i woodward lothropne-...the washington herald saturday april 4 1908 t i 5 i s woodward lothropne- w...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY APRIL 4 1908 t I 5 i S Woodward LothropNe- w York WASHINGTON Paris Easter Cards Booklets and Novelties Main Floor G St Sale of Our Special Trimmed Hats at 600 TODAY we show another attractive collection of our pecial Hats at six dollars The same care and individuality into more expensive will beifound in our special 600 hats In no instance have style and quality been sacrificed Every one of them comes up to our high standard of excellence The style range includes hats for all and Dress Hats Toques for elderly women and handsome hats for misses and All of the styles are absolutely correct and the very latest ideas in shapes and trimmings will be shown today Send flocr Ttnth st 600 for Choice New Spring Clothing For the Young Man attention to this branch of our clothing business nobbiest smartest of clothing for mens dress and general wear ve have ever offered Uptodate models with character and individuality about them made especially for young men and cut along their lines Two and three button coats with regular or slash pockets some with flaps Cuffs on sleeves Trousers in the popular pegtop style with 2j inch ctrffs some plain finish Blue serges and plain and fancy worsteds Sizes 16 to 20j or 32 to 36 inch chest measure 1000 to each u For the Boy We also call attention to our stock of clothing for boys which best selection it has ver been our pleasure to offer The cloths are the tested kinds that will give the amount of service The patterns and colorings are neat and attractive as appeal to cultivated tastes styles are bright snappy and smart and in keeping with the various ages for which they are intended The stock as a whole your J vorable consideration embodying it does the best values obtainable for 500 to 1500 each For the Little BoysRu- ssian Blouse and Sailor Blouse Suits for the little tots in plain blues and fancy effects Allwool cloths combined with the latest and most effective trimmings Bloomer trousers Sizes 2 to 12 500 to 1000 each Also Little Boys Reefers for spring latest novelties Plain blues grays tans browns reds and fancy effects Some have velvet cottars Materials are coverts worsteds serges cheviots Sizes 2 to 12 395 to 750 each Special A lot of Wash Suits in fancy effects sizes 2j4 to 12 Suitable for dress wear 250 each Values 395 425 and 500 Third ik r Tenth at Misses New Spring Suits T E are showing a splendid assortment of Girls and Misses Coat Suits of serges panamas and henriettas in the popular striped and checked effects and plain colors including the new spring shades Made with semifitting coats for the and tightfitting coats with plain gored skirts for the misses 1500 to 3000 each Attention is called to a large lot of Spring Coat Suits For misses small women which we place on sale this morning at a- very special price They are made in the very latest styles of the most fashionable cloths and are well tailored throughout Browns blue and fancy mixtures Sizes 14 to 20 Special price 2975 Values 3500 and 3800 Also a lot of Misses Eeter Thompson Suits made of fine in black brown and navy blue and pretty plaids full regulation style Sizes 14 to 20 1500 each Value 2500 Also a lot of Misses and Childrens Gingham and Percale Dresses highland styles and in f pretty stripes and plaids Sizes 4 to 14 Very special values 125 to 750 each Also alarge assortment of Girls Guimpes made of sheer materials and variously trimmed with pretty laces dainty embroideries and tucks They make dainty shirt waists Sizes 4 to 14 x 75c to 375 each Third floor O st WOODWARD LOTHROP H oil I I occasionsStreet r 1 E special The brightest 2500 lar t merits asp pnces wearthe vhifC I Vew and serge 4 r in neck a r T I r V rats call V young fin- ished is lie such very o t and y x 1 and r 9 e vv r low ¬ > + Tableaux Vivants Draw An other Large Audience BOXES OCCUPIED BY NOTABLES 3InJ find AVllIcox Entertain tit Hosts ot Last Xifflit She Stoops to Conquer to lie Presented the HnH Alumnae Association Social notes Anothor large and fashionable audience groat ed the second performance nt the Beloco Theator yesterday afternoon when the beautiful tableaux vivants wore seen again In the audience Thursday came again yesterday So charming ero the pictures are well worth seeing even a dozen t ruee Miss Boardman In her box entertained Baroness von Strnbarj7 wl of the German Ambassador and her sister Miss Langham Mrs Taft wife of of War and Mrs Murray Crank Tho Brazilian Ambassador and Xabuco had in their bpx party the Naval Attache of the French Embassy and Mme de Blanpre Mrs Fish and SlgnTJr of the Italian EmhaRT Mme Jusaerand of the French Ambassador also entertained a box party Her guests Included Baroness von Preu schen wife of the naval attache of the AastroHunsarlan Embassy and Signor Cora of the Italian Embassy Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs Newberry were among the box holders With them wets the senior Sirs Newberry Richardson Clover was also host- ess of a box party Others In the fashionable audience were Prince Koudacheff and M de Thai of the Russian Embassyitlie Mexican Charge- d and Mme and Mile Godoy Rear Admiral and Mrs Mrs Wetnwre Cot Francis Colton Mrs George Howard Mrs ci H G Slater Mrs Lee Phillips Mrs Philip Sheridan Mrs Cowles Mrs and Miss Coudert Mrs Don Cameron and Miss Martha Cameron Mrs Chatard Mrs George Young Mrs James Miss May Williams Mrs Reed Knox Mrs Eldridge Jordan Mrs Thomas- H Carter Yrs Miss Mabel Hume Mrs Churchill Candee Mme Heb binshaus and was Anna CockrelL Maj an Mrs Wlllcox entertaiaed at dinner last night at their in Twen- tyfirst street In the company were Capt Fox Connor U S A and Mrs Connor Miss Brandreth and Miss Ron 9on of New York Bdgerly aad Cape George H Shelton U S A Mrs George M Robeson sad her daugh- ter Miss Robe a entertained at dinner last night at their home In N street com pHmantary to Mrs Robert Dmyton and Miss Julia Berwtnd of Mrs Hawkins wife of Brig Gen Ham- ilton Hawkins entertained at luncheon yesterday complimentary to their Mrs George Gray wife of Judge Gray of Delaware Mr and Mrs Bennett Jennings among the dinner hosts of the evening entertaining for MJss Parish who has been visiting their daughter Mites ntags and is now Ar her nci m New York Rear Admiral and Mrs Cosines were ether dinner hosts 9t the egg Mrs Seth Shepard wife of entertained a number of fedtee at bridge whist at her hone in K street yesterday afternoon Mrs Andrew Y Bradley who has been away all vwtoterin Pennsylvania has turned ouch improved ha health Mrs Sheridan and the Misses Sheridan aster spending the winter in Mexico have returned to Washington Mrs Reyburn of Mayor Barbara of Philadelphia arrived In Washington yesterday to spend Eaater as the guest of her brother Gen Crozter Mrs Van Vecbten Olcott has returned- to her home in this city from New York where she spent days tttte week Mrs Madden and Miss Madden wife and daughter of M B Madden have left Washington for Chicago and will not re- turn to their apartment at the Highlands again this season Mrs Henry W Fitch and her daughter Miss Henrietta Fitch left for Detroit Thwsday Mr and Mrs George W Pound of Buf- falo N Y aro at the Albany for a few Weeks She Stoops to Conquer will bt given by tho Gunston Hall Alumnae Aseocte- tlon onApril 29 at Gunston HalL Mrs Edwards wife f Brig Gen Clarence Edwards and daughter little Bessie Edwards who have spent several weeks in Cuba returned to their home In this city yesterday Mrs Robert Wlnthrop mother of the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury who has boon tho guest of her son has re turned to her home in New York City Tho Secretary of Commerce and Labor and Mrs Straus accompanied by their daughter Mrs Hockstadter left Wash ington for Savannah Ga Thursday even Wedding Gifts for Spring Brides HE completeness of our JL stocks wide range of prices and guarantee of but one qual ity The Best make the selec tion of appropriate wedding gifts a simple matter GALT BRO Established Over a Century Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers 1107 Penna Ave- o CREAM TASTES LIKE FUSSELLS The Best Solution to the Dessert Problem J Is fcrehhcd tor FUSSELLS ICE CREAM Its and quality appeal at all times to every palate Xamo the flavor your desks Ij to denser for Sunday dinner postal or phone TFUSSELL 1427 N Y Ave Phone M 1513 SOCIAL WORLD DinnerOther GJta ton Many the the Mon- A wife Brow Hn Hinkle r Jan ledge ro Wife rat 0J I I I ua I 1 1 litl TilE r Mrs by they Secre- tary Mme Mrs home Gen Philadelphia house- guest ins Shep- ard r a9 delicious- ness 2 Call ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + I I r Ing They also spend some time In Talbotton Ga which was at ono time the home of Secretary Straus Pay Inspector Livingston Hunt U S N and Mrs Hunt of New York are spending some time in Washington Mr and Mrs William J Bpardmun ar rived In Washington recently from Florida where they have spent last two months Rev and Mrs Bugena t Shlppen just returned from a winter In the sotrtfc of England are vialtlae their parents Cal and Mrs Blount at Oaks Mr Ship pen will preach aUAll Souls Church Sun- day morning- It s announced from Manila that tho marriage of Mrs Martha Adger of pcrt La and Col William Phillips Diddle In command of the Marine Corps Jn the Philippines will take place In time for the couple to begin their honeymoon on the transport Thomas which leaves for the United SUite on the 16th Mrs Ad gor is in Manila on a visit to her sonin law and daughter Paymaster and Mrs Izanl Mrs Mark Henna Mrs T D Witt Tal mage and Miss Collier ot Urts city have arrived In Paris the former from this country and ether two from the Riviera The Mary Washington Chapter D A R will entertain at a social meet- Ing at the Washington Club next Weanafi day evening The guest of honor wilt be Mrs Chary W Fairbanks lance WJUi- Mechlin the art critic win deliver an illustrated talk on LEnfants pte a rf future Gen J H has loft Washington for West Point Miss to be Ji Ms brother J R Brisker who is seriously Mrs Wllltem H Ewory who been stopping at Richmond left Washing- ton yesterday to gone about a week Mrs Rush Huldekoper of Philadelphia who has the of Mrs Townsend for several days is now the guest of Mrs John R McLean at Friendship TOOK VANDERBILT TESTIMONY Witnesses by Mutual Consent Ap pear Before Referee McClure But One Codefendant Named nnd 3Ir Vanderbilt Will Hake Xo- Defence to VVIfea Action New York April I Although David McClure appointed by Judgtf OQocwan referee In the divorce suit brought by Mrs ElsIe Freoch Vanderbitt ngalMt Al- fred Gwynne Vanderbilt denied late tiuf- fternoon that he had conuneaced the taking of testimony for submission to the Supreme Court it reported that centaur persons who will be wttneasee by Mutual agreement by coonad for both went before Mr McClure this altar noon in his at St William street It has become known that o rapidly has the taking of testimony been pushed that the referee in all probability be ready to submit Me finding to Judge OGornmn before Mr Vanderbilt oa the Maoratania reaches Liverpool From the present trend of affairs it has become evident that the submission of piers hi tike divorce case a few days Mr Vanderntifs sailing and the haste with which evidence la tons taken Is to prearranged between the lawyers representing Mrs Vanderbilt and her husband Friends of Mrs Vanderbilt say that it was her wish to bring to as speedy an end possible the anomalous relations which have existed between herself and her husband for some months put and it is upon br urging that every effort is being made to bring case before Judge OGerman for Anal judgment ae soon as practicable Although none of the lawyers In the suit will make a dennite statement about the case R was learned from a source worthy of credence that Mr VanderbIlt win make no defense to his wifes action and that but one woman has been named It Is stated by employes in an apart- ment house on Lexington avenue that on last Thursday afternoon the same that a copy of the complaint and summons was served on Mr Vanderbilt a man appeared there and banded a to one of the residents of the house r Mmo Flores Mme Flores is believed- to be the Mme Ruiz who recently paid SUW for an automobile that had bees purchased in Mr Vanderbilfs name by Ms stable man Brencbtey ARMY AND NAVY Army Orders ResmK ZORA X SMITH jiMSacaai xrith- cf Bwgt MARCUS J WRiGHT StpMl OKJ 1- ofifce oC sisal taata Ga CM EDWARD JL nOIHSOJC StaMl Cbrps Feet New Yoifc to PInt Ltart WILL1A3I 31 COLVIN OMIt ArtSter peas eat iihwcd OM the waastpwd list wilt re vn to mmmwqf oBVfr Artillery Dntrtet of for uMiiwsrrt t Onty m Ms Med Pint LINt WALTER r tOT Stxteendt n ao tiT detailed M r to meet at Fat rock X br fc hint Neat SYDNEY SMITH SixUcath Infantry re liOTW- lLiMt CM ORMOXD M LISSAK Ordaancc to Otclaad Ohio fOr Arty at that place for eae year The foHowiag Smcm Ow t Artillery Corps now At- Seboai of SafcmariBe Defense n X Y to stattoBs de FRED G BSSENGEK to Fort XV Mann M LEWIS W BRYAN to Fort Piaster Wash WILLIAM L SEDER to Fort Sdwyfer N Y and FRANK M HUBX to Fort Hternts Ores First Lieut WILLIAM C STONE Third wiU report to Brig WILLIAM P HALL for examination by army retiring bean First Lteat WILLIAM ST J JKIIVBY Tenth IB- iatiy detailed prafeMor of military science and tactics at the South Carolina Military CharlertoB rice Capt WILLIAM H SIMONS Sixth Infantry ube will proceed to join Ms rai- ment Mof THOMAS IL SLAVEXS quartormuter fr n this city to Fort H Roots Ark Fort Sam IIotHtoa Tex and Fort Crockett Galrea ton Tex Prirate RAY IL REDMOND Signal Corps Fort Omaha Neb discharged from the army Post Commissary Sertf VIOGO C WINTHER on arrival at Francisco from the Phlllpptae Wanda win be sent to Fort Barry Cat Post Commissary Sergt WILLIAM MANSIE on arrival at San Francisco from the Philippine Islands will repxt to the purchasing commissary for temporary duty pending taking adrantage of furieue Private JOHN W CLARK Troop E Seventh Cav- alry now In confinement at Fort Jay X Y transferred to Company G Twelfth Infantry that port First Liewt WILLIAM P SCREWS Nineteenth Infantry New Orleans on nut official visit to Min will proceed to Jackson and Canton Mil for purpose of procarlnj evidence PriTate CHARLES M OTT general service infan- try Saginaw Mich discharged from the army Ordnance Sergt JOHN MCCARTHY Fort Adams R I to Fort Sam Houston Tex to rotten Ordnance Sergt PETER LYNCH who will be sent to Fort Adams R I Private WILLIAM DAVIDSON Hospital Corps rfcruit depot Jefferson Barracks Mo trans- ferred to cavalry unassigned that depot Maj Gen LEONARD WOOD TJ S A granted rave of absence for four months with to apply for an extension of two months Navy Orders Act SKK J C CLAYTONS resignation aa an acting assistant surgeon in the navy accepted Gunners T C WESTER and B P DONNELLY detached duty st works William Cramp Sons Ship and Engine Building Company Ihfladri- pbia to Idaho when commissioned Warrant Machinist H E KERSHAW retired Hospital ilaro island Cat to home they tIle Shrove Brink has the be been jude ides will pro as Ute 1 pet lit aecMat utZM r sesteoce Late o3iar or the w WOGi nm IiIIIfIameItt to I reen L bcd of Fort Dated EKES Gen Academy Legan San permis- sIon when treatment tutted States will the Washington t ilL guest wan elite the before according aft- ernoon et kaaer iwpdso deli wart araay Af Sea Fraach Corp teliewd 111th Cos 3lcbile ions ap- pointed De- partment Infantry Mew otab i Ant S discharged Nara ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Wives of Candidates One of the Many Articles That Will Interest Sunday Readers of The Washington Herald The women readers of TIlE WASHINGTON HBR ALb whether interested in politics or not will find an article that will engross their attention in tomorrows edition A clever writer will discuss the wives of the leading candidates for the Presidential nomination Itis article likewise appeal to the politicians as it offers suggestions to them of how to win favor where favor counts for much Doctor Everett Hale the venerable Chap lain of the United States Senate was years old yesterday A sketch of his career will appear to- morrow Am I My Sisters Keeper c Rich women of the larger cities respond Yes as is shown by their interest in the work as factory inspectors which many have taken up These women homes of luxury to help alleviate the conditions of the less fortunate members of their sex Stage Charms Most Potent Actresses have had more success in capturing titles than have the daughters of millionaires and a greater number of former stage attractions find life happy in their new surroundings How to Wash the Hair Mrs Henry Symes will this week discuss the shampoo hair nets and other features that will ap- peal to every woman who takes pride in her Besses Mrs Symes takes to task those women who are other- wise neat yet are careless about their coiffure Tragedies of Royal Nurseries- The ExAttache describes princely cradles and iadr cats that they are not free from danger despite the precautions thrown about the tender infants they ensconce Satires on Political Candidates- H L Sayler a Chicago newspaper man has written a clever book on the Presidential candidates- It is a Wild West Thriller and records the valorous deeds of Terrible Teddy and Peaceful Bill Sil- ver Bill False Alarm Joe Joke Anaon Big Smoke Buttermilk Charlie Bill Whiskers Pittsburg Phil Yon Yonson Randolph Curst and Artie Tisbain The treasure box of Terrible Teddy has been stolen by the the search for it proves as exciting as any halfdime yellowback- ever turned out by Street Smith In addition to these special features the Woman About Town The Social Arbiter Dexter Marshall of TIm WASHINGTON HERALD tomorrow Real Estate Section The Real Estate and Industrial Section will be replete with facts upon the local sale aad trans fer of property and news of the latest It will contain the first of a series of articles on the industrial development of Central and South America from data furnished by the Bureau of American Republics It wiii contain a history of elec- trical development in Washington for tie last thirty years and other interesting features which will ap peal directly to Washington readers I nn i I I I I t I shCuld t I i i I I and be tine pa es I L1 G- G D i r Edward six tt t and other r lar features will fauhd on buildi opera- tions o b ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > GIRL PIANIST IN CONCERT Mildred KoIb appears Before the Washington Club Mildred Kolb the thlrte nyearoM local pianist appeared in piano recital last night at the Washington Club Her instructor Mme von Unschuld had her four years from a be ginner to this grade oC performance and who predicts for her a place among con- cert pianists will finish her musical and personally introduce her la plane recitals to the European critics in the main capitals and to the Queen of Roumanla to whom she is court pianist The was as follows Bee thoven Sonata A major Chopin Noc- turne C miner and Polonaise A flrtt manor Weber Perpetuum Mobile Dellbes SchubertTauslg Military March Hiller Concerto F sharp minor Orchestral accompaniment On the second piano by Mme von Unschuld- A short address was made by Robert Cook The patronesses wore Mlle Nabuco daughter of the Brazilian and Mme Nabuco Mrs Shelby Converse Mrs Chester L Long Mrs Albert J Hopkins and Miss Isabel Leno man Rev air Brown Preaches Rev W F Brown D D of Pittsburg will preach tomorrow morning and even- ing in the First Presbyterian Church of this city While you think of It telephone your Want Ad to The Washington Herald and bill will be sent you at 1 cent a word who for programme Pa Car lne edu- cation mepied Brill ante Am- bassador ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > CARDINAL IS GUEST i Dines with Senator nnd Mrs BIklns and Is Also at St Cardinal Gibbons cane from Balti- more on Thursday and was guest In whose honor Senator sad Mrs Elkins entertained at dinner Thursday evening at their residence hi K street nence were the Austrian Ambassador the Italian Ambassador Senator Davis Hon Bourke Cockran Rev Father William T Russell Senator and Mrs Taylor Mrs Blaine Elkin Secretary and Mrs New berry and Mrs Lee The Cardinal remained over night at St Patricks rectory the guest oC the pastor Father Russett mass at 7 oclock yesterday at St Patricks Church at 9 oclock for Balti- more Efo will return to Washington today TO officiate at toe confirmation ceremonies tomorrow la St Aloysius Church MARRIAGE LICENSES Leased G Baker 31 Eaboth L Barries too W Rcr Tboews G Smith Jcsenk C Thomas 3T and Edith F it betk of Frederick 3M J B McLaughlin DEATH RECORD Mary E Allen Gort Help Insane S6 years Mocnjr 632 E Cap st r sears aeraentine M Baler 496 D st fie 5 jtan- Sarasd H Tnussexf Hospital SS learn Matthew Goddard Nth St 61 years Samad Muss 1SS V st nir 6S years William R Veziaader SJS Sth st ne 53 years hasp E Jewel 14M Eainaont st mr 76 years John H Haidisjr 433 C st are 11 years Susanna Gray 509 nth er se 0 years BandcJpb Alexander 9 M st ntr 2 rears Edward WTjaKey 1218 Ga are ec 5T years Horace H Goatee 12SH C st ne 2days I I the invited to meet his emi and net Alias AMt n 9 Patrick s over Among those said moping Desk i 1 ¬ ¬ A Glove Bargain for today that has had no equal 69c for Gloves worth 100 and 125 are ladies twoclasp Kid Gloves in shades of mode pearl and red Also two and three suede mode gray white and black and Foster Hook Glace Kid in tan mode gray red black and white We have all sizes n all colors except black and these are positively worth 100 anti 125 To be sacrificed at the very low price of THESE C 1 i l 1 1 1 1 c I r DULIN MARTIN CO Gold Glass for EASTER custom of presenting gifts as Easter grows in popularity with each suc ceeding year For gifts of this character there is nothing more appro priate than Gold Glassware We are showing innumera ble beautiful and useful pieces of this exquisite- ly decorated in plain gold oth ers richly embellished with fruits and flowers executed in gold and colors Bonbon Dishes 7c to 9500 Flower Vases 75c to 2250 Tall Compotes 10O to 3000 1 O to O Flower Baskets 180 to 1000 Loving Caps 2J0 to 500 Rose Bowls 100 to 1000 Dulin Martin Co FoUary Parcelals Chin Glass Silver c 1215 F St and 121418 G St Colonial Furniture Exchange Washingtons New Auction Gallery 1409 and 1411 GOLDICH SALE Antique Mahogany And Other Unusual Furniture BricaBrac Brasses Plate Engravings Also Old Brasses Porcelains and Plate Collected by Mr Louis GoWich de- ceased and being sold for the ben- efit of the heirs to close the estate BY ORDER OF WOOD Attorney for the Heirs BY AUCTION TODAY at 11 A M 3 P M TOWNSEND CO Auctioneers LENTEN LUXURIES OSSIBLY that semenesf1 is to pall upox your appetite Hare us sup- ply your took With something out of the ordinary stocks embrace many Lenten Luxuries tot obtain able elsewhere G G Cornwell d Son Wholesale and Retail Grocers 141016 Penn Ave SPARKLING PALATABLE Bockhead Springs Oheeierfleld Co Va 1O I 1 constantly ndvnnc la popularity aa Half GalS n table miter Packed In new pOou i sealed at the springs Thompson Pharmacy Frank C Henry Prop 703 15th Victor Machines- on Easy Terms EF DROOP SONS CO 923925Pa Ave Rose Nail Cream Food for the Prevents ridges bans nails and ragged cuticle Price 50 cent HATTIE M SHACKLETTE 100204 F Street OUR NEW LOCATION- A handsome and cosjprehenslva ihovi cf all th- famoas weaves cf Bugs from the Orient M N HEKEM1AN CO 1313 F Street N W Fcrmedy Uth and G eta Cream Ices and SmaIl Fancy Cakes 815 18lh Street Rich THE waresome NY K be- g cnitag I glass T Iking 6 ior q Quality I Ice N lei a Ave f f f f f WALTER a Len- ten Our J Ktoar- Q s fag only nails a l l1r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ±

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Page 1: I Woodward LothropNe-...THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY APRIL 4 1908 t I 5 i S Woodward LothropNe- w York WASHINGTON Paris Easter Cards Booklets and Novelties Main Floor G St Sale of




5 i


Woodward LothropNe-w York WASHINGTON Paris

Easter Cards Booklets and Novelties Main Floor G St

Sale of Our SpecialTrimmed Hats at 600

TODAYwe show another attractive collection of our pecial

Hats at six dollars The same care and individualityinto more expensive will beifound in our special 600

hats In no instance have style and quality been sacrificed Every one ofthem comes up to our high standard of excellence

The style range includes hats for all and DressHats Toques for elderly women and handsome hats for misses and

All of the styles are absolutely correct and the very latestideas in shapes and trimmings will be shown today

Send flocr Ttnth st600 for Choice

New Spring ClothingFor the Young Man

attention to this branch of our clothing businessnobbiest smartest of clothing for

mens dress and general wear ve have ever offeredUptodate models with character and individuality about them madeespecially for young men and cut along their lines

Two and three button coats with regular or slash pockets some withflaps Cuffs on sleeves Trousers in the popular pegtop style

with 2j inch ctrffs some plain finish Blue serges and plain andfancy worsteds Sizes 16 to 20j or 32 to 36 inch chest measure

1000 to each u

For the BoyWe also call attention to our stock of clothing for boys which

best selection it has ver been our pleasure to offer The cloths are thetested kinds that will give the amount of service The patternsand colorings are neat and attractive as appeal to cultivatedtastes styles are bright snappy and smart and in keeping withthe various ages for which they are intended The stock as a whole

your J vorable consideration embodying it does thebest values obtainable for

500 to 1500 each

For the Little BoysRu-

ssian Blouse and Sailor Blouse Suits for the little tots in plainblues and fancy effects Allwool cloths combined with the latest andmost effective trimmings Bloomer trousers Sizes 2 to 12

500 to 1000 each

Also Little Boys Reefers for spring latest noveltiesPlain blues grays tans browns reds and fancy effects Some havevelvet cottars Materials are coverts worsteds serges cheviotsSizes 2 to 12

395 to 750 eachSpecial

A lot of Wash Suits in fancy effects sizes 2j4 to 12Suitable for dress wear

250 each Values 395 425 and 500Third ik r Tenth at

Misses New Spring SuitsT E are showing a splendid assortment of Girls and Misses Coat

Suits of serges panamas and henriettas in the popular stripedand checked effects and plain colors including the new spring

shades Made with semifitting coats for the and tightfittingcoats with plain gored skirts for the misses

1500 to 3000 eachAttention is called to a large lot of

Spring Coat SuitsFor misses small women which we place on sale this morning at a-very special price They are made in the very latest styles of themost fashionable cloths and are well tailored throughout Browns blueand fancy mixtures Sizes 14 to 20

Special price 2975 Values 3500 and 3800Also a lot of Misses Eeter Thompson Suits made of fine

in black brown and navy blue and pretty plaids full regulation styleSizes 14 to 20

1500 each Value 2500Also a lot of Misses and Childrens Gingham and Percale Dresses

highland styles and in f pretty stripes and plaidsSizes 4 to 14 Very special values

125 to 750 eachAlso alarge assortment of Girls Guimpes made of sheer materials

and variously trimmed with pretty laces dainty embroideries and tucksThey make dainty shirt waists Sizes 4 to 14


75c to 375 eachThird floor O st








1 E specialThe brightest


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merits asp









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is lie















Tableaux Vivants Draw An

other Large Audience


3InJ find AVllIcox Entertain titHosts ot Last Xifflit

She Stoops to Conquer to liePresented the HnHAlumnae Association Social notes

Anothor large and fashionable audiencegroat ed the second performance nt theBeloco Theator yesterday afternoonwhen the beautiful tableaux vivants woreseen again

In the audience Thursday cameagain yesterday So charming ero thepictures are well worth seeing evena dozen t ruee

Miss Boardman In her box entertainedBaroness von Strnbarj7 wl of the

German Ambassador and her sister MissLangham Mrs Taft wife of

of War and Mrs Murray CrankTho Brazilian Ambassador and

Xabuco had in their bpx party the NavalAttache of the French Embassy and Mmede Blanpre Mrs Fish and SlgnTJr

of the Italian EmhaRTMme Jusaerand of the French

Ambassador also entertained a box partyHer guests Included Baroness von Preuschen wife of the naval attache of theAastroHunsarlan Embassy and SignorCora of the Italian Embassy

Assistant Secretary of the Navy andMrs Newberry were among the boxholders With them wets the senior SirsNewberry

Richardson Clover was also host-ess of a box party

Others In the fashionable audience werePrince Koudacheff and M de Thai ofthe Russian Embassyitlie Mexican Charge-d and Mme and Mile GodoyRear Admiral and Mrs MrsWetnwre Cot Francis Colton MrsGeorge Howard Mrs ci H G SlaterMrs Lee Phillips Mrs Philip SheridanMrs Cowles Mrs and Miss Coudert MrsDon Cameron and Miss Martha CameronMrs Chatard Mrs George Young MrsJames Miss May Williams Mrs ReedKnox Mrs Eldridge Jordan Mrs Thomas-H Carter Yrs Miss MabelHume Mrs Churchill Candee Mme Hebbinshaus and was Anna CockrelL

Maj an Mrs Wlllcox entertaiaed atdinner last night at their in Twen-tyfirst street In the company wereCapt Fox Connor U S A and MrsConnor Miss Brandreth and Miss Ron9on of New York Bdgerly aad CapeGeorge H Shelton U S A

Mrs George M Robeson sad her daugh-ter Miss Robe a entertained at dinnerlast night at their home In N street compHmantary to Mrs Robert Dmyton andMiss Julia Berwtnd of

Mrs Hawkins wife of Brig Gen Ham-ilton Hawkins entertained at luncheonyesterday complimentary to their

Mrs George Gray wife of JudgeGray of Delaware

Mr and Mrs Bennett Jenningsamong the dinner hosts of the eveningentertaining for MJss Parish who hasbeen visiting their daughter Mitesntags and is now Ar her ncim New York

Rear Admiral and Mrs Cosines wereether dinner hosts 9t the egg

Mrs Seth Shepard wife ofentertained a number of fedtee at

bridge whist at her hone in K streetyesterday afternoon

Mrs Andrew Y Bradley who has beenaway all vwtoterin Pennsylvania hasturned ouch improved ha health

Mrs Sheridan and the Misses Sheridanaster spending the winter in Mexico havereturned to Washington

Mrs Reyburn of Mayor Barbaraof Philadelphia arrived In Washingtonyesterday to spend Eaater as the guestof her brother Gen Crozter

Mrs Van Vecbten Olcott has returned-to her home in this city from New Yorkwhere she spent days tttte week

Mrs Madden and Miss Madden wifeand daughter of M B Madden have leftWashington for Chicago and will not re-

turn to their apartment at the Highlandsagain this season

Mrs Henry W Fitch and her daughterMiss Henrietta Fitch left for DetroitThwsday

Mr and Mrs George W Pound of Buf-falo N Y aro at the Albany for a fewWeeks

She Stoops to Conquer will bt givenby tho Gunston Hall Alumnae Aseocte-tlon onApril 29 at Gunston HalL

Mrs Edwards wife f Brig GenClarence Edwards and daughter littleBessie Edwards who have spent severalweeks in Cuba returned to their home Inthis city yesterday

Mrs Robert Wlnthrop mother of theAssistant Secretary of the Treasury whohas boon tho guest of her son has returned to her home in New York City

Tho Secretary of Commerce and Laborand Mrs Straus accompanied by theirdaughter Mrs Hockstadter left Washington for Savannah Ga Thursday even

Wedding Giftsfor Spring BridesHE completeness of our

JL stocks wide range of pricesand guarantee of but one quality The Best make the selection of appropriate weddinggifts a simple matter

GALT BROEstablished Over a Century

Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers1107 Penna Ave-


The Best Solution tothe Dessert Problem

J Is fcrehhcd tor FUSSELLSICE CREAM Its

and quality appeal atall times to every palateXamo the flavor your desks

Ij to denser for Sundaydinner postal orphone

TFUSSELL1427 N Y Ave Phone M 1513



GJta ton







Brow Hn











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litl TilE

































Ing They also spend some time InTalbotton Ga which was at ono timethe home of Secretary Straus

Pay Inspector Livingston Hunt U S

N and Mrs Hunt of New York arespending some time in Washington

Mr and Mrs William J Bpardmun arrived In Washington recently fromFlorida where they have spent lasttwo months

Rev and Mrs Bugena t Shlppen justreturned from a winter In the sotrtfc ofEngland are vialtlae their parents Caland Mrs Blount at Oaks Mr Shippen will preach aUAll Souls Church Sun-day morning-

It s announced from Manila that thomarriage of Mrs Martha Adger ofpcrt La and Col William Phillips DiddleIn command of the Marine Corps Jn thePhilippines will take place In time forthe couple to begin their honeymoon onthe transport Thomas which leaves forthe United SUite on the 16th Mrs Adgor is in Manila on a visit to her soninlaw and daughter Paymaster and MrsIzanl

Mrs Mark Henna Mrs T D Witt Talmage and Miss Collier ot Urts city havearrived In Paris the former from thiscountry and ether two from theRiviera

The Mary Washington Chapter DA R will entertain at a social meet-

Ing at the Washington Club next Weanafiday evening The guest of honor wilt beMrs Chary W Fairbanks lance WJUi-Mechlin the art critic win deliver anillustrated talk on LEnfants pte a rffuture

Gen J H has loft Washingtonfor West Point Miss to be Ji Msbrother J R Brisker who is seriously

Mrs Wllltem H Ewory who beenstopping at Richmond left Washing-ton yesterday to gone about a week

Mrs Rush Huldekoper of Philadelphiawho has the of Mrs Townsendfor several days is now the guest of MrsJohn R McLean at Friendship


Witnesses by Mutual Consent Ap

pear Before Referee McClure

But One Codefendant Named nnd3Ir Vanderbilt Will Hake Xo-

Defence to VVIfea Action

New York April I Although DavidMcClure appointed by Judgtf OQocwanreferee In the divorce suit brought byMrs ElsIe Freoch Vanderbitt ngalMt Al-

fred Gwynne Vanderbilt denied late tiuf-fternoon that he had conuneaced the

taking of testimony for submission to theSupreme Court it reported thatcentaur persons who will be wttneasee byMutual agreement by coonad for both

went before Mr McClure this altarnoon in his at St William streetIt has become known that o rapidly hasthe taking of testimony been pushedthat the referee in all probabilitybe ready to submit Me finding to JudgeOGornmn before Mr Vanderbilt oa theMaoratania reaches Liverpool

From the present trend of affairs it hasbecome evident that the submission ofpiers hi tike divorce case a few days

Mr Vanderntifs sailing and thehaste with which evidence la tons takenIs to prearrangedbetween the lawyers representing MrsVanderbilt and her husband

Friends of Mrs Vanderbilt say thatit was her wish to bring to as speedy anend possible the anomalous relationswhich have existed between herself andher husband for some months put and itis upon br urging that every effort isbeing made to bring case before JudgeOGerman for Anal judgment ae soon aspracticable

Although none of the lawyers In thesuit will make a dennite statement aboutthe case R was learned from a sourceworthy of credence that Mr VanderbIltwin make no defense to his wifes actionand that but one woman has been named

It Is stated by employes in an apart-ment house on Lexington avenue that onlast Thursday afternoon the same

that a copy of the complaint andsummons was served on Mr Vanderbilta man appeared there and banded ato one of the residents of the house rMmo Flores Mme Flores is believed-to be the Mme Ruiz who recently paidSUW for an automobile that had beespurchased in Mr Vanderbilfs name byMs stable man Brencbtey


Army OrdersResmK ZORA X SMITH jiMSacaai xrith-


ofifce oC sisaltaata Ga

CM EDWARD JL nOIHSOJC StaMl Cbrps FeetNew Yoifc to

PInt Ltart WILL1A3I 31 COLVIN OMIt ArtSter

peas eat iihwcd OM the waastpwd list wilt revn to mmmwqf oBVfr Artillery Dntrtet of

for uMiiwsrrt t Onty m Ms MedPint LINt WALTER r tOT Stxteendt n ao

tiT detailed M rto meet at Fat rock X br fc hint

Neat SYDNEY SMITH SixUcath Infantry reliOTW-

lLiMt CM ORMOXD M LISSAK Ordaanccto Otclaad Ohio fOr Arty at that

place for eae yearThe foHowiag Smcm Ow t Artillery Corps now At-

Seboai of SafcmariBe Defense n X Yto stattoBs de FRED G BSSENGEKto Fort XV Mann M LEWIS W BRYAN toFort Piaster Wash WILLIAM L SEDER toFort Sdwyfer N Y and FRANK M HUBX

to Fort Hternts OresFirst Lieut WILLIAM C STONE Third

wiU report to Brig WILLIAM P HALLfor examination by army retiring bean


iatiy detailed prafeMor of military science andtactics at the South Carolina MilitaryCharlertoB rice Capt WILLIAM H SIMONSSixth Infantry ube will proceed to join Ms rai-ment

Mof THOMAS IL SLAVEXS quartormuter fr nthis city to Fort H Roots Ark FortSam IIotHtoa Tex and Fort Crockett Galreaton Tex

Prirate RAY IL REDMOND Signal Corps FortOmaha Neb discharged from the army

Post Commissary Sertf VIOGO C WINTHER onarrival at Francisco from the PhlllpptaeWanda win be sent to Fort Barry Cat

Post Commissary Sergt WILLIAM MANSIE onarrival at San Francisco from the PhilippineIslands will repxt to the purchasing commissaryfor temporary duty pending taking adrantage offurieue

Private JOHN W CLARK Troop E Seventh Cav-alry now In confinement at Fort Jay X Ytransferred to Company G Twelfth Infantry thatport

First Liewt WILLIAM P SCREWS NineteenthInfantry New Orleans on nut official visit to

Min will proceed to Jackson andCanton Mil for purpose of procarlnj evidence

PriTate CHARLES M OTT general service infan-try Saginaw Mich discharged from the army

Ordnance Sergt JOHN MCCARTHY Fort AdamsR I to Fort Sam Houston Tex to rottenOrdnance Sergt PETER LYNCH who will besent to Fort Adams R I

Private WILLIAM DAVIDSON Hospital Corpsrfcruit depot Jefferson Barracks Mo trans-ferred to cavalry unassigned that depot

Maj Gen LEONARD WOOD TJ S A grantedrave of absence for four months with

to apply for an extension of two months

Navy OrdersAct SKK J C CLAYTONS resignation aa

an acting assistant surgeon in the navy acceptedGunners T C WESTER and B P DONNELLY

detached duty st works William Cramp SonsShip and Engine Building Company Ihfladri-pbia to Idaho when commissioned

Warrant Machinist H E KERSHAW retired

Hospital ilaro island Cat to home














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Wives of CandidatesOne of the Many Articles That Will

Interest Sunday Readers of TheWashington Herald

The women readers of TIlE WASHINGTON HBRALb whether interested in politics or not will find anarticle that will engross their attention in tomorrowsedition A clever writer will discuss the wives of theleading candidates for the Presidential nomination

Itis article likewise appeal to the politiciansas it offers suggestions to them of how to win favorwhere favor counts for much

Doctor Everett Hale the venerable Chaplain of the United States Senate was yearsold yesterday A sketch of his career will appear to-


Am I My Sisters Keeperc Rich women of the larger cities respond Yesas is shown by their interest in the work as factoryinspectors which many have taken up These women

homes of luxury to help alleviate the conditionsof the less fortunate members of their sex

Stage Charms Most PotentActresses have had more success in capturing

titles than have the daughters of millionaires and agreater number of former stage attractions find lifehappy in their new surroundings

How to Wash the HairMrs Henry Symes will this week discuss the

shampoo hair nets and other features that will ap-peal to every woman who takes pride in her BessesMrs Symes takes to task those women who are other-wise neat yet are careless about their coiffure

Tragedies of Royal Nurseries-The ExAttache describes princely cradles and iadr

cats that they are not free from danger despite theprecautions thrown about the tender infants theyensconce

Satires on Political Candidates-H L Sayler a Chicago newspaper man has

written a clever book on the Presidential candidates-It is a Wild West Thriller and records the valorousdeeds of Terrible Teddy and Peaceful Bill Sil-

ver Bill False Alarm Joe Joke Anaon BigSmoke Buttermilk Charlie Bill WhiskersPittsburg Phil Yon Yonson Randolph Curst

and Artie Tisbain The treasure box of TerribleTeddy has been stolen by the the searchfor it proves as exciting as any halfdime yellowback-ever turned out by Street Smith

In addition to these special features the WomanAbout Town The Social Arbiter Dexter Marshall


Real Estate SectionThe Real Estate and Industrial Section will

be replete with facts upon the local sale aad transfer of property and news of the latest

It will contain the first of a series of articleson the industrial development of Central and SouthAmerica from data furnished by the Bureau ofAmerican Republics It wiii contain a history of elec-trical development in Washington for tie last thirtyyears and other interesting features which will appeal directly to Washington readers


nn i














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other r larfeatures will fauhd on

buildi opera-tions

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Mildred KoIb appears Before theWashington Club

Mildred Kolb the thlrte nyearoM localpianist appeared in piano recital lastnight at the Washington Club

Her instructor Mme von Unschuldhad her four years from a be

ginner to this grade oC performance andwho predicts for her a place among con-cert pianists will finish her musical

and personally introduce her laplane recitals to the European critics inthe main capitals and to the Queen ofRoumanla to whom she is court pianist

The was as follows Beethoven Sonata A major Chopin Noc-turne C miner and Polonaise A flrttmanor Weber Perpetuum Mobile Dellbes

SchubertTauslg MilitaryMarch Hiller Concerto Fsharp minor Orchestral accompanimentOn the second piano by Mme vonUnschuld-

A short address was made by RobertCook

The patronesses wore MlleNabuco daughter of the Brazilian

and Mme Nabuco Mrs ShelbyConverse Mrs Chester L Long MrsAlbert J Hopkins and Miss Isabel Lenoman

Rev air Brown PreachesRev W F Brown D D of Pittsburg

will preach tomorrow morning and even-ing in the First Presbyterian Church ofthis city

While you think of It telephone yourWant Ad to The Washington Herald andbill will be sent you at 1 cent a word

who for



Car lne



mepiedBrill ante










Dines with Senator nnd Mrs BIklnsand Is Also at St

Cardinal Gibbons cane from Balti-more on Thursday and was guestIn whose honor Senator sad Mrs Elkinsentertained at dinner Thursday eveningat their residence hi K street

nence were the Austrian Ambassador theItalian Ambassador Senator Davis HonBourke Cockran Rev Father William TRussell Senator and Mrs Taylor MrsBlaine Elkin Secretary and Mrs Newberry and Mrs Lee

The Cardinal remained over night at StPatricks rectory the guest oC the pastorFather Russett mass at 7 oclockyesterday at St PatricksChurch at 9 oclock for Balti-more

Efo will return to Washington today TO

officiate at toe confirmation ceremoniestomorrow la St Aloysius Church

MARRIAGE LICENSESLeased G Baker 31 Eaboth L Barries

too W Rcr Tboews G SmithJcsenk C Thomas 3T and Edith F it

betk of Frederick 3M J B McLaughlin

DEATH RECORDMary E Allen Gort Help Insane S6 years

Mocnjr 632 E Cap st r searsaeraentine M Baler 496 D st fie 5 jtan-Sarasd H Tnussexf Hospital SS learnMatthew Goddard Nth St 61 yearsSamad Muss 1SS V st nir 6S yearsWilliam R Veziaader SJS Sth st ne 53 yearshasp E Jewel 14M Eainaont st mr 76 yearsJohn H Haidisjr 433 C st are 11 yearsSusanna Gray 509 nth er se 0 yearsBandcJpb Alexander 9 M st ntr 2 rearsEdward WTjaKey 1218 Ga are ec 5T yearsHorace H Goatee 12SH C st ne 2days




invited to meet his emi




AMt n9

Patrick sover

Among those







A Glove Bargain for today that has had no equal69c for Gloves worth 100 and 125

are ladies twoclasp Kid Gloves in shades of modepearl and red Also two and three suede

mode gray white and black and Foster HookGlace Kid in tan mode gray red black andwhite We have all sizes n all colors exceptblack and these are positively worth 100 anti

125 To be sacrificed at the very low price of




l 1 1 1





GoldGlass forEASTER

custom of presentinggifts as Easter

growsin popularity with each succeeding year

For gifts of this characterthere is nothing more appropriate than Gold Glassware

We are showing innumerable beautiful and useful piecesof this exquisite-ly decorated in plain gold others richly embellished withfruits and flowers executed ingold and colorsBonbon Dishes 7c to 9500Flower Vases 75c to 2250Tall Compotes 10O to 3000

1 O to O

Flower Baskets 180 to 1000Loving Caps 2J0 to 500Rose Bowls 100 to 1000

Dulin Martin CoFoUary Parcelals Chin Glass Silver c1215 F St and 121418 G St

Colonial FurnitureExchange

Washingtons New AuctionGallery

1409 and 1411


Antique Mahogany AndOther Unusual

FurnitureBricaBrac BrassesPlate Engravings

Also Old BrassesPorcelains and Plate

Collected by Mr Louis GoWich de-ceased and being sold for the ben-efit of the heirs to close the estate

BY ORDER OFWOOD Attorney for the Heirs


at 11 A M 3 P MTOWNSEND CO Auctioneers


OSSIBLY thatsemenesf1 is

to pall upoxyour appetite Hare us sup-ply your took With somethingout of the ordinary

stocks embrace manyLenten Luxuries tot obtainable elsewhere

G G Cornwell d SonWholesale and Retail Grocers

141016 Penn Ave


Bockhead Springs Oheeierfleld Co Va

1O I 1 constantly ndvnncla popularity aa

Half GalS n table miter PackedIn new

pOou i sealed at the springs

Thompson PharmacyFrank C Henry Prop 703 15th


on Easy Terms



Rose Nail CreamFood for the Prevents

ridges bans nails and raggedcuticle Price 50 cent


OUR NEW LOCATION-A handsome and cosjprehenslva ihovi cf all th-

famoas weaves cf Bugs from the Orient

M N HEKEM1AN CO1313 F Street N W

Fcrmedy Uth and G eta

Cream Ices and SmaIl Fancy Cakes

815 18lh Street







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T Iking


iorq Quality I


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