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Personal , Social and Local Items Ali*. - ' Anno H. inst'-in of Miiivnr- st i ool i* sjtontlinv. : ' vavntiutt vinifinir t ' lit'inls in Venice , Calif. Mi. ^s Bern- stein ni. -iilo llio trip w itli Al l- , anil Mr- . , Kttl iin Hoi -n. -li'iii aim children "f ; Urooklvn. j M I - H . I. o.mar.l Spa i Ks nf West Mam ; st reet has relumed recentl y t' v.utt i C:,in:i K.lilh Mary, near Pleasantvillo, i uhi'i ' i - she spent 1<> days takinj; '• -j <¦niir. se ill volunteer training. . .Mr. and Mrs. I!..l>eri P. Ship ley : of Ch. 'iniliiTshnrir , Pa., recentl y spent ; . s. veral days visit int. . - Mrs. Shipley ' s! parents . Mr. and M rs. A. .1. Kelly ; of Sout h Ocean atomic . Mr. Ship-; ley is li- in .u- I I an iV.ivil t.i Cot in. . ..; - ; where he is to direct, programs :tl ¦ a no\c radio station wiiicli will oju n An en st 1. Swezey & Votviiis is licadiiuaiters for i lu> " famous S i m m on s Beauty, Rest mattresses and box springs. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sp isak cele- brated their 1 wenty-ei . tilitli weddinjc anniversary Friday nii;h1 . A party, p lanned by their daughter , Mrs. K. W. Kemp " nf Sayville , was niven in ; their honor. The gnosis were Mr. ; and Mrs. Edward Halton , Miss F.dith Tay lor , Mis:; Ann Mirabelli. Mrs - . Sam Mi ' rahelli , John , Dorot hy and Marie Spisak , all of Patehotfue; Miss Marie Spisak . John Stunner, I he Bronx; Mrs. Frank Inun. -n ulatn, Seymour Conn. A buffet snptiei- was served. Dr. Fred H. -illock and his wife , Dr Helen I.h.yd llallock. and also Mrs. Pauline A. Lloyd and Miss Doris Pat- ton of Louisville . Ky., are visiting Dr. Fred Hallock' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur llallock of Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hard- er and family of Lynbrook were re- cent jrnt'sts at the llallock cottage. Mrs. Harder is a sister of Mr. Hal- lock. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hulbnmk and daiiK htor , Stephanie of Klnihurst are visiting Mr. Holhrook' s grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Hoe. Mrs. Fannie Goldy of Patorson , N. J., is visiting Mrs. Fanny Goldstein of North Ocean avenue. Mrs. Frank Caldwell of Toronto , Canada , will arrive this weekend to spend some time with her sister , Mrs. John Hollaman of West avenue . Don ' t miss the "Summer Clear - ance" now at the Colony Shop. —Adv. Through the Potter and Robinsons office , the house of Edward Cornell on Bay avenue was sold to A. E. Moss , jeweler of PatchoRue . Mr. Cornell is a former manager of the local Prudential Insurance , company office and now resides with his fami- ly in Taunton , Mass. ' Mr. and Mrs. Timmio Mazzei have moved into their new home on Boylan lane , Blue Point. Mr. and Mrs . Charles Bachman , Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hall and Miss Bea- trice Lamb of Philadelphia were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Shaw , Sr., of Hill street . Mrs. Dorothy Kornbluth of tho Beauty Mart has returned to her home on Ketcham street after spend- ing 10 days at Lake Placid. For Everyday Csc and for Parties , Too ! A " matching service" line of napkins, coasters, cups, table covers and plates. In stock. Weeks Print- ing, H Railroad Ave.—Adv. Miss Dorothy Knooll of CO Lee rsvenue has arrived at Stewart , Nov., where she will conduct a course for instructors at the summer session of the Carson Indian school. Miss Knoell has been doing research work for the Indian Service at the Uni- versity of Chicago and received her Ph.D. there last December. A fter a trip through the Western states , at the conclusion of her assignment at. Stewart , she will join the staff at the University of Wisconsin , Madi- son , Wis., where she will do ed u ca - tional researc h work. Miss Miriam Beasley of Columbia , S. C, who has been visiting her mother , Mrs. I^i u ra Beasley of Amity street , is visiting in Canandaigua and No rthampton , Mass . Miss Beasley is occupational therapist at the Vet- erans hospital in Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Egner and daughters, (Jloria and Elaine , and Mrs. Elizabeth Schaldonat of Brook - lyn were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Popp of Lakewood street. .Mammoth Firew orks Display at Hagerman , St . Joseph' s Church Grounds. Sunday night. July 24. All invited. —Adv. Mrs . J. Kozlow . ski of Columbia street entertained over the weekend her roti and daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. .Edward Ko/.lowski of Elmhurst , Miss Blanche Lubomska of Maspeth and Miss Mary Hall of Whitestone. They all attended the Polish Ameri- can dance at polish hall Saturday night , at which time Mrs. Edward Kozlowski was serenaded by the or- chestra and all the other guests in celebration of her birthdav. > Tne Pulaski Club of Patchogue met :,t the clubhouse on Falcon avi im. Fi iday nitrlit. with Alexander Zelcn- ¦ki . vice pr.-sident . presiding in ab- sence ol Fmmett Newton, presideii * . Final plan.- wete made for the caul pally to tie held tomorrow night al the hall. Mrs. (iem-ge Kopczynski is chaiiman of the affair. The entire proceeds will go to St. Francis de Sales R. f . church. The Shoreham , Restaurant "On the Bay " Sayville. Special Luncheon weekdays Sl.aO ; Special Table d'hote Dinners <> to p. m. Monday through Friday #2.00.Adv . A stork shower in honor of Airs. Robert I label was given at the home ol ' Mrs. Clifford Scale on Conkiin avenue, 1 ' ate ' nogue , July 5. The host - esses were Mrs. Scale and Miss Kay R\ei. The room was attractively decorated in pink and blue crepe pa- pei , and a huge stork was in the middle of the table with favors sur- rounding it. .M rs. 1 label received many beautiful gifts. The guests were : Mrs . Arthur Kottman. Mrs. John Blaum , Mrs. J. Kottman, Mrs . Creorge Swartzfagei. Miss Muriel Dit- tmeiei. Miss Muriel Hollmann , Miss Edith Doerr and Miss Marie Ciiiiri of Patchogue; Mrs. Carl Win- gard , Medford; Mrs. Charles Atkins. Jr., Port .lell' ersoii : .Miss Helen Man- dry, l. -lip; and Airs. J. Piatt , Rich- mond Hill. Home made pies and cakes baked to order. Academy Restaurant. 16a C #l .... .i.. A .... ...I 1> .. «.,I......... l ll.o . .. ./» *. II . 'i»c -., I «- I . M diLii.r^ue i£.zm. —Adv. Donald Graneto , son of Mr. and Mrs . Patrick (iranetto of Canaan Lake , will celebrate his birthday next Wednesday. A. Smith Petty is a patient in Neurological institute , New York city. Miss .Margery Cuttridgo gave a party at her home on North Ocean avenue Tuesday night in honor of the fi rs t wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sheppa ' rd. The guests were Mrs. Frank Guttridge, Sr., Charles Fezler , Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard received lovel y gifts , among them an anniversary cake with one candle . Miss Leonora Watkins of North Ocean avenue is enjoying a two week vacation from her position at Loesers, Bay Shore. The Philathea class will hold a clambake Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Wanda ' Seaman in East Patchogue. Lieut. C.vmdr. Howard I. Sephtmi of Alfred university has 1,,-eii called 1n Washington. D. « ' .. for two weeks ' active duty with the United Stat es Naval Reserve. Commander Sep htoii is the son of All. and Mrs. George Sephlon of Wiggins avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F. Guy Waller , Jr., and children. Guy, Jr.. and Jonelle , have returned to their home in Au- burn Ala., after spending two weeks with Mrs. Waller ' s mother , Airs. Pallia Alathewson of Jennings avenue . Mrs. Emil Praetorius. who has been ill at her home on Medford avenue , is convalescing. Swt'/rj & Newins features W hite Swan uniforms.Adv . Mr. and Airs. Frank Toth of South Country road , F.ast Patchogue, who sailed for France about three weeks ago , have been sightseeing in Paris and are now in Chamonix to view the Mont Blanc Alps . In a card re- ceived from them they say. "No words can express the wonder and beauty of it all . . . leaving for Switzerland tomorrow. We are line and had a comfortable voyage." William , Robert and Stephe n Saulle , sons of Mr. and Mrs. Salva- tore Saulle of Grove avenue , were baptized at the Congregational church Sunday during the morning sei vice b y the Rev. Gerald E. Boyce. Air. and Mrs. Alichael Ventiere have returned to their home on Avery avenue after a motor trip through the midwest and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ivey entertained at their home , "Happy Hill , " in Mid- dle Island , Sunday, at a picnic. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ivey, Jr. , Mrs. Ann Ivey, Shelley, Susan and Tommy Ivey, Miss Barbara T-Iaire r and Paul Parker of Roekville Centre ; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ly- decker , Karen and Susan Lydecker of Amity vide ; Mrs. Ida Abrams, Mrs. Ann Fitzpatrick , James Kane , Mrs. P. Tollarine , J. Buckley, Mr . De Witt , Mr. and Mrs . T. Harms of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallen , Sandra and Ronnie Wallen of Hempstead ; Mrs. Adeline Ivey of Middle Island; Peter and Claire ' Lydecker of Holts- ville; Mr . and Mrs . John Wallen , Mr. and Mrs . Michael Wallen , William , Jean and Robert Wallen , Mr. and Mrs. William Martin , Mary Martin , Mr. and Mrs . A. Le Branch , Buddy Egan , Joseph Wallen , Mr. and Mrs . lohn Wallen. Jr .. ATr. ami Airs. Wil- j liam Rowland ami Billy Rowland, of i Heliport ; Alv. and Mrs . Peter To!-; larine , Peter , Jr.. of Fast Patcimgue; Air. and Ai rs. John Camp bell , .la-.qiiie and John Camp bell. Jr.. Air. and Mrs. Sal I.ot ito , Carole l.otito , Mr. and Airs. Frank I.otito , Anita. Alargie , Ann Marie and Frank Lotito , Jr., Ai rs. Ruse Frisco , Rut h and Louis Frisco , Mr. and M rs. John Gamnldi , Shirley and George (iainaldi . Ai r. Gainaldi. Mr. and Airs . James Lo- and Mrs. FM< r Gamildi , Jimmy tito . All. and Airs. Francis M'^lita , Johnny Slechta. Mr. and Airs Harold Fn r re l ' l . June , Thomas and Michelle Farrell. all of Patchogue . Outdoor sports were enjoyed as well as re- freshments in liie luuure of :i clam- bake. Airs . Griffith R. Owen and son , Thomas L. Owen , of Naiitkee road . Blue Point , spent the weekend in Prid.'-eport, Conn., as the guests of Air. and Mrs. A. T. Westlake and family. The Westlakes are former residents of Patchogue. Here Again! MEN'S WASHABLE SLACKS 3 95 lUP i All Sizes _ All Colors i i SWEZEY | & NEWINS Patchogue 280 S&jN ' s Value-Packed * SUMMER ^^^flj^k ^ A JBk MBBUb ^^¦^^v ^ H MB M JH^ HB ^^^^^ tr ^^^k^kf ^k^k^k m > '^k^k^k^kr ^^B^ m l^^m^^^^^H ^^^^^g ^^^^^ H ^k^k^k^kw ^B^H^Him Special Purchases of off-price Sportswear ! Save up to 5Q% ! We go out shopp ing too ! Everywhere we go we try to find bargains we know you 'll be expecting from us. This time we ' ve had luck as you will see below. Most of the items are brand new , bought at big reductions , and p lenty of summer months ahead in which to use them. Repeat of 3-Time Sellout! BLOUSES 14 If I :^* J> -- iP "^ AH Colors /. ' ^^^^^^^ k AH Rayon / /^^^^^^^ Priced Way Below !\ \wP*i<iw A* *~ ' ^ Wholesale \ ~ .;S=r^^ f|jf g| - /"/ Three times we' ve slocked a \^ ~ /$ $&%&' J , «^ table on »he main floor and , Jj& M&' i $' -j ^-l three, times U has been emp- \ ^^4Bjp fe£' ' ¦ j d %& * : '\ tied in a few hours. The \ Jg&f ^ j $&£ g&&$\ amount of stock purchased S^f / !^ ^ ^ ^^' " | permits us to again offer (his JWf V ' ' ?*>- ' ¦ " ¦ ' " ' . A spectacular special ! s7$ /f&r ¦ - ¦ ¦* t' /y- _.- .«: ' . ' €otton Skirts i j They were turned out by a famous skirl maker . £*feOQ and were regularl y 5.98 each. Five glamorous ^Jp mWmw styles in all . ' zes and colors . Stripes, prints , /f lL KiiiRhanis and blacks. &mW Save 45% on j£k | SWIM *r^| / ._ . _ ! perfections are practicall y indis- \ \\ •; tineuishable. Famous Flexee suits ' I \\ - ' ! with built-in Bra. See the beau- "V ' \ V V ii / * """ N . ' liful jewel tone colors. Sizes .12 T ,v /\ V I [' / (o .m Also other 1 and 2-pe. wool - ; ' - / ' ! "~~"^. \ '' ' ' / ' lastex suits as low as :i.«8 . ¦ * « . ¦ -»\ *; , v .. | "-^ r^'A ii' : j ' - 4 11 HALF-PRICE CLEARANCE j * Camisole Style Halters A n i. i I Iridescent Denim A " " ? avp i " 1£> ' 1 <! ' k "n from nnr i t Jackets , Shirts , lumuei-s ™Bu\nr spo.-tswe. -.r stock :.nd i ' M «~ w ««««««»»«»««v»« WWWWM ^ w w ,„ J Peasant-Type Blouses 2.98 Regularly 4.98. All Junior Sizes. Swezey & Newins The Store of Smiling Service Patchogue 280 - ^i—————i— n ¦ ¦ ¦ i M n i i i i——— ^ M * _ j * . J.*—** IM ^ M *^ Swezey & Newins Summer \ Big Savings on These Values! I UP TO 69c COTTONS 2R e A terrific clearance! (" olois and patterns are f rtf 0*Xw VI). numerous. Reduced to - - - - - - - GALEY & X0RD GINGHAMS *T«|e Superior quality fabric regularly !>8c yard. W 9^ YD. i Plaids and Checks. 9x12 Fi bre Rugs Studio Couch 9.95 39.09 Assorted plaid colors. A re- A buyer ' s scoop for S X. versible rug bearin-r name of Comfortable t«i sleep on . and famous rujj maker. Will wear roomy too ! Comes in wine , like iron ! green or blue fabric. -HVwHMUWHMMMWVHiWtVmHWHUMW tWWWVMMMU I Innerspring Mattresses c&'B Q^ 1 j 2 Few bedding buys like this around ! Heavy, ^^ M B < ' % durable ticking, handles for easy turning, 0t§0 .M. \ $ plenty of air vents. Full , twin or -^ size. 5 I ^»»»»%»V»»%»%%»»»»»»»»»»»»»^%»%»»»»»%»»»»»»»»»%»»^V»\»%V»»\%^»»\ See this New BIG-VALUE EA5Y<5?»«4W* ""li'y'V 1 . 1 s:.-v.:.:.x.x-x-:->xox-::*.... J p- t, < ^ <\ V >v *- .ll l i >l|-wi|f '«lm " »"'|\ WASHES * RINSES , Soin-rinse FASTER 7^ 0AMP-DRIES apm rinse j HERE J -11 ^1^' J HER E [ Automatic ^ / ^t TSv5i"?/. f * Water Filter ' - ^^^^^ m ^^^ ' - : " :-l •§' 1 ' - Swing Faucets ' *^: ^S^S^^' C^^^ ^" •^^^. : : : :j^ J[ I Yo " can ' ' ,M>a ' ,his ,,ew KASY ^ p * ^^S ^ ^^^t ^ Q T^- ' , ^^ > 3 , | for value! N"«w with built -in t I' M I . " ^^ —— \ 1 . 1 "Clean-flow " water filter EASY APPLIANCES - MAIN FLOOR , REA R ?™ Does " ' , ^7* T *™ e\er . |>oes a week s wash in SWEZEY & NEWINS "" ""J^L os Patchogue 280 Ji.O *£F This 9.3 Cu. ft. Electric Refrigera tor NOW YOURS FOR ONLY 990^5 (A Regular 269.00 Value ) f ^ f ^ JJ IF w i Si, < %%* **** *^ CriCffi* - t^K \ ¦ 11^11 \ ^Stc!^^^ 0 ^ i ^ ^^^jsy \ vfl^s> ^^ H ^^^ ih p^^^^B^^ A** *****^ [J Big, Roomy Frozen j |^^g j| ^^ ^^^ |f|^ g ^ | Food Compartment l^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^p^l Lots of Storage =: ^ a ^^^^^=== = : ^^^ ^ :: NsNv * Large Fresh Vegetable i <zZ ^^ y - -~~~~ ^^^V - ' Humidor >^v Onl y $23 Down X^ L-aai^P SWEZEY & NEWINS >^^ Patchogue 280 APPLIANCE DEPT., REAR ON MAIN FLOOR An S&N Edi' orial ENERGY ^ Many times in the past i few months people have ! expressed their surprise i at the vast amount of j goods that dail y flows ; into S&N. They have ! seen the railway express I j and parcel post men , as ¦ well as huge trailer trucks emptying their contents into our ware- houses. Each week they ; see our own trucks "haul- ing frei ght. " What does j it all add up to? j It ' s "ENERGY. " ! i Week after week , in ¦ the blistering heat of j ; summer a group of twelve S&N buyers are using every bit of energy at their command to ac- complish one purpose. They are determined to bring "better merchan- j disc at lower pri . ces for ' more people. " They are getting fresh new merchandise at way down prices but it takes plenty of effort and en- i ergy (and a lot of shoe \ leather). One good ex- i ample of this is the I straw bags at $! which have sold all season at 1 .98 and 2.98. : No , we ' re not running big clea rances of old mer- chandise these days , we ' re getting brand new merchandise from our usual top resources at big price reductions to I satisfy the needs of more ; people. We would like to ex- I press our appreciation to i our N. Y. buying office , McGreevey, Weering & Howell for their assist- \ : ance in bring ing you ! many of these values. SWEZEY & NEWINS t ; "The Store of Srnllinj? Service" ,

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Post on 08-Mar-2018




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• Personal, Social and Local ItemsAli *.-' A n n o H. i n s t ' - i n of M i i i v n r -

st i ool i* s j tont l inv . :' v a v n t i u t t v i n i f i n i rt'l i t ' i n l s in Venice , C a l i f . M i .^s Bern-s t e i n ni .- i i lo l l i o t r i p w i t l i Al l- , an i l M r - . ,K t t l i i n Hoi -n.- l i ' i i i a im ch i l d r en "f ;U r o o k l v n . j

M I -H . I.o.mar.l Spa i Ks nf West Mam ;st reet has relumed recentl y t' v.utt iC:,in :i K . l i l h M ar y , near P l easan tv i l l o , iuh i ' i 'i - she spent 1<> days t a k i n j ; •'•- j< ¦niir. se ill vo lun tee r t r a i n i n g . .

.Mr. and Mrs . I! . . l >er i P. S h i p ley :of Ch.' in i l i iTshnr i r , Pa., recentl y spent ;.s. veral days visi t int. .- Mrs. Shipley 's !p a r e nt s . Mr . and M rs. A. .1. K e l l y ;of Sout h Ocean a tomic . Mr . S h i p - ;ley is li- in .u- I I an iV . iv i l t.i Cot in ....;- ;where he is to direct, p rograms :tl ¦

a no\c radio s t a t ion w i i i c l i w i l l oju nAn en st 1.

Swezey & Votvi i is is l icadiiuai tersfor i lu> " famous Simmons B e a u t y ,Rest mat t resses and box springs.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sp isak cele-brated t h e i r 1 wen ty-e i .t i l i t l i weddinjcanniversary Friday nii ;h1 . A p a r t y ,p lanned by the i r daugh te r , Mrs. K.W. Kemp " nf Sayvil le , was n iven in ;the i r honor. The gnosis were Mr. ;and Mrs. Edward Halton , Miss F.dithTay lor , Mis:; A n n M i r a b e l l i . Mr s-. SamMi 'rahelli , John , Dorot hy and Mar ieSpisak , all of Pa tehot fue ; Miss Mar ieSpisak . John S t u n n e r, I he B r o n x ;Mrs. F r a n k I n u n .-n u l a t n , SeymourConn. A buffet snp t iei - was served.

Dr. Fred H.-illock and his wi fe , DrHelen I.h.yd l lal lock. and also Mrs.Pau l ine A. Lloyd and Miss Doris Pat-ton of Louisv i l l e . Ky., are v i s i t ingDr. Fred Hal lock ' s parents , Mr. andMrs. A r t h u r llallock of Washingtonavenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hard-er and f ami ly of Lynbrook were re-cent jrnt' sts at t he l lal lock cottage.Mrs. Harder is a sister of Mr. Hal -lock.

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hulbnmk anddaiiK htor , Stephanie of Kln ihur s t arevis i t ing Mr. Holhrook's grandparents ,Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Hoe.

Mrs. Fannie Goldy of Patorson , N.J., is visiting Mrs. Fanny Goldsteinof North Ocean avenue.

Mrs. Frank Caldwell of Toronto,Canada , will arrive this weekend tospend some t ime with her sister, Mrs.John Hollaman of West avenue.

Don't miss the "Summer Clear-ance" now at the Colony Shop.—Adv.

Through the Potter and Robinsonsoffice, the house of Edward Cornellon Bay avenue was sold to A. E.Moss, jeweler of PatchoRue. Mr.Cornell is a former manager of thelocal Prudential Insurance , companyoffice and now resides with his fami-ly in Taunton , Mass.' Mr. and Mrs. Timmio Mazzei have

moved in to their new home on Boylanlane , Blue Point.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bachman, Mr.and Mrs. Jesse Hall and Miss Bea-trice Lamb of Philadelphia wereweekend guests at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Fergus Shaw, Sr., of Hillstreet .

Mrs. Dorothy Kornbluth of thoBeauty Mart has returned to herhome on Ketcham street after spend-ing 10 days at Lake Placid.

For Everyday Csc and for Parties,Too! A "matching service" line ofnapkins, coasters, cups, table coversand plates. In stock. Weeks Print-ing, H Railroad Ave.—Adv.

Miss Dorothy Knooll of CO Leersvenue has arrived at Stewart, Nov.,where she wil l conduct a course forinstructors at the summer session ofthe Carson Indian school. MissKnoell has been doing research workfor the Indian Service at the Uni-versity of Chicago and received herPh.D. there last December. A ftera trip through the Western states,at the conclusion of her assignmentat. Stewart, she will join the staff atthe University of Wisconsin, Madi-son, Wis., where she will do edu ca-tional research work.

Miss Miriam Beasley of Columbia ,S. C, who has been visiting hermother, Mrs. I^i u ra Beasley of Amitystreet, is visiting in Canandaigua andNorthampton, Mass. Miss Beasleyis occupational therapist at the Vet-erans hospital in Columbia.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Egner anddaughters, (Jloria and Elaine, andMrs. Elizabeth Schaldonat of Brook -lyn were weekend guests of Mr. andMrs. A. Popp of Lakewood street.

. M a m m o t h Firew orks Display atHagerman, St . Joseph's C h u r c hGrounds. Sunday night . July 24. Allinvited.—Adv.

Mrs . J. Kozlow .ski of Columbiastreet enter ta ined over the weekendher roti and daugh te r - in - l aw , Mr. andMrs. .Edward Ko/.lowski of Elmhurst ,Miss Blanche Lubomska of Maspethand Miss Mary Hall of Whitestone.They all a t tended the Polish Ameri-can dance at polish hal l Saturdaynight , at w h i c h t ime Mrs. EdwardKozlowski was serenaded by the or-chestra and a l l the other guests incelebration of her bir thdav.

> Tne P u l a s k i Club of Pa tchogue met:,t t h e c l ubhouse on Falcon avi im.Fi iday n i t r l i t . w i t h A l e x a n d e r Zelcn-¦ki . v ice pr . -s ident . presiding in ab -sence ol F m m e t t N e w to n , presidei i * .F i n a l plan.- wete made for the caulp a l l y to tie held tomorrow night alt h e ha l l . Mrs. (iem-ge Kopczynsk iis c h a i i m a n of t h e a f fa i r . The e n t i r eproceeds w i l l go to St. Francis deSales R. f . church.

The Shoreham, Restaurant "Onthe Bay " Sayville. Special Luncheonweekdays Sl.aO ; Special Table d'hoteDinners <> to '» p. m. Monday t h r o u g hFriday #2.00.— Adv .

A s to rk shower in honor of Airs.Rober t I label was given at the homeol ' Mrs. Clifford Scale on C o n k i i navenue, 1'ate 'nogue , Ju ly 5. The host -esses were Mrs. Scale and Miss KayR \ e i . The room was a t t r a c t i v e l ydecorated in p i n k and blue crepe pa-pei , and a huge stork was in t hemiddle of the table w i t h favors sur-rounding i t . .Mrs. 1 label receivedmany b e a u t i f u l gif ts . The guestswere : Mrs . A r t h u r Ko t tman . Mrs.John B laum , Mrs. J. K o t t m a n , Mrs .Creorge Swar t z fage i. Miss Mur ie l D i t -tme ie i . Miss Mur ie l H o l l m a n n ,Miss Edi th Doerr and Miss Mar ieCi i i i r i of Patchogue; Mrs. Carl Win -gard , Medford; Mrs. Charles A t k i n s .Jr., Port .lell' ersoii : .Miss Helen M a n -dry, l.- l i p ; and Airs. J. P i a t t , Rich-mond H i l l .

Home made pies and cakes bakedto order. Academy Restaurant. 16aC #l.... .i.. A .... . . .I 1> .. «.,I......... l ll.o. .. . /» *. .« II .' i » c-., I «- I . M diLii.r^ue i£.zm.—Adv.

Donald Graneto , son of Mr. andMrs . Patrick (i rane t to of CanaanLake, wil l celebrate his birthday nextWednesday.

A. S m i t h Petty is a patient inNeurological i n s t i t u t e , New Yorkcity.

Miss .Margery Cuttr idgo gave apar ty at her home on North Oceanavenue Tuesday night in honor ofthe fi rst wedding anniversary of Mr.and Mrs. Robert Sheppa'rd. Theguests were Mrs. Frank Guttridge,Sr., Charles Fezler, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.Sheppard received lovely gifts, amongthem an anniversary cake with onecandle.

Miss Leonora Watkins of NorthOcean avenue is enjoying a two weekvacation from her position at Loesers,Bay Shore.

The Philathea class wil l hold aclambake Wednesday night at thehome of Mrs. Wanda ' Seaman in EastPatchogue.

Lieut . C.vmdr. Howard I. Sephtmiof Al f red u n i v e r s i t y has 1,,-eii called1n Wash ing ton . D. « '.. for two weeks'act ive d u t y w i t h t h e Uni ted Stat esN a v a l Reserve. Commander Sep htoiiis the son of Al l . and Mrs. GeorgeSephlon of Wigg ins avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Guy Waller , Jr.,and chi ldren. Guy, Jr.. and Jonel le ,have returned to t h e i r home in Au-burn Ala., a f ter spending two weekswith Mrs. Waller 's mother , Airs.Pallia Alathewson of Jennings avenue .

Mrs. Emil Praetorius. w h o has beenill at her home on Medford avenue ,is convalescing.

Swt'/rj & Newins features W hi t eSwan uniforms.— Adv .

Mr. and Airs. Frank Toth of SouthCountry road , F.ast Patchogue, whosailed for France about three weeksago , have been sightseeing in Parisand are now in Chamonix to viewthe Mont Blanc Alps . In a card re-ceived f rom them they say. "Nowords can express the wonder andbeauty of it all . . . leaving forSwitzer land tomorrow. We are lineand had a comfortable voyage."

W i l l i a m , Robert and StephenSaulle , sons of Mr. and Mrs. Salva-tore Saulle of Grove avenue, werebaptized at the Congregationalchurch Sunday dur ing the morningsei vice by the Rev. Gerald E. Boyce.

Air. and Mrs. Alichael Ventiere havereturned to the i r home on Averyavenue af ter a motor t r ip throughthe midwest and Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ivey entertainedat their home, "Happy Hil l ," in Mid-dle Island , Sunday, at a picnic. Thosepresent were : Mr. and Mrs. PaulIvey, Jr., Mrs. Ann Ivey, Shelley,Susan and Tommy Ivey, Miss BarbaraT-Iaire r and Paul Parker of RoekvilleCentre ; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ly-decker, Karen and Susan Lydecker ofAmity vide ; Mrs. Ida Abrams, Mrs.Ann Fitzpatrick, James Kane, Mrs.P. Tollarine, J. Buckley, Mr. De Witt ,Mr. and Mrs. T. Harms of Brooklyn;Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallen , Sandraand Ronnie Wallen of Hempstead ;Mrs. Adeline Ivey of Middle Island;Peter and Claire ' Lydecker of Holts-ville; Mr . and Mrs. John Wallen, Mr.and Mrs. Michael Wallen , William ,Jean and Robert Wallen , Mr. andMrs. Will iam Martin , Mary Martin ,Mr. and Mrs. A. Le Branch , BuddyEgan , Joseph Wallen , Mr. and Mrs.

lohn Wallen. Jr .. ATr. ami Airs. Wi l - jl i am Rowland ami B i l l y Rowland, of iHeliport ; Alv. and Mr s . Peter To!-;larine , Peter, Jr.. of Fast Pa t c imgue;Air. and Ai rs. John Camp bell , .la-.q i i i eand John Camp bell . Jr.. Ai r . and Mrs.Sal I.ot i to , Carole l .o t i to , M r . andAirs. Frank I .o t i to , A n i t a . Alarg ie ,Ann Marie and Frank Loti to , Jr.,Ai rs. Ruse Frisco , Rut h and LouisFrisco , Mr. and M rs. John G a m nl d i ,Shir ley and George ( i a i n a l d i . Ai r.Gaina ld i . Mr. and Airs . James Lo-and Mrs. FM< r Gami ld i , J i m m y

t i t o . A l l . and Airs. Francis M'^lita ,Johnny Slechta. Mr. and Airs HaroldFn r re l'l . June , Thomas and Michel leFarrell . al l of Patchogue . Outdoorsports were enjoyed as well as re-f r e s h m e n ts in l i i e l uuure of :i c lam-bake.

Airs . G r i f f i t h R. Owen and son ,Thomas L. Owen , of Nai i tkee road.Blue P oint , spent the weekend inPrid .'-eport , Conn., as the guests ofAir . and Mrs. A. T. Westlake andf a m i l y . The Westlakes are formerresidents of Patchogue.

Here Again!MEN'S



i All Sizes _ All Colors ii


Patchogue 280

S&jN 's Value-Packed*

SUMMER^ flj k A JBk MBBUb^ ¦¦ v ^H MBM JH HB

^ ^ ^ tr ^ k kf k k km > ' k k k kr ^ Bm

l ^m^ ^ ^H ^ ^ ^g ^^^^^H k k k kw B H Him

Special Purchases of

off-price Sportswear !

Save up to 5Q%!We go out shopping too ! Everywhere we go we

try to find bargains we know you'll be expecting

from us. This time we've had luck as you will see

below. Most of the items are brand new, bought

at big reductions, and plenty of summer monthsahead in which to use them.

Repeat of 3-Time Sellout!

B LO U S E S14 If I : * J>• --iP "^

AH Colors /.' ^^^^^^^kAH Rayon /

/^ ^^^Priced Way Below !\ \wP*i<iw A**~' ^

Wholesale \ ~.;S=r^ f|jfg|- / "/

Three times we've slocked a \^~ / $&£$&%&' J ,«^table on »he main floor and , Jj&M&'i$' -j^- lthree, t imes U has been emp- \ ^^4Bjp fe£'' ¦j d % & *:'\ < ¦tied in a few hours. The \ Jg&f ^ j $ &£g&&$\amount of stock purchased S^f / ! ^ ^ ^ '" |permits us to again offer (his JWf V ''?*>- '

¦" • ¦' " ' . Aspectacular special ! s7$/f&r ¦-¦¦* '»

t'/ y - _ .- .«: ' .'

€otton Skirtsij They were turned out by a famous skirl maker . £*feOQand were regularly 5.98 each. Five glamorous Jp mWmw

styles in all . 'zes and colors. Stripes, pr in t s, /flLKiiiRhanis and blacks. &mW

Save 45% on j£k „ |

SWIM *r |/

._. _! perfections are practically indis- \ \\ •;

tineuishable. Famous Flexee suits ' I \\ -'! wi th buil t- in Bra. See the beau- "V' \ V V ii /*"""N. '

l i fu l jewel tone colors. Sizes .12 T • ,v /\ V I [ '/(o .m Also other 1 and 2-pe. wool -; ' -/' !"~~" .

\ '' ' '/' lastex sui ts as low as :i.«8.

¦ * « . ¦ • -»\ *; , v . .

| • "- r 'A i i ': j '-4

11 HALF-PRICE CLEARANCE j* • Camisole Style Halters A n i. iI • Iridescent Denim A " "?avp i"1£> '1 < !'k"n from nnr it Jackets, Shirts, lumuei-s ™Bu\nr spo.-tswe.-.r stock :.nd i


Peasant-Type Blouses 2.98Regularly 4.98. All Junior Sizes.

Swezey & NewinsThe Store of Smiling Service Patchogue 280

- i—————i— n ¦ ¦¦ i M n ii i i———^

M* _ j * . J.*—**IM M*

Swezey & Newins Summer

\ Big Savings on These Values!I UP TO 69c COTTONS 2Re

A terrific clearance! ("olois and pa t t e rns are f r tf 0*Xw VI) .numerous. Reduced to - - - - - - -

GALEY &X0RD GINGHAMS *T«|eSuperior qual i ty fabric regularly !>8c yard. W 9 YD.

i Plaids and Checks.

9x12 Fibre Rugs Studio Couch9.95 39.09

Assorted plaid colors. A re- A buyer's scoop for S &¦ X.versible rug bearin-r name of Comfortable t«i sleep on. andfamous rujj maker. Will wear roomy too ! Comes in wine,like iron ! green or blue fabric.


I Innerspring Mattresses c&'B Q^ 1j 2 Few bedding buys like this around ! Heavy, ^ M B <' % durable ticking, handles for easy turn ing , 0t§0 .M. \$ plenty of air vents. Full , tw in or - size. 5

I ^»»»»%»V»»%»%%»»»»»»»»»»»»»^%»%»»»»»%»»»»»»»»»%»» V»\»%V»»\%^»»\

See this New BIG-VALUE EA5Y<5?»«4W*""li'y 'V 1 .1 s:.-v.:.:.x.x-x-:->xox-::*.... Jp- t, <^<\ V >v*- .ll li >l|-wi|f '«lm "»"'|\

WASHES * RINSES , • Soin-rinseFASTER 7 0AMP-DRIES apm rinsej HERE J -11 1 ' J

HERE [ Automatic

/ ^t TSv5i"?/. f * Water Filter

'- ^^^^^m ^ ^ '-:":-l •§' 1 ' - Swing Faucets

'*^: S S^ 'C^ ^"• ^ .• •:: ::j J[ I Yo

" can'' ,M>a' ,his ,,ew KASY^ p* ^S ^^^t ^

Q T^-' , ^ >3, | for value! N"«w with built -int I'M I ." ^ —— \ 1 . 1 "Clean-flow" water filter EASY


*™e\er. |>oes a week s wash in

SWEZEY & NEWINS "" ""J^L osPatchogue 280 Ji.O*£F

This 9.3 Cu. ft. Electric Refrigera torNOW YOURS FOR ONLY 990^5

(A Regular 269.00 Value) f f


IFw i Si, <%%****** CriCffi* - t^K \¦ 11^11 \^Stc! ^ 0^i ^ ^ jsy \ vfl s> ^

H ^^ihp^ ^ B^ A*******

[J • Big, Roomy Frozen

j | ^gj|^ ^ ^|f| g | Food Compartment

l ^ ^^^^^ ^ p l • Lots of Storage

=: a^ ^ ====:

^^ ^:: NsNv * Large Fresh Vegetable

i <zZ^y--~~~~ ^ V - ' Humidor

> v • Only $23 Down

X^L-aai P SWEZEY & NEWINS>^ Patchogue 280


An S&N Edi'orial

ENERGY^ Many times in the past

i few months people have! expressed their surprisei at the vast amount ofj goods that daily flows; into S&N. They have! seen the railway express

I j and parcel post men , as ¦well as huge trailertrucks emptying theircontents into our ware-houses. Each week they

; see our own trucks "haul-ing freight." What does jit all add up to? j

It 's "ENERGY." !i

Week after week, in ¦the blistering heat of j

; summer a group oftwelve S&N buyers areusing every bit of energyat their command to ac-complish one purpose.They are determined tobring "better merchan- jdisc at lower pri.ces for 'more people."

They are getting freshnew merchandise at waydown prices but it takesplenty of effort and en-

i ergy (and a lot of shoe\ leather). One good ex-i ample of this is theI straw bags at $! which

have sold all season at1 .98 and 2.98. :

No, we're not runningbig clearances of old mer-chandise t h e s e days,we're getting brand newmerchandise from ourusual top resources atbig price reductions to

I satisfy the needs of more; people.We would like to ex- I

press our appreciation to iour N. Y. buying office ,McGreevey, Weering &Howell for their assist- \

: ance in bringing you !many of these values.



; "The Store of Srnllinj? Service" ,