ii ~~~:t-( ~,ony if., ay ave ur e 0 1 f off-...

, II / Crosse Point.~. First Newspaper mg the mdIVIdual's type, time wluch might pOSSIbly cause lus death before a transfUSion could be made. Phone Call Does It With the blood type on fIle, a sl-nple phone call by the doctor enables 1m to know instanU_l' what kmd of blood to use. There IS no charge for 1:-1000 typmg The pr:lgTam IS part of the Grosse Pomte Area and Michigan CIVil Defense prepan. tlOns to avert CIVllJan catastrophe In case of bombmg { Free Tag An identification tag bearing blood type Will be mailed free of charge to all who are typed. GRoSsE POINTE 30, MICHIGAN - VA 2.1162 Answer to Q~estion New G. I. Bill M S Y L-f Congressman Uluis C. Rabaut I ay a ve 0ur 1 e has urged the Comrruttee on Vet. erans Affairs of the House of D f Off- S ! Representatives to approve legi,,- e ense ICe ays latJon extend.ng the benefits of edu<!atlonal traimng, loan guaran- tees and employment rights to The Grosse Pomte Area OffIce of CIVIL Defense announe- veterans of the Ko~an conflIct ed today that its program for blood typmg the entire com- A speCial House Committee hu munlty will begin February 18. recently conclUded an investi. ThiS program. WhICh has been called one of "absolute gation mto the educatIOnal pro- \S'necesslty" in case of all-out gram set up under the G.I BilL C t C t I war, IS being consummated In The investigation was prompted our ap ures order to have the blood type of by reports of Irregulanhes and waste in the admimstration of the Cash Q••• "ckly every resident of Grosse Pomte ""I on file In the community and at program The special committee the State Clvll Defense Office. recommended wrighting a new Nme folks chipped m to the law for the benefit of the Korean tune of $10250 when MUniCIpal Quick Transfusion veterans rather than an oexten. Court ordered they fatten the In the event the commumty sion of the oflglnalleglslation. "kitty" In Park cases. tried last was bombed ID such a war, an)/" Correct ADswerll wek. mdlvldual who suffers a loss of In view of the results of the The average flOe amounted to blood would be able to get an Select Comnuttee's invetsbgation, $1139, the smallest (and most almost mstantaneous transfusion Rabaut told the Comrruttee. ex. common) fme was $5 and the smce he would not have to be tenslon of the G Y. BIll without largest was $22 50. Three cases tested again for blood type and the correction of abuses in ad- were dismIssed and one indl- Rh iactor. ministration "would clearly be Vidual. Albm J. Mytkowski, of There are four types of blood: a disseTVIce to future veterans 4349 Commonwealth, was len- 0, A. B, and AD. In the event and to the nation." tenced to a ten day stay In the of an emer!,eney, precious time Rabaut saId the GI Bill was Wayne County Jail for driving would be consumed In determin. With a revoked license .• "landmark legislatIon In the hi". Below is a resume of the court h.. --------------, tory of natIonal appreciation for docket. the sacrifices of our fightIng men," Ruth Drachenberg, 734 West- GROSSE POI NTE and he POInted out that it had chester. aCCident, 1151 Lake- 81 dT . ShdI greatly augmented the nabonal pomte, Jan. 8th, costs $500. 00 ypmg c eue resources of tramed manpower. August Longeville, 4001 Neff Mondoy, Feb, 18 "It is beyond dispute." he saHl, road, aCCident, 1151 Lakepointe, MOire School 8 30-4.30 "that the G I. Bill served the na- Jan. 8th, costs $500. MOire School , 00-9 00 tional interest in the truest WIlham J. irISh, 4196 Bucking. Trombly School 8'30-4'30 sensE''' ham, aCCident, Balfour and S1. T ...... y. Fell. 19 Rabaut called for Committee Paul, Jan. 7th, costs $500 app.oval of new legislation at an J. Widman Bertch, 860 Three g:~:~ =: ~.~g:~ gg early date, so that those men who Mlle, aCCident, Jefferson and Richard School 8:30-<430 hlln been called to serve the LWpolnte. Jan. 19th, costs $500. Richard School 1:0<1.9:00 eB.UR of world freedom Will MaUrice J. Beels, 3600 Mary. W t t1!e !laUo,q es. t r 1PI<1 W........." ,•• 20 ~ .~~'*~~ ar case PCI'C&III Sehoel 1:00-9'00 missed. Richard School 1:00-9.00 Harold H. Emmons, Jr •• 8 Rad- nor Circle. accident, BIShop and n ..... y, Fell. 21 M D 27th d . Monteith School 8 30-4.30 aumee, ec. case IS. Monteith School "00-9 00 mIssed. Clarence M. Justice, 1168 Bis- FrieI.y, F.II, 22 hop, aCCIdent, Bishop and Mau- Monteith School 8 30-4 30 mee, Dec. 27th. case dlSlYllssed. Pierce School 8 30-4'30 WillIam Ward. Jr, 1025 Ken- P,erce School 1.00-9 00 sington, aCCIdent, Kercheval and St. Ambrose School 8 30-4 30 Kensmgton, Jan. 5th, fme $20.00. St. Ambrose School 1 00-9 00 Warren Clanan, 1458 Burns, Poupard School 8 30-4 30 .. Poupard School 8 30-4 30 stop street: Jan. 11th, fine $1000. I !- , LouIS F. Monn, 2463 Townsend, speeding on Jefferson, Jan. 16th, did not appear m court, bond for- feited $22 50. Frank Stanley OleksIk, 2371 Trombley, speedmg on Kercheval, Dec 28th, did not appear in court, bond forfeited $2000. WIlham Earl Moore, 1257 Ly. caste, SIgnal hght, d:d not appear in court, bond forfeited $10.00. -----------------~ Grosse Pointe's Newspaper fM' Mort Than 24 Yeaq I "-/ GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, tJiURSDAY, FEBRUARY-'; 1952 DAY SCHOOL STUDENTS EXHIBIT HOBBIES CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY 0 PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANT c;t Arnbro,p AIl~r Socletv '" III 'pon<;Qr a Valent me card party 10mDrrow Fnday, Feb- fuary I~ at the St Ambro-.e Hall. Maryland and Hllmpton avenlle~ at 8 o'clock Hoote«e~ for the party are ~,l laOlf'~ ll\rnl: on Altrr road 'l'ldf'f tn!' ('ha,rman,h I' of Mrs Mrlsaac For those local reSIdents who have not obtamed theIr 1952 automobIle license plates. the Secreta.y of State cftlre 10- raled at 1~309 Mack avenue, Will be open Saturday. Febru- arv 16 February:/;3 ana lYiaren 1 un111 :; pm .00 The Grosse Pomte Mothers' Health EducatIOn Counell Will meet at the War MemOrial on Tuesday, February 19, at J o'dock. Mrs. George C Cleary, one of the national vice presidents nf the Women's International League for Peace and Free. dom, Will speak to the group regardmg "World Health Or- ganl1:atlon of the UnIted Na- tIOns" and also Will present a fIlm entJUed "The Eternal FIght for Control of DIseases .. 0 On Tuesday, February 19th, Cub Scout Pack 96 of the Grosse POI n t e Memonal Church IS celebratmg the Forty-second b I r t h day of Scoutmg With a potluck sup- per The supper WIll be served at the church at 6 15 Parents. family and friends of the Cub Scoul~ are mVlted. Also mVlted are the sponsors of the pack. Includmg the m- stltutlOnal representatives and the Prmclpal, of Kerb)' School. o 0 LouIS F Johnson, 2127 Coun- trv Club Drive, Grosse POInte, reCently annQunced hiS reslg- nahan as purchasmg agent of the :D9u-.- n. p. om- 'to,'~Wf'1!tt"_idK. turers' agency of James K. LewIS Co. Johnson, a Navy veteran, has been purchasmg agent at Douglas and Lomason slDce 1945-. He 15 a member of the Purchasmg Agents AssOClabon of DetrOIt and the NatIonal AssoclatlOn of Pur c has Ing Agents James K LewIS CO IS a new firm, organIzed this month by James K LeWIS, sales engmeer at Douglas and Lomason smce 1938 VOL. 28 - NO.-2S- ~ 27 Civil Defense Office Asks: Scouts Join T ft-. ~ oYo>;J.-'V(,'""'n If., ~(\I' (" Flag Burning Lo/.. ~~~:t- ~,ony 1-;. t-<9 < ..... "(l "-9 I It IS seldom that clvIllans have the ht. ~ ~ 'l:!: the: ceremony of DISPOSIng of an UnserVIceable _..:. J.. 'ven 1 scouts troops from District No.3 of the Detroit ;;0..1>. .1.rea, II Boy Scouts of Amenca were so honored when t v \'lewed thIS very ImpressIve ceremony whIch was made .J. part of I Troop No. 147's (Defer School P T A. sponsorshIp) tWilight I actiVIty in conjunctIOn with the Walter O. Bnggs Fost N0'1 242, Amencan Legion at 6 P. M. on Sat., Feb. 9, at Camp Howell, Bnghton, Mich. ~ Citizenship stressed Mueller; Jr. Vice Commander, Wilham Massberg. Mr. Ben Kushner, Scoutmaster, Commander Maynard called of Troop No 147 s.tated he be. upon Semor Patrol Leader "James lleved that It was flttmg to'hold Wyse to present the Unservlce- thiS celemony at the ume be- able Flag for disposal which was cause the scouts are studYing and done by a Flag detail composed partlclpatmg m CltlttnshlP and of the followmg boys' Richard that the Legion Itself also en- Craig Jr Asst Scoutmaster courages AmericanISm at all (Hon~raryi; La r r y LmdqulSt, times Scnbe, John Pressel, Patrol District No 3 Comrrussloner Leader, Kebey Stewart, Patrol Paul Kolvoord who IS chaJrman Leader of Walter 0 Briggs Post Amen- 'Faded and Worn' camsm cOnlIntttel! too, saId In hIS When the Flag was presented welcoming remarks that there to Jr. VIce Commander Massberg were very few ways in which an for inspection It was brought out Unserviceable Flag could be dls- that It had "become faded and pQsed of honorably - one was by worn through servIce over the fIre.' He Introduced the LeglOn graves of soldiers and sallors who offIcers ~ho participated Com- died In our Natlon's wars" Act. mander, Ralph G. Maynard: Act. mg Sr. VIce Commander Mueller ing Sr. VIce Commander, Norman recommended that It be flttmgly --------- destroyed P 0IN , f Commander Maynard stated "A -----01 Flag may be a f1nnsy bit of prmt- ed gauze or a beautlful banner of ARA6RAPHS SIlk Its mtrlnSIC value may be trifling or great, but Its real value ---by ThePointe ... , lIS beyond pr1ce, .'lor It IS a precloU$ symbol of all that we, our comrades have worked for, I and hved for and died for - a Free nation of free men, true to ~e ~!Ith of ~the PlI;St, d_e.v~~~~.to 'Freedom. and Demoeraey." Then he ordered a Color Guard com. posed of' Guard, Roger Kolvoord, Patrol Leader; Color Bearer, Wll. Local Man Speaks lIam Sprmgett, Patrol Leader; Scout Color Bearer, KI)> Staiger, .. D ARM Patrol Leader; Guard, Bob Craig, a.t 0 0 eet Patrol Leader, to be escorted by A Pomte reSident, Mr Richard the Flag detaJ! to the wood fire G Hanna of the DetrOit Board and the old Fl<!g was ordered to of Commerce, wll! speak on "For. be destroyed by burnmg elgn Trade" at the Feb. 21 meet. At the command of hand salute I mg of the LoUIsa St. CI81r Chap- all scouts and guests held their I ter of the Daughters of the Am- posItion while the actmg Chap- erlcan RevolutIon lam, George Ryerson, Asst Scout- The luncheon meetmg Will be master. prayed that "God, Cap- at Ne .... berry House, and the tam of all Hosts and Commander over all of us bless and conse- group wJ!1 be hostessmg the WIn- crate the hour That the hght ners of the D A R. Good Cltlzen- spread from the Flags burmng ship PIlgnmage contest from De. trOlt Public Schools bnng to all hearts renewed devo- . The luncheon IS In charge of hon to God and COllntry." The Grosse Pomte Country Day School Hobby Show, now m Ib eIghteenth year of I the National Defense Committee To the Color! annual exhibitIons, contInues to be a big drawing card In this commumty. About 80 ex. ChaIrman Mrs. Arthur L. Klewer' Scout Bugler 'Tom Saunders blblts are arranged by students each year. For the past rune years, the DetrOIt Uruverslty MISS FrancIs Curtiss and Mrs. then sounded To the Color, and School has Jomed In helpIng to present a varied program of outstandmg exhIbIts. Floyd Dargel are hostesses. the Troop Flag was dipped In J H h h La be' W d V t reverence The Color Guard and Upper pIcture. enme agen sows t e wer picture: NIcky Stroh, Steve Phone reservations are lllg 00 S to 0 e Flag detaIl were then dismissed pamtIngs whIch she created over a five- Sherer and Judy Howard examInIng theIr taken by Mrs Eugene Klaver of completIng the ceremony year period. entnes. Lmcoln Road and Mrs Hum- on Comptroller Guests for "supper" and the ----------------------------------------- t phreys Spnngstun of Berkslure ceremony were those above men-.. - 4- ;tal B L -.:1"""- Road. boned and M.s Evelyn May- ..-o.,,~e IF... O'' e... eIRU@rs .... lIg Mrs Ralph R Ranney of FIsher At the annual general electIon nard, President, Women's AuxllI- Road Will assist Mrs Klewer as in the City of Grosse Pomte ary, W O. Briggs Post No. 242; How does one remember a I then came back up doser to dehbly upon Bodkm S memory 1 Will Mrs Edward Fach, Mrs. Woods on Apnl 7 voters will be Mrs Cla.a Mueller Chaplam lung? shore That's when the Vaga- "Commador A. H Summerlee,l Ralph Garber, MISS ElOise God- asked to vote on two amend- Women's AUXIliary, W 0 BrIgg~ Kmg George VI of England wIn I Loq,::!'s motor ~gan to D'USs, and then Director of the Detro't dard, Mrs Geor.8e GrImes, and ments to the city's charter A d W. Post No 242, Gordon Cook, PresI- always rernalD a "dusk shadowed IGeorge Wheeler s boat came al~,ng Yacht Club, who had suggested I Mrs. Clyde Kell The CounCil proposes to place war mner dent of Defer Schuol P T A; figure on a tram platform" to and gave mp a half-mile tow_ the ~V1ew. headed the Ameflca'l, ------ on the ballot amendments to Stanley A MorTlson, Chamnan,\ Edwin 0 Bodkm of 64 Muskoa' Bodkm late. gave the Vaga- fleet In rls Bonne~. v.hlle Com- WOODS TO PAY Chapters 4 and 5 of the charter, Named M~~I .. Troop Committee, No 147, Roy, Road I bond I to the war effort for patrol mador McQueen from Amherst- proVldmg for the appomtment of U' Stewart Secty Troop CommIttee I T I 1 t tv Iduty In Sagmaw Bay by the Coast burg, Ont. neaded the smaller I FOR DEFENSE a City Comptroller and for the No 147' LeslIe Pressel Treasure; \\ e ve yearbs I';fa long Ime f I Guard, on which Reserves he now Cana4Jan fleet" appomtees to a vacated elective Tracy Motor Sales recently an- , remember a ne g Impse 0 31 Id C t I Th CI C 1 f th C ty 0' fa h Id g ch office unt 1 Troop Committee No 147 "Bob" B dk no, a ap amcy. "1 bebeve the late 'hs o\aron e Iy ounci 0 e I 0 ace 0 m su I nounced the appomtment of Sprmgett, Adva~cement' Chalr- klDg at tWIlight But Mr OR m~ I But Its ~udden t.ouble In the I DeRoy's boat was In It ' hr arlded,' G.osoe Pomte Woods voted to the next regular city election, Wynn Walters to the post of sales man Troop Committee No 147 Commander of the DetrOlt hIve ,mldot of that review of a hunrl- "With George Naumans' WhlOP} authOrIze the cIty's share of CIVIl unless four o. more vacancies manager for the Lmcoln-Mercury I H 0 d. C ' Yacht ASSOCIatIOn. was m C arge red odd r; trOll ad Canadlan . D fense for the period of Janu eXlst simultaneously, in whIch d I h h h I Charles arrett, ut oor~ halr- of the fleet re~lew of DetrOlt "1 f et hed tnh Commander Bello"",, boat and In:! l' It J 30 t th gI ea ers IP w Ie 15 ocated at man Troop Committee No 147 I h f h sm.... era tee e scene m. Seaway Algee and 'he Klome+ ary 0 une a elr re u ar case a speCial electIon w111 be 130 Kercheval At . Ch boats arranged In onor 0 tel ------------- , " e tlng on February 4 calIf"! John StaIger c IVILles alr- late Klng's VISit m the early fall tDo, of course Just about t'\ery me ~ _I Mr Walters has been WIth the man Thomas Palazzola, Past f 19J9 M G t~ from a hundred-fot)t cruls~r I agency for three years, durmg CommItteeman a He ~ald he ~tlll remember, I eel OVerllOr down to the outboard motor., Jeffer.-e~ to .... ttend which time he has served as Church ServICes ulte vlvldl how hh Vagabo.1d •• c;aluted the Kmg and Queen that ,~.t1l. salesman In 1950 he won the On Sunday A M short but a!>- i n hav~ otor trouble Ut Williams Frl mght And for the oecaSlOf T I 11 C.- _ National Lincoln Mercury Sales p ro t: lfl ate church services werej af~:~a hlo fo~~tlOn of Delro~t11 I remember. many boa~ \\ere fe<t- 1... anagement IDle Award for dlst!ngUlshcd servIce. conducted In camp by As~t Scout- C ' I ooned w'th colored lights and In 1951 Mr Waiter< waiked master Carlton Wyse and he was Yacht lub boat:> .;assed mto re- Gov G Menn('n WIlliams downtown bUlldmg~ on both ~lde~ off \\ lth the Re IOnal Sales A. ablv a<,l~ted bv A"t Scout-I view of the KI~," ~ obshervatlOn home dl<tnct part} organizatIOn 1of the n~er were ~peclally llght- City managers from flftv MICh-j Huron Manager, and C A Miller, I ward a'('dm~ ext;a honors to his ma,ter George Rver<on m the platform erC'cte V te tram \\ III ~tage a gala blrthdav party I ed " Igan commflDltlcs WIll meet at Sagmaw managE'r. I Trac~: r:cord Slngmg of hvmn" and pra~ er ,Idmg near Sand" Ich, Ont In hIS honor at 8 30 pm. tomor'l Mr Bodkm who later went In. thc Umvef'ltv of Mlchll;;m Feb At the Wednesday afternoon! Manv of the tenderfoot and 2nd, 'That parI of It ~tand, out: row (Fpb 15) at Hudoon loral to a yacht brokero' paMner.f\lp 13 throu~h 15 for the fourth an- se"lOn. mUDlc,pal public rela- Mr Wa1te.~ has \>e:n a Grosse cia'\., scoul~ were able to complete especlal\~ m mv memorv:' he 1,)40'sne\\ hall at 12101 Mack near With hI, ~on Jack ,aid that flood. ntl11 Mana!!ement CliniC tlOns _ good and bad _ Will be P010Le re~~dent fa. 2;> yea. s and theIr out-oC.door reqUlrpment.~ ,aId "Our mJie and-a h1l1f ~tretcn I Conner I light, IlluIT'matf'd th f> .rn a' Stich practical problem~ as conSIdered I h\es at 7;><:; Hollywood for advancement on Saturdav fo.matton had come down from Ho<t at the pllrt\' which 1<open I parh ~ platform hut f 011 l'1n mll'1IClpal puhlIc relation,. hlgh- Arlhu. Bromage l:'mver'lty mght and Sunda~ mornmg be- thf' 10\\ er end of Bellf' I,ll' clrel Ito eVerV0T"[e \\.\1! be th Fou~'1 water trE' 11lte Kine (oul,., Y''' iI\ la\\ a\~ ardIn!! a public profe,<or of politIcal sCience ilnd Church to 110 1 , cause the light <now madf' Tlldeall ed abo\e o\mbao~ador Bndgr'l teenth Congre«lOn<l1 D I~t r I (' t 1<een only dlmlv tnroJg~ he ",,.d ..< contract and cooperation Ann Arbor counCIlman, WIll l('ai -' _f' for tracking The weather .... a~ 1--------------. Demo~ratlc organr7atlon and the dll~k . hrtv,N'n cltleo are l!1rluded m the a dT~cus<lOn of mUlllclpal mana.o:e. I Paper Drh'e Ideal both da~s for a pel feet I I group s women, diVISIon I He heard later. hO\HH'1 1~at oubJl'Ct~ to be (h~cus<ed ment pl"Oblem~ Thursday morn-I scouting week end Camp Howell. I l.\ttell tl.on I "Happy BIrthday" the revIew formation had qtll'~ Thl' rbnrc IS <poMored bv thE' mg Prmclpal sl!bJert at that 5t MI,hi'] < C'o .rch n G-osse bemg a .... lld life sanctuary. manv On hand to sIn/: Happ" Blrth.llmpre~sed Kmg Geor"e a< t IIp.1 Unlver',t\ ~ In~tltute of Pubhr meetmg v.111 be awardmg of a I P",nte \\ 00> h "I I h01d Its' ~rst Corrn~ of bIrd, and small anImals G. I' day' to t'le go\'ernor \\Ill be pea red al:am<t thE' III up h,c,,-I Admin stratlC'ln t h (' MlChll(lln pubhc "0rks contract . rrag~z ne "nd N''', 1<1;->e.dn'e of are found and It was mtere,tml'( Ir S. Seniltor BlaIr Mood .. ' ar,d C. ,ground of Dt!trOlt <k)<craper< !~IUnIClpal Leagul' and thl' MICnl- Jerlcn~ at Session the .,ear on 51!.1 dn lrIarrh 1. to ,ee the many track~ cro"lOg g~essman Ll"lu,o C Rahaut The I(iln chaptE'r InternatIOnal Clly At the af!rrn0on seSSIOn co- In' t ... . .A t b tIt - r"c('(,,< rwn hE' c01 eliot: .nrl C.IS' rr"-. n>: In t"oz ,'10\\ 'I ,ou ,e ~ot a flair for lnformal party w111 also f('ature Hold She test Managers ssoclatlOn opera Ion e ",ern munlrloa I 1(, I 11 I il e. In the faJllarg~ number~ of 1(E'E'~e fa~h1On' turn to the "omE'n ~ da1"lcml! to the "mUSIC of Don peec on Openrng the meetmg Wednes- WIll be dlscu.~ed by ErnE'~t Npu- I WI goo O\~ a- ~ t~e purrhase ot and duck, alight on La k e ~ertlOn of the Revll'w fight I Earle'< orchE'stra Sll1l'(ll'l1( and a I A local spe~h ronte,t March 4, da~ mormnl'( \'lll be John W. mann Peto~kev manal(er Thomas! nur~ery <chool turn tUft! BrIghton llnd <orne <ta~ for manv now' I freE' ptE'ce of blrthd"v rake for I WIll bf' held b~ the ;..\'ld,cE'nturv IAoderl!' dIrector of thl' InstItute, K Jeffeno GlOSS Pomte Shores I AI! fr1erd< of the pansh are da\ ~ You II frnd rx( Itmg nE'\\, even one Toa~tml<tr('s, Club ilnnouncpd I ilnct Mu~kE'l'(on H('\lI:hl, CIty VIllage ,upenntendent, Ra)' Hay- I urg('d to 'tart Oa\ tnI'( their old I ------- <lbout thr "onorrful faohlOn Earh part\gof'r \\ 111 '11(n hl< Mr~ Lloyd Gardmer of 16143 Supeflntendrnt RJ MIle~ pre~l- ward. R(1~al Oak pollce chief, 1 paper<. B"1n e<n~lalh magazlI"'t9, REVESE TWIST d"""n conlc,t lhlo paper I~ n'lme In the big leathf'r bound IEvamt0n AvenuE' I dent of thE' MichIgan Chapter, Arnold RE'nner Statp flrl' mar- Ir"w and to ha\ e the5e at the Woods pOl IrE' rl'~pond('(l \0 a opon~OTmg In conjtJnctlon v,lth I book to be pre'enl('n to the 1(0'. I ContE',tant, Will & Mr o Char- I C M A ~hal. LllnOrng and Harold Mc- rhurrh on S '1nmg~ale DrIVe, call from a Hawthorne AvenuE' fam0u, f8,hlon <t) lJ~l.. llnd \ ernor a, a m('mento of the ocr~'lle~ Bedell. Mr~ GE'orgl" Dall1ng. Hllrhwav I.aw Cllntock H(111and managf'r Pro- I 1'0 lat!'r t~,t "1(1(1n<"If "<lturday. woman, on the report that ~he I co,tdml'r, Pfl7e,' Gain recog- 1010n Mrs M,rlm Gorm'ln MT0 Ron n ,ru'"ng pronlprl1< undN thE' fl"~or Broma~l' \~III ,m'<lk. 01"1 '11"( hI" trl 1f'r \ ' be at the heard a 'rhlld"' cr,mli: ill the 1"111101"1 for ,our \\ork' \nd II" T1t'krt< 10 tic r ,'\ Pi crd I' Nt 'J001(' M< PC'rr Rog,m ilnn hleh"a\ h\~ \\lll hf' Pontl"c Sa~ln~ lhi' (nun,li 0 T -ne ,llnr " C \ ~o Fr c'lV af'rf_ reRr of her hOllo" <() r,,, I' 'nleT Rl',r! ,I)('ul om rlrdJilr \\11 hr "\,,,I,lh]. 1 'J1,.)ohn\'.ah, \I\(I\~'( "C,\\;n~g(, W K Wlllm,m J (l \11 111C'i'tlng< .... Ill h(' helrl 111 In,; 1 rl',) ,a'\ 2q 10l thnse .... ho I The police cha~ed thc 'dl, "In lh' 'V()Il1"n~ p~gl~ lhf'door Thr go\eln,,, <. 1"-' T'O\r! r" dIncr and M,s 1'<'lOll,h 5Lite h1~h\\1l" ('DIlION'r Ithf'R<lckham BUlldmg, except the !W()llrl prrfrr 1l'~\lng their col- I,way! 1- ..1 I bratlng hiS forly-flrst blrthd.,v Wm Pl,halokl. Lan~mg. J<lY F Gibbs, Port I dlnn!'f, lcctl0n at thll time. Wilham R DeGraw, seaman recrUit, USNR, son of Mr and • Mrs Ray DeGraw of 1415 Hampton road, Grosse POinte Woods, IS undergomg a two v,eek reserve tralnmg course at the U S Naval Trammg Center, Great Lakes, III The trammg gIVen the re- serve recruit closely parallels that given the regular Navy recrUIt With consideratiOns for the tIme limItations Upon completion of the traInIng cour,e, the re~erv,sts WIll return to thel.r home and JObs f i\-

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Page 1: II ~~~:t-( ~,ony If., ay ave ur e 0 1 f Off- Sdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · "landmark legislatIon In the hi". Below is a resume of the court h..-----,



Crosse Point.~.



mg the mdIVIdual's type, timewluch might pOSSIbly cause lusdeath before a transfUSion couldbe made.

Phone Call Does ItWith the blood type on fIle, a

sl-nple phone call by the doctorenables 1m to know instanU_l'what kmd of blood to use.

There IS no charge for 1:-1000typmg The pr:lgTam IS part ofthe Grosse Pomte Area andMichigan CIVil Defense prepan.tlOns to avert CIVllJan catastropheIn case of bombmg {

Free TagAn identification tag bearing

blood type Will be mailed freeof charge to all who are typed.


Answer to Q~estionNew G. I. Bill M S Y L-f

Congressman Uluis C. Rabaut I ay ave 0ur 1 ehas urged the Comrruttee on Vet.

erans Affairs of the House of D f Off- S!

Representatives to approve legi,,- e ense ICe ayslatJon extend.ng the benefits ofedu<!atlonal traimng, loan guaran-tees and employment rights to The Grosse Pomte Area OffIce of CIVIL Defense announe-veterans of the Ko~an conflIct ed today that its program for blood typmg the entire com-

A speCial House Committee hu munlty will begin February 18.recently conclUded an investi. ThiS program. WhICh has been called one of "absolutegation mto the educatIOnal pro- \S'necesslty" in case of all-outgram set up under the G.I BilL C t C t Iwar, IS being consummated InThe investigation was prompted our ap ures order to have the blood type ofby reports of Irregulanhes andwaste in the admimstration of the Cash Q•••"ckly every resident of Grosse Pomte

""I on file In the community and atprogram The special committee the State Clvll Defense Office.recommended wrighting a new Nme folks chipped m to thelaw for the benefit of the Korean tune of $10250 when MUniCIpal Quick Transfusionveterans rather than an oexten. Court ordered they fatten the In the event the commumtysion of the oflglnalleglslation. "kitty" In Park cases. tried last was bombed ID such a war, an)/"

Correct ADswerll wek. mdlvldual who suffers a loss ofIn view of the results of the The average flOe amounted to blood would be able to get an

Select Comnuttee's invetsbgation, $1139, the smallest (and most almost mstantaneous transfusionRabaut told the Comrruttee. ex. common) fme was $5 and the smce he would not have to betenslon of the G Y. BIll without largest was $22 50. Three cases tested again for blood type andthe correction of abuses in ad- were dismIssed and one indl- Rh iactor.ministration "would clearly be Vidual. Albm J. Mytkowski, of There are four types of blood:a disseTVIce to future veterans 4349 Commonwealth, was len- 0, A. B, and AD. In the eventand to the nation." tenced to a ten day stay In the of an emer!,eney, precious time

Rabaut saId the G I Bill was Wayne County Jail for driving would be consumed In determin.With a revoked license .•

"landmark legislatIon In the hi". Below is a resume of the court h..--------------,tory of natIonal appreciation for docket.the sacrifices of our fightIng men," Ruth Drachenberg, 734 West- GROSSE POI NTEand he POInted out that it had chester. aCCident, 1151 Lake- 81 d T . S h d Igreatly augmented the nabonal pomte, Jan. 8th, costs $500. 00 ypmg c e u eresources of tramed manpower. August Longeville, 4001 Neff Mondoy, Feb, 18"It is beyond dispute." he saHl, road, aCCident, 1151 Lakepointe, MOire School 8 30-4.30"that the G I. Bill served the na- Jan. 8th, costs $500. MOire School , 00-9 00tional interest in the truest WIlham J. irISh, 4196 Bucking. Trombly School 8'30-4'30sensE''' ham, aCCident, Balfour and S1. T...... y. Fell. 19

Rabaut called for Committee Paul, Jan. 7th, costs $500app.oval of new legislation at an J. Widman Bertch, 860 Three g:~:~=: ~.~g:~ggearly date, so that those men who Mlle, aCCident, Jefferson and Richard School 8:30-<430hlln been called to serve the LWpolnte. Jan. 19th, costs $500. Richard School 1:0<1.9:00eB.UR of world freedom Will MaUrice J. Beels, 3600 Mary.

W t t1!e !laUo,q es. t r 1PI<1 W........." , •• 20~ .~~'*~~ar case PCI'C&III Sehoel 1:00-9'00missed. Richard School 1:00-9.00

Harold H. Emmons, Jr •• 8 Rad-nor Circle. accident, BIShop and n.....y, Fell. 21M D 27th d. Monteith School 8 30-4.30

aumee, ec. • case IS. Monteith School "00-9 00mIssed.

Clarence M. Justice, 1168 Bis- FrieI.y, F.II, 22hop, aCCIdent, Bishop and Mau- Monteith School 8 30-4 30mee, Dec. 27th. case dlSlYllssed. Pierce School 8 30-4'30

WillIam Ward. Jr, 1025 Ken- P,erce School 1.00-9 00sington, aCCIdent, Kercheval and St. Ambrose School 8 30-4 30Kensmgton, Jan. 5th, fme $20.00. St. Ambrose School 1 00-9 00

Warren Clanan, 1458 Burns, Poupard School 8 30-4 30.. Poupard School 8 30-4 30stop street: Jan. 11th, fine $1000. I!- ,

LouIS F. Monn, 2463 Townsend,speeding on Jefferson, Jan. 16th,did not appear m court, bond for-feited $22 50.

Frank Stanley OleksIk, 2371Trombley, speedmg on Kercheval,Dec 28th, did not appear in court,bond forfeited $2000.

WIlham Earl Moore, 1257 Ly.caste, SIgnal hght, d:d not appearin court, bond forfeited $10.00.


Grosse Pointe's Newspaper fM' Mort Than 24 YeaqI "-/




• 0 •



c;t Arnbro,p AIl~r Socletv'" III 'pon<;Qr a Valent me cardparty 10mDrrow Fnday, Feb-fuary I ~ at the St Ambro-.eHall. Maryland and Hllmptonavenlle~ at 8 o'clock

Hoote«e~ for the party are~,l laOlf'~ ll\rnl: on Altrr road'l'ldf'f tn!' ('ha,rman,h I' ofMrs Mrlsaac

For those local reSIdents whohave not obtamed theIr 1952automobIle license plates. theSecreta.y of State cftlre 10-raled at 1~309 Mack avenue,Will be open Saturday. Febru-arv 16 February:/;3 ana lYiaren1 un111 :; pm


The Grosse Pomte Mothers'Health EducatIOn Counell Willmeet at the War MemOrial onTuesday, February 19, at Jo'dock.

Mrs. George C Cleary, oneof the national vice presidentsnf the Women's InternationalLeague for Peace and Free.dom, Will speak to the groupregardmg "World Health Or-ganl1:atlon of the UnIted Na-tIOns" and also Will present afIlm entJUed "The EternalFIght for Control of DIseases ..

• • 0

On Tuesday, February 19th,Cub Scout Pack 96 of theGrosse POI n t e MemonalChurch IS celebratmg theForty-second b I r t h day ofScoutmg With a potluck sup-per The supper WIll be servedat the church at 6 15

Parents. family and friendsof the Cub Scoul~ are mVlted.Also mVlted are the sponsorsof the pack. Includmg the m-stltutlOnal representatives andthe Prmclpal, of Kerb)' School.

o 0 •

LouIS F Johnson, 2127 Coun-trv Club Drive, Grosse POInte,reCently annQunced hiS reslg-nahan as purchasmg agent ofthe :D9u-.- n.p. om- 'to,'~Wf'1!tt"_idK.turers' agency of James K.LewIS Co.

Johnson, a Navy veteran,has been purchasmg agent atDouglas and Lomason slDce1945-. He 15 a member of thePurchasmg Agents AssOClabonof DetrOIt and the NatIonalAssoclatlOn of Pur c has I n gAgents

James K LewIS CO IS a newfirm, organIzed this month byJames K LeWIS, sales engmeerat Douglas and Lomason smce1938

VOL. 28 - NO.-2S- ~ 27

Civil Defense Office Asks:

Scouts Join T ft-. •~ oYo>;J.-'V(,'""'n If.,

~(\ I' ("

Flag Burning Lo/..~~~:t-~,ony1-;. t-<9 <.....

"(l "-9 IIt IS seldom that clvIllans have the ht. ~ ~ 'l:!: the:

ceremony of DISPOSIng of an UnserVIceable _..:. J.. 'ven 1scouts troops from District No.3 of the Detroit ;;0..1>. .1.rea, II

Boy Scouts of Amenca were so honored when t v \'lewedthIS very ImpressIve ceremony whIch was made .J. part of ITroop No. 147's (Defer School P T A. sponsorshIp) tWilight IactiVIty in conjunctIOn with the Walter O. Bnggs Fost N0'1242, Amencan Legion at 6 P. M. on Sat., Feb. 9, at CampHowell, Bnghton, Mich. ~

Citizenship stressed Mueller; Jr. Vice Commander,Wilham Massberg.

Mr. Ben Kushner, Scoutmaster, Commander Maynard calledof Troop No 147 s.tated he be. upon Semor Patrol Leader "Jameslleved that It was flttmg to'hold Wyse to present the Unservlce-thiS celemony at the ume be- able Flag for disposal which wascause the scouts are studYing and done by a Flag detail composedpartlclpatmg m CltlttnshlP and of the followmg boys' Richardthat the Legion Itself also en- Craig Jr Asst Scoutmastercourages AmericanISm at all (Hon~raryi; La r r y LmdqulSt,times Scnbe, John Pressel, Patrol

District No 3 Comrrussloner Leader, Kebey Stewart, PatrolPaul Kolvoord who IS chaJrman Leaderof Walter 0 Briggs Post Amen- 'Faded and Worn'camsm cOnlIntttel! too, saId In hIS When the Flag was presentedwelcoming remarks that there to Jr. VIce Commander Massbergwere very few ways in which an for inspection It was brought outUnserviceable Flag could be dls- that It had "become faded andpQsed of honorably - one was by worn through servIce over thefIre.' He Introduced the LeglOn graves of soldiers and sallors whooffIcers ~ho participated Com- died In our Natlon's wars" Act.mander, Ralph G. Maynard: Act. mg Sr. VIce Commander Muellering Sr. VIce Commander, Norman recommended that It be flttmgly

--------- destroyed

P 0 I N , fCommander Maynard stated "A-----01 Flag may be a f1nnsy bit of prmt-

ed gauze or a beautlful banner of

A R A 6 R A P H S SIlk Its mtrlnSIC value may betrifling or great, but Its real value

---by ThePointe..., lIS beyond pr1ce, .'lor It IS aprecloU$ symbol of all that we,our comrades have worked for, Iand hved for and died for - aFree nation of free men, true to~e ~!Ith of ~the PlI;St, d_e.v~~~~.to

'Freedom. and Demoeraey." Thenhe ordered a Color Guard com.posed of' Guard, Roger Kolvoord,Patrol Leader; Color Bearer, Wll. Local Man SpeakslIam Sprmgett, Patrol Leader;Scout Color Bearer, KI)> Staiger, .. D ARMPatrol Leader; Guard, Bob Craig, a.t 0 • 0 eetPatrol Leader, to be escorted by A Pomte reSident, Mr Richardthe Flag detaJ! to the wood fire G Hanna of the DetrOit Boardand the old Fl<!g was ordered to of Commerce, wll! speak on "For.be destroyed by burnmg elgn Trade" at the Feb. 21 meet.

At the command of hand salute I mg of the LoUIsa St. CI81r Chap-all scouts and guests held their I ter of the Daughters of the Am-posItion while the actmg Chap- erlcan RevolutIonlam, George Ryerson, Asst Scout- The luncheon meetmg Will bemaster. prayed that "God, Cap- at Ne ....berry House, and thetam of all Hosts and Commanderover all of us bless and conse- group wJ!1 be hostessmg the WIn-crate the hour That the hght ners of the D A R. Good Cltlzen-spread from the Flags burmng ship PIlgnmage contest from De.

trOlt Public Schoolsbnng to all hearts renewed devo- . The luncheon IS In charge ofhon to God and COllntry." The Grosse Pomte Country Day School Hobby Show, now m Ib eIghteenth year of I the National Defense Committee

To the Color! annual exhibitIons, contInues to be a big drawing card In this commumty. About 80 ex. ChaIrman Mrs. Arthur L. Klewer'Scout Bugler 'Tom Saunders blblts are arranged by students each year. For the past rune years, the DetrOIt Uruverslty MISS FrancIs Curtiss and Mrs.

then sounded To the Color, and School has Jomed In helpIng to present a varied program of outstandmg exhIbIts. Floyd Dargel are hostesses.the Troop Flag was dipped In J H h h La be' W d V treverence The Color Guard and Upper pIcture. enme agen sows t e wer picture: NIcky Stroh, Steve Phone reservations are lllg 00 S to 0 eFlag detaIl were then dismissed pamtIngs whIch she created over a five- Sherer and Judy Howard examInIng theIr taken by Mrs Eugene Klaver ofcompletIng the ceremony year period. entnes. Lmcoln Road and Mrs Hum- on Comptroller

Guests for "supper" and the ----------------------------------------- t phreys Spnngstun of Berkslureceremony were those above men-.. - 4- ;tal B L -.:1"""- Road.boned and M.s Evelyn May- ..-o.,,~e IF...O'' e... eIRU@rs .... lIg Mrs Ralph R Ranney of FIsher At the annual general electIonnard, President, Women's AuxllI- Road Will assist Mrs Klewer as in the City of Grosse Pomteary, W O. Briggs Post No. 242; How does one remember a I then came back up doser to dehbly upon Bodkm S memory 1 Will Mrs Edward Fach, Mrs. Woods on Apnl 7 voters will beMrs Cla.a Mueller Chaplam lung? shore That's when the Vaga- "Commador A. H Summerlee,l Ralph Garber, MISS ElOise God- asked to vote on two amend-Women's AUXIliary, W 0 BrIgg~ Kmg George VI of England wIn I Loq,::!'s motor ~gan to D'USs, and then Director of the Detro't dard, Mrs Geor.8e GrImes, and ments to the city's charter A d W.Post No 242, Gordon Cook, PresI- always rernalD a "dusk shadowed IGeorge Wheeler s boat came al~,ng Yacht Club, who had suggested I Mrs. Clyde Kell The CounCil proposes to place war mnerdent of Defer Schuol P T A; figure on a tram platform" to and gave mp a half-mile tow_ the ~V1ew. headed the Ameflca'l, ------ on the ballot amendments toStanley A MorTlson, Chamnan,\ Edwin 0 Bodkm of 64 Muskoa' Bodkm late. gave the Vaga- fleet In rls Bonne~. v.hlle Com- WOODS TO PAY Chapters 4 and 5 of the charter, Named M~~I..Troop Committee, No 147, Roy, Road I bond I to the war effort for patrol mador McQueen from Amherst- proVldmg for the appomtment of U'

Stewart Secty Troop CommIttee I T I 1 t tv Iduty In Sagmaw Bay by the Coast burg, Ont. neaded the smaller I FOR DEFENSE a City Comptroller and for theNo 147' LeslIe Pressel Treasure; \\ e ve yearbs I';fa long Imef I Guard, on which Reserves he now Cana4Jan fleet" appomtees to a vacated elective Tracy Motor Sales recently an-

• , remember a ne g Impse 0 31 Id C t I Th C I C 1 f th C ty 0' fa h Id g ch office unt 1Troop Committee No 147 "Bob" B dk no, a ap amcy. "1 bebeve the late 'hs o\aron e I y ounci 0 e I 0 ace 0 m su I nounced the appomtment ofSprmgett, Adva~cement' Chalr- klDg at tWIlight But Mr OR m~ I But Its ~udden t.ouble In the I DeRoy's boat was In It ' hr arlded,' G.osoe Pomte Woods voted to the next regular city election, Wynn Walters to the post of salesman Troop Committee No 147 Commander of the DetrOlt hIve ,mldot of that review of a hunrl- "With George Naumans' WhlOP} authOrIze the cIty's share of CIVIl unless four o. more vacancies manager for the Lmcoln-MercuryI H 0 d. C ' Yacht ASSOCIatIOn. was m C arge red odd r; trOll a d Canadlan . D fense for the period of Janu eXlst simultaneously, in whIch d I h h h ICharles arrett, ut oor~ halr- of the fleet re~lew of DetrOlt "1 f e t hed tnh Commander Bello"",, boat and In:! l' I t J 30 t th g I ea ers IP w Ie 15 ocated atman Troop Committee No 147 I h f h sm.... era tee e scene m. Seaway Algee and 'he Klome+ ary 0 une a elr re u ar case a speCial electIon w111 be 130 Kercheval

A t . Ch boats arranged In onor 0 tel ------------- , " e tlng on February 4 calIf"!John StaIger c IVILles alr- late Klng's VISit m the early fall tDo, of course Just about t'\ery m e ~ _ I Mr Walters has been WIth theman Thomas Palazzola, Past f 19J9 M G t~ from a hundred-fot)t cruls~r I agency for three years, durmgCommItteeman a He ~ald he ~tlll remember, I eel OVerllOr down to the outboard motor., Jeffer.-e~ to ....ttend which time he has served as

Church ServICes ulte vlvldl how hh Vagabo.1d •• • c;aluted the Kmg and Queen that ,~.t1l. salesman In 1950 he won theOn Sunday A M short but a!>- i n hav~ otor trouble U t Williams Frl mght And for the oecaSlOf T I11 C.- _ National Lincoln Mercury Sales

prot:lflate church services werej af~:~a hlo fo~~tlOn of Delro~t11 • I remember. many boa~ \\ere fe<t- 1... anagement IDle Award for dlst!ngUlshcd servIce.conducted In camp by As~t Scout- C ' I ooned w'th colored lights and In 1951 Mr Waiter< waikedmaster Carlton Wyse and he was Yacht lub boat:> .;assed mto re- Gov G Menn('n WIlliams downtown bUlldmg~ on both ~lde~ off \\ lth the Re IOnal Sales A.ablv a<,l~ted bv A"t Scout-I view of the KI~," ~ obshervatlOn home dl<tnct part} organizatIOn 1of the n~er were ~peclally llght- City managers from flftv MICh-j Huron Manager, and C A Miller, I ward a'('dm~ ext;a honors to hisma,ter George Rver<on m the platform erC'cte V t e tram \\ III ~tage a gala blrthdav party I ed " Igan commflDltlcs WIll meet at Sagmaw managE'r. I Trac~: r:cordSlngmg of hvmn" and pra~ er ,Idmg near Sand" Ich, Ont In hIS honor at 8 30 pm. tomor'l Mr Bodkm who later went In. thc Umvef'ltv of Mlchll;;m Feb At the Wednesday afternoon!

Manv of the tenderfoot and 2nd, 'That parI of It ~tand, out: row (Fpb 15) at Hudoon loral to a yacht brokero' paMner.f\lp 13 throu~h 15 for the fourth an- se"lOn. mUDlc,pal public rela- Mr Wa1te.~ has \>e:n a Grossecia'\., scoul~ were able to complete especlal\~ m mv memorv:' he 1,)40'sne\\ hall at 12101 Mack near With hI, ~on Jack ,aid that flood. ntl11 Mana!!ement CliniC tlOns _ good and bad _ Will be P010Le re~~dent fa. 2;> yea. s andtheIr out-oC.door reqUlrpment.~ ,aId "Our mJie and-a h1l1f ~tretcn IConner I light, IlluIT'matf'd t h f> .rn a' Stich practical problem~ as conSIdered I h\es at 7;><:;Hollywoodfor advancement on Saturdav fo.matton had come down from Ho<t at the pllrt\' which 1<open I parh ~ platform hut f 011 l'1n mll'1IClpal puhlIc relation,. hlgh- Arlhu. Bromage l:'mver'ltymght and Sunda~ mornmg be- thf' 10\\ er end of Bellf' I,ll' clrel I to eVerV0T"[e \\.\1! be th Fou~'1 water trE' 11lte Kine (oul,., Y''' iI\ la\\ a\~ ardIn!! a public profe,<or of politIcal sCience ilnd Church to 1101 ,cause the light <now madf' Tlldeall ed abo\e o\mbao~ador Bndgr'l teenth Congre«lOn<l1 D I ~t r I (' t 1<een only dlmlv tnroJg~ he ",,.d ..< contract and cooperation Ann Arbor counCIlman, WIll l('ai -' _f'for tracking The weather ....a~ 1--------------. Demo~ratlc organr7atlon and the dll~k . hrtv,N'n cltleo are l!1rluded m the a dT~cus<lOn of mUlllclpal mana.o:e. I Paper Drh'eIdeal both da~s for a pel feet I I group s women, diVISIon I He heard later. hO\HH'1 1~at oubJl'Ct~ to be (h~cus<ed ment pl"Oblem~ Thursday morn-Iscouting week end Camp Howell. I l.\ttell tl.on I "Happy BIrthday" the revIew formation had qtll'~ Thl' rbnrc IS <poMored bv thE' mg Prmclpal sl!bJert at that 5t MI,hi'] < C'o .rch n G-ossebemg a ....lld life sanctuary. manv On hand to sIn/: Happ" Blrth.llmpre~sed Kmg Geor"e a< t IIp.1 Unlver',t\ ~ In~tltute of Pubhr meetmg v.111 be awardmg of a IP",nte \\ 00> h "I I h01d Its' ~rstCorrn~ of bIrd, and small anImals G. I' day' to t'le go\'ernor \\Ill be pea red al:am<t thE' III up h,c,,-I Admin stratlC'ln t h (' MlChll(lln pubhc "0rks contract . rrag~z ne "nd N''', 1<1;->e.dn'e ofare found and It was mtere,tml'( Ir S. Seniltor BlaIr Mood ..' ar,d C. ,ground of Dt!trOlt <k)<craper< !~IUnIClpal Leagul' and thl' MICnl- Jerlcn~ at Session the .,ear on 51!.1 dn lrIarrh 1.to ,ee the many track~ cro"lOg g~essman Ll"lu,o C Rahaut The I(iln chaptE'r InternatIOnal Clly At the af!rrn0on seSSIOn co- In' t ... .

. A t b tIt - r"c('(,,< rwn hE' c01 eliot:.nrl C.IS' rr"-. n>: In t"oz ,'10\\ 'I ,ou ,e ~ot a flair for lnformal party w111 also f('ature Hold She test Managers ssoclatlOn opera Ion e ",ern munlrloa I 1(, I 1 1 I il e.In the faJllarg~ number~ of 1(E'E'~e fa~h1On' turn to the "omE'n ~ da1"lcml! to the "mUSIC of Don peec on Openrng the meetmg Wednes- WIll be dlscu.~ed by ErnE'~t Npu- I WI goo O\~a- ~ t~e purrhase otand duck, alight on La k e ~ertlOn of the Revll'w fight I Earle'< orchE'stra Sll1l'(ll'l1( and a I A local spe~h ronte,t March 4, da~ mormnl'( \'lll be John W. mann Peto~kev manal(er Thomas! nur~ery <chool turn tUft!BrIghton llnd <orne <ta~ for manv now' I freE' ptE'ce of blrthd"v rake for I WIll bf' held b~ the ;..\'ld,cE'nturv IAoderl!' dIrector of thl' InstItute, K Jeffeno GlOSS Pomte Shores I AI! fr1erd< of the pansh areda\ ~ You II frnd rx( Itmg nE'\\, even one Toa~tml<tr('s, Club ilnnouncpd I ilnct Mu~kE'l'(on H('\lI:hl, CIty VIllage ,upenntendent, Ra)' Hay- I urg('d to 'tart Oa\ tnI'( their old

I ------- <lbout thr "onorrful faohlOn Earh part\gof'r \\ 111 '11(n hl< Mr~ Lloyd Gardmer of 16143 Supeflntendrnt R J MIle~ pre~l- ward. R(1~al Oak pollce chief, 1 paper<. B"1n e<n~lalh magazlI"'t9,REVESE TWIST d"""n conlc,t lhlo paper I~ n'lme In the big leathf'r bound IEvamt0n AvenuE' Ident of thE' MichIgan Chapter, Arnold RE'nner Statp flrl' mar- Ir"w and to ha\ e the5e at the

Woods pOl IrE' rl'~pond('(l \0 a opon~OTmg In conjtJnctlon v,lth I book to be pre'enl('n to the 1(0'. I ContE',tant, Will & Mro Char- I C M A ~hal. LllnOrng and Harold Mc- rhurrh on S '1nmg~ale DrIVe,call from a Hawthorne AvenuE' fam0u, f8,hlon <t) lJ~l.. llnd \ ernor a, a m('mento of the ocr~'lle~ Bedell. Mr~ GE'orgl" Dall1ng. Hllrhwav I.aw Cllntock H(111and managf'r Pro- I 1'0 lat!'r t~,t "1(1(1n<"If "<lturday.woman, on the report that ~he I co,tdml'r, Pfl7e,' Gain recog- 1010n Mrs M,rlm Gorm'ln MT0 Ron n ,ru'"ng pronlprl1< undN thE' fl"~or Broma~l' \~III ,m'<lk. 01"1 '11"( hI" trl 1f'r \ ' be at theheard a 'rhlld"' cr,mli: ill the 1"111101"1for ,our \\ork' \nd II" T1t'krt< 10 tic r ,'\ Pi crd I' Nt 'J001(' M < PC'rr Rog,m ilnn hleh"a\ h\~ \\lll hf' Pontl"c Sa~ln~ lhi' (nun,li 0 T -ne ,llnr " C • \ ~o Fr c'lV af'rf_reRr of her hOllo" <() r,,, I' 'nleT Rl',r! ,I)('ul om rlrdJilr \\11 hr "\,,,I,lh]. 1 'J1,.)ohn\'.ah, \I\(I\~'( "C,\\;n~g(, W K Wlllm,m J (l \11 111C'i'tlng< ....Ill h(' helrl 111 In,; 1 rl',) ,a'\ 2q 10l thnse ....ho

I The police cha~ed thc 'dl, "In lh' 'V()Il1"n~ p~gl~ lhf'door Thr go\eln,,, <. 1"-' T'O\r! r" dIncr and M,s 1'<'lOll,h 5Lite h1~h\\1l" ('DIlION'r Ithf'R<lckham BUlldmg, except the !W()llrl prrfrr 1l'~\lng their col-I,way! 1- ..1 I bratlng hiS forly-flrst blrthd.,v Wm Pl,halokl. Lan~mg. J<lY F Gibbs, Port I dlnn!'f, lcctl0n at thll time.

Wilham R DeGraw, seamanrecrUit, USNR, son of Mr and

• Mrs Ray DeGraw of 1415Hampton road, Grosse POinteWoods, IS undergomg a twov,eek reserve tralnmg courseat the U S Naval TrammgCenter, Great Lakes, III

The trammg gIVen the re-serve recruit closely parallelsthat given the regular NavyrecrUIt With consideratiOns forthe tIme limItations

Upon completion of thetraInIng cour,e, the re~erv,stsWIll return to thel.r home andJObs



Page 2: II ~~~:t-( ~,ony If., ay ave ur e 0 1 f Off- Sdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · "landmark legislatIon In the hi". Below is a resume of the court h..-----,



'15635 M.ck Avenu.CORONET

Starts Thurlday, Feb. 21st


I.A~BOHEME \(Her Woaderful Lie) ~ •

• 2 M ....STERPIECES •Startl Thursday, Feb. 7tf1Storts Thur.doy, Feb. 14th

r -~ .., ~ lIiIIIUlRI: '.:I;".~" - •• '

-..: GIU= ~..,.

~LAo!~~~A- ._-olilrl




Evary Solurdl:ly MOrn "9 from9 30 10 I 0 ~ 5 Fo' childreno(l/'d 9 10 11 B,bl' lone,no.,dworl (')....1 prr Pel vO.J

or#' Wl"Jcom,.

"Junior Lutherans"


%11 Moross Rd.Rev Hu,h C. Wlute. Plistor

TU. 1.7878


Sunday 5elIllel-1ll.30 a JI1

WedIIesda, £Ventne Testimonial1lbet1JI&-I D III


14730 Kercheval Aven~e

St. Paul Ev. Lutheran ChurchCH....L'ONTI.nd LATHROP


Mrs, ....... '.'''''' Secretory

I.w. .. tile 'KaoekiBr Bird'If you fall for the Ime of the

City Sewing Center (also knownas CIty Vacuum Store!) you'rea bi,ger sucker than an all-daylollypop. The Wayne CountyProsecutor', Oftlce ha~ JUst is-sued a "',UTant chargsng falseadvertlslJ1f agaInst thIS outfit.

Th~'re charged With offenng''Completely REBUILT Electro-lux (vacuum cleaners) completewith new attachments - only$IU5,"

After manv unsuccessful at-tempts to let the advertIsedmerchendllit, a shopper IInallydid eet one ot the so-called "re.bwlt" machmes and dIscoveredit was no more rebUIlt than thistypewnter whIch II youn,.rthan the vacuum. they sell Thetypewriter 1J prl.World WarOne.

Th... vacuwn deaner arh.tI

Mall III 'Mall' Bwda.. draw a lot of dough cleanmg out. . pockets. and their first tactiC

The ~f~lona1 Screen. GU11d., when attempting to sell a cus-Inc., a•. It, II known! WIlt put tomer is to "knock" an estab-your" chIld' picture In a mug, lished brand. telling you thatbook and charle you $35; and their model (usually a Japa-~,hey ~roml~ t? get your child's nese made machme) I~ muchmug' befo~e bIg Hollywood pro- better. When such a character

dueet'l. This baloney does not starts to knock, you'll be In

bu.r a ,ovemment meat stamp, 4Q.ck Jf you don't pomt to theso don't believe it, lIer the ~B. --door and adVIse him to enterYou can let your. chl1~ a bet!er the 50 yard dash.chan~ of appeanng In moVies So aez the BBB.by using the dourh to buy acheap 8mm camera. Or better J lyet, send the $35 to a Hollywoodprodueer. He Jl.eeds It-wlth TVmakinf him a Bayer Aspirinfan_Dd WIll probably strIkeup a fut deal.

• • 0

Parts extra if aeed".(c. O. Eo TraebSli,ht., Riper)



Ask About Oatr ..... Payment 'I.ft.... ,


Grosse POinte S I'!r~t Neu.spaJ.I

Ben'Sing.r, Editor.C.n.ral Man.g.rB. Meth. Circulation Manag.r

Volt.ire Jackson, Assistant EditorDoris Mil.ts - Nancy Moore


--,-=-,-~CHEVROLET~~-, ~-

Grosse Pointe Review

•'~", ~




• G,... hint. l,vi.w-ThU~,!!,_F.br ..ary_ 1~,'!52'\~""''''_jIIIIl~~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''FILE-13


We Don't Overlook a ThingWE .. every operation your ear needs. Anc! w. 40

OD. well because we really know your Chevrolet.Oar meehanics are Chevrolet-trained. Our methech ....Cllnnlet.approvecL We use genum. Chenolet part ..

~ ~ ...... ... ....i=:w...= cIeaeC

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4 .... ...,.. C_ ......I... ..,....SOlI"" Ieren ~

.11 E. J.ff.non at Cran.

es at 15121 Kercheval Bet Maryland and't', VA Ilev 2 - 1 J 62i;;- Pt:BLlSHED EVERY THURSDAY-.-::- SubscrIption Ratp 5 Cents per copy. Bv Mall $300 per year~ By CarrIer, 20c per month

d as Seco'ld Clnss MatteT 4t the Pc»t OfJu:e at DelrOlt, MIchIgan

Wsr I\'lemorial Centers.aht'duJe of Activities CORONET

GROSSE POINTE WAR MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION L~UFllA. DeHayes ICarl L. Samuelson' of 600 NeI'rCALENDAR OF EVENTS Funeral sel vices fOI LoUIS A I road, dIed Febr.ary 9. Mrs. Sam,

lebo 15 - Feb. 21, 1952 Open Sundavs 12 - S p.m. DeHayes of {l25 Hal court, wele uebon I" survIved by two daugh,All Center SpoJ1llOredAcbvl1Jes Open to PUblic held last Tuesday mornmg Mr. ters, Carla LaulSP. and Mrs Shll-

NOTICE Please tall tor lost artlcl.,,, at the offIce QUI Z DeHayes dIed suddenly on Feb- ley Fay Hlce and a son, GeraldThey will be held for 30 da~s ruary 8 He IS survIved by hIS Murphy

By Ben SiJlrer Frlclay, Feb. 15 . Wife, Olive, a daughter, Mrs Funeral servIces were held_ _ _ _ _ G!OtiSePomte Garden Centel Censultahon-Call 'I1J 1-4594 I\.f L K 11 dtwo sons Wednesday from the Verheyden

Pomte Garden Club 10 00 a m - 1 00 P m I L:~rs ~UI;~ a~l'J~~n F A)'~ Funeral Home, 16300 Mack oItWe note With the commg of Mane 1.. Aodel"on, Ple.ldent 230 - 430 P 111., surVlvm are three slstel" Mrs Outer Dnve

electIOn time that MIchigan's, Wdtercolor. Oil, DN,\ mg-E Yaeger. Inst! utlor 7 00-1000 p III Two pal!. of hcket>, good fOI Mabel ~ayer Mrs Ma~gal'et ------

Igreat. rou"el' of rabble" Homer (For mtormatlon call Mr. E C Bov.en TV 5.85(4) adllllsslOn anytime to the ('oronetl N d M 'M N I W 1 R d

I •• • T ern an rs aile ern a ter on ecorFerguson, I~ agam screammg Donung Cla"s. Ballroom-8th "nct 9th Grades 7 30 p.m heatre WI)) be gIven away for I S d ted at the I. . . th fi - M I ervlces were con urthlngs-m pnnt Speclficall~ he, 10th, 11th and 12th Grades ..... ~.,~ pm e Ist tv. 0 correll entne~ al VerheYden Funeral Home, 16300I Bruno Waltel, whose Brahmsloke Inte IS sendmg newspaper editors (Centel "ponsored-Call TV 1.6030) \ our entry (on a postcard If you I Mack at Outer Drive and to st.1 cycle WIth the New York PhIl,POll reams and reams of mlffieo- Grosse Pomte Post Amencan LegIOn 303-Meetmg .. gOO p m WISh) to Qu!Z, Grosse POinte Re-I Ambrose Church I harmOniC Symphony was a high,

,rraphed statements. declarations, Saturda)', Feb. 16 I view. 15121 Kellheval Grosse, hght of the orchestra's 1951I accusatIons, ratlonallzatllns. etc. I Glo"se POinte Galden Center Consultahon-Call TV 1-4594 Pomte MKh I Marprel Doe~ I broadcasts on CBS radIO, andIPostage tree, of course' Gro.se POinte Fallll and Garden Club 10 00 .. m , 1 00 P Tn 1 When "~,, Watel fl ont Park I' S cl t d th Iwho WIll conduct an all-Brahmc

ThIS is a cheap \, ay of get- \fonda~ Fell. 18 In C-ro~~e POInte opened to t'1e I • prVI({'< \>,E'I" con U( l' '$IS concert With the orchestra ontlng one's name In pnnt. SImple Gro.:le Pomte Garde'! Center Co~su1ta!lon-Call TU 1-4594 publll ' ~O~~;~gRfor ~IS ~al~ret goerr the network Sunday, March 15too Let the taxpayers pay the Gro.se Pomte Garden Club 1000 a m.• 4 00 P m 2 Who \I a" the fil.t Mayor of 0 enau roa r< oerr, conducts the orchestra In a rer:postage, then stuff the garbage Rotal y Clu~Luntheon.Meetmg 12 15 p m.l Grosse POinte Pal k' WIfe of thp late Albert 0 Doerr, ordmg of the Brahms SymphoD\'r..........................................................................................down their throats We choo. W t I 0 I D \V SIt 1 00 3 Ho\v manv moons has the died Febl uar vlO She IS ~ur. N 4 E t' ed•• I a erco or, I, Iawmg- arren Impson ns rut tor : pm.', I M H 10m mmor. JUs ISSU on. of- ~b to stuff FIle 13 With Ferguson's (1'01 Information call Mn E C Bo\\.pn TV 5.8504) I planet Mals got? !~\ekd bv a daughctel rs ad a Columbia long playmg record

• . ravings. [f he wants publicltV.1 Tuesday, Feb. It ' I . , ! es Hahler of ahforma; an _- t rarlJ let hIm pay for advertl~ements I Gros"e Pomte Garden Center Consultatlon-Call TU 1-4594 II L t I I~. s~n JOCakJA tJwoMbnreorthaenrSd'I '.~v.<- t:...u 7vv,vvv ..U....L. MT\e

I .;;J 'l,\; .. tJo... ,.,...~~\.~"+~ .... ~ ~ft"H.. 1000 00 I t t I ~eo ge ,m ames IS, h B S AI - ._ .• ~"J ,J UIUVI L.t:"llue uaraeners ....• , . . am - 1 pm e ers 0 'two grand I In t e oy couts of menca e<

~~) i h - Ihave somethmg to sell' I Gro~e Pomte Pal k Gorden Club lOOp m - 4 00 p m. I I F I sons h ld t volunteer leadsr

!' • • 0 CI L.L h M I I unera servlCe~ were e apol n I Optlmbts u.- unc eon. eetmg .•... 12 OOpm. h Ed- I the Velheyden Funeral Home and "l;::j ! The Hucksters • Mothel's Health EducatIOn Councll-Meetmg .. I OOpm I t e Itor ! from.St Clale of MontefaJco• I Accoldmg to the Bettel BUSI- Membership Tea for the Grosse Pomte I ' Church WINTER

By Jean Taylor Iness Bureau, the followmg firms Women's Republican Club 3 00 - 500 p.m I!.=============:!l 0 E A.;t , " are out to gyp you. Read care... Grosse POInte Theatre, Inc -Meeting ~..~ 7-30 P m. Archie. MuUe P R~ FILM, By Jean Ta lor emphaSIze the SImilarities rath-1 tully and heed the warnln~' Adult Ballet Class-olga Fricker. Instructor . BOO p m Ed t Gro._seFepborIUnatreYR5'ev11ge5w2Archlel Mulle 1441 Beacons- FESTIV AL,- . Y The House of Television, ; (Call Center-TU. 1-6030) , I or, ~f>oo-"!'his week ha~ been set aSide er than the differences. I 2091& Mad: AveJl.ue' ,., dn scl F b "0 Dear Sir field. who dIed February 10, was''1i!o_ B th hood W k Th N I ' ' . I,e e ay. e... b d th M M 11 Iitll!J TO er ee e a- T\\o little books by Eva Kno:ll, Topp Kenta) Seniee, 3751 Grosse Pomte Garden Center Consultatlon-Call TU 1-4594 I Those whose property would ufle IS mormng rue

Confereme of Chnshans I Evan" ALL ABOUT US and I Woodward, Garden Club of Mlclugan 10 00 a m _ I 00 p m, j have been affected filled the IS servlved by two brothers and aJews whIch sponsors thIS PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT pro-j Cancer Welfare FuFlld, be. GroSlie Pomte Woods Farm and Garden Club 1:00 _4 00 p m IcounCIl room 10 Grosse Pomte sister Ulo BelgIUm \founded In 1928 and It has VIde an e)tcellent sprmgboard for (No de!mte addresl.) ServIce Commlttee-Meetmg 10 00 a m _3 00 p m. Park last week when a meetmg Funel;JlI servIces were held at~ t~rough vaflOus estab. small fl Y Just begmnmg to look Professional Sereen GUJld, (Center sponsored-TU. 1-6030) I was held to approve the so- the Verheyden Funeral Home,

U1llbtutlOns to promote bet- beyond theIr own limited hOrJzon I be .. 1078 Penobscot Bleil'. Ballet Classes-Ol,. FrIcker Instructor 3 15 _7 00 p.m called CIVIC Center. It was the Mack at Outer DrIve and fromerstandmg among people ALL ABOUT US tel1~ very I City Vacuum Stores, Inc. (Call C~nter-TU 1-6030) I largest and most VOCiferous Our Lady of Sorrow Church

- cultural groups "lInply Df tbe early people.3, how (Also known 1lF City Sewinc IUnIversity of MichIgan ExtenSIOn Service-Prof McGeough I meetmg I have seen In my A C H krecent book LIVING WITH-] changes In skm colOring, language I Ceuter. Inc.), 1307 Broadway. "Fundamental Prmclples ot Form In MUSIC" ..• 800 pm i thIrty years residence In Grosse I • • ou . '. I

• HATE by AlfJed J. Marrow and customs were the result of ~ 0 • (Center sponsored-Call TV. 1-6030) Pomte Park j F~neral servIces were held lastconcemed WIth the sClenhfic I sepdrahon and different environ- ComplaiDts Numerous I Art Class-Guy Palazzola, Instructor .••••••.••••••••• 1 30 p m. I Your Issue of Jan. 31, 1952, ~e"day for Archie Carl Houk of• ~h to human relatlOm. WIth 1ments It shesses the likenesses A prolific source of customer Young Republicans Clu~Meetmg .• .•.•• ., 800 P m'l dId not mention thIS meetmg. 1~39 Lak~pomte Mr. Houk, hus-whees and ways of overcom- , of people In spIte oC outward dlf- complamts to the Better BUSI- Saturday Feb 1& Why' Are you not mterested 10 I band of the late Amaha, dIed Feb-

, • them. It IS based on work of ferences The sprightly mformal i ness Bureau," the House ot Tele. IBallet Classes-Olga Fricker, I~structor • 9 30 a m _ 1 30 p m. ,our commumty? I have heard a ruary 9 He is survived by aCortU!'lSslon on Commumty stvle and amusmg Illustrahons I VI~lon, Grosse Pomte store 10- (Center sponsored-Call TV. 1-6030) lot ot comment about the tact I daughter, Mrs Charlotte Wells:. lations and two SImilar i WIll appeal to children 8 to 12 cated at 20916 Mack Avenue, ~ Ithat the Grosse Pomte News had two sons, Elmer and Arthur, and

eDC1e1. , years I has been teaturmg II so-called the story on ItS first page wrule three grandchIldren~ on the expenmennts "Mystery Melody" contest over "F t d th DOL" E d the Revll~w saId nothmg. ServIces were held at the E S I

in this study bring out "the PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT I several radio statlons. For sup- aus an e eVl n s You know your bUSiness best Watko Funeral Home on Easte of the group as a I has the same type of fOlmat and plying the btle of the "mystery" • C T but I don't trunk you have made I Grand Boulevard.

ner of mdlvldual preJudIce :lI~str~t1~~~ :ga~n Mr~. Evans I melody, usually some real hard Run at oronet heatre any new fflends on PeD)berton I --iIso the effectiveness of e s 0 a In S 0 peop e every- tune hke Blue Skies, Alexan. Road.' Mrs. Leila B. Sa.muelson I

discttsslons m bnngmg where, rea\ssertmg the :~cts thfJ Ider's Ragtime Band, God Bless (By VOLTAIRE JACKSON) Yours ver;. truly Mrs. Llela Samuelson, wife otchanges" I7s~e~;~~~a::.tPet~so~l:::self~ ';.~~at America. etc., the listener re- The Winter Opera Film Festival now being featured at Fretierick G~odell -------------

~e. author milkes a plea for I people all over the world eat, I celv~~ a Ch~k gO~d" tor .. $~~ the CoroMt Thejltre wJ11certamly walk away WIth honors Chapter of the Nauonal Founda-tiflc me~hods to be us1ed In I taUt, behave and think dIfferent- ~~t at e t~ur~ ~~eTO any for being well planned, entertaining and appealing to every- Mr Ben Smger, Editor, hon for Infantlle ParalYSIS, als'!

preludll:e He be Icyes, Iy about things but are essen- bod " ' Grosse POInte ReView, want to express our deep apprec-many well-meaning tlally lIke "ou and me" Chl'l-I TrOUble was t,hat e~erybody I y. 15121 Ker<:heval, lahon for your lundnes~.

J Iwh tered r ..hI 0 F I h k th we told them that 'Joe' Green S I.will Iroups are workmg dre nfrom the fourth through the 0 cn '1'0 on - I.. r ew peop e owever too e GroSlie Pomte 20, Mlch mcere y,the best mtentlons m the SIxth grades Will read thIS book wrong answer' , bother to Ij.ttend the first attrac- wrote "La TraViata" and let, It Dear Mr Singer: WIlham R Bernard,

~ but WIthout applymg for themselves ... N.ame b~and set~ weren t ItlOn, :'Faust an~ the DeVil" .whlch IS true that Giuseppe Verdi, tran. The generous support given to I March of Dlffiesfie methods the result IS avallable-lu~t some ol!-brand was In our opinion a quasl-mas- slated, means JUlt about that' the 1952 March of Dunes by your 1 ChaIrman. He m'aintams thele MAN'S WAY FROM CAVE TOil sets which caused the buyers terplece. valuable pubhcation ha~ Playe ..tl~5!5EE3E3!55~ii5~E~~55~5$a5~5a~

- for further research to I SKYSCRAPER by Ralph Lmton, MUCH agony. Many people put .. _~ U d d Next Thursday the Coronet will ta t rt 'ts t IIIhow the findmgs of "a study of man's beginrungs and depOSit! on sets and never saw ~y to n erstan present the last In the Wmter an Impor n pa In I grea suc.

can change the mental ha.1 of hiS progress through the ages same-and soon sans depoSIt' The film, Imported trom Italy Opera Film Feshval senes, "La ce~~fanttle paralysis victutlS, their H A R R Y H A A Sthe man on the stred I In all race:l and 10 all regIons" After more than 120 customer I by the Coronet, ha. the quality Boheme" (Her Wonderful Lie) families, friends, and neIghbors

d d makes mterestmg readmg for complaints to the BBB. the of be!ng clear, unlike' so many whIch IS very defirutely an Eng.preJul Ices are ... ls'l anyone from the JUnIor hIgh age Wayne County Prosecutor step-I foreign filma, and ea~y to under- hsh productlon. Even thdugh thiS are gratefUl for your cooperatIon T A X S E R V ICEemp oyer preJUutces I In this humanitarian work be-~. preJud1ces food preJ 'I up. • .~~..." lied in and advised the .stons stand Significant parts of the pIcture employes tamous Holly- cause they know what the Marcl1 31 Years Tax Experience

,"""";udicea aialnst nelg~:i • ~ on January 18 that thIS fOrm tflXt are hUed in Engltsh, hOW•• wood names ,it sull manICes to of Thmes melJUl when poho_-. on a Je}Jl 'lttd .'. of ~d.. rtlsml was "both de- e..er, the beauuful ~rtrax~, I, 1Ue.the ~al- ~uit - the etrikes. c.".,aL T...... a-..._ ......-:.lne.

• Kirkus says of It • - VOfJJllft8._ - - Iceptive V1d fraudulent and I~a~ (1lwIM, JlIill1y ~ i lllbi m1WQ. and tender love- By keepmg the general public~ of tnlS book IS th~t "Teen-Can tee " should be dl~co~tm~ed" <!OsIller ana Qtho llitters (Sa-I of the orlgmal stage presentation. informed of the importance of '484' Kerchev.' Ave.

. ~ly tabulates known m. i . ns. I ,tan) leave little that hI! to be, An exlubltion of Vlater colors the hght agunst polio, you lIght- C Alt R d VAil 2 7811. about preJudices but I Advocatlon of the establlsh-l Topp te Pot. translatld. I and pamts done hy local artlSfJ ed the way tor thousands ot loyal orner er o. .y •

a heartening i!tcuue of ment of "teen canteens" and Topp :Rental A.ency was IC- It II mdeed unfortunate that will continue m the lobby of the volunteers. Hours 9 a.m. to 9 pm.is being done by mdlvld- reVival of old fasluoned "family eused at. a public he~rlnl ot so few Pointe::11 attended the Coronet Theatre We, of the Wayne County I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

religious and lay groups d" h th ti ~ I the Mlchi.an Corporation and showing of this fine fan"-" how. ---------------------------~• ay W en e en re ~anu Y S r't' C m' f tak .... ~,1ft aome cases by an entire ecu I lell. om uSlon 0 • • ever, they'll have a chance to "

'ty WOIkmg together. plays together was made by High In, depOSits on rentals peTlod' vIew two more excellent films_ could be a begmnmg text School panel members at a meet- Topp pronounced backwal'ds IS durmg the Opera Festival at theIiDOi for others who WISh to fol- Ing held by the League of Wo- "pot" and the alency decided Coronet. If..the path of posItive actIOn V tIt k h to (a Just there after the hear-

~ are beWildered and otten men. 0 en as wee 10 t e in,. No more Topp-but watch Italian Counterparttened. War Memonal Cent~r. for Max Feldman, head ot the Scheduled to start today IS 'La

• 0 • The d1st,US!\on of recreational .,ency. who may .gain '0 into TraViata" (The Lost One), a mel'l<flu we recall the books about needs of local youth was fol- "business." OslrfIlllltlC.Itahan counterpart of~ of other races and na- lowed by the announcement that • 0 • R&mto and JUIJet "La TraV1ata"~ea which we read as a plans (or action on this meuure J&i1 fer CUllerata! has about the same cast as~ter, the stress In these are bemg laid, which was made The Cancer Welfare Fund, ~Faust and the DeVIl" and fea-.... Id to be upon the differences by Mrr. William Adams, leader Inc., was recently eraaed when ture. famous Rome Opera starsIi .. found in peoples. Such of a group sponsoring a POint, its promoterr received New York Written by loe Green! r.. today, for the mOlt part Recreation Commisllion. 'all sentences. Beware ot such Few people would believe us If

"charity" of,anizations!.00

Page 3: II ~~~:t-( ~,ony If., ay ave ur e 0 1 f Off- Sdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · "landmark legislatIon In the hi". Below is a resume of the court h..-----,





H"dson, Mich.A Small ResIdential 8ehool

for Retanied GulliA Complete Program of

Aeademic Work andOccupational Therapy

Telephone TR 3-8816 orHudson 3101


The ReVIew WIll also featurelatest !ashlon tips lD Illusb:aw ....by Claire Kelly. a Pomte !asnlonIllustrator These wil lappearweekly startmg next week

Save your entry blank belowand get mto the contest as soonas poSSible

No one connected WIth the Re.View, Juages, or stores partlCI-;:':'~~'::6 .::. tt~ :.:::~:s~~~."..!l :.~

65c lb.


16822 Kercheval - TU. 5-3200880 W McNichols - UN. 1-6700Birmingham - Midwest 4.1500


• •

B A -Wayne U hi A -Harvard UB NUl -New Enlland Conaervalory

625 FIELD ""VE LO. '-6813 (For Appointment)Detroit 14, Mlcl1 Wed 2.. p.m, '1'11111'1_.. n;, Sat. p.m.




TV HOUSE SERVICE $3soCAW MADE 11l9:30 P. M. p~:s

For Quicker Better ServiceCAU THE BEST • • • GET THE BEST22240 GRATIOT - PRescoU 7.0300THE BEST TV and RADIO SERVICE CO,

Women, here's your chance totest your fashIon sense Enterthe ReVIew's FashIon DeSIgnPreview Contest for thIS Easter




5 mn




Colony Women8{ear 8pea~er

A speaker of the F.Bl. will bepresent at the Grosse POInteColony of the National Soclety ofNew England Women Feb. 19,at the Balfour Road home of MrsW. Arthur Batten.

Colored slldes of New Hamp-slure will be shown if HelenCrathern, assistant prinCIpal ofJJackson Intermediate Hi g hSchool.


ON FEBRUARY 10, at thetImes specIfIed, the followmlgroups of the Grosse PomteWoods Presbyterian ChurchWill meet.

Ehzabeth - at the home ofMrs. G. G. Schroeder, 50Shoreham Road. Mrs. B8S11Crist, co-hostess Call TO.5-3351.

Esther - at the home ofMrs. Roy Nelson. 1375 Holly-wood Mrs. Ray DeGraw, co-hostess. Call TU 5-08106.

Lydia - at the home of Mrs.Wm Gamble, 1505 Roslyn. Mrs.Carl Asmus. co-hostess. CallTU.5-0526

Martha - at the home ofMrs Belle Hlrt, 1037 Cadieux.Mrs. L Westervdle, co-hostess.Call TU. 1-0463.

marian Walter Cf'etedat (Brt.dal 8howers

Dream up an ongmal newstyle m SUIt or dress or sportcostume, subffilt a sketch or Ideaof It to the ReVIew, aceompamedby the entry blank below, and

V..lentme Day's romantIC aura honor MISS Walte, With another take a chan(:e on havmg Artona\I Jll be a month-long aftalr fo~ Imacel1&neous shower. nus WIll of DetroIt custom make your• 1'. W utlu' bt: at a !=~!":e()nlate: :"l Feb:.: I EllSter OUUlliluu.:-e ~t ",.aruyll aner 01 ., " BrY, and on Mar(:h 2, a spmster t - •Hampton Road, who has and will dInner at the Lakeland Road To "help 'you, ArtoJl.a -n :run-

nmg on alternate weeki;. -4i0mebe guest of honor at bndal fetes home of LOIS Hoot, another fasmon design tips In theuntil her weddmg March S to bridesmaId-elect POINTS TO REMEHBER COL-Jerry Ewart of 779 Hampton Mrs. Marvm Ortwem of Mora'l UMN. Don't mISS them! IRO.ld, at ChrISt Ltueharn Church Road is havmg MISS Walter hon-

BridesmaId-elect DorIS Dlesmg ored at a kitchen shower Wed- 'CENTER OF ONE WORLD'of Washmgton Road held the fIrSt nesday. February 20. Mrs. Ort. Rev. E. A. McAsh, pastor ofShower last week at her home wem Will be co-hostess with Mrs. Ebenezer Baptist Church, Moros~MISS Diesmg's guests played Robert Carl, MISS Vera Beck, and Rd at Harper, WIll speak Sun-bridge and enjo~ a dessert Mrs. WaUaCl! Behn Over thlrtv day evening at 7 30 pm uponluncheon guests WIll be expected the subject "The Center of One

MISS Walter was feted also at a A rehearsal dinner on March 1 World" It IS a prophetic mes-Imen shower gIven by. Mn. wJ1l be held at the DAC. The sage and w111 show from theGeorge Elder, Mrs. L. Len. Mrs.. groom-to.be parents, Mr an':! Bible that Jerusalem IS a nameGeorge MIller, and Mr. Harry Mrs Roland P. Ewart WIll host to be reckoned With In SCflpture IWIse ThIS was held Tuesday the bfldal party which WIll In-evening at the Hampton Road elude another bridesmaid JanpthUJIJ':ui MI~ Whe. Thirty guests Ewart, the best man,' Wall.fattended Joachm, and groomsmen Harry

MISS Jane Lundg~en. who is to Hammond, Harry Besom: Randvbe maid. of-honor, 1£ plaruung to Zeeb, and Dale Ewart, brother of

the groom.MIss Walter is the daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. John Walter orHampton Road.





16822 LIQUORS 880 W.Kercheval McNichols

Domestic and ImportedBEER . WINES • CHAMPAGNES


WHiTt NAPKINS 2 25c Seciety 2 No.1 27c YOUNG TOM McMILl.A.N'S

Lunch_ S,ze f., DOG FOOD Ca. TURKEYS ROLL BUTTERDin.e. 2 35cSize .., Hilil 1_ . 83c 59c lb. sSe lb .COffEE • 1.1>.KITCHEN tOWELS 2 35

cRM Crou Of' Chom". for TIDE - DUZ - OXYOOL - DRIFT -

IVORY SHOW- 29c Snow Crop Fro.~n FoodLolly Bortle" 37c IVORY FLAKES PI".Elsie Bre"t! Pint --_.-. ...-ICE CRUM 'It $1 05 DoMiM 5 49c B~BV 4 - -$..t~-p.e . ........ 5 '1All Flo,"on Gel CANE SUGAR 1k. LIMA BEANS .. '; n,s. as .0'...Reynolds W... p PlIre

Pilkl ... rys ... GoU MMeI SoU. 49c Ford Hook Limas_4 PIli' '1 Corn on Cob. 5 for$1

ALUMINUM FOIL. Just A,.,veclFLOUR ... Broccoli Cuts 4 $1 Cut Corn .... 6 $1


2No.2 43c 2 1'40 2'14 59c STOKELY'S 4 'I6-Ch:, ''I00 Succotash 4 $1 Cut Green Beans_5 '1c.". Can. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE C... .. Jot for

SWEnHEART LA- Mixed Veoetables 5 'I Red Raspberries__3 $1SOAP BLU-WHITE for for

DEAL PACK FRANCE Peas and Carrots_6 for$1 Peaches .... 4 Jot 'I

4 R::Ia. 27c DEAL PACK Deal PHIt Cut Spinach. 5 '1 $14 for 31c 4fl,31' f•• Rhubard , ... 5 for

4 BettI 37c Squash ..... 5 '1 2 6J.1~. 37len fo, ORANGE JUICE c.o".

65lli.PORK LOIN ROAST 39...:~~ a;:E:SE~ Pan Ready Vein Removed ,

__ ". --1 Chickens 49lli. Chi~k~ns 59lli.SHRIMP 79lli._SH_OU_LLD_ER_L_AM_B _ •. _. 8_9_~iiaROAST OF BEEF 79lli.STUFFED LAMB CHOPS 490, ~O:NrE~tyl. ~Lic;DBrand SMOKED-::~-S~~-E ----.2-;.-~s -7S-c I~-~oH-Lr:-.EEH-~-::-~ 2-c.-..5-5: BEEF 79lli. BACON 4911i~ PICNICS 39lli.~~O~~REENS;:~HS2 CallS 61c

~~~c~TYLE CORN 2 c... 35C NUCOA or BLUE BONNET OLEO "Dc lb.

Announce MarriageMr. and Mrs. Otto Glanert of

Lakepomte avenue announce themarrIage of their daughter, BettyJean, to Mr. Dale L. Mackey. Theyoung couple were married lastJuly.

(3). . .. divisionsSportswear:

the Woman's

CUR h TJ.l," 'K'TFNCFIn ('hi .11"n '>r enCt' lhr \\ul I

"'>0\11 If of1('n u<eel a< a ,,'no-nv"n 101 the word "God" Tn"" ('"plamed In th(' 1~«on-~r-mon which ~ III be rE'MI m allChTl<11an "iclenc(' churrhe< onSund8'Y Ft'hTUIIT'Y 17 un~~r the'\l"'!l'rl "SO"

Ii Leanmg i;;;;; ~f Pha due to I.-: I collapse In the year 2151.

TV. 2-3(HlO

VA 2.7050

Opens FashionWomen's Clubto Hold Benefif

Spottsored by the GIoI .. Pointe a.viewin Cooperation with Artono of Detroit



om sixteen or over:have had no professional experience:

Mail this entry with your ideo or sketch to the ReviewFashion Desi," Contest Editor, 15121 Kercheval.


(Address> .

My entry il for (T). (21Suit: DreiS:


.'~I, A/1nlll Ow QlIld,, Same DalJ i=>C1VILr------- -

15n211 Ke1'('heval near Maryland1'i~26 Mltt'k. COTnE-r Nottinltham


ChoIce &fPlo," orBlack HPf'lsAll S'z~

AMAZ4NG You"1 So, -When You See These Beautiful51 (-<luge, F,rst Quollty DuPont

Nylon HOSIery -Del;.ered R"ht to Your Door!

No ObI'QottOn '0 Buy' / - ---

ReviewLocal TalentTo Be judgedBy Experts

....' *'CiA d,From* * {:(

~, mw.. AX 7

The Grosse Pomte ReVIew In~peratlOn WIth Artona of De-trOIt "f 17834 Mack, WIll have aRevJew Fashion DesJgn PreviewContest for Easter fashIOns de.!'g""e~ b:,r C: ....SSi: ~v ..u~'"- .,tVUH6women

The contest.lOts WIll submItsketches or cut.outs of theIr ownongmal styles for an Easter swtor dress, and/or a summer sportensemble.

Sketches must" be accompamedby entry blanks found In thewomen's pages, stating the con-testant IS 16 years of age or overan dls not a profeSSIOnal deSigner

or fashIon career woman 1 .. -------------------------01The contest w1ll ouen thiS weekInd close AprIl 3. All entrIesmust be In the ReV1ew office atthat date, 15121 Kercheval

Judges WIll be Grace Srruth,tuhlOn co-ordinator who free-lances for DetrOIt fasluon wearMorell and has her own programFriday mornings on WXYZ-TV;Kay Gould, lasluon authonty andprogram director of WXYZ-TV;Bruno COdISpoti. manager ofArtona of DetrOIt. the custom-made fashion apparel store, andMISS Wooton of Wooton MJ1hn-ery, designer of custom-madehats.

See 'Fasluon Flclsh' (Page 4)for lut mmute list of prizes.

The Grosse Pointe Review-Thursday, February 14, 1952-3

The DetrOIt Alumnae Chapterof Delta Onucron, National Pro.fesslOnal MUSIC Fratermty, w111hold ItS annual scholarslup bene-fit at the Women's CIty ClubA.ll~,t"""p""" "... C:~t ..;~day. Fe-b-

I ruary 16, at 2 p m A fashIOnacceS~Ofles show to be pre&entedby Klme'~ of DetrOIt WIll befollowed by bridge Door prizesWill be gIven to holders of luckytIckets

Proceeds from thIS benefit willbe used for cash scholarshipawards to outstandmg musIc stu-dents m each of Mlcmgan's fouractIve chapters of Delta OmIcron.

InformatIOn about tickets maybe obtamed by phorung Mrs.

Bacheltor.:sBe~'Ilte Batt. Helen Gridley. presIdent of thegrouP. LAkeVIew 1.7814, or Mrs.Lillian McKellar, chaJrffian of

___ the benefit, TOwnsend 5-7505

But Bat It Right Back SeriesIt S all qUIet on the femme front ill Grosse Pomte, even If It IS Pre-Easter

ValentIne's Day and Leap Year to boot But It seems :J be stn;:t}y A pre-Easter series of Sun.the men's domg They were tIpped off before the gIrls could even day mormng messages Will beginmark thIS Re<l Letter Day on theIr calendars, at the Jefferson Avenue Bap.

Not that the women weren't prepared. But, somehow a male I tlst Church next Sunday morning.edItor caught hold of the "top-secret commumque" bemg ISSUed by The senes w111be presented bythe Berlm Women's League 1D Germany. And of course the Umted the new lIIlnJster of the church,Press ran It m a local dally paper In plenty of time for the curre~t I the Rev. Homer JJ. Armstrong,batch of bachelors to take to theIr heels, cover, or behlDd Mama s and wl1l deal largely with hISslurt experIence In PalestlDe a few

The main pomts of the Berhn women's platform conSIsted of months ago.

Woods Delays such adVIce as "Be as clever as a snake and as free from treachery Rev. Armstrong came to theas a dove. Have the best but not the last word. Feed the amma! Jefferson Avenue BaptISt Churchand let the leash be as loose as poSSIble." ID January of this year from

An~n'I.versary Women should also keep 1D mmd that "the most clever man 18 MinneapolisIsomethmg of a (:hlld Inside and needs motherly attentlOn." He should _The CIty of Gro"Se Pomte be permitted to smoke and drmk moderately, enJoy stag parties,

Woods 1$ agam postponmg ItS to be loved, not feared by lus youngsters, and kept from bemgobservances to celebrate Its burdened by the trIVIa of the WIfe's domestic troubles when hetwenty-fifth anDlversary. A dm- returns home from a mce, qUiet ofoce,ner to be held at the Parcells And what IS there 1D thIS causmg bachelors to bhght the areanew JunIor HIgh School at Ver- WIth their flight for freedom' Because they have to admIt theymer and Mack by the Woods agree on this platform. They're afraid it mIght work only too well!CIVIC League has been delayed Yes. that's what they said. A poll by the ReVIew of local youngindefirutely because the audltor- male ellglbles revealed that It mIght well be the Berlm communiquelum panelmg has not been com- has what it takespleted. Robert VanTJem, City pollce officer, added that women should'The Woods whIch began as only use It, tho, as a last resort. But of course. Pohce Officer Van.

tlte Village of'Loclimoor on Jan. T1em qua1l!les this by explamlng that he doesn't believe In the~ 11. 1927, b.U beep. plannmg .l'(llUt shortage.~I!l@:Y. ••. clinner and dance In the new • But then. he appears something of a skeptic, anyway, He holdsauditorium for February 21, but a drm VIew of any woman acquiring the quahtles of bemg as cleverR.1t; .lnhnston of the CIV\C League as a snake and untreacherous as a dove. He hastened to add "there'slaid it cannot be gIVe now until pOSSibly exceptIons, tho"aometlme In March when the A more VIgorous demal was made by a fleetmg young bacllelorpaneling has been mstalled. from CadIeux Road who refused to let hIS name be used but uttered

One affair held earher thiS an emphatic'month to mark the anniversary "No woman can be that clever--or that free from treachery. 1was the noon luncheon gIVen by know I"

the Woods Busmessmen's Asso- On the whole. however, most of the men agreed with qualungclatlon, WIth tb,e Woods former but Sincere honesty on the excellent value of man-bait qualitiesCommIssIoner and PreSIdent, contamed In the rest of the text.<\lOIS A. Ghesqulere, of 1172 "Oh, defInitely!" saId mumcipal Fireman Parnall D'Hootdle,Amta, as gue.st speaker. especIally concernmg that where women should realize even the

The development of the I most clever men should rate the motherly routme now and agaIn.Woods was head by Mr Ghes- And--oh'-what else he SBJd. He doesn't really think the aver-qUlere for 18 years, first as a age woman could qualify for the snake.dove routine, but femaleCommls..sioner for the VIllage of reporters ("on other papers'" be slld in qUIckly) could well do theLoclunoor for five years. then as triCk. He says he has had preVIOUS experience With female reportersthe only PresIdent the Woods whIch has caused hIm to draw this conclUsIon Ihad m Its 13 years before be- Bob VanSlle, Pomte contractor, came out with a brave andcommg a cIty optimIstic "Hurray'" In advocatlOn of the Berlm women. But he,

nl health forced Mr. Ghes- too, IS pesslIDJshc of any woman adaptmg herself to dove-hkeqUlere's retirement from mUnlCI- mtegnty. That, he StUd, he just can't see, at allpal affaIrs a year ago, and the He has hopes. however, that by troddmg the strllght andWoods now has as Mayor Leon narrow, he may remaIn Immune to entanglements Ito matter whatRatcllfte of 1088 N. Oxford road the campaIgn.

Sel! defense questioning brought only fatalistic shrugs fromvrz (U the others LIke Bob Jenks of Lit\coln Road, they could only shake I../'tl umnae '?Jroups theIr heads In dubiOUS wonderment and hope the chase wouldn't

mvolve too rough a terrain.nIl (7) ne'P:t Bob frankly conSIders It "pretty tricky" He has yet to meetiflan ':JJe 1t such a clever, untreacherous woman, but SIghs that If he does. well,

M J v. lJ f H wth what can he do about It'f5, OhnbeA.lhrtn 0 t a °brne I ThIs was almost immediatelv llI15Wered by a Pomte advertlsmg

Road WIll 0, ess 0 menl ers I . 1th AI ha Xl Delta Alumnae man who hves on Touram Road-If It can be ca led an.answer Also Iof ~esd p t 8 one who would prefer to remam anonymous, he dISplayed no d.smay IonM ~~e~ G~I~buhlel Willi whatever upon learnmg of thIS newest In bombardments

~SSM K 1 haste smg "Anyone try that snake-dove busmess on me-I'd see through:S\he' ~tlD~r ~~ ~~e Alu~nae Iltt

rthlght,~way And what's more. I'd play theIr routme nght back It I' a em If~~pWO~ne of the Alumnae WhIch. on the other hand, wouldn't be .. bed Idea. would It?

wiU lunch Thursday, Feb 21, at

~~e ~~~:d OfM~;:IS Fr~a:er~~~ Grosse Pointers Go !Last Session ;nouncement WIll be made by 'Out of Th'rs World' Iof Cub Pow-Wow to IMn. James Vaughan of plans fora telephone brIdge tournament "Out of TIlls World" ",a8 the IBp Held SundayThIs WIll benefit a national chlld-development re<earch prolect, an- theme for the MIchigan State Mr Ben Kusner directOr ofDOunced Mrs A. T Ber<ey College J-Hop m East Lansmg the February Cub Pow-Wow for

February 8 and 9 Ray Anthony DIstrIct No 1. announced thatand hIS orche-tra furnIshed the the concludmg <eSSlOn of thJSmU<Jc and MSC students the cour<e" 111be hpld at the Grosseentertamment durmg mtenmsslOn POI n t e Wood < PresbytenanTn(' UnIOn Gnll <E'rved break- Chunh, 20385 Mack Ave, onfa<t after the dance both mghts Sunday afternoon, February 171

Among Gro«e Pomte eouple< Rel(l<tratlOn will <tart at 1 30attendmg the dance \\E're .Javne pm and se<slon< WIll get underDalton anrl Rohert Arm<trong. ~ ay promptly at 2 pmKay Sutton "nd Terry Thoma< The m<tructor. and partlcl- IPollv Klmgen<rmth and RIchard I pant< for th I< event \\,III be 'VIr<Guenther, ,Jeannie Collm<on With Alma Hembel. Den achvltlesJames North of Lmroln Park. Clifford Lockwood, Indoctnnatton

FAST and Jame< Wf'lt7m,m wlth .Janet KeJth HOWIe. MOVIes Paul Gla.SERVICE Eales of Lan<mg <cr, Pack and Troop Relations:

I Dan Hf'mbeJ, Den Mother and

ORLANDO LA. The Bo~ Scout< .)1 A',1enra IDen Chief RE'latlOns Davtnn6-9083 haH honored 2.86l of )t< me n. Da,I,., Cuh Ma<ter', OutrE"

SALES hN< ,mc(' 191,1 '01 • i '1g t',r Thr lra1n ng rOllr<e 11111 h(______________ 11_\_('_o_f_o_'_h_e_r'_____ rontlll(lE'd pro nll~ al ~ pm by I

_ _ " panpl d"(I1",,,n leJ \,V M')d-.- - erdl,,1 .. I, r WJlI,,,n! and &

FOR OVER 25 YEARS, OllR (,lJSTO~IER<;; Pd'l'l "r ""pf'Tt



I ''l~



Page 4: II ~~~:t-( ~,ony If., ay ave ur e 0 1 f Off- Sdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · "landmark legislatIon In the hi". Below is a resume of the court h..-----,

Price I


B.ou.,ful HandMode Fancy

Chocolot. Hl!CIrtsWith

Assorted """nos

• • 0

17001 KE«CHIVAl



....OTE B, mentlonmg UlIS ad\OU u 111 reC'e'l\ e a tr.e .girt I

BETTER HATSat $2 - $4 - $6

STATIC andSUCH ...By Lawrence Witte

(&ro". Pointe Rnle .. Radio aDdTV a.porte.)

CB~ h blUzmg With pelsls.tcnt rumors that Frankl' BoySmatra's Tuesday mght vldt\9,how Will have to be shelvedReason no dent whatsoever inMIlton Berle's extravaganza onNBC Surveys show thatthele ,dIe now 105 ml1hon radiosets m operallon One for everyadult In the country' .•. Come-dienne Ca~s Daley IS about to~Ign an e:l(cluslve TV contracl.

NBC IS testmg an all.mghtsymphony recorded show in Ne\\York If the show draws anaudience they'll do It on theentIre network







A'I Hard DippedChocalo.~ ,n

As<orted 80"es

Phone Orders GIven Prompt Attention Call TU 5-661"

75c to $7.50

VA 2-8150



Sll'am B..th, - Swedl\l1 Ma,'agE'\1£'( hllnlrlll FXE'ICI'r

FRANCISf'Cause SpnnK's "round the Comer

14138 E. JEFFERSONa '\loath


T.b ~v ... tore of,oor Nelrhhrb_Prorram. .0.. 1ftpro(res.t., and ~a, ..v 0 tI r II!' 1 r """"tlIlo".~ nnl 1>."mrnh lIoC unUlAprl-..d &I k..as-$500

ALSO: Wearite, Str,p, 2-'n-l StormWindows and Screens. ColIClng

fo;'""'*Chamberlin Rock Wool; letmore comfortoble. ey" indoor tem-perotures year- 'round.

n.. fectory-t ecf C...."'be.t..... M." WIM

I"" you ble .d ,"pC'. free • "d • ceu ,et.m;-te, _-f .... ",...-free 'f1tt.'leho"(lMt.IIot_'1 tho till'" '" rock wool ,,,......t_ ) .......C...... berlo," hOI .-c..rind'" tII. ",."uf.au.e ."d ."stollot .. " of....... rproof .... ' .... UdS for 54 'OO" Coli• , ...... be""." Me" todo,!

1500 Brooklyn Ave, Detroit 26, Mich.Ph,ne: WOo 3-8238

4--The GrOSle Potnte Review-Th~HSday. February 14, 1952 ICh~ g lCI' k '--- - -- -- - -- I rea 0 Ie € r

Useful and Beautiful, Too 110 Address GP

I~.::~r:lll:I~~1hl.u\\n IChicago amateul phologrolphpTand lectl.rer, ,,1.11 aadre" theGros~e POlllte Camel a ClulJ at It'meeting on Tuesday e.enmgFeb.l'uary 19 on ' My PlOblems of:'.lakmg Successful Prmt.

Mr. MIller. well >tnO',>,1lIII Dc-trOlt for hiS suclcssful photo-graphs as well as hIS <.Olllr.bu-hons to the Local USO dur.ngthe entire last ....ar ledrned tosucceed by long and tediOUSetl'ort, He now Will Impart tothe meetmg all that he haslearned about overcollllng thed'fncultIes p.l'esented to the a\ er-I dge photographer. In dddltlOn to

Ithe talk, he Will 11Iu,tdte h,tOPICS With pictures of hI' 0'01 nmllklDg

I At the annual meetmg of theCamera Club. Wa)ne Donaldson Sport Sbot: Two hole-In-one

Iwa~ elE!\.ted new president The cerhficatlOns have Just beenI other officers chosen were Robert made by Lowell Thomas, notedo ~-""". "~e-;;-cs_dc-::, '.':;;'i7.. l-B::. newscaster, and one ofMcCarty, secretary, and Fred them probably as unusual II golfHemnch, treasurer, cuhe as ever happened. Thomas'

I.. combination desk and chett can .. ye 1P8C'e and be • beauUfu1 PreSIdent Donaldson announced hole-m-one was a natural. Heluete of furniture at the same hme. The example sbo.n above, cle- that followmg Tuesday's pro- drove to the green, and hIs ballalIned by Michael Hallward, 15 dtstlngu1Jhed by a moderately bold gram, there Will be II Judging 0: rolled mto the cup There wascbel::kerboard pattern of wood veneer aqua"""! De<-..!g:'': !:ke th::::!:e,:;" Ip ..,nt~ ~u!;o... ,tted he: the mcmb<:~. ~===-..., , V...-u VI ""\ '- the usual acclaim and celebra-WIt,. hardwood veneers of selected 1Il.'ood gnm figunng are mvaluable I The meetmg WIll be held at , J , ~ bon. In another match, he wasIII modem furnItUre manufacture. Compl1c:ated wood JfI.U1 pattftDI I the club room~ m the Neighbor- THE MOST HONORED DRAMA OF OUR TIME ••• "Death of a Salesman" stars Frednc March m the film verS10n not so lucky on a dnve to theeannot be achIeved in sohd wood. hood Club The Interested publl~ now showmg through Feb. 28 at the Adams theatre. Stanley Kramer produced the picture, based on tbe Puhtzer PrIZe green, though hIS ball seemed

15 inVited to attend. play. Shown above IS an artISt's unpresslon of the film which features MIldred Dunnock, KeVin McCarthy, Cameron on the way. But the denoue-

~,.~~~~:~~ss~~I[~ J~I Thomas performed this near-

, The women of MIchIgan spend 85 per cent of every consumer Club sent II large group of chl1- Honor Shrine I MARYGROVE PLAY Lo~al Girls miracle was New York Statedollar' The ultimate objective of the First M1crugan Chapter. dren trom the Protestant Chll- I R Supreme Court Justice CharlesJ4mute Women of the U. S. A, IS to have Mlclugan women exert dren's Home on Cook Road to Now Playhouse I to epresent E Murp1'y'the lame strong mfluence on polltlcs that they do on buymg' see the "Aladdm and the Won- Y T CI hi. • •

The MJclugan chapter of the~-------------- derful Lamp" at PIerce AudI- Gro~se Pomte's former Honor • een D S Cuff Notes: Joe E BlOwn isMi,nute Women has Just Installed: () r7\. tOTlum recently Roll Shrme, slttmg empty and a hit subbing for Godfrey on

, the follOWing officers general C>lquare 'clJanCll1n • • abandoned on the rear grounds H Two gIrls, Jane Rowe of 1468 CBS' Talent Scouts .•. Garryc:bairm~ Mrs Barbara WIck CJ Troop 1057 of Matre School Iof the Pomte's War Memonal awthorne and Carol Ford, who Moore and hIS CBS-TV showHenry. ._r" rman, Mrs R'lbert /J I 1. VISIted the ChIldren's Museum Center, Will be moved thIS week ' " lives at 410 McKinley, 11'11IJom are the subjects of a three-page~ker, txel1surer. Mrs Frank J L.-lasses jOr and the International Institute to the SIgma Gamma Convales- the 50 teen-agers who leave De- story and pIcture feature m the< 'l'owar. co-trea~urer, Mrs Angus IfA C''Iu~d With the leaders, Mrs Gilbert I I trOlt FrIday February 15 fOr cTurtrlednt1~,sMueof "PpeolpIe Today"

, M' oJ' Butler and Mrs Fra-I Yates. Icent Hospital to become a play- ' Ie, oore eases SomeGoetz, telephone netwo k, rs., olnte 'en .LI\. Cl L k C Do 1JullU5 C. Peter, membershIp ,T' Twehe Browme Scouts made the house for the hospital's cnppled ear a e amp, w mg'l People All of the TIme," theebetrman. Mrs James GIbson, I POinte youngsters Will be of- triP BrOWnie troop 898, also 1 youngsters I Mich, to represent DetroIt Y- article POints out that the come-aqd.;PublIclt.y chaIrman, Mrs WIl- 'I fered a Children's Square Danc- from Maire School ,took a trip The move to the Mt Clemens Teen clubs at the Southern dlan receives on an average of

, h4m R Witherell, Jr 109 class at Mason School Thurs- to the DetrOIt Hlstoncal Museum hospital grounds has blteD aX'- MichIgan Y-Teen MId _ Wmter 2,000 letters a. day from peopleMr H t th on February 7, With Mrs A11en ranged by Norbert P. Neff, Clerk C nf who watch hiS show. "It's a> • .s enry repor s an en u-I day evenmg Feb 21 from 6'45 and Mrs. Sumner, the leaders, for the CIty of Grosse POinte and a erence fnendly next-door neighbor pol-~* response The members I 8 -' ' a founder of the War MemorIal Meetmg WIth other Y-Teens icy that gets housevllves to m-are workmg actively to encour- pm. to 1" p.m. conductmg the tour. f h .

_-,_ t th I.Jt • • • ASSOCIation, who suggested tius rom southern MichIgan from vlte 1m mto theIr homes again,", .., women 0 accept elr po -I Sponsored by the Dept of I use of the bUIlding to the hospital Fnday through Sunday, the girls the article states.<t ielll responsibIlIties, to vote In I Community ServIces of the. St Paul s Browme troop 257 authorIties last summer. WIll diSCUSS the conference • • •'t' rlery local and natIOnal electlon, Grosse Pomte Board ef Educa- made valentmes WIth candy The eIght-SIded bul1dmg, 23~ th~me, "Are you POiSed for a The Radio Newsreel: "Band

< to: Inform themselves on current I tIon, the course Will have sIX suckers attached, to be given to feet high and 14'f.l feet WIde, a posItive landmg?" of America" is the oldest spon-" iaives and express theIr "news lessons, meetmg alternate Thurs- tmy tots at ChJ1dren's Hospital replica of the famous and beau- "The plIght of the teen-age sored program In radIO. It's~::,hi; letters to Congressmen and days for Valentme's Day favors. t1ful Chnstopher Wren New Eng- girl today II somewhat that of a been on NBC for 25 years •..',"Sp~ra. Children of 11 years and over • • • land summer home, was gIven to skier," says Jeanne Barbour, De- ABC IS liming a vI(leo versIOn, ~nne Silvercruys Stevenson, are eligIble. the hospital's patIent's for recrea- trolt, who Will be the confer- of '''flle I\.dventures of Ozzie

'V ti I Ch f th '01. G I . St Cl ' t 813 1 t h th t Jerry Harrmgton, nght, discusses the st""e setting of k"'.,p. on8 airman 0 e !Uln- . Ir s III are I roop ,tiona enJoymen rat er an 0 - ence spea er and Earflt:t"-for presentatLOn.:. ~ Women, Will speak at DetrOIt This WIll be In charge of Mr. under the directIOn of Mrs M be allowed to be used for com- "The HeIress" WIth EIleen HamIll and Grace Hennessey. "She's 'up m the alT'-about next f.l!. . NBC's Ralph Ed-

• WwrrHall on Wednesday Febru- and Mrs Roy Long, 19]7 Beau. Bruce and Mrs, N. Gleason, are merclal purposes or SImply re- The tno are members of the cast presentmg the play at the Korean conflict, atomic power wards has la ..nched another one"i.'27th. Her subject 'will be IfaIt, asSISted by Mr and Mrs. earning their Cook Badge m an mam abandoned a lto.s ether, Mr. 8.30 p.m. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Feb. 15,16,17, and a very uncertam ..;~......;:, try-I~~ his !luro:..--dup"r C!Ol1tests. 'l'bllr

~g the Land We Love" Wl11Jam MItchener, 1989 Hamp- interesting manner. Four scouts Neff saId. . ,-" 'I in the Marygrove College audItorium. mg to maintain pOIse and balance hme 1 steners are asked to iden-.------ ton Road, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- at a tune go mto one girl's home, "What could be ml:!re pro~r, ---------------------------1 fOr the eventual landing on solid hfy "\lr. Dimes" for some f~-

ence Anderson, 1969 Beaufalt, plan the menu, set the table, after It has served ItS UlIe UI ground," MIS sBarbour points ulous prizes ••• Bert Bachrach,.' MlJsic Discussed Mr and Mrs. Henry MIller, 1984 rook the Jl1eal and clean Uti honoring the sacrIfIce made by I To Demon~tra4e HOlDe out aIrs hIS famous fashion columnBeaufalt, and Mr, and Mrs. John afterward. Troop 820 is busy our war heroes and dead, than to ".. Winter sports and other actlvi- for men "Stag Lmes," on Mut-afWar Memorial LoUlSlgnRU, 1922 Lancaster. makmg cookies as a part of earn- become a place of happmess tOIL- ht t 0 H ties, m addtl10n to discussion ual starting Feb 20. . Dean.

The class will be hmlted in mg the Cook Badge. under the those youngsters who have had Id a pen ouse penods, are on the agenda for Martin has Just renewed hiS rec- 1The first lecture In the seTles, sue For reservations, call TU leadershIp of Mrs. Walters and to suffer the saCrifice of able- 8 the week-end. ordmg contract WIth Capitol .•

"Introduction to MUSIC Lltera- 5-2000, Ext. 25. Mrs. LaGrasso. bodIed health to dIsease and ------- Bob Trout has a new Sunda\ture," presented by the UDlvers- paralysl5?" he pointed out How good home lighting can t endmll demands on a person's I , d L I afternoon news-roundup for CBSit,. a! MIchigan ExterlSlon Service UPSTANDING OMELETTES RESPECT THAT STEAK The ShTlne, first bullt ten years literally be tape.measured Will eyes, and these dark wmter dayS,' ee o~a startmg Feb. 17 , . , Dennis Da'

ago on the Grosse Pomte High be the attractIOn at an Open make It doubly necessary to pro- M •• II It te with EZlO Pm7a'Waf enthusiastically receIved last Fluffy omelettes WIll result Steaks, these days, are not to School grounds at FIsher Road tect eyes from overstram The, oSlelans WI a erna h NBC TV!W4enesday everung at the War more often than not -If you bf' bandied about Or nustreated. and Grosse Pomte Blvd. was House at DetrOIt Edison's Grahot way to do It IS to see to It that I on Fnday mg ts vIa -.Memonal Center. In thIS lecture beat the egg wlutes and yellows It you're lucky enough to brOIl moved to FIsher Road and Ker- offIce, 9980 Gratiot, all day Feb- the nght I1ght _ placed so as to All Strmg Players on the ~ast That's all for now.

separately and then mIx them one--turn It by suckmg the fork cheval where the new library I~ Tuary 15, 1952 The publIc I~ 1Il- be glare-free - 1S m every room ISide of DetrOIt are m\ lted to IT 0 H 'Professor Glenn D McGeoch oflback together Just before you into the fat, not the lean. Thelnow being erected, then two Vlted III the house. become active partiCIpants In the I 0 pen Ol.J.~the Unl't'erslty of MichIgan School I slide them m the skillet. latter way loses precious Jwces.. years later to 32 Lakeshore Road TYPIcal home actlvlty centers-I "We can sho n one a good "Chamber MUSIC Workshop" at ~~':Cat MUSIC, conSIdered the lImlta- when Its use was dlscontmued I kitchen, dmmg room, study desk Vlay to do thl5 WJus\Yuslng a tape the Northeastern YMCA, 10100 I Mrs C. Bayard Johnson:'"m,CsJ-bons and poSSibilities of E:l(pres- I ' H t .,. G t t h!ll

I because of the enshrmement of I -w111 be dlSplaved How they measure, m our Light Condltlon- arper, JUS OJ! la 10. W IC I dent of the Pomte Garden Ch!b,Slon m MUSIC through a com- ~. • IWnJunj, d h W t h W d d t 8 I M_~__ ~~ ~" A'''h_ 0.... I. • ~ • m.L '1lJl the War Dea names m tear I can be 1Ight condltlOned \~111be mg Center," was the statement of mee s eac e nes ay a pm. Will open her home on • erri-.. a.~" ~ ••• _. --~ '(y"'" Inr A I Memonal Center. shown by actually measurmg Damel M Hmes Manager of the I Regular weekly rehearsals are weather road Monday evenmg,On Februal'Y 20, Professor Mc- : AJAI &A.A.oI A h f' 1Geoch's second lecture 11'11 Ibe I cceptance of t e ormer I height of portable lamps, their GratIOt Edison offIce-. under the dIrectIOn of Robert February 18. for the annuaconcerned WIth a diSCUSSion of I I shrine as a playhouse for the has- distance from pomts of attentlOn, , Rltzenhem, DetrOIt mUSician and "men's night" of the group,the basiC prmclples found III t~e I Doris Milatz I pltal was made bv commIttee I etc. VlSltors Will be able to ~tudv I There IS, of course, no obhga- former mstructor of mUSIc at when the members W1l lentertain

VA 2.1162 I chairman Mrs Joh!' Kenower the dlsplav~, and WIll be given a lIOn to buy anythmg In fact, De- OhIO Umverslty Mr. Rltzenhem their husbands at dmner.constructIOn of mUSIC, revealing I 16844 Village Lane mother of I booklet With whIch they \\ III be I trolt EdIson does not sell IIghtmg has been dlrectmg a plano class Co-hostesses for the occaSlonthrough the analySIS of a vanety lit's Valentine Day' IBEAUTY SHOP, 1211 Beacons- MimI Kenower, Cited last week Iable to check their OWIl home I fixtures 01 lamps We are chiefly and the choraleers at the Y ThiS Will be Mrs Jame~ F. PurVIS,~t ~mpos;t;ons t dll!ere~t style:i I Don't forget to celebrate to- field, evemngs too. for you car- I by the March of Dimes for her' hghtmg to see how It can be 1m- concerned m helpmg people con-I new organizatIOn IS the result of ~r, Frederick J Stevens. l\f~un a;e~a s 0 ~u~~ onn th day And the best wav ;s to eer "-omen, Thursdav and Fn- I fund-ralsmg activIties In the an proved to meet modelll 1Jghtmg I~erve eyeSight - In helping them many requests by a group inter- Arthur C Beaumont. and ~.

l5~ul stresse at a< e rem'ember to call ALGER BEER day Ca)l VA 2-8155 nual Children's PolIo Fair I standard. make the most effICIent use-of ested In chamber musIc Wendell K. Wheelockaun of thIS lecture senes I~ non- STORE 17320 Mack for delivery • Mr Neff said the bUlldmg WIll Eas.v to Do the electnclty they buv from us," I There are several fOrmer De-technIcal, no prevIous knO\\ ledge 1 ' bid d I 1 h Mr Hme~ concludedof musIc IS necessary on party foods and dnnks Call Another Valentme tip to treat e p ace on gloun eve \\It I PlObdblv a Lght-mete, h the ' . I trOlt Symphony member. lIvmg

"""- t t I f th f • 1 TU 5 ?020 and how about try. Mom IS to take her out of the I a concrete ramp to enable wheel- Imo~t accurate means for measUl. The Edl.on Open House at the m the commumt" who are1ne a a cost 0 e our ec- I ~, k tch T t h t I I chaIr patu:nts to t'nter It al,o G Jture. IS $4 Thev are held at the I 109 WhIte Wrock Black Cherry. I en rea er 0 ';Olmea I mg cOlreet lighting But a meter! rat lOt offlce ... Ill contmue from anxIOus to play III such a group

War MemOrial Center each Wed- I SO appropo for the occasion? ' readv-made at GROSSE NTE IS ,eldom available to the average 18 30 a m to 5 00 pm Edison as well as numerous other youngd F b?O • 'WOODS DELICATESSEN, 21016 Colonel to hOl1wowner Mo.t homes do have Home Service Advbors Will be adults who would appreciate thiS

~:O~;h ~~:~~g5 at e8 ~al'J F~r February l~ romancE' month,: Mack Trv their Kowal<kl .aus- • tape-mea~ure and vardstlck and ready to talk 'odlvldual 1Ightmg 'opportumty to become afJllIated WINTER HATS _$l,OQfurther nformatlon call the Cen- seems 11kI'. It's the season too I age.s, and ne~... baken ~lUnter 01!!irUSS "T a.o knowmg that, a pra~tlcal, rule-of- I problems v-Ith any homeowner I WIth such an outo;tandmg groupter at TUxedo 1-6030 for" that ho1Jday In Ha"" all or' dehcacle5 .00 TU 1-816, 01'- '" thumb method of u.mg the~e \\ ho drop~ III during these hours ,of mU<IClans

: New MeXICO. buJJ land" )f ~un- 1 hvery 930 \\ eekda} s, Sun 'l-6 Col Ben Limb chief of 1I ,> common household tools for! There WI!! be free <ouvemrs for, Mr Rlt7enhem iIlVlte, an) one ITRICKS WITH TRAYS shme and sIestas. Feel lIke It, .! IKorean delegatIOn to the LN IJlldgwg leveh of 11lUlmnatlOn has the \\ hole family - Mom. Pop w,shm~ to learn more about the I

To keep your Ice tray, from too~ Ea'" Ju~t call A. VAN 1 New FaSlll~D Tips: Will dISCU'~ the Korean \\8r alld bet'n dC\lSed The dl~pla\s and and the Kld~. In additIOn a valu-I"Chamber :\Iu<ac Workshop" tolllicklng In the freeZIng umt of HULL &. SONS 15040 Mack TU Yes, here s the fashion de~lgn '" t bl 1 • the booklet Will show how to u.e able door prize Will be a\\ arded I• , t t t P b ARTONA OF DE Sla IC pro ern' .n I:enera "" thl npa, g ethod d f come m for the next rehearsalyour refrigerator, tn coatmg 5-61>16 nght no\\ con e' I\'- DetrOIt Town Hall Wedne'd, 'I unn m In I - on Wednesday at 8 p onthem on the bottom and SIdes • TROIT. 17834 Mack Irrommg Februarv "0 alII I fHent room, and f()r dIfferent I L T ' , 1 If you play VIOlin, •• ola, cello IIWlth a thm film of cookmg 011 Thl~ ffild-~ea~of' "eather dam-' 'Thdis tSp~~g's ~oulthfl~ II~tes o'cloch m FI'her Th~atr£, The ta~k~ d d d I a rav.ala or bas~ you are eligible for,Thi~ procedure ,,"on't slow down penmg your haIr-do as well as,aEre hue o. I son lllr Sl. ?,ue eftldl~tmgul'hed 'peaker come' (1- t mce

fgOOt bel'lglnan conctstruc-I b h the Chanber

f b II k th t M dam' Don't mp a~l~ I~ on qma waI5 ...~. so I De plan 0 POl a I' amp. an per. I t C t mem er, \1' III I Ireezmg, ut 1t WI eep e you!' ,PITJ ~ a 115tel shade' lamour and nov-I rect \ to trait from "r" manent flxtules I~ an 1m ortant a orone MUSIC Workshop Bring your m-

trays from stlckmg to the sur- I worry, Just make an apPOint-I ~ltv mtrigUl~g~V combined" IlVhere he ha~ bel'n attl''lctlllg thc part of light condltlOm~g the I I strumert snd musIc ~tand forfaces beneath. ment n a VI WIt h VILLAGE I . • ,General As'embly of the U"\ \ home, the Open Hou~e dl'pla)s Columbia's The Lo,t One 'I these fascmatmg mfonl1al 11'-

- --- ------- - Going In for ne"\\ fa'ihlons" Amencan-eduC'ated en] Lm) w111 also suggest the flftht h.pe'io l (La Tr!lvlata) will open a one hearsalc;I You'll want fre«h 'prmg ~cenl. ha~ long been In .thl' fnrefrort of such Unit. to bu} Many of De-I v,l'£'k engagement at both the For more mlormabon at)outand cologne-; too Your popular of hl~ nallve Korea ~ 'Il uggle fo trOlt's hghtmg hxture and lamp I StudiO and Coronet Theatres or, thiS group please ca11 thl' Y'IfavorIte con be found at P.'RK I mdependence He 'llcceedec1 D dealer< are cooperatmg In thl< 1 Thur~da, Feb 14. Leads arl' WA 1-0770PHARMACY, 15124 E Jeffer.1 ';yngman Rhee a' cha pnan Qf progra mof 'howmg homeowner~ 1 'ung by Nelly CorradI. Gmo Mat.json Get It 'lOW and bto ready I thf' Korean Comml",on to Wa'h_ how to take the gue"work out of 'I tera and the chorus of the Rom"

I for qprmg PARK has the pre. Ington Hf' ....a' latE'r appO\ntel1 home Ilium mahan The~f' retall- Opl'ra House m ItalIan, WIth th" Il5CrlPtlOn~ vnu mav need. too ForeIgn MinIster of the R£'puh' C ers have ,et up their own "Llght I actl"n dl'.crlbed In engllqhI • of Korea S nre the 't .•, t of tne Condll1onmg Centers" III Whli'h _

"All out for sprmg' i rer. i War Col LImb ha, harl 'e,erll they dlsplav fJ'\(ture~ and lamp~ SPEEDED SPL'DStainlv thl' motto of the VIL-I sl!f11lflcant wnrerence' on pollr v of good de~lgn Thev are qUIck Iv : Potatoe. can be baked 111 aLAGE MASOR rl',taurant, 17150' With Pre",dent Tnt an and otrl'r IdentifIed ~m('e thf'v usually hurry, ....lthout thp u.ual long,Kercheval Ord nanlv ('lo~ed for' hll;~ go\'ernmpnt • tklal< carry a yellow-and-grav Lll(ht '<'$'Ion In the oven. If you ~oakthl' ~"a50n thf' MA'liOR l' nol: Tlehet' for Ih" l('ct,lr(' T,e Cond,tlOnlng <;eal Ihem In hot water fo!' ten O!'on!} op('n' and readv to ~erv(' lBattle ,:M A~la', "\all" ....! R,,-, Nl'ces.<;ary for }.res tiftel'n mmute~ beforE' puttingyou but " addmg 8 hor.e and I 'ource' . arp ava lahle , (;r~. I • Moof'rn lIff', With It. nevel. I them In to bakl'('arnagp mural and a red and- n('l1" \\ 0 ~-1124: -,-----whltl' chmtz Food Shop Drop

t1n. IFashion #761111,..------------." Thl' w nnlllg tiro;t I"]t< Tash "no. P. STOKERS Ide«~gn of a ~\Ilt or drl'~' Will ),('

cu'lmn madl' by Artona of De-tro t. The first PrlZl' wInner w II

EXPERT SERVICE al" rP<l'l\!' a ,,,,tom-made rat\I) Wc,olor MI lmer\' ~nc\ 'h e< I

Allo work done on 011makes h,"''' B('ck (,,, IHnv I

of Stoken ond Oil Bumers Other pnze, for thf' tha.(' y, 1-'nmj( f'ntne' v.,lI reo ('1\ I' a (, rDETROIT HOME '~!(l' b\ DePE'tm rl",,'t lI' rlstvlln,l1. bv Vll,a", lkdut) ';'1' J1

I SERVICE CORP. and '1'" nJ( fahn 1)\ " ...... "m.'rt.abtlc, "" ~ Id"l'""

TW 2.7798 Other prl7<" and Irform ,', n I........ TO 8-4382 Ion the '(Jnte,t ',>,,11 hc announred 11. .1 In future 1"<Ul'S of the Revle\\


Page 5: II ~~~:t-( ~,ony If., ay ave ur e 0 1 f Off- Sdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · "landmark legislatIon In the hi". Below is a resume of the court h..-----,

" J









1 &ill ne10llllr .

........ - III ~or tile Ii"-NT AD. Pie .._n ClIoad III aM _ed._ of Plo GrMU .....

lie view

PI.... I'tUNT CLUJIL,eub cepcnte WOI1t ....III the .-e. 1Ie1eWl


- 1.2511.501



condition TU 1 5554


Bendb- - MaytagLaundeniU • Laundr~tHotpomt - Fngidaire, GIl, ete.

TU 5--6872Hutto ElectricalAppliance Co.

I 14934 MACK at Waylnml

IRooml .cor Rent ~r'+'. •FURNISHED room for a gentle;.,

man, Maryland near Jeffer!lOtl,excellent transportation. CallVA 4-2500.

Duplex for Rent

GROSSE POINTE, 899 RIvardBlvd, lower duplex, 5 roOHU,newly decorated, gas heat aadgarage By appomtment week.,days after 5 30 Sat. or Sun.anyhme. ED 1-2553. -'

Flats for Rent;

NEFF RD. 5 rooms and den. I'll!"appt, call TU 1-2147 ,

SOMERSET, 1417. new 2-bedroom

I upper $100 VA 4-2080

Wanted To Rent-WANTED Used high chair. ant'



Mlsc !OI Sale" - "Boats and Motors'" • Etc.

1el. No. •• : ••

1U 2-0266





Dtb~I~~~: ~"Earle Richards


Grosse pomte Wao4lAAA Sennce

Shell and F'll'eBt011e l'Toductt

Building AlterationsCarpenter, Repairs. Porches,

Steps, Kitchen Cabinetsl'tIodemi'Zed, Ete

Repairec1. Beplaeed andCleaned-

Metal Deeks-PordtesFlat Roofing


Pioneer Roofing and Sheet Metal4708 EASTLAWN VAlley Z.8548

.90' ,95II



1.451.401-- -

1.65 I 1.70


~ aad Law" Surtf Tailored to OrdnAlterations, Re!.uung. CIeanmg and Pressmg

14931 E. JEFFERSON, AT CITY LIMITSFred M. Selluman Eat. 1925 Open Eves. T1ll 1'00 VA. 1--3OD

• •Fac.lrties ond krtchen for large banquets, weddIngs and part_.20-foot bar. Bond stand and plOna. PA symm. Walk-in coolu fwfood and beyeragn. Temporit~ sylte"'. Ideol for weddlll' parti ..and ,et.togethen.


Miscellanea ... tor Sal.

BRONZE 17th Century Cavalle1",3 ft hlgh on 3.ft. pedestal TU3-3953

IN THE REVIEWNAME _ ... _. _ ..• _ .. __ . _. __ADDRESS . __ .. _ ..•.• _ ••• _ ••ZONE

Ad 'lu.t Re.lrh t"s On \\l'dnr'oCla, Dr duet 10e fromPrice Ir ThiS t'l A Ca'lh Ad.


m SUIte, 9-pc wai.ke new, 2-pe. hvm~

TU 5-7172.

Goods tor Sale

cull'\rea sectlona Ide StX-plece dmette

handsome honey-ch cabinet. dmmg

form rocker TU l-

and electncal ap_jVA 4-8932

LETE walnut bed-maple bed, grey

table, slip coveredcklng chaIr, 3 endx15 maroon rug TU

Such as "Carpenter" • "'Personals"




14259 MACK AVE.VA 2-9800

lit1te 'OV ad JUST AliYOU WANT IT 1'0 BI

PUBLISHED lDelodlDIettII.r '00' ADDRESI or~I!LEPBON. NUMBt.aor __ (elthe. ."lUJta Z

.. rd.) Placo ad and Day-

ment III t1tVelGllO .. ,

IDaj' .. Gr.... pOinte

&enew ISIZI ltereIJevaJOr""<e Polnt .. ~. ~I.b

HANSONChevrolet Co,

I --- ---Af TFh TnT" 4)'1 I

~A' II \\ nn n I--1.10


I . , .J5!I 1 60

I I•

IIAutos tor SelleT."'I'r'0L"1 'S! ('0S~,!OP0L.!'!'_~": ICapn Coupe, hydramallc, R &H. deSigned by Deldnck, 2,OMmiles, can arrange terms fo!'busmess executive



tom Brltlsh modellow mIleage. Sel-Sgt 'Fulton I

COSMOPOLITANnew w w Firestone I


U 1-5000

130 KTU

MG 1951 cusTD stylefridge 2287,

LINCOLNSedan H)dr.tIres, R &


130 KT

-- ----Household

DlNING roonut, Just hroom sUite

FRIGIDAIREsofa, blon~et Alsomaple huttable, plat2706-


ONE COMProom set,dlessmgcouch, rotables, 122-3791



\1...tIJ ",,0 II '\r1to GTOSfOe Pomfe Rt"vI("w

1~121KercM\'.Phone VA 2-11~2

IMiscellaneous Services

.CUSTOM-MADE sIlp covers andtraverse drapenes. Guaranteedworkmanslup FIne quality ma.tenaL Free estImates. TUxedo2-6158

MILLINERY LESSONS - Makemillmery your hobby Learnto remodel your old hats Intotne latest fashIOns For IOformatlOn, call TU J 1526.



Free EstImates

"Would you mind DOt abbrevialin, 'MCNtaryI'"

Wall Washmg Service



WIRED ane lNST ALLEnNo Job 1'00 SmallLAkeView 6-4864


TREE SPRAYINGGreater Detroit



VA 2-2250


ALTERATIONS for il.d~w...109 for chlldlen, elLce~"," Television and RadioIce Mrs. Anderson, VA z:..t.13'7,ITV SERVICE _ MAN AT YOUR


CALL VE. 9.8780

DR E SSE S, sUlt~ coats. hats.Made from your matenal, pat-tern or speCial destgn Altera-hons Reasonable TU 2-2783,

Dressmaking. Alterations

CUSTOM DRESSMAKING. la-d.tes and clnldren's clotbesSpeclahzmg m Vogue Ifeslgn.Alterations expertly dpne. TU1-3593

IWall WashingVINCENT'S Wall Waslunll and I

Upholstel') ClealUn~ Mac~e MADE TO ORDERmethods Expenenced workers II These sets can be made up In all IInsureo commerCial and resi. colors. mcludmg yellow. blue. red.dentlal Free estimates CaD green, tan. ChaIrs are upholster-VEmce 9-0770 ed In Duran plastIC matenal,

1--------------1 wbite tables can be made any.. me. shape and material You can

,Watch "epair ~ select 'from 26 different styles! EXPERT FAST watch repatrs VISIt our factory display and seeI Bradlev's Jewelers, 21031 Mack these beautrlul sets. Buy direct

Iat Roslvn trom manufacturer, save 33.",

------------- Odd chrome chaU'S only $4.95

I Help Wanted-Female METAL MASTERS MFG CO W '" I------------- eoring ",ppareITYPIST for scnpt department 24802 Gratiot Ave: E Detroit _

III motIOn picture concern. CaUl Near 10 MIle Road MINK COAT, sllver fox Jacket.WO 3-931 t I Open Dally Till 9 P M TU 5-9288 after 5 p m

East DetrOIt, M1clllganHelp Wonted-Male PRescott 5-5200 I Wanted to BuyREPORTER to work on space I Open Sundays 12 to 6 P M WANTED Light colored dmlng

I ---------- - ----, room set for room 12x12. AlsoI rates for DetrOit branch office, IFar a better grade of used furniture I h ed fie tools

Inauonal trade newspaper on SEE US I. ammer Iron Irap ac

I " I We have everythmg )OU are looking and :(ancy tWisted and.trongenera CO\, erage men S. wo- for Also If you have anytlung 1ft the VE 0824I men's children's apparel and Ime Of household furnIture or rull you nICe 9-

, f M WIsh to sell - Can II

home urnlshmgs news ,!l'l I S A A C . S Garages for Ret'ltOf woman, full or part trme I

Musical Instr!.ldions____ PreseRtly unemplo"ed I e ~ NEATWAY FURNITURE I GARAGE for rent on Beacons-M PI I work essential App'" ci J 13930KERCHEVAL v.... 2.21151 field bet\\<een Kercheval an:!PIA1'o.fO STUDIO - ary umer G P t R • 151"1 1 -- V H h PI 1

Sl~te teacher's certtficate 2258' rosse om e e\ le\\ -: 2-PIECE Law,on sectIOnal TWin I ern or Ig way ease caCadillac. ED 1-8116 Kercheval I tables and lamps Blonde. ~a- VA 4-3236

-------------d I INTERESTING positIOn for sales sonable Fnday onlv 15:121 GARAGE for rent on BeaconsPIANO LESSONS Prl\a'~"tu ~~ man In Boston Shop Store See Mack, Apt 15. field between Kercheval and

Robert DuRant, former) WI I manager at 19111 Mac!' at Se\ e'1I-------------- Vernor Highway, VA 4-3236.WWJ, on Cadieux near War-, Mile eelren Begmners and adults I - Autos Wont ICould go to the home In morn. 'Situations Wanted-Female I Wa nte dmg for adults Reasonable TU I --------------- Car s

I2-04i3. I RUFFLED CURTAINS neatly I

------- -_ .... -------- odne. Pnce rt:asonable WillPainting Gnd Decorating call for and delrver. Good serv- I Late Models----------- Ice Mrs. Van Haverbeke VA HIGHEST PRICES PAIDPAINTING & DECORATING _4_-0_66_1_. i

EXPERIENCED reliable WidowWill Sit With children an, timeReferences VA 2-6930

HUGHES DECORATORS DEPENDABLE lad" "tll baby SItafternoon5, one' to five ll'1\'

5293 'lorksl:ure TU 5-1165 home ev~rv day ED I 4618INTERIOR and extellOr pamtlng I after twelve

and decoratmg Work fully I PRIVATE nand launr~1'\ - \\,or,;:guaranteed Frce e,tlmate, PR unexcelled, experlenced Plch6-9595 up and delivery VErmont 7

-cEORC-E-S-.-D-A-L-L--Y-!_10_'l8 _PAINTER - DECORATOR WOMAN t,ant. wa,hmg and I

lronmg at horn!' 4352 M'gr.-Speclalwng In I land TU 5-5226 I I

Fine Paperhanging I EXECUTIVE or pTlvate ,ecretary,VA 4-8004 good education dnd expeTlence':l I

----- ------------ background, IVI,he. posltl,nRELIABLE PAINTER, neat de. where ab,l,ty and 10"ahty Willi

coralor Good reference. Also be appreclated FreE' to travp' IA-I wall wa.hmg, paperhang-

Iexcellent reference< VEmce I

mg VA 4-7808 q.2685

Neat. Cleon Decorating IE-m.-p-I-o-ym-e-n-t-A-ren-~;;- ----

and Paperhangrng FJELD'S EMPLOYMFNT -Col-First Class Work Guaranteed "Ted C'ouple~, cook, maid",EXPERT WALl CLEANING chauffeurs, porters, Jam tors and

CALL DICK caretaker~ Day or week TRInI VA 1-8164 Ity 3-7770I DECORAT]~G _ Odor]es~ IUb .. I-M-I-LLE--R-.-E-m-p-IO-ym--~-n-t-A-g-e-n-cy-1

benzed palOt 10 pastel, and LO ,.2656 Dom~tlc help wo- Ideep rolo, Wllllam,bun:: col- men for laundry and cleamns:: I01. fOi Coloma I hom!' ;'1,0 Part tIme or v. eekh Goorl(hilrge for p,tlmate, or deeo laundrl's' and cleaner.lall'1g mfOrmdlJOn Phon(' ED


", .

].14iO ....ntiqu ..

-Compi~te Decoro',;~ ')ervlre t\:--rTIQUr~r~;;all.11Ul'. Xl\'I~T~Hl()R Inn "'~.l'rlOr p"llr' fir n-tPf"r .....I)](i I(~f flnnllllrf (! ln1

remo\. m~ n.aT*1 tl(1n~ n~ Bf'Cl qllal ornpr .... rla\-I'nport (Jlt("C'n "nnr:~m;~I~fl; :;A~f'e \A.n., (f 11r~nl"if"d dre ...."I(1'! trtblf' TY b-153 ~

t t mM~ chN"rfuJI) (l\tO -------

_Cal_I_F_OR_"_YTHF VA_2.~IlJll BUY E R ME ET S1~_on_o_T_un~r SELLER HERE!

PI\;\OS lun,d ,<no 'f'ltICl'Q Rea,onable tl'rm' All I'ork guarant('('(l 1... 0 S('lherl, ~D1.4451. I

JWIt before her tel_t, SingerEileen Barton gl'fe8 lut.mlnut.altentio" to .ake-up. A powder.~ted eottOll ball baJueba aJI,.eo.lllexion high-licha likel1 tobe .aplled by TV ea.er ....

Brick ond C.ment Work

ATTENTIONAll Bnck and Cement Work

New and RepairPorches, Steps. Piers, Walks, Etc IWater Prooung, Slower Cleanmg I

Reasonablp • Work MyseULA 6-9300MARCHESE

done w.th "ream, generOla lath-enngs (man) of 'em) of aoap andwater. followed by a baker'sdo~en of "Mmgs, The creatllcornea oft' 1V1 th cotton balla, pu roewhlte ones that are dlsposabl(>

For long.la.img mak(>.up thatWIthstand!!' the hrat of TV I.ghtsthrough long rehearsals andIlhowa, EIleen recommends a final"seltmg" tnok. After face wash-Ing, splash ICV cold Yoater on totighten the skin. Then, after Ut.foundatron has been applied,.plash It, too ... Ith ('old water

~ ,Ieen II blondp ha" lJV,pp~back In soft outhne ro"nd heTface To kcep It, natural curllheSifrom (OrTnlhl/: unruh. tendnls,which catrh oamera Mallows, shemOIstens a cotton ball w,th Just"bIt of ",1\1' 1f>!lOn and .. 'peaar\lunn the hllrlmr Th,S <l~douhl< nl;t \ h, ~( ! PIO~ slrclVpo ....Jtr II,"' Ihllml(' her hair.nalur,,1 hLghllK"I~

,",0... IIlrnmlf her (lWn as a TVtmuper, ~ II(>en st,lI c(lntmues to

I mak .. N'rord h"tor, on C<>ral Roe.ord. " •• hr d,o I,,_t )par wIth ih ..no\ ('!t \ r("('(lrdlng fir 'If T l\,...,(W'\ (111 \\- ('lr(l ( In lJlg' 1d .. H........d.\, ("kl' \\ hwh .010 0\ er Il ml1.hon N'pll'o and cat.ap\llt1'd ~r ..'focal blltory.

Sleep Chief Ingredients of'IV Vocalist's Beauty Program

Soap 'n

TY v"~/llist E11een Barton hasa t)plcally do... n to-earth formulafOT the VlvaClOUIl beauty thai'.hl'T trademark "Soap 'n pienLyof Sleep" are whaL she recom-mends Soap and water de,n!l.n( c;q .... },(" n ~I nt ,lJl.q, I" t.h(l' fhatst(>Jj tu', ~rd b( Hlt\ ....1 4o.p gn f'8

>Vl~ thl I hlJur~t ~ stll '{ 1\ ....

It's II c(lmL,n .tl,," of 'litth I('rlcharm" and blg glr' Vl\ '" 11\ that"aptlval<s ~,d", n S vldpo .<udlence.. h~n <he vocaltzes on the d,l"Ume"B11, (,ood" 11' Rnnv," heard t\\ l('e.

lI! cd,\I ,," r \, B( T\Pe te lIHI hlol'n, , I 11, (n ho ... ts

(,f to (nmplll .1\('0 h lut\ lOllt nrbut ~he'. " -t.rklrr for ~rT'llhh..dclean hnesa , .., ake-up rem "val WI

•l1I ,

l t~

MOONLIGHT SONATA - ARenault creation fabrIcatedfrom cool cotton tree bark,thla dress features a blueempress bustline Wlth cuffsbrightened by hand-sewnbugle beads The unstltchedcucular skirt subtly tintedin pearl, is belted at thewalat The stole. which car-ries out the two-tont shadesof the dress. is used to glam.orize nude shoulders oreurve grllelously around the

bare back



Locatiou LISted Below IFor Your lonveDlence'nle GT'OIl!ePOinte Review I

Is AvaIlable Each Tbursdav IAfternoon at NelghborhoocfLocatlotlll IIDdlV1dUalCOllIeS...... Flv. C'Dti l


INtI Wack ....,.80B'S DRUGS


Meek It LocI<rnom BlVd lCAV,4,UR'S DRUGS!IadI at tlo\,m_"uUl


TRAil BARCLAY111 KerdlevaJ I

CUNNINGHAM DRUGKpTC"h .. "al I' Notr,. O.lmf'

~OTRF DAME PHARMACYK.. ch~val al toootr. Daml

MILLER DRUGSKercheval at Wavl>urD


1N~EL ) DRUGS~tack .' \l('lI 0



TheGross. Pointe Rev~w.=:!~~~~ClY, February 14, 1952-5 ,\\' SElt \.Ot."

1:, . ::;~~~bDI'~::::':~:::;~~~;~U!ftHMII youY,ar~ w~t~~~~t.al't~,1Ch home ri"la 1~1 i\,~S~,~aY a~~h:l. al;~U~'b~ ni.~"\ '»4bL"

y"e; .1l1vJte you to come and \ltrOUNUP L!a~:> meet .It ~ 45 am""" C",tI~ .... I On f'nday Feb l~, al 6.lO P III the I

sunday School m ..eh e\er,} ~unda) "1en.& Club of Pedte Cn.W<'!1 »re hay. I •.' g 30 a m MaUl iel Vice al II 0 ,Ioc" 109 anotner on. ot thelr tamou •• up_ Grosse POinte

ror tb06e who would learn Hlore I pt:rs Adnll~b1()n 15 $1.2.5 per pen.on ,IboUI the ChrlSllan rellglon, lopecI.1 rle,.n.Uons 'an be made by ,allmg REV IEW II S TRleT LY BUS IN E5 S"tdJloSes are conducted .. or furthel In. I .Mr Johl! Denne.: 1 U J.71BJ or '\il ~1 <lPatlOn call the pastor IUx~do 1'1 aller Eberl ru 5-,840j-lJ02 I Ih~Il~I~.,~'r'I~b>....l~.~Ol~Otl,~~r8a';n~~11

t.Al>'fMJNll'lUl card party Table dnd door p"zes WIll 1 Wa n t _AdsPBt:6B\'TtIUll.l\ lIJlRCIi I be oftered Ever} one lS llluled to,131 M.ulbtlque L"Ome and JOin In Ul1S e\erung of fel. ,

Ite. ~.ocIore V MOldeni<e, lo".h'p ,• Tb D, DR E, Minister ------- CASH RATE

Sunda).feo 11 thurchS(.hool,gi5 LLTUt.R"tHLRLHOf Th hrg forclassa ,,,, ...lth c1aS>e&lor all ages MOrlUll1' rut. Rt.fOR \IA'lIO,," ,e mllumum cae •Ilorshlp, 11 am ne. membe" '<l" \ .'I\or U1~h...a.. E, at Lalr......... 1 lfied ads IS 75c for 15 wOlds.", Tec.IVed at Uus sen lce Tne nUl>- L.lun. l>t1ckl... D U Pa.tor I five cents for each additIonalOl} wIll be open 10 care for small Sunda, Feb 17 9.lO a III lhu"h I(. ~ren Junlor Cnurch 11 30 a III ~(ILool ('la~~s .cOl dll age.=. lndudllle: word~outh grou~, G 30 pm all JOUIII Ilurser). \oullg people Ind adult> CHARGE RATEpeople welcome J I 00 a m FaL'1er and Son Sunday

MIdweek Prayer Sorvlce Wednes. I \lembel' 01 the Bo' Stout Troop and M a convemence ads Will beOoilY.leb 20~at 7 JO P rn Special PU)- their tather~ "!II dttend in a bod} I.r servu:e tor IIorld peace 1The theme of the pa,tors sermoll 1'.11 accepted over the telephone

be .. Good Chll,t'dn Solaler' All I Tile minimum charge rate uBITBoU;Y CIUUSTIAl\ CHURCH "'en and bo}. a.e '''' lIed ; 00 p lJl. uo< .r..• ~ ': >'. v. d.>, fa C ~cr:~s !c-

(Dbel~el 0' Cbrt!it) 1 ..........6 .l'ot. ........ '~. L ...HUC'i J.....C'dj!;U«'" I ~~......,lIl.eWlI la Artllur S.hool I 1"e~da} Feb 19 rhe E,~ntng DI\J- each add.ttlonal word Payment

10125Kine Richard olOn ot the Women of tile ChurCH I'll! can be made by cash. checkRev. Lou" 0 Mink, MInl.ter me"l at lh~ church, at 8 00 pm Vl>lt-'l=crars~t<><;.~:; ~h: ':ch~~frbe:~~ OJ> are cOld.ally ''''"Ied °ArDmSonWeYlLoLrdeBrEACCEPTEDa contest on Feb 10 wh.ch will con- GROSl>E pOl,r .. W()I'1J~clude 00 March 30 PRl:.l>B\Tt.RlA' tHLRlH I UP to 6 P.M WEDNESDAYMorning Worship w.th sermon and I99S0 \Iack A\enue at Torrey Itommuruon Sell'lce at II a m lIltro. o\.ndre... Y Rautb Mlnlster CI f' dduc).llg the Week of Compas>lOn the I Sllnda~, Feb 17 g 30' a~n, Wor,lnp assl IeJrunlster Mll uae iU his subject Sel \ ll..e Sermon theme . Fro""1 God to ATES'Sympathy Dram allred , The Chrls- Mall Church ~(.hool for those 9 DISPLA Y RlL3I:' Youth reUowslup meets at 630 I years and older 1100 a m.. Worshippm at the home of MLSS Patsy Se,,"ce same ... tne g 30 serv.ce. Upon Requesti leoher, 3140 Leland ChUrth School tor cluldren 4 to 8 '

The Christian Men. FeUowslup 'ear. of •• 7 00 pm Tux .. Club, VA 2 11621neets on Monda) Feb 18, at 8 pm Fa.lh and Lite (.ommlSSJOn of We.t-at the Wahl home 3903Buckmgham Imlllsier ~ellowahlp, Audrey Rheaume, .-

The Churoh School Conterence of chalrman "'ll ha ..'e charge 01 theteachers. otf,cers and cJasl; ofilcers meeting , Thmeeta On Wednesday Yeb 20 at 8 Tuesday Feb 19 7 30 pm Cub epm at the home ot Mr and Mrs IPack No 546 meeting S 00 pm Tor. Grosse POI'nfe ReVI'ewQuenten Bennett 1921lOBerden Th~ rey Club WorshIp George Bane},Rebecca Cucle meets Wednesda) at prolram mOVIeI 30 'PAn, Feb :all, at the home ot Mrs Wednesdal, Feb 20 1 15 P III After- 15121 KerchevalS G Ferguson, 4534 FIeld noon Groups of Women 0 As>oclatlon M I~-d

Th. Dorcll$ Circle wllI hale a noon Wlll meet 4 00 I' m. ChJ1dren's ChoU' Bet Lakepolnteand ary .....luncheon me<ltmg at 1230 on Thurs- rehe., .. 1 The Iwo Bluebird Groupoday. Feb 21, at lhe home ot ~lrs wIll meet S 00 pm >,lens ASSOClahon FOR HOME DELIVERYHoward Kendall 19366HIckory meellOg RIER BOY

The Ruth Circle will have a noon Thursda) Feb 21 4 00 l> m First BY CAR"De_rt Luncheon at 12.;10on Thuro- meetmg of Ihe Mmlster s Comrnum- Call ClreulatioD Oeptday, Feb 21. al the home at Mrs canl Class 7 00 I' m, Boy Scout meet-Paul Bunch. t383 DevonshIre mg Youth Cholt meet 109 S 00 pm, VA 2-1162JIlFFERSON AVENUE '\IETHODIST C~r':da~,C~~b r;;.hear;/ pm Torrey 20e A MONTH

E. Jeff.nOD at Marlborourb Club skatmg partl S 00 pm Square "" 00 "ear b- Mill"Rev. Rodolph B. Boyce, Pastor dance !!]>Onsoredb\ the Men s AssOCI-I ..... a ~Thursda) 8 pm, Semor Choir reo ahonhearsal Saturda;> Feb 23 1000 am- 3 00 ISunday 10 am. .Mornmg Worship pm Women s AsSOCiatIon sponsored _WIth sermon by the pastor, 10 a m - 12


b kit th I u ch I .nOOD Church School for chlldren, a e sa e a e c I r BookkeepinC ond Accountlncn\U"Serythrough ti,e SlXth ~ra<l~ 1115 ST P>l.UL EVANGI.UCAL -=~-=--_--:::-:-::-=_:__::_:;:;:-~o':'aii ~bo~~~eC~~nihgrS;deo~~cY~~: I I.UTHt.RAl' CHURtH BOOKKEEPING SERVICEadults 5 pm Intermediate Youth I tballonte aDd Lothrop ONTHFeUowlllup 7 p'rn Sonlor Youth Fel. ae\ Lbarle. W !>androck, Paslor BY THE MIsh" II \Ir Glenn n.VaDtler, Vlsar T d R t Serviceo~~aY 7.31l m the Ruth Clrcle ThUlo<Iay, Februar) 14 4 00 pm. U an epQror. the Wom~n s tCI~t} \\ III meet With JUIlIor Choir 7 00 l> m, Chapel ChOll, Federa!, State ,and CanadianMrs AJfted Olsen $Ig Drexel S 00 pm, Sentor ChoU' ~tary PubUc' aDd Seal

Wedloesday 6 pm FamIly NIght I Frldav, February 15, 7 30 pm Table •pl.nned potluck dmner, 7 pm the 'TenOls TOUnldllle'lt HARRY HAAS, Tall: Consultantlast In a senes ot stud.es of the Book I Saturdal Febru3f\ 16 9 30 a.m VEof Acts led b6 Re\ Bo>ce and II I CatechISm Cia•..,., 9 30 am, Jumor 14841 KERCHEVAL A .trogr~ f\ifn,~n:) Cb~ld~e~ OO,~~~~~~~IL'!,t~~~~~~Fel>ruarl' 11, 9 30 am, Sun- Corner Alte\, Road VA 2-7812 Electrical Repair.m'e.tlOC of the M~thodlst Men da} School 10 4.1 a rn WOPShlP 6 30_______ f p m Church Membershlp Class

MESSIAH LUTHERAN Tllesda} Februar} 19 8 00 pm,• soutlteast Corner or I Brotherhood 8 00 pm M1SSlon So-

Kercbeval and Lak.wood Avenu.. I clet}A H A Loeber Pastor Wednesda} Fel>tual) 20 6 30 pm.

M L, '\Iartln, Assl.tant Pastor Mothers Club Supper and Soc.alSunday, Feb 17' Services at 8 00 and I

1030 a m Sermon theme "What M.ght rUE GROSSE POI!l.TE METHODISTThIS Parable Be?" Sunday SChool at CHURCHg IS .. m Classe. pro\lded for all ages Zl1 Mora", RoadCome' Group BaptISm for chIldren of I Rn. Hugh C Wlute. Pastorvenous ages at 300 pm Thursda} TF~b;ul{,';;18;: 800 pm,

PE:;.~ ~~r~~~; ~~~rCH C~~~d~:he;~~.!uarl 17 1000 YouthPastor, Re\ Enno G CIIUI Clas., 1000 JunIOr H,gh School CIa...

A"" P~r Re.. Enno Tbeo Claw 1000 Junior Department ot ,The$lrIday. Feb 17. Pea.,.._LUrhe~ ?o'is'7'h~t::'t~ IN~'";.';,u~~ty u=~C:.rp.nter Work

• ......--;- classroom, 1046 Toddler s NUrsery In~ 'The Nurcery. 1045, KlIldertarlen De- CARPENTER REPAIR

Ij;~r;;ne~d mG~~~ ~~~rt~~"" ~m~~~ Screens. porches. &teps, doors,i Community Room 10 is ManllOg WindowS, kit c hen cabinets,~.:'~:h3'ov~~m~\,:!on The God oJ I bookcases Good work, prompt

Ic:l>~n':,~a~er.';,~ru:!Ythe20wo:..~. p~: I serVIce S E Barber, 20380(, clet} ot Chnsllan Service at the home NesbIt, TU 4.0051.

of Mrs Fmlay Allan. 5936 Hlllcrest -------------- IWed".sday Februar) 20, 7 00 pm, CARPENTER repall s, porches, I

Men. Club Dmner meetml Dmner at steps kitchen cabmets modern-I 7 folloll ed by Protessor C JOrdon' ,10f Wa)ne Umverslt}, \\ ho ,,,II show Ized, etc VA 4-3394colored pictures of a 'Health MlSSlon _11~a~o"ru~r~r~~nt 7~fea~:dl':,n,~~'iR •I America fOTthe OffIce of Inter.AmeT- Corse tier.,oan MallS The Resel"\'atlOn deadlme --------------IS Sunday evemng Februa" 17th CaU SPENCER COhSETS--IndJ\71du

I ~~':.h~~pprandt TU 2.5809 tor res- I ally designed dress Bad <urglWednesdal, February 27 I 60 pm, cal garments, over 18 years

~1~~~r~~;;.~~aOf l~he h~h~;chot\v;]~\~ expertence. Maude Bannert.WIckstrom Counsellor of the DetrOit TU 5.4027 or TO 7.4312 368Board of Educallon \\"1\1 talk TopIC McKm.IUnderslandmg OUlse~~__ _ __ ey _


Page 6: II ~~~:t-( ~,ony If., ay ave ur e 0 1 f Off- Sdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · "landmark legislatIon In the hi". Below is a resume of the court h..-----,

$1 !2

Detroit 24, MI~h.


STUDEBAKERDealer Now Offers

You ServiceSupreme!


8930 KERCH £V ALVAfJ~ 2-9370

"On the wayDowntown"

! Woods CollegeIStudent Liste!llin 'Who's Who'

A new Water Color ExhibJ.t isbemg featured at the GrossePomte Art Exchange bv Ehza-beth Dulmage from Feb II toMarch 3

In addltlon to havmg studIedare m Ward-Belmont, NashVille,Tenn. graduate of Pratt ArtSchool In .New York, Mrs. Dul.mage was fashIOn ac('e~sory artIstm New York for 12 years on theJ L Hudson Art Staff and ad •vertlsmg manager for the R H.Fyfe for 4 years

She was active 1 OJ g Jnlzmgthe Curb Art F3' 1ft Grosse

I Pomte fO! 3 yenl' vl('e-pres'dentIof the Grosse POInte Artist As-SOCIatIOn, membel of ArtiSt'sMarket and exhIbited fl1.ihe StateFaIr EXhIbit past 2 years

Has class of JUnior glrls~-;"'-:pamtmg and drawmg In home ..





... 0MIfwl r r 't'_ ,..... ...., /4aww wlo_ II. ~...... ~

AI - I.. --r _ ........- • . -.4 e.-.r. ..........~......... II 110M

" DAYS ... N.Y, eo N. Y N $270.,. .. ;:-~ T_

15527 E. WARREN

, tgall





p aus)"$a

()"Iv tH "tH~nrt Pltr ...r-d


1951'1 I:'College£'1.I ~~que II

UpP\'r clas~men are llldmg new Istudents at University of MiChi-gan to get I eonentated to toecampus and ea~h other A fresh.man receivIng the program ISRalph Crpss ,o( 37 Roslyn Road

• • •

td\&11 41h 4


D. U. S. ill Last Place

PHIL'S SWEET SHOP:!8752 1\f,f(;K at VFR,",OR

"t 'hie, "hl!' Hhthf'liI QU.lIIllh (and,f'" 'n Ihf' Pt'llnffiiIn. reodliP'nh l ...d r.lrmonl" QlIJlHt\' rr,. (rf'.rn _

Tah n,>! Pint", QuaM' " rl.llnn.

Sunoco ServiceSuper


6-Th~~,oSJ. Pointe Review-Thu"day, February 14.

4Z ¥ ".,,*+2- .W SiP' IS( J$CA.$ 4,::;e


Giant Tire Sale!SELLING OUT •


(...... PI M) $15.58(Was 123M) $17.09(WasI26U) $18.95(Was .~u,) $20.73

"Fnendhest Service In Town'

• fa...-. Malt ... 1 .... 01New • Guar ... tee4 •

THOMPSON" 15422 MACK It Som.rset

".._-~ench Adulttlasses Forrraveliers..1"A ~n week~ course m Begm.~ French will be offered Tues-• evemngs at the GIO~se.... te Htgh School This course II

.. desl~ned for . first tnp to~ .. travellers who have hadp. .....nhn"'.<! study m French i... Shoppmg and Museum triPS Will,.. arranged so that students mayMve first hand experience Infbakjng themselve~ understood m~ted French The course ~-IiiDe Tuesday, February 19th.!'or reservatlOns call the Grosse I-toiDte Board of Education. TU.~2boo, ExtenSion 25

Aclftneed Course Can Be• Arranred~if there are enougn ~,)'P~i: ~n-I~ed an advanced course tan.. arrange<! Tms Will be de. 1JiIned ar a refresher course forJA- who have resided In France I~ have had several years of~y 10 French.....Mr Adolphe Pocldale, a natIve i~l""hl"'l";I:lj" ~'h~ h"'e'111c::t "9",11 M'\n.'iuct the course -

Nelson L M<Roberts, GI DosePOinte Woods student at theMlthlgan College of Mmlng andTel hnology m Houghton hasbeen selected for 1 Istmg In"Who's Who Among Students InAmencan UnIVelSltHIB and Col.

Completmg theIr requlft~ments lege~" McRobert~ IS the SQl1 of(or bachdor of arts desr~ at Mr and Mrs Rollm F MtRoberbAlblOn College are RIchard Hall, of 20050 Baltree Ctson of the RIchard H Halls, of One of 18Unlver'lty Place, and G Kenan The nationwide students' Who'sJacObI, son of the Leon J Ja- W~ IS 'flllbllshed annually totobis of Flsh('l Road honor campus leaders In edula.

Thev \\<III I eCE'IVe thE'lr sheep- tlOnal lnSlltutlOns throughout theskms at CO'l1mencement June 9 I Advanced modern stylinr charaeterizes the including' coupes with "hardtop" design, are country McRoberts IS one of 18

• • • exterior apPearance of LIncoln for 1952, which offered. A new l60-horsepower, overhead valve <elel'ted fro'"!' M'ch'~an Tech

I Delores Abaldo, \1ercy College I wllh many engine and chassIS wnovallons V -8 engIne, a rugged "X" type frame, a uRlque Metallurgy SeniorJU"")r '< ~mnng 31 hoO'\'l. st'.- m ......e It an all-ne" car of exteptional beautv front snspeusion and suspended foot pedals are He 1< a senIor maJormg In met-denl> tor thJ~ semester for Illa n-' and engmeermg supremaCL Straight-hne fend- among tbe outstandlOr features of this beau- allUlglcal engmeellng IS ple~l-tammg a better than B a\ erage ers. recessed headlights, slopwr hOOd and hlgb tdul new car Sbown here 15 the LlDcoln Capri dent of Blue Key nallOnal cam.

A daughter of the James I bumper.; dL.,tmgulSb tbe ear FIVe body sh les special custom coupe. ThIS car can be seen at pus leadershIp !ratermty, a mem-Abaldos of 1'hree MIle Dm e, I in. two series, the Cosmopolitan aDd Capri, Tracy Motor Sales, 130 Kereheval Avenue. ber of Theta Tau, campus SOCialDelores lS a graduate of Con\ent 1- ------------------------ fratermty, of ....hlch he wall

of tN~eewssatcurdee~nts~eaatl.ttheUnlver- : Steiner Forti Tri!JsMotor ,....------------ ...! ~1~~t~~u~:I~e:~~::;;es;~~nt19:tttl~'1" 5t Pa I 1 JUnior ela<s In 1950.51 and IS It

sity of Mlcblgan have be run I: G,.ty 1j;.'1ieSIJ.", G~I~e''a me • U 'member of the All Force ROTC.

T A I, C 'I ' the "eek.long round of orien- McRoberts WIU receive hIS bache.o SI\. ounci S tatlon activities deSIgned to B Ie lor of sCience degree 10 June of

\o.'nt Cooperatl'on make them feel more at bome I OW Ing 1952~ I on eampus. ONCE AGAIN the Middles are back on top of the G. P. ------- Sail hosen upperclass~~n Rotary Club Bowlmg League. Last Fnday at the G. P. Woods W C I• Representallves of the five peCI y-c .. ~ tB4inte mUnlclpahtles Will seek I act as adVisers to the new stu- RecreatIOn, MIddle Atlantlc Transport:ltlOn Co. and Punch Women's StaDdlDP a er 0 ortI).e opmlOn of their CouncIls I dents, who are dIVided Into small & Judy CocktaIl Lounge engaged In one of those knock-down, Kopp's Pharmacy )I' 57 E hMonday. February 18, about gloups of twenty They are drag.out affairs The Middies toppled 896 pms to WIn the Grosse Pte Garage 55 X ihit Mar. 3 e40nnmg a JOint effort Vl combat. I guests at numNOUS SOCial affaus opener by 126 pms The Judles came nght back and evened WInnie Camacho . 53 -tifig tbe dutch elm dIsease m I and meellngs dunng the week thmgs up by- takmg the second game by 149 pms, shootmg Grosse Pte Woods Rec. 51~ throughout the Grosse Newcomer.; are tboroug'bly '926. The Middles were not to be demed though and came up Wood's Flonst 50Pointe area I All set to rive Cupid a run In the seasonal came of dlstrlbut. t~sted for aptitudes and are ad- 'I' With one of their best games thiS season, wmmng by 157 Blue Cross-Van Steen 48'~'TIi1s was deCided upon at- a In( \'aJentlDt (l'eetillors, starlet Jean Moorehead o( ('8S Radlo's Vl!IeO coneermftg their chOIce of pms and With It, first place What a battle. • • Square Deal Cleaners 46

UOOn luncheon meetmg held by "Lux R..dlo Jb..-tre.:';arms herself with a supply o( heart-warm- dasses. Complete health exams (,, I Dart-In Bar .6ihe Grosse Pomte Property Own- InC m_aces. ineludlB&, vtsifln, he.-aring and VILLAGE""" WINE Shop laymg I Kirby Vacuum Cleaner '46... ASSOCIation headed by H ----------------------- ......----1 speecb are given each person. ,ln third spot and gomg good late- I most reglstere~ a tnpllcate, shoot. Socia's Landscape Sup. 45

• Go..rlion Wood, of 381 Notre Dame, Lo 1D. bi d V Correctlve'measures arc! rt'com- Ily. tnI'd to get by Earl Holz. Ing 194-192-19_ ! Tracy Motor Sales 44l'i!h the muniCIpal OffiCialS and ca lSa e eteran mended when necessar~, baugh Motor' as they did on their Woivellne Potato ChIps needed I Fleetwmg Truckmg 43Jll8lDOers of the Grosse Pomte Among the new student' are filSt, outm~, when they shutout I Peplm,kl's 236 and Leo Lltzau's Glenn Walker Motors . 41Cuden CouncIl, Harper Woods T Aid tl H d. d the follOWing from Grosse Pomte the Earls Tnls time the decl- 1232 to break even WIth Farms I Rlghtenburg TeleVISIon . • 38~U01ty offiCIal and a DetrOit 0 te an lCappe Mary Anne Busby, 1324 Marj- Slon was almost reversed, Holz- Market We haw Ed Taube con- Uppel- Mack Cleaners 37...-.. -t th d .. 1 d- R I h E C 37 R I, bdugh ....lOnmg everythmg but I vel t the 4.5-10 spilt, one of the Evelyn Demzer 33T):';;~rl y on e Isease To arouse Interest m the Impor- I With this pcoblem through hIs an a p ros~, os ) n the middle gamJ hard ones Sliver Crown Ballroom 3l

, ",. pnmary purpose of the, tance of hiring the handicapped work as legal' advl~or to the Ser- I Road, Weldon L FOllin, 280 Mt , <"-~g Feb 11, was to have 1ft I b 'B d tl. I Vernon Lmda Jane MuntmgtQll., PIChe, Bdrber Shop allowed Roy Klaebber s 602 serIes sav- Kammer Beauty Shop' 27_. , among u ure emp OJ ers y means Vlcemen s UIeau an on "e K • Ph t II h f I~ mU01clpallty offiCIal report of a nallonal essav contest for Boar dof Directors o( tile Mlchl- 237 MtKmley, and Abce M Rob- opp s armacy 0 pu up Wit - ed Mondry Cleanels rom a shut--..what equipment they had to high school students, Bomface R gan Veterans Trust Fund I ertson, 468 FI~her - (all entel- m one pomt of them In fourth out dIshed out by the Auto Club Men's Standings

. =ad ttl~m ~:~~~a t~~~~n~: I ~~~~'v of ,,::s BaJloo~~/01~m~~~~ Mayor Cobo of DetrOit appomt- ~:~ Ct~~eg~r~;) ~l~~:~~~e. ~cl~a~~ I r~a~:v~:s~ t~:e~ar~~~~o'::,n :h~~: ~o: ~~tofirs~l~~me r~~I~e~easthn~ A g;rU;~tt" 19~ practically denudmg some I High School PrInclpal Walter R ed Malle local head of the EPH I brook, 894 Beaconsfield, College would be nestled snugly In third I breaks They won the first one E .. - •.••• '" 184lt;tl;e New England cltles. and I Clemmson to urge student par- I Co~m~tlee last Oct~ber to work of Architecture and DeSign; RI- spot and first place at their fin- by one pm and total by 7. It was T. McLaughlm ." •• , •• ,., 10;6fl:lg as far midwest as OhiO WIt testate comnusslon m pro- h d P E kel 1597 Lo hmoo gertJps I that kmd of a serIes. E Lauer 15

tlclpatlon. I motmg U1creased emplovment of I c al • c, c r, M SmIth ...•••• '" .•• • 14,t~ To Get Pamphlets I Local chaIrman of the Govern- handicapped workers m local College of Engmeenng Stemer Ford tnpped Motor i The league enters the third and L. Donovan ••...•.....•.. 1'1, .....,.0 further the fight agamst the I or's Employ the PhYSically Han- bUSiness and mdustnal firms a Transfers Include Peter E Spo- CIty Tlre~ for fOllr pomts The final r 0 un d tomorrow O1ght P Ruprich •.•• ,.",.".,. 13.~ elm beetle, Mr Wood said I dlcapped Commission MI Malle part of which IS to educate ~nd wart, 379 St C~alr.~ollege of Ar- Ilas~ two ga:ne~ ~er: ~ery close i F:lrm~ Mark~t dW11l ~a~~\e ~e J. Sweeney . _ _•....•••• 12 IPROFESSOR BEFORE CHURCR

rosse Pomte Property Own_ ',5 a d,sabled ",ar veteran who Inlel est [he pre,ent and future C'hltertnre an - P.'gT!. (fro!" ~n - u ,!h a ,jt P 'lC' otor rlty new eague pa er~, 1 E' - H Fenton 11 I' l'he Men's Club of The Grosse"~AssoclatlOn agreed to publish was wounded while selvmg 10 the employers In knowmg of the dls-I

IXnl\ e~lty of the South); Mary I~oU~d have broken even Russ I~anhc i~ansPtrt~~on Co T~~y R. Huetteman 10 POinte Methodist Church Will

, :!';.. ihousand pamphlets informing South PaCific as a Commander of able dworker and hiS outstand- nn aggoner, 15463 Windmill IC e was good again. . thIrd IJ a~e sp I nSo art IS se~son e L Reno ...".,., ••• , •• 10 hol dlts regular monthlv meet-tl"'operty owners In the POinte ar. I the Amphibian Engineers, m the mgly hIgh record of achIevement Pte. College of Architecture and ,week In a row. Aaron Cook ai-I u I~es WI E tr! H 0

1malO am their N McEachin ..•..•..•..•• 10 ,lng at the Church In the Com.

:!;,!la- a~ut the dIsease. how to landmg at Hollandla IIdur10g the last defense program, i DeSIgn (from Northwestern UIU-I spe over ar 0 zbaugh Motors F Dansburv • _.•••. , . .•• •• 9 I mUfllty Room at 7 pm on Wed-•fitenti1y It and what t" do about Mr Malle has always been in- Malle saId verslty),. 51 B The Judles have won s:ven and 'I' Trombly .,.. ....•.••.• 8 nesday evening, February 20f::.,.iM. Mr. Wood said the pamphiets terested m thp emplovment Urgmg parllclpatlOn of JUnior Clarence 0 Dell, son of Mr. I osson to e Holzbaugh. one Kopp sPhar- D McCarron •..•...• , • 8 I~i.;mgo dlfecliy to tne mUniCipal plOblems of the handicapped since: and ~enIor hIgh school students: and ~rs. Clarence G. O'Dell. I Imacy also have the same kind of A Denmacker . ......•.. 7 B?a~~::,sO:h; IS Ja p~~~~~;or 2;~r:f.lm:es to be mailed to the reSI_ Ill'(ommg a mpmber or the Dls- In the "Employ the PhYSically I 694 LlDcoln road, has reeently 1 t R kh I a record over WolverIne Potato 200 S E S th C 11 f MedJ'~t$ III each area I abled American Vetenms Now a I Handicapped for Nahonal Secur- been el.ected treasu.rer of Del. a ae am IChips and would like to keep It cores: exton 216, P U:lve~s~tgye, 0'V111prlecslennetohflwSaSYllnd"e":~ - C mb'- Fore P N 1 C d f th It" . nte t Malle sa d ta Upsilon fraterruty for the 1 that way PIChI'S Barber Shop LUCIa 203, J Riegler 200 E Bpau.


0 we es , a,t atlOna omman er eel y essa) co S, I d t f' ,Cunent mter-relaltonshlps be d M d CI grand 204 T McLaughlin 205 J lecture on "A Health Mlsslol1r '0ther tban to have each DAV: he bacame well acqullinted I "It's a splendid chance for our Sl!eo.n semes er 0 t~1S yea~. \' t ....een the Umted States and th; 1an on ry eaners meet, Mon- Marsack 214 R Harns 202' J South Amenca" '

owner fight the dIsease ---- -- ----- - --I future employers to learn f4J.iY He 18 a jUnior at Dewson UtU- I dry needs a 4-pomter to break. ' . ." . 'duall h te th bIt. d th b tter k- vei'Sl.ty, Granville Ohio. malor couptnes of EuropE: will even for the season Stemer Ford Koerber 202, 'I' McLaughun 210 Professor Ordon, then MIl}t>.y In waver man- H Itl D tea I 1 ,es an e e wor ,_ •• ~ ,. be dIscussed m a six-week lec-I h ld 2 Th th Or don, spent four years m south

j€.'.becouslder! adequate. the ea l el'J. mg records of the phYSically han- tllr" ~erl"< that WIll b nlr t 0 s a 6- record agamst VII- e bu:, for e CYO _Tourna- A'Y'''rlc'' ,."th the of!'c" of Inte-". r_. offiCials deCided It would, • • I dlcapped employee so they wlli Robert Trees, son of Mr. and D t t h< tst d rl ~ 0 llage Wme Snop. The latter needs I ment Will leave St PaUl School [A - - 'A'ff' ., • ~ "Ll t;tl B t e rOI suc ou an 109 mem- h t 1'15 S d F b 17 mencan airs

• ~flbore effective to follow one S S iU ouse t e appre~late and understand the I Mrs. Daniel Trees, 946 Lwcoln bers of the Um~erslty of Mlchl- a Win ere to st,ay In the race I a pm un ay, .e The reservation deadhrie 15r\ed battle agamst, usmg' Dr Thomas S Dav'es of the sItuation when they meet It In I Road. Grosse Pointe, and sen. gan faculty of Prof Preston W .. Auto Club and Motor City Those who have not paid their Sunday evenmg February 17t.1

• tical methods and causmg ,t IHealth Department re's>orts. that I the future". ior and socIology - P5ycholog:y Slosson, eminent hlstonan and Tires have broken even sO far bus fee should do so tOO1ght For reservatIOn; call Ken Lelp.-be more thoroughly stamped the commUnicable disease sltua- I State wmners Judged by Paull major in the department of ~ell known radiO commentator TheIr lOam lOterest here WIll be ------- prandt at TV. 2-5809.

1:1in thiS area," pomted out hon 10 Grosse POinte and the ID Bagwell. Head. Dept, of WrIt- arts and SCiences, was host to 'I' to get out of the cellar. On TelevisionWood D Bagwell Head of the Depart- a {ani'"' student at Oberlin I hl. seTle~ on Amencan Inter- MIddle Atl Tr'"'''' Co 5~ m -~.,.... IHarper Woods area IS very satlS-' D- t E • -t'. .. 0) I ~ ....."....., '.70'.'<'l'lr,<:"4"':~""<""""'=:'0De of the chief methods of, facto The onl disease which I ment of Wntten and Spoken College's International Stud- es s In urope opens at the p & J Cocktail Lnre. .. '" 52 The Arthur Murray Club Night. -,

liMing the dIsease, the offICIals 'IS a~ve normar expectancy IS I English, MIchigan State College, ents' Day, February 9. i ~tc~:;;w~~mo:I:17 ~~amsworth V~lIage Wine Shop 49 on WXYZ-TV on Feb 19 WIll behuned was to spray their trees mumps which has not by any I Will receive Defense Bond Under the sponsorshIp of the' b) - pm on Piches Barber Shop '" 48 featurmg the Michigan Belli St d b k;'hen they are In the dormant I means 'reached epidemIC propor Awards, Malle added. and a student orgamzatlOn the Cos- Fnday, Fe ruary 1" With a lee- Kopp's Pharmacy....... 47 Telephone Company's Girls' Club U e a er

- . - h t th t I'd f 'ture on The Current European F ....l\age m March or AprIl and agam I tlOns There have been 55 cases 1c ance a e na IOna a'o\8r so, motpohtan Club, foreign students 5 t t S k II b P arms l\olarket , .• , .•.•• 44 Orgamzed by MI''; Dorothy Ma- OWN ERS OFUs JJ1iy or August to prevent the reported for Januar} 1952 ~,$1 000, $400, $JOO, $200 and $100. I from twenty-seven OhIO colleges ~ ua hlol7' ?fea..;r WI e rof Wolverine Chips •••.. ,., •. 44 son, the SIX hupdred memberselm bark beetle, a tmy black m- compared to 18 for January i951' I contnbuted by the DAV and Fra-I representmg forty countnes at~ 'l' ar,; at: I ta~pen of the Steiner Ford 42 Will tell the audl''once the work GROSSEied smaller than an ant. from Field Mouse Bile! ' tel nal Order of Eagles tended the affair whIch pro~ldeU ";ers\ y s po I Ica sCience de-I Mondrv Cleaners 39 they do to contribute to charl-tpreadmg the disease from tree Other commuRlcable dlseases Mr Malle also plans a cltlzens opportunlty to dlSCUS' mutual par 11'C~ • Earl Holzbaul:'b Mtrs. 39 table projects PO INTE10 tree, leav.ng hJs tmy catacomb mclude 15 case. of chlckenpox, 1 committee, to aid and enCOUI age con ...erns m the fields of edu- Prof Slos~on's lecture, whlch I !\fotor City Tires _......•. 37 The program can be VIewed atOt lioles much like a gmgerbread 2 Imoetlgo 2 measles. 6 rmg-I employers 10terest In hIring the rallon. culture economics poll- I I~ fourth m the weekly senes,I Auto Cluh 34 930 p mfllttern m the tree Iworm, 7 <carlet fever and 2 m- I hanclIcapped 10 shops, factOrIes IIcs. and mternatJOnal govern- WIll be on Amencau ForeIgn \--.. W teb Wood 1 fJuenza cases Eight cases of dog bUSIness offices, and every" ';cl e ment. WIt h the general tOPiC Pollcy m France and Spam 'Gh I'S- Offi I a I PilES bIte were reported 10 additIon to else they "'an be fitted Into a SUlt- I of "Intel national Understandmg ,Other lecture tOPICS are BrItIsh I osf corp,.on,' 'She,.k,'~ hCl31dSwere baSOtto d todwal rn lone Uela mou~e Olle I .h\p Job How Do We Reach It'" The I GOvernment and PolIhcs, Amen-I '.... use 0 ers a ou woo pI es d can Fo elgn Pol c Gwhich are fre uentl celIe t ------ - - -----. stu ents were housed In faculty r I y In ermanY'1 KI. H ". k. Hell.~lng place~ for ~h:X beet~ I GlAMORITE Dr G~a~~~ ~T ~~~~;~ Su- home< and college dormitOrIes I Problems of the Foreign Aid I e,n, o,e ,n eo, neOld woodpiles whIch show lOd _ A socIal evenmg followed the Program ,and The MIlitary Slt- B- t- f h d 1 1 permtendent and Mmlster of dlSCU%IOn program uatlOn 10 Western Europe i out F .d t Ch t ,. lei:O~~ ::e ~~~;::::!~gb~r~edls~~~: MIchigan CongregatIOnal Chm- Misses Jean Corey and Alice I Registration, whIch IS $5 for S" oy a' es er ,e• Is d t d d 'd f I han Conference Wll! bl' the gue,t Seblaepfer of Grosse Pomte I the SIX lectures mal' be made at '

~:o;oca e • .an not use or I mmlster at the Gro~se Pomt" pIa.. clarinets in the OberllD the tIme of the openmg lecture \fIghtl' grunt and groan men carded 10 the featured events~"W I Congregalional Church Sunda\', College Sympnonv Band. Both --------------1 wlth odd names features the card LoUie KleIn tangle~ WIth the- ~mte offlcla~ ~~nd~ngNt~ February 17th I students IR the department of 1 ~econd semester from Grosse Friday mght at Chesterfield "Sheik" and Stailey HollIck With Garageaeekl~g ~er~ t o~ S' ~h' II Dr SkIdmore ....as born m arts and setellces, Miss Corey IPomte Are~a GratIot pear lO-Mlle road "The Ghost" TIle latter bout Is • Complete Stock of

~r or e I y, l,lrray ml , England and came to Amenca I Is a freshman and MISS I P - - a natural Evenly matched, the~e pCity Engmeer for the Farm. Ev- \\ Ita hl~ family m 1907 Sm~o I Sehlaepfer IS a sophomore Ann Hoffman, daughter of .J <trong boys should give an excel- arts.erett Lane. City Manager of the I that tlme he has spent most o~ 1 They are danghter.; of Mr d !\Ir and Mrs. Carl Carl Hoff- lent performance and whethe • MechaniCS on DutyPark, Thomas JefferiS. Superm-j I hiS lIfe In our ~tate of MIchIgan I Mrs. Donald H. Corey of ite:- man, 983 VernIer. and Edward not the "Ghost" Will retam r ~~ I All the TimefetIdent of the Shores, and Phlhp I I He IS a graduate of Oberlin Col-I wood Ct and Mr and M Brooks. son of Mr. and Mrs. hood IS problemahcal Klem and Hours II 0 m. to 8 p....Allard, AdmImstrator for the i ~"",,_ liege WIth honorarv degrees fro.n I George L. Schlaepfer of';;i E.dward Brooks 1756 Haw- the "SheIk" engaged In a set- For Your ConvenIenceWoods. I . IDefIance Collcgc He \\<as pastor I McMillan. thome, freo;hmE'n. to last week In an Au<trallan I

The Grosse Pomte Garden of South C.1Urch In Grand Ra,,- On FTidav, February 15 at • • • I , tag match and eagerly agreed to I

CounCil was repre~nted bv Mn; I Ids Mlchlgan pnor to a,~ummg I a 30 pm. the Symphony Band Marygrove College ~tudents finish the feud m a <mgle match IHarley HIgblc, Mrs Donald C I hIS pre'ent pOqtlOn In 1'l4l In Will present It< annual \~ Inter Will ob<erve Brotherhood Wee", \ Russ BIshop, one of the husle<t IStevenson and Mrs Harold Bal-I 1951 he wa, granted three month< concert In Warner Concert Hall I Feb 17-24 "Ith open forum and little fellows e\er to grapple atley, secretary Mrs HIgbie IS also I leave of absencE' which wa, ~ent 1The program "lII mc1ude SUite I semmar dl<cu'.,on~ mo\ le~ book Chestcrfield. runs mto II tartarmalrman of the committee to travelmg m England Scotland, for Concert Band bv G~rald I talh~ and a Ma,< 10 an Ea<tern ~. \\hen he er..gages "The &orplOn "Ifight the tree dIsease I Ireland, th" Netherland< SWlt-1 Kechley, the ~econd movement I' nte Student- \\111 be m\ Ited to . The latter 15 Ii newcomer, an-I

~Olnte property owners who zerland and France lof Don GlllI, Solmphom No make new fflend~ th.ough "OCI~II other hooded man blddmg to out-believe they have a tree bE'armg GlamoroU$ Roxanne. 'Whose. I 51'2 The Sha ....) DancE' bv Fr .nk actl\llles planned (or the Wef k do the "Gho,t" for populafltythe dutch el~ dIsease Will be told -AasII -ua .snaps the ~ontes- I.-,Ir, ~ b~1 mtr~u~ed tn_ t~e_ I~g- Skmner ExcerpL< from the ",m_l Manlep Jaj!lowlc1 daul!ht('f nf BIlly Sandow. of the old cm:usfly munlupal autnorllles to WrIte iiJ!;,. -Oil CBS-TV's ..~t the I' .a ....,(' u, Rcp "",WIU~~ ':('pu,,- I phOnIC Poem. Em Heldenleb~n," 'I Mr and Mr. Jo.eph J Jagl(>~ 1f1 family of strong men. engage<to Mr Bvt>r, State Department of, C1Ock~'" jroves here that she mer of StockbrIdge IS .passed, I b) RIchard Strau« and Fight 1117 Sunntn"rlaJe drive 1< chalr \ Johnny Gates In the other shortAgrIculture. Lansmg, Mlchlgan.j ~u~.~ JIG.... to PCl5t' for a piC. II JUnior can cut Pop wfthll'llt a I RU~~lan Folk Song, b) Anatol man of the 'GIrl Scout ',oml ac- bout ************Tlus department Will have the "Reat the ClO<'k" Is sponsored drop of the cup that cheers HIS Lladov I tlOn group and a member of tho> ----------------------------diseased tree treated by local [' 11,. SylYama Electric Products. mea'ure would prohibit Itquor On Ma •• h 7 and 8 the '3, m-I Brotherhood Week promotlOo RU~C;; BISHOPbranch authofltles Jnc. estabhshment< from ~el1mg or phonY Band WIll perform fo. the com,m!tee=~---------------------------1 furm,hmg hquor to an" per. on IAmeTican Band ma~te A \r O,'g the.e odd tItles are "The No a Summe a.... .....La.I-II when forblddE'n to do '0 bv thp I tlOn m Columbu< o~~ , .. CIa-II Agnes Moroun daughtrr of \f~ Shplk of AI aby, , "The Ghost," g yer r mu.IlUU~••

'FRIENDlIEST SERVICE hU'band WIfe parent ch1ld • • .. 10 and \1'r< T John Morou,n, 1001 ;md "The ScorpIon" All top- The incomparabte CARONIA'SIN TOWN' guardian empl~yer or townshl~ I The folloy,InI( t d t I Bl<hop road ",,11 take part In the I notch wre<tler~ they are p:ured

- per- I I II d I 'I' en' lave dl«'u<.,on OJ' how movle~ reprl' 'n a ~ av thnt should create the0.. vr", enro E' at A mll College fo" the ~ent the A mi'flcan '" 1I\ of lIfe to I acmp or e).cltl'm'E'nt In a program

foreIgn countne< Shp .. 1I mpm- I bq"pnlng at 8 10 () clock I

bf'r of the drama promotion Four bout~ lnrludlng a double II group I main evpnt or onp hour each are

I Countrv Dav plavlng under It. new coach, Pat Cwa-I nauRh defeated DetrOIt UniversIty School. on Countrv Day's II court .. 'i'i-45, FrIda" Feh 8 .-------------=-

Sl;Inrllllg< of C;outhea<tf'rn S.lb 5. Gr_ Isle l-

Iurban Conference High School It D 1J S 4le!ll1:ue !lrp a< fol1ow~ - • !-lI

I 1 Edison Jn~titute 7 -0 D U S ""II bf' ho,t~ to GI o~se2. Fra<er 3-4 i J.J(' Frldav Fen l'i lCl52 I~ook I~ ('ountn Don 'l-4 Rn~rl .nri "v1~r": A\ r T\~ ... T,e,.. A E Smith 3-4 fiN at 7 00 pm

,. .