i sperry j7 - chronicling...

THE SUN TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1903 I 12 r 1 i BIG BILL AND THE SMASHER JiltS XATIOX MAKES A FLATTER IXC HID TO DEVFm me Into My Drama Knjs She anti ihi Democratic Villain Jor Whrrlorl the Smooth Republican Illvll A lltl use for Drunkards Widows In Kaiiiai Mrs Carrie Nation who arrived Nov York on Sunday went to the ofllee of I iwye William Klein in the New York Life Bulk ing yesterday afternoon mid in the pres- ence of a number of newspaper reporters who had responded to a prem ngent Igned a deed conveying a house awl lo In Kaunas City Kiln to the AhKOcinti Charities of that city The place will Ix maintained an the Carrie Nation Monti for Drunkards Wives The champioi saloon smasher said she owned nnothe place in Topeka which would soot give away for a similar purpo Mrs Nation declares that Amlrev Carnegie eho la oppogedH fying rich In order to endow the homo said Mrs Watlon I am having made in Pittsburs f large number of hatchets which will b sold for 75 cents each On the handle 01 each will bo a motto rending Carrie Na- tions Loving Home Defender Stnnsli thr Saloon and Build Up the Home Then I am also having made a lot ol handsome water bottle bearing these words in gold letters Adam Drank and for Prohibition Mrs Nat ion was asked if her hoimw for drunkards wives were to 1x5 confined Kansas By no means oho I hope to homes of kind I hope my example will be followed by many who more meaiw than- I Oh the sin of laying up treasure on earth and the of the rum shops Here Mrs Nation started on her stereotyped temperance harangue and it was ten she came to Then she proceeded Yes Im the drama now Im to have a company of my own Hatchetation the name the I wrote it The will be the Senate saloon In Kansas City Ill be the smasher all right plain Carrie Nation dressed Just ns I am now Im going to represent the defender of the 1 V will be my character Hell tho defence of the saloon and be the gentleman Republican kind of villain want to get a villain if I can a regular of man fat and and good natured that kind know Say but I would like to get to play part Ve hnd a very pleasant hero York once me to beside him and we had our pict- ures taken together Mrs Hatchetation wna to he a love play as well ns a temperance There was to be a young no she wouldnt play that part had lone with love matters for who fell In love with a man who kept going lower and lower through drink WRONG PERSOXS nottSEirniPFEn 1 A 8ltz and III Wife of Syracuse Hold- Up In Their Auto SYRACUSE Sept A Seitz a mem- ber of the Syracuse Automobile Club and a photographer was held up and horsewhipped by two teen last evening while returning from South Ray In his automobile As he was driving on the plank road a man jumped out in front of waved his arms and shouted for him to stop He put on tho brakes and stopped short Then a man jumped around to the side of the machine and piled his horsewhip on Mr Seitz his wife son Seitz jumped out and made for tho wan who that he had made a mis- take and was not tho man they were after Detective Harvey Larum of this city drove up then WItS told that men were Dennis and Sherman Gillette The Automobile Club will back Sfitz In his prosecution of thu mon aa several of have had trouble on the plank road recently- C A Benjamin was a man a was not able te find out name The club members threaten that if these annoyances continue some one will get hurt 11J l t 4 n I i j b be oaf tJi he l i i 1 a to- Il thi I haw- i fI ot 1 1 i setting t i home I think ent villaina rat Ie iwen ort r t sit I J 21J that Settz i kA C Pie toY in- tel L tip- i k t I i fi c Mr ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DEAF MUTES TO WED Ttaomai Andrew Ta art Scott to Sail for England to Claim Ills Bride Elflt OBANCJB N J Sept 21 Thomas Andrew Taggart of Everett street East Orange on Thursday will sail for Eng land where h will wed Mien Gladys May Whitney daughter of Mr and Mrs Howard- C Whitney of Newark who wont abroad- in the spring for her health Tho young people are deaf mutes At Southampton- Mr Taggart will be met by tho Whltnoys and the party will go to London where the wedding will tako place at the home of a relative of the bride Mr Taggart a deaf mute Ins year when he was ill of scarlet fever He 2t years old Ho studied at the State School for Deaf and Dumb in Trenton and at Gnllaudet College in Washington D 0 While in Trenton ho editor the school and was an athlete He met Miss Whitney a year ago When it was announced that waa to go to Europo for a long stay slio Informed her parents that nhe was to Mr Taggart TRAIN FOILED Kxprmman Beaten by Mistake for a Slcs rater Thieve Were After K2SMM- CniCAQO Sept 21 With William Gaugh ran an suffering at St Iuken Hospital from painful Injuries sustained- at the hands of train robbers the pollen j j I I I I I since was j llOll ERS 1 expres man i r ¬ > are a an attempt to rob a Michigan Central ox car of 125000 From the In which had concealed themselves In a Michigan Central Railroad express car at teenth street the robbers who mistook for tho express leaped the He fell attack and was matte unconscious blows Frightened the noise of the struggle the fled in contusion when they discovered the man was not the of the money they sought The two safes in the car contained 125000 besides other valuables HOKE HE SUES lULL POSTERS To Unit the mil Posting Trait Imlcr Ird rral Statutes Samuel W Hoke an advertising agent and hill poster of this city bus filed a corn plMnt in tho Circuit Court against the elated BUI POtters and Distributors alleg- ing that they aro violating the Federal anti- trust law ana clalmjng SOUCOO The complaint charges the ntfocuitluu with rates on bill le- KnrdUtfl of the true mItts of the work nod with excluding from the field persona who do not k particulArly charges that he has been sits with tho nsno elation and boycotted po lint hit I IIMM IH broken up the Attor to take the matter In hen Mckee Law rmmiMlliillnntl tRENTON N J Sept 21 The Court of Errors and AppeaU today declared lli McKee school law muoristitutloniil This decision upsets the general fool law of the oonils a recourse to tho laws that were in efleil before attempt WM mlle to rompr ws the school the State Into one general statute Col L nlt 8I11nn I danll Ii- I I to nf ociatioJ I arty Ain the L ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ Ju otJ rI- t jug the children dance around in gleeful anticipation CORN SYRUP Great spread lor VrvaL The syrup of delight morning noon or night A syrup that is not only delicious but a valuable healthmaker and body builder Contains all the goodness of cornthe most nutritive cereal grown Prepared particularly for table and home uses Put up in airtight frictiontop tin pro tect its purity making it particularly preferable to the dusty barrel syrups JOC ase and SOC At all grocers CORN PRODUCTS CO Mew York and Chicago 1 The IJaily ahich uncleanly iniYMEX PIQLED lllilc liefusod Tliein titer They Had Agreed Lucy IHsunrct MONTREAL Sept jury in the ease of Paris tho Italian charged with the mur der or a fellow countryman named Mar ehiono sent word yesterday to theauthorities in charge that they iud reached a verdict and asked that they be permitted to take a car ride They were informed that their request could not be granted and they hart to the perfect autumn day in confinement When the were called for their ver- dict this morning they announced that were unable to agree Justice Quintet in- ferred from tIre statement of the foreman that the hail out of determined not to reach an agreement and sent them back Later on they were again culled in but flatly not agree Three times thor were called into court three times they announced their failure Finally Judge Quintet that in view their statement of yesterday ho would hold them until thoy agree on a verdict and the twelve men were again locked up- niOCEST OF SCHOOLHOlSES The Hoard of Kducatlon Starts Using it While Still VntlnlNhrd The largest Bchoolhouse In the world was opened yesterday It occupies the entire block bounded by Houston Lewis Third and Manhattan streets Thirty elates of boys from School 15 In Fifth street took possession of it yesterday al- though It la yet It will not be entirely completed for two months Tho Fifth street school has been badly over crowded and the Board Education decided to utilize what rooma were com new school The new build I f shop alone comprising five rooms rooms n completed and were used by yesterday- The building is arranged a line also two roof play- grounds In addition there IH a large as room anti a FOVttHT POLICE WITH A AXF- Mlnetto Who Killed fine Man anil Stabbed Another aught In a Hay Loft Raphael Minetto of 201 North Ninth street Willlamfiburg who on Sunday night stabbed Itocco Savino who died litter In St Catherines Hospital and probably 21 The I I I tho I I I i I i I In the contains rooms the i lul L Car ng carpen- ter ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ caught early yesterday morning in a hay- loft at Atlantic and Hopklnson avenues Brooklyn When lie wine discovered he seized an aso and attacked the policemen He Wilt disarmed and taken to tho station vrlioro he was positively identified as Savinos He old AndrcKoV condition last was criti- cal He is at St Catherines Hospital Minetto killed Suvino beause latter to Minetto playing an accordion nt a party in the street houso Andresso was stabbed while ho was trying to save Savino VACAT10XS A ClllliCn SCAXHAL Newark Pastor So Declares nnd Ilrothrr Ministers Suggest Itenicdlrs The Rev John S Allen of Newark told tIm Presbyterian Ministern Association yesterday that the way in which city churches are left deserted in tho summer is nothing less I linn a grave scandal He added that it was high time that some reform was brought about Tim other ministers agreed that must have vacations frequent and long hut that state affairs of almost uctunl impossi- bility to a in from Juno to September for funerals and other Important must exist no longer- It was suggested that through a central bureau a system of clergy transfers be arranged in summer city pastors going to the country and country pastors coining down to city OtL la18 cel c1cr 2I I lie ¬ ¬ ACROSS COTIXEXT TO WEn Mule Moore of Statrn Island to Ileoome Sirs Daiilols nf Seattle Lizzie Moore of Stnpleton Stuten Island left her homo yesterday to join her sweet- heart James Daniels now ia f nttlt Wash to whom she will bo married on her arrival there Miss Moore to IH years old and Mr Daniels is 20 They tire orphatm Mr Daniels went to Soiittlti two years ago Ho Li chief oflicer of one of his uncles at cam ships plying San and AliUtKa DanleU brett months iigo and IJOCUIIID with Moor It was a ease of lovo at first sight Miss Moore on Thursday last received a Idler from Daniel enclonltig to pay tier railroad fare to S and she ut onm preparations for the journey The couple Hoqltlc WlilimH Ills Victims The police and the ofllclnlf of the Surro gates olllce In Brooklyn trying to find u swindler who has been from a numb r ot widows by telling them they were heirs lo fortunes for a snail hum ho would fIr them all tine pnr- tlcuars and newsinr a SM irch of records of the Surrogates olllio At least a don women Ixsen swindled l y Hie flow Hiirini tlio Actor OHM Tint Sullivan won James II Manning an iotor residing at 63 Mndli on avenue rum flied n petition in bankruptcy with liiibiHtien t2f25 anti no ResetS lire slxi rr dttnn James P Wrilsd of Cleveland Ohio 1100 Timothy D Sullivan tW Low 17- 5Frfdurkk Snide H50 all borrowed mutiny A 8 HW for and orgo Felix ISO fur royalties WI mono IIrookl n to the last mont In I I I I tot Frt Ireis o it art S in i 1 toni aCt iuuimnted Miss art get I t Star ¬ DILL BACK FROM AUTO TRIP CORPORATJOX LAWYER HID 3IAXY ODD EPEHIEXCES Found R Village In Connecticut Where Ko Young People LJve Uoail Crown Over and Nobody Knows Where They Lead Ieonlc of Maine Ilaml t Get a Hide EAST ORANGE X J Sept 21 After cov- ering 1398 miles in his automobile tour which started on July 15 James B Dill the corporation lawyer returned to his East Orange home lane last night having made the journey to Rangeley Lakes in Maine and back ogam without a mishap worth mentioning- Mr Dill started out with the intention- of seeking the byways and hedge roads of automobiling and not to travel by the roads shown in the books In choosing these routes he and lila companions Mrs Dill their daughters and John M Schmidt saw many beautiful sights and met with innny strango experiencea Ono thing that mesaid MrDill this morning In speaking of his experiences was a set of villages In the valley east of the Connecticut River In one old town Beleherlown a man 90 years old told us that there were no young people In the place all having married and gone away leaving the old folks and unmarried women The roads are covered with grass and one hat to discover them himself The only infor- mation onto can get is This road leads to farmer soandsos and hell tell you who beyond On ono we met an old man driving- In a prairie wagon He went the a and writs newspaper and the only means com- munication Ills horse at our ma ohlno and broke the traces and shaft I offered Ml the damages but when he learned I had a camera he to throw off his claim for damages if I would take picture and mutt a few copies I did I am going to send some for it IB a good Flagstaff was another quaint village- In Maine which Mr It is sixty tidies from any railroad nnd the natives never seen an auto Mr Dill gave one of them a ride After that nearly the entire imputation of tbo place to have a ride before lawyer get- away At another some Boston newspaper- men known sight to Mr Dill in wait for him with cameras Mr Dill snapped them with his camera and then head A day or two Inter be sent them pictures with his compliments Mr Dill hundred pictures during his trip ltOMlIE DUiS ClllIWH VEILAR Officials ot the Churcli Help tutu from 7 lo IO Kirry Night WKST ORANGE N J Sept 21Work- has just been completed on a new church edifice for the West Orange Methodist Church and It will be dedicated next Sun day The boiler and piping had bought and the steamflttcr was ready to proceed with his work A consultation of the church officials was called and It was uanimously decided to place the boiler in the cellar A motion to adjourn the meet ing had been put when some ono remem- bered that there watt no cellar The treas urer at the santo time recollected that there was not enough money to dig a cellar W ill if that case remarked the Hev Newton E Davis ot the church well dig it ouirelve I call for volun- teers to dig tho cellar All binds volunteered They are busi men nd work all hut assem- ble at 7 oclock every night and under tho leadership of Mr Davis wields a pick pitch in lamplight cart the dirt away until 10 their wives stand and encourage them Their task will bo done by the middle of the week FROM sovxa IIOAT wo ed I 1111 his 1 I i awn 1 been floss and labor UUiUO t tats ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Charles K Darncs of Mam font Dlxa- pprarnl on Monday Sept 14 Charles E Barnes manager of the New York office of the Blickensderfer Company has been missing since Monday of last week when he took the steamboat 1riseilla of tho Fall River Line for Boston hitS family in Stamford Conn whore lives cannot account for Mr IirncsH continued absence His friends in Now York that there is absolutely no reason to believe that ho suicide Mr Parties was to have returned to New York today or tomorrow and to start on his vacation Thursday It is known that ho boarded the steamer on Monday of last week for hia satchel was state- room No 354 which was opened the next morning at Fall River stateroom door been locked and the taken hint the berth had not been occupied A general alarm for Die missing nna been sent out HlsnccounUarn In good order COM Pit At XT 01 HIKERS ISLAXD Dr Wooilhnrr Telli Astoria ties Kllllni Not Making Mrnclir Complaint was made yesterday to the Aldermens committee on health at a public hearing that the filling in of Hikers Island with the ashes collected by the Street Clean- ing Deportment damaged tho residents of Astoria because of the stench which was wafted the Island in hot weather Commissioner Woodbury told the com tire odors earns from tho mud banuu not the ashes and that when the mud bunks were covered the nulbance would cease HA added that tho filling In would be finished before the of mid that It would result In reclaim- ing of acres of land worth an acre The committee decided to make a personal of the Uland Ill mil t that I Ito 10000 Type- writer I Ito rein inspection ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SPERRY IUTCHINSONI IGREEN- TRADINI UJUJ m- s51G I OPER I19ST5 Sale of All Silk Umbrellas For Women 26inch frame in black navy red and green handles solid silver caps partridge and pearl mounts fine box and furze plain and solid sil ver trimmed For Men 28inch frame fine English box and furze value 300 Lord A Taylor- A yfiO shoe as good as a 5 shoe Never but Our new fiJoO lusts look 5 ill over and really come nearer he higher grade lea her and work han any 350 shoe we know I 95 each good ¬ HOUKIW IKBT it COMPANY 2H Urnadway opposltr City Hall anil 7 Anti 0 St MJ Broailway cor tilth We tilt order anil Hi to MX 4lli Ave bj mall 1160 Bronilway tur 32tl unit Bl West 3d St FRED HORXEMAXX SUES WIFE Wanti a Divorce and the Property He Kayo He Made Over to Her Frederick Bornemann once an opera singer has begun suit against his wife for another suit to recover property he had mac over to his wife Bomemann appeared with tbo Morrissey Opera Company at the trnnd Opera House was stage manager for the McCnll company sang the first production The Beggar Student He alleges- in his complaint agreement witlj his she waa to title to the real property- he transferred to tier an as con- tinued to be a loyal faithful and true wife to him anti him with a home and in nil respects complied with the duties of a wife states that his wire has not complied with these conditions The marriage took place In March ISO- flBornemann is 09 and his wife 32 Soon after the wedding went into the buslnesH of selling supplies for cooks and waiters It was that the of tine business should Iw de- posited in the wifes name hut for the joint Out of the Income of the business a house at 23A Seventh avenue was bought Title was taken In the wifes name Mrs Bornemann marriage was Mitts Leonie L Agneau Is with driving her husband from their hone and her name Is also coupled In tho application for divorce with one nOWXS FOil HOTEL I111L Mrs Darrah Ray tint Marie Antoinette Hat MAOOO Worth of tier lothea The Mario Antoinette Hotel Company appeared through counsel yesterday In the West Sido police court to answer a com- plaint made by Mrs Stella P Darrah of Now Conn who charges the corn with in holding her personal effects for a board bill By agree- ment hearing was put down for According to the Mm Darrah and her James N Darrah at tho Hotel Marie Antoinette ilxtytixth street and Broadway from May 23 lo Aug When company retained possession of Mrs not was livid for an unpaid bill Mrs Darrah in the declares that bill was contracted by her husband and that the company hints no legal right to withhold property The nnh held to tine complaint shows a value of f6000U one hundred noel fifty artIcles of wearing apparel for a woman ant two urren diortt und ornmnnn aoo wilt before her N1 Ill I I Dam the It enumerates in I lie niccor I I rig ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ W L DOUCLAS 350 SHOE The Testimony of the Wearers of W L Douglu Shoes i Conclusive and Couriering I W H Uunl l Correspondent of tine St Louis ICepubllunrltcm r am a constant wearer of V L Douglas SDrfl shoes tiara found them sinl titling I receive more value or my- miiiicy than In makes i j- ll mure men S1BO tlian soy other That Douglas uses Corona Colt prove there ia value in 350 shoes Corona U the gratis patent leather made tf Siuue Imtloin Toke no siilxtltut- s1idt Color use rclu lvi lj BoY W L Price Show by mall win Ttra Illniitr t t1 C t lof tips V l DOLOIAS Urookton u- KKWVOnK STOHES Oil Strtrt- IIIDniiiiltiar 143 Kast UtliSlrret- i trrl liroailmr 6 Arc Draaa llro T y IIKODKltS- n Tliiril Avenue oslo llrotdnii- aJilJTIilnl Arrnue 1887 Hro r- ilViSlxth 41li4l latter Ktrr t- 3l5Klnhlli Ainnid 404 Ilflli 9 Bz on hand early dont wait until the last minute English Walking Coats in all the newest Scoth effects and Single and Doublebreastid 15 to 30 ft i r 1 1 I I fi i I olllra le 1 I reason mnsntfiutiirer lit th worhl i highest on yet t Dou Shoe 200 and 175 I I O I 211 I I BWa 3 I L t i Sack- S Ults stia I UNION MADE I Thu I tins SliDeS prt won ei y iSIS tic Assess t ti5tiist JERSEYCIIIi iiNewars- Avs1sict > Stylish top 4 length and long 15 up The bes itting paddokint- own Full line of Craven ettes and Rain Coats cut on the same pattern as our regular overcoats sell lots oi cm and up Smith Gray Co Futon St at Flatbush Ave Bklyn Broadway at Bedford Ave Bklyn FLHIHT FOUJtWS SlHlllKA- iiMrtcli Who Imliirscs lor Tenner l l appears When Trnnrr Dies Max Atistrich who sold picture trainers and mouldings at S91 rond in last Friday mornings papers of the sui- cide at Hotel of Tenner who did business as the sew York Portrait Company nf 11 Irent Jones street heavily for Ten nor He made a hasty rido to a I lint lie wart to meet debts or face his creditors lint he was going away not to return He hits not seen it is feared at the store that he line committed guieidn lll o Tenner But creditors that with AustrichH con- sent creditors whom he hums preferred hove hell removing stock from store for a fortnight A petition in was yesterday liix lia- bilities lire believed to 24000 and J10000 Ho lies considerable assets in stock and outstanding atxounts- LKOAIi HOLinAY Iti IFRSFY Two Aiitliorltlcn Say ToTlay In hut lisa rrllor Mwgln Will Ibid Court an final TUKMTON N J Sept 21 Chief Justice Outninorw and McCjirtnr both hold that on account of tho elections on the cotistiiutional- mnmdmonts lomnrrow will bo n legal holiday In New Jersey Chancellor otherwise and announced loday that lie would tomorrow as usual The Justice instructed clerk of the Supreme Court that no or should issue tomorrow Mid thu banks in this city at leiist wit nil 1- mllrrin Held for Kryr Murder Coroner SclioliT and a jury 1111 in nuiit in the case of H- Keyiw proprietor of the Kiwi Hlver Ibid al Water htrcits who wim shot ami killed early mi the inoriiing of Kepi III at tint door of Iris own saloon hearing the of sevirnl wit nnwioH tIre fury the murder In James Breen I Coroner without ban J 2 creditor- S hi been th Jt prolh 1 Ih it hint ot Ill tl 8log thin since 11111 sa ie ret weti it lIme exectit loris elossI or i ist hurl tutu iso atoll I si him ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > I Store Opens at 815 and Closes at 530 Biography in Merchandise Chickering Pianos and Jonas ChickeringJo- nas Chickering was born in 1798 He is one of Americas ten greatest inventors selected for distinguished honor at the St Louis Exposition in commemoration of the Louisiana purchase He established the Chickering piano manu- factory over 80 years ago and has been dead about fifty Nevertheless he is one of the immortals He belongs the buried dead of a departed past but his personality is a vital force of the living present In the early part of the eighteenth century Stradivarius produced the marvelous violins that con tinue as objects of worship Just a century later came Chicker iug that made him to the piano as Stradivarim to the violin And these names twins in musical art will go on singing down the ages The impress of Jonas Chickerings genius is upon every first class in this truthfully in the 0 J7 1 r I il years I nius I countrymore ¬ world The communism of musical art has a contributor to the welfare of millions His ideas have aided his fellow and competing craftsmen have given great composers an improved channel of expression and aid to study have benefited every grade of musician both professional and amateur Thui in a true and most happy sense may be classed as a great benefactor of mankind and especially his fellow Americans Stradivarius lives in the survival of the work of his own hands Chickering created an organized institution The cor poration of Chickering and Sons is just as really an institution as the Pennsylvania Railroad Company or the Metropolitan Museum of Art But the Chickering Company is vital with or- ganic spiritual life A splendid succession of men artistically and commercially intelligent filled with the responsibility of a sacred trust have continued with a constantly growing refin- ement the production of pianos that in a competition of cumulative power have continuously maintained a peerless leadership the variety and perfection of the Chickering piano greater than ever before Thousands of the children of today were fortunate in musical forebears of the third and fourth generation their teaching in music with Chickering pianos that for perfection of tone of harmony and of general construction are far beyond the dreams of granddaddies Briefly and crudely the foregoing is the Chickering ease It has a right to your attention It appeals to your patriotism to your intelligence to your musical and financial interests- At WASAMAKRHS in the Chickerings New York home You are invited to examine and to enjoy the great display of Chick erings among them some very perfect examples of pianos in art cases that have the approval of architects and artist Have you seen the beautiful Quarter Grands They or flitted at Chickerings Of course they are imitated Chickeringj are quite accustomed to the of imitation But the Chickering quartergrand ig not reproduced matched or ap- proached Small enough for a moderate sized parlor or drawingrooma bijou of a grand piano Large enough for all the qualities that make a concertgrand Very special is the new upright piano F recently anti produced thus far exclusively for our sales Three illustrative Chickering recitals will be given this week This morning at 1130 oclock Wednesday afternoon at 3 oclock Third Thursday morning at 1130 oclock John Wanamaker Formerly A T Stewart Co Broadway Pourth Ave 9th 10th ma e on8S To- day ou ma decorat f gl- orious des- igned First St is a ¬ ¬ pNEpLRNITURE BRASS BEDS- Our now designs are as ai a burst of sunshine dark rooms no longer be dark i fitted for a particular style of furnishing in 1000 to JlflOoo Simple Colonial Mission Em- pire lonU X or XVI designs They tho elTect of nil woods forming an admirable combination of color tones WhltR iron bedn brass trimmed from 550 Our whole nth Floor is filled with the most artistic Bedroom furniture in every wood even to Satinwood and White Mahogany arid nfl are at factory prices ns you 4345 47 23 SI- CUJUUAOB KNTBAJSCE 28 WEST I1TH ST PMMM CM HI W COLLAR REDEEMER CHIHCII TO MOVE lu Site U Nredrd for the New lintel In Uroadwa Th Lutheran Church of Hedwiner at 28 iind 230 West Fortyfifth Street will move on Nov 1 to a new in Went Fortyfourth street Ivotween Ninth toni avenues The move Is on account of tho exloimion of new hotel whioh tine Astor estate In erect in Broadway between Fortyfourth and Fortyfifth streets nnd In now occupied by tho Tint pmtor Hnv deavor to procure a live yetrw OUM but this was Saratoga IUII Nun CluiiRn MwnrrxhlpK- ABVTOOA Sept 21 Thi Saratoga holly Sun a Democratic paper IIHH b vn lair cluiM i by who Ixcomei Thomas formerly one of this owners of tie Daily In aneocmt d with McNulty in the now maf nj at I nee BUY OF THE MAKER CEO C CO WET a- NEW to churCh P I 1irwis ftINT tsMt Astor this necessary si lLPrt to ruler istr ini miter its ¬ > > > Wrat I4St- CP RELIABLE CARPETSCLE- ARANCE SALE 9x12 FT RUGS SAN JOS 950 Reduced from tl5 SPECIAL SMYRNAS 15 Reduced from 2250i AXMINSTERS 21 Reduced from 27 JO WILTON VELVETS 25 Reduced from 35 ARTS CRAFTS FURNITURE WEATHERED OAK LIBRARY TABLES 20 Reduced Jnm 25 Centre drawer ind magazine sluU ARM CHAIRS 25 RiitLal from 34 Leather Cushions LOXO CREDIT enables you all bargains CASH on CREDIT VPERTHVAIT 0- KM WOand 108 Wesi 1451 NEAR 6TMA- Vfrtfi n Siores FldtbusHAvnwrfjioox1- 1OYDKX IIOMESTED Mil i- II Ntirltrrril the linrnlnr Vf r nl Mil til Him hy HU Min- iS tJTII OlIANdK N 1 Sept 21 Th1 Hoyden homcKlrml in Hilton wlnre- many ywirs Inventor S th Ilcyii lived and worked was nearly dentroyr d r fire The hoiixp b H yniri01- Oluuliali son of the Inventor w1 to Ciillfornla in Hindu a fortune nv- mi return the nUre tel parents The old people lived then nd It a in h1 n11 of the Seth lioyden many of the inventions thAt guv Mini torn D t to I u Ian fr tile mal Wit 0 n Tftk1T- Ma cIte rge Jive tint lain hi Wn house I <

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Page 1: I SPERRY J7 - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-09-22/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · maintained an the Carrie Nation Monti for Drunkards Wives The champioi saloon


r 1 i



me Into My Drama Knjs She anti ihiDemocratic Villain Jor Whrrlorlthe Smooth Republican Illvll A lltluse for Drunkards Widows In Kaiiiai

Mrs Carrie Nation who arrived NovYork on Sunday went to the ofllee of I iwyeWilliam Klein in the New York Life Bulking yesterday afternoon mid in the pres-

ence of a number of newspaper reporterswho had responded to a prem ngentIgned a deed conveying a house awl loIn Kaunas City Kiln to the AhKOcinti

Charities of that city The place will Ix

maintained an the Carrie Nation Monti

for Drunkards Wives The champioi

saloon smasher said she owned nnothe

place in Topeka which would sootgive away for a similar purpo

Mrs Nation declares that AmlrevCarnegie eho la oppogedH fying rich

In order to endow the homo said Mrs

Watlon I am having made in Pittsburs f

large number of hatchets which will b

sold for 75 cents each On the handle 01

each will bo a motto rending Carrie Na-

tions Loving Home Defender Stnnsli thr

Saloon and Build Up the HomeThen I am also having made a lot ol

handsome water bottle bearing thesewords in gold letters Adam

Drank and for ProhibitionMrs Nat ion was asked if her hoimw for

drunkards wives were to 1x5 confinedKansas

By no means oho I hope tohomes of kind

I hope my example will be followed bymany who more meaiw than-

IOh the sin of laying up treasure on

earth and the of the rumshops Here Mrs Nation startedon her stereotyped temperance harangueand it was ten she cameto Then she proceeded

Yes Im the drama nowIm to have a company of my ownHatchetation the name the

I wrote it The willbe the Senate saloon In Kansas City

Ill be the smasher all right plainCarrie Nation dressed Just ns I am nowIm going to represent the defender of the

1 V

will be my characterHell tho defence of the saloon

and be the gentleman Republicankind of villain want to get a

villain if I can a regularof man fat and and good

natured that kind knowSay but I would like to get to

play part Ve hnd a very pleasanthero York once

me to beside him and we had our pict-

ures taken togetherMrs Hatchetation wna to

he a love play as well ns a temperanceThere was to be a young no

she wouldnt play that part had lonewith love matters for who fell Inlove with a man who kept going lowerand lower through drink

WRONG PERSOXS nottSEirniPFEn1 A 8ltz and III Wife of Syracuse Hold-

Up In Their Auto

SYRACUSE Sept A Seitz a mem-

ber of the Syracuse Automobile Club anda photographer was held upand horsewhipped by two teen last eveningwhile returning from South Ray In hisautomobile As he was driving on theplank road a man jumped out in front of

waved his arms and shoutedfor him to stop He put on tho brakesand stopped short Then a man jumpedaround to the side of the machine andpiled his horsewhip on Mr Seitz his wife

sonSeitz jumped out and made for tho wan

who that he had made a mis-

take and was not tho man theywere after Detective Harvey Larum ofthis city drove up then WItS toldthat men were Dennis andSherman Gillette The Automobile Clubwill back Sfitz In his prosecution of thumon aa several of havehad trouble on the plank road recently-C A Benjamin was a mana was not able te find out

name The club membersthreaten that if these annoyances continuesome one will get hurt



t4 n


i jb










I haw-



11 i



i home I think


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that Settz


kA C Pie

















Ttaomai Andrew Ta art Scott to Sail forEngland to Claim Ills Bride

Elflt OBANCJB N J Sept 21 ThomasAndrew Taggart of Everett street EastOrange on Thursday will sail for England where h will wed Mien Gladys MayWhitney daughter of Mr and Mrs Howard-

C Whitney of Newark who wont abroad-in the spring for her health Tho youngpeople are deaf mutes At Southampton-Mr Taggart will be met by tho Whltnoysand the party will go to London where thewedding will tako place at the home of arelative of the bride

Mr Taggart a deaf muteIns year when he was ill of scarletfever He 2t years old Ho studiedat the State School for Deaf and Dumbin Trenton and at Gnllaudet College inWashington D 0 While in Trenton ho

editor the school and was anathlete He met Miss Whitney a yearago When it was announced thatwaa to go to Europo for a long stay slioInformed her parents that nhe wasto Mr Taggart


Kxprmman Beaten by Mistake for a Slcs

rater Thieve Were After K2SMM-

CniCAQO Sept 21 With William Gaughran an suffering at St IukenHospital from painful Injuries sustained-at the hands of train robbers the pollen









j llOll ERS


expres man





are aan attempt to rob a Michigan Central ox

car of 125000From the In which

had concealed themselves In a MichiganCentral Railroad express car atteenth street the robberswho mistook for tho express

leaped theHe fell attack and was matteunconscious blows Frightenedthe noise of the struggle the fledin contusion when they discovered theman was not the of the moneythey sought

The two safes in the car contained 125000besides other valuables


To Unit the mil Posting Trait Imlcr Irdrral Statutes

Samuel W Hoke an advertising agentand hill poster of this city bus filed a cornplMnt in tho Circuit Court against theelated BUI POtters and Distributors alleg-ing that they aro violating the Federal anti-trust law ana clalmjng SOUCOO

The complaint charges the ntfocuitluu withrates on bill le-

KnrdUtfl of the true mItts of the work nodwith excluding from the field persona whodo not kparticulArly charges that he has been sits

with tho nsnoelation and boycotted po lint hit I IIMMIH broken up the Attor

to take the matter In hen

Mckee Law rmmiMlliillnntltRENTON N J Sept 21 The Court of

Errors and AppeaU today declared lliMcKee school law muoristitutloniil Thisdecision upsets the general fool law ofthe oonils a recourse to tholaws that were in efleil before attemptWM mlle to rompr ws the schoolthe State Into one general statute





I danll Ii-



to nf ociatioJ









Ju otJ rI-

t jug the children dance aroundin gleeful anticipation

CORN SYRUPGreat spread lor VrvaL

The syrup of delight morning noon or nightA syrup that is not only delicious but a valuablehealthmaker and body builder Contains all thegoodness of cornthe most nutritive cerealgrown Prepared particularly for table and homeuses Put up in airtight frictiontop tin pro

tect its purity making it particularly preferable tothe dusty barrel syrups JOC ase and SOC

At all grocers

CORN PRODUCTS CO Mew York and Chicago


The IJaily




lllilc liefusod Tliein titer They HadAgreed Lucy IHsunrct

MONTREAL Sept jury in the easeof Paris tho Italian charged with the murder or a fellow countryman named Marehiono sent word yesterday to theauthoritiesin charge that they iud reached a verdictand asked that they be permitted to take a

car ride They were informed that theirrequest could not be granted and they hartto the perfect autumn day inconfinement

When the were called for their ver-

dict this morning they announced thatwere unable to agree Justice Quintet in-

ferred from tIre statement of the foremanthat the hail out of determinednot to reach an agreement and sent themback

Later on they were again culled in butflatly not agreeThree times thor were called into courtthree times they announced their failure

Finally Judge Quintet that inview their statement of yesterday ho

would hold them until thoy agree on averdict and the twelve men were againlocked up-


The Hoard of Kducatlon Starts Using itWhile Still VntlnlNhrd

The largest Bchoolhouse In the world

was opened yesterday It occupies theentire block bounded by Houston Lewis

Third and Manhattan streets Thirty

elates of boys from School 15 In Fifthstreet took possession of it yesterday al-

though It la yet It will not be

entirely completed for two monthsTho Fifth street school has been badly

over crowded and the Board Educationdecided to utilize what rooma were com

new school The new buildI f

shop alone comprising five roomsrooms n completed

and were used by yesterday-The building is arranged a

line also two roof play-

grounds In addition there IH a large asroom anti a


Mlnetto Who Killed fine Man anil Stabbed

Another aught In a Hay Loft

Raphael Minetto of 201 North Ninth streetWilllamfiburg who on Sunday nightstabbed Itocco Savino who died litter In

St Catherines Hospital and probably

21 The







i I



In thecontains rooms the





ng carpen-ter






caught early yesterday morning in a hay-

loft at Atlantic and Hopklnson avenues

Brooklyn When lie wine discovered he

seized an aso and attacked the policemen

He Wilt disarmed and taken to thostation vrlioro he was positively identifiedas Savinos He oldAndrcKoV condition last was criti-

cal He is at St Catherines HospitalMinetto killed Suvino beause latter

to Minetto playing an accordionnt a party in the street housoAndresso was stabbed while ho was tryingto save Savino


Newark Pastor So Declares nnd IlrothrrMinisters Suggest Itenicdlrs

The Rev John S Allen of Newark told

tIm Presbyterian Ministern Association

yesterday that the way in which citychurches are left deserted in tho summer isnothing less I linn a grave scandal Headded that it was high time that some reformwas brought about Tim other ministersagreed that must have vacationsfrequent and long hut thatstate affairs of almost uctunl impossi-bility to a infrom Juno to September for funerals andother Important must exist nolonger-

It was suggested that through a centralbureau a system of clergy transfers bearranged in summer city pastors going tothe country and country pastors coiningdown to city

OtL la18cel



I lie




Mule Moore of Statrn Island to IleoomeSirs Daiilols nf Seattle

Lizzie Moore of Stnpleton Stuten Islandleft her homo yesterday to join her sweet-

heart James Daniels now ia f nttlt Washto whom she will bo married on her arrivalthere Miss Moore to IH years old andMr Daniels is 20 They tire orphatm MrDaniels went to Soiittlti two years agoHo Li chief oflicer of one of his uncles atcamships plying San andAliUtKa DanleU brettmonths iigo and IJOCUIIID with

MoorIt was a ease of lovo at first sight Miss

Moore on Thursday last received a Idlerfrom Daniel enclonltig to pay tierrailroad fare to S and she ut onm

preparations for the journey Thecouple Hoqltlc

WlilimH Ills Victims

The police and the ofllclnlf of the Surrogates olllce In Brooklyn trying to findu swindler who has beenfrom a numb r ot widows by telling themthey were heirs lo fortunes for asnail hum ho would fIr them all tine pnr-

tlcuars and newsinra SM irch of records of the Surrogatesolllio At least a don women Ixsenswindled l y Hie flow Hiirini tlio

Actor OHM Tint Sullivan wonJames II Manning an iotor residing at

63 Mndli on avenue rum flied n petition inbankruptcy with liiibiHtien t2f25 anti noResetS lire slxi rr dttnn JamesP Wrilsd of Cleveland Ohio 1100 TimothyD Sullivan tW Low 17-5Frfdurkk Snide H50 all borrowed mutinyA 8 HW for and orgoFelix ISO fur royalties



IIrookl n


lastmont In




I tot Frt Ireis oit art S in i 1 toni

aCt iuuimnted


artget I






Found R Village In Connecticut Where KoYoung People LJve Uoail Crown Overand Nobody Knows Where They Lead

Ieonlc of Maine Ilaml t Get a Hide

EAST ORANGE X J Sept 21 After cov-ering 1398 miles in his automobile tourwhich started on July 15 James B Dill thecorporation lawyer returned to his EastOrange home lane last night having madethe journey to Rangeley Lakes in Maineand back ogam without a mishap worthmentioning-

Mr Dill started out with the intention-of seeking the byways and hedge roadsof automobiling and not to travel by theroads shown in the books In choosingthese routes he and lila companions MrsDill their daughters and John MSchmidt saw many beautiful sights andmet with innny strango experiencea

Ono thing that mesaid MrDillthis morning In speaking of his experiences

was a set of villages In the valley east ofthe Connecticut River In one old townBeleherlown a man 90 years old told us thatthere were no young people In the placeall having married and gone away leavingthe old folks and unmarried women Theroads are covered with grass and one hatto discover them himself The only infor-mation onto can get is This road leads tofarmer soandsos and hell tell you who

beyondOn ono we met an old man driving-

In a prairie wagon He went thea and writs newspaperand the only means com-

munication Ills horse at our maohlno and broke the traces and shaft Ioffered Ml the damages but when helearned I had a camera he to throwoff his claim for damages if I would take

picture and mutt a few copies Idid I am going to send some

for it IB a goodFlagstaff was another quaint village-

In Maine which MrIt is sixty tidies from any railroad nnd thenatives never seen an auto Mr Dillgave one of them a ride After that nearlythe entire imputation of tbo place tohave a ride before lawyer get-away

At another some Boston newspaper-men known sight to Mr Dill in waitfor him with cameras Mr Dill snappedthem with his camera and thenhead A day or two Inter be sentthem pictures with his compliments MrDill hundred pictures duringhis trip


Officials ot the Churcli Help tutu from7 lo IO Kirry Night

WKST ORANGE N J Sept 21Work-has just been completed on a new churchedifice for the West Orange MethodistChurch and It will be dedicated next Sunday The boiler and piping hadbought and the steamflttcr was ready toproceed with his work A consultation ofthe church officials was called and It wasuanimously decided to place the boiler inthe cellar A motion to adjourn the meeting had been put when some ono remem-bered that there watt no cellar The treasurer at the santo time recollected that therewas not enough money to dig a cellar

W ill if that case remarked theHev Newton E Davis ot the churchwell dig it ouirelve I call for volun-

teers to dig tho cellarAll binds volunteered They are busi

men nd work all hut assem-ble at 7 oclock every night and under tholeadership of Mr Davis wields a pickpitch in lamplight cart the dirtaway until 10 theirwives stand and encourage them Theirtask will bo done by the middle of the week









i awn




and labor


t tats











Charles K Darncs of Mam font Dlxa-pprarnl on Monday Sept 14

Charles E Barnes manager of the NewYork office of the Blickensderfer

Company has been missing sinceMonday of last week when he took thesteamboat 1riseilla of tho Fall River Linefor Boston hitS family in Stamford Connwhore lives cannot account for MrIirncsH continued absence His friends inNow York that there is absolutely noreason to believe that hosuicide

Mr Parties was to have returned to NewYork today or tomorrow and to start onhis vacation Thursday It is known that hoboarded the steamer on Monday of lastweek for hia satchel was state-room No 354 which was opened the nextmorning at Fall River stateroomdoor been locked and the takenhint the berth had not been occupied Ageneral alarm for Die missing nna beensent out HlsnccounUarn In good order


Dr Wooilhnrr Telli Astoria ties KllllniNot Making Mrnclir

Complaint was made yesterday to theAldermens committee on health at a publichearing that the filling in of Hikers Islandwith the ashes collected by the Street Clean-ing Deportment damaged tho residents ofAstoria because of the stench which waswafted the Island in hot weatherCommissioner Woodbury told the com

tire odors earns from tho mudbanuu not the ashes and that when themud bunks were covered the nulbancewould cease HA added that tho filling Inwould be finished before the of

mid that It would result In reclaim-ing of acres of land worthan acre The committee decided to makea personal of the Uland


mil t that

I Ito10000



I Ito












Sale of

All SilkUmbrellas

For Women26inch frame in black navyred and green handles solidsilver caps partridge andpearl mounts fine boxand furze plain and solid sil

ver trimmed

For Men28inch frame fine Englishbox and furze

value 300




AyfiO shoe as good as a

5 shoeNever butOur new fiJoO lusts look 5

ill over and really come nearerhe higher grade lea her and work

han any 350 shoe we know

I 95 each




2H Urnadway opposltr City Hallanil 7 Anti 0 St

MJ Broailway cor tilth We tilt orderanil Hi to MX 4lli Ave bj mall

1160 Bronilway tur 32tlunit Bl West 3d St


Wanti a Divorce and the Property He Kayo

He Made Over to Her

Frederick Bornemann once an operasinger has begun suit against his wife for

another suit to recover propertyhe had mac over to his wife

Bomemann appeared with tbo MorrisseyOpera Company at the trnnd Opera Housewas stage manager for the McCnllcompany sang the first production

The Beggar Student He alleges-in his complaint agreement witlj his

she waa to title to the real property-he transferred to tier an as con-

tinued to be a loyal faithful and true wifeto him anti him with a home andin nil respects complied with the duties ofa wife states that his wirehas not complied with these conditions

The marriage took place In March ISO-

flBornemann is 09 and his wife32 Soon after the wedding wentinto the buslnesH of selling supplies forcooks and waiters It was thatthe of tine business should Iw de-

posited in the wifes name hut for the jointOut of the Income of the business

a house at 23A Seventh avenue was boughtTitle was taken In the wifes name

Mrs Bornemann marriagewas Mitts Leonie L Agneau Is withdriving her husband from their hone andher name Is also coupled In tho applicationfor divorce with one


Mrs Darrah Ray tint Marie AntoinetteHat MAOOO Worth of tier lotheaThe Mario Antoinette Hotel Company

appeared through counsel yesterday In

the West Sido police court to answer a com-

plaint made by Mrs Stella P Darrah ofNow Conn who charges the corn

with in holding herpersonal effects for a board bill By agree-ment hearing was put down for

According to the Mm Darrahand her James N Darrahat tho Hotel Marie Antoinette ilxtytixthstreet and Broadway from May 23 lo AugWhen companyretained possession of Mrsnot was livid for an unpaid

billMrs Darrah in the declares

that bill was contracted by her husbandand that the company hints no legal rightto withhold property

The nnh heldto tine complaint shows a value of f6000U

one hundred noel fiftyartIcles of wearing apparel for a womanant two


diortt und



wilt before herN1





It enumerates


I lie

niccor I I rig







The Testimony of the Wearers of W L DougluShoes i Conclusive and Couriering I

W H Uunl l Correspondent oftine St Louis ICepubllunrltcm

r am a constant wearer of V L DouglasSDrfl shoes tiara found themsinl titling I receive more value or my-

miiiicy than In makesi j-

ll mure men S1BO tlian soy other

That Douglas uses Corona Colt prove there iavalue in 350 shoes Corona U the

gratis patent leather made

tfSiuue Imtloin Toke no siilxtltut-s1idt Color use rclu lvi lj

BoY W LPrice

Show by mall win Ttra Illniitr t t1 C t lof tipsV l DOLOIAS Urookton u-

KKWVOnK STOHES Oil Strtrt-IIIDniiiiltiar 143 Kast UtliSlrret-i trrl liroailmr 6 Arc Draaa

llro T y IIKODKltS-n Tliiril Avenue oslo llrotdnii-aJilJTIilnl Arrnue 1887 Hro r-

ilViSlxth 41li4l latter Ktrr t-

3l5Klnhlli Ainnid 404 Ilflli

9 Bz on hand early

dont wait until the lastminute English WalkingCoats in all the newestScoth effects and Singleand Doublebreastid

15 to 30

fti r



I fi



olllra le1


mnsntfiutiirer lit th worhl i

highestonyet t

Dou Shoe200 and 175




211 I


BWa 3I





stia I



Thu I tinsSliDeS





t ti5tiist JERSEYCIIIi iiNewars-



Stylish top

4 length and long15 up

The bes itting paddokint-own Full line of Cravenettes and Rain Coats cuton the same pattern as ourregular overcoats sell

lots oi cm and up

Smith Gray CoFuton St at Flatbush Ave BklynBroadway at Bedford Ave Bklyn


iiMrtcli Who Imliirscs lor Tenner l l

appears When Trnnrr Dies

Max Atistrich who sold picture trainersand mouldings at S91 rond inlast Friday mornings papers of the sui-

cide at Hotel ofTenner who did business as the sew YorkPortrait Company nf 11 Irent Jones street

heavily for Tennor He made a hasty rido to a

I lint lie wart to meetdebts or face his creditors lint hewas going away not to return He hits not

seen it is feared at the storethat he line committed guieidn lll o TennerBut creditors that with AustrichH con-

sent creditors whom he hums preferred hovehell removing stock from store for afortnight A petition in was

yesterday liix lia-

bilities lire believed to 24000and J10000 Ho lies considerable assets instock and outstanding atxounts-


Two Aiitliorltlcn Say ToTlay In hut lisarrllor Mwgln Will Ibid Court an finalTUKMTON N J Sept 21 Chief Justice

Outninorw and McCjirtnrboth hold that on account of thoelections on the cotistiiutional-mnmdmonts lomnrrow will bo n legalholiday In New Jersey Chancellor

otherwise and announced lodaythat lie would tomorrow as usualThe Justice instructed clerk ofthe Supreme Court that no or

should issue tomorrow Midthu banks in this city at leiist wit nil 1-

mllrrin Held for Kryr Murder

Coroner SclioliT and a jury 1111 innuiit in the case of H-

Keyiw proprietor of the Kiwi Hlver Ibidal Water htrcits who wimshot ami killed early mi the inoriiing ofKepi III at tint door of Iris own saloon

hearing the of sevirnl witnnwioH tIre fury the murder In JamesBreen I Coronerwithout ban

J 2

creditor-S hi




prolh 1






since 11111


ie ret weti



exectit loris


or i isthurl

tutu iso atoll I si him






I Store Opens at 815 and Closes at 530

Biography in MerchandiseChickering Pianos and

Jonas ChickeringJo-nas Chickering was born in 1798 He is one

of Americas ten greatest inventors selected for distinguished

honor at the St Louis Exposition in commemoration of the

Louisiana purchase He established the Chickering piano manu-

factory over 80 years ago and has been dead about fifty

Nevertheless he is one of the immortals He belongsthe buried dead of a departed past but his personality is a vitalforce of the living present In the early part of the eighteenth

century Stradivarius produced the marvelous violins that con

tinue as objects of worship Just a century later came Chicker

iug that made him to the piano as Stradivarimto the violin And these names twins in musical art will go on

singing down the agesThe impress of Jonas Chickerings genius is upon every first

class in this truthfully in the











world The communism of musical art has a

contributor to the welfare of millions His ideas have aided his

fellow and competing craftsmen have given great composers an

improved channel of expression and aid to study have benefited

every grade of musician both professional and amateur Thuiin a true and most happy sense may be classed

as a great benefactor of mankind and especially his fellow

AmericansStradivarius lives in the survival of the work of his own

hands Chickering created an organized institution The cor

poration of Chickering and Sons is just as really an institution

as the Pennsylvania Railroad Company or the Metropolitan

Museum of Art But the Chickering Company is vital with or-

ganic spiritual life A splendid succession of men artisticallyand commercially intelligent filled with the responsibility of a

sacred trust have continued with a constantly growing refin-

ement the production of pianos that in a competition of cumulative

power have continuously maintained a peerless leadershipthe variety and perfection of the Chickering piano

greater than ever before Thousands of the children of today

were fortunate in musical forebears of the third and fourth

generation their teaching in music with Chickering

pianos that for perfection of tone of harmony and of general

construction are far beyond the dreams of

granddaddiesBriefly and crudely the foregoing is the Chickering ease It

has a right to your attention It appeals to your patriotism

to your intelligence to your musical and financial interests-

At WASAMAKRHS in the Chickerings New York home You

are invited to examine and to enjoy the great display of Chick

erings among them some very perfect examples of pianos in artcases that have the approval of architects and artist

Have you seen the beautiful Quarter Grands They orflitted at Chickerings Of course they are imitated Chickeringj

are quite accustomed to the of imitation But the

Chickering quartergrand ig not reproduced matched or ap-

proached Small enough for a moderate sized parlor or

drawingrooma bijou of a grand piano Large enough

for all the qualities that make a concertgrandVery special is the new upright piano F recently

anti produced thus far exclusively for our salesThree illustrative Chickering recitals will be given this week

This morning at 1130 oclockWednesday afternoon at 3 oclock

Third Thursday morning at 1130 oclock

John WanamakerFormerly A T Stewart Co Broadway Pourth Ave 9th 10th

ma e


To-day ou


decorat f










BRASS BEDS-Our now designs are as ai a

burst of sunshine dark rooms nolonger be dark

i fitted for a particular style offurnishing in 1000to JlflOoo Simple Colonial Mission Em-

pire lonU X or XVI designs Theytho elTect of nil woods forming

an admirable combination of color tonesWhltR iron bedn brass trimmed from

550Our whole nth Floor is filled with the

most artistic Bedroom furniture in everywood even to Satinwood and White

Mahogany arid nfl are at factory pricesns you

4345 47 23 SI-





lu Site U Nredrd for the New lintelIn Uroadwa

Th Lutheran Church of Hedwinerat 28 iind 230 West Fortyfifth Street willmove on Nov 1 to a new in WentFortyfourth street Ivotween Ninth toni

avenues The move Ison account of tho exloimion of newhotel whioh tine Astor estate In erect inBroadway between Fortyfourth andFortyfifth streets nnd In

now occupied by thoTint pmtor Hnvdeavor to procure a live yetrw OUM

but this was

Saratoga IUII Nun CluiiRn MwnrrxhlpK-

ABVTOOA Sept 21 Thi Saratoga hollySun a Democratic paper IIHH b vn laircluiM i by

who IxcomeiThomas formerly one of this ownersof tie Daily In aneocmt d withMcNulty in the now maf nj at










I 1irwis





si lLPrt

to ruler istr ini miterits





Wrat I4St-


9x12 FT RUGS

SAN JOS 950Reduced from tl5

SPECIAL SMYRNAS 15Reduced from 2250i

AXMINSTERS 21Reduced from 27JO

WILTON VELVETS 25Reduced from 35



LIBRARY TABLES 20Reduced Jnm 25

Centre drawer ind magazine sluU

ARM CHAIRS 25RiitLal from 34Leather Cushions

LOXO CREDIT enables youall bargains



KM WOand 108 Wesi 1451NEAR 6TMA-

Vfrtfi n Siores FldtbusHAvnwrfjioox1-


II Ntirltrrril the linrnlnr Vf r n l

Mil til Him hy HU Min-

iS tJTII OlIANdK N 1 Sept 21 Th1

Hoyden homcKlrml in Hilton wlnre-many ywirs Inventor S th Ilcyii

lived and worked was nearly dentroyr d rfire The hoiixp b H yniri01-Oluuliali son of the Inventor w1to Ciillfornla in Hindu a fortune nv-

mi return the nUre telparents The old people lived then

nd It a in h1 n11of the Seth lioydenmany of the inventions thAt guv Mini


D t






Wit 0 n


cIte rge




hi Wnhouse I
