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SIMs for iFIX 4.5

SIMs for iFIX 4.5

Last updated 06/25/2009iFIX45_1668890121BWorkspace: General

* Text object's inline editing did not work with double bytes characters when deleting chars by Backspace and Delete key. (1-527852762)

* When creating Text object with multi lines, moving cursor up, and then removing chars, then adding chars did not account CR correctly. (1-527852865)

* Enhancement: Enable or disable autoplay/autorun of CD and USB devices, enable or disable system tray balloon tips, based on the "task switching" application feature. (1-668890121)

* Alarm Summary OCX doesn't allow user to filter by the ACK column. (1-560439940)

* Workspace crashes when validating a user in the Electronic Signature dialog. (1-665222914)

* When dropping Pipe into Group in the system tree, Pipe's actual bound rectangle was not taken into Group's bound rectangle recalculation, so Pipe was not redrawn correctly.(1-517873881)

* Find/Replace doesn't work correctly. (1-617799241)

* Added a warning that alerts users to the fact that their converted PAUSE command (i.e. ConvertRT_Pause) will call DoEvents. (1-630508341)

* Pictures don't refresh if they are opened on DST switch day and DST switch time is at midnight (12:00 AM).(1-621712440)

* Added new security application features for Batch Campaign Manager.(1-695589301)

* Dynamo Updater overwrites datasources in dynamo instances even when no datasources have been changed.(1-682106991)

* WorkSpace generates an exception when switching to "Configure" mode after creating Microsoft Office Chart 11.0 ActiveX object via a script in "RUN" mode. (1-446133771)

* Workspace crashes when using GetSelectedUserDefFields method on a record containing empty user defined fields in the alarm summary.(1-561161601)

* Schedule entry doesn't highlight once user click on any field in the spreadsheet. (1-291936765)

* Workspace crashes on startup if the Windows user has the security policy "Do not keep history of recently opened documents" enabled. (1-493822020)

* The Alarm Summary displays garbage characters when some alarms initially show up. (1-527852803)

* Double byte dash "-" is not recognized for a object name. (1-95976911)

* iFIX allows login to a disabled Windows account. (1-627068021)

* If the iFIX security primary path is different from local path or secondary path, the security configuration files will not synchronize when using Proficy Change Management functions.(1-607190394)

* The PCM Utility is run when you get the latest project files and security files do not get copied to the primary and backup security paths if they are not iFIX's LOCAL path. (1-607190394)

* PictureConverter is unable to convert pictures named with Japanese characters.(1-295911051)

* Pushbutton stays in pushed-in state after right mouse is clicked. (1-455107923)

* Alarm Summary link repeatedly jumps back to the top when user is scrolling through alarms using the down arrow key. (1-457936491)

* Tag Status Picture Slow to Show Data for Remote Tag. (1-414816681)

* Workspace crashes when the Alarm Summary OCX receives alarms that have been generated by the EPA (Eurotherm) LIN Driver.(1-630351267)

* Workspace memory leaks when opening and closing pictures and dynamo sets that contain grouped connected objects multiple times when picture cache is disabled. (1-577323841)

* Ported utility ihFIXCtl.exe from FIX32 so that iFIX users can use it to start and stop iFIX data collector (ihFIXCollector.exe) when iFIX is running as a service. (1-562772197)

* Application Validator Reports Non-Existent File Differences. (1-457511631)

* On a Spanish or French system, shortcut is not created from Launch. (1-385822951)

* Tooltip containing "A&&B" Does Not Display Correctly. (1-417730413)

* Installation of iFIX45_492081613 - would cause Workspace to crash on closing of tag status pictures. (1-535578938)

* Workspace crashes when switching to picture retrieving iHistorian data. (1-616586591)

* Visibility Expert shows incorrect condition. (1-308484641)

* Slow performance in workspace run mode on client node when selecting a group object that is selectable and contains a lot of animations using D16's fields as data sources or activating an open document that has such a group object selected. (1-188550811)

* Workspace crashes if adding historical point through the Expression Builder and more than

6 tag filters have been used on the Proficy Historian tab. (1-538819812)

* Disable edit event on copy & paste from FDS into a picture. (1-476110885)

* When a bitmap is stretched such as opening on different screen resolution, pixels are thin down so looks getting less quality (1-446753394)

* During runtime data entry, text is inserted backwards. (1-606280388)

* Pipe object does not re-scale when re-scaling display in run time (1-305413081)

* Duplication of Pipe connector object resets properties (1-303178065)

* Alarm Summary column format contains duplicate columns and at runtime cannot

acknowledge single alarms in a picture saved on a pre-4.0 system. (1-563958911A)

* Copying and pasting a shape from MS Word, such as the arrow or square,

would result in a large black blob on the screen. (1-554962216)

* Unable to paste Enhanced MetaFile in iFix4.5 (1-414673451)

* Microsoft Web Browser caused workspace to crash if CTRL key is pressed. (1-310112588)

* Workspace and other applications shut down unexpectedly after getting

"os_get_current_user: invalid user" error. (1-452511221 1-479677461 1-562794171)

* During picture conversion (.ODF to .GRF), datalinks with large (> 32768) operator limits are not converted by the Script Converter. (1-525895694)

* During picture conversion (.ODF to .GRF), visibility animations are not converted properly. (1-308273911)

* Workspace crashes when switching to run mode with customers picture. (1-563958911)

* Random crash inside the FixGraphicConnectiondll.dll when updating the caption of a text object. (1-508607443)

* Workspace crashes when the Status Bar is unchecked and CTRL-P is pressed (1-542988850)

* The user doesn't get any information when a picture cannot be displayed due to having run out of system resource. (1-525834747)

* OPC Datalink to byte data type being set to incorrectly to character type (1-547100961)

* During runtime data entry, datalink locks up mouse and clicks to other objects are ignored. ( 1-514861125)

* During runtime data entry, replacement text is not inserted at the correct position. (1-304208441)

* Picture Converter crashes when converting Fix32 ODF that contains chart object. (1-535591571)

* Datalink with raw format of %s% crashes workspace in run mode. (1-494969321)

* Datalink with raw format of %7.2f% drops succeeding characters. (1-405109691)

* HTD does not display iHistorian data for pens with long tagnames. HTD does not display iHistorian taglist. (1-323622696)

* Security system variables do not update after an automatic logout. (1-484760597)

* Error displayed in Workspace run mode when Tag group symbol substitution contains single quotes. (1-510144151)

* Workspace crash using a AlarmsummaryOCX on a picture opened by a VBA reference. (1-452332841)

* Build Dynamo Wizard clips tagnames that use dashes in their name. (1-502901011)

* Added new error strings for better descriptive error dialog when interacting with iFIX 5.0. (1-512168541)

* When migrating a chart group with a fixed date time group from Fix32, there is an error

(Method 'Start Time' of Fix2DPen Failed) when applying the converted chart group to an iFix 4.0 chart. (1-349341760)

* Charts loading CGW files containing T_DATA sources will grow out of control. (1-441590991)

* Cursor not responding correctly when editing a text object in Configure mode using in-line editing. (1-486838627)

* Double click on a text object which sits on top of a rectangle brings up the rectangle's animation dialog. (1-395185251)

* Cannot add a new alarm area containing Cyrillic (Russian) characters. (1-492081613, 1-489860311)

* Picture cannot be saved in Workspace because of "Parameter is Incorrect" error. (1-471392838)

* Unable to acknowledge Individual Alarms or Alarm Page when using LIN driver and Language for Non-Unicode Programs is set to Chinese in Regional Settings. (1-441355862)

* Using the Chart Group Wizard, cannot enter a large duration, for example, 25 days. Misleading error message, "This field accepts inputs in dd:hh:mm:ss format", is shown. (1-479814421)

* Dynamo sets and pictures need an independent DisableAutoScale property. (1-471228551)

* System.FixGetUserInfo returns only the first group a user belongs to. Require entire list. Created new toolkit Function FixGetUserGroup (1-419155011)

* Replace Picture stops working when clicking pushbutton second time (1-459557143)

* There are new applications contained in Batch SP1 that require additional iFix security application features. (1-442076671)

* SecuritySynchronizer crashes on iFix4.5RU. (5576)

* HdaAddNtf gives error 11008/FTK_BADNTF/"Invalid NTF format entered, expecting N:T.F or N:T" if the tag name contains Swedish letters . (1-434887661)

* Datalink with raw format of %7.2f% crashes workspace in run mode. (1-405109691)

* Rectangle with animated Blend property shows incorrect gradient fill when picture is opened in Run mode. (1-301106691)

* Opening a picture or a custom dynamo created in iFIX 4.0 crashes workspace in iFIX 4.5. (1-431099897)

* ToggleDigitalPoint cannot write to an OPC address with item ID beginning with "A". (1-352895441)

* Realtime ODBC interface does not return A_CV for AR (1-455182531)

* Backup/Restore Wizard displays "Disk Full" when there is ample disk space available. (1-365867791)

* Event messaging no longer works for DO blocks. (1-291480766)

* Align Top/Bottom/Left/Right Experts don't align lines correctly if the lines' edge widths are greater than 1. (1-413511781)

* New registry key optional parameter in the OPC datasource configuration for PPS (1-452633241)

* Editing a datalink with tag group substitution on picture created in a previous version of iFix does a picture-wide replacement of the symbols (1-447575747)

* Align Top/Bottom/Left/Right Experts don't align lines correctly if the lines' edge widths are greater than 1. (1-413511781)

* Memory leaks from Workspace when accessing the FindReplace object in VBA. (1-365835671)

* A chart doesn't display seconds of the start time correctly if being applied a chart group file that was converted from Fix32 and contains seconds in the fixed start time. (1-439272898)

* When migrating a chart group from Fix32, there is an error when applying the converted time group to an iFix 4.0 chart. Also, Fixed Interval field does not migrate correctly. (1-229269113)

* Setting a pen's fixed start time with only time in a chart group file causes a type mismatch error when you apply the chart group file. (1-414967375)

* Gradient following the animated object (1-302352636)

* Cannot zoom a chart pen to less than 1 percent of tag's EGU range. (1-290350794)

* Chart does not update correctly when changing tag group file that references t_data (1-108273211)

* The user changes the Caption of picture through Application.ActiveWindow.Caption property, the caption is lost when the picture loses focus. (1-416419311)

* Data Mismatch Error when using ToggleDigitalPoint with Kepware Server when toggling from 1 to 0. (1-257039001)

* Get TGEFileConvert error -2147417848 "Method '~' of object '~' failed" when converting a FIX32 tag group file (.TGE file) to a iFIX .TGD or .CSV file using the Tag Group Converter, if the .TGE file has an old file format (version1, which is created pre-FIX6.1x or pre-1997). (1-407194241)

* PictureExporter encounters exception exporting datalink with opc datasource (1-418216601)

* Alarm Summary no longer allows you to change font size via StatusFontSize Property. (1-407194201)

* DataEntry expert does not show correct decimal separator in non-English regional settings (4952)

* Chart unable to retrieve more than 24 days of data from iHistorian. (1-412941201)

* Japanese translator could not change font size in launch dialog (4945)

* Russian hard coded strings contained in Expertglobals and dynamo wizard. (4943)

iFIX45_1630340205Supplementary* -s command line parameter does not Filter errors in FIX desktop. (1-630340205)

* When Alarm summary object is too thin on some customer pictures, view crashes (1-437725701)

* A_CV field changes to Scientific Notation unexpectedly. (1-438872813)

* Fix Desktop datalink you get a decimal separator after 0 if the value is 0. (1-479313230)

* FIX Desktop - when deleting alarms on the backup, the View freezes. (1-474445623)

* Slow performance when opening up a tag status (BDF) file in FIX Desktop View on VIEW node. (1-431992129)

* View crashes when Animation Low and High Limits set to 0. (1-425979101)

* Desktop Draw crashes when picture contains long or multi-line text object and saving to Report. (1-533586099)

* Custom Loadable blocks may cause a Workspace crash if calling the method btk_set_dsout. (1-537039941)

* After installing iFix45_1497385123, AR Block cannot write to A_CV. (1-532634621)

* Application error while writing to A_CV field of DR block if value exceeds 8 Characters. (1-507935101)

* PG block not executing command that reads or writes an AR tag. Error when importing a PG tag. (1-497385123, 1-459349621)

* Need a new function in LDBA to get access to globals used during catch-all processing of AR2 and DR2 (loadable) blocks. (1-506014727)

* iFIX as a Service on Windows 2003 terminates when logging off using a RDP (MSTSC.EXE) /console session. (1-477388803)

* A_TV fields for CALC block display garbage in picture in run mode (1-461647251)

* Desktop Draw crashes when trying to save as a Report. (1-479192082)

* Duplicate event messages for non-simulation tags in the alarm typers of the non-active SCADA node. (1-426954281)

* Alarms generated by Bristol PLC do not show up correctly in Alarm Summary OCX. (1-442071696)

* Desktop View crashes when using Multi-Pen Chart with Variable (1-459315111)

* The triggering time of a SQT block drifts increasingly if a scan time of one hour (1H) is used on the block. (1-421572881)

* View crashing when using SQL statement in command language (1-452511341)

* When iFIX is running as a service, the FixSrv.exe stops with exception when FixBackgroundServer.exe is in tasks list and the current window user logs out. (1-437555771)

* Main window and message box title was not translated in Fix Startup, Alarm History, and Historical Display.

* French install crashing.

* iFIX crash on French.

* The SQT block the F_SQLST and the A_DBERR is not reset on startup. (1-337371185)

* The SQT block misses the confirmation bit being set. (1-293108971)

* KME.EXE crashes when opening custom KMX files. (1-428119641)

* Historical display crashes when opening a chart if there are more 100 charts in chart list. (1-424054383)

* When using OPENPIC with parameters Desktop View crashes. (1-407569481)

* When using a variable as an argument for the OPENPIC Command, View crashes upon executing the command. (1-402572031)

* When adding or modifying a script in Fix Desktop that contains strings longer than 40 characters, Draw shuts down. (1-412852257)

* Memory leak in VIEW.EXE after installing SIM iFIX45_1397796362 (1-420918441)

* Desktop View Datalink does not display correctly when regional settings set to Swedish. (1-397796362O)

* Thousands separators are placed incorrectly for some negative values of FIX Desktop datalinks. (1-103329301)

* Alarm Horn does not sound on certain alarm priorities, such as Critical, lolo, etc. (1-430692563)

iFIX45_1499110781Database Manager

* Database Manager prints garbage characters for Kanji (1-499110781)

* PDB from FIX32 gives a fatal error DA blocks does not convert correctly (1-550874254)

* Alarm Limits for AIS block are not being converted correctly. This sim will require the latest installation of the AIS 4.5 block prior to converting your database. (1-479221414)

* DatabaseManager hangs after adding chained blocks. (1-471392811)

* DatabaseManager crashes when exporting a tagname contains a % (1-407425987)

* DBM get crashes when exporting database to GDB file. (1-397796331)

* DBM crashes when importing database consisting of Non-existing loadable blocks. (1-362514871)

iFIX45_1464640892OPC Alarm and Events

* SIM iFIX40_1367684163 introduced problem where the Format of DI Event Messages being collected by the Historian A&E changed. (1-335302255)

* When using iFix OPC AE server to collect alarms and events, alarm extension fields associated with alarm acknowledgements are not being captured and sent to Historian. (1-367684163)

* Event messages for AO and DO tags are not sent to Proficy Historian by the iFIXOPCAE Server. (1-361497310)


* NAC.EXE crashes on shutdown. (1-452361271)

* NCB leaks when closing connections due to some socket errors. (1-421407904)

iFIX45_1496871931I/O Data Scope

* Mission Control - Datascope does not show up when driver is 6.X (1-496871931)

iFIX45_1451271921 Alarm ODBC (Japanese only)

* AlmODBC restores alarms which are in AlmODBC.tmp to RDB at every iFIX startup? (1-451271921)

iFIX45_1502942559SQL - ODBC

* SendSignedOperatorMessage causes AlmODBC to Crash when UserID is empty (1-502942559)

* ALMODBC crashing on iFix4.5FR

* SQL command executed from cache leaves blanks in SQT block's SQL State field (A_SQLST) instead of setting it to "00000" as it does when the command does not execute from cache. (1-266841811)

* For troubleshooting purposes, need to see the value of parameters sent and returned by an SQL command. (1-396468781)

* WSQLODC would not start when trying to connect is Oracle 10g (1-167605629)


* PC20iFix leaks handles and memory when communicating with iBatch (1-405081401)

* Can not change value of F_TV1 field jof CALC block through opcifix (1-508832582)

* OPC20IFix was taking a exceedingly long time to enable large lists of items. (1-398530151)


* With the Fix Dynamics Real Time Data, when using OR in query, all driver pollblocks are triggered to poll even if block types and/or tag names are specified in the WHERE clause. (1-436304211)


* Shell call to "login.exe -o" brings up Login dialog. (1-399051491)

* When showing "Security is currently disabled on this node.", message box title is not translated.

iFIX45_1478326767Sample System* Installation of iFIX45_1431099897 causes the Sample System to crash on exit. (1-478326767) This is only an issue with English iFIX.