i skin diseases - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7fj678tm70/data/0266.pdf · internal remedies are...

THE BOTRBON MAY 4 1900 I- ia AB ir FgL h li j hLI t r m hi7Ys rW- er tY E s g to DoctorsW- e have the highest regard for the amedicsi profession Our preparations ere got for the purpose of antagon- izing them but rather as an aid Ve it down as n established truth that internal remedies are positively injuri- ous to mothers The distress sod discomforts experienced during the noaths preceding childbirth can be al only by external applying a liniment that softens and re overstrained muscles We wake sell such a liniment com ifoiaing the ingredients in a manner lEutherto unknown and call it Mothers Friend We know that in thousands of cases fit has proved more than a blessing to expectant mothers It overcomes morn sickness It relieves the sense of tightness Headaches cease and from Swollen Hard and Rising is avoided Labor itself is shortened and shorn of most of the pain We know that many doctors recom nead k and we know that multitudes of women go to the drug stores and buy Tit because they are sure their physicians tiave no objections We ask a trial just fair test There is no possible chance of injury being the result aose Mothers Friend is scientific ttttj compounded It is sold at i a and should be used during most of of gestation although great relief is experienced if used only a short before Send for our il- lustrated book about Mothers Friend THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA Little Erlv Rivers are the tfioeat pills I ever J Moore AU They qnrklr cnre nl Over sad bowvl t rontU s W T Brook- e ftLk nil over and dont juet whit ails you its ten to one your kidneys are out of order Foleys will bring yon health and energy dark Kenney WS Manser Millbeitn Pa saved the life hie little girl by giving her Oae Minute Co gh Cnre when she was dying with croup It is the only harm less remedy that gives immediate re snlts It quickly cnre coughs colds brooehUie grippe asthma and all throat laog troubles W T Breoka 1 Word treatmentby and dan- cer uDWltts usedD jIlillllrook If bow Care t and y s 1 xes roasts a r bot- tle the one 4 7 idnJ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + After suffering from piles for fifteen mrvd bv nsing two boxes of DaWltts Which Hazel Salve writes WJ Barter North Brook N C It ifaeals everything Beware of counte- rfeits W T Brooks The blood is strained and purified by tbe No hope of health while the kWneys are wrong Foleys Kidney moire will make blthy kidney and pnre blood Club Kenney Alter seeciog from severe dyspepsia over tw lYe years and using many Bremtdieg without permanent good I finally took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It did me s 1 much good I recommend it- o everyone writes J E Watkins Clerk nod Recorder Chilicothe Mo It digests what you eat WT Brooks Bumps or Bruises or sores or scalds wonnd or caw tetter or wcze a a1 quickly eared by Banner Salve the most healing the world Nothing else j Bt as good Clarke Kenney J Q Hood Justice of the Peace Onwor Miss makes the folio wing state meat can certify that One Minute Congh Cure will do all that is claimed it My wife could not get her breath aad the first dose of it relieved her It fcae aim benefited my whole family It- s immediately and cnres coughs cokte croup asthma all throat and lung troubles W T 18 rooks Any advertised dealer is authorized to gaanmtee Banner Salve for tetter ecaeiaa piles sprains cuts scalds burns mleere and open or old sore Clarke yl stomach trouble twenty years and gave up lade of being I bp sgau to ate Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It She done me so much good I called it savior of my life writes W RJWil- ikioeon Albany Tenn what yon eat W T Brooks A T was kids bInDS medldoe in I send ltsrey had It digests t yesra i Sprains for 1 I cnredtill ¬ < < j 4- J Yon I need not lose flesh in summer if you use the proper means J 3 to prevent il You think you cant take SCOTTS EMULSION in hot weather J 1 but can it and di J est It as well In summer as in winter It is not like the s plain oil which is J difficult to take at any time J If you are flesh you are losing ground and you J Scoffs Emulsion i i and must have it to keep up J your flesh and strength If J you have been it and prosperin on it dont fail to continue until you are thor- oughly stroll and well sac coo all f SCOTT JOWNE New York 4 you take cod Iiver E- t t a c- r ssd druggists t sty MLLERSBURG The City Council has purchased a 350 sprinkler Miss Bettie Evans of St Louis is the guest of Mrs Harmon Stitt Charles Conway of St Louis is the guest of his mother and sister L Grhiuau will be here Monday and Tuesday to do photograph work Misses Mattie and Sallie Harvey of Cyiithitna are guests of Mrs James Butler John Leer arrived home Tuesday from Hot Springs Ark much improved from rheumatism Charles Preston a former student at this place died April 28d atPaintsvills aged thirty four years He leaves a wife and three children PEKSOKS who waut engraved cards or invitatous of any desoripion are invited to call at THE BOURBON NEWS office and look at the very latest styles in these liner Prices as low as Cincin- nati Philadelphia or New York tf Notice To Piano Owners OUR tuner MR FRED will be here from May 14th until May 19th Leave orders at once at Mrs D C Parrishs High street Respectfully- The GKAU PIANO Co Gin O Sole Western STEINWAY Represen- tatives a278F WANTED A white girl to do general house work No washing or ironing Inquire at THE NEWS office 4 Louisville hun ei HEm tax ¬ Question Answered Y s August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or billions news Doctors were scarce aud they 1dom beard of Appeudicts Nervon Prostration or Heart failure etc They used August Flower to clean out tilt system and stop fermentation of un- digested food regulate the action of the liver simulate the nervous and organic action of the system and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few of Greens August Flower in form to make you sat- isfied there is nothing serionp the mat- ter with you Sold by dealers in all civilized countries oct27ly Does It Pay To Buy Cheap- A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles What shall you do Go to a warmer and more regular climate Yes if posible if not posible for yon then in either case take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced- in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles Boschees German Syrup It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to distroy the germ disease but allays in flammation causes easy expectoration gives a good nights rest and cures the patient Try ONE bottle Reccommend- ed many years by all druggist in the world Sold by dealers in all civilized countries oct271y J C Kennedy Roanoke Tenn says I cannot say too much for DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve One box of it cured what the doctors called an ulcer on my jaw Cures piles and all skin diseases Look out for worthless imitations WT Brooks SHORT NEWS STORIES Brief Paragraphs About Important Hap penlogs St Louis will honor Admiral Dewey tomorrow John Moore of Georgetown is mak- ing an automobile Grandma Charlotte Vance a col ored woman 115 years old died in Lou isville Monday night An incendiary fire destroyed 12000 worth of property in Mt Sterling Mon day night A dwelling and stable be- longing to Chiles Thompsan Mitch ells storeroom and a whiskey ware house near the depot were burned dotes in- curable ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Strayed or Stolen From the Sandusky pasture on the Jackstown pike near Blanks Cross Roads a two year old steer weight about 1000 pounds and branded C on hip A liberal reward for his recovery 4t JAMES E CLAY J Rock Island It R Am Special Excursion Ka The Rock Islands cheap rate excursions to and f rado during this Summer has 1 atived by the Western Passeii elation In consequence nQl served yesterday on Chairman by Fenoral Passenger Agent that the Rock Island will ta from Chicago and all East of the River to Colorado Springs Pueblo City and Ogden Tickets at m will he sold on Juue 80 July and August 1 From points the same rate will boJJ the days following these dates at this rate also will be at I- to Omaha inclusive an July 9 Four special excursions run bv the Island August 4 These excursion iiokit both East and West bound will be limited for return passage to October 31 The Rock Island announces its inten- tion of in service special trains for these excursions leaving Chicago- at 5 p m and making the run to with only one night on the road Chicago Tribune 0 UK new way of selling pianos is raising the standard and lowering the selling price You still have a few days in which to make a selection Romem berwe are open evening HARDING RIKHX propo h o pendent action and put in of one plus 20 for ther in r Sa Miss River gateways j points to Chicago stations on June 28 Jl U t I 7 Vti eff erme Missouri Kali a common anti diate Colo- rado 4 ¬ ¬ The easiest and most effective method of purifying the blood and invigorating- the system is to take DeWitts Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels W T Brooks Womans Rights Many women suffer all sorts of so called female weaknesses just because their kidneys are out of order anti they a right to know Foleys Kidney Cure is just what is needed by most ail ing women Clarke Kennoy To Asthma Sufferers Lawson Elvidge of Barrington Ill says he was cured of chronic asthma f longstanding by Pholeys Honey and Tar It givas positive relief in all cases asthma so this disease when not com- pletely cnred is robboed of all its ter- rors by this great remedy Clarke Kenney LH Landman M D Of No 503 W Ninth Snoot v mcmnan Ohio Will be at the Windsor Hotel Paris TUESDAY MAY 8 1900 returning every second Tuesday in each month XFEHENCB Every leading physician In aria Kentucky DR R GOLDSTEIN Of 544 Fourth Avenue Ky Will be at Hotel ParisKy On Friday May 10 1900 Returning once every month Eyes ex amined and glasses scientifically ad- justed sepl2ly Wheels In carriage repository on corner of High Fourth streets I have three floors filled a select line of fash ionable CARRIAGES BUGGIES BAROUCHES ROAD WAGONS If you want anything in the line come to see me I ain sure will find what you want Jklv stock is all new and bright J H HAGGARDPaHs Ky have v the Fordham Everything On with you 7 Lou- isville r Etc vehicle 4 h 4 y ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° ¬ ¬ ¬ < i BISHOP 5ffiA h Mlftwling changes of KiitSfeg m the to take effect at once Father Flynn As sistant Pastor of Immaculate Concep tion Newport to Pastor at Carlisle and Assistant to Father Hickey at Mays lick Father DeBmnge of St Pauls Lexington to St Patricks in Maysville and Father Van Der Vort of Majs vile goes to Lexington Mrs Westley Webster of New York killed herself because her husband and his sister made fun of the fit of a silk waist which she had inndo herself i IIldcgh Ali Dips t ¬ ¬ i Ten the excretory organs fail to off the waste material from the system there is an abnor- mal accumulation of matter which and the blood and it becomes sour and acid This poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body and reaching the skin surface there is a and eruption and by we recognize Eczema Tetter Acne Salt Rheum Psoriasis and many other skin troubles more or less severe While the skin is the seat of irritation the real disease is in the blood Medicated lotions and powders may allay the and burning but never cure no matter how long and faithfully the condition is often aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use Be disease is more ite slcl deep liie esllre cfrcusatlon is poisoned The many preparations of arsenic mercury potash etc not only do not cure skin diseases but soon ruin the digestion break S SS natures own remedy made of roots herbs and barks of great purifying and tonical properties quickly and effectually cures blood and troubles because it direct to the root and restores normal healthy to the different cleanses and enriches the blood and thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions- S SS cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to referment in the blood and cause a attack Healthy necessary to preserve that clear smooth skin and beautiful so much by all S SS can be relied upon with certainty to keep in order It has been curing blood for half a cen tury no other medicine can show such a S SS contains no poisonous and harmless Our medical department charge of physicians of large experience in treating blood and skin who take pleasure aiding by at and all r who desire it Write fully and freely about your case letters are held in strictest confidence We make no charge whatever this service Our book on Blood and Skin be sent free upon application THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA CA Skin Diseases and mineralsis ice Diseaseswill i is com- plexion S ¬ Heres Something that Will Unlock Your PocketBook UIEYMANSTi1 Ladies black figured Skirts well made 95c welt worth 125 Ladies pain black Silk Luster Skirts 224 Ladies handsome Appliqu ed Serge Skirts worth 4 at 448 for Ladies Dress Skirts in Homespuns and Cheviots handsomely ap pliqued tailor made fully worth 6 6 50 for Ladies Dress Skirts strictly tailor made in navy black and grey made of fineCheviots and Venetian Cloth box pleated In front and back worth 850 now 650 2 pieces printed dimi ties all new patterns 5c per yard Ladies Vests low neck and no sleeves taped neck nd drifts 10 c regular price 15c Ladies Vests no sleeves and low neck silk taped neckJ and arms white 15 c regu lar arc Vests Jersey ribbed Vests made of finest Egyptian bleached cotton low neck and sleeves 25c 2 75 5 ¬ ¬ > Ladies Bleached Silkaline Vests handsomely finished low neck and M sleeves 29c Ladi sbleached Vests with long sleeves with pants to match each 25c worth c Childrens Seamless Rib bed Waists sizes 2 to r 2 15c same as Nazareth Waists Dog Collar Belts beauti fully trimmed and finished in tan grey or brown leather and kid specM price 48e Ladies blade patent leap her Belts 25e Pulley Ribbon Belts in black and white 25 and 50c 200 Straw Hats for boys and girls sample lot well joe to E at 29c each Mens fine Egyptian Under- shirts and Drawers All sizes Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers regular value Soc at 39 c each Mens fancy colored Socks polka dots high spiked hees lOco This is a i sow wnrtn from SC a ¬ ¬ > ¬ Through Before you begin house clean ing come to see our stock of car- pets mattings rugs curtains etc We have a large stock of these lines and the prices will make you glad See us before you house- clean and you will begin it with a lighter heart and a heavier pock- etbook Of course we have a large stock of dry goods and notions with all latest Spring novelties TWIN BROS 2 I lJo I 4I- u i- Uu v to l t In 66 III- IU I ttt Ut UI Ul- III U U j UfR 1 4J- I t t ft- iii House iii 441 Cleaning ifi 1etq 1 t1 111 11- lit f91 its UI iR tt fl U- tu J t ¬ ¬ < > 1- Pa r f s cl- vi- gi

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ia AB ir FgLh li j hLI t


hi7Ys rW-


tYE s g

to DoctorsW-e have the highest regard for the

amedicsi profession Our preparationsere got for the purpose of antagon-izing them but rather as an aid Ve

it down as n established truth thatinternal remedies are positively injuri-ous to mothers The distresssod discomforts experienced during thenoaths preceding childbirth can be al

only by externalapplying a liniment that softens and re

overstrained muscles Wewake sell such a liniment comifoiaing the ingredients in a mannerlEutherto unknown and call it

Mothers FriendWe know that in thousands of cases

fit has proved more than a blessing toexpectant mothers It overcomes morn

sickness It relieves the sense oftightness Headaches cease and

from Swollen Hard and Risingis avoided Labor itself is

shortened and shorn of most of the painWe know that many doctors recom

nead k and we know that multitudesof women go to the drug stores and buyTit because they are sure their physicianstiave no objections We ask a trialjust fair test There is no possiblechance of injury being the result

aose Mothers Friend is scientificttttj compounded It is sold at i a

and should be used during most ofof gestation although great

relief is experienced if used only a shortbefore Send for our il-

lustrated book about Mothers Friend



Little Erlv Rivers are thetfioeat pills I ever J Moore

AU They qnrklr cnre nlOver sad bowvl t rontU s W T Brook-

e ftLk nil over and dontjuet whit ails you its ten to one

your kidneys are out of order Foleyswill bring yon health and

energy dark Kenney

W S Manser Millbeitn Pa savedthe life hie little girl by giving her

Oae Minute Co gh Cnre when she wasdying with croup It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate resnlts It quickly cnre coughs coldsbrooehUie grippe asthma and all throat

laog troubles W T Breoka

1 Word













1 xes













After suffering from piles for fifteenmrvd bv nsing two boxes

of DaWltts Which Hazel Salve writesW J Barter North Brook N C It

ifaeals everything Beware of counte-rfeits W T Brooks

The blood is strained and purified bytbe No hope of health whilethe kWneys are wrong Foleys Kidney

moire will make blthy kidney and pnreblood Club Kenney

Alter seeciog from severe dyspepsiaover tw lYe years and using many

Bremtdieg without permanent good Ifinally took Kodol Dyspepsia CureIt did me s 1 much good I recommend it-

o everyone writes J E WatkinsClerk nod Recorder Chilicothe MoIt digests what you eat W T Brooks

Bumps or Bruisesor sores or scalds wonnd

or caw tetter or wcze a a1 quicklyeared by Banner Salve the most healing

the world Nothing elsej Bt as good Clarke Kenney

J Q Hood Justice of the PeaceOnwor Miss makes the folio wing statemeat can certify that One MinuteCongh Cure will do all that is claimed

it My wife could not get her breathaad the first dose of it relieved her Itfcae aim benefited my whole family It-

s immediately and cnres coughscokte croup asthma

all throat and lung troubles W T18 rooks

Any advertised dealer is authorized togaanmtee Banner Salve for tetterecaeiaa piles sprains cuts scalds burns

mleere and open or old sore Clarke

yl stomach trouble twenty yearsand gave up lade of being I bpsgau to ate Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ItShe done me so much good I called it

savior of my life writes W RJWil-ikioeon Albany Tenn whatyon eat W T Brooks


T was



medldoe in




It digests






I cnredtill




j 4-

J Yon I

need not lose flesh in summerif you use the proper means J

3 to prevent il You thinkyou cant take SCOTTSEMULSION in hot weather J

1 but can it and di Jest It as well In summer asin winter It is not like the

s plain oil which is Jdifficult to take at any time JIf you are fleshyou are losing ground andyou J

Scoffs Emulsion ii and must have it to keep up J

your flesh and strength IfJ you have been it and

prosperin on it dont fail tocontinue until you are thor-oughly stroll and well

sac coo all


4you take

cod Iiver





ssd druggistst sty


The City Council has purchased a350 sprinklerMiss Bettie Evans of St Louis is the

guest of Mrs Harmon StittCharles Conway of St Louis is the

guest of his mother and sisterL Grhiuau will be here Monday and

Tuesday to do photograph workMisses Mattie and Sallie Harvey of

Cyiithitna are guests of Mrs JamesButler

John Leer arrived home Tuesday fromHot Springs Ark much improved fromrheumatism

Charles Preston a former student atthis place died April 28d atPaintsvillsaged thirty four years He leaves awife and three children

PEKSOKS who waut engraved cardsor invitatous of any desoripion areinvited to call at THE BOURBON NEWS

office and look at the very latest stylesin these liner Prices as low as Cincin-nati Philadelphia or NewYork tf

Notice To Piano OwnersOUR tuner MR FRED will

be here from May 14th until May 19thLeave orders at once at Mrs D CParrishs High street Respectfully-

The GKAU PIANO Co Gin OSole Western STEINWAY Represen-

tatives a278F

WANTED A white girl to do generalhouse work No washing or ironingInquire at THE NEWS office


Louisvillehun ei

HEm tax


Question Answered

Y s August Flower still has thelargest sale of any medicine in thecivilized world Your mothers andgrandmothers never thought of usinganything else for indigestion or billionsnews Doctors were scarce aud they

1dom beard of Appeudicts NervonProstration or Heart failure etc Theyused August Flower to clean out tiltsystem and stop fermentation of un-

digested food regulate the action of theliver simulate the nervous and organicaction of the system and that is all theytook when feeling dull and bad withheadaches and other aches You onlyneed a few of Greens AugustFlower in form to make you sat-isfied there is nothing serionp the mat-ter with you Sold by dealers in allcivilized countries oct27ly

Does It Pay To Buy Cheap-

A cheap remedy for coughs and coldsis all right but you want somethingthat will relieve and cure the moresevere and dangerous results of throatand lung troubles What shall you doGo to a warmer and more regularclimate Yes if posible if not posiblefor yon then in either case take theONLY remedy that has been introduced-in all civilized countries with successin severe throat and lung troubles

Boschees German Syrup It notonly heals and stimulates the tissues todistroy the germ disease but allays inflammation causes easy expectorationgives a good nights rest and cures thepatient Try ONE bottle Reccommend-ed many years by all druggist in theworld Sold by dealers in all civilizedcountries oct271y

J C Kennedy Roanoke Tenn saysI cannot say too much for DeWitts

Witch Hazel Salve One box of itcured what the doctors called an

ulcer on my jaw Cures pilesand all skin diseases Look out forworthless imitations W T Brooks


Brief Paragraphs About Important Happenlogs

St Louis will honor Admiral Deweytomorrow

John Moore of Georgetown is mak-ing an automobile

Grandma Charlotte Vance a colored woman 115 years old died in Louisville Monday night

An incendiary fire destroyed 12000worth of property in Mt Sterling Monday night A dwelling and stable be-

longing to Chiles Thompsan Mitchells storeroom and a whiskey warehouse near the depot were burned














Strayed or Stolen

From the Sandusky pasture on theJackstown pike near Blanks CrossRoads a two year old steer weight about1000 pounds and branded Con hip A liberal reward forhis recovery 4t



Rock Island It R AmSpecial Excursion Ka

The Rock Islandscheap rate excursions to and frado during this Summer has 1

atived by the Western Passeiielation In consequence nQlserved yesterday on Chairmanby Fenoral Passenger Agentthat the Rock Island will ta

from Chicago and allEast of the River toColorado Springs PuebloCity and Ogden Tickets at mwill he sold on Juue 80 Julyand August 1 Frompoints the same rate will boJJthe days following these datesat this rate also will be at I-

to Omaha inclusive an July9 Four special excursionsrun bv the Island

August 4 These excursion iiokitboth East and West bound will belimited for return passage to October 31The Rock Island announces its inten-tion of in service special trainsfor these excursions leaving Chicago-at 5 p m and making the run to

with only one night on the roadChicago Tribune

0 UK new way of selling pianos israising the standard and lowering theselling price You still have a few daysin which to make a selection Romemberwe are open evening




pendent action and put inof one plus 20 for ther

in rSa


River gatewaysj

points to Chicagostations on June 28 Jl U







Missouri Kali


common antidiate





The easiest and most effective methodof purifying the blood and invigorating-the system is to take DeWitts LittleEarly Risers the famous little pills forcleansing the liver and bowels W TBrooks

Womans RightsMany women suffer all sorts of so

called female weaknesses just becausetheir kidneys are out of order anti they

a right to know Foleys KidneyCure is just what is needed by most ailing women Clarke Kennoy

To Asthma SufferersLawson Elvidge of Barrington Ill

says he was cured of chronic asthma flongstanding by Pholeys Honey andTar It givas positive relief in all casesasthma so this disease when not com-pletely cnred is robboed of all its ter-rors by this great remedy ClarkeKenney

L H Landman M DOf No 503 W Ninth Snoot v mcmnan

OhioWill be at the Windsor Hotel Paris

TUESDAY MAY 8 1900returning every second Tuesday in eachmonth

XFEHENCB Every leading physician Inaria Kentucky

DR R GOLDSTEINOf 544 Fourth Avenue

KyWill be at Hotel ParisKy

On Friday May 10 1900Returning once every month Eyes examined and glasses scientifically ad-justed sepl2ly

WheelsIn carriage repository on corner of

High Fourth streets I have threefloors filled a select line of fashionable


If you want anything in theline come to see me I ain surewill find what you want Jklv stock isall new and bright




the Fordham










h 4 y










i BISHOP 5ffiA h Mlftwlingchanges of KiitSfeg m the totake effect at once Father Flynn Assistant Pastor of Immaculate Conception Newport to Pastor at Carlisle andAssistant to Father Hickey at Mayslick Father DeBmnge of St PaulsLexington to St Patricks in Maysvilleand Father Van Der Vort of Majsvile goes to Lexington

Mrs Westley Webster of New Yorkkilled herself because her husband andhis sister made fun of the fit of a silkwaist which she had inndo herselfi

IIldcgh Ali

Dips t¬



Ten the excretory organs fail to off the waste material from the system there is an abnor-mal accumulation of matter which and the blood and it becomes sour and acid

This poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body and reachingthe skin surface there is a and eruption and by we recognize EczemaTetter Acne Salt Rheum Psoriasis and many other skin troubles more or less severeWhile the skin is the seat of irritation the real disease is in the blood Medicated lotions andpowders may allay the and burning but never cure no matter how long and faithfully

the condition is often aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use

Be disease is more ite slcl deep liie esllre cfrcusatlon is poisonedThe many preparations of arsenic mercury potash etc not only do not cure skin diseases but soon ruin the digestionbreakS S S natures own remedy made of roots herbs and barks of great purifying and tonical properties quickly and

effectually cures blood and troubles because it direct to the root and restores normalhealthy to the different cleanses and enriches the blood and thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions-S S S cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to referment in the blood and cause a attack

Healthy necessary to preserve that clear smooth skin and beautifulso much by all S S S can be relied upon with certainty to keep

in order It has been curing blood for half a century no other medicine can show such a

S S S contains no poisonous and harmlessOur medical department charge of physicians of large experience in treating

blood and skin who take pleasure aiding by at and allr who desire it Write fully and freely about your case letters are held in strictest

confidence We make no charge whatever this service Our book on Blood andSkin be sent free upon application THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA CA

Skin Diseases





is com-plexion

S ¬

Heres Something thatWill Unlock Your



Ladies black figured Skirtswell made 95c welt worth

125Ladies pain black Silk

Luster Skirts 224Ladies handsome Appliqu

ed Serge Skirts worth 4 at

448 for Ladies DressSkirts in Homespuns andCheviots handsomely appliqued tailor made fullyworth 6

6 50 for Ladies DressSkirts strictly tailor madein navy black and grey madeof fineCheviots and VenetianCloth box pleated In frontand back worth 850 now6502 pieces printed dimi

ties all new patterns 5cper yard

Ladies Vests low neckand no sleeves taped necknd drifts 10 c regular price

15cLadies Vests no sleeves

and low neck silk taped neckJand arms white 15 c regular arc Vests

Jersey ribbed Vests madeof finest Egyptian bleachedcotton low neck and sleeves25c

2 75

5 ¬


>Ladies Bleached Silkaline

Vests handsomely finishedlow neck and M sleeves29c

Ladi sbleached Vests withlong sleeves with pants tomatch each 25c worth c

Childrens Seamless Ribbed Waists sizes 2 to r 2 15csame as Nazareth Waists

Dog Collar Belts beautifully trimmed and finishedin tan grey or brown leatherand kid specM price 48e

Ladies blade patent leap herBelts 25e

Pulley Ribbon Belts inblack and white 25 and50c

200 Straw Hats for boysand girls sample lot well

joe to E at 29ceach

Mens fine Egyptian Under-shirts and Drawers

All sizes Balbriggan Shirtsand Drawers regular valueSoc at 39 c each

Mens fancy colored Sockspolka dots high spiked heeslOco This is a i sow

wnrtn from







Before you begin house cleaning come to see our stock of car-pets mattings rugs curtains etc

We have a large stock of theselines and the prices will make youglad

See us before you house-clean and you will begin it witha lighter heart and a heavier pock-etbook

Of course we have a largestock of dry goods and notionswith all latest Spring novelties







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iii House iii

441 Cleaning ifi



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