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working with IFERROR Function in Excel


Page 1: iferror.xlsx

IFERROR Function


Numerator Denominator Num/Den Num/Den (with IFERROR Function)11 1 11 1112 2 6 613 0 #DIV/0!



=IFERROR(B7/C7,"Check the input values")

The IFERROR function to manage error messages in Excel.You can use the IFERROR function to manage error messages that appear in Excel cells. . Depending on the formula that you are using to calculate a particular value for a cell, Excel might come up with an error message like #NAME?, #VALUE!, #DIV/0!, #REF!, #NULL!, #NUM! or #N/A.

This happens when Excel is trying to work out the content of a cell based on the formula/function that you have input and yet it can’t.

The syntax for the IFERROR function is ‘=IFERROR(value,value_if_error)‘

Where ‘value‘ is the formula/function that you want to use and‘value_if_error‘ is the value you want to display if there is an error.

For instance, let’s assume that the following formula ‘=VLOOKUP($B8,$F$4:$H$7,2,FALSE)‘ produces a ‘#N/A’ result because the value (contained in cell $B8) that Excel is looking for in the range $F$4:$H$7 does not exist.

Instead of an unsightly ‘#N/A’, you can display a different message using ‘=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($B8,$F$4:$H$7,2,FALSE),”Not Available”)‘.

Instead of ‘Not Available’ you can use any message you want.

Using quotation marks will ask Excel to treat as text whereas by inserting a number you are asking Excel to treat it as a number.

Note :- In cell (B8) A is the input. This is Alphabet. Alphabet is not divisable by any number. So Error is #Value!

In cell (C7) 0 is the input as denominator. (Zero) 0 is not divisable by any number. So Error is #Div/0!

IFERROR is function. B7/C7 is Cell for divisable or any function. " " Null value for display.

IFERROR is function. B7/C7 is Cell for divisable or any function. "Check the input values " displays the error message to the end user.

Administrator: This is Alphabet. Alphabet is not divisable by any number.
Page 2: iferror.xlsx

IFERROR Function

Num/Den (with IFERROR Function)11

6Check the input valuesCheck the input values

You can use the IFERROR function to manage error messages that appear in Excel cells. . Depending on the formula that you are using to calculate a particular value for a cell, Excel might come up with an error message like #NAME?, #VALUE!, #DIV/0!, #REF!, #NULL!,

This happens when Excel is trying to work out the content of a cell based on the formula/function that you have input and yet it can’t.

For instance, let’s assume that the following formula ‘=VLOOKUP($B8,$F$4:$H$7,2,FALSE)‘ produces a ‘#N/A’ result because the value (contained in cell

Instead of an unsightly ‘#N/A’, you can display a different message using ‘=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($B8,$F$4:$H$7,2,FALSE),”Not Available”)‘.

Using quotation marks will ask Excel to treat as text whereas by inserting a number you are asking Excel to treat it as a number.

Note :- In cell (B8) A is the input. This is Alphabet. Alphabet is not divisable by any number. So Error is #Value!

In cell (C7) 0 is the input as denominator. (Zero) 0 is not divisable by any number. So Error is #Div/0!

IFERROR is function. B7/C7 is Cell for divisable or any function. " " Null value for display.

IFERROR is function. B7/C7 is Cell for divisable or any function. "Check the input values " displays the error