laninlt ilruiew -...

WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR _ ADVERTISING HAS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY. A ,>peclal ",oaiP sale 18 In 'Pragt. ess «11 of the S"<hett1er Drug Stores WI two convenlerutlv located 111 Gras Pomte to hetterr SC1"veyou one at ,ar>d boulevard and Jefferson and t other .,t Nottmgham and Jefferson Rtdlculously low pfitceS on soap.s exCep t lOt1:1a 1 q uahtv are 111effect J compare the quahty and pnces ot th fine soaps With those of the ordlln soaps 1.n t you WIll wonder how It be pos<,lble to buy g.oap so reaserna Take aJvantr1ge of thIS specml s and save .t<orte'> Gl'Osse fu11lte SerVIce a Kerdh~.yal and St Clatr IS now opeTat mg under new mallagemertt Ibut t same 'Personnel under the mamgeme of Harold \:tllter wlll oontmue to 't; tend a prom'Ptt and courtOOUis servliC A complete lme O'f HI Speed prodfoc t Will be stocl{.ed at all bmes Complete garage serv1ce 'WIll b added Wl1lch Will be ope~ ateld unde the capable "'UlPerVlSIOnof Chas GooJe who V\ as connected WIth Darltng s G'lj rarge for a number o~ )ears as an e~ pert Ln th~1me ~ vrork I MR AND MRS HARRY W GRI FI1H of Neff Road who are on crUIse to the Canbbe'an ann the \-!.am mcltllamg Ouibla. Velnezuell Columbia Panama and vanous 1slan m the "Vest Indies .arnved at N York \iVednescLay They maJde t'be tr l on the Std.tendam I Special Soap Sale I at Schettler Drug C New Owners Take Over Korte's Grosse Pte. Service Statio Norbert Denk Seeks Re-election on His Record as Supervisor Norbert F Denk whose hfe bra'!'bee-tj ~(h;ntlI ed for years WIth the comm-ur-I Ity s aff~lr,> 'lfter a year of many ac. compltshments as SUlperVISlQrof GroMe: POll1te TU'\\nshlp agalln iheads the DemoLratlc bCl\.et m the forthcomlJ 1 electIOn It' Apnl Not 011 y hab he <conducted the cHalrSI of the commumty ill a very creC1l1tabtlj manncr but ne has also effected econ~ omles He IS deservmg of re electlon He IS quahf ed through ('Xlpenenci ",nd education ihavmg betn secretarrvj to the "upervisor for many years and has a U'1IVerSty e-lucat on I He h'\,> bee 1 a Crl'dIt to thb com In...tUlty Just 111 hlS dealmgs WIth. hIsl kllow men enterpnslng a.1d con1 "clent!Oth 111 the performance of tl-t"'J duties of hiS ofhce a progressive .and! c<l.lpd.lbleeadu and as such deserves l con., On and support I St. Paul's Altar Society I to Hold Bake SalE! -- I Owl11g to the big SUDcess of our las sale and tlhe constant deman.ds of oo~ .c-ustomer3 for th.e lovely bake good we soLd them the ~ardaes of The AlJta Society of St Plaul's Church are g.pO[' sonng anoche1" bake sale at Fred s Mar ket on Saturday March 28 Mrs Arsen Mertens of St Clair Ave IS the chair man Kmdly make your donat1ons t heir Saturday morrmng Ot" brmg <tJh direct to the market We also WIsh thanrk t<hol,e who patronized us at ou last sale and ~e to <:ee them ba'C argam Sed IOn 14 (D)-It l~ lJeldJY de elared 1. nl11sance tor the owner of any clog 0 dHow the dog \'Ylthl11 any 5tore Wlth n the CIty of G10sse POinte The ordinance wa::. brought <lJbout a'3l a result of the great numbe1 Ot carr plalOt<>ongmatmg from patrons ()If10nl St01es Willo strenuously objected to dOg'S belltlg allowed to run aIbout In stores deahng in foodstuffs etc The oohee "re requesting that re<;ldents l:el!1dtheIr to operatIon to the merCihrar'ts In se cunng <:omplctp compha11J r e 'WIth thiSI 1egulat 011 Residents of the City are also rt~1 mmdied that dog l1JCenses for the fiscal ,)ea'!"beg111nlng '\pnl 1 Will be avallabl;J on such date and that In ac-cordancd wlth tre methoD adopted In 1935 unde]1 which comp 1lsorv vaccmatlOn of al dogs 1S reqUired licensed competent veterlnarlan~ wlll be on hand each Thur'3ctay at the CltYoffioes so that reSl I dents '1.lay tdke advanhge Olf I1:hl.!> con~ venlence when <;e-eurl11g hcense~ fori the r an~mals ---~~-~~. . \ \ ! I!'i By Mall :1'200per year Smgle Co!"es 5 Cent. Treasurer \Varning Given to City Dog Owners About Them Being in Stores - I Merchan<t<; 10 the City of Gro<,se Pomte have ref'en1.1y comp l<l.lned a!>o 1tl the pract1ce of severJ.l of their patrons who allow d0g~ to enter "tore'> and 0": thl'S reason Ch ef Lrt<:son qt'Otes t 'v {olloV\1l1g c'\..tract ir >m the. COl1llplle 1 Ordm8~ltCe<; of the (lty of Gro<;se Pomte For ADOLPH L. DAMMAN Seeks Re electIon In Township Elecbon Aprd 16 The fir::.t of the season s mUSlca ndes at the CJ 1ltrv Ilub In Grosse Pte took place Tue"day evenmg Marc.h 17 111t ~e ncloor fI l~ These ndes are held ror members and thelr fnends and the, wlll {"ontmue each Tuesday e, enl11g- from 6 ,,0 to 7 30 a clock through the &prll1lgmonths Re<;ervatlOns for horses may be mad" by calltng the stables At a dlpnel last Wednesday the So Rhe'a'> Club at "M:arygrorve CaLleg pledged 11 '>s \[ary Katlhleen EibneI daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank G Fbne'f 877 Barn,gton Road MISS Eibner wl-o graduated from Gmsse Pomte H1!S1hIS a freshmen a.t MangrOve She IS actne 111the Sodal Ity at the collcg-e and last week rprl.~ <;ented an addre<;s bf'fore the Encydlcal Study Group on the Papal Program for Peace As On 1"ed by St A.Illgu<: hnt' Mary Ebner Plf'dged by Marygrove College On March 11 \Ir,> Robert He1l11l1g of 1241 l\ottlngham Ro'lc1 Grosse Pomte Park wa'> over'Corrne by cdrbon man ox de ga~ In the basement of her home while washmg Mrs Hennung feehng 111 turnE'd on the electriC and ~hut off the gas and f<lilOterl il1 the basement AHer rervlv mg Wrs Henn'1ng somehow got up <;hut<; wnere <:he fdl11ted In the ,>un room After a. while \1IS Hennms pulled the telephone dbW'n a 1d called the H or'h Sch'Ool to ha\c her daughte~ sent home Mn Hennmg then called \1rs r ydla Barton of S?7 Delarware and told het how s ck s~le was Mrs Rennmg fainted agam and Mrs Barton not gcttmg an, an,>\\er called the pONce Mrs Hennll1g was gomg to pounel on the wmdow to attract her nelghbQl s when she saw tlhe p {)Ice and managed to go and unlock the k1tchen door The pollee called Dr John \tl:ac KenZ1e Mrs Hennmg s 1'armly plhy Solman The gas c-ompany was called <lJndthey found that the carlbon mon oXlde was caused from not havmlg a vent P 'De on the gas heater It was Mrs Hennlllg s aballty to shut off the gJas Ibefore she famted that saved her from death and a po"slb.le exploslon at her home Fire Chiefs Royally Entertained by Park Department Heads A hrge m mber of fire cllefS of the Southeastern M lOhlgan AssCclatlOn at FIre ('rJ.uefs atte 1decl the 'Special enter iamm("l1t and dmner sponsored b" Wllham P Shoemaker CommlSS10nel of Publ c S fety and Fdward L Rel lor A~" ~tant Fire Ch~ef of Grosse Pomte PaTl 8.t P J v.: em" RU'lhc Cab m last 1hunday arfte1 noon Oklahoma Boh Albr~ght enterta1l1ed the iboys w th a number of songs arui -affiUS11g stone;, A splend d quartec contllbuted to the afternoon senter tamment Oklahoma Bob 1S heard da ly over station CKI VI at 8 30 III tht, mornmg 1fr Rae of the Detr'Olt Cltv Gas Company wa'S the prmopal speaker of the daY In all It was a very 'Pleasa'1t and tnJoV1hle anternoon ong to be rcmem berc.d bv t"1e boys About the only cne m s.,mg was Honorary Chief Ro gell Y\ ho lS at present In t1 ammg at Lakeland can UL and at Country Cluh Held handed, Musical Ride T1Jesday Ilruiew RALPH E BEAUPRE Se-ek'i Re~electlon In Townsmp ElectIon AprIl 16 Every Day Is Fish Day Thlls fact IS bemg browght home t, the consumer more Impressl\ ely eVCTj- <'av~hsten to thl<: Hello John how about tak1l1g a httle lsh g tnp? Car't co t Bill-thiS IS only Tue" cay and rnday IS fish daY ::'ounds nd cuI ')'US doesn t It? Any day IS fish day The George ~ Deets FIsh Market ot 151?4 "l'vfa('jcA\e says FIS'b caJend ,t'3 and statlst cdl tab eb are no lon.ger needed \vthen you bUJ fish t 151-' C've'1 .as fl{esh frUits rad e\ ('ry dR) for a'1.y meal <111 se'l."ons 'tt our ror detalled llst of )roducts see tht r advertlsemc lt The m0the'fs Cub of the Grobbc P0111te Hlgh School wl1l "old at' orpen meetmg Mondav evening March 23rd at 7 41 P \1 n room 119 of the hU$h school -'OlJmJiilJOl@@mlJOimmiJI,@_ ;;]Adnrew T. Phillips I HI at Home Here ~ __ i?J Andrew T Plulhps, former ~ constable of Grosse Pomte, bett ... r~ known as Andy," IS III at hill ~ home on Nottingham, wIth mte I tInal Influenza Best wishes fol.'"a speedy recov('ry rill "jii!liilliil~l'!@mlJmJRJii!JiIDii!roilliJJii!JO!fi!lJ ---- I Mothers Club to Hold Open Meeting March 23 Drive Safely NORBERT F DENK ' Wallace Gamher Has Returned from Florida laninlt 'tHE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POiNTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAl.. DISTRICT GROSSL Por\fJ VIlCHI(i\\[ rHIRSDAY lVIl\RCH 19 1936 Seeks Re-election as Township Supervisor For Clerk RUDOLPH C. SCHMIDT Seeks Re elecbon In Township ElectIon April 16 Pllpils of Olive May Merz Featured in Recital L B OLDHAM, Pl1bhsher For Justice of Peace Respons Dlhty for sa>fetv beg ns be forE" the Vcr-II de IS removed from It" garage The owner s 001 gat on IS to be certal1l the veh cle IS properly eqUipped and reaJdy forr the rO'aJd "VallaiCe Gamber has Just returned A modern mo1:<Jr vehlcle learves the from l\1"laml Beacih Fla where} e wa'> fadory In safe conc1ltlOn Wlth proip r For the V\.eekly student re>Cltal at '3 the h'otlse guest of l\ifr a11d Mr~ T J 'Care and adjustment t can be ke'Pt <:0 p ml Satut'iday Maroh 21 DetrOIt Con Donovan of 405 I akeland avenue a Fallucr-e of steenng gear or brakes can servttory of MUSIC Will ipresent fresh then \:hanll Beach borre (n Albecorc be aVOIded ea~l1y by p'erlO'd c mspectlo'1 manl and sophomore /puplls under the Dnve and adjustment The d1scafidmg of d1redtIOn of 011Ve May Merz The re He attended dog race" cockt" 1 wor 1 t rb w llla.rgely 'Prevent blowouts cltalj free to the pulbhc WIll 'be held tn partle~ and pIa' ed golf at J agone al d and gre2.ltly l"edJuce "k ddmg Head ConJervatorry Hall 5035 WoodJward the B ltmore and partles at the Bear 1 llghts must not only 11lummate tht. In the ReformatIon Lutheran Church and '1 enl11s Clulb t11e r Ive 0 Clock Club I course at 11lg1htbut must <1lso be ad Vernor and Lake'Vlew Aves DetrOit and the Toy.,n Cas TO Races at Rla Ju"ted not to blind otheT dnvers Gonservatory studen1s wt I pre"ent "l lea" were attended qu te fre.quently If an aCCIdent because of the mlscellaneou::. C()it1cert at 7,0 p 111 He has acqUIred a healthy tan anl IJ.,lure of any part of the vehicle Sunuav Mar<ch 22 Tlhe followmg Wl 11 Will be pro out at the R c1gemon t Go t eqt.lpmeont the fault he::. m the owneT "I app$r on the prQlgIam CynthIa \1alitz COt r'>e thlS veal neglect n 99 of every 100 Clases LIberal Trade Allowance VIrWlUJa Smohkl and Felt'n Dought\ -------- Inprm ed dnv1l1g cond hons all1d <;ub on Bicycles at Sunman's plan,sts Rallph Bidwell vlohmst Rutl-j MR AND \![RS GhORGE 1. I sequent mcreased trarfic mOV1'1g a Krafbe and Cyf11 MItchell celltsts and HL 'J1 ER and th Ir daUJg'hter Jane of greater speed demands perfef( tly func B)1b St rtn l.n of 15417 \1adc avenuE" 01V~ "V-orsley soprano OIVe Kuyken Berkshire Road left on Saturday by I tlo111ng equlDment Oheck you caT +or sUI:;ge'>S tradnng 111-old blcycles on new dal13w 11 be a<ccompamst motor for Atlant c Clty Wlere they maXimum safety perfoTmance now! one" now for 1 berral trade In allow 1 W"111 spend a week and then go on tll anc"'s A fine seledlon of new bicycles F r Job Pnnbng of the Better KlDU New York for another week at tne Call Grosse Pomte Printing Co., I Son (hsplav at all hmes at tih1s popular I can The ReView, Lenox 1162. Hotel Waldorf Astona Lenox 1162, for Job Printing. blcvcle sales and serVIce esta.bllshment A new .cJiepax-t'Ure111ordmary musIc s'01.oo eurrlOula l 'a htgh fiddlty sound .and recordmg systerm IS Ibemg l11stalled 111the Detroilt ConservMory {)If MUSIC under tlhe d.lrectlon of Bons Radoff SQUnld e~t 'OIf the Cons-ervdtory When It IS fi111shed .complete courses W1llibe offered 111radlO techmque mtc ropOOrn€le~enence ductlon 'and emm elatton Besldes mdudmg a 'Puibllc addlre " system whereby vanoulS studnos and loun~~es O!f the Conservatory are lmked the watt system WIll also pro'V'lce for the ruklng of records of student fac ulty and othe1r as well as of 111 dlVl ual selectwons Republican Women's Rally Last Monday Draws Large Crowd The organzat10n meettll1~ of thr- Gro<,se Pom tc Re'Pubhcan Club Aux ulla1"y sponsored by 1'VIrs Holden at I the l\elgnborhood Glub last ?'vfoncJ.ay aftE'J:'noo1 was attended by severdl hupdreJdt 11terested women M1"s I redCl"lck M Alger Wf"O of fic11ted as dlla.lrman for the occasion gave an address on orgal1lzmg and gave her reason'> wlhy the elochon of a ReJPt1lbhcau adm. n1stratwn should be theIr ,.urn ~~ Bouncing Baby Boy ~I Born to Whattlings Soloists Featured on the ChuN:h's Duty Sunday Music Hour Toward$! Prevention of Follo,,,"~ the busmess <eSSlOn tht A 9~4.pound baby boy W"lS POinte Players w 11 gl\ e the play born '0 Mr and MY' Wbatlhn~, J lllve""ileDelinnuency " 't 1 "h I?,J Isobel Williamson PJa11lst dud Ben .!A ~ V.l.1n",1011S"). conc 1.1510nre'lres of 576 Notre Dame avenue, at the ~ b h DJerk '3S tet'or will be SOlOlStSon th" I mCl ts are to t served 111t e 'Cafetena Grosse POinte Cottage Hospital b I I I 1 @! regular studentbroadca<;t of the Detoolt A CallI to ctlVe partlCtpatlOn v at er" d1(1 \fot1ers a::. v.el 1", on Monday, March 9 i C 1d h 'f d c'b Conservatory orf \11.1SICat 345 p m CHtll"ch e<l. cr,; In t e pre lent on Oi J1.1 nen '> and neigH ors are 11\ ted to Mr Whatthnll IS a member of b h d I Sunday March 22 o\Cr VI/XY? and ve11l1e debnqu r I1cy Vvas sounded y tE'l atten the staff of Instructors at the ~ the Mlchlgan radIO network The Can Revere"1d Hatrv Let. Vlrden Redor Plea,>e "lend 10 your que<;t!ons to the Grosse Pontle High School S L"" Al h D T servatory s strmg ensemble under tUJi',.e s 1..:1urc e11l'>011 exas \1C'1then Ch b Ot eY(lOl1 Box dt rt ... ~rm Henr) Slegl will open the p1"ogram wlth Wnhng for tihe Probatton MaJgaz ne on p~h '>chool whIch are 0 be an.,wen.Q MR 1\1\ D MRS LYNN Me A letter flam \Ir McPherson for ]ohan Svendsen s An Icelard c Me! the 3'uI1JJe'ct ffhe Church ald Dehn at the 1V1:archmeeting NA1JGH10""J of Kenwood R03.Jd are me~ candlp.ate tor Congres<: commend ody and close the quarter hour Y\ tl-' qUf'ncy" Rev \ n.len 'PO n~ed out that back from Palm Beach wlheTe the; mg them upon the1r act!Vlhe" was Getorge He lschel s Anc1antt, (from tnere are matTY t ngs 1. cburch can do For Job Printmg Call Lenox 1162 SPC'l1\:,>ei,et'ia!v\eeks Set'ienade ) m eo operabO/. '\\lth othel soc al force'> --------------------------------- r~~frs AIgel,"",rtt'<><'!IIe-ea ~rn Geo<g" "--- '" trM";wnClitv GROSSE POINTE PARK WOMAN ~odgers chawnan ",f Ih.e Re\>ubj,can D. F. W. to Hold 9th (1) Hove a <oc,.1 aud,t of the COO'1 HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM Wom('l1 s r~derated Clulb who ou... mumty whIch could be the meetns of bned hav hey sh~ula organize i1 Drivers' School Mar. 26 startmg tee soc.1 educatwn of the DEATH BY ASPHYXIATION Grosse POll1te m order to mrt:crebt t 1( ,} OtlILg 'People 01 the congrE',gartlOn ------------------ wo ne 1 of tne comm tl11tj- to go to the The Detrmt FedcratIon of \Vamen (2) Promote BLg 1310ther and Blor poll" next fall Her 'Plan was appf1lY\11e Clubs dnd the Women s ~afety Com Sl'lter servICt boys 1. dg Is club wor~I \1rs 0 0 Rex spoke on the neces mlttee In co opcratlOn with the Auto for the problem ch~klrcn referred D) sity for orea11lzlI1g and c,omphmel ted mobile Club of \!flchlg-an wlll havc I the sdhools or ot11cr social agenC1es the Gl"os-le Pomte Revlew f'Or ItS co I thelr nmth Dnvers Instltute at the and !for those ot11ers whose environment opel atlon }< ederatlOn Club House commencmg IS a prdblem to them "11"s l:.tlw n Kneghoff o:f 1111"!\Jot Thursday MaTch 26 at 7 30 p m and 0) See what can be done albou1 re t111ghlam Wl" elected chalrmal a 1d contmumg eaJch Thursday mght n movmg those unfavortalble SOCial con Mr~ r \1 L\lger hono:rnTy .chauman Apnl The CO'3t of the course o>f fivL dltlOns catlS ng pr.oblem children aud 1he next meet111lg of thls nev,.ly lesson'3 IS $1 vfr H 0 Rounds [If t~{' dehnqucl1b formeJ organ zalIon wllllbe held at the Traffic and Sa-fety Department of t le (4) Attend State &nd NatlOna1 Con tome of \!1rb 1< 'tvi Alger on Jeftersf 1 Automob Ie Club IS the mstrLctor "1 ferrences of socIal work 111 order to be avenu ... Wer.lne$dav Apr 1 15 In 'p'rc traffic Oirdmances At the .concluslOn 1l1lformed on soc1al work and educatIon pardtlon f?r a stroofUous campa1g'1 of the course an eXaml11atlOll wILI be (5) Promote educatIonal MTork The whldh Will not el d untll the eJe.chon held and the two With the hIghest av churches have seldom hesltated to ex I next fall erage WIll recewc a pnze The Police pouse caJUses and have demolllstrated MRS ROBERT HENNING Announcement ()If the next mee1111g Department wlll also give exammaho'1s over arud OV& t1:IhJan when suffiClently lr Will <lIppedr n the'>e rolumns at 1 latt>rr for permIt to dr ve earnest tney can get results Sacred Heart Convent da,te BeSIdes the tea-chmg of the traft The lack af opartlclpatlOn In cOlllfer Day of Recollection ~------- ordmances there Y\ 11be bnef addresses ences on del111quency by clergymen W1.'> S h dId f M 22 Detroit Conservatory by someone promment 111CIV1Cendea\ 'Po l11lte d out by Rev Virden when he C e U e or aT(". ors and iJ.)ldur~s teaching lessons 111 e)"plamed tha.t only one dergyman <came Installing Sound System safety and lI1swuctlve ones regardmg for the entlre program of a recent con h Latere Sunday March 22 there WIll the motor car Will be sown ference he attended C d H < 1 I be a day of recollectton at the Sa'Cred .,tu ent,> 111 Iglh ..... C100 are Qarttc Judge D J Healy Jr of the Ju ularly urged to attend thJ~ course D f h W P b H~art Convent In Grosse Pomte }<M'm~ venlle IVIS1IJn {)I te ayne ro ate Service" Will stalI't at 11 a ttl !\ chlcken wh1ch IS o'Pen not o~ly to women but C Ik b I L 'h ourt at a 1 ecent ta €I ore u eran dmner Wl11 be served The Rev Fr to men and bo}" AS \\ell To student" D H t1 dl ml11sters at eaconess 0 pl a urge Raemer C S S J of the JOOUltChurch the fee Ib 5C cents b , gredter part clpahon y t e rom ster,> I Will be the Sipmtual adV1ser for the daj- 1vl:r RIchard Harf'>t general manage f dI pre"enrt 111 the preventIOn QI e 111 Kmdly !f'IfhonereservatlOns to the 1C01l o:f the !\utomoblle Club and Col Hem H h d fl:" nch Pl0kert Ch1ef oIf the Palice De quen>cv e atl~O'cattedt~ e a ~Phodn: vent before noon March 21 hlagMa a program blll at' a at ou me y 9232 Serv'lces on Sunday from 11 a n pat tttlent are tv. 0 of hc speakers Rev \r lrdE'l1 and a clo<:er co Q1)erahbn to 5 p m Mrs }< lora Spra{{ue Rounds IS ohalr of all socIal falCtloTsm the tCommul1lt) man of the Instltute too\ ari~ the attammellrt: of that end Regl,>tratlOns for the InstItute may De _ made at the DetrOit FederatlOl1 Club ,:rouse Sec'1nd and Hancock and at the Detro~t Automobile Club --- @I SOME( CLINGING VINeS AR.E POISON IVY. _4~\ A~ Stulffi4~- , PI" 111 // d7' mE GROBlllJ POINTE PRINTING CO., Publish .... PHONE LENOX 1162 MRS JOH'l P FRAZER " baok at her Crro.sse POlnte home on WalSh Ing.ton Roa.d after an extended stay at the Na'1,1tl1us Hoil:el In M1MtL'l Bealch. Her daughtf"r Jane WIll arnve Mat'ic'h 21 from MISS Porter s Sohoo1 at Farm mgtoll l Cohn fiOr the I$'pfmg Ihohday 1 t c;;eems peculIar how some at these men WIth poltce records at tam snoh hIgh ranks m bankmg Instttut'on Of course tht,g Isn t an mference tha.t all bankers are crooks there are honest bankeTs The ongmal Shrme of the LIt tle Flower was destroyed by fire early rue,day mormng FIre was can,ef! by fdulty wmng accard- mp; to a 9tatement by Fathel Coughhn Lverythmg 1S qtl1et I1ke a lu 1 !'efore a storm, m the TownshIp electlOl1 We wouldn't be su, pnsed to &ee some activitteS er~ electIOn The Gro .. e Pomte ReVIew s representatIve must have felt rathf"r enlbarrassed surrounded bv WlUe several hundred women at the Women s Repubhcan RaIl, last Monday afternoon Red-nosed pohcemen are ban- ned from the pohee force m Phll- arlelphla 1 ,,1ways thought the ,moke was too thIck to see that far One of the candIdates who a-s- l"lred 1'0 <?0lmcllmal1lcofficem <bhe late dttlholl m Grosse POlnte Patk "as the recIpIent of a full lenRth of stove plp,e and deems It too much Al1 olc\ E.uropean custom when a oandld~te IS deefated for office It IS nec... ar)' th"t he show it1l1 eVIdence of h." defeat by totmg variOUS articles such as tm can~, stove "!Jpe. etc "'-;"'.J~ It appears as ;,hough Comsvock dId not mean what he saId a short tlme ~go about wlthdrawmg from pohtles He" allegedly the lUall behm<\ the throne m an attempt to have Chas P Webster appOI\1ted as U S Dlstnct Attorney m De- trOlt On the other hand there seemb to he a promotmg of war gomg- on m Europe When 1t does come let us stay fnends wIth all 0' them If we must sell war ma tena1 let us sell It on the opep market for cash and carrv If audItors properly bondec! were hIred for these luc,atlve cIty office' wh.ere large sums of money are handled dally there mIght nol he so much for the taxpayer to dIp; out of theIr pockeTs for these harvesters to get roch on Mutes wl11 not reC{'11Ve such fine treatment at the hands of Detroit pohce as an aftermath of a recent 19 day lmposltwn which really touched theIr heart., and thell pockethook. Wonder what has beco11'e of !'he war m EthlOpla nere seem, 10 be verY httle mentlOn of thIS rajpng war m !'he daily p ,per, these days :'."'!j' VOL 10---No 30 News Digest By JOHN SMITH Many under" orld charaeteh are hemg sent over the road the most common charge belng m come Tax evaSIon At least It put" ~hem out of clrCl1latlOnfor a fe" years anyway

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Page 1: laninlt Ilruiew -… · we print it as we get it, without fear or favor _ advertising



A ,>peclal ",oaiP sale 18 In 'Pragt. ess«11 of the S"<hett1er Drug Stores WItwo convenlerutlv located 111 GrasPomte to hetterr SC1"veyou one at,ar>d boulevard and Jefferson and tother .,t Nottmgham and Jefferson

Rtdlculously low pfitceS on soap.sexCeptlOt1:1a1 q uahtv are 111effect Jcompare the quahty and pnces ot thfine soaps With those of the ordllnsoaps 1.n t you WIll wonder how Itbe pos<,lble to buy g.oap so reaserna

Take aJvantr1ge of thIS specml sand save

.t<orte'> Gl'Osse fu11lte SerVIce aKerdh~.yal and St Clatr IS now opeTatmg under new mallagemertt Ibut tsame 'Personnel under the mamgemeof Harold \:tllter wlll oontmue to 't;

tend a prom'Ptt and courtOOUis servliCA complete lme O'f HI Speed prodfoct

Will be stocl{.ed at all bmesComplete garage serv1ce 'WIll b

added Wl1lch Will be ope~ ateld undethe capable "'UlPerVlSIOnof Chas GooJewho V\ as connected WIth Darltng s G'ljrarge for a number o~ )ears as an e~pert Ln th~1me ~ vrork I

MR AND MRS HARRY W GRIFI1H of Neff Road who are oncrUIse to the Canbbe'an ann the\-!.am mcltllamg Ouibla. VelnezuellColumbia Panama and vanous 1slanm the "Vest Indies .arnved at NYork \iVednescLay They maJde t'be trlon the Std.tendam I

Special Soap Sale Iat Schettler Drug C

New Owners TakeOver Korte's Grosse

Pte. Service Statio

Norbert Denk SeeksRe-election on HisRecord as Supervisor

Norbert F Denk whose hfe bra'!'bee-tj~(h;ntlI ed for years WIth the comm-ur-IIty s aff~lr,> 'lfter a year of many ac.compltshments as SUlperVISlQrof GroMe:POll1te TU'\\nshlp agalln iheads theDemoLratlc bCl\.et m the forthcomlJ

1electIOn It' ApnlNot 011 y hab he <conducted the cHalrSI

of the commumty ill a very creC1l1tabtljmanncr but ne has also effected econ~omles He IS deservmg of re electlon

He IS quahf ed through ('Xlpenenci",nd education ihavmg betn secretarrvjto the "upervisor for many years andhas a U'1IVerSty e-lucat on I

He h'\,> bee 1 a Crl'dIt to thb comIn...tUlty Just 111 hlS dealmgs WIth. hIslkllow men enterpnslng a.1d con1"clent!Oth 111 the performance of tl-t"'Jduties of hiS ofhce a progressive .and!c<l.lpd.lbleeadu and as such deserveslcon., On and support I

St. Paul's Altar Society Ito Hold Bake SalE!

-- IOwl11g to the big SUDcess of our las

sale and tlhe constant deman.ds of oo~.c-ustomer3 for th.e lovely bake goodwe soLd them the ~ardaes of The AlJtaSociety of St Plaul's Church are g.pO['sonng anoche1" bake sale at Fred s Market on Saturday March 28 Mrs ArsenMertens of St Clair Ave IS the chairman Kmdly make your donat1ons their Saturday morrmng Ot" brmg <tJhdirect to the market We also WIshthanrk t<hol,e who patronized us at oulast sale and ~e to <:ee them ba'Cargam

Sed IOn 14 (D)-It l~ lJeldJY deelared 1. nl11sance tor the owner ofany clog 0 dHow the dog \'Ylthl11any 5tore Wlth n the CIty of G10ssePOinte

The ordinance wa::. brought <lJbout a'3la result of the great numbe1 Ot carrplalOt<>ongmatmg from patrons ()If10nlSt01es Willo strenuously objected to dOg'Sbelltlg allowed to run aIbout In storesdeahng in foodstuffs etc The oohee"re requesting that re<;ldents l:el!1dtheIrto operatIon to the merCihrar'ts In secunng <:omplctp compha11Jre 'WIth thiSI1egulat 011

Residents of the City are also rt~1mmdied that dog l1JCenses for the fiscal,)ea'!"beg111nlng '\pnl 1 Will be avallabl;Jon such date and that In ac-cordancdwlth tre methoD adopted In 1935 unde]1which comp 1lsorv vaccmatlOn of aldogs 1S reqUired licensed competentveterlnarlan~ wlll be on hand eachThur'3ctay at the CltYoffioes so that reSl Idents '1.lay tdke advanhge Olf I1:hl.!>con~venlence when <;e-eurl11g hcense~ forithe r an~mals

---~~-~~. .




By Mall :1'200per year Smgle Co!"es 5 Cent.

Treasurer \Varning Given to CityDog Owners About

Them Being in Stores- I

Merchan<t<; 10 the City of Gro<,sePomte have ref'en1.1y comp l<l.lned a!>o 1tlthe pract1ce of severJ.l of their patronswho allow d0g~ to enter "tore'> and 0":thl'S reason Ch ef Lrt<:son qt'Otes t 'v

{olloV\1l1g c'\..tract ir >m the. COl1llplle 1Ordm8~ltCe<; of the (lty of Gro<;sePomte


ADOLPH L. DAMMANSeeks Re electIon In Township

Elecbon Aprd 16

The fir::.t of the season s mUSlca ndesat the CJ 1ltrv Ilub In Grosse Ptetook place Tue"day evenmg Marc.h 17111t~e ncloor fI l~ These ndes areheld ror members and thelr fnendsand the, wlll {"ontmue each Tuesdaye, enl11g- from 6 ,,0 to 7 30 a clockthrough the &prll1lgmonths

Re<;ervatlOns for horses may be mad"by calltng the stables

At a dlpnel last Wednesday the SoRhe'a'> Club at "M:arygrorve CaLlegpledged 11 '>s \[ary Katlhleen EibneIdaughter of Mr and Mrs Frank GFbne'f 877 Barn,gton Road

MISS Eibner wl-o graduated fromGmsse Pomte H1!S1hIS a freshmen a.tMangrOve She IS actne 111the SodalIty at the collcg-e and last week rprl.~<;ented an addre<;s bf'fore the EncydlcalStudy Group on the Papal Programfor Peace As On 1"ed by St A.Illgu<:hnt'

Mary Ebner Plf'dgedby Marygrove College

On March 11 \Ir,> Robert He1l11l1g of1241 l\ottlngham Ro'lc1 Grosse PomtePark wa'> over'Corrne by cdrbon manox de ga~ In the basement of her homewhile washmg

Mrs Hennung feehng 111 turnE'd onthe electriC and ~hut off the gas andf<lilOterl il1 the basement AHer rervlvmg Wrs Henn'1ng somehow got up<;hut<; wnere <:he fdl11ted In the ,>unroom After a. while \1IS Hennmspulled the telephone dbW'n a 1d calledthe H or'h Sch'Ool to ha\c her daughte~sent home

Mn Hennmg then called \1rs r ydlaBarton of S?7 Delarware and told hethow s ck s~le was Mrs Rennmg faintedagam and Mrs Barton not gcttmgan, an,>\\er called the pONce

Mrs Hennll1g was gomg to pounelon the wmdow to attract her nelghbQl swhen she saw tlhe p {)Ice andmanaged to go and unlock the k1tchendoor The pollee called Dr John \tl:acKenZ1e Mrs Hennmg s 1'armly plhySolman The gas c-ompany was called<lJndthey found that the carlbon monoXlde was caused from not havmlg avent P 'De on the gas heater It wasMrs Hennlllg s aballty to shut off thegJas Ibefore she famted that saved herfrom death and a po"slb.le exploslon ather home

Fire Chiefs RoyallyEntertained by Park

Department HeadsA hrge m mber of fire cllefS of the

Southeastern M lOhlgan AssCclatlOn atFIre ('rJ.uefs atte 1decl the 'Special enteriamm("l1t and dmner sponsored b"Wllham P Shoemaker CommlSS10nelof Publ c S fety and Fdward L Rellor A~" ~tant Fire Ch~ef of GrossePomte PaTl 8.t P J v.: em" RU'lhcCab m last 1hunday arfte1 noon

Oklahoma Boh Albr~ght enterta1l1edthe iboys w th a number of songs arui

-affiUS11g stone;, A splend d quarteccontllbuted to the afternoon sentertamment Oklahoma Bob 1S heardda ly over station CKI VI at 8 30 III tht,mornmg

1fr Rae of the Detr'Olt CltvGas Company wa'S the prmopal speakerof the daY

In all It was a very 'Pleasa'1t andtnJoV1hle anternoon ong to be rcmemberc.d bv t"1e boys About the onlycne m s.,mg was Honorary Chief Rogell Y\ ho lS at present In t1 ammg atLakeland

can ULand at

Country Cluh Heldhanded, Musical Ride T1Jesday


RALPH E BEAUPRESe-ek'i Re~electlon In Townsmp

ElectIon AprIl 16

Every Day Is Fish Day

Thlls fact IS bemg browght home t,the consumer more Impressl\ ely eVCTj-<'av~hsten to thl<:

Hello John how about tak1l1g ahttle lsh g tnp?

Car't co t Bill-thiS IS only Tue"cay and rnday IS fish daY

::'ounds nd cuI ')'US doesn t It?Any day IS fish dayThe George ~ Deets FIsh Market ot

151?4 "l'vfa('jcA\e saysFIS'b caJend ,t'3 and statlst cdl tab eb

are no lon.ger needed \vthen you bUJfish

t 151-' C've'1 .as fl{esh frUitsrad e\ ('ry dR) for a'1.y meal<111se'l."ons 'tt our

ror detalled llst of )roductssee tht r advertlsemc lt

The m0the'fs Cub of the GrobbcP0111te Hlgh School wl1l "old at' orpenmeetmg Mondav evening March 23rdat 7 41 P \1 n room 119 of the hU$hschool


;;]Adnrew T. Phillips IHI at Home Here ~__ i?J

Andrew T Plulhps, former ~constable of Grosse Pomte, bett ...r ~known as Andy," IS III at hill ~

home on Nottingham, wIth mte ItInal Influenza Best wishes fol.'"aspeedy recov('ry


IMothers Club to HoldOpen Meeting March 23

Drive Safely


Wallace Gamher HasReturned from Florida


GROSSL Por\fJ VIlCHI(i\\[ rHIRSDAY lVIl\RCH 19 1936

Seeks Re-election as Township Supervisor For Clerk

RUDOLPH C. SCHMIDTSeeks Re elecbon In Township

ElectIon April 16

Pllpils of Olive MayMerz Featured in Recital

L B OLDHAM, Pl1bhsher

For Justice of Peace

Respons Dlhty for sa>fetv beg ns beforE" the Vcr-II de IS removed from It"garage The owner s 001 gat on IS tobe certal1l the veh cle IS properlyeqUipped and reaJdy forr the rO'aJd

"VallaiCe Gamber has Just returned A modern mo1:<Jrvehlcle learves thefrom l\1"laml Beacih Fla where} e wa'> fadory In safe conc1ltlOn Wlth proip r

For the V\.eekly student re>Cltal at '3 the h'otlse guest of l\ifr a11d Mr~ T J 'Care and adjustment t can be ke'Pt <:0p ml Satut'iday Maroh 21 DetrOIt Con Donovan of 405 I akeland avenue a Fallucr-e of steenng gear or brakes canservttory of MUSIC Will ipresent fresh then \:hanll Beach borre (n Albecorc be aVOIded ea~l1y by p'erlO'd c mspectlo'1manl and sophomore /puplls under the Dnve and adjustment The d1scafidmg ofd1redtIOn of 011Ve May Merz The re He attended dog race" cockt" 1 wor 1 t rb w llla.rgely 'Prevent blowoutscltalj free to the pulbhc WIll 'be held tn partle~ and pIa' ed golf at J agone al d and gre2.ltly l"edJuce "k ddmg HeadConJervatorry Hall 5035 WoodJward the B ltmore and partles at the Bear 1 llghts must not only 11lummate tht.

In the ReformatIon Lutheran Church and '1 enl11s Clulb t11e r Ive 0 Clock Club I course at 11lg1htbut must <1lso be adVernor and Lake'Vlew Aves DetrOit and the Toy.,n Cas TO Races at Rla Ju"ted not to blind otheT dnversGonservatory studen1s wt I pre"ent "l lea" were attended qu te fre.quently If an aCCIdent because of themlscellaneou::. C()it1cert at 7,0 p 111 He has acqUIred a healthy tan anl IJ.,lure of any part of the vehicleSunuav Mar<ch 22 Tlhe followmg Wl 11 Will be pro out at the R c1gemont Go t eqt.lpmeont the fault he::. m the owneT "I

app$r on the prQlgIam CynthIa \1alitz COt r'>e thlS veal neglect n 99 of every 100 Clases LIberal Trade AllowanceVIrWlUJa Smohkl and Felt'n Dought\ -------- Inprm ed dnv1l1g cond hons all1d <;ub on Bicycles at Sunman'splan,sts Rallph Bidwell vlohmst Rutl-j MR AND \![RS GhORGE 1. I sequent mcreased trarfic mOV1'1g aKrafbe and Cyf11 MItchell celltsts and HL 'J1 ER and th Ir daUJg'hter Jane of greater speed demands perfef( tly func B)1b St rtn l.n of 15417 \1adc avenuE"01V~ "V-orsley soprano OIVe Kuyken Berkshire Road left on Saturday by I tlo111ng equlDment Oheck you caT +or sUI:;ge'>S tradnng 111-old blcycles on newdal13w 11be a<ccompamst motor for Atlant c Clty Wlere they maXimum safety perfoTmance now! one" now for 1berral trade In allow

1 W"111spend a week and then go on tll anc"'s A fine seledlon of new bicyclesF r Job Pnnbng of the Better KlDU New York for another week at tne Call Grosse Pomte Printing Co., I Son (hsplav at all hmes at tih1s popular

I can The ReView, Lenox 1162. Hotel Waldorf Astona Lenox 1162, for Job Printing. blcvcle sales and serVIce esta.bllshment

A new .cJiepax-t'Ure111ordmary musIcs'01.oo eurrlOulal 'a htgh fiddlty sound.and recordmg systerm IS Ibemg l11stalled111the Detroilt ConservMory {)If MUSICunder tlhe d.lrectlon of Bons RadoffSQUnld e~t 'OIf the Cons-ervdtoryWhen It IS fi111shed .complete coursesW1llibe offered 111radlO techmque mtcropOOrn€le~enence ductlon 'and emmelatton

Besldes mdudmg a 'Puibllc addlre "system whereby vanoulS studnos andloun~~es O!f the Conservatory are lmkedthe watt system WIll also pro'V'lce forthe ruklng of records of student faculty and othe1r as well as of 111

dlVl ual selectwons

Republican Women'sRally Last Monday

Draws Large CrowdThe organzat10n meettll1~ of thr-

Gro<,se Pom tc Re'Pubhcan Club Auxulla1"y sponsored by 1'VIrs Holden at Ithe l\elgnborhood Glub last ?'vfoncJ.ayaftE'J:'noo1 was attended by severdlhupdreJdt 11terested women

M1"s I redCl"lck M Alger Wf"O offic11ted as dlla.lrman for the occasiongave an address on orgal1lzmg andgave her reason'> wlhy the elochon ofa ReJPt1lbhcau adm. n1stratwn should betheIr ,.urn


Bouncing Baby Boy ~IBorn to Whattlings Soloists Featured on the ChuN:h's Duty

Sunday Music Hour Toward$! Prevention of Follo,,,"~ the busmess <eSSlOn thtA 9~4.pound baby boy W"lS POinte Players w 11 gl\ e the play

born '0 Mr and MY' Wbatlhn~, J lllve""ileDelinnuency " 't 1 "hI?,J Isobel Williamson PJa11lst dud Ben .!A ~ V.l.1n",1011S"). conc 1.1510nre'lresof 576 Notre Dame avenue, at the ~ b hDJerk '3S tet'or will be SOlOlStSon th" I mCl ts are to t served 111t e 'CafetenaGrosse POinte Cottage Hospital b I I I 1@! regular studentbroadca<;t of the Detoolt A CallI to ctlVe partlCtpatlOn v at er" d1(1 \fot1ers a::. v.el 1",

on Monday, March 9 i C 1 d h 'f d c'bConservatory orf \11.1SICat 345 p m CHtll"ch e<l. cr,; In t e pre lent on Oi J1.1 nen '> and neigH ors are 11\ ted toMr Whatthnll IS a member of b h d

ISunday March 22 o\Cr VI/XY? and ve11l1e debnqur I1cy Vvas sounded y tE'l atten

the staff of Instructors at the ~ the Mlchlgan radIO network The Can Revere"1d Hatrv Let. Vlrden Redor Plea,>e "lend 10 your que<;t!ons to theGrosse Pontle High School S L"" Al h D Tservatory s strmg ensemble under tUJi',.e s 1..:1urc e11l'>011 exas \1C'1then Ch b Ot eY(lOl1 Box dt rt ...

~rm Henr) Slegl will open the p1"ogram wlth Wnhng for tihe Probatton MaJgaz ne on p~h '>chool whIch are 0 be an.,wen.Q MR 1\1\ D MRS LYNN MeA letter flam \Ir McPherson for ]ohan Svendsen s An Icelard c Me! the 3'uI1JJe'ct ffhe Church ald Dehn at the 1V1:archmeeting NA1JGH10""J of Kenwood R03.Jd are

me~ candlp.ate tor Congres<: commend ody and close the quarter hour Y\ tl-' qUf'ncy" Rev \ n.len 'PO n~ed out that back from Palm Beach wlheTe the;mg them upon the1r act!Vlhe" was Getorge He lschel s Anc1antt, (from tnere are matTY t ngs 1. cburch can do For Job Printmg Call Lenox 1162 SPC'l1\:,>ei,et'ia! v\eeks

Set'ienade ) m eo operabO/. '\\lth othel soc al force'> ---------------------------------

r~~frs AIgel,"",rtt'<><'!IIe-ea~rnGeo<g" "--- '" trM";wnClitv GROSSE POINTE PARK WOMAN~odgers chawnan ",f Ih.e Re\>ubj,can D. F. W. to Hold 9th (1) Hove a <oc,.1 aud,t of the COO'1 HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROMWom('l1 s r~derated Clulb who ou... mumty whIch could be the meetns ofbned hav hey sh~ula organize i1 Drivers' School Mar. 26 startmg tee soc.1 educatwn of the DEATH BY ASPHYXIATIONGrosse POll1te m order to mrt:crebt t 1( ,} OtlILg 'People 01 the congrE',gartlOn ------------------wo ne 1 of tne comm tl11tj- to go to the The Detrmt FedcratIon of \Vamen (2) Promote BLg 1310ther and Blorpoll" next fall Her 'Plan was appf1lY\11e Clubs dnd the Women s ~afety Com Sl'lter servICt boys 1. d g Is club wor~I

\1rs 0 0 Rex spoke on the neces mlttee In co opcratlOn with the Auto for the problem ch~klrcn referred D)

sity for orea11lzlI1g and c,omphmel ted mobile Club of \!flchlg-an wlll havc I the sdhools or ot11cr social agenC1esthe Gl"os-le Pomte Revlew f'Or ItS co I thelr nmth Dnvers Instltute at the and !for those ot11ers whose environmentopel atlon }< ederatlOn Club House commencmg IS a prdblem to them

"11"s l:.tlw n Kneghoff o:f 1111"!\Jot Thursday MaTch 26 at 7 30 p m and 0) See what can be done albou1 ret111ghlam Wl" elected chalrmal a 1d contmumg eaJch Thursday mght n movmg those unfavortalble SOCial conMr~ r \1 L\lger hono:rnTy .chauman Apnl The CO'3t of the course o>f fivL dltlOns catlS ng pr.oblem children aud

1he next meet111lg of thls nev,.ly lesson'3 IS $1 vfr H 0 Rounds [If t~{' dehnqucl1bformeJ organ zalIon wllllbe held at the Traffic and Sa-fety Department of t le (4) Attend State &nd NatlOna1 Contome of \!1rb 1< 'tvi Alger on Jeftersf 1 Automob Ie Club IS the mstrLctor "1 ferrences of socIal work 111 order to beavenu ... Wer.lne$dav Apr 1 15 In 'p'rc traffic Oirdmances At the .concluslOn 1l1lformed on soc1al work and educatIonpardtlon f?r a stroofUous campa1g'1 of the course an eXaml11atlOll wILI be (5) Promote educatIonal MTork Thewhldh Will not el d untll the eJe.chon held and the two With the hIghest av churches have seldom hesltated to ex Inext fall erage WIll recewc a pnze The Police pouse caJUses and have demolllstrated MRS ROBERT HENNING

Announcement ()If the next mee1111g Department wlll also give exammaho'1s over arud OV& t1:IhJanwhen suffiClently lrWill <lIppedr n the'>e rolumns at 1 latt>rr for permIt to dr ve earnest tney can get results Sacred Heart Conventda,te BeSIdes the tea-chmg of the traft The lack af opartlclpatlOn In cOlllfer Day of Recollection

~------- ordmances there Y\ 11be bnef addresses ences on del111quency by clergymen W1.'> S h dId f M 22Detroit Conservatory by someone promment 111CIV1Cendea\ 'Pol11lted out by Rev Virden when he C e U e or aT(".

ors and iJ.)ldur~s teaching lessons 111 e)"plamed tha.t only one dergyman <cameInstalling Sound System safety and lI1swuctlve ones regardmg for the entlre program of a recent con

h Latere Sunday March 22 there WIllthe motor car Will be sown ference he attended

C d H < 1 I be a day of recollectton at the Sa'Cred.,tu ent,> 111 Iglh .....C100 are Qarttc Judge D J Healy Jr of the Ju

ularly urged to attend thJ~ course D f h W P b H~art Convent In Grosse Pomte }<M'm~venlle IVIS1IJn{)I t e ayne ro ate Service" Will stalI't at 11 a ttl !\ chlcken

wh1ch IS o'Pen not o~ ly to women but C Ik b I L 'hourt at a 1 ecent ta €I ore u eran dmner Wl11 be served The Rev Frto men and bo}" AS \\ell To student" D H t 1 dlml11sters at eaconess 0 pl a urge Raemer C S S J of the JOOUltChurchthe fee Ib 5C cents b ,gredter part clpahon y t e rom ster,> I Will be the Sipmtual adV1ser for the daj-

1vl:r RIchard Harf'>t general manage f d Ipre"enrt 111 the preventIOn QI e 111 Kmdly !f'IfhonereservatlOns to the 1C01lo:f the !\utomoblle Club and Col Hem H h d fl:"nch Pl0kert Ch1ef oIf the Palice De quen>cv e atl~O'cattedt~ e a ~Phodn: vent before noon March 21 hlagMa

a program blll at' a at ou me y 9232 Serv'lces on Sunday from 11 a npat tttlent are tv. 0 of hc speakers Rev \r lrdE'l1 and a clo<:er co Q1)erahbn to 5 p m

Mrs }< lora Spra{{ue Rounds IS ohalr of all socIal falCtloTsm the tCommul1lt)man of the Instltute too\ ari~ the attammellrt: of that end

Regl,>tratlOns for the InstItute may De _made at the DetrOit FederatlOl1 Club,:rouse Sec'1nd and Hancock and atthe Detro~t Automobile Club





A ~ Stulffi4~-,

PI"111 //d7'



MRS JOH'l P FRAZER " baokat her Crro.ssePOlnte home on WalShIng.ton Roa.d after an extended stay atthe Na'1,1tl1us Hoil:el In M1MtL'l Bealch.Her daughtf"r Jane WIll arnve Mat'ic'h21 from MISS Porter s Sohoo1 at Farmmgtoll

lCohn fiOr the I$'pfmg Ihohday

1t c;;eems peculIar how some atthese men WIth poltce records attam snoh hIgh ranks m bankmgInstttut'on Of course tht,g Isn tan mference tha.t all bankers arecrooks there are honest bankeTs

The ongmal Shrme of the LIttle Flower was destroyed by fireearly rue,day mormng FIre wascan,ef! by fdulty wmng accard-mp; to a 9tatement by FathelCoughhn

Lverythmg 1S qtl1et I1ke a lu 1!'efore a storm, m the TownshIpelectlOl1 We wouldn't be su,pnsed to &ee some activitteS er~electIOn

The Gro .. e Pomte ReVIewsrepresentatIve must have feltrathf"r enlbarrassed surroundedbv WlUe several hundred womenat the Women s Repubhcan RaIl,last Monday afternoon

Red-nosed pohcemen are ban-ned from the pohee force m Phll-arlelphla 1 ,,1ways thought the,moke was too thIck to see thatfar

One of the candIdates who a-s-l"lred 1'0 <?0lmcllmal1lcoffice m <bhelate dttlholl m Grosse POlntePatk "as the recIpIent of a fulllenRth of stove plp,e and deems Ittoo much

Al1 olc\ E.uropean custom whena oandld~te IS deefated for officeIt IS nec ... ar)' th"t he show it1l1eVIdence of h." defeat by totmgvariOUS articles such as tm can~,stove "!Jpe. etc


It appears as ;,hough ComsvockdId not mean what he saId a shorttlme ~go about wlthdrawmg frompohtles He" allegedly the lUallbehm<\ the throne m an attempt tohave Chas P Webster appOI\1tedas U S Dlstnct Attorney m De-trOlt

On the other hand there seembto he a promotmg of war gomg-on m Europe When 1t does comelet us stay fnends wIth all 0'

them If we must sell war matena1 let us sell It on the opepmarket for cash and carrv

If audItors properly bondec!were hIred for these luc,atlve cItyoffice' wh.ere large sums of moneyare handled dally there mIght nolhe so much for the taxpayer todIp; out of theIr pockeTs for theseharvesters to get roch on

Mutes wl11 not reC{'11Ve such finetreatment at the hands of Detroitpohce as an aftermath of a recent19 day lmposltwn which reallytouched theIr heart., and thellpockethook.

Wonder what has beco11'e of!'he war m EthlOpla nere seem,10 be verY httle mentlOn of thISrajpng war m !'he daily p ,per,these days

:'."'!j'VOL 10---No 30

News DigestBy JOHN SMITH

Many under" orld charaetehare hemg sent over the road themost common charge belng mcome Tax evaSIon At least It put"~hem out of clrCl1latlOnfor a fe"years anyway

Page 2: laninlt Ilruiew -… · we print it as we get it, without fear or favor _ advertising




} \




1 j

( -~-

3454 Mack Avenue

Mack Ave.Storage

and Moving!1I


Fitzroy 0963S'o~. P.<l<!ng, 'F'liIgh'mg,

ShIPPIng , ,Local and Long Distance Moving

Other attrao lOl1;; ll1dude the afpearance of Joe LomB- Touh;> OIf Lon ....Ranger fame and many -g.pecJal entertammg k T'h s BOy Scout E ....PD$ltwn wl!~be lnt€n~€ly llitetestmg tz).au 1Ig and old alIke t I) VIew the }i'9UJof our commul1lty In t!he1r edu(;atiQrally sound nrag-ram ott Jearnmg by; cl9J¥~

Tht\rsday, March ,.2i:.JE,36 f'{VIC'\\ of S~O.1ts no

Headed by Dl rrank Cody ])ett~l! 0

o;crooI ~uper1l1tendent a gE'nercll comImttee Q DetroIt ~ bus:me-o;s men JS,Lackmg the scouts m thell~ first m;:a30re 1rterpnse ThiS w 11 be the lar ge~t~Ingle dlsplay OIf hobbrycraft ever assembled at one ttme In one plftlce









onvention'" Hall

Felix FrancoisBEAUTY SALON



Made With pure Cr~mery Butter

Why not lnelude one of nUl" special IlSsGrtedboxes for your ~e"l:tbrIdge part)"

We cater to Pat'he<l, Clubs and ehur~he, IWe al~ pack hox.~ (PI' J11al~tn'

13141 E, J.ffer.on I 13538 Woodwa .."at DrcmelSilvarllne »otel lock at G~l)d i.


New Coiffure CreationsBy Felix, The Master Styhst

Creabons That Ach:eve l,qdiv'duahtyof Style and Distinction

~arch 2B"Apri13'"

lowerj -

and enjoy




Bohemian BEER

2nd Floor Punch..and Judy Th.eater Bldi NI. 3751Grosse POinte R{'presentatlve Ogdvle Sisters Haw and. Scalp Specialist

- ---------------




919Barrln~to~ Road LEnb,t~639" "\~;

ilmJii!W1ilJillilJl!!OS-.IOlJii!m iillQ."frioirO-Jii!fOJ01JIi!Jii!l~""~'1fiilfi'i1i'il

• MilleJibach Motor Sales, invites your to inspect Itheir new modern neighborhood ~


foil"bervicing all makes of cars IFora Benzol Sinclair Gas & Oilfl Iil

IEast Warren at Dickerson i~ LENOX 2353 \ I1i!J1!l@1i!@~,"",;r~~liiIiiMi'illi''iiU'[oRI

MR A'ID MRS ])AVID J DO""OV AJ\ returned 1'1 t Vi eek to tihf' rhome on Lakeland Ave after a SOJDur1of "e\eral weeks at Mlaml Beacl-j

• • •A'\J mtercsitl11g SOCIal aHa" of the..

VI erk e'1d V\1.S tqIe butfet sUIp!flerpartyCharles B Ducharme gave Satuflc1ayevenmg 111hIS home on Unn erq1y PI

Tlw, fete to "WP1CD20 guests were1m lted h~nored vIr 1nd Mrs J BrooJ<s'\hchols d Balfour Road who<:>eMarnage W'l::. a i etent event Mr DCharme VI-ashost fOl hJS old frIend M'\Jlcholo; 11 the ahsen-ce olf Mr~ DuC'harme V\ he has been at theIr Tyro1\\-mter h'0me "nce e'"trly m~the season1.11d"'here o;he \\111 be JO !led by hl,fhu'>hand f6r the Edster hol1<iays

• • •vVelcome home ha" been e},.te cl

cd to \1rs Le~vls L Rred111 Dt Ve 1

dome Road Gros<;:e Pomte -after heSIX wee1k" 111 Fl Iglancl

\Vlth vIr Bredl11 who 'Went to \Je\\York to meet her Wil101 she c'-rrlveJat these '3hores last week she reachedDetrolt last T'hm "day mornmg Th"o;hort <;tav 111 the East 1l1dlude.d '1 dayV1Slt wlth her daughter Demse at Mlt>Portcr s c:.chool 111 l<armmgt-on COlI

• • •VfR' ("HARL"-~ H SYMINGTO,\

O1fUn verslt) Place returped Mondayfrom a VISIt In Palm Bea<h whete sheha~ been forr several \\ eeks

Boy Scout ExpositionTo Reveal Activites of

Boys on April 16. 17

KFI\NETH L MOORE of Ken",ov( IRoad le.ft Fndiay from thIS port aboardthe ~ S Lady HaJwkms for a sOJQlur1llt Bermuda

• • •\\ 11 LI ".M MILLS of Grosse Pt,freshman at the Ul11Verslty of MICh19an 1<' an 1utlJ.te of Sigma Phu Fratertl,lty

• • •\!R AND MRS F KAY FORDhave rett.rned to theIr home on Imco11Road aftet a momh m Naples Fla anja ,\1S1t In 1\ferwYork Mr Ford let'U1l"11ed earlv last week amd Mrs Ford came"aturdav foHo"\\In,g <1 week s stay W1t1i\frs Wade Preston m New ¥ork


WEBBER of Lake SIhQre. ROIad. wIththea" d.aughter Mary who IS ... studentat the 10:adf'rra Sahool In Washmgtolt"(lre makmg a stay at Ormorud PIawhere thev are at the Coqu1l1a Hotel

• • •

== ,..siotpped at Savannah Ga fQr.a stay I gredt shovv sno\\mg "he relatwn ef Ollrbef'Ocr'ereturllll1g to Detr'Olt chfferent c \ 11 governments to each

* • * l°thel %1v1:R AND MRS CORNELIUS h" And '30 from every se~hon of Metro

lEAPLI1\f of ImCGJn Road Gros:.!" I pohtan Detro t k"1ak clad boys V\lthPomte are ,<;0Jourl1lng at Hot Sprl!1>;r~ theIr Ita 1 r~ a rl tht"lr spons01"'S Ul1lj..\ a to prepart a e &r1.nd spe'Ct"1cle Tru J

* * * It \\lll be S'CL1...tUII? on 1 alad 1.h eeltFD\VIl\. HF\VI1T BROW'N" of "Nel{ cattonal exposIt 01 so Mt an1

R01d and their caurghter Mrs Ale},. \Irs Publ L nay get 1 comprehens1veanelei J W ener of Prns-scls BelglUm _who IS 'bltmg-l er father are expedei ito return thIS 'VIeek an extenSJVl~tay at Mllfl.ll Beach WIth Mr and Mrsl:<tank C Root .()If Greenf\\71ch Can,at the Root wlllter home DRINK• • •

On Thursday and Fnda) 4pnl 1,)and 17 the 10 000 Scouts and 2300SooU'te1"s of the Detf'OOt Area CounclBoy Scouts of Amenca arc cOndUlCtl"1gd.n act1vlty at ConventJIon Hall To thest,fine youngster'S -and theIr splendid baders thiS actlYd.ty IS known as a Me'ntBadge show To the puIb-hc It Vll11bepresented as the Boy Scout EXlPOS1tlO'l1

ThoUisands upon thousands of peopleknow 01 o.lheBoy ScoU't m-ovemeJ'l.t butveT) {e<v, know albO'ut the recreatIonaland edutatlOnal actn Itles O/f Scouts-es<peelally thclr pre vQ.catlOnal gUldance(mer t badge) program

ProficIency In SOm.e specIal art orvocatIon entItle.:. the s.cont to a Mer tBad~e There are Q1Verone hundredrnent bad3"e subjects 111 the scoutmgprogram About 80 8rf t'hese vdll he Ilusfrated or visually demon",trated 111

vanot1s booths at the eXiposlt!on Theymdude archery ast1"Jonomy anghng<lthletlcs b1rd study woodcraft fire rescue pIoneering foundry praJCtlce dramattc metal workll1g basketry poultrkeepmg photography tT\:ldermy zooologv reptIle study first aId to animal-,"tamp collectll1g slgnahng p.ubhchealth we.ather chemistry aViationafety botany ll1sect life and rad 0DairYing ment badge <;:couts f-rom

~orthvllle WIll "h0'Wn modern pasteu1Izatlon and l~ow t( mIlk a cow llt themost sCIentific manner Undt>r the sponsorshlp ot Wa}ne Umverslty :.c-outs WIlidemonstrate th ment badge sublett ofmIt1mg Cookmg metlt 'badge scout!>wi1l cook everythmg from hlOt blSCUlt<:>to IUS>ClOUSsteaks and stews

In a scree,ned ih1ve with a glass frontbu y bee" w1ll be on c1lspby by scout:.from the WIlson Intermediate SchoolCas" few H1gh School 1" sponsonn~a troop In -prlntmg so that every VllS to'"ttthe eXposltlOn will recelVe a souvem-oard Ind an lore '3couts frem BlrmlOgham 'WIll bulld a complete Indian VIII"'1ge havtng m display wIgv,ams tomtombs tomahawks a!'d pipes o£ peocePh mouth scouts will follow the foot...teps of vVashlOgton the surveyorFordson SC011b true to tf1"tlidltJon w1l1demdnstt"Jate automob hng merit badgeM etnones of SOiUsa W11Icome to 'US as\.1, e hsten to the MUSIC \1ent Bad?"Scouts of Southwestern Hlgh Sc:no( IHamtramrk Sco1..1b have e~oseh GV'IC'!'~1erIt Badge as their subJect lf1 thlS


WM P SHOEMAKER 'CClmmlssloner of Publtc Safety

Jefferson Avenue'Ba~tist Church

Advei"bse that Vae¥1t House In theLIner Columns of The ReView

Eastminster .Erellby.terian Church

The Rev Wayland LwajlGr m Illsteiof tht J#er,,'On Avenu" Baop1st ChurchWllt preach thIS Sunday at 11 () clockmormng worship on Prwe \Ie \ Sunda-y OIght at 7 30 0 clock hlS sermonubjed \\lll 'be \rVhat It Me'lns to Be

a Chnstlan TodayThe Kmg> IQIfK111g~ a tI'l'6tlOn tHC

ture \\I1th souhd the Cecil go De\11 1praduc1 on WIll be pre"ented l{ext V,/ edne day eveOlng 111the Educ'alROn And1torum by the'l~efferson Bapf-sfl.hmchSch""l Th~ S'cltool meets a¥ 9 45 a mWIth a se'C-onrYsession foa- ihe- younge1departments Xf'U!l"mg hne hoar ot the"1lornll1:g worsrup The Judsbn B VP U and Ftte'ttdly :& Y P-W VOL 1~

pe01)le s or~1Hzatlon~ meet"'1\t 6 15 pm Judson l.J.tll'On plans a ";~Lal hourthl" Sund'ay:'4plteecdmg 1tS .-rnee1Ilg rrceleb rat On of brmgmg Ihome t1h( CItyclttendancl, 'b'ariner from the annualbanq let and meet" 19

Mt Ohy,-to dtten j



Mt. Olive Lutheran


Motorists FindingThE"irLost Titles

Some 30'10 motOT1sts 111 'vI1c-hg?\ ho thought th~y had lo"t the titlesto theIr .cars or who d)dn t 1hl k anytluog at all about btles u 111 they neede I

them ha\e found hem ll1 t~e 'Pa~tt",o monthlJ

The number 01 titles 111the lost titlefile" of tl.:le Departme 1t Olf State habeen led Iced from abot t ;)000 to nearo 000 ~ nLe the fir"t of tlJc year The'cause for the reductloi1 IS that m'<'l)'mo10n"ts unable to locate thelr tItle;,In order a buy 1936 plaJh,s have appealed tb the deD1.rtment only to dlScover the nussll1g tltks hlld there forwant of mfcrmatJcn as to th'elr owners'"tddress('s

Own(,1" of about 7:; tItle:. are reve t

l11g them'3elve ... dally that IS about 50per ce 1t f:,ireater than 'the da11y crop of

10"t tltle'3 These new tItles are bel greturned da y undehverable bv posfaduthor tH~s '1Lecauce ot mcol re"t .lddre"ses fi16d with the state by car purchao;e-n.

}< ,ullre to 1OLdy pos1masters 0

changed add ecse<- and care essneswhen or g111atly recordJl:ng addresseVrlth tlie Departmtnt of State ale t 1('

two pllnt"'1pal C<.luses for lost totIes

Messiah Lutheran , ". ~,JChurch East Jefferson avenue at n11r:'111stfqueCarl"F KlrClhtl pastor I....,

---"'- i Gur Task ~c a C'htlrch Jt Lent" J,',Southe~~t Q0<rner oi L4keWOQlP a,ttrl the ermon [b:'Jeme fA RevbP Cat! E

Ke1"1cheval aVe1l1ues A B A Loelbm 'hlrcher .o.t h~~11Ylri'3"ter 11r~l'byrte:rl<t""lpa:.tlQf 1434 La.kewood q.vel1ue Telc J.;. "':rl IChurch at 11 a.. m SnpdaiY at cas millphone Lemax 21121 o;ter Presbytf'l'~u\ Chtrch ~(7 10 the

The fuft'h o{ SlX sp-e-c.Ial4enty1 S~IV ermon IS Tft~ Man \A7 th~lie Gold(,plIQ,~SWl'tl t.a~ pla'C~ ~ We4nes-;tay ~f t/faph Thi~~ IS fife s~d~n'l.d sermo)the COIDUlg we~ Marren ,2,)) Jt 7 3{r In the Set es mat is Y"bhi' EPlt'aJl)h?p m The 'Pa'&t'O~w1ll plf~.a1Ch 011 tl1(. or B ble Epita:.phS'ld W#dn-esdJy ev('theme Goademn!?dl,.,-jFor Our A.cqu~t-- I ng 'V\f' \\Ilt lIl'ie 'ai'l:0thkli"~e1'mon ontal he qerte Otfe~tlorrs W:C: MU'lt All

On the qommg Sunday Mar ...122 lir" Meet Wc ::tr'c condtletmz'ttlils "entllast otf lIhe serIes of sermons on OnlY ehffete11tly hdw You Wl!l:''etl]Oy th1'>Two wlU ber de),wer-ed the theme f~ rneetHig W s,,::}

thiS sermon bel'qg Only Two Places The Womaif's Ass'bC'la~fo1 has bt.enThe setvN,e WIll begl11 art: 11 15 -a m diVIded 11)10 gr18u)ps meetrrgvoll fhursdnd the Sundla~ Scihool WLll meet at cay 1n the va'Mous parts d:f ...fhe pQ!'I'3h10 15 0 clack The men are mee't fig the fir,St and

The Ladles! AId WIll meet Wednes I th rd Thursday eVen"I g of ea,.dh monl1:hday March?~ at J. 30'P m Boy 'Scout glOUp meets each Fnday

at 7 30 p mFaith Lutheran Church All are m\lted who are not WOrshIP

1nq; elsewhere

Synod1cal: Conference Church cornerRadnor at Mack Ave r ESternpastor 442'5 Radnor Ave Telephon ...Nlaglar,a; JoeJ<

Sunday 6chool <;eSSlon at 9 30 a 111Dlvme seil"Vtc€Sat 10 45 a mMld".week Lenten '3erVlce'S Wednes

day at 8 l!' mThe. Y P S meeits Fnd'dy evenlOg dt

7JOpll1Have: you a ahmdh blame?

church C'£PrdlalJyInVItes yoUthe seTVliCes

]eff:ert'oo anCl. PhM? avetlues Th"Rev 'R. D Lll1h'Mt pa<;:tor Rev J 13Rmgle 'l:as3f";-tant

DUrl'11rgthe seaSOn Of Lent the general prUlplt theme of Fart-h Luthera 1Churoh haS' been QuestlOfis IOf Erter1al Value

Sunday morn1l1g the pastor delIvered \fA..RI'\N ~ATER of Gi'-ds"e Pomtea very stronl.{ and ll1Sp1ratlOrtal sermu Park -fresh.lnttn at the tJtavers1ty 0to a large and a'#prec1atlve audIence of vIlchlga11 an>d Mary Roll .:rTesbman 01approxlrh~tely goo people 'On the sub Grosse Pomt-e are mtrates of Delta]ect Tnt:" \\ drnll1g QuestIOn Dos Gamma sororrty It was '1'1 eC'6ntly anThou ~ot Fear God' I1ot1l1ced

Beautttul and msp1nng mUS1C ren Davld Dr~ s-aale fr't:spmanr 16an mtldeTed by the large chOIr enhances th te of Delta I\..wpp'<lrp5'll.Qfl ffater"rllty<,enIces of the F<lJth Lutherarl Ohurch hank CootJdtge Ji -..op'1lO:more ha~

The r enten SerVIces \\~hlch are held Deen Inltrated by Tngon fi"'lrt>erl1ltyat Spin eJach Wednesday "lave beel --based upon the general theme The I THF' exc1uclve 1 ennlS Club on CdlvilCross '1', -\t our next Lenten serVice R01.d I ear \fack 111Gro se PomteWednesdayevenmg March 25 the ser was the scene of a smart luncJ1con andmon Vl1Ifbe In the Cross I FInd Mv tenl1lS party Sd.turcLay a..fternoonJoy -cordially Invted to thl Indoor tel1l1lS at th" club 1S one IffLenten senlCe as dlso to the nex 11] e social as wel1 as athlet1c actlvltIt" s~unday mormng serVIce 10 45 a m e f he ultra smart set and even thoug}-\\h('n the sermon theme wl11 be Th Its <;ponsors are practIcally aU {Jut orSavlOg Q'lestlO'n WP"t Vfust I Do to town at 1)resent the\ 11Vlte the1r do eBe Savee!? fnel d to make usc of It In theIr

~ mday SLrool convenes at 9 15 a m a1)scnceClasse,', for 111ages Over 40 COffi1)eten Those vho wel e there Saturday aIdnd devot~d teac;hers If you have 11 ') ternr"on for lUfLcheon and a round rob 1church home we mVIte you to worshp of net play were Mr and Mrs De1.11WIth 4s Rohmson 1Vfr ard Mrs J VlOcent

~------ D\"ver 1vfr land l\fts BenJaAnlO IiP1ddock Yfr and \in Ratph Jordanthe Rev Fraflcls B Creamer and Mr~Crf'amer \ir atld Mrs J~'l'1l1T Woodhouse JI 1ft' a 1d Mrs Charles LPalms Jr a~M 7vfr and Mrsc Ham1ltonTAme"

1 he grOl'i'p 'WhO JOIned In <bUlldhl1lgI<tnjmamrf'Uft1111g'~l1e TCJ.111'3<!~t116are Mand I\Irs Ert>e<;t h.anzler\'aA.d M1"' awl\ofr Fdsel }"'or-d f\.vhlO-ha\ e be'Cn ~oournlflg on the rord '\acht In I lonaa

water<; \fr" 'Vesso 1 Seybutrn who 1"\\ mter ng at Palm Beach Mr and Mr~<\rthm GIrdner '\\} '0 have !been dt\ Beach all seas'On and Mrs AllaHShe Idt n

Oi"lg-Ib of Wedding AOnIV'etlS&l"les , AT v AN \:1" A~A~I ~Y w~ wlthObservance of weddmg anI1!verS81 es "M"rs Macett1ley has been makmg <J.

arO"e III German~ through tl>e old eustom 9f p:r.:, WIfe ,utI'} a- SIhE"I round of VI<;:ltSlP rIorJrna flQ!rthe pa,',twreath upon ~he \..,OmJ?letLOnof?5 yealS evenl "\\&ehs thas nft11rned to fuslh'Offieof wedded life on LIke SnOre Roa:tl Mts MalCauley

\ '-,

eJr, '6"~~~ $. 'M"",fuU~ -



One Way Ticketalso BLDbY ROCI:RS and


Dance Band

Aloma Theatre1509t CharlevoiX"Ave.Comer of W-aybum


;You May Be Next

t ••••••• , •• , •••••• !•..•.. !••••


llOYD j\OLA" ",nc!PhGG Y GONKLI'l lU


Your Uncle Dudley




The Littlest Rebel

SpecIal Weslel'n Featurefor Saturday Mahnee Only_


Paradise Canyon



Millions in the Air



Curtain CleanersPLAtj'll"hU~:r"""l!'jS

3 PAllt FOR $1.00Others Shghtly HJ;gher

Drapes Dry Cleanl!dJ,R~sonalt}e.Best Wark MoneY 'Ca~ Buy.

14727~HEV'AL AVt.oLf.,:~X 8275


,Tile';.\farble and

Terr""ll ContractorRepaIrIng of aU kmds of



PIAN~.sTUOId'81 [(""be \l.01\d Ni 908? IGraduat~"<Qf DOlt Instttute of

Nlu, A>.;t

Pa~ Two

NI. 7S38 l~420 Nlltre Dam"i1J----~~*".j':l: "

DONE wetLTA.'IL'ORExpert ~in rRepa:ring

Alte 0 °ng,~'l( ~E.(CA RY)


15309 '\ .~ ~"".on.lield NI 7535Over Smith Slo¥.e 9 A M to 9 P M

PERMANENT WAVESCroq~IlgnolE" O\r 'S',(:Hral $2, $,$5..1:j-$7All Be;a.uty Wor}? C'Ommensurately 'L0lV------ - -~------


SJ;IOP I1423 LakepolDte NI", tM78i\ C Verbrunhe We buy u,eClblCycl~.s

(593),of G"9_ b"", Sllbdl\yJSlO11 No1, 01£ /West 1S1xtyooe .and .el~hfY twoone l>undredroh. (61 82) acres of 'hatpa"rt of south east quarter Cy,i) of Seehon Twenty (20) and the northeastquatta- (:xi) 'Of Sect on 'fmenty mne(29) To" n Two (2) south Range Ten(10) east south of Mlchlgan

~.AWPDR~:ff, 1.t&~~EY ~Attorney, Avenue aocorrdmg to the plat thereof1274 Nav--nal tfank ~.. recorded December 12 1919 m 111er 41DEF.f ,.ILT tb~l1ng DeeR rnadle lIi the 2 of plarts Wayne County Rec

eond, roM of a <dettattJ.mort~ made otlds together w~1:lL:tihrehereditamentsiY BatbcO'dk BU11<l'1ITg CotiporatIon a and aJp'P'~lrtenanc-es tthereunto belongU1gM~ohJgan {fi;,r-porat~<.m,tlf> DetroIt Life Dated Ft:lbruary 1 1936inlJuranfCIe: Com,pau¥ 01£ DetrOit, ?v.[lch 1 JOHN A REYNOLDS,JgMl a M-1JCThtgart G9f1Q..QMhon dated R~elV1eJ' W DetlOIt Llfe InsuranceDecember 29, 1925 and 1ecorded m the Company, a Mldllgan Corpo1"atton<Gfiice- 'Of tbe ~e.glst'0r of Deeds for MGTttg:ageeWll!f!le,i:",,,Nty 0» J'Il"''''Y 28 1926 111 CRAWFORD S REILLEY,L~ber 1661 D!f M'O["tg~c,'3~on Page 338} Attorney for ReceIverand t'he 1t.wht t tle .and l1'lterest of saHt 1274 Na,.tIOt1lMBank B1dg,mortgagee: 11. and to >sa}d mortgage Detr&lt Mlchlgan:haV'1l1g Iberome vest:eu,'111'Jahn A Rey .~"""c-~~- __

nolds~ Rec,en er by ,nrtue o:f an order -NOTICEentered by the Dl,stnct Court of theUntted Staies for the E4stern Dlstnct(if vrldh~fS1a-h $octthern D1VlSlon em CRAWFORD S. REILLEY, Attorney,November- 11 1935 -in cau"e numlber 1274 NatIonal Bahk Bleig7228 Equ1ty and entItled Ralph H I IDEFAUL"T hawng been m.<Ie 'n theFmneren 'Versus Detroit Llfe IllSurance condItIQnS of a ~ert-am t,n.ortgage madeCompa.ny a Mlchlgan GorpomtlOn the by Balbco<:k BUl1dmg Corporanon asand order beln1g recorded m the office M1.obJJglanCotJpOratJQU to- Det-rQtt L feof the Regfster 6:£ Deeds {Dr \:Vayn~ Ins-uranee Company of Detrolt MlchCounty 10 L1her 4593 9£ peeds plC.g.e e..;:., • Ml'chlglan CooPora.t1,:m, dated398 on Dec.el11Jber4 1935 on ",h1Ch sa 4 October tl 1925 ;and re'Cord~d 111 themortgage there IS clal1n,ed to ibe due and office- of tlhe Reg.Is1;er of Df;eds f01

h f \i\layne Corunty Qn October 2 1925 In'UUipald at the hme of t IS not1;lce O~ Lriber 1596 of Mortgages on page 34prlOctpal and mterest the sum of and the nglh.t btle and Interest of saId$524094 and 1110sUIt or proceedl111gs at mortgagee tn and to sa'ld mortgagelaw .or m equIty having be.en mstltute1 havIng become vested III John A ReI'to reCiQiVer the debt secured by saw nolds ReceIver bv VIrtue of an ordermortgage or any part rtlhet;.eof entered by the DIstrIct Court of the

Now thet;'elfore by VIrtue of the Untted States for the Eastern Dlstnctpower of &a1e contaimed In satd mort Or Mlc!hiliglanSouthern DIVl"1011on Nogage and the statllte In such caSe made vember 11 1935 111 cause number 7228!(llttd prOVIded, notrce IS her~'by gwen EqUIty and entItled Ralph F FInnel enfuat on vVEDNESDAY MAY 6 1906 versus Detro~t Llfe Ino;urance Company

.. lit twelve 0 clock n-0011 Eastern Stand a MIchIgan CorporatlOn tlJe said orderard tIme the saId mortgaJge WIll be bemg recorded In trhe office of t! eforeclbsed by sale at rpubhc vendue to RegIster' 'Of Deeds for Wayne Countythe ThIgthest bld.der at the southerly or 10 Lfber 4593 of Deed~ page 398 onCcmgtr-ess Street entrance to the Wiayne December 4 193,') on whIch saId mort

~l.rtlty Buafdtng tn the CIty 0& DetrOIt gage there IS claImed to be due andWayne C014nty Ml,chlgan (that bemg unpaId at the time of thIS notIce forthe ibmkltng 1n whdc1f! tihe ClrcUlt Court prtnclp'al and mterest the sum offOt!' the County olf Wayne IS iheld) of $2 99156 and no sUIt or proceedmg"the iPrfamses descnbed m said mortgage .art law or 10 equIty havmg been lUsbor so mUlch thereof as may be necessary tuted to recover the debt secured byto pay 1he amount due on saId mort saId mortgage Of any par1: t.hereofgage aforesaAd WIth mterest thereon NQIlN therefore 'by V'lrttre of thand all leg<lil costs charge,', and ex power o[ sale .contamied 111 saId mortpenses mducLmg'" the attorney s fe.e at .. gage and the statute III such case madelowed iby l:aJW -and any sum or sum!> and prOVIded notIce IS hereby gIvenwhloh may be paId by the undenlgned that on WEDNESDAY MAY 6 19,,6at or befwe sald sale ror ta"\.es or 111surance on saId prerntses "\\~h1chprem at twelve 0 c1acJ.'l..noon ra"tern Stand1Ses aTe descJ:'lbed as foHows ard trlme the saId mortgage WIll be

th foreclosed by sale at iPuibhc vend'Ue 10The parcel .of land sltuated 111 e the htglhest bIdder at the southerly or

,...'l'ownshl'P of" Dearborn County of CoI1lgress Street entraruce to the Wavne"Wayne MIChtgaiJ. descnbecL as lot County BU1ldlb1g'm the CIty of DetroItbumibeled FlY~ H,ltJ.oored J:N'!inetythree Wary-fie County MI<cmgan (that bemg

R. LO i the bUildIng 111 whcr.cJhtlhe Cmcullt Ootl'"t, eVlew liners for the C""n,y of Wayne IS hel<l) ofA the pr~1ses des-enbecl m sa'1d mortgage

or So much thereof as may be necessaryWA"rtED to pay tthe amount due on saId mort

,1'1 gage aforesaId WJt1t mtenst thereon

, W i\Nn..p-H\?~f1,Hal Bed,',APR1i ;~se~I1,J,[i;1,",~~se~~~~~~~:f~e ~I~ B01i<24 Grosse Pomt~ Re\ l~t ~1bl'\V"edby 1aw and any sum or sums

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Jeffer~on Ave No 1 of west 6182 a-cres ot that part) ~!f y r'< z .,.... , 1 of the- Sout:'heawt q'Uarter of sec 20 $ll;1d

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~ inatIe art theory and aU mstrurnents trage - Wayne County reoords toDETROIT COW$!l:RVATqjRY QF ,lifelher Wlth the heredlt~ment, and ap

~ MUSIC 503S" V/("([cfWara rie-:tir' warreit"llrlftetJ.ances thereunto belong-mg.,... IODated Fehruary 1 1936COlu",b •• 2810 , JOHN A REY},OL])S

8".- ReceIver of Detrmt ufe Insuranceusme.~;J!Jrootory , Compan). M"hlgal <:M'6r~~~~:

~ -- , 'V ':l:54L, " CRAWFOIm S REIULI:YI IBl • 1l1li1 I I Attorney for Recel'V'er

RU'SSELL 1])274NatlO"~lBankB)dg,etru~t, MIchIgan

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CI•• ned& 79PreiUled C


OVERCOMI'lG rEAR IH.iave J 00 en. er Sotopped to con<;ldel" I

that fear IS nearly alMa'Ys for the futurethe fear of tmpendllO~ troubte? Menare <illWays a,fratd of something t11a.tII'POIl.SlbtV1<;gOIng to happen \f 1ny ofyou Wli1t recall the story of the veryol-d m1n who told h~s aossembled tamllytha.t he had had many fears 1n h1~ I fcbut mo"t of them for thmg<; "hIe'llneYle'{'came to pass

Fear comes to everyone of u<; a:, a ItemptatIon 10 beheve J1n eml as a re111power 3JS an act1ve force In creatIOn ITheoretlcall> the maJonty of the peo ..1

pIc In thl.:> audIence WIll say TherelS Just one God and rhat .on) IS lOfimteand oD1mpotent But m order to getrld .of fear effect'Ually soch a sta1t:~ment mu<;t be hfted 'O<utof the realmof theory M1rd be recogl1lzed as faiCt In

our t!hlllkmg and unswervmgl) held to IOhn<;tL.iU SCIence does not meet theterror:l ld doprClhensron of the Sick anr11

unfor mate wlth a cold abstract dec ..1ar 0 1 '\ \ don t be afraId ' ThereI <.t C'a or the hope WIthin us ]nr nove fear effed11ally, wel

led (111 Page rour)



It il IurpnSlng how bttle the ('od II to have that .Ult or top coatreeondJnoned for another season'. wear E.dmate& frt:.e






on Relining andAltering

Ladies' and Men'sGarments

r09 W!Jm Oroo;cl Wfib@~ 1(

We Call and Deliver




-----------------------------------Then therre 15 the other side to thlS f'ffechve relt-ase .from bond.lage LO'\ e r pomt and must be practised therefrom

questIon of personal relatlonshliP It knows no postponement no delay Doe", l Tnle..,~ you fullv perceIve that )< ou are..sometimes happens that one IS ca11ed It take time to make four rf:lrne~ four the chald of God hence perfect youupon to" asc;ume the .care of somelO'Ile equal S!.xtet'n ~ No the result 1" in h l\ e no Prmc~ple to demo~rate andelse In tlhe family a manifest duty ate stantanebus So We (:an know th'<lt the no rult for Its demons1ratloncetpted at first WIth Jo'Vmg WIllmgness law of LQIV'eoperates mstantly and unand a desIre to sen e 'Dhen alfter a falhngly to -dellVeT us from the false~tlme posslbh, tmtelss the resipons1Jbll1ty behefs and mls(.()ncephon~ Oit life andlS placed It belongs Wlth d1Vltle body thai are trymg to enslave usMind the care becomes a burden ann Our 'Work IS to a'ClJust Oiur thmkmg towlt'hlOiUItour bemg aware .()If It fear I brmg lt mto harmony with tlhe lawWearllJ1eSS,and seLf p~ty hav~ supplanf1:ed ChriStl an SCleI1-cedJedares tbJat there 15love The S1J1Mtott seil'V'lce has departed nothtng \....rong wIth the real <11ld.nTheand only an unhlaJP'PY sense olf duty re process of Ohnstian SCIen-ce treatmentmains In the IrJght O!f Truth we see 1S not that of ohangmg a sIck man m4.othat serVIce, at trhe bmest 0If LcweJ 1S a healthy one or a dlseased body mtoalways joyful and makes aU burdens a well one God s man IS already we!lllight and iree It lS our pnV11ege to see and

If human reLthonshlp were tased on know It ConlS1Jstent krt'OlWtng of thethe laMtof Love, It eIOuld not be shaken truth, and {,eftam expectancy of It5But what do we see aibout us? Every reallzatton Will <tl.rtsopelthe fog or nl1$i oil:wrhere the eVIdlences Olf dIscord lI1\har mortal thmkmg As In a fog the lanelmony, braken famlhes and hi01Iles scarpe remams unchanged even th!ouaoh<3ometh111gmust ha,pipen In the thmkmg It be for 1. 'time abstCnTed 5'0 In om-:sof human bemgs that 'Wlvl p1a>Cefrlend~ tlan C;cIence, the real man remams per"'hIp and rela.t1ons.ll1p on a firmer foot fed and has alway<; been so through allmg Human frlendSihip IS a brb'ken .etermty Mrs Eddy has written enreed on whocrh to lean 1£ (hvme Love page 242 of The FIrst Ohult'ch 'Of

has not tra.n5lformerd 1t To 'be lastwg ChrIst, S<:lentlst and Miscellany YouIt must he bas{d on dlv1pe Prmclple 'Can never dl€monstrate spmtuahtjThlS may at first thought seem dIfficult untIl you declare youil"SeH to be 1m

to understand We all love and reach mortal and understl3'I1d that you are soout rather TII31:ur<lillyfor irIenrnsih1p aoo Chrlsban SCIence IS absolute lt I.S

peflhaps takie a certam satlsfaJCtl'011 in ne1ther behmd the pomt of \perfoct10nthe POSse!,s10n of frIends and those we nor advancmg towardls It It IS at t!hlove and yet ,human hie brIngs manlY -----experiences that sh!Owus the mistake of ~~.personaltzmg hal'pmess and pll""mg to<) <t> SPECIM '. )'\ID', 'y So TUESDAYgfleat dependence on person Even thiOlSe Shampoo, Ff '":>( ~\ '>1(> l-f ,",'" 75cwe greatly love may fall us burt: d1vme Soapless Od Sh,qmr0n $100Prmclple never Ohrlst J esus under~ Schoolgirl PeT' .<I P $3 50, $500stoOd and expenenced tl1e fratlty of It IS time for v ~ '- r Ie. R P} R '\7ANENT, softelhuman re1atJOnsrhlip and constdntly en~ loveher waves t J "r ~deavored to ihave ho1Sfollowers see 'ttla.t $!: 01) 'tiJ I ~ 5&In the measure that they placed G<>dand the l'OrVeof good, before ta human'Sense OIf POS$eSSlOn they gamed lm~measurably, and did J1IOl1: evetr1 lose thelove Otf f'1"1endls and rth!O'se near amid dear10 them To Peter he sa1d I Venfy Isay llnt'O you There IS no man tlhathath lelt hQUse, or brethren) or SIsters,or ,father, (lr m~her, or wlf-e or iC'llll~dren, or landIS, for my sake a'11d the Igospel SJ 001: be shiall rece1Ve an Ihun~dreMold nOi\\ In tllus tIme hO'Uses, andbrethren, and S1'Sters and mothers, a,.ndchlldlren, and landls, wIth perselcuhons,and m ~he wodd to come eternal ~lfe

Who among us dIoes not klIDW thatt1'1e greatest sorr.ows erf the humanheart f often oOOle from those ne'al'estus, and lback 01{ <the S'()f1'I'tOWS my fnend~he the drtseases ~he 81uftenng and thepam Some doctors recogmze thlS 10~day, and earnestly endeavor to uh.coverthe seCt'et ~OWj the ret>res.sed ;fearor hate Whldh they themselvee; !WIlltell 'US has engcndle!l'ed !pOlSon III thehuman ibody But you cann,ot >cut ou"sorrow and hlaite W1rth the su.rgeon <;knt>fe You 03lD.l1lot amputate fear Iffear, ha1e worry, and grIef affhctmgthough the) are, are the root causell.ror dIsease, tilten there lS but i011ewayto get nd of rtlhem-repla-ce 1'hem w1th"18'ht thlnktng, thoo;ghts of love for-bearlaJ1ice, and fQ!flglvene<;s MN Edd;has written on page 454 of "S<:Ienceand Healtlh wIth Key to the Scnptul'les, 'thJe te~book of Ohrrlshan SC1ence"Human h8.lte ha.s no legttunate and no kmgdom Lave 1S enthroned Tha.t evd or matter hia.s nel'tlher~ntenlgence nor power, IS the doctrmeof absolute Ohn5't1an SiCien.ce, and thiSIS t1le gTe"t troth. whl~h strips all diis-gwse from e'froT J,

But someone may say How cain Iget nd of my hurt and SlneP I ihavebeen greatly 1111Jured and unuu.stlytreated." We recogntze tJhla.tsometImeslt seems lIke a most d1fficult tounsee hate or unkmdness Indeed theyseem very real and yet ChnstlanSCIence deolares tlhel'e IS no dJ1fferenceas far as what '" e see, hettween theevldence of a s1ck man or iOlfa hatmg,unkind man Nelt'her one l.S a -creatlOllof God dty111e Love EalC-hIS the vIetlmof a delustoo, and the man who IS bemg1ffi'pelted to hate to !be unkInd 1O'r unjustto h1s brother, IS t1"'111yIn a mulCh moredepaoralble mental sta1:e than the ooewho seems to be SIck and needs thatlove whIch GhrIst Jesus eJOpreiSsedwhenhe saJd 0If th.ose who were crucl'fymgrum. 'IFatlher, f'Orglve them for theyknow not what they do J



~urs<'lay, March 19, 1936 T H F G R 0 SSE POI N T ERE V I E W Page Three

thristi~an--S-ci~en-ceLecture by Richard J. DavisMr RIchard J Da'" C S of ('111

C3Ig'O, IlhrnlOls a member of the Boardof Lecturesh'l'P of the Mother Church 01the Oh'I'15'ban SClenlCe denOffimatlOll(The FIrst rhur-ch a1 Chf'ISt SCIC"'tIStIn Boston Ma&sa,chusetts) deln erectthe fo~lowlllg lecture on 'Dhm sda.,l'M~h 12th at First Ohl1rch of C';flStSClentl$'t Detr01t corner Ca~::. andHa1'1-cock A,enues

The "ulbJed oJ thiS lecture IS

destrochon of the umver<;e If that s1ances He sternly compelled SIn to he Ohnstlan Sl,..lence IS 1tS teachmg of thePrm-c1ple 1S anvthmg les'S than mteJh "elf seen and then destroyed That motherhood of God Clearly 1l1fimtege'Pt love are we not dioomed to .chaJO'l W'1SLm e Love the creator o~ tlhe umrver<;e, canc>nd obll\ lon? "',Ie are all more or les.:; chtldren 1" be no Less Mother than Father atlld m~

The An.qlo Sa"'l:on term for Gau 1<; beltcvlI1g that dlsclphne whether !from cJU'des In pet'lfectlOn all the quahuesgood and It the !'ubhme cause or law wlth1n 0" '" Ithout IS m)!t partIcularlY ascnbed by us J1:0 the h~glhest conceptof creatl( n be good then mU'it It no pJooll.ant We reSIst and dbJcct to what of motlherhood speakmrg to'f tI1u') Mrslle exaC't nght perfect oI"de1'l) all the BIble call" lll'itr 1ctlOn ll1 Ig'hteous Eddy has wT1Itten In her !brook I'Mlscel~~arrn(}mous ca'Oahle OIf prorllt.1IClng o.nly lH"S,", and yet v..hd ..h"'t It be a father laneous Wntmg.g' (p 151) "God lS oura benefil,..1e'lt ree; 11t? RlJihttness or who correc-t" h1" chIld "Or the effort on Father and our Mother, our Mlmsterrtgthteoosn.ess e,,-presses the very nature our part to dlsc1p.1nneour own tJhmkmg and the great PihiY'SI01~n He 1S man'sof dlVlnJty The attnbutes of Ian alto-- the purpose IS the <;ame-.t:ro tel<lJch'Con only rea} relative on ea.rtIh and 1m hea\~gether T1ghteous PnnCl"p.le or lam mu<;t formlt} ohedterce to PrIncIple Ohn<; en DaV1d sang, IWhom Ihave I In be mercy Justice 'WIsdom han C;clence teache<; us that 1ll order heaven but tlhee'il and there 1S nrone<lnd eXd.ctnes<; Love 111 Ch1.IShall to be S'c1entlficlally 'happy we mulS'l: iearn upon eartlh that I deslre bes1d.e thee'SCIence IS neither sweet nor blUer to Chsclrphne ourselves a11d our tfull1lk1l1g Is not !hruman eXlPenence fuU df heart.

.lrn the book of Isaiah the !prophet ha'l ne1ther I ar<t1nor soft but IS exact Ju<;t And If ourselves wh') not onr .chIldren .and .sorrtJIW'S ar1stng from the>W1tten, ITie Spmt of the Lord God and fd.1r Tl-Jese quahtles are as truly Some people WIll tell you todla) thart false behelf It'hat we bell()lt'g to someIS ~l'Pon me, because tlhe Lord hath ap lovm~ a~ gentleness, l1:enl{!erness 'and chIldren shoutd be allOwed to eXlPre!,s human 'bemgs. or that we have -createdpOinted me to preach good tldmgs unto other charactensttcs usually as~oc1ate-d theIr own 1l1dn I0l1a11tv and 1JherefOle and 'P0SSCISSsome md1V'1diUalswhom wethe meelk, he hath sent me to ibmd up wath Love ~hould not be dlsclplmed. TIJ11sIS dJe call our sons and daughters ~ In thetble' brokenhearted to pOOlc1aQmliberty The law of L'OVe 15 not matenal not wholly to a faJ1se sense -af What 10\ e retalm off tlhought there 1<;a dlstinlCtlonto ~ captIves, and tthe openmg of the pllysH:al nO+ tang1l'ole to the senses It really lS If v.e fiollow the role that between possesslon and QlWnershlp ¥iepnson to them tlbat are oound, /' to IS wholly SlPtr1tual and men.talJ and dlsc1plme IS wrong we would soon have arll possel5s 1dea<>by reflectIon but weap.po1nt unto them that mourn In Z10n though not dtscern.1ble io human eyes a r<lJceof unols-'Cl'Pltnledpe01lle A prOlPe- dJo not own them So lt may be .saldto rg'JVeunto othem beau.ty tor as'hes, the we know that 1t eXI::.ts The so called sense of love on the (part of a parent fhat wllule we pos-sesLS the love and011 of JOY for tl'lOUirnmg, the garment of law OIfgravIt<litl0n remams unseen, Ibut WIll not de<,troy the 1lldtVlduahty of affectIon oIf our chIldren, Of' of ourpraise f« the spmt of hetaV1ness tlhat we see Its effect The rules and laws the chIld but wIll !help hlm to replace wives Od" husbandls we do oot own thentlhey m'1lgfht!be oal1ed u--ees of ngihteous~ of maltfiemat1cs are ~hlS moment ,operat the Impulse!> If the human Wll1 WIth mdJV1drual1ty Mmd ma1ntatrus the 1denness~ the plantmg o~ the Lord that he log 1n pcrfe'Ct hannony everywhere- thmklng ba"e on Pnnclple tIty of each ldea dIstmct and freem1S:ht be glorIfied." Thts beauhful and 1n the Umted <3tates, 1111Slbena, t<n Jesus fully understood the law of thrtllwglh all.eternnty and the mdw1dtualcomfortmg stateme'!1t delC1ares the Jaw. 1n the eIlidJs of tJhe earth H<l\/ Love He lIved 1t and '3JPiPhed 1t lt1 1ty o:f one IS t1Iever lost 111 a1l!Other Johnprorntse and office of Ohrrtstlan Science mUlChmore trulY then, may we say that every act The Mmd that was 111 C'hrIst dec1a1I'oo, 'Now are we the SODiS ofIt e~ress<::s the l'OVe WhlC1h iPflOIIDptsthe law of Love 1Sa'Ct:lve and operalt:'1YL. Jesus was naturally t!he consciousness God l\tt:md the sons of God alonethese lectures Lt exjp!a1'I1lSwhy I am here and everyrwhere nght now M.i.n of Love Whrt-ch he emlblQldlJecland eo.;: As a ressult atE the mIse sense of parenthere, and It 'VlOK:esthe JOY we take 10 IS not called upon to enforce the la'\\ pressed V\lho !but tlh.e mOist lovl'nlg 01 hoo-d and C1'leart1oomortals have reared&peakmg of our rehglOJl to those who o£ LO\e, for It IS lts own enrfor<:ement, men wouLd have end'1Jlfed tihe torture of a God bke unto thern.sclves, a man~hkedo not know It or !Who hawe 00't yet but he -does bocome ConSC10USof lt~ CnlcrnxlOn and the hatred O'f<the world God Instead df w()11;h'1!tHng'a.s the firstexpenenced itS b!essmgs eX1stence and expenence the revetatl01. except to !prove by actual example the dhalpter of GenesIs te3tChes a God who

'Ne aTe hvmg 111an era OIf siC1ent1fic ln hls o"n cons'C1'Ousness, of ltS aJCtl()11 domInion of Love s larw 111 Ihuman ex- makes man l1ke Hl1nseltfthmkmg, an age when thJe emphasqs ISI Can vOU concelve df thIS world wlth~ perlence'il He s.Md Tihe tWoNS [the Last year, whde In a mld-bemg la1<1on '501enree--mater1al SCIence out love, a loveless UIUverseJ an earth 1-deas or thoughts] that I Slpeak ooto dIe western state I was mtrodu.ced byof all kmds We lfeCognlze 1Ihat dlS. WIth love left out'> Even th:e nro ..t you, tlhe)' are s.pInt and tlhey are Me a fin~-look111g yoong married man'Coveries l,n the realm of the 1J)lby.&K:albarba.rous savage '\\ III reveal In some Th.ese ldeas constItute tthe Christ, t 1.0 wlhDse iather toM me the foUowmgf,C1enct:'Sare 1mportant Progtresslve In~ aotton that love, the Impulse to be klnu, spmtualldea of God That wmlCh rom~ story At the age OIf fourteen t..lt1SventlOns 311'ea~1 helplful and lS baS1CIn conCS10usness ,aJ11ldthere IS no forts, heals, and releases [rom pam, sm )"Oung man was a Vl'Ctlm Olf CjptlelpS)mg, but, VIewed: from the IStalfttd!pomtof one wno Wlll not at length respond to and death .can be nothing less ~al'l hopelessly afflicted so the doctorscomparatIve all the dlS- Its gentle and ECompelhng mflue:nce The Love and Chnstian SCIence declares the saId In fad, they had toLd the parente:.covenes of the ages In the r.ealm of atlhe1.St W11Iten you that there IS n0 Comforter for each one of us toolaY IS that the boy coutu net hve long undermatter brought to lilJ.8'htany mlforma God but he wil not deny that 'S()Il.'De~thIS healmg Ohnst, the Idea olf Love the e:Xlshng condltlOn'S The trn>thert1on, fact, or larw t1bat WIll 'bnng iCOtnl~tml'g 1mpels hIm to !be kmd to hiS WhICh IS .a.ssertmg Itself m t>h.e oon~ was read.'lng Qh:r1st1an S.cleniCe, and hadfort and relal heahng to the &lck and ne1glhbor and to love h1s own ohIld He SC'IousnC"S,:,of mankmd begun to grasp 1n a very slmple wayoufferln.g', that WIll make the crooked maY' not haye analyzed thIS Jesus did nO'!: come to do lmposslble the true relatl0ns~:11l>wh'1ch e}clsts ib.zstraIght and the rouglh ip~ace'S pla1n, but whetrf;'r 'he realizes 1t or not,!he 15 thmgs, !but posslible rott1Jes These works tween God and mall but t1'eatment hadthat \\111 hea1 sl'Ck heart'S? What dlS" eX!pres~ang what \\e 10 Ohnstlan SC1ence he $laid, ye s1hall db and grearterr, 1£ ye not been asked itlIf the b'OY One il1~ttcovet"y <QI' 5cl~nttfic la!W can 11ft the undet'stand to be t'he larw lOlf Love, th~ keeIP my cornma'!1dments, and the 'CtOttl~ w/hen corndttlO'ns were 'UnulSool1yb<\ldt'h,esInner 0'U't of bondage to blse appetites Q1Vme Prmc1ple of aU eXllstence We tnatlitEments WeI'le summed U1pve-ry Slm m~ther came downstalrs to the fart:'her

\ and de-SUUlttive halbllts'> Have all or recognlzeJ thereioce~ that Love emst5 ply m the JnJunCtloo to love God and and saId., INow!We have trIed earne\'itlyan" of tQe phn.loso'plhe<l's,tlhoml<:eJ'1S~and as thOlUght, alS Mmd, a.nd that. the la.w of man Thb db'V10usly mean-s to ~ove 11>0tllto dlo all we rOan to save our boy andschp.lars of centurIesJ c;mcere toouglh Love 15 COllS!ClfOruslybflO'tlglhttm10 aletll()1 God an'CI man understandll.11glY-W1th a yet condlttonrs are 'bec'OtIung worse Thethe1T effo1'lts may ha,ti{e,beenJ contrlibuten by rIght trhmkuIg Today we see oome correct rConcept of what God and man doctors say the case IS !hopeless andto the ra'Ce a s<c1enrhfioelaw t!hal1:will 'faint maUlfes1at1on or Love In man and really are ihiwt !he wIll die T.hen there IS J'l1<;tonemake sure and ce.r.t>amtlhe one funda- fleJ01ce yet tlh1l1k what a world cf The dharrge IS often made rtIat Ohr19~ 1:lh111gwe can clio If there IS any powermental esserutrlal to Ihuman eX1stence peace and harmony there mJ-ghlt !be, Ii tlan Smenrce 1S altagertiher tdo trams- to save htm at all It mtlf&>tbe somethmgnattre<Jj}f1J1ifP.pf1'J.e~an ~-deli'..l.ta.nd!lllSof all -aboutlUs we saw only t!h.e e'V1den.\,.e cendent1.1 beca't1se 1t .sedare<; that ~IIS greater than ourselves We must gIvehea~en r RevJew~ng the SIt!ua;'tion-for a of dlvme fLo' d's lmpul<;lon I \fInd and ItS 10fimte 1deas beoause 1t that boy back to God After, he 15moment. we see that lPrta.ct1cal1yall thto Thert" are, no doubt, here tormght dec1aroo Man'S true Ide11l1:1tyas a dl- God s dhtld Let us Ibotlh turn unre4

research and the study of cenlturle5 has people Who have eXtp.e1J'1encedmuch vme Idea In M1l1ld .and yet I call to servedly to the JdlVlttJe rpower' Mycentered, wholly In matter and 1'!1ma trouble, unh1lPP111ess, loS's, atld lj,laLnm your attentIon the f<lct that the only friends m that hour, m that momenttenal thmkmg In VIew of thIS, and the1r hves and 'Possllbly some one m thmg 111 the world winch halS any t:rue rLhat !boy was heJailed, comp-Ietely healedcertamly tn View OIf the results -d:lhat them ma) say 'IHow 'Can I love God a tangtblhty and permanence ~s The dIsease fen alWay from. !hut) hke t'tethe race StItt has far <togo morallYJ VMt God who serods sorrow .an.d suffeJ"l~? Tthe entIre ClV1hzatlonJ aU the physlc:ah~ t'FgJ~dream that 1t was, and hIS fatherdssease has by no mean.s been erad\t~ How can God 'be Love, when I have hlad ties and personalttles of the Ihtme of told me that th.ere was never -agam acated, anil. that p.overty .and fi..nanc1at SO mllch unhaPlpmess'il God ooes not CANSt Jesu'S lta:ve passed away are lcturn of til1Je affhcbon Norw wha1t hd.ddlStl'lesc; are sttll much IJI{] evldence,- appear very lovable to me J, May It gone and \forgmten, and yet the happened'il Somelthmg had taken placeone may naturally mqU1re, I1f a~l these not be posstb1e that we are unlCOO'"''bboughts of that great man remam as tn the thmk111g ()If tlhJat father andcenturIes of study m tlhe realm of mat~ sClOusly holdmg God respons~ble for.... actual anq ahve today as they were 1n mother, and It was sunply that they hadter have faIled to bnng ihfumarnty d1fficulty v.111ch hes With ourselvtes I the first century He dJecliared the tan- Jet go .compiletely 10 'tlh.ell'own thbughtheald1

aihap.p1Oess, and heaven, why It1IOt &uppose O'le of us were to Ibre!ak 3: g11>leand -eternal nature of the Ohrbt, of t<hetr possess1ve a.nrd. tfeaorlfUl1sense of

.. make a fIght about ~3.lCeand dnrect all traffic or SiPeed law WIth cm 'Car, and or reaJ man, when he: l$laad,'IHeaven and ownersh1p Th.ey ihJad given trp theIrour thought, effurt, and mVlJISttg1altliODiwere 00 be arrested, fined, and p.umshied earth s-h-all pag.s away bwt my words behef oIf pa:rentoooo, of bemg pers.onalto\\ard the realm of SP~1t, toward tlhe Could we verv logIcally !blame CJlU1 trou- [my thoughts] shall not pass away" creatlQrs, and, bke Albraiham, had placedunderstallditng of SlP"'oll,,1la<w? ble on the law or on the Jl1dg. who The mm-e one knows of God, the thetr child on the "It.,. Of God. W,th

DlVINF PRlNClN-E AS GOD fined us' Does the law Itself !coow mem. he knows "f tlhe real man We fear and t1he false s_e of personalMary Baker Eddv 1he D<1scoveret"' anythltIg about the rolfrtactl00 or v101a- can only dlsce1"'11Jman, the real and relSponslblbty rern.OiVoo,the law of Love

and rounder of Chnstl<ln SCIence dId hOt'? Not at all Botrh the Judge and SPll"ltrual man, as our 'Understandl.Dg ()If naturally asserted ItseLf and re'Stwea.turn from mattE"il" .and 'W'lrththat 'C'Om~ the la'\\' are quvte unpartlal Then where God gtt)ws The OhnstJ or splrItua11dea that boy to hiS normal and legttJunatep~sronate Impulse expressed 10 the does our d'1ffi>cultycome from'il Solei) dt God, mfluernced and dtrected every stat'US as a c1u1d ()[ God.v«se Whl0h I have Jus.t quoted from from O'\M' 1Ignor8ltllCeor oUtr W111fuJ. WS~ m'Oblve'8i11dact 0If the human J esu.g As £hnstlan SOlenlCepom'bs out tha.t theIsaiah, earnestly sought the remedy fQr obed1eniCe or l-ack of cooformJLty to the a man !he: was lPeI'lpl€ltuallyresponSIve to love We ltave for tlhiOSenear us musthwpan ills 10 the rea.lm of Sptn.t Her law Is 1t .not dear, then, that m the the call of the Qhrlst Truth Derscnb- be trauS'f'OCmed and ..eiK31ted,until It re.~seafiClh re.:;ulted 1n the dl'SJCOVteTyof same way what Sreems to us pu11ilshment, mg thIS cal1 of Ch1"1st a.t the door of sem\b<lelSmore nela1"ly the FaJtlher-MOibh~what she termed Chnstla11 S!01.e:nlce,- suffermg, and pam, oome not thrlQiUgh conSCIousness we rea.d in Revel<aJt1ODer IJo:ve w1uch God has rfar HIS clutdrenthe SCience o!f Truth,....-.the diembnlStra.. the law of Lmre lYut beJca11lse()Iur hveq 3 20, 'IBeholdJ I stand at the d!oor, and If you some loved one whom youMe U!ndersta",cL~ng af Grod rand H1S and our thmku1g are out: of barmony knook lIf any ma.n hear my V01ceJ and a!fe:untdonsclorusly .h!old1'l1g111 the tllglht-Christ She prochumeid. that the dtv'lne w1tlh the law The adjustment wluch open the door, I WIll come in to h~m ened grasp of &.eu and -anxiety, placePrlncIIPle of the Universe is !.Jove that needs to tfkl- place IS not 111 tlhe law. and WIlt sup W1th h1m and he WIth me' !h1mJhke tihlOse parenltsJ m the cafe O'fGod, the cause and creator OIfd.Jlbemg but 1n our 0\\ n at11tl1'dletiOlWardthe !taw Tlhat Sam6 Chnst, or true 10ea of God hits Goo, and be notIS Lo\e--ut11versaJ, a!1~u\JC1uslve and The law of Lo\ e therefore, even 1lhQUgh can enter yol1.1l1"ll1JreIf yOU WIll !but open aJfra1d You 'W111 reroall thlart when Jesusommpotenlt It 15 of bhIs ~aw tre law It seems to -ch1.'itI::.e,IS truly kwmg, If t1he tikror and let .It in The Oh:nsrt 111 raised! Lazall"U5from the dead 1lhe B1bleof Lo'\.e, tJhte undlerstandmg o.f 'WIhach out ~f the expenence comes a your'Ss WIll govern every says I He thiat WaiS d&d came forthshe grasped and then made pra.dIcallv and ~etter hfe All that IS needed IS act of 'YOur be111lg' It W111 make YOUa botmd hand and foot W'lth grav.eclo1!hes"appl1cable In human affiwrs, that 1 shaH that we shall cease stn1lgg!tng agalOst good man and a Siuceess1ul 'One and If Jesus Sla1th uruto them, Loose Ilum,'ij)eak tomght the aw of Love and 'Come mt.o umty you 2!CcelPtIt f'Ull~, 11:Will glonfy yoor and let hlm go." Ohnstla.n S>Clernce

There dre t1IDse who, at tihl1s'POInt Wlrthrlts tender '3ICt1OU 'T1hen shaLl we ibemg shows 11Sthat lS-omehmes, w1thout ()IW"

mal' reasona.bly be ques.tIlQnmg Ho" see od's great !pUrpose fulfilled In OUI' In order to -find out exactly what man realtzmg 1t, we are 11100mg some loveddo we know tha.t God ItS Love? W! hves The human sense struggles to 15 hke, we turn completely away ;from one, 011"somebne perhaps wlho lS notdiG We mean by love and can we con.. wor~ Gllt Its own destlny, even while the usual human way of thmkmg For tewoo, WIth gravedothes-glraveclothesceive of a pt"1nClp1e as love? When d1vI1e Love walts to fulfill every asp1ra- example Iiyou someone whom he of fear, graveclothes ()IfiPoverty. grave~JOlhn declared tha.t God 'IS Love he was t10n !Soanng toward good resembles he IS very hke1y to -say, f'Oh, clothes of <bsease. If .such 1\5 the case,ceItamly not elO\>reSSlng" mere meta- JESUS' UNDERSTANDING OF people say I'm Itke my mother, and my then, In the w<>"~sdf Jews, GhTl.tlan WAY OF HEALINGpbysica-l abstraet1Jon, nor was the en- j " LOVE SIster Jane IS ltke m7 father,' mea:n- SClen<te urges, llLoose IhitmJ and let h~m ChristIan SCle11iCeSlhlQlWsus that thede!avorlng to formulate Ia iOomept of The bfe~putpose olf GhrIst Jesus was mg, of c.oU!fse, th!at 'hie and b1s Sll$lI:er go." way of deltveT'anoo, from both d1seaseDetty based on sentwenlt or emot1on to reveal God's love for man and to resemble two ofuer hum;a.n beIngs lCalloed UPLIFTING HUMAN and hate, IS It/he way o:f perfect, exactHe was statmg a splntuail fact Even demdnstrate the- mseparaible UDlty t'hat ~helr father and tnQ/tIheil" 1311 the RELATIONSHIP and StPtf'ltual tlhmkmg Th15 was thefrom a human standpOInt. as we !VIew eXls~) between ~md and tts Idea, !be teachmg 1n the Biib.le 1S oonstantly en~ You Will find JO tlhiestudy OIfChrIstIan way Jesus talUig'ht, and Mrs Eddy ha<;-the Universe, t\he wonder-s of earth an i twe God and man But the love re deavormg to pomt out to us that God SCIence that spIf1bua.! understamliLng wrItten tn her texttblOok (Sclence andsky, we are cbl1ged to <:ontCedea. certall fleiCt d by the Mraste-r WCliSby no mean!, ctlone IS oor Father. and tlha~ He created grealtly changes our concept of 'WIhiart Health, p 476) IIJesU\S 'beheld m SCI.endenc-e of law and order, <and it IS en. an .dxpressJOn af seoomenttahty H'" man exactlv l1ke HlmselJf l1ke Mmd love really IS 1()11" sirouLdr!be. For example, ence the perfect man, who appeared tocOur'ag1l1g tlrJait In the last few Jt1IOt1ths perc~ved fully the nature of evil and hke Love, like Siplrrt, and tlhl1SImphes It remorves a faEse semle otf personal hIm where slUrung mortal man appearstwo emment phlYsK:al sC1enlt1Sts, SIr sm 1l\Jndrecogm.zed tha.t lave does no' some1:'hmg qUIte d1fferenrt from what: we responslblhty for other p-eop1.e's prob- to mOl'tals In tuns pel'lfeat man thelames Jeans of Cambridge Un1vers1'"Y, always cons1st In bemg geruttle have ordmardy StUiPrposed. Indeed Jesus lerns It IS not allW'3Y5lovmg to work SalVlour saw Gods own hkenC'Ss andEngland, and P..rmess'OlI'Artd1m" c:otm:- The ma.n who took a w~'P to thl: "aId, I Call no man your .!ather upon the out anot!her's salvat1011, mde>ed In the thIS correct V1frl.V()If man healed theton of the t.mvel'sity oIf ClMca;g'o have m'On~~,dhangers m the temple and earth for one 'lS yOU<fFather, wmclh 1S last analYSIS one never can It 15 niQlt SIck Thus Jesus taug1ht tihat the kl11lg~declared that the1" mvestllgatlons are scalhlingly del1i011ncedthe ihypoCrlS1es of ~n heaven" And .a@am, I'Be that:bveth love to make a "leanlt>r" QUlt of our Ife'l- dom of God IS mtact ul11versal, andteadmg mevlltably to thlt condU'S10Il Ithat the scribes and Plharlsees was no weak~ father or mot'her more than me IS nrot low man Who real1y walllts to [b.e a that man IS pure and hoJythe umverse tS the result and exptelS_ lmg ~ :He understood dearly tlhe kmd worthy of me "leaner," to go throwglh hfe on another's 'When a man declares, I I want to beSlon of or4erly thought Pope saul of ~cked thmkmg Wlt'h wh1ch he was Now thiS did nrot mean to Imply that efforts? To do t'hl1sIS only to welaJken 10vmgJ he IS v!rtuaJly saymg, I I -domanv years ago tha<t "Order 1<5hea.verns deahhg 31ndused the only mevhiod which we are to dese1't or llgnore our mothers one's own !Charader If a teacher at- want to be the Jmage the reflect10n off)rst law," and there IS plenty <>If eVl- that~ type of mentalJ.ty .could uO'dier~ or fathers or our famlhes, but It -plamly ways works out the problem, wt.ll a duvne L'Ove," and what h1glher alm candence, If \\e look for 1t today .. thiat a stant~ If has ~ebuke hiad il>een gentk, Indicates tQ1at S()loner 011" later we are all chIld learn to apply !the pnnc1ip'le 'Of anyone have than thIS 1 Keepmg th\<;annme Pnnclple or law"11!Strhe hiS emles would have laughed at hun called UlPon to give up that liaIse $lM.~e mathematl.cs ihunselH A correct llnder~ 1ueal in mmd, he beg-IllS to expre"iSentIre umverse In unmtert"UfP1l;ed har~ but II could not st1l.nd 1>e:fdre a dc- of human rdatlOnshlp often has stand'1Dg of Love uncovers mls~hr:eiCted those quahtles 10 t1h'OlUghtand :charas.. THE DETROIT EDISON CO~iftAUtJImony The presence oi an ev11 \force nun a.bon suJc;b-as ilits, a. <:hJaStemng ,In 1t so mUlChof boodoage aUld suffering efforts to be kInd, based on senhment ter which are eventually manffest as •• ,rMn 1\tn <treatu1t1, or the !premIse that Pnn that U11cover'CdcrtOT .aOO then cast rt and to learn 10 estalbhsh our true mdl- mS'te:ad of reason, and enables P'1ulan~ c;.ptr1tual powerdp1e, or God, IS b'Oth. g.obdt and Iervl1 aut Jesus chd the ktnodetSt If:hmg he. vIdua!l.1ty as cl1lJ1.dren or Ineas of God thropy to be tthe expression {)If diV111'e In ChrIstvan SCience we see that L -.J-= me~:~~,l~~U~I~lt~m~"a~t~e~.""~I~~:.~: ~':':: ~~ __o:=::'~~=~::_,.-,\:~='=J:__,

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Christian >$~l1ce F

Lecture Given byRichard J. Davis

Teall or fribe sat1sfaiCtlon In wrdng/ wantmg expresses Itself m a kmd ofthmkmg and lwmg ristlessness a desIre to be mcw:mg to

Sm always -come to tis as OUT own be always on the go always seekmgrthougl'ad: ann sUlbtly argues to us tha+ but never findmg False iDehe:fsuggestswe find pleaswre anld satIc:fachon In S.ln tJhat some material trnng person 0"

(Contmued fmm Page Three) or else It tries to '19aJkeus afrald that event will surpply the need the walltneed to know, tn -a measure art least bec<1Iuse af ihter~(My envIronment, or the deSire But It never doe'Swhy we need not Ibe afra1d Clrcumst<ance rwe are helpless vIcttm" Lonesomeness tries to make men be

h the Almlghty the om111l?otent con and 'Unable to resIst It But once we heve that some penon IS essential tofroote-d Wlt11 atlot1her power called evtl have gamed the concept OIfoor dha-age our h<llPpIne~s It mdruces 11S to lea".,1£ w, Almighty IS a mlsn'Om€r Is m less spIrItua' selrt1hoord as an Idea of on personahty Instead olf on dftvmefinite 01t1l11present greod '3harmg th1t good we are enabled to shut out the l?rmc1ple And then self !pIty comes 111presenlCe WIth other power destruetlve false seHhood apart from God In a and tne,g to malke us sorry for OiurIn nature ~ If so, tlh~r'€ 1S nQ 1ufi!lr1te <;ermon which she delIvered m 1895 Mrs selves, and telliS us mow mlseralble nen.o ommpresence The allness and one Eddy g>ave th~s helpful mstrwctlOn glected and alone we are How oftennelSs O't God precludelS fhe eXlste1liCecd Know then that you possess sorverelgn If we analyze-d what IS of ' unlIke HmweJi, unlIke the In pm, er 10 thmi;: and act rlgthtly and sameness, VIe find we are lookmg tofimte perfedlon Love bias no dOn that not<hmg can dlS!P'ossess you of thl<; otihers ~nd dependIng on tlhem t'O "upplySClOusness of anytlhmlg una'1ke or O1ltsnie hentage and trespass on Love (PlUlpit our hapPlOess, pleasure, >and satiLSfatIts own !harmonIOUS belhg Would you and Press :p 3) hon, mstead of rfind'l>ngpearce and conbe afraId, could J"Q/U be alfrarld, 1f you There never '\VIas a man who w'Ould tentment 'WIthIn '01M'selves dltnsttanreallv knew that God 15 Love, ngr't haM on to evil If he knew what genu SiC1ence shrows us how to get alonghett"e and everY/Where and that J ou can- me happmess tlhere WaJs10 bemg good w1th ourselves how to hve wrth ournot get out of HIS all encIr'Olmg pre<; We are all seekers 'Off heaven Th~ own t1hougthts, and thIS IS truly a wooence iI Could you be afraId If yoo ikneMo man who drmks believes he WIll fit'd derfuf fJhiJng ftlhe arblhty to med1tate tbthat the fa,.. off Love to the UnIverse s h~ppmess and sallsfalctron In s'tJ1l:hIn waLk wIth God to be aJlone with t1.eailSDthe law to aLl that constItutes your dulgence He IS really seekIng heaven th!ougPts (lIf Mmd The PsaJmIst washfe anclrbemg? T!lus.1s what the Apo~ but he has gone III the wrong dIrectIon not lonesome but alone with Godtl~ John meant When he wrote, There to find It The man who ste<lilshehevt"':i wlnIdh 15qUIte 'Crnother thmg He walke\(]IS not fear In love, but pet>feJct lo",e tlhat money w1Mgwe him hap'pmess and wlth God and as he sa1d mediJrt:atedcasteth out fear' Who amolllg us eV'er ea~€' he ha.s gone In t<he '\v.tonig dlrec upon good. In the mght watches and 111

has a doubt or fear as to Whether the tton for It VvIUnot gIve him peace of that reab7ahon of hIS UnIty with Godearth WIll c'Ontmue to turn on Its axiS? mmd 'Bhe man who 15 selfish be1ltwe.. he wrote How preCIot.S alISO are tIhyWe do not gIVe It a tlbouig1ht,but go to h.e WIll find satisfaction In the gratlIka t1houghts unto me 0 GOldr how greatbed each DJ,ght qUIte certain that to tlOn of J11:Spersonal desIres he (haIS IS 'the Slum of them' If I shou~d C'Ountmorrow WIll arnve on sClhedule time gone in the wrong dlre/ctton Ibecause them, they are more m nUirtlbeT tlhanwIth the rlsmg of the sun >\1ltte fear halWllless" .can only be found III self the sand when I awake I am still wdhthat 'has ever eXisted U1J human tihlQught forgeHulness So we See that peopl< there"throuigh all the ages bas neve! affectel wIth dJseases -orf the 'Oodly -are 11Iot the Through the study on ChrIstian SCIIn the sltghteSlt degree the 'Oirdedy gov only VIctims of a mortal sense of lIVing ence we see that dtv111e Lorve nas neverernment 01 th~ UnIverse How cer and l1ke ChrIst Jesus, we can t:hr<owt.'e mtended tl11at we shouLd be sailltarytam1y, then, may we rest m t!he as mantle of compassIOn around th'Ose WIlt) neglected, or 10n\Cly but 1t doflS pomtsQrance tJfiat the unseen yet ever Ope;- are In slaver) to some eVIl and md-tetial out that the way 0If demonstratIon tl,eatln,g't ta\Y of J..cwe IS wISely, ten'CLerly behef, whl<ch fhey would glaldl,Yfarsal c way o~ overcoming IS not the way ofgovertl1ng all, anldi thiart there 1S npthmg Jf they only ij:new the w~ In SCience selt PIty and self tommlserrat:ron Th'"to fear and Health (p 227), Mil'S :eJdldy bid", taM at Vove 11ft'>up ",bove and beyonc

Wh1le we recQgll1ze that sm bnnge, wr'ttten ~hlS battle cry of SlPlntwal free the runlha.pp'YcontemplaJt:lon of a loneItS .own pUnlSlhmentt, ChrIstIan SCllencc darn Chnsttan SCience raises <the some seM to the per,ceptlOn and revela1S not a rebgl{)n 'Or penalty It holeL:>standard of lIberty and cnes Fo~lo\-I; hon 0If spmtual JOys nght at h\3,nd,for man no law 'OIf suf,£ermrg of pun me! E<;cape fflom the Ibandage of s1tk When we reach thait pornt OIf,gpmtuallslhment, oc hel1 tihe t'aIOe IS 111 nes", S10 and deathl Jesus marked out perceptlion we celaise the frUltllelSs rrUn~need 00, I~ ntot 'Condiemnatilon !but satva the way Cthze.ns of the world filCCept llIng aJround In the unhaiPPY cl<f'des ofhon SpIrItuwl relaiSlOO.llligIS dll'speIbng the glotlO'1.1J.<;liberty of the ohllidren of se!llfmteres1 a'llld r600gOlze that eachthe outworn and oUitgJ:"own theologtcal GocJ/ and be free l ThIS IS YOU<rd~vine ant has sotn:ethrng wondedul and .finebebefs that God IS In some way c61 right The IllUSIOn of matebat :sen':ie to aJoCOIll[pJI1sh\'flfoe 'See that Me IS toocerned rl,\ I~h tihe pumSlhmel1lt of SIll It not law has bound yrou ental full otf opporrtunntIes flor serVing GodIS not consistent With grQod reaSOn to gled your f"ee hmbs -ct"lw1ed your co. and 'OUr fellow maJn to take tlhe tIme toconceIVe of God as rcreatmg us Sl,nner~ paclties enfeebled your bodiy a td conSIder even for a moment hbiw ~one1.nd then DUmSn!lIllgtIS for the ver) defaced the tablet 0If yrour !bemg some we areth1ng He made us capaIble of being One 'Of the tlungs "'h1Ch seem. to RIGHT ATTITUDES11hl1sIS no God df Love mfimte, etlvmc keep S10 aln e and to iPrervent mantkmd One >summer dlay, In the cotmtry my LOVE SLAW IN BUSINESSLove as we undefistand Him 111Chrns fflom gam1ng dbtb1'11WnOlver It IS the attentlon was caJEhMto til1e actIVIty of The lea.ven tOf the Ohrlsrt:, Trutrh, IS

han S{'~etl-ce TE11s W10Uldibe ruo Gad tendency to hold on to the false theo a hrt:t1ewren, who !had !her rbIny hoose workmg III every branoh of human ento be ltoved revered and honored, 'but logtreal behef that God, who IS mrfinnte Just !Outside our door ThiS ipa1't1C'utar deavor today and the wot'td OIf !bUSI-ratJ1er otIe tl() be feare<i, !hated, and Love, has 10 s'Ome way proVided a sys daJY we found her stfluglghng and rug- ness IS not escap.lng tihe traJ1:sformmga"esplsed tern 0If and thlait am our gt.nrg aJt a bra11l~h several times larger la\\ OIfLove ll,1 the last fifteen Ye"lals

J esu.g who better tYlan any other man 5hortcoIDmg.g are! dheclced up agau1st than herself It seemed like a !bIg t-aSh. books have be~n wrItten and lecturc~embocLterd ohe dlJ.Vmept1'11J),(Jsead: !Jove 11S We have all been t-old of' the but to ib!l'1!ng the '1J.rranclh mto the h.ttle have been presented <>tn\SICIentlfic!bUSI<;aId The Son 0If man 15 nOit iCIOmeto bdol< In WhIch 5rt ~et-er 15 suPtp!o"'ed to ihlouse !but she kept at It vallant1y But ness management end salelsmarusmp, bu.dJestt'Oy men s bves, but to- save tl1lem' keep hIS records A trbmenrl.ous .amount here WaJSthe extraordmary thmg Every unless the Sptrlt of lave for !OOe's neligh

l1:ere\ my friends we !blaNeone of the of boorkkee1?1n8' If It were true! ~ut nOW and then she wlOruJ.d stop, and dtrop bar IS reflected III the maJnagementmost tender afJ.d appealmg aspects of the vr'Op1het¥Zeinel had a very d1fferent pmg the braooh, glhe would pour f6rth p.lannmg, ard sarlesffi-ansht:P. tlhey areDeity as revealed In the teaohmg of Vl.S1on He saw t'hat t1he only pUirpose a JiOyOUiS,happy lIttle ~ong atlId then not truly stlentlfl.~ If bUlSmess a'Ctlon

,..OhrlstIan SCIence lIhe omy thmg whlch of Love waS to .save n-e"er 1:0 hlold metn \pIO'klng up the' brncnh w'oUhd go ag'a1n 15 not based on PnhcliPle It cannotdIVU1eLove can do IS to save and bLess under the 'burden OIf eternal darh1nat1:1Clnat her task, untd 'Slhe finall~y a-ccom* s.tand and busihess men are beg~rnU1'rtg'Dhe law of Love can eXlpress tise1f only and !he \\ rate ulf the wl0ked will turn pl1s'hred the thunlg she had set out to do to dIscover tihiS toda.y There IS 00

In .'>alvatlOn !.Jove IS nm COhJd~mnm~ ffb.lh all hIs" sms that he hath doin Somehmes It seems as ~f we were called SC1enrceback of a Si:!lestnlartsJ} own OffSlprll1g CondemnatIOn dwn mltted and do that wlhLch IS lawful upon to wrestle WIth a problem a grood mduces one s 'brother 10 lbity an lOlVeil'nahan and pe.n1a4ty have no plaice 10 and nglht, he s~iall sUil'ely ttve ih~slhall deal bIgger 1Ihrarnattt"selv-es But 1t IS coat he does no want at >cannot affordLove s pdian Infimte good has 'PTOIVIdeodnot dIe All hiS transgres51O:ns that iht. never bIgger than our ahlhty ror under The e1fort thTOU~ hIlJglhpr.eSS'U'1'esales-tor ItS h1gthest eXiP:r'e''3S10nm'an, onl.) hath committed, tlhey shaH not !be men stand'mg WIth wlhnch to meet 11 If we mat1sllup to lOduce a. ttl.aln W'1t'h an In~the forever unlforldimg Ibeahtwdes O'r tlOned unt'o ht.m III ibIS righteousness lrke that httlle'birid can ror a m-oment corne,of a hurt<ired dollars a !Week togrQlod. For th1s reason, Since d1vme that he natn d'dne he JShaiInMve' drOjp our bUJ"ldten<and smg a song, a 'lpend one 'hundred Qrtd fifty mtl de-Le\ e IS not man, nrelther 1n toe raw of Love lit 1S never too 'PflaJller of gtalbtude we sh'aJ11iP~ck up rnoralllze our entIre nnanlc1.a!l and IC~-10 Ohnst1an SCIence are we condemnmg late, never too late to !be good, never thre task WIth renewed fallt1t tlhat dlvme merclat structure, I1if 111teIIigence, anJour ibr-other man OhnstIan SClen.ce IS too late to be well never too tate to IJoVle has gwen us lIhe lhtelltgence and most of a11, .a 'lense 'O\f lOVe frdir .one'snot engQ[ged 111condemmng but In sav be God s beloved son If you have Clher WIsdom to meet every sltuaJtIon and W11I ne~ghbdr, does fIot awta1ken Ib!usmessmg heahng and redeenlln~ nort a few Ished the behef that you are a castaway press on t01WiardItS SJUlCcesslfrulcomple men to see where .suoh a ShoNs:vgh.tedor manry bJllt tine wtho1lerake cursed of God and oonetemne<i by man tlOn "t and seLfish p.blvcy IS le.adJing

But here somebn"'e may rat.herr nat now 1S the tIme to awak.en ank!. olQlm The Law OIf Love, as uncIlerstl:ood 10 'J.nt~lty, faIrness and j'Ustvce gour<illly be questwnmg But what a!bout your herd~e Cihnsha11 S.cI.ence calls OhnstIan SCience d:ransJforrms our tihmk hand 10h<1Jndwt.t!h the pract1ce of ChriSSin? Do not human being;, Sill .and up'On us to forget the past WIth Its mt" Ing i31ndbnrgs mto oor hves the .P'OS1 t~an SCience A Chnstlan SCletlceshoold they not be pumshed?f' 7h\.. takes and errtJ[os anJ., l~ke Paul, to trwe note of JOy Peoplle, illke m'UI$IC tJ"Ie'atm~nttwIL1not .ald a mat'l, ~f I ma:yP'()lSlt!on wInch Olh;ISt1aJn S<::lence taJke~ reach f6rV!i unfo td.o~e ti}ungs wl1uoh art reflect the cDark or 11ght tones of use the exp~essjon to put somethmgtoward sIn 15 not a1\\ays understood by bCif&re It dehrares that there IS 110 thbwghrt wJuch constItute theIr mental .over' on'tJhe other fellow'" Nor shbuldtho~e who aahere to the dlder theolog1 SUCh thing a" an unrepentant smner make-uip SometImes you WIll meet an one e>ep-ect to be sUiOce&Slfulselhntg a.nCalltead1llngs prroDaJbly !because we de- not orte that may not be saved, no rpast Ind1vldual for t\he first t1me, ann 1m- lmIfaJlfiProPOSltJlQt1or ~ d~:smonest art1dedare that sm a1Swell a;, d1seas~ lS ho\\ ever eVil, wlhwh may not be ~e medirate[y you .catch in hils VOlee a Tihe qU-elstlOO'Sto be Binswered In one'"unreal But It shOUld be em~b~s~zed (rteved tn ChrIstIan SCleniCe, we do rnmlor J1Iote a plalnftve note otf UnhialpPI own frhougJ1t are tlhese WillI what ItthaA:we by no means condone or Ignore n91 bve n the pa"t but In tine '€<ternal 'Thess, Oil" drislCootenrt Are you smgmg hlaiVe f16t"sale benefit my feUow man?sm IbecaJuse we qerelare ItS unreality nOW' of I owe s tmfofdllient Havmg dl~- )'lOur lIfe In a maJ]or 'Or mlllor key> Am I ren-d-erlOg' a S'erwce In 'PresentIngL1ke <iISela;,C1t remains very reall until cernea your true relat)onshlp to your Does yoiUr VCMce reflerct the posl1ttve ~tto hIm and fast olf all MIl I chargmgItS {wIse nature an~ balSls 1s recogl1lzed creator ~'O you !beheve It sClICrlleIglOUStJone af JOY hopefulness, and 8PmtU!al hIm a fair a:t1IdhOinesrl:P1flce'J When

~and demolbtrated The way to- ~et nd tq aJssett and d~jm your sonsh!fPt Hav fiarlth or does It gIve forth the minor tJhlese mental demerits erilter mto 'bOSlof SlU IS not to Ignore nor condone is tn;g percelved yot'r d~v1Oe IdentIty as note o:f saodtness fear, and dlespalr; ness practice the'1"e IS .cQitllClden'Ceofbut to :Dace ~t The first ~tep ~n the a!t ldya of good can we condemn that? Obrishallt SClewee shows uls how to sing the human WIth the dirvme numan achberatllOn must be a,;n honest <l.Ickflowl Mrs I:ddv <hail wrftten In .sC1et1CeQnd '01Ut hveIS.on a major note, a 'POslltr\re tron lS cronfOfrIl1nIgto Prmldple a11ldWIlledgmenlf: on the !part C;)i£ tlie SIInner that rfealbl1 r1p 340)~ bne rnfinnte God key, affirmaJtlve rolf God s .presenrce, ilI~turalIy bnng I5decesslful resultshe !bias b-e.en 'Used by SInfUlI t~mkmg' gOod annuls the c£rse ton man aillJd POWe4",a,nd IQlVe The oh:ottds of yrour The law of Love, 1£we wl1l1et lit opand wants t'O be be~led Is sm a-by leaves not'h1ll~ that can iSm, s'Uffer- be lIfe WIJ~have no dissonanIce'S no In.hiar erate m -oou.r hves wtll heal ahd free'Part of God- goodil 'Is 1t an e)Qpress101" pUl1lsh"d or ae<;troyed m'Oi1rIes,~if !.Jove IS there As Isaiah hMlOns mdJust:!''IIesand llld1VIduals ahkeof GOdiS bemg~ Then does It belong Bbcau-se 01£ some cond1hons 01 wrote 'The ransomed of the Lotd of selfisihness 1f by reftectmg the >canto tine real man the 1lnage 61 God' birth or tnvlronmen-+ SOme mcLlvlooah s!htaJllreturn, and oome to ZIon WIth sctoUStlJeSSor Lorve whllCh "prJompts 12A~In all reason we cannot hotld God re s~m to hav~ !been deprtved of 4:he geip songs and everLa!stJ,ng JOY upon t!he1r ~eHis'h thmkmg, men ate graduallysponslibLe! £'or SID 'Then we cannot lhold tfe am~ll1tLes and ml111straltliOnsof [bv\.. heads they shall obtam jOy and glaJ tin&ng how to Justly atpportlOn hieman whom. Goo created m HIS own ThroUigh no tauat af thelr own thbv ness, and SOrl'Ow and s~hlI1lg shall flee nglhts ad' c~l)ltal and! talbOt" sO' thart eacl<"lLkeness responsilble ror tt etther $10 ha' e never been prIV1leged to "'ee or away has tits iP1a.ceand tewafld in t!he devel'Op10 Ohnsban SCience 15 ,>epaiTated from know. mUch love or lenderness In truelr WORK ment of mdustry, ca.n we not then sayboth GD'd land tnan a:tid If t-ec~n~z~d h'tvesI Such d.n one niay say How -can The very nature of God dlvl{1e that the law of Love 1S sC1enttfic andlike SJlOlrne'Ss,as a delusion,1-1;lre false Ilcnow OOtVewhen It ha:s never entered Mind., 1s tease1ess activity 111: never applIcalble;> When klOldness and JUSOelllelf trhat man IS material msi1:ead of my hfe No one has ever fieally wanted comeiS 4:0 a stop never reaches a !pOInt bee Impel the leladers ~ il5usiness tospmtual, and th.1lJth'et"finas pleasure and me anld r certamly db not feel vety WHeTt6It 1Swearied. or worn 6urt Mmd br't'1g a:lbout a trlrore eqU1t~le dlstribugrmllfilC-atlon In ma'ferlaI1ty WOOt man near or cloc:e to my feHow inJaJn In IS ever alert and awake For t'hat rea- !ton and prodwctIon OJf tlhlS world sneedls, then, J.,g deliverance from ~he such a case the u!1iderstandlIlig wf ChMs~ son tJhe real man Mmd S l!flea or refle.c gdods shaH we not have hlere a :hehef that he~ IS m<litenaI, an9 han SCIence shoiWS U8 .how to recog11lze bon, IS alert, awake and alIve, eV1-<ienc- ltfic operMlOn of tlhe law of !Jove ~thClit he nndis haPlk'tness or katlsfaJot!on that we are tCihdldrenof no lesser paret't II1Ig fOrever the deSIre to be actIve to \iVfhen Love 1~ the \only crol:1SC!l.ousnessIn matter roc m evIl 10 any £ofm ChrIS {han our Fafher Mothet Gold and that be about the bUSIness I(lf Mmd The or conscIous thmkll1Jg of man no det1a<n S!CIe:t1OCeSlhiO'W'sus that the only d1\'lne Love has no unwanted !Children la' GilVlheLove 10 Ohrristian SCIenCe (:ISIOn can be ma1dle that Wtla not takeway to be rree fflOtU S1n ~s to recognI7e God loves and warnts every one lO/f 'Us IS uJ1lcqveltlllg and destroY111t mto considetatron the mfetes't 0'£ ourItS Impers.onal llaiure both for our and HIS untverse would oot be complete 'an~ulig that -seems like thenta1 merha feHow bemgsselrves and otihers CeTttamly no. goad without tis We may seem aJt ttmes to or apathy Laiiness rand mef1.tal mdo- Hlistouy reve!alls that nearly every walcan ibe acc'Ompilished by ca;l!mg our be;rated cut off, allld Cillone but !ep.ce have no ?tace :lOr man's true bemg 1.1001: was C'\ er f,QIU1gfuthp.d behmd t-selrves or anrOll1reelse mlsefalble smners Love knows no se'ParatlOn from Its 1dba Mrs EC1ldy blatS wrrtte'1l ~n Sdence and some eC'ononl1Cc<lluse art effort On theThere !IS no use m tellIng mam that There tS no such i1:.hu1Jgas a lones-orne H~a.lth ({) 258) l'God eXlpresse'S In man part {)If one grorup off peolple on tJ IS hlrHe IS very likely t'O say :Ph yes I or sOllttatv dea 1111 nhe wholle U11Iverse the Infimte Idea forever developing 1t earth to do1tllnate £nan'Clally and comknow It, but that does not help the of God s creC\ltmg Lonresomeness 15 selt, !hroadeul1ng and !"1S1ng h1glher Jand n1erclally some other of God s people<;ItulatlOn Telil. me someibhmg that WIll the aggressIve and fa1l&esUgigeshon of hIgher from it houm:Uess Iblasls" Is It not hme WIth the unfttll'tful exammalke me better that WJ!Q-8'l've me my eVIl, that man IS seoparated flam God It we stuCl(ysome of the mental CQl11~ pIe Olf centUrIes bei£ore Us th~t manfreedfom' C"hrllshan SC1ence sihOllN'shoiVVseparated' rrotrl Love, and that there 15 dlfions that al'le 'ObstructIng ihurnaOlft1.S kmd beg'an to C1hange ItS thought andto sejparate 8mful thouglh,ts from both not eno'Ugh of Love to go a.floun-d It ~ftogress tOday, ':PMtIl:I1i1ar~ In the rworld method and rw'Ol"koo>t some dekree nlGod and moln m H~s bkeness It en trtes to mak~ us helneve that sOItnethlllg oIf '&.roSmessand mdiusfry It 1S o!bserv 1bvmf5 Co blJ1eratIonlDE::tweertn.atIons 10

~les 'Us to see The !false me,q,tal nature IS lackl Is J;JJney left awt ~ ts hlaJPopl aWe that human bei:n1is even 'll 'p'ihy~ cl1ulStrnesand JPe~les !based On mutualof eVIl and ItS temptatIOn to make U'; ne-'>s '?/ b ("ompamonshtp Jeft SIC~lly very a.ctIve are, for 1Jhe most trust and understandl11g? Shall.\ ebolleve Uhat there <.n jJ<)sSlblybe any out I sen.e of roogmg 'J.ld partt, not very fond <>f wo"k Le<us never lea," b) 1Je leSS011\<Jftilie)~i'4r'F" !:~ \~%J~t¥Pt%_W~het$1ttrl#"': 4P~ ~iJro~M.'tr&¥~J:t;Pfe'trrie¥ r&mezqMl~'4~~~~~;_

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Mrs Ahce OsbOlne:- teacrer of the2 B gnde at Rlch'lrd SchOOl! wt1 tal e-the lIttle trts of that gu'wde on a 1

excurs On to the FOA Creek pOs1:officen e}..t \\ eek

The 2 B grade ha" recently !bee 1"tnclylng the quahficatl'Ol1JS of a gloot!j}ost!Tt1.n \11 s O-,rborne mtends to ha\ p

the chtldren v Sit the 'Pohce and firdep>al"trne1b later on She hopes tcrenh.:rhten her grade on pubhc d!utles

The Parent Teachers ASSOCiation ofTromble, C;chool held ts monthly meetng at the SChODlon the mght 01 Tue"

daY \l1.rch 10 \11'::. Htgh Dtll chaIrman of the cntertaltl:IT'ent comnlltteelrnhg"cd thdt the fifth and s xth pres ....nt al amatew hour an j

filrn<; ")f the Rurhdl1.1.n Tr p to Alas! .1.

\\ere s<hown Mr Buchanan d~rects aboys tour to A1ask'1 every summePare'11ts \~efl._ l'1Vlted fo VISIt the classrooms where there we-re vatled exbbltsThe p ltpo"e of the P T A IS to de'Velor'1 better ("0 01- Cf'at on and understandmgbeltween ryan:nts and teacher!:>

Dr Stanley t\ Gra'\ es note'Ci authortv on the BIble de'an of LIberal Arbdt Detro t I 1St tute of Te'Chnology a.ddressed a group of Englt~h studel r"felcentlv 11 GrD'>Se PD1l1te Il gh ';c1001::.auditorium

Dr Gra\ e,:>speech VI, a<; IUu~trdted bvhdes Jlet 1r ng the early :13 bles of d r

ferent nabons StrIkll1g1) 111umnatEIih1e page<; Dr Graves saId \>Vel edone by art sts wPo d~d not work {orrf'cogl ItIcn Many aJttempts to copvthe deslgns pave fatled

Dr Graves \VCl.S asked to deb\er th<.lecture IP cb<;ervance of the 400th ann verSdf\ of the om tmg of the BlblcIn Fnghsh

T\\o one act plays MoonshI1e a'1dMode< \'Y111 be g ven 1 y the Po nt'"

Players for a 1 mv ted at1dlence rfldavevenmg at 8 30

RIel ard Monn and Raymond Chambel'S \\111 take the leads m vloonsh neand Jean TaylOl How2!rd Bened ct a 1dDonald C;tevemon WIll hd' e the chleroles In vIodesty Margot P'f.elffeIS dilrectI1g tihe prodiuctlOl1

Each member of tf e club s al1o" entwo tickets to gIVe to whate\er gue"tI e chooses

High School Notes Advdnc ng the 1Ime bmlt orf scho 1 of the b111" l.~ "Llsose 1t 10 the Mothel ~


part es from 11 30 to 12 o clod .. wa~ ('11b for 1)"J,rent I1P o\a1Dr E C Beck of State Teacher" arpproved 1a«:t we"'k Dy the Board of fl e me1.<;ure \ e It Ilta effect to t C'

C 11 H PI M 1 k hducatlOr The ncw rulmg <:ets dS ((> frst t Ie It the <;L 1 r 1 t, cl GOo ege at 'VI t easant Ie1 spa r

d f th G Ia cu<;tom th It has heen £0110\\<' 1 ~ 1 C 1 1('(' 1'1 Slit 11

at a ll111er meetmg 0 e ros<;t 1 lie 1 ItIe <;C1{) rst opeperPOlIte HIgh School Cnghsr clepartmenon March 12 11 '-l 1 \ 11 be

1J l:, t1 " n t 11 Our Fumy B::J'"'''''11 (> \ "i.. C'n to

;:, or tllf' 1 1t 1""" t1 I111ate('lW h ........ ..; te tf'l tl (11 1 1 Ie of thewa'> nece "dry to hav,- tl e 11 nl t I h n f q t t t '" \"1 I J.f f.cted bV'l.gree to the proposed cha ge \ L( 11" l t I I f I~';!lI!!JlilITiJlO!JliljJi!lii!li!!1iilliillf!lJilJO.'Jllii!J01Jlilr""!li,J@li!ljJi!li!!Jill!fii!1i!!f"!li,jO!li!!J"",-md!Ji'~ Ii Carl Holma & Son ~~~ill TREE SPRAYING, PRUNING ~

SURGERY iFertilizing of Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens by II

~ Liquid Power M:?thod ~ I

IGROSSE POINTE Nt 2327 IIJ~~fiil@f[gm!mJijlJE!!E!llilffilmPJfilRJU@j[iJjJrQ'mJillJiillfii'rJfllfL~f[Jfl!!fL1C!rruifQJiilllli,~-~---------------~ ~ -- ------- I0lI'iIDNJiilliilliill@f@JrillE!!lill'Eill'&rm""ll'!.J""ill@@j!!lJ1ilJiill[QfEmS!r~rr1iilJ[gJjjlJQ!jelr"c£'[email protected]..[fill!p~...J&W I

INu-Bilt Custom Shoe Shop ~I




Dr Beck s subject was \m('<1:'C 1

{ol1dore He IS an c"{pert In tihIS helle pecrally I \of ch gan folklore DBeck IS a personal {fiend of DI andMr.l ~ M Brownell

G. P. ~aptist Church


OKLAHOMA BOB ALBRIGHTWhc entertained the SoutheasternMJc}.lgan Fire Chiefs ASSOCiation

last Thursday

The I da ka class- of the Jefferso 1Avenue M E Church Will present their"econd annual Pop Concert on \1arch27 at 8 o-c:Iock The proceeds of theconcert Wlll go to the churoh as as.pecla1 Easter CDntrlbutwn

Severa.l guest artists have been secured! to a.ppear on the program bemgarranged by the Sunday School -orche~tra an orgalllza.tlOn whlClh formerlyp1ayed '\\ lih the West Sloe Open Company

We have been very forrtunate 1n secUTlng some very fine talent thiS yearand we shall have muslcal fea.tures ormfimte vartety that WIll not tall toplease everyone young and old SaIljRoy LanIon orchestra leader and pres I

tdent of the class

Jefferson Ave. M. E.Church to Hold Concert

Kercht"'v8.Jl near 1;J,1 ef1011 te ThlfrreJ11dly Ohurch around the corner

Reverend Dav d l.\art from C'a 1forllla WIll be tl e spe kcr a the morng and e\en111lg serv LC<> 0 the cl urc1ext C;uIda) '[arc] ??

BIble Sdhool fcatur 19 all departmcnts 10 a m

Preachmg &(.1 vIces 11 15 a m a 1d7 45 l' m

vVedne day mId V\cek prayer "1nc.ora "e scf\ Ice at 7 45 p m

Rev Fwart IS a q-radudte of theLOUlsvtlle BaptIst ':lem I ary an V\ 1<;formerlv engaged WIth R"''V H H Sayage PontJac MICh 11 mlSSlon WQl"k<\ real Vle1come aWdIt you so p1<..11onheanng Rev E\vart next Lord s Day

All member.:. of the cl u"ch are askedto rdll) tc all <; rVlLe of the church

Christ~an Science Churcb

To m{l~t t11e l1ccd~ of the 1arg<>merCh'll h m1nu!facturers ",nel offices tl er<><Ire mrs;,:el1g-er robbuv 11tenor robber paym«ster robbel y kid apl gafe l)urg1d.r) aDen stock burgh I

(mcrc 11.11 51;..) fidelity bo lds forger)hond<' all~ tn€' v r OIF all r ~k or 11J<1 dmar nt' c('ve ag(~ Sl ch "lldr,e1 1 ostleg ioterc 1 m<lll rd. 11 OJ I tcams] p a 1'1

tr Irk- sl ~pment lor the neIgh~)orhood11crchant dVelage ofhce dnd +"d t rches there al e comb nat on poll(' c g \ m\:{ lorbb<.r) burglary and otheC'ovef''lges all 111 (ne policy

Ina 11~P as thel e mJght be a. quetlO 1" to vvlhether robbery burglar}or fOI~ery wa.~ done by one s own emplo ee~ ",11 "'rlI'1e In.:,urance sho'l1M b('In the .far'1e com ")arfy C;hOll d>"ty) 111SJra1ce +Je tn ope cotnpal yal1c fidelhv bOl d 11 dhothel a 1cLa 10b

bery l-o<;.srbly ccmrut'(!ed WIth the conrlld.l1Cef(\)f eP1plor)e6~76r officer:, Df thbank tUel e v8uld be an '1rrgument a~to VI hell conp'&l1Y <;1ooold t a)

10 meet t 1t l1lecb o,f the home therel~ re,:>de ICe bUl"Q"lar robber} theft dnd1dlcel \ pollcv" h -eh can he cxtendt'(to cov<"r robbery whIle aVvay frOl 1

lome TIer there are aha the all fiskim 1110; j.e'\'telrv it r" line art~ tOUr1"'tfloater .a4i:d amerd

By H THOlVlPSON ~TOCKJ he en bf'7.tlerr>e1t c,f ~349 00 (1

1110 e b 101&1H~ to tl c C ty of Detro tfc c blv call 01 e atte t 01 to th ne 1ot I 1S Ira lee I st cr me 1 h'" "'UI

Ice compa e<, have deV! ed p")l c4e~d \ If 01 S :>.Jrts t) '1leet if e needs orhI" nc s 6"0\ el111C 1t chul chc.'> and thelome


S 0 e of the most romant <-

1.t ve st..ltes It" \l.-omc 1 an.f r t {'If or e ltal beauty

Mack at NoUi\1gham

Cleaning & Pressing

Just Phone TU. 2-3000

\IR A'\D \1RS STl'Vl''\ j jA\and dau6hter Vmg'l111a -af Harvd. j

Road returned home last \'..eek f am amonth s va,C'lt on In Flonda

Yau can depend on us for speedy andPl"Ol'nJit serVlCt" In any el1'Wrgency Whentune l& InT ItE"rJ and haste J$ es$.enbal

1 Hour service on Pressing8 Hour service on Cleaning

on Request


\f'l.tte~ w 11 1Je 1e subject of t 11-"

Lesson ~ermo In aU (llf shan Sc enceChurchf"s throughout tl e worle' 01

Sunda) \{ai ch 22Among t l(~ BIble -cl'tart:lons 1'; th 5

pa""age (Ps ...lm 33 69) By t1 e wOle!of the Lord were the heavcns 'Uade

nd al the 10515 of t lem by the breat'1of frllS mot rh For He spake dud It

'" as done he commanded and It 5to01•••••••••••••••• fast

Correlat1\e pass-ages to be read £!rumthe Omstlan SCIence textbcotk SCienceand Hcatth wlth Kev to the SCripturesbv \ian. Bakel }< ddv l1cl1de the f01low1ng (p 263) 1 he fad1l1g formsof matter the mortal body at d rnJ.tena! earth the fleet 19 concepts01 the huma 1 m1l1d 1 hL\ have thenday before the per'1U' lei t fact an ithelr perfecrtlon In Spmt app""ar


andlt'i 111cl.raj1.h lor the pomp al UIn 11fiuel1ce of h,:, co 1ft Vv lth moilc. 1plett r( <; l a1 a 1 \)cl ~ho v<; the colofull fe n the:k...d ~m n haLet.ars tll'"\Idh"t'1Jah le1.d 11-,.5 a roy 1 parade rf10'1( no lts througl-} the watet waV$ )fSf nag r the.. latn es thl e<:h11g sheei[.l~heafllY O)E'latmg prmltve potter),.heel 1nd lad e" 1here dfe beaufut sl-ob of the TaJ \1ahal loveltestof 111 eal tHy tomb" and of breat!tak1l1~ H malavdl1 <;cel1"r)

Capta 11 \ael fotlght th~ BrIt t.harm t"s dt vio 1<: ar d Ypre" He wa'>member at t le first four' \It Lveretle:>..pedltIon<;

I"a"h 11 1

of T cl a 1

rei 0\\ 1 t:'n

\ Capt. John B. Noel toLecture at Detroit Art I

Institute on SundayI IOH'ly K.? hnllr ",l1a the TaJ Vfahal

I wlll be the 1 c. t 11 p ctme ".ubJcct otCapta n 10 1 P \Joel vou Jg Br t I

1,>ateller 11 d {,'(iplorn..r I a pt bhc lectureat ~ 1) ')tnd1.V aftt:.r 001 March 2-,at the DetrOIt I 1St tl te of At ts







Re.Upholstered or SpeciallyMade to Ord"r



We Can Save You Money on New LlvmgRoc...m, DlnlDg Roam and Bpdroom SUites





Have your Blcyde Overhauled &: Recondtt oned


LENOX 7339


Upholstering and Drap"ri.,,,

15114 KerGheval at Marylo\1d

Estlmat.::li. Free. ..- Reaaan.ble PrIces




d l5417 Mack at BeaconsiiE"ldEstablished Since 1911

DATED, March 12, 1936.


Village of Grosse Pte. Park,WAYNE COUNTY, MICRIGAN:

Otto H. Lange

Notice is hereby giv"ln that the Village lit Grosse PointeP<.rk will redeem the outstanding 1934 Certificates of Indebt.

~ l!dnes., issued by the Village of Grosse Poi\1te Park, 0\14pnl

lIst, 1936,upon prese\1tation of such Certificates of Indebted.ness at the office of the Village Treasurer in the MunicipalBuilding i\1the Village of Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne Count",Mu,lugan.<

~ Subsequent to April 1st, 1936, interest 0\1such CertificatesI?J of l\1debt..dness will cease.

This c,,11is made in accordance with the prov.sions ofAct No. 13 of the Public Acts of the First Special Session or1932, and pursuant to d"terminatio\1 of the Village Commis.sion of the Village of Grosse Pointe Park to cause tbe redemp-tion of such Certificates of Indebtedness.

"ll!I!'~!l."lIIIi"I.I''Il!l!l!OO!1!l!!1!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!~~!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!1 "lli!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!!I!l!"""!l!J!!J!J..~''"'iLTuiiJilliru • " • Ii. i1iIiifilifilifiJiiJiIii1iliiJiIii1iliiTiJii1iliiTiTiiJiJiiliTiiTiIiiliJiili1iiliTiiJiliiTiIiiIiJiir.TiiliJiiIiTiiJirn fiffiiTiiTiiliiJiTiiTiTiiTiiTiiTiTiiTiTiffiiTiiTii1iili

I I~ ~

I~~1\ () ~ T ~~~ I•• ~ ir.."'= ~• GROSSE J>OINTE ~I II ~-=II)VIC'II= •~ ~ -- ~ ~IL m

.I.:.~ Kercheval at St. Clair i:.~ Now under new management ~~ ~I WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF " I1_;. j

~~. ~~ ~~ ~

I I~ , mi. ()~()()UCTi I.~. Will Continue to Operate with the same Courteous, Personnel ~.:.I HAROLD MILLER as Manager IiAdding A Complete Garage Service I"I Under Supervision of CHAS. GOOLEY ~~ ~I 17052 Kercheval at St. Clair Nt 0247 I~ ~~ ~.j~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~m~~~~w~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

} • II. ,filii. II • II • 1001. I. II. illiJiiJiJiililiililiiTiJiiliIiiJiliiJifRl~ln,\IIJ.lliIiliiliIil1i1iiIiJiililiiJiIiiTlliJiJJiijiIiJiililiiJiTdTiJiiIiliililiiTiIil dfiJil ~ Ifl.11f,~...,;]..


\ r-11\ Thursday, ¥arch 19, 1936

;1 \\


Page 6: laninlt Ilruiew -… · we print it as we get it, without fear or favor _ advertising

I\f 1






~B06824 ItI

$14Q000 0025,00000







10,400 10246 655 31

864,904 75



864 904 7, II

:,998n68 24 r ~,~'---

WILU"\f R DeBAEKECashier

10081487 155779 84 IT

15215286 15703906 '~9283646 114144 94 "

34580419 42696384 772,768 03,


12440J 71 243418 48 f----- I

32440071 24343848 567842'9 II

2144Q r49,31600 I59,88096 r66250\


~l~&~,e~in~A Hurried CallAn EmergencyAn Important Appointment




, ,



Giosse- Pointe Bank1 ,






RESOURCES 1Comm€'rclal Savmgs 1Ft

VIZ ;II~$ 9371599endorsed papet) 5545963

---- ---- ,j149 17H2 $149/75 ~Y130 121 35 32-766592 ' I

130121 35 327 665 92 457,78727 I{'

1During the Remainder of March$12.50Perptanents l'fldl\cedto $8.50$10.00 P,rmllDents l'fldllced to $7.50





bero; .and th,elr f~l~eiS and fnends 'It

the church 011 Marhshque at Jeffersonavenue

\fr G '\{ 'M:ltche11 who accompaOledAdmIral Byrd on '''hIS Antarctic exp-cdltIon to lIttle Amer~a' !bras beensecured for the evemng to gllve a lec-ture rf'latmg '>orne of hlo; mteresttn~e~enet¥'es

1 h4S '" ill be fo11-ol\\.ed by other elltertamment and q ~pe'CJa1 lunch YO'll

aTe cordlally ,mvIt1"'d to attend

Dorothy Chapman onTown Hall Program

UPON REOUESTSuits Pressed in 1 Hour

<\Ultor Dress Cleaned and Presselin 8 Hours


pnma donua of the San Carlo and Just Phone TU. 2-3000OhI'Cago opera -compames Will S1l1g ~ISpamsh songs and opera ana-s In c~ IMP E R IAtume 1-11 a JOint teiC1tal WIth Clartt-tMartm """he SpalilSh clancer who wlil CLEANERS & DYERpre~ent rrliC1d'ern1?1amenco and G~tanoi Mack at Nottingham ~1dances 10 a Town mIl iJ)rogram Wed rJllIesd'ay mormng, March 25 m the .F49her T1h.ea ter


LOAN'i AND nrS\otrNT'iSecured by <:olla.teralUnsecured {l):J.'CludInrg

'4',Total& "'""


BONDS AND SECURITlE'i V17¥'Unt-c/pal Bonds 111 officeU S Gov~t Obhgal1"J1' J.),r% t

-and Fully Gu.aranteed m O-lJi:ce.Other B01ld$ ~1,1dSecuntl~c; III office

TotalsRESERVES, Vrz,

Due from Banks m Reo;erve llhe'S andCao;lr 011 Rand

Totals Of'

COMBlNED ACCOUlI1TS VIZOverdrafts secu'l"ed dod un~ecuredBanlang HouseOther Real Estale<\ccrued Interest, receivable (net)~,,~

Total ~ 1

Preierred 'itl)/:l( "NCommon St""k p~'d m

Surplus FnudtmmV1ded Profits, petReserve for :na~ Interest, Contl'1genclCS anet PreftrrC'd

Stock DIvI<le'lld I

CO\f\fFRCI"1<Commercial DepOSItS Subject to CheckCerbhed (,1re~1<sCaslt,er s Ch<j;k$,Publtc Funds~~ assets pledged" ,

"'1 SAVIlI1GS DEPOSI1 SBook AC'Count~S:ub1ect to Savmg" By Laws

J,\ Total

STATE OP 1IClj'e"ilIIG"" COINTY 0F 1I\AY/,F-ssr \Vllhat.ff ~ DeBaeke Cdsh er of the ab0'V'C named hank -do solemn1)

swear thai the- al:\6ve shtement IS true to the best of mv knov.lcdJge and belIef"and'-correctly r~,~~sents the true state of tl>e f'veral matters If:.tle:relncontamedas shown by the' ~ooks of the ban1{

,t;ubscrlbed d-n'<!sworn to before me

th" 17th cia" of l\!ate~ 1936ARTHUR- C DANNECKER

Notary Pub! c\fy com1'rll:.sl0n -expIres Mar 22 1937

,J;: :;;:

Mrs Edrward L Holmes ColonypreSident W111 preSIde oveT the bUSlOe.,,.,esslon at 130M 1"S H "1

Booth 'Program chalrman for the dayhias aIf1l11ged for 9peakers on.garde'1mg

Grosse Pointe UnitedLutheran Church

Fe("dtn~ th" FlVe Thousand Wlfh

Fh f' I oave~ WIll he the subject of thesermOn at the Gro~se Pomte "LmtMT utheran Church worSlhlplOrg In t1-e-audttonum of tiJe RIchard SClhiool Kercheval Avenue a....d McKrnley RoadSundav March 22 at 11 a m iP'fca'Cihf'dbv the Rev M !A,.her Canup D Dp<1Jstor

Sunday Senool and .cateoh.l1sm at 9 45a m With classes for all grtade-s an4age,

New sClholars are added to our S\.1~I-dav School enrollment every SUilldayFamlhe<s III Grosse Pomte not ihavIhgrh'Urch connectIQnS are oot'Idllally mVlt~to attend OUf' Sundl1¥ SrcbOiOtat 9 45a m and church Setvu:es at 11 o'Clock

Rev. Wilson to ~peakUnder U.of M. Auspices

The PSyt..'101ogy af Constltuhon-1lFnactmen.t .. ' \\-lll be the 'iubJect of nloctuTe by the Rev Samuel K Wdsonpre~ldent of Loyola Uh~verslty of Chftcago 10 the Km,gths of Columbus arudltOTlum 4740 Woodwatd avenue! Sunday \farch 22 at 8 15 P m Thelecture IS un<ler the aUsJp.I'C.eSof theUOlyerslty of DetrOIt

Dr WIlson IS 31Uttbot od' 'A HlStorVof the Ull1Ilted States' aJSSOOIQteedttorof Thought the JeS11lltqua.rterly rewview of <;C1eruceand tt,tters and 1.s dl"rector of the History inSit1t'Ut~ at Loyol!a Umv-erSlty wrneh ~bt$.4es I MIdA..menca' 1Q1Jr~al of lus.tonlCal res,OOJroll-

In hIS DetrOtt lectut-e he vnLt traJeethe h"tory Ot ~onsl1tullon .. thon~ 1"the Vnatlfld Sta:tfS reVIew current con-s,tut\oual J>1"oblem, aoo <Its""!" thepresetlt and iuture st'4tus of the Constltuhon

Neighborhood Club.ACTIVITI£S

Last Fnclay nIg"ht the F L G Amateur Contest /proved to be a great suecess and mUlCh >crt"dl1t1S dille to the fiue1e:ulershtp of Stella Ver£a,lle 'whoacted as Mistress o£ Ceremomes T~eshmmg hght 'Of the t1IIght was Oharle'"'rv.£arsack wno plays the plano In thegrarucI.e5rt: ma'rmer, and aocompamed ~gesmgmg anad danCIng qf the if:ale!lt~dyoung"ters Ida Mae t~ol...first \}lace w<bh her tap dau"tnIf yJtarJesIS also pl~YLng f« the Satnrda>y ~fter-noon T.talp Class fro111 2..3 'O''CLockanuh.ts a'iSistance J.S mast grat.tfruHy re ..celve!d

Last Wednesday afternoon the N G" A and F L G', platyed off the,rfirst game of the three out 0+ fiveC;erIes 10 the Cla.s,g D Tou'l"It}ament Athali the score was 21 20 In fa'V04"0'£ theN G A A and the final S'COTe was37 2fJ 10 fav0r of .hem Tuesdiay nn!!htthe same hvo teams dash agam

Thllt&<:1ay nIg"ht lhe CIa" C G,rbBa,o,ketbaI1 Toocnament starts ThereWIll be two games one M 7 arnd one at8 p m AdmlSs,lon 1S free Teams en-tered <ire A 0 C, Bower Rotter St Paul Alumnae, St Paul ReguJar and 5t Amlbrose

The results of the Pmg Pong tOUil"na-ment were M follows

Sentor, WIlUllam Maul,runner-up Josepih Fresand.

Sentor w'")men - Winner, DorothyMaul runner-up, VIOla Allard.

JUnIors-Wmner GIlbert Lailu" t l"U'llwner up, Roger Koltz

Here are the rules for the CourtesyConte"t sponsored by the Giri Guards,whose slogan IS 'Courtesy O:mnts '


I-All JUnior \fembers that oome tothe Club are 10 the contest

2 -Any member that mlsihe'haves WIlthave has name pO'8ted Of' the "DIS_Courte-sy Chart and one more tnaIWIll be granted

3-Any memher shOWIng unusuallygood behaVIor and conduct Will havehIS names poste<l. on Honor C011rtesyChart'

4-Thc contest IS un<ber the SP0ll160t'ShIP of the Girl Guards and pnzes WIllbe awarded to the most cou:rteous boyaOid glrl

Contest ends In May

Special Entertainmentat Eastminster ChurchThursday, March 19th

On Thursday Maroh 19 at 7 30 l' mthe \fen s ClUlb of Eastnpnster- Pres ..byterIan Chur<Qh WIll present a of entertamment fo"t the metnw

knew where e~ery dollar was 1hat they Detroit Colony N. E. W.h2ld, that wltih thetr system $.>50 000 __ 'Would make qUIte a (hftetence on their Detr'Olt Colony New EngLand Wom-books hut If Mr Tyler was really en w'l1l meet Wednesday Mail"C'h25 forseno-us about the matter the Count) a lunClheon meetmg Wl't'h Mrs John Wwould be gldd to len-d he -cIty two or Hutton and Mrs Anna V Gordell atthree a'Udltors to find the money Mrc; Hutton s home on Nortnan<lite

As an eX!arnple of counrty government aven!Ue Mr~ Grace Hauber chamnaneffiCIency take the office of Harokl E. Mrs Alfred W Veazie and Mrs Wl1

<atoll Register ()If Deeds Every cent ham S EaAon are plannmg thte 12 30paId mto hIS office IS not only checked 0 clock lunlChe'Onbw <doub.le checked daJ.1w agamst thePOSSltw1tt¥ 0.£ error and photostaticooples of the amorunts 'P~1'd Me pre<>erved a'i the record Every sum paIdm IS alIso subJeded to t'he scrutiny ofthe au.dlto-T,,6

The otker evemng a student at theDetrOlt College {)If Law pntered dasslate H/~ eX0u,,>ewas that lhe was wot'"kmg overtime for t:he County Clerk Thep1"1ofessor asked the yQl.l'J]gman whomhe worked £()If Elmer 0 Hara or BeuI)Montgomery

Me sa:bd the student I work forthe both of em

JohJn McEwen cQtUrf1ityaw:htor <employ-ee IS attemptmg t'O trn.lCeaM alummof Western RJgh School of DetroitThe Western Alumna nave 11IOtmetSlnrce tl'he sohool lbiu:rn<:'d .and leaders areagaln bn'11lg1lng tlhem togethler MapyWestern menl and women live lU CltIe:.and town~ OiUts~dreof DetrOIt and theseaJl'1d the ones that MICEwen finds 11:h!ardto trare A letter w,ll '1aeh h,m lOt1Jhe Coun!l:y :aU1~~.lng-In ~oCI:re of theaudIt,,", J"bn Mcewen 'f.w !IJold~ theoffice of fl""4""ary J>1"<lS,dentof theWe,tern l;'i!iih SchOOl A,lull'nl

HaroLd ~ Stoll ope'1'ld"Up !tns deskyesterday WJOTmn.g 10 tJl~Reg.l-stet otDeedls offi,C~and was gr~~ w~th loudand savag~ ornses mm~ed WIth othersofrt-er 'Rnd iPlea.dIJ.ngnOIses In'Vcstigatmg Sloll, lbS'Covered S\>crates SUI'posedlly r-e1g,ng kmg oi the countyooll<Jil"l( £ohnes l>elhger~ntry. 8'\'ar<\!ngsome nerw...born sextUip<letts Stoll wastaken aba,ck not b&aUlSe h1s desk wasturned mtl() a materntty w<l3"idbut because Socmtes was nqt Socrates at allbut Xanhwe

University of MichiganAnnounces S Courses

• The l'hll'erSlty ~of M;ich,gan an~es fiv'e"new courSeS"10 Its BalCkgrounds and Hor1zoht; 'Pt~ram for t'h.ocoprlng tertft M e'!!'hl w.~w, slartmg Meweek df Mi?f'fh '3' '"' <

g 1;' \'" -e Ivocahula~t B'\I)!1ltug; ~jtl be con

dueted py fofeSI''" G Densmoreand \\,,11me ,On ¥Qnd~x enll18S In-terIor DecOJ~t~~1itlh~1""'1la; <W~-mng class 1J'f'~'" I W j Go<e'Ourrenl NaMna, "r"bl s w111be ,lIs

4'S~ ":lcussed "Yoonesda., ev~'liJlll's by 1'<0lessor If ~\ Dotfr PrQfesS91" Lero)Waterman, ~ead of o];e rt<;partment atOriental l ...augtlaJgets 'W.Ilf"conduct thec}as" Ih BIBt~ !Interpretatton Spamshand Fre""h 'Patntfhg trolf,llhe ReualS-sanee to M&retrt TlhIe,"/:ill be laug'h1bv \fjSS J6sephm,/'Wafttlher, AssltSta'fltCnrator of Niner,c", and'Eur<lj>ean Artat tihe Detfl'01t Ins1:1tute df Art

All da".s start Oil 7 30 o'clock at40 Ea,t Fetty A~euue, DetrOit head-quarters lQ'f the Extens:ton DIVISIOIl'Yrth the e:xce.ptlon of SpaU1sh andFrench Pamtmg Th1S class wl1l meetat the DetrOIt Inshtute of Arts at etrghto'clock

Cinema Theater StarsContinental Actress

The em""", Thearl'!', a1 Columb'a';:i>;; v u;~b

and Wooclt>1:a~davenue",!'!i11'tmg Wednesd~y ).1~c)l 18 1S o;11IOw'ug'on Itsscreen tlhe worM! famous actress, ElrIsa-beth Bergner 111her Contmental tn-umph 1::lelp Thns 1$ an 'eXclUSIVC

DetrOIt shQ\.1t1ft The 1?~cture ihds explana lory ~hoh bole' rhe story ha,been adaip<~d f""" tire /P\f.y ;,y Heuf1Berntstean ."d w'" <Ilrept<i4 by Dt PanlCzmner

Ehsabeth Bergner as Gaby, the WIfeof Peter a first v101mst tn a iarge symphony orC'hestra~ has 'llCfVe!" met herhtuSJbandS best f:t1enc M100ae-l Marsden, who IS ~lso a. famJOlU5 vlohruo;t anda concert artIst She goes to hearhim pldY and falls m love WIth ltts mUSIcand wIrtih hnm !:Ie sees her 1n the au'd.lenCe and not kn'OWlng who she IS, .hefalls In Love Wlth her

Wlheh he learns thla.t she IS the adoredWife of hIS old frIend he IS mdlfferentto her aJdvarvees until slhe gets 111munder her spelJ He gees arway on aconcert tour and Slhe IS to folliOW rumbut her husband 1S ta1<;en.11I1With pneu-mOnia and nearly ches For Pity shestavs With mm unttl he 1$ well andshe suffers a nervous breakdorwn hecal1~e of anXIety and mdectsl0n Herhusband never knows ~ ne:r love forhiS friend i ~

When Mlchaelt 'Cbm~s to- take heraway ai't-er her thl\.tsband recovers sh~cannot'de:ctde betw;een loo/e for MIchaeland Pity for her husband The endmg-lS most unusU,alI, yet very logIcal andmterestmg

Added 10 tl1i1Sprogram are two Shi01t'tubJects the PFlZ~ wln'mng MickeyMouse The Ban<l Con-cert' and anmterestIng and timely travelogueSmo Japanese CurseT.he Ctn~a Iqunge thIS week offel!:>

a fine art exll-l1Jnt by the well kwownDet(oit arJ:1S'1: Harold (;:ohn He hal,~how'n !hIS wonk at ptO:tntnent e"{hiliitil.ons There are vah'01i$ w.ater c.j)lors,




No 2can19c

tall can. 2Sc


lb .

No 2cans2Sc

17315MACK AYE.16117 MACK AVE

Chet Walker walked the WIdth andbrf'adth of the Umted States Start1l1~from Sault Ste Mdne 111 the UppelPe.nmsula of MH:hlgan he walked toBtltte Montana from ther to P-ortlan 1Oregon tlhen to Phoemx AnzoOia thellto I\tlanta GeorgIa on to \Vashmgltooand then back to the Soo by way 01

Cleveland and DetrOIt It took huntwo years but he walked e\ery stepof the 'Way No he wasn t crazy Itwao;;n t a bet and he wasn t huntmgstamps Chet. needed a )'ob and he wa shired by the governmetlt to walk thehlg1)ways of America

The Wayne County government hasbeen lQl11Jg'crtt1clzed by some City officals as bemg mefficlent Their sy,gtemOIf aocounhng has been scored and theCity hlq.s elVen offered and stronglysUlg1gestJJ"cllthat they serod experts Diverrto tea,.c'hrCounty offiCIals new metihod/;of rolle'Ct1t11gtJaxes audlhng books andde:v:l'OUsmetJhJodis of saving mane)

Th~r last cntlusm along thIS hnewas a very recent and It was ratherlTOO1'calthat the answer should <comekQm a CIty sOtlrce than fromthe cou~Y The answer of C01lr,)ewras another embezzlement of CItyfunds In spIte of t'he coocalled Impreg11r<ilblesyst-em med by the CIty of DeW01't Whtle bIamm€, no one itor th~mIssing money other than he or otherc;who .are dIrectly connelCted It IS $lgnlficant that under the <county s systemsthere has been no such embezzlementwhile the CIty has lost close to a nulhon doJla~:'In the last two years Thrsde$pIte tJhe bct that the <county handlesmany tunes the money .and has manymore people to taJke care of TheCoonty {)If Wayne boas.ts the lowers,.debt serVIce :of any otther slml'lar g'Of"e-rnaneq.t unIt \in the, cQwnttry \.

Han-ry Tyler enteted ,ne Count;yBu,Ld'ng two day, pefote the P1llbhtlearned of the <:ilty's shottJage and toMofficl~l, ~e t!hrou!!ht the bank had cred-Ited the county WIth 'tJhe miSSIng 6ummsrtead of the city He was told byone of the a-CiCou~tam:s that the .(l.()Unty

6 cans $1 OS

6 can.$115.: No 2JiJcan21 cChuck Roaat Young Steer






ocmd:lit1Qnedto 'be preserved In CountyRecor.ds The book mc1udes a hst otunpa~d taxes for thr< years 1827 1837

Gampau owned 133 a-cres Just off thePoruttac turnPJke WhLCh IS now the 'CC"l

ter of Hamtramck These 133 acn ..were as::.essed at $226 or $2 an ael eA host of mterestlng facts concernmr;,rand the total tax was 80 cents for tihe

property values and tax rates can be county tax and 32 -cents for the towngleaned from these pages 'ROTlOstance tax0111C hundred years <J.gQ today BarI:liaJby

The average ta>... In DetrOlt wa<, frotnffilffi!li!1liJf.l~rriI 6% 0 12% cents DetrOIt OIf course

iI W&o; not a city at thIS tIme DearbornW(lS called Dearbornvllle Ecorse wasspelled LcOil"Ce Spnngwells was tw0w{lrds t'here was a Buckhn TownshIpand of course most of the townsh1JP,)and cIties In Wayne County today werenot heard ot when tlhls book was com'Piled


Tomatoes 12 can.$1106 can.57cNo 2can 10cCOUNTRY CLUB LARGE SWEET

PEAS 12can.$1456 can.75c2' No 2cana29cCOUNTRY CLUB HALVES OR SLICED

Peaches 12,can.$1456 can.75c2 No 2* cans29cBUTTER KERNEL

CORN 12cana$139 6co&73<; 2




JUICE 12cans95c 6 cans48c 3



'VI:ot"s can t ~nd a pldce to feed-rht'refore ('annot In e and breed,

On thIn!?"sthat hOllseWlve, very "ISe

Have cleansed lIke new w,tb TextUrIze I


Enjoy Your Sunday Dinner -.ithWHIPPING CREAM 20c 1'2-pint

Coffee Cream, 10c Y2-pint



2c Deposit Requiredon Bottles







FLOUR241f£.I\?saclc $1.03

Michigan Ice Cream Co.14909Mack at Alter Rd.


Pork & Beans3 ~allcan.23c

J ..tall C4Ds 4Sc 12 tall cans SSe


Kidney Beans3 can.-,20

12 cans 75<

Let us clean your Rugs, Drapes,Curtains and Portieres

,,C ROWN Niagara

QaQll , '6200

Cleaners & Dyers,: Inc.15323 t: Jefferson



ORANGES doz.29c Leg O'Veal or rum"2Sccut lb.


GRA~EFRUIT each SC BACON l4lb 18cC~iISc\r,S01,IO ICEBERG ,LOin VealLETlUCE 2 heads lSc CHOPS lb. 3Sc

I't's Our GreatlCanned Food Sale

~g:~T~~~S3No. 219cSTRING BEANS cans

t* Pag" Si'5

On and Off the RecordsBy LEE MONTGOMERY

The QldeS'l: record 'book In tfhe Treasurer's Office dI1aiPtdlated and torn fromage) has !been resuTreICted ~y Count}Treasurer Ja'Cob P Sumerad<l arod re




~~1WLY~~1ii!Jii!1im~1IDi!J1IDi!J~~;rr;m~~~~~_~ 0ImIiil_~ _



at NQttingham"
