('ii' organiu 1i0nal tuangu -...

Apr.-May. 1957 SWIGART RETIRES, FOLLIS ELLECTED NEW CHAIRMAN Mr. R. G. Follis has been elected Chairman of the Board of the Trans-Arabian Pipe Line Company, succeeding C. A. Swigart, who has retired. Mr. Follis, who is also Chair- man of the Board of Stand- ard Oil Company of Califor- nia, will make his headquar- ters in San Francisco. The post of Chief Executive Officer of Tapline, formerly held by Mr. Swigart, has been given President John Noble, who will continue to make his headquarters in Beirut. At a meeting May 29 in San Francisco, Tapline's Board of Directors also re-elected Mr. W. R. Chandler as Executive Vice President and Mr. H. O. Thompson as Vice President. Mr. R. P. Cocke was re-elected Secretary and Treasurer and elected a Vice President. Mr. O. T. Swanson was pro- moted from Assistant Comp- troller to Comptroller and re- named Assistant Treasurer. Mr. S. E. Thoits was elected Asistant Secretary and A'3- sistant Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Swigart left Beirut on April 14 to take up lesidence in their old home, 119 28th Street, San Francis- co. High honors were bestow- ed upon II'. Swigart before his departure. On Tuesday, April 9, Prime Minister Sami Solh decorated Mr. Swigart with the Order of the Cedars, Commander Class. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Farajallah, and two days later, at the home of Mr. icolas Butros, Mr. Swigart was named a Grand Officer of the Order of St. Mark by Mgr. Elia Karam, Metropolitan of the Greek Orthodox Church. On April 12, Mr. Swigart was presented with an engraved silver cigar box, a tribute to his leadership from members of Management and depart- ment heads. During their six and one- half years residence in Beirut, Mr. and Mrs. Swigart made many friends and they will be greatly missed in the com- munity. It is hoped they will be able to make frequent visits to this part of the world in the years to come. A native of California, born (Collt'd 011 pllf?(, 2) OF HAYIL STATIONS AMIR VISITS BADANAH - HH AmiI' 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa'id, the AmiI' of Hayil, visited here, Turaif and Rafha as part of a tour of the area with his son, HH AmiI' 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa'id, AmiI' of the orthern Fron- tiers. The AmiI' of Hayil and his entourage of 21 arrived here by royal plane May 11. His son entertained him at a ban- quet that evening. The next day the two Amirs and other officials went by plane to Turaif. They were luncheon guests of HH AmiI' Huzza of Turaif. They retur- lied here by plane and were guests of the company at a banquet that night. On May 15, the father and his son began a motor convoy tour of the Northern Frontier area. Their party stopped at Rafha May 18 and after being the guests of the company at lunch continued on their tour. (Collt'd Oil 2) ORGANIU 1I0NAL tUANGU O. T. SlI'all\OIl ('II' CO/llp/rollN Effective May 26, Mr. W. R. Hellmann was appointed Act- ing Superintendent of the Sidon Term;nal during the absence of Capt. A. A. Brick- h:JUse on long leave. Mr. John I{oenreich is in charge of the Communications Division, Beirut during Mr. J. D. Hoffmann's vacation. ;.lr. and Mrs. Clyde A Stdgart uat"( gocdbyc to friends as they board a company plane to Iran Beirut. Mr. 1dgart has rctired as chairman of th board of Tapline. (Photo SayakJ. BADA AH - Twice 1'- cently floods have cut the roads into this station. Heavy rains on April 21 loosed a torrent of water which by th next morning covered the road at two different places three to four feet deep. In spots the water was 40 to 50 yards wide. Several unsuccessful at- tempts were made to get cperators to auxiliary booster l'tations at Km 674 and Km 539 to relief the operators on duty. In the end lelief wal' s nt to Km 674 from Turaif, and to Km 539 from Rafha. Saudis who live in the area predicted that the flood would take three days to l'ubside. They were right. As the waters receded, crews rapidly repaired the roads. Then on May 12, a second btrong flood struck again. This flood lasted about two days and severely hampered traffic outside the station and (Collt'd 011 paR" 3 J FLOODS STRIKE BADANAH TWICE

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Page 1: ('II' ORGANIU 1I0NAL tUANGU - Al-Mashriqalmashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/300/380/388/tapline/pipeline-periscope/... · ORGANIU 1I0NAL tUANGU O. T. SlI'all\OIl ... M. M. EL-Yussll! of Goven!

Apr.-May. 1957


Mr. R. G. Follis has beenelected Chairman of the Boardof the Trans-Arabian PipeLine Company, succeeding C.A. Swigart, who has retired.Mr. Follis, who is also Chair­man of the Board of Stand­ard Oil Company of Califor­nia, will make his headquar­ters in San Francisco.

The post of Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Tapline, formerlyheld by Mr. Swigart, has beengiven President John Noble,who will continue to make hisheadquarters in Beirut.

At a meeting May 29 in SanFrancisco, Tapline's Board ofDirectors also re-elected Mr.W. R. Chandler as ExecutiveVice President and Mr. H. O.Thompson as Vice President.Mr. R. P. Cocke was re-electedSecretary and Treasurer andelected a Vice President.

Mr. O. T. Swanson was pro­moted from Assistant Comp­troller to Comptroller and re­named Assistant Treasurer.Mr. S. E. Thoits was electedAsistant Secretary and A'3­sistant Treasurer.

Mr. and Mrs. Swigart leftBeirut on April 14 to take uplesidence in their old home,119 28th Street, San Francis­co. High honors were bestow­ed upon II'. Swigart beforehis departure.

On Tuesday, April 9, PrimeMinister Sami Solh decoratedMr. Swigart with the Order ofthe Cedars, Commander Class.at the home of Mr. and Mrs.George Farajallah, and twodays later, at the home of Mr.

icolas Butros, Mr. Swigartwas named a Grand Officer ofthe Order of St. Mark by Mgr.Elia Karam, Metropolitan ofthe Greek Orthodox Church.On April 12, Mr. Swigart waspresented with an engravedsilver cigar box, a tribute tohis leadership from membersof Management and depart­ment heads.

During their six and one­half years residence in Beirut,Mr. and Mrs. Swigart mademany friends and they will begreatly missed in the com­munity. It is hoped they willbe able to make frequentvisits to this part of the worldin the years to come.

A native of California, born(Collt'd 011 pllf?(, 2)



BADANAH - HH AmiI''Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa'id, theAmiI' of Hayil, visited here,Turaif and Rafha as part ofa tour of the area with hisson, HH AmiI' 'Abd Allah ibn'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa'id,AmiI' of the orthern Fron­tiers.

The AmiI' of Hayil and hisentourage of 21 arrived hereby royal plane May 11. Hisson entertained him at a ban­quet that evening.

The next day the two Amirsand other officials went byplane to Turaif. They wereluncheon guests of HH AmiI'Huzza of Turaif. They retur­lied here by plane and wereguests of the company at abanquet that night.

On May 15, the father andhis son began a motor convoytour of the Northern Frontierarea. Their party stopped atRafha May 18 and after beingthe guests of the company atlunch continued on their tour.

(Collt'd Oil pa~<, 2)


O. T. SlI'all\OIl

('II' CO/llp/rollN

Effective May 26, Mr. W. R.Hellmann was appointed Act­ing Superintendent of theSidon Term;nal during theabsence of Capt. A. A. Brick­h:JUse on long leave.

Mr. John I{oenreich is incharge of the CommunicationsDivision, Beirut during Mr.J. D. Hoffmann's vacation.

;.lr. and Mrs. Clyde A Stdgart uat"( gocdbyc to friends as they board a company plane toIran Beirut. Mr. 1dgart has rctired as chairman of th board of Tapline. (Photo SayakJ.

BADA AH - Twice 1'­

cently floods have cut theroads into this station.

Heavy rains on April 21loosed a torrent of waterwhich by th next morningcovered the road at twodifferent places three to fourfeet deep. In spots the waterwas 40 to 50 yards wide.

Several unsuccessful at-tempts were made to getcperators to auxiliary boosterl'tations at Km 674 and Km539 to relief the operators onduty. In the end lelief wal's nt to Km 674 from Turaif,and to Km 539 from Rafha.

Saudis who live in the areapredicted that the flood wouldtake three days to l'ubside.They were right. As thewaters receded, crews rapidlyrepaired the roads.

Then on May 12, a secondbtrong flood struck again.This flood lasted about twodays and severely hamperedtraffic outside the station and

(Collt'd 011 paR" 3J


Page 2: ('II' ORGANIU 1I0NAL tUANGU - Al-Mashriqalmashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/300/380/388/tapline/pipeline-periscope/... · ORGANIU 1I0NAL tUANGU O. T. SlI'all\OIl ... M. M. EL-Yussll! of Goven!

Page 3


More than 225 employeesand wive of the Beirut officehave visi ted the idon Ter­minal in a thl ee-week programto better acquaint them withthe operation of this uniqueoffshore loading operation.

In groups of about 15, threecarloads of employees andwives went daily, except

aturday and Sunday, on thespecial tours held from May 6to 27, in lusive. Employeeswere given company time offto make the trip.

The tours b gan at 8 a.m.,and the sight- eers weI' backin Beirut by mid-afternoon

Each group was conductedon the tour of the terminal bythe shift foreman on duty whoexplained th variou fune­ti n of the units. The firststop usually was the tankfarm, whose 20 huge tankscan store about 3,000,000barrels of crude oil. Therethey also saw the end of thepipe line and were given anexplanation of how the in­ceming oil is diverted into thetank from wh nce it flow' bygravity down to the seashore.

At the shore control room,details of the I ading processand the mooring of tanker,' inthe open roadstead were giventhe groups.

The touring groups alsowere shown m vi s of theconstruction of the pipe lineand visited the M dreco refin­ery, next door to the terminal.


APRILA. K. Chamari (Admin.Ilafha)Anne Y. h did Pu:.Jli Rel.­B~i1Ut)

A. G. Diab CO&R-Qaisumah)S. M. EI Hijniji (O&R-Rafha)A. G. Ghamidi (Motor Transp.­

Turaif). A. Hazimi (Motor Transp.­Turaif)

A. M. Jassim (Motor Transp.­Turaif)

V. Y. Khalaf (Eng'g-Beirut)A. A. Rumeih (O&R Turaif)

~1 -\ YM. . Abboud (Central hops­

Turaif)A. Abdul-Aziz (Tlansp.-Tu­

raif)M. Abdul-Rahman (Dining

Room-Rafha)E.H. Abi Rached (Acet'g-Bei­

rut)Wilma J. Avant Admin.-Bei­

rut)F. M. Dosari (Admin.-Bada­

nah)Y. M. Haji (Dining Room-Tu­

raif)A. M. Khalifa (Water wells-

Rafha)A. Mohamad (Transp.-TuraiflA. I. Richa (Transp.-Beirut)M. Saleh (Water Wells-Rafha)M. Shabbab (Motor Transp.-

Badanah)S. Yousuf (Oper. Rafha).




A. B. Akkmci of Commwl;tyS Triccs, Be il'l1l


G. lll. Hajjar of PlIrchase andTro f fic, Beil'ut

M. M. EL-Yussll! of Goven!­m<nL Relations, Damascus

(C<llIt"d frolll paR" I)

at the entrance to the town.The Aramco bulk plant andthe dealer's station were isol­ated. Gasoline was suppliedthe Amirate from the pumpstation.

There was no propertydamage other than to theroads. The a.irport runwayswere not affected and airtraffic was normal.



S. ]}f. Chamieh of AccountingBeirut


President John Noble awards a ten-year service pin to Mr.W. A. Campbell, Manager of Taplinc's Government RelationsDepartment. (Photo by K. EI-Nusr).

W. E. Locher, lIJanager of Operations, pins a ten-year scn'icepin on G. H. Gossens, Superintendent of the Purchase andTraffio Department, Beirut. (Photo by K. EL-Nasr).

D. T. Shebaro of Tr(Jvel andAir Transportation, Beirut

BadanahBernard John, son of Mrs. and

Mrs. J. Doumani (Mtce.)Khayriyah, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. A. Bin MohamedBeirut

Ahmad, son of Mr. and Mrs.H. D. Khraibateh (P&T)

Renda, daughter of Mr. andMrs. I. M. Trabulsi (Eng'g)

Rita and Randa, twin daugh­ters of Mr. and Mrs. M.Nasser (Stores-Turaif)

Violette, daughter of Mr. andMrs. G. M. Atallah (P&T)

Q(JisumahFatimah, daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. A. MohamedSidon

EI nest, son of Mr. and Mrs.J. H. Hanna (Communi.)

Fatmeh, daughter of Mr. andMrs. A. R. EI-Khalil(Marine)

Tarik, son of Mr. and Mrs.H. H. Yamani (Marine)



(Col/r'd frolll PCIf?/' I)

At Turaif, Rafha and here.HH Amir of Hayil held a maj­lis and received all Saudiemployees and other companyemployees.

"The company felt veryhonored to have such a dis­tinguished person as HH Amir'Abd al- 'Aziz visit the pipeline area," said Mr. R. E.Marsh, Company Representa­tive - Pipe Line Area.

"His Highness has asked meto extend to the companyemployees and the companyhis thanks and appreciationfor their efforts which madehis visit 30 pleasant and infor­mative."



(e011 t'd from pag/' I)

in Arroyo Grande, Mr. Swig­art entered the Pipe LineDepartment of the StandardOil Company of Californiashortly after he was graduat­ed from Leland Stanford Uni­versity. Recently he recalledthat when he was interviewedfor the pipe line job in 1911he was told the infant oil in­dustry "would probably lastabout 20 years." He took thejob, not expecting to remainin the business even that long.

Mr. Swigart worked his wayup through various positionsto become Manager of thePipe Line Department andVice President of StandardPipeline Company in 1943. In1949, he was named VicePresident of Tapline. In 1951,he was appointed Presidentand in 1956 he was electedChairman of the Board andchief executive officer.


A. N. Horne, former vicepresident and general man­ager of Tapline during con­struction, visited in Beirutafter a month in Iran andTurkey on consulting engi­neering work. He now is apipe line executive in Tulsa,Oklahoma.


'1 aptln!> s lWlIJ flUme m Helnit 1.S ta"<lLy :snape. '1 tw cumpany's headquarteTS will cccupy thetop four floors. The move into the new quarters is expected to be by mid-summer. Thenew air-conditioned building is on Rue Hamra, practically just arross the street from thepresent T(Jpline offices. (Photo Sayak).


depal tment. This may includeanything from getting togeth­er a school poster to helpingfind a newspaperman's lostpassport.

His ehe2rfulness and pleas­ant manner have made himhundreds of friends in theMiddle East.

March April Year, 1957Average BPD received at

Sidon 348,032 353,125 335,036Ships Loaded 77 69 290Average BPD load2d on Ships 318,760 328,503 315,980Average Bbls per Ship 128,332 142,827 130,750Average BPD delivered to

Ships and Medreco 330,439 340,153 327,632

Vartan Bezdikian

Dr. G. M. Stephan

S. M. Siddique




Page 2


W. R. "Dick" Hcaps lleft) receives his ten-ywr servic3 pinfrom Homer H. Metz, Manager of Taplinc's Public RelationsDepartment. (Photo by K. EI-Nusr).


Badanah Abdullah Siblani

Beirut Rose Sawdah

Jordon John Fronjieh

Qaisumah M. Jaouni

Rafha Abbas H. Hamadeh


Resp. Director: M. K, Saab

Editor W. R. Heaps

Ten years ago W. R. "Dick"Heaps C3me to the field as aSEnior clerk-stenographer.Now he is the supervisor forthe Public Relations Depart­ment and Editor of Periscope.

Hc is now on home leavewhich gives his suoJtitute anopportunity to publish thispiece and pic I ure which Dickwould probably be too modestto do himself.

He joined the Cempany May31, 1947. He worked as headsecretary to the General Sup­erintendent, Eastern DivisiondUJ ing the pipe line buildingdays. He W::lS transferred toBeirut in January, 1950. Thenext year he became super­visor for General Office Serv­ices. He was named an ad­ministrative aide in PublicRelations at the start of 1953,and recently was made super­visor of the department.

Besides editing the Peris­cope, he oversees the day-to­day detailed operation of the

Page 3: ('II' ORGANIU 1I0NAL tUANGU - Al-Mashriqalmashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/300/380/388/tapline/pipeline-periscope/... · ORGANIU 1I0NAL tUANGU O. T. SlI'all\OIl ... M. M. EL-Yussll! of Goven!

The Saudis at Badanah celebrated

the 'ld al-Fitr holidays by dancing

the Ardah. Keeping to the rythm

of the drums, the dancers chanted

songs praising the royal family and

HH Amir 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd

al-Aziz ibn Musa'id Amir of the

Northern Frontiers. His Highness

invited neighboring tribesmen to the

festivities. Many families from the

Badanah station also attended.(Photo by K. EI-Nas,.)



Page 4: ('II' ORGANIU 1I0NAL tUANGU - Al-Mashriqalmashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/300/380/388/tapline/pipeline-periscope/... · ORGANIU 1I0NAL tUANGU O. T. SlI'all\OIl ... M. M. EL-Yussll! of Goven!

PIPELI E PERISCOPE-------------Page 7

Qaisumahby M. Jaouni

Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Gar­rison (Gov't ReI.) vacatIOnedin Beirut and Rhodes. Mrs.John V. Torres left on longvacation. Her husband is join­ing her later in :\Iadrid.Before her departure theTorres were hosts at a din­ner party.

W. K. Despain (Mtce.) hasbeen transferred here fromTuraif. Dave Hart (Gov'tReI.) of Badanah is sitting infor D. E. Garrison while thelatter is on relief assignmentat Turaif. Othay~b A. Mutlaqhas been transf rred herefrom Turaif.

Mohamed rour, _lohamadTahir and Mohamed Amer re­ported having an enjoyablevacation in the Persian GulfArea.

Other vacationers includedHamad Hathal, Ali Hashim.Khalil Zaman, ~tohammad Aliand H. A. Jousuf.

Carolyn ue Crosthwaitcelebrated her third birthdaywito a party.

Hendrik C. Van Putten hasjoined ccmmunicati(;n, a!> aradio technician. He is fromHaarh.m, The Netherlands. Heis marri .. d and has two sons.He likes to 'wim and hr hasthe unu;ual hobby of beekeeping.

therford have I ft for longleave in Ireland.

Other vacationers includedBadri Hanna, B. Fahoury, E.Kayyal, M. Kashou, T. Kurd­shi, T. Mouslmani, M. Yaman,J. G'ha, K. Sima'an, A. Akraand A. Daher.

The Sidon training center,formerly op'rat d by A.O.C.,has discontinued operationsdue to a low rate oi recruit­ment in New York.

The Zahrani County Clubheld a St. Patrick'n dance atthe auditorium. Everyone hada wonderful time and thedance lasted until 2 a.m.Those att~nding included somemembers from Boirut andguests from Sidon. Door anddances prizes were awarded.

Habib Saba has been ap­pointed a member of the exe­cutive committe of the clubto fill the place of R. ullivanwho has gone to he UnitedStates.

(/llIr!,'\ Smllf:/

a radio operator and for eightmonths as a Pan Americanteletype operator. His favoritesport is swimming.

Th Terminal also has a newmooring mast r, Capt. KnutErix Hopen. He had been withthe Overs as Tankship Corp.

A hdlll/llh /drill

communications work. He'sint rested in sports and con­siders all kinds of them as hishobby.

Srougi is married and isfrom Beirut. He worked forRadio Orient for ten years a!>

since October, 1947. Hi wifeand two children stIll are inBodo, Norway. Reading adfishing are his hobbies. Hespeaks Norwegian, Dutch andEnglish.

Y uss f Kh ury, a radiotechnician, has been transfer­red to a similar job in Beirut.

Vael' tiolle rsBack from vacation in the

United tates are Capt. andMrs. Paul E. Col , and A. E.Kennedy (Marine). All visit dCalifornia. Mrs. Tronstad andchildren returned from or­way to join apt K. I. Trons­tad.

Capt. and Mrs. Martin Ru-

dullah Idriss and Charlesrougi.Bachelor Idriss calls EI·

Kobbeh, Tripoli, home. He hashad five years xperience in

Two n w radio op ratorshave gonr to work at the

id:Jl1 Tuminal. They arc Ab-

by Dr. G. M. Stephan


Steward is F. Pap) Barzaglifrom Turaif.

Richard M. Haddad Gov'tR I.) also was honor d at afarewell dinner. More than 20persons att nded the event inRafha Community ent r onApril 20. Guests included theAmir of Rafha, Abdulla ibnHamdan. and the dir ctor ofeach Amirate Office s ctionand some m mb rs of theirstaffs. ation SuperintendentH. . Davis and other staffemploy s also att nded.

Haddad is making a shortstopover in B~uropr and thenr turning to his hom in Syl­van Lakp, near Pontiac, Mi­chigan. I oplacing him isRobel W. Thabit. forml'rly ofTuraif and Badanah.

W Icomr to ~. A. White andfamily which includes twodaughtNs, Judith. 13. andL<'Jla, 10, Now in thr Main­t nancr Orpartment. h for­mrrly was with th CapacityIn rase Program at Turaif.

A group (,f yeung p opleenjoyrd an ovrr night outingr c nUy. Preston C. Graham(Op r.) and Karl E. Barner(Mtrr.) took thl yeung,·ters15 kms outsid the station ona camping trip. Th greupincludIng Judith and L~Jla

Whitr, B verlv :.nd BarbaraThomas, Danr 'Wood and GaryL. Graham. They built theirfire, cookrd th ir dinn randbreakfast thr next morning.They leturned home aroundnoon thr n xt day.

Anothrr outing didn't falso well. During the 'ldal-Fitr h lidays, Bill Edward(Transp. ), Eugrnr Eckert(Cap. Inc. ), Tom de Hoog(Mtce) and your rrpolterstartrd in Edwards' car forMish'ab for swimming andfishing. About 20 kms fromMish'ab the car bogged downin wat r and mud and all at­tempts to fr e it failed duringa heavy rain. The night wasspent in the car. Early nextmorning. Eck rt and your re­porter walk d to Mish'ab, afiv and one-half hour trek.Tom got a lift to iish'ab in apolic car and help wa entout. The car rrachrd Mish'abin the after noon. We vi -itedin Mish'ab and latrr in afa­niya and finally swam in thePersian .ulf

At thr samr timr th Gra­hams and th Beamu' madrthe trip to Mish'ab withouttrouble and sp~nt th dayswimming in th gulf thrre.

Rrcent vaeationrrs includedAhmrd Moussa, IbrahimRshaidan, Abdullah B. Sa'd,Kmood B. Dhafi, Jazza' Be­dawi and dr Ho g.

was edu­Gregoireand the

Cairo. Hehobby is

Italian. III is man ird and hasa son and a daughter'. Hishobbi s are SWImming. waterpolo, haskl'tball and hunting.

roustabout Il(' is sing-]r andhis hobby i.; swimmll1g,

Goursky is a cOl1strurtionngim'('r. IT speaks russian,

English, I<'n'nl'11, A rable and

speaks I<;nglish, Fn'nch, Por­tUg-l'S, TlII kish and Arabi.Hobbie.. 1lll'1ud<, swimming,\'ollt-y ball, hunting and read­1ll~.

Hukharl Wl'nt to WOl'k as a

ced draft. man. Hecat d at the St.Ashrafieh oil gBritish Institute inis single and hisping pong.

Arab is a materials accoun­tant. He is mani d and has ayear-old son. Nicola. H

by AR~f:~ad'h I

A farrwrll dinner was givenAli Kurdl on May l:l 0, theccaSlOn of hIS tran.. f('. to theBadanah sf orehous Some 45guests all('ndrd th evrnt inth No. 1 Dining llo(;m. Hisfrirnds wished him good lu 'kon his n w as:ignmerh, Re­}llacing him as I a ha Club

an l'Xpl rkn-

Beirutby Rose Sawdah

It man"f' blo... · mf d in Bei­r u •

• 'ora B zJlan (Accl'g) wa ..married 0 H<'nry .1. • 'azarianof he American Umvcrsity ofBeiru Engmeering- D 'part­m n . Th!' vr,W.' weI' read atth 'mmulllty Church onApril 27.

Lily H mra (Mrdieal )became eng-ag<,d April 6 toFuad Rihan, a lawyrr,

.eidi Gabro (T&AT) be­came engaged May 20 to Mr.:hamr,un :h::.moun,

'nu ual trips wen' taken by. orne vaca lOner. Grf'goryThoma (T&AT) made an airtrip t'l J p'ln and back. Whilether he vi ited Tokyo, Ho­koni. FUJlyama and thehrme and t mp!<'1 of • 'ikko.

.... eld r during cen. ruc iondays find wa plea.: d to findmany eld fr i nds. He I ingl,

The RQg r J. Krie ler(.Hce.), th Clarence G.Ru .. h .t ce.), the Ha.kelHargrcve.. (Transp.) and theOtis E Rlller.· (Opel.) haver turned from local leave.Robert A. Pru imki, General

upcrintend nt-SaudI Arabia,and wife spent their localleav in Europe.

Fahid bin Othman is barkat work after vi .. iting hi. f't­mily in Hofuf and travelin!!"in Jordan, Syria and TJ ban1non his vacation.• 'ahih Ketteh(Ind. ReI. vacati ned inBeirut and Egypt.

r~f Farag ( mmun tJ•(Ind.



by Abdullah Siblani


by S. M. Siddique

.\ t. r) .... ' 1L mfamIly of, or hou


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sen picked up two stationchampionship cups in the fin­als of the AI-Hilal Golf Com­mittee tOUI nament, April 19.

Jensen shot a 74 to beat outB. Davie in the finals for themedal play cup. Davies turnedin an O.

In the Kicker tournament,Jensen's final score beatedthat of his nearest competitor,R. L. Cro thwait.

In the women's division,Mrs. Lia R:ehmond took thefinals from Mrs. Janet Garri­son.

In the evening after thetournament, members gather­ed at the home of the John F.Pfisters for refreshments andthe awarding of the cups toJensen and Mrs. Richmond.

RAFHA The Tilal EI-Bedu Golf Club :.,taged a tour­nament and a guest walkedoff with one of the prizes.

H. T. Jensen of Qaisumahwas the guest. He and E. J.Wright took the men's prizes.Mrs. M. Wright and Mrs. B.Graham won the top women'shonors.

Karl Beamer, the club golfcaptain, was shooting wellthrough the day and a halftournament until the last twoholes of play, but his gamefell of( sharply and Jensenemerged a winner.

The evening the tournamentended, the club members helda pot-luck dinner at the barbe­cue pit and the prizes weregiven out.

The Amir oj the Northern Frontiers tcCl.'l honored at a dinnerat Badallah during the 'ld al-Fitr holidays. Left to right areActing tation uperintcndent John R. Terry, HH Amir'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Musa'id, Company Rcpresent­otire - Pipe Lin!.' Area R. E. Marsh and His Reverence

haikh a/ih Al Anqafi, the Qadhi of 'Ar'Ar. (Photo byK. EI-Na f).

George Yazbek (left) of Qaisumah is shown holding the pingpong cup he won in the station tournament while the new linechampion, Dr. Marcel Prince is shown holding two cups. Thebig one is the station Clip which Dr. Prince took with himback to Badanah, the smaller one is his championship prize.(Photo by K. K. Zomon).

PrinceCup For

Wins LineBadanah

tourney without losing agame.

In the first round, Princedefeatcd Maurice Nasser ofTuraif in three straightgame3. Haddad also disposedof Hanna Faddoul of Badanahin similar fashion. GeorgeYazbek of Qaisumah defeatedSuhail Sa'ad of Rafha threegames to one. Khalil K. Zamanof Qaisumah dcfeated BisharaAbu Khatcr of Turaif by thesame score.

In the semi-finals, Haddaddefeated Zaman, 3-1, andPrince dropped Yazbek, 3-0.

John F. Pfister awardedcups to the winners at a partyin the cvening.

QAISUMAH - Dr. MarcelPrince of Badanah won theline ping pong championshipin an action packed tourneyhere among two-man statIOnteams.

Prince, one of the topplayers in the Lebanon andholder of many cups, took themeasure of Dick Haddad instraight games in the finals.Haddad has played in manynational ping pong tourna­ments in the Unit:d States.

Haddad's attack was turn­cd by PI ince's finc counter­attack and defense. Princetook the finals 21-12, 21-17,21-14.

Prince went through the

Dr. MarcelPing Pong


Ping pong featured an in­door games tournament heldat the Tapline Sporting Clubin Beirut.

The big upset was in themen's singles. W. Habib wonthe title. He defeated lastyear's champion, Elie 'asral­lah, in the semi-finals and thenwent on to win in the finalsagainst J. Alouf.

The situation was reserved,however, in the men's doubles.Alouf teamed with R. Badranto defeat Habib and E. Youa­kim. Alouf and Eadran provedto be an unexpectedly strongdoubles team.

Mrs. Mohamed Hambalyretained the title she won lastyear in the women's singles.She took this year's champ­ionship by defeating SylvieYared. In the mixed doublesOdette Fernainy and Elie Nas­rallah won the title by de­feating Mrs. Hambaly andAdnan Bellama.

Bellama had better luck,however, in the tric trac tour­nament. He emerged thechampion by defeating VietorKhattar.

In the billiards tournament,Youakim kept the title he hadwon last year.


BADA:\'AH - HH Amir'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-'Azizibn Musa'id. Amir of the or­thern Front ers. was honoredat a dinner given on the occas­ion of the 'Id al-Fitr holidays.

Hosts were Mr. John R.Terry, Acting Badanah Sta­tion Superintendent, and Mr.R. E. Marsh, Company Re­pre entative-Pipe Line Area.

The dinner was attended byAmirate officials, represent­atives from the company, theSaudi Seventh Infantry Brig­ade, the 'ational CommercialBank and the Badanah Powerand Water Co.

The affair was held in theCommunity Center diningrcom. It was prec:eded by amajlis in the auditorium atwhich His Highness rcc:ivedthe guest.

Eighty undergraduate:; ofthe Beirut Government Schoolof Arts et Metiers (Arts andCrafts) accompanied by threemembers of their faculty visit­ed Tapiine terminal at Sidonon April 23.

Capt. A. A. Brickhouse, ter­minal superintendent, arrang­ed to handle the whole bodyof students at one time. Theywere :;plit into three groupsanu three of his able operatorsconducted the visitors on atour of the Company installa­tions and explained to themthe functions of the variousparts of the terminal.