i order case of in many columbine, vienna high regard for ... · ,few men of any race have written...

ACTIVE WORKER IN MANY FIELDS High Regard For Services of Emmett d. Scott. i MAN OF PRINCELY VIRTUES. i Succinct Account of the Busy and Uso- -1 ful Life of the Secretary of the Tuskegee Institute—Educated at Wi- ley University and Baptized With the Grace of Modesty. By Dr. ROBERT E. JONES. New Orleans.—The church has been Influenced by the commercial spirit of the day to require results for funds or effort invested. This is legitimate “Does It Pay?” Is no mean question. The returns may not always be in actual dollars and cents, but there must be adequate returns to Justify the expenditures. To this requirement there can be no objection. If this principle were applied to the work of the Freedmen's Aid society It would have no reason to be ashamed of the men and women who have been sent forth with benediction of the schools fostered by the society. It would be a long list were we to write down the names of all who have made good. We name but one at this time. Ilis picture appears with this short article—the Hon. Emmett J. Scott. He Is a product of Wiley university. Marshall. Tex. He Is proud of Wiley university, and Wiley university is proud of him. A thoroughly capable but retiring, much loved individual Is he. baptized with the grace of modesty. ,Few men of any race have written the history that is his in a like period of years. He is a man capable of long hours of hard work under great pressure. He is the executive secretary of the Tus- kegee institute. Those who know his work beat appreciate him most. He is the corresponding secretary of the Na- tional Negro Business league. In this organization his influence is linked na- tion wide with that of his great chief. Dr. Booker T. Washington. Mr. Scott is a student of world ques- tions ami is therefore appropriately secretary of the international confer- ence on the Negro. These three i>osi- tlons. requiring initiative, tact, re- sourcefulness and high intelligence, represent but a part of the activities of this man. who in the couilug day will bo reckoned as one of the most useful men of his race. The Freedmen’s Aid society holds Mr. Scott up as one of the possibilities of the race. Does the work of our schools pay? If Wiley university had •done nothing more than have made pos jsiblo the career of Emmett J. Scott that alone would have Justified its ex dstence nud the cost of maintenance, j But Texas has more sons to offer for [Christian service. Who knows but that Texas has another prince iu waiting :for a newer day? In order to prepare ♦the coming prince Wiley must bo kept (open. And for the reasons that Wiley must be kept open, for the very same reason must all of our Freedmou's Aid schools be kept open. EMMETT J. SCOTT. EVIDENCES OF PROGRESS. Ml Classes Benefit by Carnegie Library at Biddle University. By GEORGE F. KING. Charlotte. N. C.—There is n Keen in- terest manifested by the Afro-Ameri- cans In tills city for pood literature. This unusual mental activity is a con- spicuous evidence of the trend of the race here to become inf.uenced by great Christian agencies that have molded other progressive races. There are hundreds of public libraries through- out tho southland, but Afro-Ameri- cans are denied the use of them for such knowledge ns they might wish to obtain through book lore. One can readily appreciate existing conditions that have impeded the Afro- American's material advancement in the realm of good literature. The class of books that will iuspire our youth is uot so easily procured in many sections of the country, and because of such there Is a mental degeneration In too many instances, and a poor con oeption of ennobling Ideals is also the result NEW DIRECTORY FOR PUBLISHERS Business End of National Ne- gro Press Association. YIELDS SPLENDID RESULTS. First Complete Volume Containing Facts and Statistics Covering Whole Field of Journalistic Effort Among Afro- Americans In the United States Boon to Come From the Press. Nashville, Tenn. —Through the co- operative influence of the representa- tives of the various publications and period i''als in the ranks of the National Negro Press association since the elec- tion of officers at the Chicago meeting last August several forward steps have been taken “for the highest de- velopment of Negro Journalism.” One of the splendid moves, which is a distinct accomplishment in the in- terest of the Press association, is the work of the corresponding secretary in the compilation of a newspaper direc- itory." This book, which is now in the hands of the printer, will be issued , from the press about June 15. , Mr. Henry Allen Boyd of this I city has notified the president, Mr. R. W Thompson of Washington, and the chairman of the executive commit- tee. Mr. N. B. Dodson, that proofs of the two pages of the book have been read, corrected and approved. Interesting indeed is the matter con- tained in the publication, which, in reality, is the first complete volume of facts and statistics bearing directly upon 3 our newspapers, editors, printers, publishers and bankers of the United States Secretary Boyd states that the publication will contain a complete set of postal laws and regulations gov- erning second class mail matter, which will be of vital importance to publica- tions - -eking admission into the mails as sec- nd class matter. The LK)ok gives, as far as could be ascertained, the name of every news- paper. magazine or publication issued In, for or by the race, with the respec- tive state und city in which it is pub- j llshed The name of the editor and T, date of establishment and 1 circulation are also given as well as the number of papers published In each state. In addition to this, the author has prepared an exceptionally well prepare list of printers’ supply houses, which furnish paper, ink. type, type- setting machinery, engravers and U- th graphers. There is also an accurate list of the banks, bankers and concerns doing a banking business. This is regarded by , the compiler and author as vital, in that it will give the local newspapers an opportunity to know where the ; financial institutions of the race are : located. Secretary Boyd declares that already ( applications have come in for 300 cop- * ies of the directory. The first books issued will be sent to the officers, mem- bers ,of the executive committee and. members of the Tress association. The next lot to the business men and bank- ers in their order named. The publi- cation is to be limited, but the offer to the members of the Tress association wii; entail only the actual expense of ; the book. A personal letter has already been sent to the association members stat- ing the object and virtues of the Na- tional Negro Newspaper Directory. Tul Ushers and Trinters’ Guide. The nn* hanlcal work on the book is being done by the National Baptist Publish* ing >onrd at Nashville. Tenn., of which Corresponding Secretary Henry Allen Boyil is one of the officials. Well Edited Denominational Paper. The Voice of Missions, edited by the Rev. Dr. J. W. Rankin and published by the missionary department of the A. M. E. church, is filling a large place lu the literary work of the denomina- tion. The May issue is finely illustrat- ed with striking portraits of the late I Bishop William B. Derrick, scenes in Sierra Ixjone. a group of West African soldiers, native Africans weaving cot- ton. Chief Kububu, a picture of Rev R. H. Hatchett and the likeness of Senior Bishop nenry M. Turner, re- tired, who for the time being takes the pin 6 left vacant by the death of Bish- op Derrick. The articles nre many, Varied and interesting. IMPORTANT COMING EVENT. Features of Program For Closing Wook at Fisk University. Nashville, Tenn.—'The school year at Fisk university, in tills city, will soon come to a close. Active prejiarations are being made for the amnial com- mencement. which will begiu on Wednesday. June 11. Five members of ihe graduating class have beeu se- lected to take part on the program of the public exercises. The commence- ment address will t>e delivered by Dr. Booker T. Washington, a member of the board of trustees. Aside from the general interest which ta always manifested tu the events of commencement week, there fire two features which are attracting considerable attention. The most im- portant or the two is the trustees* re- port with reference to the endowment fund wtiich the institution has been for the past two years struggling to raise. Rvery effort is being put for ward to complete the fur*J of $auO,lKH» bv June 1. 4 <• rr.|pi>i. .Irr"-~ —® DRINK CAPITOL BEER DENVER'S PRIDE The purity of Capitol Beer la demonstrated by Its superior flavor •nd strength-giving qualities. It's capital. HAVE A CASE SENT HOME. The Capitol Brewing Co. Phone Ch«:«ipa 356. Delivered Anywhere. V* OUR NEW 1913 CATALOG SHOW- r K L L JNG THE LATEST STYLES IN p COLORED PEOPLE’S HAIR. We are the largest importers and manufacturers of colored people's hair. C" " e E ua rantee our hair to stand comb- ing and washiu S- Our prices are low- ''v .ißp***'' D er than those quoted elsewhere. We sell hair by the pound, also hair nets i C“ and straightening combs, toilet arti- «l cles anQ all styles of hair. Perfect CT vßPjßpjpßfc ‘MtamJj C" satisfaction guaranteed or money Jp/ back. Send two cent stamp for beau- HUMANIA HAIR COMPANY, COLORED PEOPLE'S HAIR. Dept. E., 23 Duane St., New York City gH DO YOU VALUE igj PERSONAL if! |=i: APPEARANCES? II * sj tti.'.r * j \ m v it you do Try FORD’S HAIR POMADE, the old Reliable Remedy FOR KINKY HAIR blkci harsh. kinky ar.J unruly hair tot ter. straighter. raster to comb and rut up In anr »rvlr that Ihr length will permit. Invigorates the hair, proentt dandruff, falling out t>t f the hair and many scalp diseases. I'rtcc 25 and 50 cents a bottle. FORD’S ROYAL WHITE SKIN LOTION Will make the skin lighter immediately upon applying, cannot be rubbed off. or de- tected that anything is being used. Will not blister or injure tnc most delicate skin. k FOR THAT BEAUTIFUL HIGH BROWN COMPLEXION. and to keep the skin In a nice soft healthy condition, free from blotches, pimples and bumps, use FORD S KOYAL WHITE SKIN LOTION. I»rkx- 25 cunts per bottle. * * (fh iff) FORD’S SHAMPOO or HAIR *£-) ? £ jjj STRAIGHTENING COMB | (W 11111 for drying the hair after shampooing, when heated Sbc S’ M *_ Hi **»»»!* in straightening the hair, to be used with 5 j|« *’ or ** k Half I'omadc. ~ ji FORD’S HAIR STRAIGHTENER jM % If Our own patented device for straightening the £ a 5 —/a O. best and qut> krst instrument for straightening the i. 17/ hair, on the market today. Rolls the hair stiaignt, SX c ■r, I j/l docs not pull or destroy the hair. £ £ m M FOR SALE BY DRUCGISTS. »B* \j Take this ad lo your druggist, he will supply you. ® Q £ THE OZONIZED OX NARROW CO., 232 W Ijske St., Chicago, 111. - J tYork 4639 M. Silverman FINISHED TAILOR 20 Year# of Practical Experience: Come and See Us Spring and Summer Samples Direct from the Factory Try us and be convinced of the quality of our goods and work- manship, YVe make a specialty of Ladies’ and Gents’ Suits, all latest Styles and Work Guaranteed. Ladies’ Suits made from their own material Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing at Reasonable Prices' 1626 E. 25th Ave. Denver, CoIo- 'ERNEST HOWARD Carpenter and General Jobbing PAINTS AND HARDWARE COAL, WOOD AND EXPRESS 1021 21st Street Phone Champa 752 —L - - 1* M. THOMAS K$ \ MOVING AND STORAGE. x T* l* Israeat three horse ran In the ,A °>‘r; fl-*8 per hour. Furniture and ehlns packing. Phone Main 4834 . SS4I WELTON STREET i Don’t Forget to Order a Case of Columbine, Vienna Export or Pilsiner The BEERS Specially Brewed by the Ph. Zang Brewing Co. For Table Use Telephone Gallup 355 for a Trial Case When in Need of Anything About a Hog Except the Squeal COME TO WALTER EAST 2300 Larimer St. Phone Main 461 HOME-MADE LARD and SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY LAWRENCE STEPHENS 'E. T. HOGAN Tel*. Calumet 855: Auto 73-248 The Little Savoy Buffet and Cafe [TheTeading Pleasure Resort of Chicago ■sr.. Invite their friends to call and spend their idle 'moments. Strict order and comfort assured 2034 State Street Cafe Open All Night Everybody Goes to the CHAMPA PHARMACY 2oth and Champa Sts. For the Best Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Etc. COLD DRINKS SERVED Prescriptions Our Specialty Phone Main 2425 JAS. E. THRALL, Prop. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Great Sacrifice Sale DURING MONTH OF AUGUST ON FUR COATS Such as Natural and Black Ponies, Marmotts, Coneys and Seal, sets. Also all Fur Collars and Muffs. A small deposit will secure any garment in this store. Youman’s Fur Company Phone Main 5045 422-424 15th Street Madam, Read McCall’s The Fashion Authority McCALL'S is a larva, artistic, hand- somely illustrated 100-page monthly Magazine that is adding to the happi- ness and efficiency of l.loO.OC" women each month. Kac»: issue is brim hit of fashions. fancy- work. Inliwtliix short storms ami m»rM of labor-saving amt money-saving ideas fur women. Then» an* im*n< than 50 of the newe-t tieslcns of tit e celebrated MiH'ALh r.VITKRXS in each issue. Mct’ALl* PATTERNS an* famous for st.> le. ill. simplicity amt ecouoiuy. Ouly 10 ami 15 cents each. The publishers of McCALL'S will spend thotisaiuN of ilollarv extra lit tlie coming months in order to keep McCALL'S head am! shoulders uKivo all other women's magazines at any price. However. MeCAl.l.'S is only 50c a year; positively worth fi.on. Yos Mar Select tw Oaa McCall Pattera Fr*j from your first copy of McCALL'S, If you subM.'rit>e quickly. , THE McCALL COMPANY, 236 Vest 37tfc St. Not Ysrfc ' NOTE—Ask lot a tree copy ol MeCAl.l.'S woo.let- lul nc>. pmouiin catalogue. Sample copy *ml pat- l»«n uitk'ftK tIMIwe oarequest. Smart ra.-ii. clever UlKpk. *'!■«* 1 .t« - »PH»«l mluTi-«»iid nn your c. _J:„ imiuoaml utlilrt-xi. \Tp>h |p>t * m ..t.T utrulj w oiulorful t ror.Kitum cJ wt>r " (or h.mi I.ki'jou. N\\»»tiirt>oa wgk it. liunturs make $5 to SJUa Be a Money-Maker! y-aßr' Look Prosperous! nrl[ jrJ*f m lk*n't bo u wiuo slave on email pay. flE&ittf !- J Ik- >.>ur own l*ow»! Make money foot |bDP«J6' Jr hikl eu«y. Mix with prosperous roopl*. J|jHKiZiifW' l)n-M in tho height of at' le. Our men Ht>> iK'intod ('lit iia top-uotohcra, win ;■ /.I oars, emied l«y nil. Brand FREE Outfit— VSfcrif Writs for It Today I-Cl This big. wealthy tailoring concern vßhrjl apere* no expenseto -tart .• »u right. Fur- VB?*,l ni-h (.irnnd Ireo Outfit, h.iu-Wotue colorl3&3 plate*. ek'dlllit i*lot li niui|' ,i* 1 . tape meuauro, ttlBJ •oiiijib'te in-truckions amt -elling helps— VlluJ even thing free. So money or expertuuon Wn necuoour>. Just write. ©llf [Start a Fortuna JO la Sparo Tima Ton cr do it. Whole time or spar* time. Fnrl years this c-inpnny has keen famous for making thn I swclio-t, l 'eat-fitting, longest-wearing Mta*W-to- lit seen I o’otheu. Writ* today forVrco OuUlft. (]U UK PMfiKSS TMUNBNQ Dipt. 341 CfcIMDP

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Page 1: I Order Case of IN MANY Columbine, Vienna High Regard For ... · ,Few men of any race have written the historythatis his in a like period of years. Heis a man capable of long hoursof


High Regard For Services ofEmmett d. Scott.


MAN OF PRINCELY VIRTUES.iSuccinct Account of the Busy and Uso--1 ful Life of the Secretary of the

Tuskegee Institute—Educated at Wi-ley University and Baptized With theGrace of Modesty.

By Dr. ROBERT E. JONES.New Orleans.—The church has been

Influenced by the commercial spirit ofthe day to require results for funds oreffort invested. This is legitimate“Does It Pay?” Is no mean question.The returns may not always be inactual dollars and cents, but theremust be adequate returns to Justify

the expenditures. To this requirementthere can be no objection.

If this principle were applied to thework of the Freedmen's Aid societyIt would have no reason to be ashamedof the men and women who have beensent forth with benediction of theschools fostered by the society. Itwould be a long list were we to writedown the names of all who have madegood. We name but one at this time.Ilis picture appears with this shortarticle—the Hon. Emmett J. Scott.

He Is a product of Wiley university.

Marshall. Tex. He Is proud of Wileyuniversity, and Wiley university isproud of him. A thoroughly capablebut retiring, much loved individual Ishe. baptized with the grace of modesty.

,Few men of any race have writtenthe history that is his in a like periodof years.

He is a man capable of long hours ofhard work under great pressure. Heis the executive secretary of the Tus-kegee institute. Those who know hiswork beat appreciate him most. He is

the corresponding secretary of the Na-tional Negro Business league. In thisorganization his influence is linked na-tion wide with that of his great chief.Dr. Booker T. Washington.

Mr. Scott is a student of world ques-tions ami is therefore appropriatelysecretary of the international confer-ence on the Negro. These three i>osi-tlons. requiring initiative, tact, re-sourcefulness and high intelligence,represent but a part of the activities ofthis man. who in the couilug day willbo reckoned as one of the most usefulmen of his race.

The Freedmen’s Aid society holdsMr. Scott up as one of the possibilitiesof the race. Does the work of ourschools pay? If Wiley university had•done nothing more than have made posjsiblo the career of Emmett J. Scottthat alone would have Justified its exdstence nud the cost of maintenance,j But Texas has more sons to offer for[Christian service. Who knows but thatTexas has another prince iu waiting:for a newer day? In order to prepare♦the coming prince Wiley must bo kept(open. And for the reasons that Wileymust be kept open, for the very samereason must all of our Freedmou's Aidschools be kept open.


EVIDENCES OF PROGRESS.Ml Classes Benefit by Carnegie Library

at Biddle University.By GEORGE F. KING.

Charlotte. N. C.—There is n Keen in-terest manifested by the Afro-Ameri-cans In tills city for pood literature.This unusual mental activity is a con-spicuous evidence of the trend of therace here to become inf.uenced by greatChristian agencies that have moldedother progressive races. There arehundreds of public libraries through-

out tho southland, but Afro-Ameri-cans are denied the use of them forsuch knowledge ns they might wish toobtain through book lore.

One can readily appreciate existingconditions that have impeded the Afro-American's material advancement inthe realm of good literature. Theclass of books that will iuspire ouryouth is uot so easily procured in manysections of the country, and becauseof such there Is a mental degenerationIn too many instances, and a poor conoeption of ennobling Ideals is also theresult


Business End of National Ne-gro Press Association.

YIELDS SPLENDID RESULTS.First Complete Volume Containing

Facts and Statistics Covering WholeField of Journalistic Effort AmongAfro- Americans In the United StatesBoon to Come From the Press.

Nashville, Tenn.—Through the co-operative influence of the representa-tives of the various publications andperiod i''als in the ranks of the NationalNegro Press association since the elec-tion of officers at the Chicago meetinglast August several forward stepshave been taken “for the highest de-velopment of Negro Journalism.”

One of the splendid moves, whichis a distinct accomplishment in the in-terest of the Press association, is thework of the corresponding secretary inthe compilation of a newspaper direc-

itory." This book, which is now in thehands of the printer, will be issued

, from the press about June 15., Mr. Henry Allen Boyd of thisI city has notified the president, Mr.

R. W Thompson of Washington, andthe chairman of the executive commit-tee. Mr. N. B. Dodson, that proofs ofthe two pages of the book havebeen read, corrected and approved.

Interesting indeed is the matter con-tained in the publication, which, inreality, is the first complete volume offacts and statistics bearing directlyupon3 our newspapers, editors, printers,publishers and bankers of the UnitedStates Secretary Boyd states thatthe publication will contain a completeset of postal laws and regulations gov-erning second class mail matter, whichwill be of vital importance to publica-tions - -eking admission into the mailsas sec- nd class matter.

The LK)ok gives, as far as could beascertained, the name of every news-paper. magazine or publication issuedIn, for or by the race, with the respec-

tive state und city in which it is pub-j llshed The name of the editor and

T, date of establishment and1 circulation are also given as well asthe number of papers published In eachstate. In addition to this, the authorhas prepared an exceptionally wellprepare list of printers’ supply houses,which furnish paper, ink. type, type-setting machinery, engravers and U-th graphers.

There is also an accurate list of thebanks, bankers and concerns doing abanking business. This is regarded by

, the compiler and author as vital, inthat it will give the local newspapersan opportunity to know where the

; financial institutions of the race are: located.

Secretary Boyd declares that already( applications have come in for 300 cop-* ies of the directory. The first books

issued will be sent to the officers, mem-bers ,of the executive committee and.members of the Tress association. Thenext lot to the business men and bank-ers in their order named. The publi-cation is to be limited, but the offer tothe members of the Tress associationwii; entail only the actual expense of

; the book.A personal letter has already been

sent to the association members stat-ing the object and virtues of the Na-tional Negro Newspaper Directory.Tul Ushers and Trinters’ Guide. Thenn* hanlcal work on the book is being

done by the National Baptist Publish*ing >onrd at Nashville. Tenn., of whichCorresponding Secretary Henry AllenBoyil is one of theofficials.

Well Edited Denominational Paper.The Voice of Missions, edited by the

Rev. Dr. J. W. Rankin and publishedby the missionary department of theA. M. E. church, is filling a large placelu the literary work of the denomina-tion. The May issue is finely illustrat-ed with striking portraits of the late

I Bishop William B. Derrick, scenes inSierra Ixjone. a group of West Africansoldiers, native Africans weaving cot-ton. Chief Kububu, a picture of RevR. H. Hatchett and the likeness ofSenior Bishop nenry M. Turner, re-

tired, who for the time being takes thepin 6 left vacant by the death of Bish-op Derrick. The articles nre many,

Varied and interesting.

IMPORTANT COMING EVENT.Features of Program For Closing

Wook at Fisk University.Nashville, Tenn.—'The school year at

Fisk university, in tills city, will sooncome to a close. Active prejiarationsare being made for the amnial com-mencement. which will begiu onWednesday. June 11. Five membersof ihe graduating class have beeu se-lected to take part on the program ofthe public exercises. The commence-ment address will t>e delivered by Dr.Booker T. Washington, a member ofthe board of trustees.

Aside from the general interestwhich ta always manifested tu theevents of commencement week, therefire two features which are attracting

considerable attention. The most im-

portant or the two is the trustees* re-port with reference to the endowmentfund wtiich the institution has beenfor the past two years struggling toraise. Rvery effort is being put forward to complete the fur*J of $auO,lKH»bv June 1.

4 <• rr.|pi>i. ■ .Irr"-~ —®


The purity of Capitol Beer la demonstrated by Its superior flavor•nd strength-giving qualities. It's capital.


The Capitol Brewing Co. •

Phone Ch«:«ipa 356. Delivered Anywhere.V* ■




We are the largest importers andmanufacturers of colored people's hair.

C" " e Eua rantee our hair to stand comb-‘ ing and washiuS- Our prices are low-

''v .ißp***'' D er than those quoted elsewhere. Wesell hair by the pound, also hair nets

i C“ and straightening combs, toilet arti-«l cles anQ all styles of hair. Perfect

CT vßPjßpjpßfc ‘MtamJj C" satisfaction guaranteed or moneyJp/ back. Send two cent stamp for beau-



|=i: APPEARANCES? II* sj tti.'.r * j \m vM» ■ it you do

Try FORD’S HAIR POMADE, theold Reliable RemedyFOR KINKY HAIR

blkci harsh. kinky ar.J unruly hair tot ter. straighter. raster to comb and rut up In anr»rvlr that Ihr length will permit. Invigorates the hair, proentt dandruff, falling out t>t

f the hair and many scalp diseases. I'rtcc 25 and 50 cents a bottle.

FORD’S ROYAL WHITE SKIN LOTIONWill make the skin lighter immediately upon applying, cannot be rubbed off. or de-tected that anything is being used. Will not blister or injure tnc most delicate skin.

k FOR THAT BEAUTIFUL HIGH BROWN COMPLEXION.and to keep the skin In a nice soft healthy condition, free from blotches, pimples andbumps, use FORD S KOYAL WHITE SKIN LOTION. I»rkx- 25 cunts per bottle.

• * *

(fh iff) FORD’S SHAMPOO or HAIR *£-) ?

£ jjj STRAIGHTENING COMB |(W 11111 for drying the hair after shampooing, when heated Sbc S’M *_ Hi **»»»!* in straightening the hair, to be used with 5j|« *’ or ** k Half I'omadc. ~

ji FORD’S HAIR STRAIGHTENER jM %If Our own patented device for straightening the £ a 5

—/a O. best and qut> krst instrument for straightening the i.17/ hair, on the market today. Rolls the hair stiaignt, SX c

■r, I j/l docs not pull or destroy the hair. £

£ m M FOR SALE BY DRUCGISTS. »B*\j Take this ad lo your druggist, he will supply you. ® Q £

THE OZONIZED OX NARROW CO., 232 W Ijske St., Chicago, 111.

- J

tYork 4639

M. SilvermanFINISHED TAILOR20 Year# of Practical Experience:

Come and See UsSpring and Summer Samples

Direct from the FactoryTry us and be convinced of the

quality of our goods and work-manship, YVe make a specialty ofLadies’ and Gents’ Suits, all latestStyles and Work Guaranteed.

Ladies’ Suits made from their own materialCleaning, Pressing and Repairing at Reasonable Prices'

1626 E. 25th Ave. Denver, CoIo-

'ERNEST HOWARDCarpenter and General Jobbing


1021 21st Street Phone Champa 752—L - -


T*l* Israeat three horse ran In the,A °>‘r; fl-*8 per hour. Furniture and

ehlns packing. Phone Main 4834


iDon’t Forget to Order a Case of

Columbine, Vienna Exportor Pilsiner

The BEERS Specially Brewed by the

Ph. Zang Brewing Co.For Table Use

Telephone Gallup 355 for a Trial Case

When in Need of Anything About aHog Except the Squeal



LAWRENCE STEPHENS 'E. T. HOGANTel*. Calumet 855: Auto 73-248

The Little Savoy Buffet and Cafe[TheTeading Pleasure Resort

of Chicago■sr..Invite their friends to call and spend theiridle 'moments. Strict order and comfort assured

2034 State StreetCafe OpenAll Night

Everybody Goes to the

CHAMPA PHARMACY2oth and Champa Sts.

For the Best Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Etc.COLD DRINKS SERVED

Prescriptions Our SpecialtyPhone Main 2425 JAS. E. THRALL, Prop.





FUR COATSSuch as Natural and Black

Ponies, Marmotts, Coneys andSeal, sets. Also all Fur Collarsand Muffs.

A small deposit will secureany garment in this store.

Youman’s Fur CompanyPhone Main 5045 422-424 15th Street

Madam, Read McCall’sThe Fashion Authority

“ McCALL'S is a larva, artistic, hand-somely illustrated 100-page monthlyMagazine that is adding to the happi-ness and efficiency of l.loO.OC"women each month.

Kac»: issue is brim hit of fashions. fancy-work. Inliwtliix short storms ami m»rMof labor-saving amt money-saving ideasfur women. Then» an* im*n< than 50 ofthe newe-t tieslcns of tit e celebratedMiH'ALh r.VITKRXS in each issue.

Mct’ALl* PATTERNS an* famous forst.>le. ill. simplicity amt ecouoiuy. Ouly10 ami 15 cents each.

The publishers of McCALL'S will spendthotisaiuN of ilollarv extra lit tlie comingmonths in order to keep McCALL'S headam! shoulders uKivo all other women'smagazines at any price. However.MeCAl.l.'S is only 50c a year; positivelyworth fi.on.Yos Mar Select tw Oaa McCall Pattera Fr*j

from yourfirst copy of McCALL'S, If yousubM.'rit>e quickly. ,

THEMcCALLCOMPANY, 236 Vest 37tfc St.Not Ysrfc' NOTE—Ask lot a tree copyol MeCAl.l.'Swoo.let-lul nc>. pmouiin catalogue. Sample copy *ml pat-l»«n uitk'ftKtIMIwe oarequest.

Smart ra.-ii. clever UlKpk. *'!■«* 1 .t« -

»PH»«lmluTi-«»iid nn your c. _J:„imiuoaml utlilrt-xi. \Tp>h |p>t


m ..t.Tutrulj w oiulorful t ror.Kitum cJwt>r


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