ict in education unesco bangkok developing competency standards (3): performance indicators jonghwi...


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Page 1: ICT in Education UNESCO Bangkok Developing Competency Standards (3): Performance Indicators Jonghwi Park Programme Specialist ICT in Education, UNESCO
Page 2: ICT in Education UNESCO Bangkok Developing Competency Standards (3): Performance Indicators Jonghwi Park Programme Specialist ICT in Education, UNESCO

ICT in EducationUNESCO Bangkok

Developing Competency Standards (3): Performance Indicators

Jonghwi Park Programme Specialist

ICT in Education, UNESCO BangkokAsia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

Page 3: ICT in Education UNESCO Bangkok Developing Competency Standards (3): Performance Indicators Jonghwi Park Programme Specialist ICT in Education, UNESCO

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• Step 1: Reflecting Education Goals (Worksheet A)• Step 2: Identify domains/areas (Worksheet B)• Step 3: Set the standards for each domain

(Worksheet C)• Step 4: Draft competency performance indicators

(Worksheet D)• Step 5: Draft a full development plan (Worksheet E)


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• By the end of this module, TFT will be able to - Understand the definition of the performance indicators- Draft performance indicators for the selected standards - Understand various ways of assessing/measuring PIs


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• Key areas of competency. • Should address all aspects of

teachers’ work .

• A unit of competency.• Basic outline of the

knowledge and skills required in the given area.

• Specific knowledge, skills and attitude that a teacher should be able to demonstrate.

• Stated in observable terms.

Park, Jonghwi
Revised (the last point of the green box was moved from the red box)
Page 6: ICT in Education UNESCO Bangkok Developing Competency Standards (3): Performance Indicators Jonghwi Park Programme Specialist ICT in Education, UNESCO

Click to edit Master title styleWhat are Performance Indicators?

• Break-downs of standards into measurable and demonstrable sizes of knowledge, skills and/or attitude

• A standard may be measured by multiple PIs. • PIs will underpin the measurability of each

standard and hence serve as a blueprint for operationalization.

• PIs will also determine how to design assessment of each standard.

Page 7: ICT in Education UNESCO Bangkok Developing Competency Standards (3): Performance Indicators Jonghwi Park Programme Specialist ICT in Education, UNESCO

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Technology • Demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic computer operation and other information devices including basic troubleshooting and maintenance.

• Use appropriate office and teaching productivity tools. • Understand and effectively use the Internet and network applications and resources. • Demonstrate knowledge and skills in information and data manage

Social and Ethical

• Understand and observe legal practices in the use of technology. • Recognize and practice ethical use of technology in both personal and professional

levels. • Plan, model and promote a safe and sound technology-supported learning

environment. • Facilitate equitable access to technology that addresses learning, social and cultural

diversity. Pedagogical • Apply technology to develop students’ higher order thinking skills and creativity

• Provide performance tasks that require students to locate and analyze information and to use a variety of media to clearly communicate results

• Conduct open and flexible learning environments where technology is used to support a variety of interactions among students, cooperative learning and peer instruction. +++

Professional • Proactively engage in exploring and learning new and emerging technologies . +++

Example (1): NISC Philippines

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Click to edit Master title styleDomains Standards PI KSA

Technological Competency

Demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic computer operation and other information devices including basic troubleshooting and maintenance.

Identify and define the functions of the main components (i.e. monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse) of the computer.


Identify and define the functions of computer peripherals (i.e. printer, scanner, modem, digital camera, speaker, etc.)


Properly connect main components, configure peripherals and install drivers when required.


…Use appropriate office and teaching productivity tools

Use a word processor to enter and edit text and images.


Format text, control margins, layout and tables.


Example (1): NISC Philippines

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IT in Business Provides the most effective and efficient IT solutions for a given business model.

Produces a SWAT report to identify problems and potential solutions in a given IT models in business.

K, S

Makes a recommendation to create, buy or modify an application based on the analysis of the business model.


Incorporates appropriate technologies for information security based on the characteristics of a given business model and its risks.


Analyzes and evaluates various existing IT systems in different business models

Defines the value of data management in various business models.


Understands advantages and disadvantages of different types of information systems (e.g., ERP, CRM, JIT) for a given business model.


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Click to edit Master title styleCompetency based module design

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How to develop PIs?

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Click to edit Master title styleProcedures (Case from Korea)

Forming a research team

Competency modeling of higher performers through interviews

Expert consultation

Validation by higher performers

Development of Teacher Competency

Standards and PIs

Validation through survey

Finalize the competency


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• Initial set of PIsExpert group consultation

• Validated set of Pis (please refer to Sample A)

Validation by teachers (Delphi)

• Final set of PIsValidation by experts

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Click to edit Master title styleGroup work: Draft PIs for selected standards (Worksheet D)

• Step 1: For the two domains that you have completed stating competency standards, write the performance indicators for each development stage. – One standard can have multiple Pis. (See Sample B)

• Step 2: Indicate knowledge, skills and attitudes for each PI (K, S or A)– Make sure your PIs are stated in an observable term.


Performance IndicatorsPre-service graduates (ICT literacy)

Proficient teachers (Knowledge acquisition)

Highly accomplished teachers (Knowledge Deepening)

Lead teachers(Knowledge creation)

Domain 1: [Name of Domain]

Domain 2: [Name of Domain]


Performance IndicatorsPre-service graduates (ICT literacy)

Proficient teachers (Knowledge acquisition)

Highly accomplished teachers (Knowledge Deepening)

Lead teachers(Knowledge creation)

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Designing Assessments (and recognition system)

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Are ICT standards compulsory for teacher qualification?


Qualification Y Y Y Y NA Y NA Y NA

• UNESCO Study on 16 countries in Asia (10 ASEAN + 6 EA in 2014)• Only 9 countries have the national competency standards for teachers.• Of those 9 countries, 6 countries:

1) Countries with ICT competency test as compulsory for teacher qualification

2) Countries with ICT competency test as part of in-service teachers promotion.


Promotion Y Y N N N Y NA NA NA

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Proficient Teacher(i.e. Registered)

Highly AccomplishedTeacher

Lead Teacher

AT Certification standards

LT Certification standards

Teaching Standards





Provisionally registered teacher

School leader


School leadership Standards

Graduation standards

Registration standards

Standards-based Professional Certification levels(Australia)

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Click to edit Master title styleOperationalization is more important







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Adapted from Ingvarson, L. (2014). Ensuring Effective Teaching in Australia. Presented at Annual UNESCO-KEDI Seminar 2014.

Standards alone don’t change much

Page 20: ICT in Education UNESCO Bangkok Developing Competency Standards (3): Performance Indicators Jonghwi Park Programme Specialist ICT in Education, UNESCO

Click to edit Master title styleEvaluating Performance Indicators

• Knowledge: traditional pencil and paper test• Skills: demonstration or class observation • Attitude: test + observation

• Unfortunately, most competencies have a combination of knowledge, skills and attitude.

• Portfolio – accumulating evidences:New and more accurate ways of evaluating Pis

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Country (N=8) TypesAUS Demonstration of Evidence

Recommendation from school / workplaceSite visits, observations* (for Highly Accomplished Lead Teachers)Professional discussion*

CH National Test (written) IDN Written, performance test, portfolio JPN Self-reportingKOR Certification upon course completionNZ Evidence, recommendation from school PHI Oral and written SG Self-reporting and portfolio

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Country TypesAustralia Demonstration of Evidence

Recommendation from school / workplaceSite visits, observations* (for Highly Accomplished Lead Teachers)Professional discussion*

China National Test (written) Indonesia Written, performance test, portfolio Japan Self-reportingKorea Certification upon course completionNew Zealand Evidence, recommendation from school Philippines Oral and written Singapore Self-reporting and portfolio (Enhanced Performance Management

System: EPMS)

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Techniques Recommendations for Implementation Instruments

Classroom observations(Korea, Tanzania, Kenya)

To be conducted in-service programme through assigned learning project. Other options are to use this techniques for pre-service’s micro-teaching sessions.

To be carried out by supervisors, principals or senior teachers to assess standards implementation in the classroom as part of teachers performance evaluation.

Classroom observation instrument (e.g. TPACK observation tool); video observation instrument.

Learning project portfolios

Applicable in ICT in education training or courses to provide comprehensive feedback and assessment on lesson planning, reflection journal, or other learning outputs/artifacts.

Rubrics, check lists.

School Review Project

This tailor-made project was assigned to in-service teachers in Tanzania and Kenya, where they are tasked to assist whole school review and development of ICT policy, vision and planning.

School ICT Visioning, Review, SWOT Analysis and Priorities; andAssessment Template - ICT Schools of Excellence)

Student and parent survey (Korea)

To assess in-service teachers’ practical skills and provide triangulated results as observed by ‘end users’ of education.

Student and parent questionnaire.

Self-diagnosis To conduct self assessment about teacher’s own competencies . Likert-scale questionnaire

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Jonghwi Park ([email protected]) ICT in Education, UNESCO BANGKOK
