ifrs - 2020 presentation hand out index · 2. dipifr is for finance professionals who need to...

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 1 IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX # Topic Page 1 Distinguish between CPA, CMA and IFRS 2 2 Material 3 3 Practice and Exams 7 4 Our approach a. Course Phases 8 b. Methodology 9 c. Other Issues 9 - 9

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Page 1: IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX · 2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 1

IFRS - 2020

Presentation Hand Out


# Topic


1 Distinguish between CPA, CMA and IFRS 2

2 Material 3

3 Practice and Exams 7

4 Our approach

a. Course Phases 8

b. Methodology 9

c. Other Issues 9 - 9

Page 2: IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX · 2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 2

1. Distinguish between CPA, CMA and IFRS





(1) FAR

(Financial Accounting)



(3) Regulation



Certified Public

Accountant (CPA)

International Financial

Reporting Standards


Certified Management

Accountant (CMA)


(1) Financial Accounting

(2) Cost


(3) Strategic


(4) Budgeting



Page 3: IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX · 2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 3

2. Material

Book 1 - (The Study Text)

Page 4: IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX · 2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 4

1. Book 1- IFRS Course

Page 5: IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX · 2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 5


Page 6: IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX · 2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 6

Book 2 - (Practice and Review)

Book 2 – Practice and Review – Contents


1 - Question and Answer checklist/index 2 - How to revise 3 - The exam Summary (Dec 13 – Dec 18) 4 - Exam technique 5 - Useful websites 6 - 49 Questions on most of the 24 topics 7 - Exams (June 2018 and December 2018)

Page 7: IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX · 2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 7

3. Practice and Exams

1. CertIFR (online assessment) offers a broad introduction to the field, and

aims to help you understand how they are used globally.

2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed

understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current knowledge

in this field, as well as how to apply the standards. You will learn the

concepts and principles behind.

Which qualification you choose depends on your current knowledge and


* CertIFR exam

Questions Number of marks

Exam type Computer-based, multiple-choice questions

Exam length one hour

Language English

Pass Mark 50%

Assessment Price Old Price GBP140

Promo GBP 112

Types of IFRS Exams:

1. ACCA’s Certificate in

International Financial

Reporting Standards


2. ACCA’s Diploma in

International Financial



Commented [D1]:

Commented [D2]:

Page 8: IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX · 2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 8

* Format of the ACCA’s Diploma exam

Question #

1 25 %

2 25 %

3 25 %

4 25 %


Pass Mark 50%

Exam length 3.15 Hrs

Registration fees

GBP 45

Exam Fees GBP 117

4. Our Approach

# Topic

a Course Phases

b Methodology

c Other Issues

a. CCoouurrssee PPhhaasseess

1. Preparation Short- term lectures (20 hrs.) that aim to:

• Developing your English language

• Developing your primary accounting concepts

2. FRS Course Duration: 100 hrs.

• Number of lectures: 25 (4 hrs. each)

• Number of lectures per weak: 1 or 2 (Will be agreed upon later


• Additional Review lectures may be delivered

Page 9: IFRS - 2020 Presentation Hand Out INDEX · 2. DipIFR is for finance professionals who need to acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. The Diploma will develop your current

Prepared by: Dr. Mohd Eissa Page 9

1- Preparation Short- term lectures (20 hrs.)


1 CH 1: Accounting Cycle

2 CH 2: Financial Statements

3 Financial Statements

4 CH 3: Cash and Receivables

5 Cash and Receivables

2- IFRS Course Duration: 100 hrs.

See pages 3 – 6 above

bb.. MMeetthhooddoollooggyy

11.. LLeeccttuurreess ((PPoowweerr PPooiinntt // EExxcceell eegg ……))

22.. HHaanndd OOuutt –– EEnngglliisshh ((IInn PPDDFF oorr WWoorrdd ffiilleess))

33.. TTrraannssllaattiioonn ooff ddiiffffiiccuulltt EEnngglliisshh AAccccoouunnttiinngg TTeerrmmss ((PPPPTT aanndd EExxcceell))

44.. WWoorrkksshhooppss,, CCaassee SSttuuddiieess ,,eexxeerrcciisseess aanndd eexxaammss

55.. RReevviieeww sseessssiioonnss

66.. VViiddeeooss,, iiff nneecceessssaarryy,, aanndd GGeenneerraall DDiissccuussssiioonnss ((CChhaattttiinngg))

cc.. cc.. OOtthheerr IIssssuueess

11.. CCoouurrssee ccoosstt ppeerr ccaannddiiddaattee::

CCoosstt ooff tthhee pprreeppaarraattiioonn ccoouurrssee iiss ffrreeee ooff cchhaarrggeess.. TThhiiss iiss oouurr ggiifftt ttoo yyoouu

CCoosstt ooff tthhee IIFFRRSS ccoouurrssee wwiillll bbee ddeecciiddeedd vveerryy ssoooonn

22.. NNeeww GGrroouuppss ttoo jjooiinn::

FFoorr ccoonnffiiddeennttiiaalliittyy aanndd sseeccuurriittyy ppuurrppoosseess,, wwee wwiillll ccrreeaattee 22 ggrroouuppss ffoorr tthhee

ppaarrttiicciippaannttss oonnllyy ((oonnee iinn FFaacceebbooookk aanndd tthhee ootthheerr iinn WWhhaattssaapppp)).. TToo jjooiinn tthhee

ccoouurrssee,, yyoouu nneeeedd ttoo aappppllyy ttoo bbootthh ggrroouuppss oorr ttoo aannyy ooff tthheemm