ideolo snapshot on qr code market research 2013-14

our goal IDEOLO gives our clients a competitive advantage snapshot on MARKET RESEARCH about QRCODE 2013 Authors: Luca G Zambrelli [email protected]

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IDEOLO Snapshot on QR Code Market Research 2013-14. Trends, Market Share, Opportunities and the future of... Sources: Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Venture Capital at KPCB. MIP Osservatorio Mobile Marketing, eMarketer, Scanlife, Mashable, Wired, Author IDEOLO - make Digital Experience Marketing Luca Zambrelli - [email protected]


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IDEOLO gives our clients a competitive advantage

snapshot on MARKET RESEARCH about QRCODE 2013

Authors: Luca G Zambrelli [email protected]

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Copyright 2014 - Ideolo Srl Proximity Marketing Agency - All rights are reserved

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A lot has been written and said about QR codes. Many pronounce them dead – others see a positive future for them. Often these opinions are agenda-driven. !*2014 January

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7 million scans, 64% Male, 60% Android, Value Shoppers *2Q 2013

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Consumers !A recent estimate of consumer usage: 24% of American smartphone users claim to have scanned a barcode or QR code in the past 30 days (during Q2 2012), behind only China (30%) and Korea (38%) among the 9 countries tracked. (Nielsen, 2/1/13) !An even more bullish estimate: 83% of North American consumers are aware of QR codes, and 47% of those have ever used their mobile device to scan one. Among those who have scanned a code, almost half did so from a magazine (49.8%), in-store sign (49.3%), or packaging while shopping (49.2%), while 17.7% did so from a newspaper and 8.7% from a transit ad. (BrandSpark International, 1/24/13) !Regular in-store use: 9.4% of smartphone and tablet owners report regularly scanning a QR code to get more information about a product while shopping in a store, and that figure rises to 12.8% among black adults. Smartphone and tablet owners are less likely to scan QR codes regularly, though, than to conduct a number of other in-store activities such as checking in for a discount (13.3%) and requesting a price match (10.9%). (Prosper Insights; 3/6/13)

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Consumers !What about Europeans? 11% of urban European adults 18-54 report having scanned a QR/barcode in response to an out-of-home ad in 2012, up from 5% in 2011. (CBS Outdoor; 3/22/13) In the UK, 10.8% of smartphone users report scanning QR/bar codes with their mobile phones, a figure that rises to 14.5% among 18-24-year-olds smartphone users. (comScore, 2/14/13) !Remote ordering is rare: When purchasing online or via mobile device, just 4% of global consumers say remote QR code ordering has an influence on their decision. (Accenture, 4/15/13) !Influence on purchases is low: Asked about their most recent purchase or transaction across a series of categories, only 1-12% (OTC drugs on the low side, electronics on the high end) of respondents indicated having used QR codes to get information about a purchase, with 3-15% (household appliances on the low end, baby care equipment on the high end) more saying they would use them in the future. On average, only about 5% of respondents reported using QR codes to inform their most recent purchase, with future interest also relatively low. (Radius Global, 5/6/13)

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On the basis of the data contained above, one can reasonably say that somewhere in the realm of 1 in 5 smartphone users have scanned a QR or barcode on their device. !18% of retailers believe that the ability to scan QR codes, compare products and pricing is having a significant impact on their business. That’s more than can say the same about mobile payments (16%) and showrooming (12%) as influences, but less than others such as social media (71%) and the use of in-store mobile technology by store associates.

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QR code? A powerful – if imperfect — weapon !And while QR codes admittedly aren’t the most efficient technology around – consumers must first download the app, then scan the code to be directed to a website – no other technology or app has the reach or universality QR codes claim. NFC shows tremendous promise as a way to transmit data quickly with a single tap, but penetration rates of NFC-enabled handsets is still very low. Augmented reality apps like blippar can be undeniably compelling, but none has gained any real traction. And although 2D scanners like ShopSavvy have attracted millions of shoppers, they don’t offer the broader functionality of QR codes. !For advertisers, there’s still a lot to like about QR codes. They’re relatively cheap to deploy, can be placed almost anywhere (which isn’t to say they should be placed almost anywhere), and can engage the young, tech-savvy users marketers salivate over.

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On the basis of the data contained above, one can reasonably say that somewhere in the realm of 1 in 5 smartphone users have scanned a QR or barcode on their device.

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Lots to learn from CHINA

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The future of QR Code !Imaging and electronics company Ricoh introduced Clickable Paper two years ago, but the company just introduced iOS and Android apps in the United States late last year. !The technology lets you click on an image without zooming in on a code or logo first. After clicking, you're directed to a range of options, including an Amazon link, a YouTube video and a website; it also lets you tweet or share the information on Facebook. That's a big improvement from QR Codes, which send you to one dedicated site. You can also lose the ugly, increasingly anachronistic code itself. !Video at

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Sources: Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Venture Capital at KPCB. MIP Osservatorio Mobile Marketing, eMarketer, Scanlife, Mashable, Wired, !!

Thanks for the attention Luca Guido Zambrelli luca,[email protected]

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