i go het! - department of foreign affairs and...

1 MANUS i go het ! Issue 06 In this issue... Manus i go het! brings you the latest news and stories about Australia’s assistance in Manus and the Regional Processing Centre. In this issue read about your sporting heroes, road and bridge works, Mokerang Village, East Lorengau Transit Centre and surfing tourism. Pg 2 Pg 4 Benefits to Manus Images by Joel Coleman, Saltmotion Gallery, Sydney Pg 6 Aussie surfer picks Manus as next surfing tourism destination

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MANUSi go het! Issue 06

In this issue...Manus i go het! brings you the latest news and stories about Australia’s assistance in Manus and the Regional Processing Centre. In this issue read about your sporting heroes, road and bridge works, Mokerang Village, East Lorengau Transit Centre and surfing tourism.

Pg 2Pg 4

Benefits to Manus

Images by Joel Coleman, Saltmotion Gallery, Sydney

Pg 6

Aussie surfer picks Manus as next surfing tourism destination


Manus i go het! Issue six brings you all the latest facts, stories and pictures to keep you up to date on how Australia is supporting Manus and working alongside our Papua New Guinean partners and the Provincial Government. Read about the benefits to Manus from the Regional Processing Centre, including the market, road and bridge works and sports grants. I’m proud that Australia’s grants program is supporting Manusians to be the best they can be. You’ll also see in this edition that Manus is one aussie surfer and photographer’s surfing tourism pick!

Message from Australia’s High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, HE Ms Deborah Stokes


Manus people say “Wuroh” to the beat of the Garamut

Top Right: Women selling fish at ward 4 temporary market will will enjoy selling their fish and meat in a special section that is more spacious and hygienic

Right: The redeveloped market has a special enclosed fish and meat section for vendors. The area can accommodate up to 80 vendors

Manus Governor Benjamin and hundreds of Manusians came out to the opening of the Lorengau Market – a major legacy for Manus from hosting the Regional Processing Centre (RPC).

Australian High Commissioner and Governor Benjamin formally unveiled the plaque to open the market.

The market redevelopment includes:

• an increase in the number of stalls (from 480 to 740) and provision for 8 small shops

• new female toilet and refurbished existing female and male toilets

• realigned and painted perimeter fence

• security lighting

• refurbished police outpost

• children’s playground

• landscaping.

“Women vendors are the backbone of PNG markets and this market provides them the opportunity to sustain their livelihood.” said Ms Stokes


Recent benefits to Manus funded by Australia

Harbourside Hotel refurbishment and expansion gifted to the Manus Provincial Government

K9.5 million

K36 million

Launch of roads and bridges project

Following the completion of the East Lorengau Transit Centre, 14 former DECMIL buildings used in the construction phase have been made available for use in Manus 14

Contract value of the East Lorengau Transit Centre infrastructure

A$146.5 million

K7.2 millionLorengau Market Opening



Sports grants boost talentThis year is a big year for sport in PNG with the Port Moresby 2015 XV Pacific Games! Manusians have a head start thanks to Australia’s community grant program. The Manus team already won big at the PNG Games.

Sports assistance funded by Australia

• On 5 December 2014 the Manus Provincial Government endorsed a new sports strategy for the province. The strategy focuses on sporting infrastructure, up-skilling athletes, and strengthening sports associations throughout Manus.

• 16 Manus sports associations have received funding grants of PGK 13,000 to PGK 19,900 for sporting activities in the province. These funds supported the associations prepare for the Manus Games (July 2014) and the PNG Games (16-29 November 2014).

• 13 local sports facilities for athletics, basketball, hockey, netball, soccer and volleyball are being upgraded through funding grants of PGK 4,000 to PGK 10,000. This work is expected to be completed by end of February 2015.

• Australia, in consultation with the Manus Provincial Administration, is also funding an adviser in Manus on sports and recreation – Nathan Batley.

Australia’s Sports Adviser Nathan Batley wantaim ol Manus Para

Sports team Lae, Morobe Provins

Team Manus wokabout long openin seremoni long Sir Ignatius Kilage

Stadium long 2014 PNG pilai

Pawaful hockey meri team winim gold long 2014 PNG pilai. Hockey association i bin kisim moni halivim long Australia

long sapotim pilai bilong ol long Manus Provinsal pilai na tu long 2014 PNG pilai


Top hockey plaia Pondrilei

Polaip i stap insait long

developmen trenin kamp long go long

Australia long rere long 2015

Pasifik pilai

Para spots plaia Siwa Nali

i soim brons medal em i bin

winim long 2014 PNG pilai


“The islands are so incredibly beautiful and the water so amazingly clear that it redefined my perspective on what

a tropical ‘paradise’ really is. I’ll let the photographs do the talking for just how good the surf in PNG can be.

Barrels like this really can’t be described in words”


Images by Joel Coleman, Saltmotion Gallery, Sydney

Aussie surfer tips Manus as next surfing tourism destination

A surfer and photographer from Manly in Sydney, Australia – Joel Coleman – visited Manus recently and tipped it as a great destination for surfing adventures. In his photo journal (http://www.saltmotion.com/journal/2014/12/manus-perspective/) he wrote about surfing in Manus.

Mokerang Ples


Manus i go het! i go raun na lukim Mokerang ples

na kisim piksa long ol pipol long Mokerang komuniti.

Mokerang ples em wanpela bikpela komuniti wer planti

ol pipol bilong ol i kisim wok wantaim Regional Processing

Centre. Dispela i halivim ol planti femili insait long Mokerang long

baim ol skul fi, hausik fi, na ol narapela samting ol femili i nidim.

Left: Yangpela mangi i wokim kite long palai long win

Mama i putim bebi long laplap long wokim bebi silip




Loniu bridge will be rehabilitated

The East Lorengau Transit Centre is now in

use by PNG Immigration and Citizenship Servicers Authority. As of February

2015, eleven refugees were residing at the centre.

Road and bridge project does not include removal of large treesYou’ll see some new folks around town from Queensland company Shamrock. They are in Manus the Australian-funded undertake road and bridge upgrades valued at approximately K36 million.

Works are expected to be completed by December 2015.

The road and bridge project does not include the removal of any large trees and neither the contractor nor the PNG Department of Works has requested the removal any trees.

The project is part of Australia’s AU$37 million in additional assistance for Manus.

"I've just started my PMV business and new roads means positive

outcome for my business, I was weary of maintenance cost to my

PMV "3 in 1" in this current road condition but with news of roads

upgrades, I am even more excited to expand my PMV business.

- PMV owner Gabriel Peter


Australia halivim Buk Bilong Pikinini laibari

Ol Libari Tisa wantaim ol sumatin bilong Buk Bilong Pikinini Laibari

Libari tisa Pauline Nohowan

i ritim buk long wanpela sumatin

long laibariOl sumatin i ritim buk

Buk Bilong Pikinini Laibri long Ward 5 long Lorengau nau i gat 90 sumatin krismas namel long yia 2-6 yias. Het tisa na laibarian Betty Yohang i tok ol sumatin lainim planti gutpla samting olsem weda, ol dei na mun bilong yia, namba, shape na kisim lainim long rit na rait.

Buk bilong Pikinini laibari i bin open long Manus long July 2014 long halivim ol liklik pikinini insait long Manus long lainim long rit na rait. Australia i givim moni halivim long Buk bilong Pikinini opim dispela laibari.

“Mi lukim olsem i gat planti papa na mama i karim ol pikinini i kam

long laibari long lainim rit na rait. Dispela em gutpla moa na

ol pikinini i lainim long skul taim ol yangpela yet” Betty i tok

Andra ailan i bin holim wanpela bikpela pilai bilong ol long kristmas las yia. Tonamen i bin stat long 1999 na em i wanpela

tonamen wer i bungim na kirapim gutpla sports pasin namel long Andra Komuniti. 9 soka playa i bin selekted long stap

insait long Manus Soka trenin team long dispela yia.

Bikpela toktok hamamas long olgeta man na meri insait long tonamen na bikpela hamamas

i go long Chomoli long winim gran final!

Bottom Left: Kari Inland Darts Association i bin holim wanpela dart pilai long Kari Komuniti. Dispela pilai

i bin stat long 2014 behainim moni halivim Australia i givim long sapotim ol spots insait long ol

Manus komuniti.



Andra Ailan Soka Tonamen

Australia Aid skolarsip sumatin Elizabeth Lagisan wantaim ol poro tisa bilong em

long Manus Secondari Skul. Fopela Manus man na meri insait long Provins i skul

nau long Australia aninit long Australia Awards scholarships blo yia 2015.



Komuniti Helt Wok meri, Cathy Andrew i wok wantaim Lorengau Hausik. Cathy i bin kisim Australia Award skolarsip long 2013 long kisim certificate long wokim komuniti health wok. Wok bilong Cathy bai halivim ol Manus Komuniti long abrusim ol sik insait long komuniti, wokim ol wel bebi klinik, nes work na halivim long wokim komuniti kamap gut.

Cathy Andrew

"Lainim wer mi kisim aninit long Australia Skolarsip bai halivim me long wokim gut wok bilong mi long komuniti. Mi laikim olsem Manus mas kamap wanpela gutpla provins insait long kantri na me laik halivim pipol insait long ol komuniti long sindaun hamamas gut wantaim"

Your Say!Thank you Australia for helping us build a stronger more prosperous Manus Charlie Benjamin, Manus Governor

Our administration is engaged in regular discussions on implementing

projects in partnershipAndrew Posong,

Manus Provincial Administrator

We are thankful that the market is built with greater consideration

for women market vendorsMary Ramos, market vendor

Komuniti Liaison Ofisa Sahar Bender wantaim ol Lorengau meri lida long East Lorengau Transit Centre. Ol meri lidas i bin

raun i go na bung wantaim ol refugees long wanpela bung kaikai. Dispela em i behainim tingting long kamapim gutpla peren pasin namel long ol refugee na ol Manus komuniti.

Sahar i sindaun stori wantaim Mokerang Ward kansol Geroge Lokowa long Mokerang ples.


Toktok i kam long ofisas i wok wantaim ol Manus komunitiWuroh Manus pipol! na welkam long KLO komuniti buk where mipla ol komuniti liaison ofisas (KLO) i hamamas long soim Manus pipol long ol wok mipela i save wokim insait long komuniti. Wok bilong mipla ol Komuniti Liaison Ofisa em long halivim Manus komuniti na Regional Processing Senta long wok bung wantaim. Long dispela mun mipela i halivim wokim wanpla bung kaikai bilong ol meri leaders wantaim ol refugee long east Lorengau senta, na mipela i go raun long ol planti komuniti long Los Negros na Andra Ailan.

Yupela ken rait na ring i kam long mipela long namba 7091 3682 or email [email protected] long toksave long mipela long ol wok yupela i wokim insait long komuniti bilong yupela.


Komuniti Liaison Ofisas Emily Brissenden and Sahar Bender


Emily wantaim Ward Councillor Tom Kalolo i go raun long Andra

ailan long lukim soka pilai.

PNGDF Toropo, CO Vidders, wantaim Emily na ol narapela wokman bilong PNG ICSA

na Australia Immigration i go raun long patrol boat seeadler.