were flnnlly gone I li looktHl aD'iinapoken Questloii nt Pvtor.

"Jn,” Iio nnld. n"Hut Blx to nno I W h y r ■» o•■I!c wnntu der Ireaimre wliero only

I The mom lnj; of tho alxth day I wn* fl S :ifrii!i(-neil Iiy n eonilderable clamor k j _ jii_ lln i_ i lc c k .: nud L>flrt'y_Sl?.<irsrLII 'Innred Into my itnteroom. nn oxclted b ll Hint Illv tim eue wnn nigh liirompre- i<

hoithlliU’. <•' • !i•■Unite yo! U nite ye, Mnnter UoliT

— V -T rirrh—*|"fl»-'Pllnt-'w niln^nff;^nnJ- ^; tilni tiy h is loiio." aI” 1 rouaod I’oter, and wo Ihrrw nn t— ~ 'ir~o1b'Ili»i.- nbd M il' <)UrT lpnn-ttlO - •?. ^ 'iintn deck, whioh w ni cnimmetl w llh ji

Ilk* ncn>aa Iho itft'b 'd linlwarkl. Ttie Wiu j:^ wns Jiuc rlitn i;, nnd tlie iatand ilielvod i

uttwnnl. (tarUly portentnui, from lhe "rrenmy In ther of the in rf. The .Wni- n

'f i-iiH wan ila n d ln s iniith._ wilh lhe rl„, Wliito rock on her itn V d tiuarler nml p,ig Um enlninoo to Cnptain Kldifii nn- ilId. ehiirage nhead. Ouialde the eiilqinee, olu- nnd iiutllng up lo m n 'f u i . wn* lhe lllal ulR we Imil le ft helilnd for Uie cnn- Iok v-enlenr^ n f F lin t <\nd bis nimpnn- nj*"' bmi. A Flngle nirure wllli n lt;lit- I

blue Nonrf wmppetl around Iili bend, i:mwpd n r the onr*j'■ ------^ ......................

•■mil ho.w ho co ria te lilt t Flint!" I ’ i-xclnlmeil. • 'H li back Is inwnnl us,nnd lit ttl l l d iitnnce—" >

‘‘IleKaln' your pnrdnii, Mnxti-r 0 ^ ^11.1 merod," nnld Sliver lit my olliow, “wc1.1 li:r mnfie blni mir^vl* Rlmwei, HIU"— '11.1 be wuvod bln free bnnd lowuni tlie liu poop, w here IIoiu-h ilrode <i|i nud ' i»h down by tho la-lnisiimii—"In lUru o' i'll litiii," 1

Till' nin'-lew od tnim in lgstrw l ond Itm rrred Iilfi-rolce. .........................

J l "Ye nin't »un>rlied, nro yuT' he I. I iiRked.. ►

"Six lo one!'' w ui ali I could.tblnli' 'Pt, in any. . t

I,” I--------- ------------------------------------------------- ;

irp I--------------- ---------------------- ------------------of ................................................

^ . \ ' f . c e e r A i N v . V - - m E '

‘I" I M C O M t A.|)

:---- ------------=rrt t-----------o _ _______ ^ ---------------

;hl • ■ A '

N-.-p!" ^


li'v \ i t i

O t O U C t t o , N O ! l . E t ;

i. G o e j TWNT EFFECT' T H E -& -“ E -------

III ■in iiiij :r ,’P'

S i S

' 7 " A ' V ' V r

Jie ^

S r u L f c ^ ^

•al _ _ . . .

, IA 7

— I

to- - .In .-# 5 m d -P e te r . c h n ck U flt,. , , ■nt Sliver n lK f C ^ , t " “Aye. k i i J o one. A fclfonSrTlrii* . ,

p fm ic fe lle r 'l l Flint. Nuw w hat d'ye fn reckon h e ll 'a o .wi’ the n iif ll - • .

"W bnt m a p r . ••'Wben yi' Imry tren iuro f i ilraw i ,

el, rl mnn." Silver esplnlnetl nraeulnrly. | !sa “If ho u - ono mnn known where

IwRH hurled and he bnx ll)o mii)i Ihnt n j ti-enaure i i aafe llil dooiiiiduy—’nlcw ,

aomoono elM s e n the mnp." ' , ip. "Well, fie Won’t Rive m e tho mnp," ilx I rrtum ed Bhortly.If “NiMn>-o, It nln'l ilkely. U ut If he

cd over ItOWI It when- yn r-nn Inv v.mr. , linnds on It or ye n v hlin give It to

bo nnybody ‘e lni you Juat tvtnemlior n i n t.oiig John itnndK your friend, centle- ‘

in. men. Friend I i tho wprd, remember.And thri obl.mw.anya ti rrit-nUJnJiciid I

I l> n frtend Imlewl,- 'or. I'reNcnlly we nmndod Inlo Ihc wind '

nnd cflipc to, and K'llni pulleil nnder n onr Ice, rowing itowly. w ith long, let-

dy jtnrely Mmkes lil:e a mnn whn Is '

n i rionlt undertnkbis. Now (bo t ho wnior KO olnau wo could uei* lh a t tbe len rfiw a ro in iiU b li Jiend_ w i« cro iied wilb 'ed btiKid'. l l j ii 'co a t'n iid 'a lilr t wero torn, ’’■0- 10 nhredii; nrid h ti ilinei nnd »loci:-\

iliKH Kuuimed Willi nuid,'T A man lienved litrn n couple of llnea, !

and Item - licforc bo Jiegna to rllinb ' nn Itll* ob'aU of Ihn ilde ladder, moving h t r bill .» Itb 'u ii- tIbm iii'eeWiiii.-:Vir |- Ih his fnre liftiHl above Ibe Itnlwiirlii the

-«iH‘ii-nw>reBt-ia-liluIIgmLpui.ami irrol uu hnck. upon tbe Iimk' of tb o ie behind eS” ilioiii. Sueli n fare i nnn never loi-n..’ he 'T w hi nnl nlone the terrible blue cobir nl- nnd the concestod velni th n t hulKoil he nnlly jmder Ihc nkln. bnt a luggeallon nil of experiences,.beyond tho pale o f ' in- dinnry hnman nnironnnndlng, U li ! » , oyoH glnreil favn^cti^, H Ir iniiulh wns he llxeil Iri. u grlmnoe of baire<l. In bli in- Innnod cbeokn worn rlren llne i of fenr. in- of nnger, of nwenko, o t cnpldlty, of lit- InaeliauldTiiiiblllun—nye. nnd of re- III, miime.

— H e-ilroi'i'ed-to the deck nnd (xcred I w atchfully uroand him.

113, '‘Well, hett! 1 be,’' be croaked, "llo.you Dnrby, fetch me n Im u Ic o' rum.

V Ynrely, Ind!''rt-c I ’nrby skipped nwny on Iila errnnd,■_ wlili.-.-beekoil nnd i l i n k liic .- - ...............ln» Nobody H'okf, and F lin t Inuulied— „,l oh. dreudfully!o' ••Ye,nln’l nlnd lo welcome yonr allj>-

per baui:, e h j 'lliiw ’d ye make uut, nd I tiliy

Itimes bnti ihflulderetlti pnlli thrntigh • he Uie cliiaUiriiic rnnkii, tiut_evi;n_lie wni

Hpoi'oblm lieforo Flhil’iKlinatlyllKun-, n f . --!'Wo—w«»-we’re-n tI-rlsh t,’-h o -iitu l-

lered llnnily.


V e - i , C . \ R ’

U ' R E A L ^ e ^ D

■ T H W M U (.\J----------------------------------------U .Q . 'M J .k l - . j :


''' i t

l E t ' s s e e ? H o v i C T T « , T « 6 . ; -

■ ' . ----------------- - ■•^OjpyHgiil,

r _ . i -

In il M »M 'f l0{kjr,..(Aif#, Iw liy t .Uolo iDckyl A n il;A ll« rd rM « in b e '« .M few r i ix i - H f t - i i t T C r r

p , r w h n v - ^ w f t t r ^ r t U to y r QUefr

‘ “ *^^>10% !^ W ld' DIIl ’ All ^ f o

^Morgan-orA^ery.’;, * . -

' Dnrby dl'rod tbrough the Jam wilb

<irrlc,S^ out Itoih a m i nud (ota«>l tn*n rfifit and Icfi tb o a S e w ay for

— r ___,1" n n m r he exclaimed. “T hn t’i

whnt 1 nc«l. J lo ra -a n d p lenty of I t r ^ ilo ^ h M t back bla head, p u t the

bollle to hiS 'I Ip i nnd drank—and ^ drank. Vou could hear tho gurgle

of I t ns It trickled down h i t s u l l i t _ "A nn i-oah r he breathed. "Tliat 1” w ni rare ituIT. O ct ma another,t u«thr."™ lie loMeil tbe botilo o terboard . and

iln rted In lin x a s ta re o t lh a t M V an ” iva-song wlilch was tb e c lu ^ r 'd tlle b t „ of lhe crow;

T om Avrry d ltd of a cu lU i ilM b— ... . To-lio-bo'and a bo ttU o’ ro m t.

UolinatprTcMtn fait tbaa»11»ya' Uali—

niJ 'n u t Ibo Iroainre," apoko up Silver. Ip. nv iiu l’d ye do w l' it. cnp’n? ''.r, rilnt'eye.i him fer aa loiiK na 'Iwonld

lnki) to count tw enty. And I nm btiiind to lay Silver met hla cyo un- niDfblngty.-

. "Why ’III infe, John,” nniwered , Flint In the horribly note tonei h e hnd

employed with Allardyce. “All tuckedf Z n-ln>r>- ll'll aluv ________________nj, "Aye, bnt w h e r c r perelstcd Silver.

. Ftlnt’i blue, mottlcfl vliogo becnme coiivulied with a pnssloa worda can-

,^{ "W h e re r ho ntoiilhed. “Aye, w herot “ ' Ask im. m nn! Or aeeU It. If yo wish.

Aye, p i nibnro. Ijiy off tboio'roiteK," be-f.lioiil«H«>-lhe-nieii-«t-the-fflll»-to.

' . II bont." 111! w ent on. •'There's tools !’’ on lhi> lalnnil.- Ye-cnn hnvo-fiw l-and-

rum.' tin aslion- if yo llt:K' and ita y —!!1L tim trr.....»r>.^ l lll' — fiiii-winor r 'up- ye.- ' n u t ug_1_ fur tlu. Klllti. Ibi-'ll bent un for more.

•’ by Ibunderl", lie wutleil n moment, bn t no mnn

ncco|ilcd his chnltonKe. Silver, In- " dee.d. aluinped dollborutoly ou t of the

crowd, wllh a fnmivny look lu his eye* thnt were nn briebt nnd bnrd ns a

, pnir o t potlKlicd butloni. . . . . .■''' "TImfs woll." xutil Flint. •’The

• pourM! lii irt'wrst by lou tb . Ilill. We'ro ^ for itie neod Mun'ii Cliont. All sail,

nnd a lookout In evory lop t"

C H A P T E R X V III “Io. —m. “ Folch A f t th e R u tn , D arb y

_ • M c G ro w l”"*• .Murray had predicted lh a t the loot- • lac of tbo Sniillwllnll Trinldnd-H'ould

aoail Uio frlKuU-n to ie a from Santo Immlnco. SI. I’lerre, the nnviiiia nnd

ll>- IvhiK-'lou.’and tbo ndvi-niurtti of. Uut ut. Walrus fiimlsbeil ninple CDntlriniitluii

' nf hiu worda, i^ix dnya' Kiill to tho Igh Mi'iiiiwnrd we rnliiHl the-top in ii o f o' 'n* .lofii',_.Mnitii:cr ..wlii!rii...Uic...Iu'jl:9Ul», re, Identlfled ns u klng'H ihlp. ut- Flint, snmnioncd -frnm J i i s -peri>etui»l,

dcliniich In the mnin cnbln, ncrced

il_E______________;__________________1 _ ,

A - .................................

: ^ C > T O M ^ a f c

JC .H M O N t Y TF I G U R 5 ____________________

-------------------- -------

ftV hT o Cj ET ft • •

(gill, iw e,"by tIio;kow*Yo>k Tribune, Ine.

'*** and h r a oor p n m ^ tlie ilip .^ . F o r o i . ’thrM -prlinQ era ttio W alnia

v a i « ' doatlnc tiedlain. U oira might noi a tlr fn m h f r ito tem om ^nn lou It

carou iln jc ln .the (ob 'il» ; 'bo t ahe never complained i^f the conflnemwit thut

relolned her buoyant aplrlta despite for ih e ;.h la « n i" d an c e r-w ti lc In » iiiJ0T O r '

- herrCTety.;hotir...--:r-r.-.- ~ - r - ^ - . : i - . ^ ^• l ; W lthont Darhy aho would hnvo been H In even worao cijtc. T w u he ipled the ont lliQ nionienu alio could venture ' ^<1 abroad and th ru st h linsalt (Inuiitlesily I 5*® betw ixt her and nny th're'ntii. Uo car­

ried her loeh food aa aljo would eat lint Jind often did tho aaino for an. for I

Flint w ai bocomo su liject In ae lxum of unjcovcmnhlc'fiiroclty, in tho grip

md of which he tllilm iled a ll nboanl the i n ship raving Itlll Itones nnd Dnrby, 8b t and wnn In te rro r o f unseen pw sencei

• Ihnt lurked nbnnt tho cnhln’i comers u and mowed n t him' from tho slep i win- ^ down. ;n— ’ In llieio le iin re i bll wniiM i»i>/> Ma• p lito li nnd shoot In -vvery direetlnn,

■gf regardloM of who m ight ho preient,o r witb Ills bnuRcr he \«T>nld bnck at lhe wall! and pnmite im aginary ene-

QQ Biica along thn compnnlnnwny. Dnt «or Darby he would hnvc ilnln Hen Ounn, nnd he Old nctnnlly cu t down one unfrirtuiiate fellow wbn gogcled' at him n i he Mnmiied nu t upon lhe deck,

. j j fonmlitg nnd muuibing dotlnnce to Ihe ghoali tlmt inraipnted him.

fcr. I t wntfanoii nfler thin Ibnt Ihe fever njo f ln t nppear.'d In our nil«bit. 1 can still QQ. KCO tbe lonk. bnlf-doubt, hnlf-inliglv-

Jng.Jn.SIIvcr'.i'.fnct'.nsJiii.hj-avfd.hlm^ r e j self nft by one of tbe llf.-.lliioi which :ih. R>'ill''<l (he nmin <tock nnil hnlU-<1 Flint .^M mi Ihe |iH)p..to . - jn '.h c i:^i;..ion_ ^ u l«_gr.ooj>l;>lltiJ liH r .

,olg "Tnko yonr orntob to ’em." inappmlin J . g lln l-------- ■ . ■

"Tlil^ui liiil:« Ij* lUll''V(i'Li'd„r». ver. "Itellynclie.a nnd heiidnchci a-

,f(, ••Tbej'’re loldlertn* no ns no t in havo -rishp rn ln fe -T v ttrr tird -H in tr—“tlo H f-

inn you’re afruid of ’(nn. I’m not."

(Continued in H ix t iMue} tho _

^ a Jealoat Man or Woman (,— - Lacks'Sdf-Assnyance.'ro "Tliero Is. perhups, no «uch Iblng a< ,{)|], love w ithout‘nn uci-nslonnl dlaplny of

joulousy,'’ i.nyi Unrtuu lluicoc. ’’Out In ©very cnse I bcllevo It will bo found tlm t Uiu"oae"wlio'Is Jeul.iiis liuV lo^T for Ibo inomont his o r b e r eel^nMO^

, • ance. I t mny bo because of Illneas or ®y overwork or a proirncio«l Inck of d ive r

slon.>ot- "WbeiT 1 bave been jen lou i or my uld wifn hns'been Jenloiis I linvo hlwaya nto notice<l Unit onr Jenloniy could bft ,nd tm ced lo one of these threo tldngf. tbit Whon 1 linvp been JealouH, tbey bavo iluij bw n oprniloni when 1 fe lt myaelf at tho n itlii:idvnntai;e, whon my egoiam wasf O' BOfinpnnirh.--------- — ;■--------------»ul» _;;Tlicjijan wbo knuw i tbn t be cnn

dep-nd npon bis wife n«t to lenvu him n n l, In-tho lurch or desert him liii» crisis ced or Iind some one elso IrreslHUiilyraor®' =-• -nnrncrirp.-iB-TTPirriui-dliridniiielf.'— (tnre of b li jiower to n i l r a d , lu re o t

h ll wurlblneai ns n nmn. .T b ls Is Iruo atso of n-woinnn.’'M io iir* fa Iijtcroa- tloiial-CoiinonoIltnn.

n - YOU IX B D O ^ V B s ’ wbolc milk you aro w aiU ns > mighty lot o f monoy and U 's not necessary.

----------- BLA TCU rOB D -8-CA LT W BA L-___ .tokca—U ie-pIace . o f whole milk.

One poond Is equal to one gallon In feedlDff ynlue. ' The c o it now Is nbout one-third. 'SLATOHFOBD’S OALF MEAL bu, beeu made and lo ld fo r over 12ii yean . .Ita repuUUoa la world vlda.


Darrow Bros. Seed & Supply Co.TW IN T A IL S

M M m

That’s W hat. Pine Rc- o»iiulte^n th jiH a6rA m l - H e r - Jluaband...Havc

■= R eceiyeti^^iiv^enaa- “ "■lidn'al^Meaicine, nys

--^n ^ p y -“-D eiiy<)r —W c i^

■ man: ' ." ' . ...■

K n r W lill nnr Inat day t-^ thU ro- mnrknblu uiodiriliv nolod. Juat'.liku It

.' Wll*. mnde .ea|iaiallj:-X or.. ouc.easts.!.'----- iWauiL-. ..Mra. .MuUieM'^‘ e>'rt>i^>U'>I>

':7tir Avu, pciiVff. \ .• •■ '“ .Why, jual Ihroe Aottles for caeh — — " * "• '*’■ 'l'l*", I,-til >■■■ 1 11...- coBd'Df Kamnk to a u r - J ^ e r U i u ^

r r l:u liU lluL a_ilcj._ iid in :.— la v 'c -^ L n i■ hnd Uie

■ iTeiimod In do '.nit-^>iiion- bnim .-lliiin Inc. ^'ood.' I w&i BO extrem ely nervous 1

; S , o d y - ,» > t t< j S 3 a > -a -aT.T»F ^ —(iee); a t iW 'W c rie * C ; th e * « r a |» cxpanalon w aa 'fcbon t ,that o f iteel,

iU r :} i^ " is :£ £ : .i i f f lc a U c ; b I c r e iT W J W :? — e « tbe atone la uliid w ith other

Oi In building conatmcllon. Wlilla hut ^ fiyhu aTpnndfil pn ’heallnlf. H did BotI"’*' r t r i i i i a o l i r b i i g u ^ ^ • • •

cooling. T liw o untlaual propertlea probably give risifc to the wnrplnc o f • marble M tlw d tn :bead itDn e a .ln -c ta fr— -


U E A D C O L D Seat n M a ljloapoon ilah iU nportj

I- - i

leri . /rIn- H # - . n ■ J

3 TryThisFree.But ■ * _____

l!!! Apply I t to A ay R i i p ^ OU - R ^ t , U f ^ 8 » a U a » I Y M

' t ‘ on t k . Road T hat HaaCoa»toeedTho«ua»ds. •

--------f l T U T

“ tn r apptlc*«»oni-'J«t-W l-»tron-lfc*-— -

i s n i,V 5 5 « r .V u ';s : t ' '. ‘f''S ffi

noil ^bolhar yoa w bnt la th# uio of wear*

a- tur«l^tho-ttlnifthat h^ai y _______o?1n«nVTi'i'"wDra^ (SIIt” “

avo running aueti r l i k J u s t t>«cai»* U»*tr. - H f- — do no t ______

— ; , s » ^ S & i ? ? i ? ^ i S a ' V i : ■aldad. in Ui« cure o f rup tu ris tb a t w frs oa blR a s & man’s tw a data.T r r and wrtto a t one*, u s in r tb a .■ eoupoft balow.____________________

r r t « te r n a p ln *

• Tofl t t» y lend ma rnltr«ly fr«er of a Banilla T raaunant o t jraur Q yj K lm ulatiag application to r Itup>

und , ........... ............. ............................ ‘‘lo^r - Addraaa , . : . T . v . v . v u ^ . « . --------s o r f lm u « .I . ......................

= — — =T— - = = f

One Thin Woman Gained 10 Pounds

i H n 20 Days—him ■ ______

Ajj wenk m ^ ^ h i i rW n o n

Ail a“k 7 a » y ^ n “n ^ wiin“eii ® ( i i n . j - r o w atron«cr, lu-altliler nml ' *>■“*» more Vigorous and take on aoUd nacd- to a - «d "flesU In 'a u «lav« jual by laltlni;

.MrCoy’a Cod L iv e r’ Oil Compound = 9 Tiililots four Ibnon u dny—ua easv ^ to t:iko na oandv.

Kvorytiodv knowa tliat nnaly-iuatiiii', ovil.anioili»K Cod l.ivcr UH ia a woii- liortnl viluliMT, ftcali jiroduocr ami

j'hpiilth irontor., • Hnt who w nnts lu swnllnw llio tmr-

Iriblr— Titnff,— wlion tticu wundrrful i ; Inblols—M r(.V fy^-(.'m l'lnTcr'Oil”C o m '- ^ ■

Ion Tnblola, nro Jiuit na k»«'I uml“ au onay to Iniie.

A box of t!U tniilols fur Cl) conta nnd bu, if auy ikiniiy man or Wdiniin dncaa 't IM gam n t lonat I! jiouudi in :iO dnys— da. Vour druB«Ul -Li_auUiurlx. d - to jjlvu

yon your mimoy liaek. .\a k . Soliramm- .loliniuii Drug C ii.-o r any droK glit.'

^ llu Bore nnd get Mol’uv'a , tbu orig- innt and gonninc, nml doii’l forget tiu-ro la nuthiiii; on onrlli nn good lu malio I'lttkward. liallcaa, nndorwciglit,

^children «roiv a tru n j nud robuat. k


? p . inubl ge t vory llltlo ilccii, pii.l my '■v lioiiaowptk'wni. jua l n bunion lo we.

IVO W iuiuu4 .nd

IVQ ^niulil riT nil, • ^ .j.* .5. ' ‘.W ell ii r , . mverul L'ood friends.

‘ Iiad dune T o r th u u i^ m l now wi, -

ro- '‘Very mnullifni of my food, aleep V- u It gl'od Bn<l-rcitful every nlgRt, nnd « o t . ^ KS.!-' uP....^?.lLniI.»o..f»:»h,nni(_fli_t|,i]!,)i|xi___. lUaj Iiuusewm k-Is 'U ^-fO ttl‘nleisiire-M IW.- •

' ‘T l r , , , J>a)ey now eiijoyi Uiruij catb lonrty laeaS nvery d y nml ia lllie

jelrT tln<-ift~ ••

Slid l -fflvo th is ’ s ta te m en t Just Mo. hniil- TTOTM i ^ lJoilyK lu v l liat " l iu c v . . , .. . ■

i S C om i«ii^ -iin ,l,- lijr- th o ..Ien itb |:.-.;dm g-'' ,• IS 1 siofe 111 'Cvep.r loa-n.— Adv.

I ^ S h

. It.fd' Foretlosa Mortgai ~'"~BiWtrMorTtnn)ft-lc

soclalion WarksFurthefSte ' ~ In Undertaking,

, ■ ' a fiirUier 'lU p toward h la b lli iiu'ut here of a bvuio for Twin IV poit of tho Amorleau Legion w taken Wctlucaday, wlitii the Amei tnn Legion M enorlnt nsioclatio through i t l acf rotary, Captain IL

. UDlwbaeh, k ili ti i t c d lu l t in dlitri court hero agaln it T w in Palli Lab Temple Buoclatlon aud It* Iru itr to 'forocluw a'T)iortgai{u fln 'fgUr lo a t tho « r n c r o f Third aveuuo ai Bwond *trcet en»t.

I Balldlng PU as..4 A eourreto liancnienl, rrllh dime ' llon i of SU liy IIH) fc<ft, Iiaa bccu co

ilru ftrd Oil tlio jirrnilieti aiiil a imi frnmA t.n.— Laou

_______J«"cd upoii_lht'_lcnii)orary. fluor,__ ,l l l i tho ^liirfiwo of th r. uii-morl

OMoclAtioM, In tlio event it nci|ulr tllln lo tho iiroi'crty,. to fbniirucl largo building, over tho basement bo uiei) aa u meeting placo for t

— Lrglon pM t nnd other ■vctrrani’ ( g iin iu tlon i nnd a i thff armory t

—tiinipBuy..C, 200 infantry. Twin I'u unit of tho Iilplio nnllonal guard.

The morlgago on which iu il

to ircurp prnmliaory notoi In Ihe it of 12400 nnd wn* traniferred lo I memorial aMOeiatloii lant Nnvrmli

_____ .by ^Ini. Minnie J ouct >Vyly of A li^Tho labor tcnipln oMuflaUnn, j

conliiiK 111 tho tninplainl, owe* nn i ounnt of Ull’ tnnrtgngp »1.100 prlnel] mill on.-; in lcreil, und tnxei on I

Z ’r :rzz rtilb lit!ttK ra m {n in lliic rta :z .t!4 j’!,fi!bJ — •llic . v c ^ i i ' i i j lo il'W hiil licmrira

by thc inemiirlnl nnnorli^un ilncu :- - •nntrlng-tlip-niorlBngoi - - -

Ucfi’ailnnti) nnmed In the fnrei'iutu ■■Illl nn- till’ Twin Pnltii Lnlinr Trnil lUAiii.lullput Ki 11. w.Soari, Fred Hmllh nnd J . W. 8lni

_________ bufv. iru-itr.-»;_..MInnle Juuci WyT. K. Wylv anil tho unknown iiwiii of t(.t» I7-:;0, Illnrk Mi, Twin Knlln,

Thi' Hult’ wiiJi in ililu lr il lliroiigh r . I’arry nml lln rry Bciioll, nllorne;

NAMES wiNTRANTS IN FORENSIC EVENT GIVE.NiiniPB of tlie high irhool itinlei

nhn will |uirllci|>at<! In the d lilr dcrlnmnttiry ro n le it wlilrlt will bo hi

------------- ,rir:iW -Twlir-!^llii--blRlr=»»hool-^tilorinm Krl.lny n lghl, M n rd l 'lJ , «i

I nnnoiiiirnl Wi'ilni-nliiy by E rn rit I llliium, »u|ierintcnilcnt of irhooli V whnoi' hnnili Iho nrrangemi'nli ,

th il event hnvn b irn |>1nri'<l.In the oralorlrnl ilfvlnlnn Mn

IVrry, Twin Kalli high ichool ii-ii ^v1l^lle I'Ulered lo iiplMld (hn honi o f Ihc Inonl Iniitltutlon, ntnl will i livrr nil iirution on; "T h r Mni I 'f iw !” Mnniinll Tnylor, of linrl will ri'inl. “ Tho H rlginni Hliull Ilisp

------------- «nlph-V ller< nf K !lrr'» mral hi»rhoul ha i rhun-n “ Dcinorrncy .

---------- -- imSled,'*—nni\—BnW'a -Mjur*vn\n»i.lohnJWtir«tor_wJ,ll .W iver. •<\Va.hi; ton nml l.inroln.” In tlfn ilmiim <lc|i.-irllni-nl, Dorothy HargiT, Ti

---------------FulIii~Wl1t-TPn(Ir**»uddr'i-Hrmoni>tIlon,” Ilrlen nninlino of Ki “ Ilrolhern,” D rlurei Iloliiicn. Hi

• — ..........< T lie ''■ C ray ' BlceVi'," lilu r' MiiiiJ]{opcr, of Hurley will rnnl, " .luhn’i KnntI.” Thc ■ ri'lirrnrntntl of tlio hnnioroun illvision aiitl Ih

................ Beli'ctioiu' nn.'': ' Krntn A llrn ,' Ki“ MntrUiioninl H lnrn i;" Klviim Krn Hurley, “ Tho Hnielmll (Innioi” (I nlillne Khcrfrv, lluhl, “ Hin llnpk

' . nml Hit llcnii Hlllliini.” nutl M nrp/ Wnll, Twin Fnlls, “ Clothes Make

_M au.’i ----------------- .................... ...........


]iri-»ldi'iit u t tho I'nii-U-l/or Hil' Knx Knnnii, it ('ii1n|i!iny lliiil ov nbnnl :iOli,(U)(l foxca und (tpcrnU'i t nf the liirgeil fnmm uu Ihe rontlnr drvntil Cirlniivi'ly tu Ihp [irfltlurt

/ nf tiili) fur-brarinn nnlinal, in cxpi 1 rd lo arrive In Twin Fulli tmlny w \ the virw of rilnb liiliing n fn

- MiiiK-whi'ri* iu the liinupilluto viriii of 'I'nin Kail*. ,

Thc i'uni[iaiiy n f whirh Mn. Yui i l n rrjirriK'nlnllvi' o|H-rntes Iwn la faruiit,' nnr ncur tirntllu nud nunt nl l.'ornr irAli-nr, hlniio. The Henl

Wijnliiur itinipany, wlilrii opera farm i lliruiighoul lliIn nntion.

S i S i r N e o e F W i S r i V a r -Tho Bible, howoTCr, norer wf

o u t: It never losca IU appeal; It cial ,B wider andlenc* w jlh orery ccniu;

Plain ropi ’ who^ktinwa llfo a l 11

■ • ' - • 9 - - •'■ silieriD n-'i-bidieir ---------

. • ___ . g . . Y O O . a T A B T .-q m p g B .

r - ' r / z z ■ (B nttcrinlU t)'-*;.,;^'* , 'You wiU eliminate b o w e l -^ u t

aoa Mve..loueB. . I t lU m tti< fail

Uuw any o th tr feed.” moro to feed BLATOBFOKD'S,

.i_-r— r ; - T t r o a a B ^ a r .v iifg 'r' - bajrqw B s* <

i — . L _ a u p p f c < ^ i . - -

m '

'' -


Itrlet .>abor >.stre*

lullaud iI ^ ^ m S S S pS S S iS S S S rSS

BRNE8T B s i n iA K . b ioered u on of ttie ho o to ie&toeB -who g t r tbe lr U m d tih n i tiM B. S. B oom

jl ^-n o w e ed ^ th ®

'‘'f '';] had fo& d U « le i t eetm aa's paper aad Lad a d ^ tM , lUe t u u .

[ | b r e > ^ i e sL eare f o r Vlslt^'M ri^ L. T, Wrigh

it il and ion left W cdnridny evruing fur i Inhor few day*' visit iu lialt Lake.

lum Oonflned te Horae—A .' (I. HcnolI Ihe has hern confined tn hli homo ilnc' mbrt Mondny by a tevcro a tU rk of in nika. flupiiia. ______ ' » f ■

Condoete School a t r i lw —K. Pouji ''’■I'’*' lai Hnwlr.^ d ilt r i r l ii'out rxernlivc ‘ “ U' {onilurird n claw fur leoutniailvr lai

“ r r o n I ^ t —M r^a^M _n i. II

nhc r an rxtrndcd v lil l nl pointi I:

ivyly. Betnrn l>om ^aet>- M r. and Mn

fioino here n fte r aiiciidlng icvcm l,i 'j{ wueki In Loi Angeles.

Onesta r r o n L o t Angolee-Mr*. IU A. Mel'heo and lit tip ion nrrived o I* Turidny rfrem 'Loi Angelei and nr v /c u g u r ili of-M rs. M rl’hcc ’! iiurcnii, M:

nnd Mri. L L Benoit.

Ooea to Idaho raU ft-T). H. Joimiot oMiiilnnl m-rretnry o f the Amerlen >’«Hs_rr«rrv«lr . d iil ri rt, l in ig o u c t

W ‘ ' '“’’o lliV in W M '''. I, urgniilintlon o f which he ii a men

U III rtiturnini: ho will muk, a ihorl aloji u t Ulackfoot.

CAN A L-CD M PAN t.FIN AN C E I 'o r l POLICY UP TO C Q M M inE lII tie- ______

.T . M. Bnirtl,T w in ynlli, nnd'W . I birlry Itatflelil, Unbl, d ircrlo n of the Twi

Kniil CnnaJ *comiiany, aro lu vrur b*K'* our, under autburirjition voted at

' Al- „i,.etliig o f thc bnurd la it Tueida.' nUs'.', ,,-niPiiiM (if-tmnftnnK the company'

laiicnd ltu rei’ Iu:.order. tiiat-Uicy mu bo m'ruilnlK-a bv tbo board In ni

livia (liibuneuitnt of fundTfiTiTarira“ wfti~lflKcirott-mDllon-c

J Carl J . Miller, Uuhl, • ict^onded by '. '------------ ------------


Kih-r, ijufni .rim'ul" drniuiiMrailuiii wiiU'■Vrrlii, {fif tiio few ^i-cki ha»-e brr

held in this icrllon of tho iIuIk It•I’klui M ill Oertrudo W aller, itntn iU|.ef P " ! rlio r, nnd M lii Chnrlntle I’ond, rounI

Ihe luni'rlntriidrnl i)f lehools, wrre- lc-— — m tnntw t'for-the-ycB rr'w hen-thB 'dpr

onitratlon n t Iho Mountain Vie TO irhnol w ai ended Thuriilay. tCDC dtfmonitratloni are counlilrrcI t n b itnportanl by In ilrucluri in tho run

syitrini, I n 'tb u t they bring tugrthi vice imcrnti nnd iluileiits, and teachers <

Silver variuu* uthcr achoola.

Mony k in d i i O a k The tlgii by wlilch a ll oaki o iy t

“'•tiuu ncop iltod la tbe ncom. All acor heatln t tr e e t were siven..« name lot

>*" rea rs ago l>y the Brllona., and . " oyr modem language tbl* aame

o.k , A i llm i i r ,n t i o in a i,IU o»« y,,.,,,a of tbe worid tfaa extended mai

lame klnda of oak i w eri found, tn d t t t iiiithrr uro now &&o#n f lo le ia tblin 300,(caltlr

.1Halrna It i u ^ I ■ ■ ^

^ubla , •

i I Jia^aijW itoP m eftcaB ^ l l i g l o n irf s t a t e A t te n d D lk r

' t r l c t M e e tin g a t B iih l.

D u h L , Miirch 10. (8j«Hul to The I __ Kewe)—Cfearly 100 L tglounnim nnd

LeelOta anx ll|try , iaeludlng levcral of- tb e principal officer* o t bolh .organl-

ka tlo n i,'au e m b le d hero Ihl* .evening- io a t t le n d ’ (Ilttrlrt nioetings o t thu

A neriean Legion nnd uuaillar}-, whirh were preeedrd lyr n lmnr]aet inretlng and followed by a d inro arranged by Clark O. F o t jw it, Huhl, Ameriean Legion, ahd the Uuhl auVlliary unit.- The I/egioanalrei' mcptln'g ndontnl

' roeolatlone nddreiird to Ihe nicnibrm S I . of. Id ab b ’a coBgrvul6n«l doleRiillAii lis t la iUpport o f tlie Stinnbih-Anl'ericnn

w ar v e tc ra n i ' penilon bill, ami, in I one view o f explanation given hy U itc r g t n P* A lbert. Idaho de|«lrln<rnl ntljutnnl,

leota* ^otod to jirotcit lh r nwnnl to Wi-il VlrJ{llll^ o f lUe ttoiiUy u((etc<l la u

TT <n natloB-wJJo wember*lil(. ;i».| rbilm the J trophy, fo r iiiutio mi ilio grnumln Ihnt IdUtd responsibility, fur failure of Iduho’a «p en report to nrrivo nt nHilniinl

hcadquartera in Indinnnpoli* Lcfurr tho expiration of Iho tluie limit re ite il . upon jiuslul employci in that

i i i t r l e t mcellnga o f Hie Legltm nnd auxiliary in Ju n e 'will br held In Kden^ it waa vu W In arrrptaucu jit Eteu^a Invitation.

fM “ Bpeakers ul the baminrt meeting ' a t whicti 7!nrry Drnnll, delrcatp uf

------- Twin,; t^>Ha-<H>ii,- | .h»«l.t»Ml_ t> t - Nai>.Ivnoll m o itrr , incbmetl, be iiilri .Mr;-Atliert, ilnco B. E . Vnncp of H nirlton, Idaho mrm- t In ber o f the nntlnnnl rxreullvi, rnui-

- m itlee: W. 0. Halt, ilnW ir rv irr ut' — ^ fie«‘f;~ I tr -y n rn m Ittn ii7-TDrniellii;-nnil [»oug- o . W. I'aul, Knpert, Idahn deiijirtmrnt ulivc, ''leo eninniantlen, and K. W,’’Lnnrrii- r la it ■‘OU, Jrrninp, fnurtli dintrlvt rum-

^ II dinlrirt mniniundcr, iirraiili'd ;il lh<'

'^'^i’* Delweilpr, i ta te jirriltlnit o7 tlii- Auierlrnu I>rg|nn niiilllnn-^«:il^U_JbL-

J____ tingulihrd v iillo r a t thc women'iiic iilon . ■

Mr*. •• — .. . ^

Castleford Schools <! Need 3-Mills Levy

rd Ofl ______

I vV CASTLKKOHl), .Marrh ti),—Trnnlrrj ' ’ o f.C nitleforil irhool dlHlflrl .N'o.'» i|e

of (^nilletord ichul diitrirl .Vo. [I dr eidrd In nik Iho \-ntrti of tiie illMrlrl

iiiiou, Inrrenir in Ihe irhnul levy oi?rtcnn ,„'ai|||p|,niipe nud ^np

pQtt_ot-Uic-sclioolB..jrht:Jaii. jirojilUi:) « for a levv of nol In exeeed H niliii will mem- (|,g prnvUlon thni lim voten inny volt mako „„ |iirrpn,5 in the levy fnr genrru

iciiool piiriHiien nnd It i» for tlili renini Ihat Ihn volem will be imked tn volt

iCE ^— Inrrenited levy ftu 'tirp riiVuliig yeiii ^ C C I’ the ‘fac t thnt jiruptirnlly uil u f 'li it

fire liiiurnncc hai lo b r ri'iiewed Hit 1. n cnuiing year, whirh enniri due ever; t'wIii' tbrpo yrnnt, nnd Ihe fact Ihnt lu nrdri wurk *** *''P I 'fr'enl Irnrhiug iln f f il It111 B upro-uwry l<> juiy liirrram»l •■niarlr*. Tin

e lrrllon for ur hguinsl th r H utiil lrv\ w iU Jic luild tju .March !i(J. ftuw 1 i All o f thc preirnt trnchlni,' ila f f havi

n ”ml' to return provldlnjf Hie :fundi. , .7on-o f ------- -------------------- --------jy S . - .

ORK —----- Foi

l^ C mView ; J t

M . Chil^ A F re e Clinic, coiuiiictc

icom* ncc tcd w ith thc g re a t O liil » long w ill be he ld u t th c T w in t J ' J F n l la on

F R ID A Y , M A IK U :

th treKft - SAW RD AY. MARCH ]

. f o r th e criDiilcd cliildron m p CuHuia, Jerom e nnd T w in 1

H _ _ 7 ^ k Fn//« Cou7i(y CVziMn

, l ’’o r children iiiulcr M j Uie C lin ic hk iikely lo be b a n opportun ity , w ill -be Sou

— oX. .tho.. C ljildron>i^IoHpi4ft

- .1 ; . and4or.,yciu :i} hu y c been- c I ‘In tlieuc-hospitn ls trw ilm ei

J - ■ ■. in . th o h o p Q jb ttt. ftvcry j;rJ

tho ra ilro ad helps by £u rr

y ~ . ' — T h e a i n i i r i n n i t l l l te llJ c ia n ^ nnd p a p n ta w ho dc

■ am ln ed 'b y . ih e -vi?lUntf-aj

^ p h ju ic iw js . :

f-' ' 'I j l M ;Di^

TtfoTT — I ^ ^ H H | l g | E a B S j | | ^al of



"I't-d i c A p B a a s H B n r H E i y f t y i

IlHlftll .................. r ; - . - -•ricnn TBASOINO tB BOOOU uow ditfUit, ill and t l o n f . iC f' toadj, draggiaK a< itp r Rttrreyor'i tnua ik the Mw, Jolj e fmnnl, o a p t A ntoa HttoiB*tt.-waB nipetln-W ill tended the coutiraetlDa of the V. alu n dlrtglble KtMaa&doah' and la itnw ^ed

_ i»« _ o n e .o f_ tha^fofemflit e xpg ta faI Ihnt tho world Olt' M loons. Ueliunaalulio’a w y i be .w u -lec M d out of. V. B,Hnunl BCTYtce b e c tiw be told the trothinfurr about the Shanaodoah.dliM ter. B e 'ilimit nak log Id • day a< a surreyer.

.egltm mill fevy l<>adopted al Ihv romlng'elecj ■111 In lion, otherwiio It wJli hr nere.m ry to co .of i'ni|iloy lnrii>crientod Irnrhrn.

In caip tho levy elrctlou enrriei the :etiiig Irey ft.r th is d litrlet will iotal-1.1 luilli, tp uf whirh in ju i t ’one-half lliu averago levy

.lliprt, maintaining aecredhetl hi^li letmoli. mrm- ' Krank I'a lnier an,I iuuu of KimWrly rnui- vliiled a t tbv W. D. nynn.houiu uvci

■e of. thu' week-entll , . r n n d ~M Ji*-W .‘ll»*iX liauM u^d_ilii.j:iU L:i Imrnt IIoiO< u'oro bumo from Uuuding cnilrgc uirni- over Ihe week-end.'

rum. Mni. K, ll. ItolihiHiiu. wht. ha i heen— ■■ imrlou«lv-Hl,>vHli-flu fur m-»i-rut Hi-i-tn,

I Ih.- ,<ln Friday evening tin- junior elnii

the uf lltr irnliir r lan . The iiiiit irhvul fnr flu - .ttrm lirn wrro jirr.rn l n.jil helL'rj]

men'll w»h the amuiemcnt uf the rvciiiitg. • **i III I ^1' Ml I 'l •'’’..'...[11 r " ’1 'fnm

ily hnvr mnved to n f«rn. in-ar WendrI-----------trhrn '-t hpy ffill farm 'lltITtng^lt^Toml^^_ venr. Ororgo Thnmoii In niio utavlni S Ullll \viU farm w ith.hli fiither.

. A. K, Heller It nuniii sMppiug itpud P V V Imxliuu two enn on Tue.diiv,

The little IOU nf Mr,-anit Mri, K rari Ouugh, whn liai been n jinllvnt iu thi

nulrri Twill Kail* hui|iilal wilh |iueuninnin, Iujt> i|r- retiirneil liolnr.II dr- Uev. Iitanr Tudd nf the |la]it!>l rhurrl iMrlrl held lerviren in liir ItiKeworth nrhuo vy of 1,11-10 oi| Huuilay a fte r .......d «ni<- nil TiiiirKlnv altrnionn Airtidamri hojiUw r u i a i i i u g . , it.-w .aM ««.uudJ..j..,ii!ir;I wi h ,^.|,| ,.„{,.r„,|„ . Ihe ;iarnl1.rri nf Ih f voir I.;vrrvwumanii’ ’rliil> at Ihe hitliir of titenrrul r„ri„,.r. Tho iu1.jr.-i t.f ih l. i.ieetiiig Iren.t|ti .-T raveL ” Mr-, l l I~ Slurlair- I

I S . _____________:_______

i r i i l J P "! H’ p ly-d Hir In Q Wuxfurd church, ibo uiiiilitei every unnouni-od bis lexi, •'I’aul «o Unun nrdrr uud Apullua wo ktmw, but wbu an

’f i i l l UicsoV’ J u i l 'ib e i i tho verger wai •. T h f .gHofflaa-livo islrnnKur# inlo'o'CiDW. « ' ‘"'•'y in an nudiitly wlilsiior ho’ suid: "Twc ; ■eomracrclDl-irftvetcr!j';rri>nl'\vmie‘a 'no 'llie a your.rBVtsreolt-."—W c iltru .fh r le

tton A dtocnip.. .

W th e — — -

Ippkd^ildrenliicted by tlie child Hpeciiilists con- O liildreim ’ Ho.‘<pitjil.s u t Suit I-ikc, iu F u lls Cout\ly UoAinlal li\ T w in

'JII 12lk af; 2 P. M. and on

VII m tr : n l 9 a . M. nnd:^ P. M.

ron o f th c coiintip,'« o f Minidokii. d n FiiIIh.

iW rtJi nrc.<c;_coHJC in .E iiday .P . M ..

be b en efited by hosplUil trea tm en t, Sought fo r Ih e ir ndniiBsion to one

ipi4«lfr-«itflbltohtd:-Tm rl:'m m ntiiincd- mtTorBTmtefltlCTi>??Tghleh ' * n w -^o w s: cn- c D gaac tl-in ?ohlW -w olfare-w ocb.T I m e p H t i 'w ith o u t charge,

in n r r a ngpd fn r nnd is '-c rip p lcd - ch ild , who. caiwbo, he lp o d -

In 'W cli'T « ifC 3“ furniB liirig trnnsp o rtu tio n . ..

i t c n d c ^ W TBpppiani iljo-local - pliySTT 0 dcairo to have th e ir ch ild ren ox-itf-flnecin|lHta ■ outHiilo- o f -a h b -c lln lc -

. ■--------T - - D i K K C T a R i '

" f « e e t^ ^ « r M r td iWr . . U n g ^B O R f.|ii» ^b u iln ew IranHetlona .. iraa the. purehaaltig, ef->a:,iiewwaOlo■ | | |^ k ro t jj;;

Mrs. It. *L. Iteid ~ lUlJ dnnghter, ilc lou , and Mr«. Mr*. George HrecBier ipil ion of Jeromo wero Kimberly yU ltorf Halurday afternoon.

— dinner gucit f on -H m n lay -M -th ^ ^ tn e , o f Mr. nud Mrs. Kny Cox o f Mur-

T - - ^ r r - l t n l p t n n n t r r uiid ' chlldr'eiTlno: to rrd lo Derlu Hunday tv >pend the duy with Mr. aud M n. J . I). A lldufter,

•• M r* .-lln iW 'i parents." U ri tm l-M r* . .Ounimenon u t Twin Fal1«--:aecom- pauled Iicr. ,

- - II. » . Cowcn and luit ;P red nnd Wurtcu Hobcrti drovt; to ITuhl Krlday u igh t to attend tho Imikolbull tourun;

Mr. nud M n. Kdgur Wllioii hnd foi the ir Sundnv dinner gucali Mr. nuii ^ ra . Martin flulllvnn. Mr*. Hohon, Mr. aud Mri. F. } l WIIiou, Mr. nuii

WflO i l r * . K. (I. Wliiou and daughlrn , 1 B Lllnh aud Jauello WIiiun, b « f ' Win. Cunkllii la n t a un ith tlu m In etla- ]i(i|«ii uutlergulng un operation foi 7. 8 . goilrr. Jamek lluuell Ix filling hl>

po-tlllnn n* elly niarshiit 'during hVit-Jn abionrn, ------------------------------- -— —anan , .mim ifiidrcd Yeltou ii absent frt.m ^ S' srhool thi* -Week-on account o f 111 troth M n. Hoy Kelly I* lubilitullufi K e 'a during her nhiciitre. r. - Mr. nnd M n. A. t l Di>|k-w annoiinrc

the mnrrlngo of iheir daughter, (ler , trudo, ti> IM Doniruio, J r , u f llorh

Creek.y ‘® Mr. nud Mr*. Clnrl Hlilgcwny mo

, • tured lo- their farm n l lla ir llo ii ui ‘ ,V.'* T huriday uu hiwlneii.

.. M lu Klieniirtk lluehunnn, whu I

end wllh hVr pnrcut* In K im berl/,'': W elii W cbiter ly lu fferlng tlil'

w i'ly week with n rrlnpio of Ihn' Inftiienru . IL M. .WiUon of Twin Fnlli w ai «

Kih.T v liltor In Klmlterly .Moiidu;illrgo ' ■.■■■.

been SSSS^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSi x U . I I " -------- -

eln ii

Ladies' 1

C lThe giff ‘ new

iu_ ^r-IineSrtOfT-oufcnew ticulai'ly appeali;

M- -------These-coats- a13!'-, -meen, Twill Bloc l i t , with heavy .fine

j :^ ^ « s e are fy r Wr

... A,visit to oursiiL. ' ment will convin*

f e .res; 'Vn :-v~

) n i , [ 7 a t r T i i i r i t o . r A i ^

i f T -T J^'P rL araeK W at lii^K iib e tlK J id i!: y 4 <iay from bU bone a t Boek Creek,

vlilting his daughter and aon, AnnBOd Buuell U f i e u . - ............ ' r

J J i a —T he-B B v,iqeorge_0.' K lddaK c m - rve* gelUt 'Bt- the U ethed lst'-ehnnk ,' f t v » Ilona an -h le re» l!ng - |jlk to the -tcboo l-fh llr aOlo dren nf Kimbrrly, apeaklDg-durlni^.tW : ihe aisimbly ]wrlo<l nt the liig h aehool _ Jh tt ^ w d a y -w e ra lag aud tu t h j - w m d r

school children on Tiieedav niori\lng.' ,Ktcr, Mr. and M n. John W. Ilurdin le tt mipr (ho week On n bu iliicti tripl , „ l t to Ofegon.

M n. L. IL Walden la 111 u t her bomo jKua- auftpfb'g wllh tonillltia mid flu, home- J - M t^ a u iL i f^ m n to n Itldryw av nnd Mu,, children o t Hnieitoti, who *nenl i1ie

I wero giiwla over nigbt n t tho hnnio of Mr. aud Mr*. M. IJ. GIIL Mr. Uidgewny and Mr*. Olil nr* brotherand lUlcr. " ....................... .. - •

Mr. nnd M n. ,r. U Shepard left Monday evening for Knit, Lako to be

nnd Doiiu jovrrul dny*. Mr. 8Uepnrd ;» riday ilnving optlcnl work dono.urun; , " ' ------------------------ - . ,, , Newf W ant Ada reaoh tbe peopla ^ you wUh to attxaet. .ohon, — ...........

nud h im , t .

m in ? •

Ul on T , ' ,I W ill b o i n t r o d u c e d :

I ---------------------c o m M tt n i t j in t

n-nra t


^ 9 1___ Everything needed

n rot5S“has“beerrprovid< HI y6ur choosing' and we H i that the values offerei H v the quality o f the me bM and the prices a t whic ajK marlted wiii fully ag r |H |_iii-.shopping.. It-has- |SS' secure, quality_m all ^ the£place the price ai y l ' know, that cotnparisor \ \ of our Dresses.

g's Newest— rin-------------- 7

’ and Misses'

h a t sew colors and~the sm art,

laling.3- are-fashioned in-Chai’- SloQm and Marchan, lined ne quality crepe. Most of Wmmed. Other models are

rinee you.' ■ _________

i d i ;

51?i t S - ■

m e f«itho<d^35^^^^^" Tho-gov(TanienPtr-OM«fTiUDny)i*^^H^^^

w rted only a trk c i ‘f l p . for the day., . •

'■»“» GAS PREsiiPPi^SIl

, , , nnir* uud ofivn • brings* n l to ^ e S h f ' 7 ‘ rcllrf to Iho' litomacb. Hrlng* o o t.» /,i^

•" ';*• wriiri-lng amount .uf o ld -w nilb it ;» i,<r y,„, ,|„v,.r thuugbt wua In your- C i

»yilcm. Htojn thm ftill, bloat<‘d ic tl* .'1:V, ing -and-m *W s-yt*u-lm ppy-aJid_ liiuu_i:l

looplo try , Kjfelleut for ■ chtoulo eonatJ-;., : . luiilmi. Ki»hrr Dnig Co.—-mty. - ^

m mDd to tlio wonion ot th is X

i ft Tc r y trn ique ir a y ^ . , • ."’X ' r!

C f ' ■ • ■ ' AF**-'''-'' ~

Brings ^New

Frocksed for your spring ward- - rided-in-ample-array^foi^. ._ we believe you will find,“red, the styles d isp la y e 'd i" ii merchandise througheut iihich these garments are igree with yo'ur economy ias_been .our --pm’pose_to^ all of our offerings and_ e as low as possible.. We;.. 1. ison will prove the worth

; i 7 ; 5 0 r : $ 2 4 ; 5 0 : ^ — ^

t ^ ' .

r t . ' | B i l l l \

— i I m b I N ' "3(1 fL R H h B J F - ’

“i' . re , __ yl I ■

, ' ' ' ' w r '_ . :'•■ " (J

j p j g p p Q -i i i r i J P

is iT im': ' Leaders, Awaiting R n a l Re-f -- - - - lu tiL ln J j« ir i _ F a l J s ,_ 8 iirloy,■ and Buhl, C onfident of Its


l .rn ilm In llir iiiuvomfiit lii'ro In nbtnin for llif T k Iii' riillx ilUirlrt n Writ, in tli>- [>ru]><»<'il riniui (.' Iiuarliiill lr:iKiii‘, ulilli- UDitiii<: WnltiMiluy I'v.'iiiiij: fu r .IclnlliM tr |>ori* fmm rmivjiMlnj; mm-niillrni' lir>r nml :>t Kiirli-y ninl Itiilil, rx|>rr>«nl rnlif l‘li'iir>> >Ii:ii Hui uotil bnri lid'll'Ir.'K'hnI >iii<l llml Milliln :i

l,n„r. .v.m.M I„. „r-I fltlnln Ilf llll' li-iijiiii' tlm t fliiiuii'iiil I liackliiu' fnr Ih f ulstli ti'.nii (ii iliP I iilx'irniii li'iiKnr Ima Im-i‘)i ni'fiirdl.'I Tiiiii- Iimil fnr .Ti'riiiili- nrtlun lii-ri'I nn H.i> o|>|Hirliiiiily fur Ttvin Kiillfi in

iiMn/ii f/ii- (rnueUUir wan lo i-x/iirr \ ■ thl» I'Vrnlnif, lult lii'i'iiiiw- nf fiininilili- ; oiitliNik fnr ■iipi-cih of tin' rninjiuiun

In llilx rli.tricl, tlii' Jiim- h;i" In-i'n r t- ti'iiili'.l in tliln ovi'iiiNC.

Thi' I’lini f'>r llii' i':iMi|>ni),’n to fin- niirp tliP Twill KiilN rtiili lin<| lin-ii

-------------------------------------PIWJ oommradeil.

IVrlnInn of tlic loc'il Ii'inli'M l<i in- v ltf Hnhl nml Kiirlry la tako n Imn.I

......... !ii‘f1nniii>ln(( nf llii> rluli n-llii Hu- nn-— ili'Uloiiillnu llml ■ Hll* nrhi'iliilr of

■ i:ai.iii. for llir Twin J’cill* cinli ,lionl,r tio xi'lit KO llml itniiiPK wonlil In' |i1iiV'l ^ r i 'rT i t i i i •yjii«.~~niihi n n ir iiim ;T

= = = « : ? S 5 ^ . n ? 5 t ^

•“ ^ •7 7 millllil'ii uf iim u ii- »>»Uiit i«n.l ilifc. .__ uiiiiii-« If iiLipiU in. thn-u tliaii -

--------- U -.T^V rlnl>t-attJ-Q«ur<[a,tl' Suu.uLIiolU i)f Twin Kiilln ro iifm M -T ill'S- llnv i-vpninj: wllli Ifnilom of Ihr rnm: [ 1>nlan fn t Irflgiii* bngpbnll ^Mn

n. W. nnrilniT 'ijf Twin h'nll* nMioln! 1Irn iifn i>f llic iiiiilrrtiikliiB in Iliirli'i' 'A._,B.._Cnl*rll rniitimni omiiuu. the ' iiiniit nrtlvi> Irnilrrn In tlin rffnrl Iiori'.

, • r


iiiUn rnniliirt<-il liv Kriiiik Hnriin, i-i|ltor, nf till- llouilliii; l.i'.'iili'r. fiir t!a> Ciio.l- k Illff nuiiiml ‘‘n iillnw '' linnbi'll'jll iour-1 | iinilirni fiirliliili iiinti'ri;il for ;i i-oii-I,

■■~~"’t « n K n r w lir T.? -fiiira ■ with - tiirni.-: .from Rlnrl In finltli, I,

>’riitiiy nftiiriioon a t two oVlni'k,'■■ ■ lliP IJolnc-l'oyclli' Imm will rlimh wilh | ,

tlip (Iniiillni; riilU'Ui' tciiiii- -Al lliri’i' I • n/rlsrk llu’ Cnroy lowii ti'iitn will jilny

tin* Anirrii-nii J.i'niDli toam of (loinl- inB. At rlKlit nVlork III llir I'Vriiini; DMm mill Aniorlrail Piitlii town Ichiik , wiH ii(nrt fho rvpnf*, w}ii;<- tfic TiWii, ■

" T T T n ll r ■ loarhom - .illi l '- th o — ntlljf'riunii 11___ town rtnm will fnnii>li_llu' finnli' f o r ' '

— Ihi'-fin it-iln r............. ............ .......................... .......................... .-l...Kiiii.liiK nt 1 0 ,'

oVlork, llll' folir wliiiii'rn of llir f in t '...... .InVwlIl lu tl lr tlu 'ir wnv to Ihc .rm i-,',

■' fllllllll, wliirli will li'livo S;ili,tilliy rv r- |- ' nln« o]irii for llir finiiln, niul • I In' '

____nwilTilins nf, th r hoiiori.,.......................... j 'Tlir uanirn xrill l>0 r r^ 'r rn l I'.'" i

Kiipcriiilrniloiil H. H. Uoii)(li of i'iiiil, * wlilrli iiiKiirrn n rlraii, fanl i-niitril .

.......aiiil a .falr.ilcjil fur i-vi'ry iram ih a l . .]iarll(i|i:ilrn.


HALT I’..\KK ■ ( ^ I T V r ^ r d T i i M m '■' —AlW rt .1. Alirrl>ai-li, loi-nl hmiiiii-«« ' mnn, has hron n:inir.l nmnac.-r o f , ' Jnok Hi'mpiry'n inoiio«ril Irn in in i:] '

- 'q im rirm al l.onj; Iloi.rli, Cnl., il wn-i ] I Ulinimiii'r'l lii-ro Imlny. Alirrlnirli i ' fuHirr of llprinnn A iirrliarh, lornl ' w rllrrwciuht, ivlio imd inijii-an-il in ' upvi'ral'iiiiK onpinriilYl'lK horo. '

Ai'ionlinjf to |>liina ininlo I'lililir hotr Aucrlmrh itili Irnvr for »nnllirrn t'ali- ' foriiia Ihr la tlo r jwirt o f llio montli. ' A 'lrrlinrh lia« lioon ii rlour (ilrinl oftlu- jiiiKlli'l fnr .1 Ilinu l i .... . .-Vrn In"foro III' wan linoMii mit«iilr Iiii tminr ^

W TOIIEa DBBAKS AKKLE.AYAI.OK, ^nnla Cntalinn UUiml.

Cnl., Murrli Id. <Jn,vor rli-volnn.l

'— '•(luba, iiuffeii'il u iiu c tu n - uf tho (ittiilu,. nr nmall hono, of hii rij-iil nnkh' la«t worw, it wn. Irarnnl Imiay nml ;ih ;i rr-; milt o f till' injiiry_ will in- nnt of thr (lanir for'nlnml -hIx w ri'k< .......... |

W E ARE O PEN ! for tiis ocommodatfon of out [

^ X ? - a ^ s a f i , ! r K S . 5 r - Tf - ........;

" O a r r o w D r o » S e e d * S u r o f y " IC om pany » T w in f a l l g ;

TONK— r — ^TAYLOR I• — ........................ V - — P rca

= = ----------i" - ' W . V7Jr r --------- :— s o i h c r i o

COc; O a n tn l.A d m la

^ ^ -" T iT i t ln f i r F r f ~ r - T i r * - r r ^ -


iWKVMtf HDU ‘ w M e o iN b 'I S WWAJlNftlUAX- T T D f t i a S ' 1

- - S W W f l O t t C R f w W r o

r i i i i m i~ . I

S la te Hiuh Scfipol B ask e t B a l l " 'i Tournam ent G ets U nder Way -

Today a t Boise-*. fl

lr IIOIKK, -Miirrl. H v r of llir „II vlsilin^' Inmlirl bull I.-ami wliirh ojirii >c- llir Iilnlio nink' lonn .....u-nl lii^r In

iniirrovv nflvrnoon, woro on IlMlur I- (t'oliliil Inilnv, tnklii)> li|(lil workouln ut II tlir Y. M, <•'. A, whorr llio mrot will In' ,, _ hi-l.l, Tlii'«i' In iirrlm wi-rr l.rwliiliin.

Haml I'oliil, l'i>i'ntrllii, Haliiiiin nml * Kili-r. Hiijjar Clly ia o»imt1i-iI rnrlv lo-

,1 miirrow niornlng. wliilr Nnmim wilf mu- ' i. lor lo iiuin- Tliiirixinv. Jlnlnr ooiii|ili-tri<,r Ihr iliiulilo nunrlol o'f tivim>,,1 Drtkwtagi Today. (<

Ilrnwlnijn for I'Inor.i will Inllo iilnrn n twnnrmff—ninnrlu)’ tit Hi n Vliir i r mnl n

,1. ihE=fintrii£:ifDnrriltierilIluirrkinui-a. Ib ti . Iiilloil tor l:Ji>. Two ovoniiu uilmm hr- h J t w r r u niloriiun U r „ w-lir L n t f Ihr IT

I-I ........... llL'1.1, ____________ ___________ 1.. KlKlil iilayi-rn nn- iillowod rnrli toam, V

mill lliimo on tlio tirnnriil rnrh hnvr I tlioir full ijiiutn, I'orntpllii. Lrwiatnn _ ’.'liiiMl H oi.Tnrr nlokoil l.yM oi.r.lo r.-n» l~ r 1T>;>IMo i'hnni|>ion'i‘, Witli l-'llcr ami

>'nmiia Imrkprii fijfurinK H"’ir toairni ' .. ninonif |«n«llile iK'inl-fiiinl winnrr*. '

TbrcB Oup* O ffe red .'" . [l.oviiix oil]>ii.fur llio oliam|ilnii i|uinlrl ‘

mill ruiinor Uji ijnintolii nnd thi' iigiirl'- Unliiin iihiiH'liiK tlio rlrunonl nporlxmun- iiliili nrr Ih-1u|[ u f fr rn l, wliilo uolil bai'

r krl hnll folm will |ir }>ivon jiluyrra p. i-ho'rn llll IllL' nll-xtnto iiivthlrnl fivr.

r , II. lliiiIrlMMi of HoUo will hr i.f- '• I firinl .rfrcrr, ' Wnynr Hi.ilol«ol|—trf f ' ^lltKrtlhn;, iw'i'irr, Willi.-iiii (J.-irlJii of' U'-nliiwvIl, m-orrr. niiil .1, A. llooaliiRi'r nf H

lioino, Ilinrr. Tlxmr fnnr, wilh I.m lii>li- ll '..I in»on, i.uwl»loii ■imrl V rilir, wtH jTirV b;J Iho mylliiral fIvo iiiiil nwnril tlio mmrla- ^■I ninnnliili r n i ' , __________p,


; HOl.I.VWOOnTcnl.,'Mnrrh 10. (/p)~ ^, Tho nnv Ilnllywuoil rliilj of Ihr I’arlfir *'I jCimul hflirhnll louHUu.will Im-Klvfu.uu J‘riinillnllnn lomurrow iiflrrnniiu whrn n I)'

Ibntirn- nf.iimtion jiiriurp uuliibk-a.wlll I ' ii|>rii Ita fiml pitni'. Vllmik Hanky,I ' lliini>ariiiii nrtrrn", vrlll pilrli Iho fiml . i'nil nnd llmloljili Viilrnliiio will rulrli_^ii: nriiijii* h'ltiiiiniiricc, niiilinn jilrturo D, 'd irr r lo r, will lio luMiornry iini|iiro. Thr 1I o|i|Hniontii (if Tlir Hollywoil irnm in tlio r

; 'ritilljilinn-ip im r -will-hr n lrnni rrjiro- |,l .,n llii|: 11 lloll.vwoil biiHiiirM rlnli. ' [,

' T U i« N £ r7 N D ” sTR IB L IN G . PR EPARE. FOR B A H L E

MIA,\I1. hi;.-. Marrli lu (/1>)-(ionr ' Tiiniii'y and W. I.. "V fln iiu” f'lrib-

liiiK, i’oulrliilrrn fnr Ihr liravvlvri|;lil r , ii.in.iiioii.iiijr h .-i,r l.y .rafk Hi'iiirii'y;' 'ii:i)k Iillit workiiula nl Minmi llrni'h I iitiliiy lui'jiaralory lo tlioir (iRlit n.-linl- . litii-il fnr t-’riil;iy iiIkIiI n t llialoali ; I jiatk.

I Tiiiiiirv Imiii u tiiiir mllr Jniiiil r / ’, Ih'r lirai'h nml Irnrk in |ii< |>ail of ihr

tiainini!, nnd Slrildiii); >>[i:iriod llif-o roumli « illi Froil .Miioo. Hlribl'nif

, li:ii lakra on xovnijrry with liin :id' ililiiimil wri;;hl Illnl in hiltini; liar.1 I.ml oflrn. .Mnrr, ivlro in fnnt nn hin

; f,-rl mill n r.nid l.oxor. wa- no mal.'i fnr tlio ilritiiiK llrnr^inn. Strililiu;;

; fniinliod off liir n flor.... .. trninln^'u ilh <ihndow lioxiii^' ;in<l u s tiff tun,

Mnrr.tv, tliP I’liimlii'r, -ino Hrvrnlli Avoniii' ka it,—nilv.

i . ------ ; f - D 0 - T q t r w X 8 H ------------i ' B e t t e r ‘D o n t l s V r y ..........

• — iit--' R e a s o n a b le B a t e s ? ..I M'hrrr four an.l j>:.!n nro

lj rliminaloil to Ihr iN’lil doRroi',I l-y ihr rai|iloyinriil of lin' bito.-it{ njiprovi'd motlniilnl, If liirar t();;oll'or wilh Pour-I trnn< irrn tn i-n : nir:iu nnyllinij;* --TTtr.y u i r . i u c : . - ' . , . . . . . -------' .Mnko ng>:ippo1nlmrnt wllli

I ruotie Ilill. • ■ Orra ■niilMlng.

I K ir r i i iiNjii w i j l i i ^ B ^ i i g 5 T H E A T R E -^IG H T . . • ', PLAYERS”.•csent—tfS GOME TRUE”I.' l i t i l i j lui ' ■'= —l o W T I iy----------- ----------------- -----------aliiJoa,- 35c; qhU drtft a O c -E o e rr#

" D o r a D t o n e ”

S D A I L Y N E W S . - W I N

I f f i W- m p i i f

I B o th S e n a t e a n d H o u s e A g i-

- - t a t e d - b S i _ O r y _ L a v » l D l s c u s - -

s io n s L - M ii i l i l i c a t in n j e f e r e n ; ..

ilpm Is AskeA

_______(liv -lh r AMioriato.i Prrwy\v AS I rr.\n T n N r~ > r-i r t li— T n r= ^ H T [-proliibili.in ^•jiipatlnii u|;Ilnlril ron|;rrii«

^ nK'>‘« 'odny, wilh ili.ruMlom. in lio'li Ull' auinto amI_.)i0U3ii-{{uui:lnm*-d-liy -

■■ ' hillrfln Va nnd Inillthtrr.It waa diiriiii; thia disriunioii lhal

l|p|irr»rnl(ilivp .......... drmin-'rnl, NVii

r .Vork, iairodiiprd lln- rr"oliillnn mil- inj; for a rrfrroMdnm on'Diiidlfli'iitinii of thi' Vnlatrnil a rf. f'iri' worka in tin-nrnalo "In itril wli'pii Hrnnliir Hriironfro.nl for ..... ...... nl,' for ihi- -ornn.l•iirron i^r ilny, n oll|i|>ln)r (jivrtij; iho hitrat "rrjiiill* in Iho iiowa|i;i|ior ]in1l ,

ll) on |ir..l.ii.illon. A wnvo nf Innj-I.tor ^

ly ProhlblUon Succeisful. '^ , fJrn.-iiof Willa, rriniTiilran, (lliin, llrv

li'aiirr, |hi'rrii|niM fiilfiilril n.xtlirii:il mndr j-o«lordny nnd riiiiiilorrd will, ti rninrat t.r InarrI In tlir rrrofil rJhih- ft« Inlriuloil tn hfiow Ifilll |irohil>ltInn s niia aUirOMfiil, InrluililiK nn Oililnriiil f

'II' lii'ailrd •‘ l.inroln, iho iirohllii(loniiil,-’i r Wcnalor Itood olijrrtod lyiil nn arj!ii-

mrnl nliirloil. Viro rrra ld rn l llawra ' rnt it ahorl with iinnonnrrmrnt lhal Hip rnh' rnllrd fnr n voio nu Iho Willa

'' ]irntoil of llio Miaaonri ...... Inr, hr in- ~vokod Ihla rtilo.

• I to tu s A bo A rgutt. ' ' ' 'Tn lllr hnnar, 'Uoptoai-nfalUo llian- ,k

Inn, ilrm nrrjf. Trxa", ln»l«fo.f tlial „Pl< ’''■"■|r||"T Illll'-* ~ • f,|r r nnd ilprlarril t l o l_lllnuiil..'r ,-w ho r n n - r la tlrun,^.lp_ driiik . in._vlplnllnn_<j;_.||irr- Inwa ahonlil Iio 1inni»hoil frnm roiiurr.ia ri

—^ ! ^ r n ...... .ittuubluJi—rvrn linvi, [|

_ I,.£Buai,| J.i■r -------------- ---------- -I-

'' OOl.PMBIA-WTKB-iM'PhTh-------- ♦i l— V</KK, K arrli fit M V . , , rolnmliig i'linrho.l th r <'hnmiilonahl|. in J''

lliP onalrrn inlorrollr(;liilo haakot Imll IraKlir , liorp loniKlil liv ilofraliii);

,, 1‘rinrrton 4« to 1!7.

II F lo r id a H a m e $ B r i g h t j',', •' ninr*. crt'oni. brownr, rtilH anti ii f" purj'lM—cv«ry liiio <if tlio nilnboiv— oi ■j ynu lee In' llie stiieco lioiwca na'i^ buncalowi w lild i Imvo moilc KlorlilA ", ,f famou*. 'r iio eiirloun cnlur clti'cia uro ” if aecurcd r li l i c r 'I iy In-rori'finitlni: ccr- j| ll- lain iim rtar cnlora ln_t>iB..pltwttf-or pi V by 'jialiidh it'tho siirfiico uf tliu Mu«-> ll

with larfifl liniNlicK m il llio ilMlrcd plemi-nt MilxliirL' wlirn tlio aurfncc lio.* I'l Orlwl, 1‘lnk nml Ivory wllli ilrep 1*' jfrem trlii; oro i)o|tulur_coiiililimiloni,

g as nr'b nlnn lulxiuri'a uf invomlor, lilu: nnil tnuihrrry w llb wliito triii). I'nlo

_ green with |iotyrliriimo la nUo. a Ip ttonilnru ct)Ii>r cumbinailon, T ho ma- u iorlly ..of ilipRi' -Hiicfo ImtiHrii nrc t n bum Klili ri'il tliv roof*. u1 1 ____ - — ............................. ...................... i'Jj T o B r i g h t e n E b o n y * h Bomeilniea ebony bfujbe* iinil IiodU , ro mirrora bocoiuu dull In ai>i’cnrunco. ir They win bu Iinjiruvwl t-on»ldtrubly by 10 rubblnc In u lltllo wliitu vuacllno with

a'Bofi pioco of tnntorlDl nntll’tho ttooU • liaa absurbcd utl llic u r m c and bas taken un a rich tfloaa. h

. - — - - - S'£ eU D S C niB E 'FO U t h e n e w s . ■ i'

l’l Kiddies’- Show Saturdy; —"M. , . --------;—u—;— ' ■ ■

Joe-K says:—,1, 1.0 V i-:-il l,ii.,Ks I.ravrn '1.

Kh vilinl?T

B d a i i T i oi! C f iT ^ iu T lIf —Tomorrow amIh

r . —TOinorhAv am

w i f i r ^ S u T ^ , ’ “T n s MASVELOUS lIOBSi:

' aua BUTTE—T bs 'Womltrfiil D sj

— A rr i '- in i ; N e x t

~THF WAi. T B E S T O R Y O F T If f i F I

F A L L S . U T O Q , T i j S R S P i .

JS* -

n u ^ _ J

: A

• ' — t



iro •,„.l I V A E f ^ - f C E O IS i : , /v n i . f .”ho I . - . - . - .1 “ ■■■ — I •

LAI>y OBUIBB, 'Wlfo of Sir B'.cliard---------SXl»tw ._ t.f ta _ jm ^ f_ S j> g lnn<l ' f! m i

(pcdalUt, la nportod vUltlnff In I • VaneoiiTer,-Oaaflil3. S ir Oity-Oannt. »

fAmoui apy catcher during tbo war, wbo dropped gbt of (Igbt fo r a « year, also-U staying in Vancourcr,



'nMv romi'rii lo ninji'r lr»(ino lum.-liall “ riinka Ihii* *pr|nj{ hna iirrii alinwii'" *' aymptuniii o f lu.'oninint,' wrnml Colihi.

I''- .‘N|ii'.-ikrra. Hnnahyii. or .lohnaimii,. tlir

f,'ii'"'nii' '**in.r'rn ' i'i':'i'iiirrr»>ir''i'm'«."-ho -..TJfls.LiJfl5l-La:iiua»jiC_.’iiiy-JiiiJi-C£ i i 'JH. roiikir mnlrrinl, niiii-h of il iimminiin:

na ulowiiiK rt'|iorl« ol muho work ot ” JL jmilL. d rifl|;!l^irt.luY n»l ^

liL -l'!ili:ni- l n l i n lL_gw-j..«. ovrr Ihr nr.-i frnm t'alailHft ialnmln, c.-ilifniiiin to ~ Tumj'a, Kin, Un lb r whoIr, iho rrilii-» '

— -wUli—a > _ jttr t"n T -d '-tl '’ Imv... fpiimi: ^ lllllr to alnrllr thum inlo lrlrj;rjijihiii): '

• Ihr rhnfinoillc Mirl of |irni>r iihiiiiI ' 111 Ihln-alaco nf th r haKuhall K.>-i«on, >', 1 T ^o Are OtKtd _______^ lliooklyn, Kviilpb-i" ilnlni; na miirli if

nol nioro'rrl.uihlini: Hmn nny-ollior ma- h jnr Irnciio rlllli, aoyma li. haVr foliinl » < |iarlial anUilinii lo lla tillrhiii;; |iro1ilrm n

Id in Ihr fnrm illii|diivrilHiv two now rom- K _ oia, (»nr of Ihom, lH(iii!laa M rW rriiy. n „» from tlir I'n rlfir'rc ri.V Irnitm-, in mil ^ , in Iho rooUir rla>fa, hnivrvor. Ho tuia ii|.

wilh lhr-\Vliil«RnJ(’Airi.omr timr uml ia n|.Iitiri'«t»r « rrm/'lyirk. l.'.'/y^!nJ^ rk b l haililorpblniiii'il.ffom Mi-m- phii b r Hnmlttju-alao la diti.layinj: nlril- •

:■> lly.?a Thr WliilP HoT,,n-|'Orli imlinilo, a rr V. [ilai liiK lii|;h hoiim nn Al|>hnnai' Tlinma*,

i.iU-hrr, whn waa iL.biK fai lor in Hiilli-I m.i.o'a nrvrnlh -Iti.iuhl ............. vli-^7 li.ry laat araann;

'q £ id « r j of-Greenlanda- Thu iiorilii'rii cldor IirrtiH on tlio rc LilaniU uf iliu (•rtuiluiid utid

wwe islaria coiiiiU. Four'tbnnsnnd- .i'figs way often bu. caUivn.'tl Innn nno soiii;! laiuna In n /fw .bourt._Th«_bcBU-

, tlful klnB e lder-nrrtvc* n l E tuh-.tn “ May wlUi tbo no rth tm elder nud fro- ,y qaeola lha latae coaati.

Ih • r- - -,U ............ C /o a « c «as Onr of Hio inovlo lylvi'rlli’omenla

apeuks of n "lutiKli cluKuk-." niilurnlly lUCKCsHnK tbn worp clnnsli', Iht' tlirlll

■ obiaslc uml tht> ctialnr.|.pl* clnaalc.

urday Morning at 10

I-n 'hnvn lo r:ir1h nml r:ii«r i ll—1,


T ) U .H lneo.......... ,.10c and 20cw K E vcnine...............IDc and 30cg | Sbowr, nt :i:SO, 7 and D

and Saturdaj—A zipp.v cnn»'dy-(Irnma in wlik’h lovii tatiKlcs, jeal- oii.sie.s and h'ltsoiiH in oti-

r . ” uiivll.»J. . 'u l l„ IlijlTBl^L -I'-'. .!* mcriy metllcy of liuijjhtor.

- • - A I ho- . .......................

'B o M i W a ^V ylOaSSOHtrWTSTEWNG

i D 'A i f o ' I’IC T -O -G H A M S

and Saturday— ~ ;

\ ^ n A 'd S E A T OAffT llcailed by JACK


[gxtJfa?rinc?H n v ^ ........... ............ - ^

J l S J T T P T T I f T f ^

E F I R S T B L A C K y i l E E r .

l E i i ir ? - Mn r f l e r tlia K. Lan d e s Is Ne w

- _ M ayor .o f .,S e a tt le ;. WIIL F ire : Police C h ie f.- . '

■ fj({uir»-ln yr»lrrilny’» ninnlolpnl rjpc- t imi M'iiulil !;<; iv lore Ihry ■uiitwuticctl

■ tl..' fi'Will offlplally.Uu.tlK .furo of unofflrlDl rrturn* tbo

— rt''u ll-o f- th e -to lr -fo rn m y n r4 a Tiot-iB- _ .duubl. I lf i . - lltfxtlifl.K . LauU»w,-pr«^l-• d rn t nf thp rity .'rnunrll, huviiiK won

ovrr llr. Kdwin J. Iliuwn, jifoariit ninyor, by 3,«IiS vnU'H.” It in thv stulua o f Ihl- |iti)[ii»t-i| rilv.iuniinKor idnil tlmt ri-ninlD>'ln In.. drtrrininod. -

Manaffer Plan I«aca.IFiinfflrlnl rrtiim'a from nil |iri'riiirla

in tlir rity tinloy nhowoil Ihi- r ilv ninii- nu rr plan bn<l brrn li.at bv i n ’ vntr;i,

. Ii|i50ltiuij rojKitli o f Inal niKlit whrii It njiiirarril llu- pm)Hia.il hm! won. rro|m - nrnla of the pliiii nn- dvmninllnK Ibo rrrount.

n l Onr » t the firal to cnncriiliilnlo .Mrit. f t LniiiSft toituv irna -Unvor Itnuvn. M.- In I'liiri-d n li;ii.krl nf~fluwrriion hor ilrHtj Tt, nl Hip muncil rhnmbrr nml iiaiil:- ir, ''W h rn thrar rhriip pulllirliilia liojjina "I.....irrinif .Mra, U udra na ninyor I :im-

:r, lu bu uu thrm liko n n:iva|{rli^-or."

K ot Down and Out.' A>ki'd Whrlhrr ho ia IhroUL'h willi ' liulilira Ilrnwn aniil:; . " I mny |„i down, but n rvrr out. Muy-

G ill' 1 ran i](i morr uood out of offiro tIinu In, who kmiwa. T hr wIuiIp riiuan

■ o f tbv ntlarka un inr la tlm t I rlon 'd loo ^ inunv aabioiiK on l-'iral nvrnuo iinil it ,11 inmio ih r irdrm l olliv l'I. Utlll, lh .il-»

wliiH'a Irnrk Ilf il a ll.’ ',4, lir. llmwu ia n ilrntlat nnd fnrinrrly l„, was n lau-j'or. Onro ho wn» n Imrbor.

0 (1.' o t llio (imt niKiiimirrnirnti bv— 'MTTr-lTTOrtrrTttrtRT-TfflS'thSt’ airiJ'lvinnir— -iili.rtii.r[:p-\\ri!.- s^voryimrvlM of'or'iinr c£I,' Wohiim O u l)6ajrd.

k t!'' ...... wonniii oil tho park

“ If nn-ii.w-III nol ahow oiiniii:b inlor-

r l|;h t kind of rainlidtilvil thv woinnn

1); li'ioil th r rnco far tlic officp. • ■,ii “ I anpjioai-il aomr of Iho imlitirinnn„, lirlii'Vr 1 ahmihl nirrrly rlnv ut bomo_,!iinl dnrn my huabnmr* aorku," nboif rniililiUo.l. " Ilaru ilij ' <mrk« fnr Olir'nII- liiiabami ia n Inliilabir ori'ii|iation, Imt„ il i-ortninly -.loi-an'l Inko iill o f ii wom-

i„ u ii 'h Ilmr. 1 fiiunil that my hnabninlll- Kilt nliinjc very wrl! n f lr r I lirrnm r iiy inrmi.rr llf Iho riiy riiuuril."ol B = = s = s a a = a = s = = = a

I leiEPSDM SAITS PiilS11- 1\\. ■■ . Sowm SUU;-Uio-iooal-emeUn» |ibrd»~-

' ' ' 0?aM>lS“.?Tii'luftiM u J m x 23u?«uJck.

,.. matluw uUcLi. Kiibn'ii Kiaom Halt i'Ula do ttot loco etrmKlli r liu a jn T n Ik wMtasu toOsy. Only Uic. Al • '

; T O e o a» T W 'O I i . '

~ S h e ’s ill t o win h e a r t i

J J O H N M c C O )


^ E E N I

_____________ ___________________

-------- - Also .Showing..,

; — K - n l i o i t e v i e w

S p e c i a l M l

_ _ Q r p h e u m O r c h e s t r

a Th^

.S' . 2088. t tu U '. t o : ] u i n . .* W c M 4 'tb c ; f i ^ t o t

LM O tfdlnat lUcbiUM la , k ^\ OMBWM lad


- l l . : . : : r , : - . . - _ ■

Z Spring 0]

„„ i

K jO ' ■ t!Z2 ______ ^ , $ 3 i

: MILLINERYirk - ------—

— H ot-C y o u w ill t i n d a~H [iovm r —o f '- n c w ,S p r in ^ I f a t} i ' lh n t ' tv iH “i“ » n e w d m r m to y o n r S p r i n g i

G fly c o lo rfu l H a t s o f riW mo _aill{ a n d e tra w , n il s t r a w

f e l t . 'n it • o f f e r i n g * c x c c p ii t,i„. vnluo .s a tm l $ 3 . 5 0 $ S . $ 7 . $ 1 0 .

= Complete showing- o in all the New ►

! THE ClX 123 M a in A-9

R .P H E U Mli.WS O N LY _

irts wi’tOliHlls and“smilesr ::ORMICK presents

e~.~= = Jh e -a ir—like a wi ^^^^nd-aboardr-ttie

^ " " Charjesron! ^Music

!Stra_„___h u ^ d r e ^ j i u m ^ ^

r t , w r t » ^ a i ; m f i < w U « : » i i » l i i ’ - .Crtt- w«b lit «. dU rim t maimtr, u d •pfd- / ■Bd f_ * i w r r ^ t o . V!. !

)peiiinig-Thursday. Friday i l “ and^atnrday= =. _ _ J ! e a t i m n g ^ a - S p e c i a l ^ —

S h o w in g o f


• S m a r t drejwcs fo r g enera l | an d som i-form nl w oar fo r bo th '

in th is- a ttra c tiv e a a .s o r tm e n t '...........o f new SprinK models. M ater­ia ls o f f la t crape, georgetto , ta f fo la com bination a n d gor* gooua print.s in th e m uny pop­u la r colors o f 'Spring . A ttra c ­tiv e ly priccd n t •

$ 1 2 .9 S $ 2 9 ^ 7 5 V$ 3 5 . 0 0 und up to $ 5 9 . 7 5 ’

Hhowitig tvill"auld^n g ou t- I fjMJy ___________

ribbozj,iw nnd - Y

cp tiona l \A' A ■

10* / /

• of Brilliant Hosiei-y w Spring Stiades.

CLASSIC }a A ve. South

I T O D A Y :T O M O R R O W

___ M A T IN E E .............s T --------- iind“ K V E N IN G ............ ...........

” ■ ‘ • 2 DAYS O^iLY


# wWCWav 'F I f , W B B

lying, soaring^:liroiigir "I winged-bird-of-steel-------------th^iBB'detrrea l aiiciiiiKg: hfr'Hmii^-=nf^Brtagiiy-'. ^

■ .■ ' ■

crash, bang!—and -a lang jump overboard . f f i p ( ■ i i r H i r --------- ---

Miss Iti^ ^

S ^ S i

■ ' ' d ^ : P ein ^’ i n d EastBrn H ouses Buy,

’ S en d ln a P ric e s U p w ard . .

Z l i ^ H I G A O O r ^ # 'r r i r - 1 0 r W I ‘-D «pI*“

Itiit far liOuiM wUh cm tcre conn«tlo tii notttl'Jy »nW o c»m H »le-

luanil for North AmcricBii w licat bro»il*

new •l.ISB 3-4 lo .•I-''® 7-8 nntl July * U 0 l i to IU O 3^8. wJlh eorn 3.8 to 7.8c UH. O ali a t B uliarc to 318* w in

-------- iad-V torU iaut vnrylttK from U awUtipi o n >iio of 2t. A* flM t the WhMt umr- I rtt w«» iU pr«m tl on M tount f>t b««ti»U o»i>c«U of thc (tovcrnmPtit r f p o « “"

ricl flflurM wif*vale However, n i noon n»..rleei hml nn.lergtwe « tum bir, brl»k

\ IrllU oplflloHi tliat fnnn fuppl'M «>«“• luted on (V, | '« <»r»" ' ' “*'* '? ? ’

rrrnrtl aad that ir»»t »!gntfct£----- ,nl||lni!"roniuiii|itinn nml "ffu retiuire-

llleuti tho Ufllte'j 8 t« le # l. y o t llkoly to |>« confronted with vlrtiml eilinunllori o t wvi^lc* U tt tm t o f thenew 1020 rrop. _

B k ls t in UUUOs W«>t.- - - neneflelal rnirn In TpXo»;OkIa!ioriiD,

K m m n, H l.w urt unrt >cbra*Va f.iilnj lu elieck Hid Into U|.wor<l movement of ,rheat vi.luM. On tlio contrary, mueh mure altcHllou was Riven to «»-'»« »i|“‘

" . .'xwirt mIc* toilny from Nortli Amerlea-tf «Dui.\ m ,m t»M»Ueu? ;.00,000 buiheli o f Coup.llnu w heat to

.liiiiiiH. NoHfB wwi fltw tnkcn \\tnX tuc---------Worlil V flvai'ISlls nurply Imil ilceii-nic^

2.1.14,000 huilieti. for t^ie week anil i» “ tOJlO.OOO huiliels ngnlnit !.3I ,i0j ,000

^ ^ - V i .a r V l» l i r n m r i l i i iw c n t . umeli tnrRcr./ v.Un.. aftd_«aU^j«lMV-patv!illelr<l Hio rhnnRea l» wt.pot »narl«‘*-

- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V /c o r iM l j id v iH '' c ryrn.,« .^H v jV nalL.

a . . . g . j ;

v«?l ■«’* i s .................... S l i ' »'V<is .- : : : : : : : : : : : : : : - »w . ■"*

J » ! l ■ 30 MT4 May ^ J, 4Q%



CUICAUII, 5l.r>li O T - f ;" '! ';: r „ l t l .O 'i N .. 2 "•">


^ " ’ill*- '0,1 »'iiiic np \-2 to -«i>

{laflry—.1(1 to 7h'.TlmoHiy tu

________»!i„vtT Io ♦3:’. -----------l.» rit-»U .W .lilli.-4 l(!.

POBTIiAJn) OBAIN,------------- I-DKTLANI), .Mnr.U 10. (>r)-'VlicOl

__ . —UliU-luirii white, liur'>-wWl»JiHA«ttrtrMnrt'h nml Ai'fil « 'f"tt'rn while

- •• -M nU -»nd -.4 ril-»1 .H ?V ir l.n n l w ;n trriiorHicri. ni'riiiK. w eitcn. r.-il, Mnrei> au.l Ai>rll ___

OinOAQO PBODCCB.. - OillCACO, Murrh 10. (/P)— I’o.illry—

AUve, tU'udy; rerrll.l" l» o .-ur*;■Jlir: !.|irliiK" :>-r: lurk<-.v» .l.)c: riio«U-r»

ihck* M to 3'ii-, R «se IOc. • I'olutw ii-Ileccli-H I'I' '-n™: lo t" '

u u i i t i r Rimen 'iiiiirm.'iit*fftlrlv uMlve; markri flim ; Wi-roi.iln ;2 .kJ.lV «unii W hile. « ,8 5 .0 »4: few r»»rv. «li«ilo liiuhrr: Mlnn.-.oju narke.l nouuJ W hite. »3.«3 !'!«>">*tttkv>l UUMctu M-’j to ........ .

H atler-H luhpt: reci'li.tn ‘. . rcu.iicry e«m »

rx lru r ir . t . 42 {« l-S--! » -«| 4 lr : *i-couiIk 3« >" pV T n'u-l.l

>W »-U lnlier; r.'a 'i|il» '■am",.•xtrn f i r # V ^ t! « r .U L’Ce; onlmary


. VOUTl.AXt’, M mciaO.(/P)-<’a lH '^ - OlirnUiu'Jlciiiri « m iK.,0,1 \m-1 .tco r. ♦T.TS »« • .WBWhel.1 lil«her: ro.kI e u ltr r . row*iirlf,.fi ♦r.50: oHmt s lifitn ck h .0«(I 7.V riiin - r* "■"! -ciiHrr'i

'■* litKii HtVuityniKl^^^^^few Kiiiuulilrr jilC" ______ ,— •-

lleci'i|>t5-C«Hle l.1»i loj;» l.U-O.

■ OODEN UVBSTOOK.OtlllMN-. Mnrc). 10.

— - - i ! i i W r « i F T r i t r v a t f c s ^ ; r

n i n

. iiu i 'f! .............; i i i ' i t i ' 7 •

^ uiorket; no »nk'"< ^ ^ •

B O atO N WOOL. ;;- - IJOHTONV Mufvh 10. m -^T rn illn tf

i;,V wi,o\ nm.ket I . " '" I ^ _ U < i .{ c » -» r .-w tr lMerM ^

" f ^ l " i iu7uvi r i ^ h y i i ^ ^.laneil-wooM linvo beni releo.ert « n l

v e r j r - t i n l e l . ' r ‘

^ •* *nw w w i w' __ _____ t N i v O t K H ft -

“ jCW\«S«*y, W C \J5 W M

K K W , H \N iK W TWC

M W v mt i W H - O F - W n W “ ‘


^ ^ J £ « f n 5 A J P « m _ J7 E W tt O 'm tR AHlu ............. K K W ^ ^ ’E R W * ^ .1" . ? K tC K V O F ^ O X - ' ;

.li '

te ' • _


ik" I m a r k e t s 'A T A G U N C E\y New York I

Bluek»>-Ulitheri Inveitnieiit rail.!r "trong; Pero M arquette ralllei

Bontli—Ylrinj Krench iisuei ton*■® tluue rieftvcry. ........... "*

Forrisn cxrhanKcx; Mixed; Nor- wealan kroner ndvatiee.

Colton—L ojrrr; unfnvornUIo eot- ton Roodi market!. — r - -

“1 Hucnr~Hii;her; Rooil ICurojiean d^

’,1 fofV ee-ateaily; comiiilulou huuie “ buying.; ChlcORo:

Whpiit—KIrm; llj-lit rereliil*. . .;» Corn—Bteady; iyiiii>niby witll

Whent.!£ __ ra l l l i i— VIrm,----------------------------

* H oBt-lligher._________

>0 ------------------------------------------------------f t r ^ 8AK-PBAK0 IBOfr-lilVB8T001t.-------K SAX FnANClHCO, Mnreh 10. (/P)— r<. iloR t—.lt>out-steaU>4-b id d lu i( -« t-t .^ ta a. IH.;>o oil ir.u to t7u iKJunil Cullfi^uina;^ J*ulk-4-<K tfm -Iitu ta auQ.imuiul-hutdiem ,II-•U .S u lo ------------------- ------

jiound ilcp ti around VMO*"to™l9;'\w o i r~nr« tiiedi'iiii NVvndu" *H; iiumeroiii

forniax 1(1.*.*!; odd Inta euiincra and eut- ipr. $3 (0 |,1.r>0; one vur common rowa

<•. ♦t.15; imlla itn idy ; moally »3 to ♦3.2.->:>i rnlvea aclivr lo .’iUe higher; choicu ISO 14 to 2tiO i>ouiid veals i|UotnbIe ui> to t i l ;U few loada m to 301) iK.und ealve*) i around lo $0,60.

tlliee]>—U n ih i weak; looil 80 lo 00 •i |ioniid C.lifi.rnina <12 I.. ♦UV.O; few Vt decka >i>rliii: lainT>a 113 to «iX54l; iiravy '/j IduiIik weak; ewea ni)oiil uteadvj good

full wooli tS ; few i-iira Koud 0« poinid a|>rluK lamba from imrkcra rauehei. \

>< - L08A NO SLES LIVESTOOK. ,LOH AN-OKLKH. Murch 10. O P)-Cal. !

til'—Holdi'vera 300; ahe'alock arllve, firm; atci-r* alo«- itcndy; re>v Joiida mo.

''d <|luiu sto 'ra tH.n.'i to yK,?.*;; ennimona .down td i" nud briotv; heat ali'cra lielil :

«■ nbove bulk .l.r-alcick-*.T to *7; ^hnlf load OHO |Hiund lirifera 18; Inle yea. :

<>• Iprilay two londi rowa •I.a.i; cnnuera , . nnd eultera |o * t; bulla neak '

moat bolnk'una tt.-Ki to ealven nffrr- • lu;;a moatly odd Iota; firm; niiik veul iarceiy ( I I lo ( H ; rulvea dou'ii lo t" .

........ HoB«—H lend,r~tn' iVc— h lsh rr: ton :»l.'.1fl; hulk 172 lo 22" pound weiKlil* :

tu «l.'i.t.'<; few lli i i t wrlKht |il|:i : •lown to I H ; |iaeklu|; aowi uround 112. !

al OMAHA UVESTOOK.ftr — OMAHA. M nreh--10rf/n—II0151—Ke

rel|i la 'H ;;00; ahi|iplni; dvmnud hrund nl ; •r.- t.l to '2.1e'hlBher; b ls V">‘kcrif luarllvi'! ' r)> bulk .1.’0 to 2UU luund aclrellvnx *12.83 '

lo tin .10; (op tl;r2 0 ou too poiiudi up; oilil iula ujtwnrd to |>iy.2.*: (,>ood 200 tu * 2.10 ]>ound buteiivra *12.40 lo (12.8.1;

_ bulk 2-'i).tu 3U0 puund butebera 112 tu .], li2,lU ; lieaviea dnwn lo » lt.70 ; parking

aowa (!0..'i0 lu 111; hulk a ll aules (II.II1) to 113; n>‘eraKC roat Tucidny $12.10;

nl wclglit 2.18,.■ (b ttle—Ilecelpli 8,200; fttd iteera ami

In yenrlhiK* fleiirrally ateady; rariy in ie i ! ,yf lu llnble.for ahippinff ordera, alrong lo • .,1 16c hisher; bulk *8.50 to *0.7.1; vrelshlv ! ^0 alena (iO.2.1; par’t loud tlO aO ; kUliui: ;

ahe-iluclt fully .lendy; bu ili itcndy tu , . weak; vcaien iteailv; ilo e k en nn<l . .! feedrri araree, ilcndy; buik Imlrher ; . i eowa *.1.73 tu *7; helfere *7..10 lo *A.ai; '

ciuiuera nnil cullera *3 .8^ to *-1.73; hoi- . osnn hulil (.I.BO tu *(I;.bulia *(] tu *Q.23; :

J llB tilvealrra*I0 to*11 .H hcei^lteeeliiti 10,000; tnmha aiuw; ‘

ciiriy allies nround 2.1e low rr; buik fed wonl Inuiba *12..10 to * ia .2.1; beat IlKht lauibi held-arouud *13.73; enrtv isles

- fed eilpped lamba *11.22; .Mime held . ly bijilirr: "licep itendy to itronRi) dcsin lie able weloht fat ewei *7 tu *B.GV; feed- )d era aleadv; eoriy aalea feeding lunibl , td *13.25. , • -

l»; —dllC A O O . Mnreh 10. (;P)-<.:iitlli'— Ilierejiila 7,l*00j fnJ ijeera, Iradp Utrndy . l o t.'iinirKliw mnally ilciiily to alrons: bulk *11 to *10.25; rxlri'iu r toji *10.8,1;luiiil forw i'ightv lieera; best long yrnr- 1IliiKa *10.73;.hulls *0 to *10,22; alie. ;

0- aloek ararce, ttroug; i[Kila 10 tu l.ir ;e ; lLlgtLCJ:;_hul]»jtvadxUu-cu)i;..fiU-wwa 1ur apimrently but of line w ith low»T Rrnde ’

ateeri; venieri rloied tup hcavyi'oiii) |hL i i^ ,iu y ju a - lm lk , . .u p id ^ ^ ^

^ ;

InK full udvanev; heavy bu tehen eioacd tc uUQ«.paiulil.puckurB.bQUi:IiL«iiarliiBlx 1 m hulk 2-iO to 340 noaniL bu tehen *II.U.1 . * t«4U.;di-iHirjorllv'.M)rabl<F«0(r-t«3SS , Itt •raB tidiT ifW nrn(r4I33»H i^3JH »fW T= jr r i i i F l i r i i i l t t W - d f l r n i ^ a t f f ^ to l t t to n r 1 {U IM.2.1; lo p '140 tn tllO jiouuda *14.23; ,

lijlrklug anws *10:00 lu *11.2;>; aurli-d 1 ' kiniiiff plg& IH 'lo ahliipers louk

• ratimaled-holdoreEjTOOO.- - - '• i IU • •BireV|V=nieeeipli 1.7,000; -Tni 'eloMc' : y. aleudr early, phlctlrnltjr.ouL-Iiiitf run In , ll* firat .liaiid«-al .bo«ut-:lndleulliiK'-'lu^er 1

IT-: •aninrflua-.hra ^yiTclghtTrtnmtwi *14 t» j id *14,23; hulk L'ohiradoa *13 lo *13.T>0: , It- few upward tu *13.83’ lu *14; r.llpped | c- vcurliuiT-wctherii iiM ’i . t t i , >111,23;..fa t . » l i i i L i i l U O lo < ta ; cht^cu ny^’d weH~)

' ■ I IliK 1liiibr*13-!to"4“-” 5

r — . — — --------- 7- 7— ------------ r -

-W B ’

. g i r o < w w » i6i p w . ’ y w < ‘ i

- STOCK PRICES RECOVER | i IN MORE ACTIVE SELLINGi- NKW YOltK, Mareh 10. (;P]-Bloek* pricei made furllier recovery In todn.v’a

ard Induilrlula na oHe.of.thp iUstineuUij- ing featurea. l^ rlv trad ing ahowed aome Irregularity, but Iho lurprlilng ac­tion of Ibe Pcre M arqurlto dUeelora In

* not only raising Ihc annual dividend from *t to *0, hut a lio In deelnring ou ex tra *2 ntorled u new forward uiove- uient lu the nflrrnoon. '

J The rec o v w continued through tho• Into trndlnj,'Tleiiiilr tiic marking up of ,

tho roll money rate fruiu 4 lo ■< 1-2 per. eent. Trading |ilrked ii]i In volume, tho _• ' Uay’i ioieaoKgrejtnting i,(537.4 00 abarei,I a t uKoiuil ouly 1,273,300 yeaterdiiy. ^

' 1 3-t higher n t 125 3-8 dcapllo th r dr. „ " credio of 2tU ,ai7loni i?i the uiidlled or. - “ dera for Kebrifary.-------- irT iew -o n h f tiij t irT n ic -o ri iin rn tim ®J_ durlng lhnt m onihrthc tonnnReTepnrt " •tft -5!^* nelunlly regarded na fnynrnble. The ”

w e ^ ly aU’cl trailr re^Icwa rc]HirU'il ! ■ lHat i:un<uni|>HDii wna iioi<llng nl n Tein. ^ _ :tU’clj^:hlgli'lcvclT4’iiffcT nlil--opcrofl^ -

wr ff»"nH>UHd‘W*|>eef ent-^f—en|*o»*ly,‘"" ^

^ T hw e~prlm nrFTiroilii«<niilty~iT ' " Jt. 4 o'clock Ib lb* afleniM n and a n ** wa iBltRdtd 10 eo iir onir Ih* averrc t n(

prte««. W h m n r ta ln daaUra te r t A o n p«rto<9» offer no r* than Ih* ‘

oO Qnet*d'PHee« eo «trort la mad* te in­i ' etado auch quuiallone Ouolatlonf ar«

, ' errrr*d mir*]* aa ■ itild* tn ero^up- n *t* u d Ibould aot be accepted aa r»- 71

00 ^ *»hw hl»t ee

y" P*M M Prodncen . "„;■ Tlie Twin Falli m arket! yeiterday ^„,i were i i followii

Iloga ------------------------------*12..10 rC o w i---------------------------- (4.00 lo *,1.00H elfen ;--------------------- :.M.PO to *.1.50 -8 teer< .................- ....... t.'i.OQ lo * a 00

fll. Veal e a l r e i ------------------HOO to *0.00 --c, U a b t ----------------------------------• 10.00

Jfovu *'o ? Heavy hena ....................................... SOe !|

L ight heai --------------------------------- Me 'LrKhorni .............................................. 13eflpringi (ablpneri, 2 lb. or over)___ IBe 'D u c k i ----------------------------------------- 126 .Oeeao _________________ IflcTurkeyi ...........;-----------------------------28e

op liutterfnt (erenmery) ■...;.:.r .;....... ;.....4.1c -'it» llu ltrrfn t (alntlun) ........ .............. .,„4.1c

12. E ggi {loenfitore) -----------------------20e !l•W llM t-U U i K lli f M d .........- -

WiienI, No. i or heller, bu .............. *1.20 ‘{,.r Hran cwl.-................ ;™::rs=::nrz=-»lT3r, *1

Hrnn COO Ib. lo la _____________ _ l.rtORU.ck-f«Hl .K)«1h.-lols-_„;...;.;.;ri.-*l-j;ri llSlock fuud soo Ib.Jota .......... ........ *1.50 n

in; Sugar—WtOtMAlf ^lu Cnuo - ............................................... *0.87 «

M; Ucct ................... ,......... ...................*0.77 r

,„!! • .............. a«»niifl IJrans (net)......................... *3.7.1 to *3.81) nio. ve ttuiiK ia U d m u t .

' I'olHloca (100 ib«.) ........... *2.25 lo *2.,1l)R B TA 1L_PBI0B» 1

I , , Oronefrult. 0 fot - eLemoni, do*. .......... _..«.~..._.._.......JiOe "Ornngei, dor.............................. 30e lo OOe y

, ■„ Potatoea. 7 Iba. fo r_____;_________ 25e t““ ......... ........ - -Ji ■!. I Oarroti, pound _____________ ■■■ 8e |,

P a n n lp i, pound - ......flfl |,Cabbage, souad — ---------- ------------ 3e ,

Produce. - ,B utter (rnneh) .......... ......................- -ifia „

■ ' ilu tter (creamery) .HOe jyf. 1 88* ----------------------- ------------------- .

'?') ST. J08B P R LIVESTOOK. k8T. JOHKfH, Mo,. Mureh ll). ( /P ) - p

'f* llogi-'IIeeeipla 8.000; 1,1 lo 2.1c lilnhcrt i7 " lup *i:i,25; buik *12.lll lo *13.10. r‘'I ' (.•iilliii —' Ilerrltili 3,.1O0 ;. gcin'raily *1

atendy; buik of itecra *8,:.o lo ♦U.O.Ij >lop *10.2.1; rowi and hrlfera *3.60 to 1:*P.23; ralvea *ri..lO to *11; aluckcra und C

- Hhcfi>—l»welpli ff,<HHit - i ln w i- Iaml»i «'J - *12 lo (IM U ; nvea **..10 to *8.75. 'ii

<ai ...... .... ' x isE B T Y BOKDS. " ' (13: ,\KW VOItK, Mnreh 1». (/J*)-Liberly nr- bond, cloai'd.lodny: }tip- 3 l-2i ............ .. ................................*101. „I3e Kirsl 4 1^4. ................................... 102,8

idc Tliird 4 l-4i I'Pl.O ' .1'Ull r,,iir |li 4 1 -4 .................................,*102.10 8Ou t^ 3tLSuX08F.Vjiitiatjbiitm-.7—mtiw.At?:!! 1

Of. ■ ■■" ■■ a u o A itr— ------------- u'cd NKW YORK. J Jn r th 10. (/P)—Tiie ? {Ix TuK..auKar m a /k cL n u .,a lcu d lcr. today. .. -0-1 Hint whllo a|K)t prirea rcmjilnvd.unulinijg- ^

W for'-5 ! r S i p - " S f e ' J ^ t t i = K ?!!3; iiiid'flOOil ling, of Cubuti Xor ir»reli liii. -cd provement n t -1,0-1. '■ ' ^uk , The iteodler loiie lu tiir s | l t luilrkul

iifld Illl ln t;eii« ii dem und,Jirquiia 'lrout p<C Kurope Impnrted a firm er tone to raw 1In iiUBar/ulurea,-i\'illi fliiol prlbea a (Itid B /'e r -polnlmiet Klghei’. -:Bnrinj-etritir.'j)rinHv iti r- |p n tly frtiin'iilinTtt np<i ^

iO; cl<Wd-B.30i-Mny 2,41: Ju l\-2 ,S 2 r8e 'p . •' 'ed lc u ib e r5 .K n K c \'i i i l ie r .* 2 .7 a .''~ '" ' T t a t _______________ ________________ i _ iln r j— ;— . - fW A ^ b B S .---- --------=a

" s taic .-rt|iiifi> iieur o r^lH euT iuro-‘jriir-.'-i

f t - » k » ■ • '

:i CLASSIIv’a ■ ■ ____________

V, A d v e r t i s e m e n t s u n d e r

; ; s o f a r d e v i s e d o f b r i n g i


" w a n t e d " TO n u T - n o g i Vudlambi. W ill eomo and get tbem. Phoae I »oa Twin FalU Bhoa iTepalrllig. I

BALf c - f T O N r r t n q b

T* KOR HALli—U anje aad heater. - Phone 1313.

KOlt ^ A L ^ a k dining ro u m 'le t, i heattr, lea lhe r eeuflh; VftM? r^ilii -g

ahulflua^ 100 >Yaah>Bctoa tioflh. n -s

-----BQglKB S S -O W O ltT U ym Sft . . .S

^ —>10.-HTAHT.&diQ=flt»tT«Jtetklne=(<‘f r _ yO‘irbrlr(g liir'*8trwPPk->tc!idy;-no-aelt-- Tl

ing;‘ aniuiilea diapliiynl m 'siutcii ^s'firK ■“ _ ■fdr-ynu.-W ritZSlD Vi.n Cu. 25 Tiiinl p> .Vvenue, New York. t

* \V A N tk l) -T w o iadli-a*lu niuvaa, la i J Trein r n li |. H.-impaon Muaic'Co.

; WANTKD—Lady or mini .ullrilor, I> nripiiilnti'd iu eilv, meadv wurk. i’lioiiti e

J 5 ! :_____ _____ 1 — — .......- - S—. WANTKD—Young mnn fur ricrl.-al ■

oKler work. Addreaa applirulluns I’. I»r 0- »»< ■>-<»• Twin Knil.. '

:.-10 rral Iiauirwork. No ciilldrrn. Mrn.’ K. i.00 A. Walter., 1.12 Hrvelitb Ave K;iM. ^

too rO B BBMI—m frO B IJ iag C D

.00 KOK IIKNT — Tiiree-ronm UMidrrii ' iionio a t 320 Hlxlh nveuhu ra>l. lu- I (piiro nt,4l)3 a ix lii alrcet uurlli. ]

FOB aA X £—X.IVS8T00S ,

|°« " l i 'l i KTL.CnIT nin ru " for * ih « m r ■_________________________ I

28e I .o s r —I'rdpi-lk-r uf Kvlurmle luoti.r. I lietwi-eii Twin Knlla ainl C'liirka Uriidi-.'I I’liiiiir iUi4, Kilcr.

I ' j Ko'il WALK—.Some ri-iil Kuml niU'k • to , rowa. 1 mile o a .t of Twlu Kulia uu * ; ; ; l.l< l i ' . . r . r i i . . . ■ J r .i-m i. _ _ _ ]

" I 'O I t HALK— l)ur.icJ_eracj-, rolnud- ng Chliiii and Cheater Whllo iKinra ijt rra- <

Jicuublc.,pricu.—lUiuiiL’J i j U n . _______1iriO ” 1'‘0K BALK—Jc rsry bull unil yuung " -/,i1 iirirer|-nliH>-two-elniidB--b<>ea,-?t-mlla .50 north Five Po in t Blore. II. P . Prib- t

ble. (1.87 ' ' ■ ' ' ' I.77 FOB SALB—FBTTITb, VEOBTABLBS ]

FOK 8 ALI>-C,ill (Iem i«ilntocii, co.id < 1,81) ared, * t per liu iid rn l., Phonn 5l2-.i:i. I

l.:,0 ’ VX)It H ALK-Ciirn nnd hnrlc.v'ln uny ]quantil.v. Dnvid J . Koenig, two miles ]

40a euil, hnlf iio rlb 'o f llnnaen. lilabn.30e S i:k D POTATOKH-Tcn enr* heavy <QOe yielding, choice Ruaaeta a t (L.IO ewt. 125fl f. 0. b. Ncwdnle. Theao jwtntoea nre J3o Of nn nvern'iie alro, amoolh. puro wKlte (8« lexluro, grown from aolect a w l on tbo 1Ie higlilauda In . .th e . Xcwdnle. .dU lrlct ]3e nheru vrry lllllo Irrigation ia iireiird, ■

wiiirii ]iroduces » dry, nienlv', hii;hgrnilo tmlnlo. fu Kreuiont ('ount.v. Ad- I

30e 0 . C. Aider, Kewdnle, Idaho. '- ‘

ket Nrwa H crvi'ir)—Totnl aiilpiueul. uf 1)— pulalnei for Uji- r a ile d Hlales fur (ert Marrh 8 s N orliirtn Cuiifornlu .1. (’uio- 1

ntilu 21, Idnho lIU. Mnlno IHli. Minne- ilily aotn >3, Miehlguu 21), .North Diikoln 0. iMj Moutniiu 2, Nrlirnakn 14, New Hnuin- 1to lidte 1, U n is laland ll.'.S 'ew York-Illi; ,

md Olilo .1. Oregon 12, Priiuaylvnnia i:i, |

H.M«tiil'thl«i««iiM>tir("W)*»7l*,M0, .lI..M, < 'lulal til l, seaaon (nnv ) 0; U. K. Iual ai;ii- <

• .o u -(u lJ )-2 0 i,8 0 2 { -L .-a ..lu a l icaaou - (new) .13,

rlv Iilalii) siiipmenln for Mnrrii 8: Idahn Kalla acrtlon 72. Hurley-lUihl 41: Cuid- , weii-Numpn :i; Idniio to dute 12,1)40. ,

Prlinnrv dcatluiilloni of Idaho ahip- - uie'nla fu fA nTiTiTliyrMireir »i D^iivrr '

.0 " .10, Chlrago 17, K onm i Clly 11; Ogden ' -111 8} libihi> Knlla .’i; ,L uy A ^ elciJL._Huil ] ^ Tlerdo-lr;^-8irrlinTFHrn=^ei^tFl5o^ .21 Xara'Oilt'SrNuuijia 2, ,U !nckfim U lihlhi :

I.-V n iu rlllcl..K e iiii .i;ji,i!in J,,"k !i.u i_ - ,— T!l'0 'lrOnisha-V,'^j8n-.l«te-l,-l*o«*letlu ,, [■he f. lolul 116. • ]a y . — pHMlnKa-uf-Jdvhn ahliimi;iiU;.Ucuver , "B- Jhltfii 7t Nrw Orleiiii. I» Newton 1, {

aIltiiIc■^r^f^h^namT-^rt>ei1l■^rtrJlu. ,

1»|> ' (.'licTcMlie, Mnreh 8! Tllrmjdil. 2,-j HI. I.nul* 2. biniHm ?, Clilcnoo SS^-Kaii. I

kul .aa CIU-ID, Cn|H 'Oiniideun .Mo. 1,Kcn\. out pb rt;ilU a ., i;.A lluuU'l,--K fnncit.-M o.-. » aw 1, licnlaon. Trxna, 1, Dea Moluca. ill ' Auiea luwn 1 (.Vntnil Cl|.v,'Neb,V 1, Col- } rH';

e'p. "’LiIrA^gelea: fi Cuitfornlu, 2 Orrgon. 7

iir’- T t i r , 13.00.' r : “ ; , ii

FIED ADe r t h i s h e a d a r e a l w a y s a l i ' I g j n g t h e n e e d o f a d v e r t i s e i


ii W » RA LI-:-raed Koni rondal.T,DC 1^23 uiodei. Very rhvap fur raaii.

Phono 700.= 1 -O K H A Lt:-CndiiiarT .■e'veH-ii.'ar...

ger fourlug, model 3,1, very cheap.

^ h a t t 'erle* for ' K o tJ it"* ll .» S . i:x.,- robber enae, otheri In prbpertlon; fully V,’ nn m n to e d , n t the Preal-O.Llie Battery

6 tmticm:-a8frRhoaheBfrBenlh.-Ph<iB*Ci),= MOfraV ~T0 Z.0A14 ^

r rA n M LOANS, 6% , s w n T a K w r "<•{ : ^ ’O-liOAi<r*50fl0.-tr£h8Be.a74.Tt0lt«It-- ^l0nUy-r?n,m,^t,y.-......................................

__ thur L. Swlto & Co.

& Co.________________________ '1 A-M OKKKiaNO a very ehenp and

- dcalrnbla form loan. I think it the iir, best fnnn loan propoiUloo over offer- llti ed on the Twin Knlli tract. I t will pay

you to ICO mo boforo plnelsg your loan.- - 0. A. Koblnion.P. OHICKmre__________

i'Oif S A I,t—Iluff OrplhKlon egga. Vliuiir r,iS.in. K. K. (’mi.lrre. ' •■ l-'Oll HAI.K—i’nrchred Wbllu Wyiiu-

=■ dotto^cgu'H. *3 per IQO. l’l..... . ■''-'iO-l!4.

•ru KOH HAI.K—'nvirilu/eii White I,i-g- lu- hum liniK. twu fooiti-ra, l.nmcn alrain.

I’ii.in.- fil2-Kn. ______________ __

u ra t to trndo for aleck aud machinery.41-1 Third nvenue west.__________ ___

KOH UALI-:-P'u^rebred Iluff Urplug* _ lon curkereia; egg. * l fur 13; 1 youug i,r, lom. 28 lha., ond lix young heoa. C ll^ill-. I ford Dftui y . ______________________

' " K m rH A lTi:— \ f.->v miin- Mniiimoili ifk hlulii’r Itirlc'V pnniTTM7~ f lin im rT ip : Ull 0 . II. L ru i'.i, <\ mill', west, 3 milra aouHi

Txv|ii_ KuII-;___________ I __________ ___nr. CKHTU'M ilA Ti.'rilN li—l'le;i«o deliv- L-al cr"»ir>i:ij» ' ri>r“ (U»l<im 'iinti'blng 'on

Wi'dnrtda.va iiiaSi ad of Knlur<biya iierc- n f le r .~ l liiv r i HlHriidi. Hatrherj'.' ' "

llo . K O K -H A lT lT ^ iw J^ - a lfn lu -b n b y ib- chlx *1.1 |K-r 100. Alao je tting rgga.

O rdrr now nnd aoiect yuur date. 11. J . = Kiggerl, 1 lllllo uurlh.- l mllo ca it o f BS Wuahlngtun achool.

■ I-KTALUMA lIATCiTMyTueeredir- 'id ed by I'arm liurenu. Cuu mippiy ehleiii

lu largo lota for lale spring delivery nnd up lo 0 frw hundred noal ouy timo.

»>' 1020 cnlnigue free. L. W, Cinrk, Peta- IM luma.,Oailf. ' Ilox 153; — - _ 8TATK ACCIIKDITKU im T V vy CmCKS-White Leghorni. *17 per 100. iVt. Barred Iloeka, .*10 per 100: Cualom ire hntehinc. 700 or mnre, 4e prr egg. Itv Cntalbguo Tree. Hayes ' ‘in-Ornje*' bo llateiiery. Twin Valla. (Hack of Idnbolet U cjiartmcnl Utorc... . ___________

'j|}i WIIITK I,i':(iri^KN Haby Cliie'ka', Ul- ltuila|«)ilnli<iii freo, *l4.’.liu' per thou-

Hfliid; *10,1)0 l"'r liuadred: five iiundn-d ♦7,1.00. Hpi-riiil iiriir oa 'Inrgo lola.

“ #l..1i) in-r inmdn-d dq-uVii. IIKKII-TO. uf I..VV I'iiicka liieiinllilg llulvtvuod, 0 . A.

rur I', alrniiia. Wo iiu our own'ii'aleiiliig, nil lio- rlrj-lri.., t.oiu’ i.i-ller. Oiir aim la a snt- lie- iafii'il ruglomi'r. All n( wliirli niciina we

0. d riiv rr riilrka of QIIAIilTV. Or.lvr ii>- now of llic old ri-llni>li> limt ima mnde 31), good. irnlriii'H every wrrk. Oot Murrb 13. II nud I1; iiiiti'iird vhirka for rariy Knil

•M.- OrTpinT^rrnllli*- llnlehpw,“ <’o m eii- Orrgun. •


LOHT-Chlld ’a bluo woaioii cap nud iiiitlrn i on .Moin avcnuo Wednesday; Kinder plenae rrtu rn tn Newi pfficc.

;.,V — J ; t w r - ‘Il.-r.r-innre, wIilfo^p^^^TTuTt^ I,,, w hltr on unn fnol, wire serulehrd,

lua "[Ijiil 1 llllli M .

Ihl iT y Ju T — Bbek-*fld-Stli?lu-Khtc»aIH5ot- V- tflr-pupi-tw o- luorilli* old. - llU ek’- nn.l

'W hlfrm nipnd! blark anot on nne hip. L a .t »ecn in Kock Crrck canyon near m iirbad — bridge.-— Ueward.---- -Phoao

, , ------------------------—' -'T. SEED.

2. * JnVL'ii-^blcliruw ii-i-il u'in,-i|{, *"• n :2.r.'— • ~ ’

lo.-. nei>,rwIioiit."C.'’n it '. r ll , -johnwin; louto '* r I, Kimberly, ha lf wllu eail, hnlf MUth ol- Kugnr. ^faelor.e. . ’

(L.IO “(iiT-nujiivl. 'iM-iiuri itiivwurilT :>n. T’hpiio il.iy4.,-KontcJ!.-.T«iii ralla. :nd ' ----------

” , - ^ F O i m p r a^ r ^ ....... - 1 '.

)VERTISEa l i v e a n d a c t i v e ^ a n d c o n s t i t s e r a t o t f a e a t t e n t i o n o f r e s i d


er, ' l-'OU HALl->-Klve-rouni iiou»r. aniull “ ah. imynifiil, bninncu liko m il . I'n il .’ liS. r

I'DK HALK—80 a rre. ou crop puy. -n- ment. K. E. Uarni-s, Houte 1, Kim- e Jp. beriy.___________________ ____— —W lt-HAtB- 2 l - t ia-nCTri;-uirynu»uJ, 4 X , ono mllo from clly lim lti. Phono lly •1.10-mi.________ ,

-tlm c..'.InquirL flt.lbn TniiflT. ___:

? ? m1o»; j^uod te rm . A ?d w ii^o i: 10^ 11- '

» It « A L K--12U.aeru ' Tnlprovcd \

mili'a from llliaa.' lOu nerea Irrlgulod,*111,0110; lerma. Owner, Jlobcrt J . I

il,n Hlinpauii, Haiem, Oregon. : er- KOH HALK—KIgbl acrea . nui' mlic>ay iiurlii of llnnaen un paved iiighwiiy. |an. Lnrgt) modrrn buugaluw wllh well, ,__ puuip njid giiiolioo eugliiu; Rarage,“ graiiurica, atnhiea, .iwullry houao oud '_ inrge riHil-rellnr, Nice amnllcr rrai- ]

dener wlHi flnrrhundrcd-barrrl e i.Ir rn , ‘ f l l tr r Mild aerntlng pump, Kour-nern or<

— chard nud fvnred pualurea. A lfulfn 1 !'"■ mradu»v. Price 2;i7..lt) per nctr, pnrt 1 i l l ’ ra .li . Kuuio rxlrn i If aotd aoon. 0.,,JN'. I ‘cr- C ra trr , Owner. Hniiacu, Idabu,- . ,— WAWXKO—«laO SL L *ifB O C ^

^V A N T K l)^Pouit"ry! 11, 0 . I lun tor. ' _ Phono 003W'. 1^ W AN TK D-A good J rn e y milk cow. ’

K. 1{.. corn Newi.— “ ffA N T K ij^ l 'o lu lu r,. 11. a Lung, 1 "B* I-iuiue .103, 127 Moin neat.

” \VANTEr>-:itoomeri aud boarderi. PlionoJ!S2W, 222 Fifth aTcnne east. ' 1

r n , (IK T"TIIA T“ |iiwii alnrle.1 rnrly w ith !H w }flV laiiprandU ardCTr-f^llarir,'ra»y '

ulb aiU*'/- ^ ‘“’>’0 Alvin Ilh^rliour - •

-on lo 'n tw l-T w in - Ki*ll»-bualiiM*-proiH'rty, W ill pny 0V.I per eent luterca^ net, uo

- - PoiMinlaalon. Addrraa X. eoro Xuwii.-'-^

i b y -------TO B " m rr -T D H N I S H B D -------- '

.KOK llK N T -ru rn lilied toom and ' gnrage. Phnno C80.

TTT- T iOOM and hnnrd, 120 Blxlh avcnuoB « »03 -...............p ,y KOK ItKNT—>^lrlliailed room, iiunieru -

hniiie. I’huiie 1213.1.!la- t 'O lt JIENT-M odem furnlahed room ,

wllU- furnoee heat.- -Phone OliM;--------T i ' KOH ItE N T-R o^m with board, eloio .00. in. 31.1 Seeond aveuuo nnrlh.« " t-OU JtkN T-HleepIng Too.ni , 2122K; ro tin h .a v cn u e m L . PiiQn«-7Ili_____ :X ' •~ KUK?il'HllKll aleeplng room,. 253

T ilird Avrnuo Norlli. I'lii.uii 204-.I.— " F O lt HENTWj-.w m, niudVri7 iiou^ ,■ka, { ''rHj^ furnlahed. 3ao Tliird A vrnuo

a u a m i iA S B O M ;

" ^ilA TERN I'nr NUnBINO^ i l r i . >1J . Bmlter, Phono S46K4._____________

PK P UP yoiir iiiivii with H w ift'a f e r tlih r r for .nle by Alvin Horbnur I'o,

,lvr KALHOMI^l'y^! nad painting. Hee llde P. Yanli.. 331) Third Avrnuo N ortli.rrb Phone 771-W.___________________- -•'nil , Knisunilaing, painting nnd ^nper

Mia; nwcnnw pntt.- -Phnne aW J:----- ------ -------__ T iTIIKH n o w *2—lie i'orral lladio

TtHiM give 2t> p r r - r rn t beflcr-Trrpp- Ilon ill nuy radio. Claudo llruwn Mu-

in d "lc Co._____________

KOK ANVTIIlNi; whii-b rnu I'.,, u.ied JyiltljoJiuluHlluii-ArmV'for rriiet-w orlf,

*'''■• I'iioiie I07J. We wjii call and' collect

T - i . i f n u r r w - l m W _ l)r>* Araennto of l<eivl. eoita le u tw r

Iff rprny ni no eonimnrclAL-tprmid.

!ip! n o x ‘7l!'4,!“'3 i ^ ! ^ u ^ ^ p ^ c ^ e a r H kA l) TUK CLLLNOTON pinna od In 9S0 H nturdny-K veulugT A .l—d itpd“ MiireIf

la.- • E iiingtoirl* ana of .th'o *b'nai"np^ 7 t i« t .^ d S l f t7 » 7 ip r e ^ n o f I i lF ^ O R ^

-A-^Niijii Company, inltn-’ u fnrlu rU g liillum. Uuurnnte»-<1 all wool.

^ O u n ra n te cd .i.e rfe e t- ,iit. - H r WnrtcJr uto I»eavu'.otiIcn.:rcrriua-'.ir6U ll.ul,, SVlIl coil day o r 'n ljb t. ........... ;•

, XT WlT.Ti ^JE l>iw A .^ Who did • fa i l n e M ^ l t t - tho ,

ir?T liP^, In iho y w ir-’ m 'upoa..:.:tho- " Elkofp- "lU no i.'- '-’Cdid. 1

itiio mar.ac e thlt^iiotlc«'^to-ndrh^

, W»-'whetpab«nU.'; s',.-. '

' ' ■ 1 - I .?;

EM ENTS?l|s t i t u t e t h e b e s t m e a n s , '- S i M d e n t s o f S o u t h I d a h o -

_ r o B B A L B - m o o E L L ijr a o ™

lull ■ FOHTY TONB o f hay n t llow am oa'rnnch. I 'lioiiu 8I1M.1. ' f

uy. " 5 W f n " H U w u nnd O n rd u u llo r in ii. '^ //V! im- era. Alvin llnrlmur Co. , ' i

"4oi)-KOU^New tjueen incubator a t '^ - ' '

iac! , 'r £aeil u t n laerlfice. Plione 700KW. , .-,

t u u B A L l ^ . 0.1 , .,,1 M tlM K•gratprTThPiLii; ^r. t f. Zi j a i, n ran ' gi

^ «"!« a'to^ fixtures-nmf*S.g^alloa eanfc

Al- n„ it . , ,1,1, ____ -

“ •T D n ^ AL^^LocHll^ foiU6 jio s ta t . ■ ' j ’ farm mneliinery lo'ngiici. J . A, W a to n ,,.,. -i'

717; ‘ l''OK H ^L l> -llm r rerd bnby buggy,'. prico renaonalde. Inquire 1130 F o u r th '. . ' •:

Avcnuo Enat. ____________igfl KOH HALlT-Kebuiii vacuum cioaa '.:-—jiu,l rra, a ll uiokea, prlccd (10 lo *25. Sprlntf.V . 'i., |. hnuao denning li iirro. Kaay W aahlnjf'* '•rn, Marlilne Co,, 118 Beeond avenue MUth. - • •or. T IM E f r r a i N >nl o r d ., j o . r j’

u rn nursery aloek for apriag plaotlnff. , - >nrt Spccinl lereleo nnd enlalogno U free. , '• ,?N. flaloa^an w^an^d. Kimberly N nraalei,': . •_

— and^U chctl^w t^*w * iX b « rtaS^V’ 'tor. Ciiamplan boy lUckor: ao n e DelleloBt’ -

apples. II. a DoWUt, h a ll B lU ao x tb '-— p f PiVe Point 6ter«. - -----

_ WANTKD—10,000"orderi to fill from mg, uur “ JNiil '0 I’r p ” sujierlor quality. -

fru it nud alindo Ireea, amnll fruU plnnli,-"! ' •, Koara, Vlara and •I’rrruulala. LoWwt

t. • prirea. Hrnd for cnliilDgiic todnv. Klni-ICI-"i TTT beriy, Niiraerien, Kimberly (Twin Fall» .«

POB SALI-:—B eit grado <^Ioni(!b'Tcfl i ro w n W otinlaloDauver onion M d ' tty. »lioBe-18(t-Twlo-Falii-or-4a-J«foa*r -t-— ^

uo T .D . McCoy, - " r*

^ '»“*! KOK H KNT-4 jicrea in ulfulfo, join-"!!___ ing lownnile. Phoue 42I.W.nu" KOH KKNT-80 acre*. Cush pro-'.;," -

f rrre iir Addreas K., Cure-K cw aV" -------

_ T O 'T B A n a ■

— _ " M O PKnyilOTreB-'on T h lr i 'W ^ t l To'; ' / trmlo fur stoek nnd .m achinery. 4U ' ' T hird Avenue west. _

^ 2 ...........•. ...; .

• ---------.........................................UUO OLABS \ ■" )

= w n ib 'o w O L A M -W lnd .l.W J^ t .b JC X ':s ___ ^j>e^j»nrfc_l^iflVi_Ww


fp ; M O D E ^ p L A ^ o a m j . ,Jx ; Co, Hrrecn imd Cnbiuet -Work. Phono.',V.C,

(IOI). 138 Third Avenue Soulh. • - fV

W. UONTOOTH AMS BON^ . -—— Por prompt and early service on w lol ,

ulio'■‘■P' ....... ~TBA1THFEBMu- — '<

CSOZIEB TBAMSFBB 0 0 . Fhoae 848. * <.; ^ C ra tin g . and H b o rty Ocat. J

k a OoT Coal a n d ^ 'j . - P h e a t 34V '-: '-*

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£ ------- A s a\ \ . ■ , i V g w! \ — ---------- r i ^ na t

co m etc{)/J iiiating\ v l m ellow

i J / ' NowA m eric

^ ----- familiesin g by

W l ^ I " N .■ D. C , il

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n e ^ p t m

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SHADE cf<3ifFerence,-aJittl( goodness—and i t has w on tl nation-wide fam e t ly t ha : to any coffee.

b t long ago only a few dii ng families k n ew o f its s ow richness.

b w from coast to coast, Tica’s ereat cities, the num lies-wLo-setvft i t is-daily-j by the thousands.

1 N ew York C ity , in Washii in Cincinnati i t is by £

: popular o f a ll coffees, on to Los Angeles its full-1 iris awakening a n ew enthu

^titw as onlyfivcTeatsage;

e v e r o f

[ > A Y : M O B ] S [ m ( ^ M A R r i H ^

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5 g r e a t c

w e d h f t

ttie extra— able- generall) n the first has been a r r i

^ l ^ i t i• ---------------than any o thediscrim- f ie . Six great

IS special built to suppl;w ell House G

St. in all Your veryim b e ro f M u o t.y o u r fly-grow—

ica. W hen yosee a touch c

ihington, faces at yourr far the m orrow for Is. F rom11-bodiediusiasm . “ , ' J

Cheek-Neal Cg»w lien ville, ' H onstdme avails— m ond,-N ew -'

'' ^ ‘r ‘ ,

f i

cities he this flat

diy. S ince-then-the^new s irried a ll over A m erica

1 ^ pirased m o te people :her coffee ever offered roc :eat p lan ts have had tb be jply th e demand fo t Max- jG offee.

ry firs t ta s te p f its rich It first breath o f its aroma )u w h y i t h ^ w o n Amer- you f e t w nrc it,y o u will ll o f n e w interest jn the ur table. Plan to t ty i t to- )r breakfast o r fo r dinnet.

ocer h a s M axw ell House th e fa m o u s b lu e tins.

1 Coffee Com panyi Nash- sto n ; ' Jaek sohviUe, R id t" v~ York—L os Angeles.—

v r s a l e

i i s s s S i S ^ i S i t i l w S t e

p S i i F H ik H E i i B

lavew r

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ich jima , ‘ler-vill ' the to­ner.

useins.ish-e h - ------------------------------------------- — -

. ........... ........... , J