iill!d33auil miasms! i s - chronicling...

A ""em"nnnnn Iill!D33auIl I ? DRESS T o I K S I T I G SILKS! mm PARASOLS, LACES THIS WEEK GREAT AND SPECIAL SALE ! Milk Crown Turbans, 75 cents formerly 81 25. Leghorn. 50c, 75c, 91, Si 25. IotibIe-wld.- h French I2nntlii. G5 cents all shades. for assortment and quality. Langnedoc Ficbus, 25 cents, dor Pelerines at 01 25. Wraps balance of stock nt astonishingly low figures. Trimmed Hats New designs Just in. Flower Department Host complete in the city. TGiiier, Merzog ,1 VI IMEM KNTM. OLVHrlO KM BADIUil Majr 7. lWO. J. T. Harris erne', sorrel g. Billy. II W Kennedy eners bay mum Nettle O. (Tnn owner or I tie bona bets 8200 to $150 tbat as beat. I be B. Bll enter. B'iclteye Tom. J. T Se r. enters Minnie Sunset, i hu'lp- - H.'llna ente a sorrel mare Mamie G. JT. It. Huilon ei lers b. g. John Brandy. Bl'NNUQ RaCK. rarer enters B. a. 11 W. Kennedy enteraem Collier. 1 1 hi. Mill bo a clo-- e rare.) Trains will leaTe L nd N DepoC at a and 2Vt p.m. iWlcallltrH TWKNT1KTU a l) -- X DAY v MAT 10, 1880 AT KMT1VAL P4EK. Tut feast will begin In tbe afternoon wltn a GBAND CHILDREN'S BLL I wbo will dan os In Innumerable flocks for bandaome prize. At 4 o'clock, GRiND CONCERT BY ARNOLD'S BAND! assisted by Maenoeicbor and Casino Blnglnc Cbolr In Iba paues, games and aurpilse for small and large children, and Merriment to reign supreme. Throw away all cares and eome out. After S aclock lranelaac will Beg la 1 TICKKI3 riTTT CINT3 ladles and children free. f No Return Checks limr). 1 Kl HItl:'' THI 4 l.K JLA (Formerly New Mempbls Theater.) Greatest Attraction of the Season 1 War Friday. Mar 7th, aad Batardty 3Iatlaee,aay St. Urand CORONATION EXCKATAHANA! For tbe benefit of tbe ORPHANS OF THK CHURCH HOME. Orer One Hundred Children are engaged In tbe performance 1 Tickets for .ale, wltb reserved seats without extra charge, at Hollei.berg's Muaic Store, ererj ditf this week. Half-rat- e fares, or excurs'on tickets, can be secured on tha Memphis and Charleston Railroad, from SomerrlUe and Intermediate stations, good to return on 8th May. and also tbe following steam- boats, viz : Ouachita Belle, SUrertburn, James Lee, Osceola Belle, good to return on first trip after tbe performance. , Tickets to Pre Circle and Parquette. SI; Family Circle, hO cents; Coloied Circle, 25 Ouuta. Matinee tickets, to illp-ns- of the houe, fnj cents. I BtOBMlfc'M THKATKK. SL4 (formerly Mempbls Theater.) UHsKU TKlPAaK OPEBA tJKABON ! BT TBI CH0IK0F CALVaIIY CHURCll! Assisted bj seveml prominent amateurs and a Kull Orchestra, Taaraday. Friday A Matarday Hatlaee, Hay ltftn, 14th and lSin. COX AND UUX I Com la Operetta, by AHltt SulllTan, author of Pin afore. DPAMATiS Jus. Jno. Cox. alourneiiuan Hatter.. Oeo. L. Castner Jno. a. hot. m Journejman Inter W. J Steele Sergeant Bouncer, late ol Ibr Iroinpshtre Yeomanry, IMr. Bell W. kUhertdgs FOLLOWED BT lb JACOBl.taellillloaaire Bootblack Luey Ann Miss Jennie Camti Bibronla Mla Mangle Appers in II jHOjbl.-Mr- . W.J. Steele and Mr. boll W. kthtrtdgs CONCLUDING WITH JTAUlilItiK, the Belle of Saratoga 1 Py h. P. Dunks. DRAMATIS PKHSON.fi I Pauline Western, the Beile ol Saratoga, Jennie Jones Lnl.s M'Clellan Meonte Artient Mr. U L Castner Sir' liarleeUrandleaeU Mr. W.J. bteelo Captain Weotein Mr. Bell W. Ulnerlage Tbe fol'owln mnslcal gems will be Intro-duo- rd In'o the onreila,: Swiss K'ho Song:" Waltz song, " 0111)8 Kins;" "TrlofP'm Vatanltza;" "Quar- tette from Iun Pasguale;" Soio, "Kvenbudy'a friend;" "Echo Quartette;" -- Thj Last Smile." Under tbe management of ....Mr. J A3. KIBEXAND Mu-lo- -l Director Pror.BMILK LKVY Conuuotor Mr. OKORUK HANUWBKKEB TRKKT-t- l. Beats may be renerred, without extra ebanre, at Klrkland's Hat Store, on and. alter Mihi.i v. Mm 0in UENTIHTUV. J, V. M KIaSO M ,lentist Xf Hala Mtrcet. BT3T 8KTOF TIKTH TIN DOLLARS Gold rulings Two Dollars Stiver and I In Itillnns ..One Dollar tias snd Kitriu tlriR. each.. . . rifty Cents et iwr-ti- M 44wrflwfen ifis ami iioaki). K C)M-Nlo- rly Ki'nished rooms for rent to gen litaien at 1 1H Court street KOOUtktceiurtilstied rooms, cneau, at Hft M I N STHUKT. I.tNT. ivd leather pocket-cas- POc'KK.'-CtSK-- suigical InMniment", Id a Hernando street i ar. a liber 1 rwrd will be pad for It. of PR. R. I.. LA-K- I. 817 Ma'n ,L OnlkLu- - Fine tl iieU .lileiU, ".. d. Sroret Ber-- D vice." Kinder will p eane leiurn to Joe Kuimer-Iv- b, lli Main, or to ioil-- UeKiijuarters. A liberal reward will be paid for Its return. LO K AT O i wetliieauey uigut, one gent's gold locket, with red end black seals and iuononm T. 8 on blxefc side. Kinder w.ll be rewarded bi re- turning in N-- t V3 Main "itreet. jut pa a;k. Attention, liadies ! Sale of Jewelry and Fancy Goods I OKI' KB FOR SALE A LARQK STOCK Of kiald-riate- d Braeeleta (Ladles' 4 Children's) Necklace.. Beta, Lritrkcta. Italtatiaa teiaatead Uaada (mounted In gold) lUaulca' aa fern I a' Watcaeaalaa. ALaO. AN IBBEKtR MTWl Ai. ofJKT UOOUH I AT A CiBK.T SACRIKICK. 130" All goods warranted as re i reaen ted. JIKT I'ALACE, 37S TWAIN sT I ROVSi HER. A'BT. QIKKSStVAItK. CHARLES N. ERICH, DIRECT IUPORTKB OF Bohemian Glassware, French & American China, QUEENSWARE! M?KC1AITIKS t Sar-rutare- s, Mirrara, ete. 4sarale-ri- a K aires, Caaiara.ete llatel sis nteajasbaat Ware. 321 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn 8 s FABRICS! p T B Y C L I E A S Go. AHJTION MALIX E. CARVER GIN AT AUCTION, For account of whom it may concern. ONE X. CABTBB GIN, In perfect order, nearly new, Friday aioralaar. May 7fb,at 11 o'clock. A. M. STODDARD. Anetloneer. I'EKSO.AL. OCK-BT- SALVE FOR PILES- - t old bj all druj- - B gita ri cents per nottie BEWABDi S0 BEWARD Stnlen from No. 89a HORSE extenoed. on tbe otubtof April 2Hih. one dark brown borse; 8 years old; ltt bands high; black streak down bis buc: and rump; one white bind foot; small star In lace; baoly crestfallen; paces and walks well: saddle and barnes- - marks on bis body. Theanove reward will be paid on return ol said borse, or Information leading to tbe recovery otsame,a'. W. W HAMrT' N l.O.'a, ROH Front elreet Memphis. Tenn. NT IS A Y Kit, COWS AND HEIFBR-S- 5 BE WAR 11 From TWO trm. on the Paducab road, neat Glenooe, two sows and one beifer: one or tbe cows yellow, wltb wKe boms; tbe other black, wltb while face, back and breast; tbe beifer Is brown and wbite color. Any information should be sent to 72 Court str-et- . Memphis, or Dr. KrUKht. ftlenone. WA&T&. Those without any knowledge of tbe AGKNTd are mak ng 81 8 1 40 weeKiy. Ad- dress PHOCNIXCO. 1W2 Fullon strei-r- . New York. Woman to do housework; HOUSIKBBPBR Apply at Jamea Park. Aa horsekeeper or governess for SITUATION no objection to going north. east' or went; mmrtle ged r. K. D. Joy. Bolivar. Tenn. STALLIOAS FOR SEsSON OF TROTTING We bave ason of Bysdyck's " Hamll-tonlan,- " and a son of Dr Herr'a "Manbrlno Patcben," and a stvlUb black Jack, whtcb we keep for public service. We bave One pastures, and griz. norses and mules for the city HUGH D. AND JOHN B GREER, Six miles southeast ol tbe city. ABDENBRS TO KNOW That 1 am buying CI GtifcEN EAS; will I ay blgnest market price. VICTOR D. FUrBd. an-4-1 Jefferson st. -- i rr bTONK CUTl EB3-- S3 per day. Apply at L U VJ btoneyard. Twenty-secon- d street and Mo. Paclfli Ballro-- d. at. Lcula. Mo ANTED -- Man and wlie to go to tbe country. vv Apply at 34 Mjlberry street jK KAMIL1E8 To board t.ls summer at tbe C Colliervllie Hotel. CoUlervllle, Tenn. FOR SALE. TOVB One nearly new Champion Monitor Cook S' Miove, cbeap, at o. 13 Madison street. 12 GOiD MULE3 In gjod order for bard work, for sale at SOUTHERN OIL W0RK3. Fine Brun-wlc- k make: BILLIARD-TABL- E size; nearly new. Apply toCnautl Palace Saloon. M'UAB 4 CO. AND BINDERY MATERIAL Qul'e PRINTING Quantity of secend-ban- d material for sale. In quantities to suit purchasers. Tbe above material comprises tbe establishment of tbe late Boyie Printing Company, which we now own. 8. C. TOOK 4 CO:, Memphis. INGINK AND BOILER bhaittng, pulleys and bangers, complete. J. v. CORN-MIL- CHEAP In BLOUKINGAND la made Immediately; engine 1 cylinder and b stroke. Also, a dteani Fire Ermine, of Lattn's make, Cincinnati. Inquire at Carnentt rahoo. - Vrt Second street FOU It EA T. I will rent my residence, 358 RESIDENCE give possession June 1st. or sooner, If required; large groundi1; all modern Improve- ment.; bouse In good repair G. M. WBaTON. COTTAGE, CHEAP Five rooms, corner NICK ttreet and Kajburn avenue. Apply at 180 Madl'on street' well furnished; 12 rooms on ROOMS-Gente- el, near business; large grounds fu 1 trait; batbroom, barn, eta; good vie of nver, city, gov- ernment buildings, etc.; will rent for tbe summer to good family. J. GOLDSBL'HY, Davenpoit, 1'wa. OK I AHHK HOUSE Six rooms, In PART repair, pleasant location, large yard, good pure water, at reasonable rent. 817 MADISON STREET, HOUSE-84- 9 Linden sueet, 8 rooms; now by K. jr. fbllllpa. Esq.; In good repair; bath-roo- water, gas and tiler conveniences. o J. D. QUIGLEY. ViHVt Front St, YARD On Madison street, now occupied C10AL a R. Bryan 4 Co. HESIDENCKS Nos. 105 and 109 Madison, and 122 Court street. Apply to R. B. Snowden, or J. 8. GOODLOB. 88 Madison. A large and commodious bouse, HOUSE thirteen rooms, and two detached COT- TAGES of two rooms each, wKb a good spring and a garden spot, at Sewanee, Tennessee. The bouse Is partly I urnlsbed, and Is suitably located for a boardlnghouse and hotel. For terms, etc., apply to T. H. ARMSTRONG. Sewanee. Franklin county. Tenn. Large unfurnished front room, wltb small ROOM eonnectlrg, can be bad, wltb good board, St 72 Court street. References required. FuiTjished or unfhrnlehed, single or In ROOMS wllpout board: apartments suited lor bt housekeopli.-g- . at 101 Jefferson street. R OOM3 urnlsbed room. io8 ptrf juoutu. I I I 4 jan"rwt' iwi OWEN LILLY Practical Builder OF FIKK LightGarriages A SELECT STOCK (exelaalTeljr af IKEEP awa ma.sf.rtare) CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 1 am also prepared to build (TO CB DKR aay avail or the aosrr. atjlra of Maisirs, and Family Camatres now In use. I use nothing but tbe VERY BBS r MATERIAL, and employ strictly nrst-cla- mecbanlca. KKPAlUlNfJ, In all Its branches, done promptly and In tbe best CARVER GIN & MACHINE CO. M ANUF ACT USERS OF IMPROVED Carver and Eclipse Hulling Gins, Feeders, Condensers and Cotton Cleaners, lairve4 Arrow awd w)rrew Proaaea tor Steam er Horne-powe- r. Sbaftlng, Pulleys, etc., and dealer In Belting, Gluwrlgbt Material, etc., eis. Ae't Atlas, and other Steam EaKlneB OOU& MILLS AND SAW-MILL- We repair all kinds of Glcs. Engines and Plantation Machinery. Send toe oatalouue. 391 to 3iH helby St., Memphis. W. A. FAIRES & CO (Sueoeasors to J. B. 4 W. A. Falrea), Dealers In HOUSES and No. 55 Union street. WS keep eonstanUy on band a eholce selection of Hones aod Mules. KvaryUUna guarac-1- 4 as raprssenias. Oroars sol telle. fcSB THE MEMPHIS DXL, JPJ5A.L--FJEllEO- Y. M.A.Y 7. 1SSO. MIASMS! A FBESH Carload Fine' Bananas 1 75 to $2 50. Ta arrive Tanraday, XOta a prll. Bead la your orders early. 6 cars Choice Lemons to 81 50. 2 cars Fancy Lemons $3 OO. All soar aa teed aaaad. aad la Use ahlpplag; order. Hoeelal prleca made oa 50) aad lOO ksx lata. ' OM.FiMCo WHOLESALE GROCERS, MEMPHIS. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Races at Olympic park this afternoon. Literary exercises at MissH'gbee'a scbojl to-da-y. Local cohtica is not boomina worta a cent as yet. Tht sweet-perfum- magnolia blooms are appearing. Motions will ba heard at the chancery ciurt y. The Japanese umbrellas and parasols are all tbe rag-- just now. The thermometer indicated eighty-tw- degrees in the shade yesterday at nocn. Confederate Decoration day at Elmwood cemetery Sunday week at three o'clock:. Madison street, between Main and Front, is now being treated to a rock pavement. Coronatien Extravaganza at Leabrie's Theater (o night and at toe matinee Business continues brisk among the wholesale grocery and plantation-suppl- y mer- chants. Contagious diseases reported yesterday: Louis Randolph, Seventh street, Chelsea, measles. The lad e s'rawberry festival i3 open Utlv at No. 302 Main street, opposite the Peabody hotel. Qaite a large number of our lawyers ate in attendance upon the supreme court, in ses- sion at Jackson. . Block! of buildings deprived of the un- sightly awnings present a neat and business-ik- e appearance. The society for the prevention of cruelty to animals is making it lively for those who are cruel to brutes. Hundreds of citizens stop and watch the progress of fctone paving on the corner of Main and Madison streets. Adams street is clear of Nicolaon blocks and plank from eid to end, and the stone pavement is taking their place. TheMemphiacs who went to New Oi-lea- ns to lock over the route of the Cowdon-lan-Baratar- ia canal have returned. OT the three hundred people at the Na- tional maes-meetin- g last night, at least two hundred were Democrats or Republicans. A co chiding affair on Main street yester- day was talked of among a few, but the nut- ter was hushed up by the parties interseted. A Confederate memorial association is to be organized for the purpose of taking care of the heroic dead at Elmwood ceme- tery. Q'lite a number of our Knights Templar have gone to Columbia, Tennessee, where the annual conclave of the order met yes- terday. La4 night a colored member of the police force, Charley Wilson, residing on' Avery street, was united in marriage with Miss Rosa Holmes. The belated bomeward-boon- d Sou'h Memphians have to look cut ahead to avoid the sewer ditches which intersect that end of town in all directions. Quite a number of choice seats at the Theater can be secured tor the Coronation Extravaganza entertainments for ht and the matinee When the street sidewalks shall have been widened the awnintr-post- s midway be tween tbe houses and curbing will become a nuisance and obstruction to be abated. The members f the cotton exchange have been invited to attend the annual meet ing of the Cotton planters' association, to be held at Vicksburg on the eignteenin instant. The legislative council yesterday passed on first reading an ordinance abolishing all hanging and other street signs after the first of June. This ordinanco is one of the good signs of the times. When a lawyer opens a case saying, "Gentlemen of the jury," is he trying to make an invidions distinction or draw an in- vidious comparison between the twelve men whom he is addressing ? Thecbancery.cirjuit, criminal and United States courts were not in session yesterday, owing to the absence of a large number of lawyers who are attending the session of the supreme court at Jackson. At the stationhouee are the following articles: A couple of quilt, a eaw and an ax, which a thief dropped on the corner of Vance and Orleans streets on Wednesday morning, when chased by Officer Randolph. The owner can recover the property by call- ing at the stationhouse. Tbe following marriasre licenses were is- sued by the county court clerk yesterday: Whit Walter P. Aikin and Laura E. Bennett, John Fletcher and Mary N. Grady. Colored Anderson Ward and Sarah Mit- chell, Robert Jones and Ella Harris, Charles Wilson and Lulu Holmes. Yesterday forenoon, at the corner of Beale- - and Turley street?, a sewer pipe-layt- r was suddenly covered np in the ditch by cav- ing earth. It was nearly an hour before his companions were able to dig him out. He was nearly suffocated and received severe in- juries, but will recover. dog-owne- r will, on and after Satur- day next, muzzle his canine, or else the un- muzzled cur of either high or low dcgree.wi!l be killed by the police if found on the streets or other public olaces. The policeman will then say, with "Richard III": "Un mannered dog ! stand thou when I command." At half-pa- st seven o'clock yeterday morning a still alarm of fire cnused th fire brigade to move out to tbe corner of Union and Lrsoto streets, a frame kitchen in tbe rear of No. 116 Union street being oa fire. The flinies were suppressed in a few min- utes, and but little damage resulted. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Genuine Imported Hoff'8 Malt Extract. The true health bev- erage. Hmhly recommended for nursing mothers, thin, cold and aged people, con- valescents, etc. Owing to its wonderfully nutritious qualities, it is especially recom- mended in epidemics and in fevers, where bodily prostration is great and life depends upon a nourishing stimulant. None genu- ine witdout the label of Tarrant & Co., eole agents, New York. For sale by all druggists and grocers. Klrklaad'a Htetsoa at Knox Hats. A Card. In answer to a call made on me by a large number of my fellow citizens, recently pub- lished in the Appeal, to announce myself as a candidate fur to the effise I now hold, I beg leave to say that I am more than grateful for their indorsement of my official course. It has certainly been my aim to dis- charge the duties of my office faithfully, and 1 regard the good opinion which they have seen proper to express as a priza of more value than the sheriffalty. The delay in answering the call grew out of the fact that I did nat now what would be the action of the Democratic party of Shel- by county, and, being a Democrat, I did not wish to embarrass the party by anything I might do. I will now say, ihat it is my pur-oo- se to be as&ddidate for Should there be a Demoe'ratw uwyection, I will sub- mit my claims to it and abide iu t:oa. If there is to convention, then I will announce mn.nir . a - , rl win l a before the people, sub- - jct to their will at the ba110!:01,. A. UV MmpHls. May 6, 880- - Qernaam Millet, Haagarlaa Meed aad Mtaek PeaJ, OTTO BGHW1LL A CO.. Mala Mtreet JMrklaa'a Ieat Kid ttleyea. CITY AFFAIRS. XieKlelatlve Caaaell Meetla Aaneaded Health Ordlriaaee Adapted Be-por- ta af Oflleero, K;e. At tbe usual hour yesterday afternoon the legislative council held a meeting at the courthouse. Tne following members were present: D. T. Porter, John Overton, jr., W. N. Brown, R. Galloway, J. M. Good bar and C. W. Goyer. MINUTES ADOPTED. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The following business was then transacted. rtRK DEPARTMENT AFFAIRS. The following communication from the chief of the fire department was referred to the fire and police commissioners with power to act. The communication called attention to the necessity of puttine a new roof on No. 4. and repairing the roof of enginehouse No. S. Attention was also called to the necessity of purchasing a new hind axle tor engine No. 4, and also to the neces- sity of making sewer connections at the dif- ferent engmehonses. AMENDED HEALTH ORDINANCE. The amended house connections o'dinance (heretofore published in the Appeal) was passed on second and final reading. MAIN STREET PAVEMENT, EAST SIDE. The committee on Main and-Mark- streets reported in favor of accepting the bid of 0. H. P. Piper for paving the east side of Main street, from Adams street south, twenty thousand square yards. The report was adopted. FRONT AND AUCTION STREETS PAVEMENTS. The committee on paving Front and Auc- tion streets reported in favor of authorizing tbe engineer to contract with J. S. M'Djnald it Co. tor the stone, and that the work be done by the engineer or by contract, as may be deemed best. Tbe report was adopted, provided the contributors deposit the four thousand dollars to tbe credit of that fund. CONDEMNED BUILDINGS The president of the board of heallh made a report on condemned buildings, to bee ther torn down or put in good sanitary condition. The report was referred to a committee of three, to examine and report back to the council. The committee is composed of Messis. Galloway, Brown and Goodbar. CITT REGISTER'S REPORT. Tbe report oi Register Tuck for April is as follows: Total amount of tax-bil- ls and licenses countersigned, $26,615 71. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT. The report of the police department for the month of April was read, a to lows: Total number ot arrests 272; males, 217; females, 55; white males, 124; white females, 13; col- ored males, 93; colored females, 42; cost of feeding chain-gan- g prisoners. $70; cos"; of feeding ordinary prisoners, f 73 80; amount of stolen property recovered and returned to. owners, $ 500. yiRK DEPARTMENT REPORT. The fire department report tor April showed that the 'Jepartment was called out as fol- lows: Number of fires of material !o, 6; other alarms, 2; total loss to owners, $1715 tout insurunjf ot owners, f 33 050; total ioaa ot oxurxnts, $120; total insucancH ot occu- pant", $150; grand tntal loss, $1835; grand total insurance, $33,200: insurance over loss, $31,305. BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT. The secretary of the board of health re- ported for tbe mouth of April, as follows: Loads of garbage removed, 1814; earth-box- es emptied, 7175; priv vaults emptied, disinfected and not rilled, 7; number of cases of scarlet fuver, 17; of diphtheria, 1; of measles, 17; patients sent to city hospital, 77; number treated at city dispensary, 1C6; births during the month, 55; deaths, 86; still-bor- 11; daily average rf men employed by tbe service, 31 i; daily average of carts, 12; average ot wac-ns- , 5; pay-ro- ll of sani- tary labor force, $796 b2;. pay roll ot police suniUry force, $200; pay-ro- ll of biard 'f health, $326 50; bills incidental, $39 12; total amount, $1362 41; buildings destroyed during the month, 32; repaired, 26; bnild-"g- s destroyed to date, 171; repaired to date, 83. CITY HOSPITAL REPORT. Dr. Liurence, of tbe c'ty hospital, reported for the month of April as follows: Patients remaining March 31st, 111; received daring tbe month, 93; discharged, 104; died. 9; re- maining, 91; total nu nher treated, 204. Ex- penses tor month, $979 30; receipts from marines, $500 50; cojt to Taxing-Distric- t. $478 80. SOUTH MEMPHIS MARKET.' R. H. M'Cain reported collections for South Memphis market for the month end- ing April at $231 50. city inspector's report. Inspector Maliory reported collections for April at $222 96, of which amount the lax received $55 75. COAL 8CALB KIOSK. The petition of Brown & Janes for permis sion to erect a fancy kiok at the corner of Second and .Poplar streets, for tbe purpose ot a coal scale office, was referred to the police and bre commissioners. STREET SIGNS TO BE ABOLISHED. The following ordinance, offered by Mr. Overton, was adopted at the first reading, Mr. Uoyer only voting no: Be it ordained by the Legislative Council of the Tax ing Duarict, Tbat on and after June 1 , ls0. It shall be a misaemeanor, punishable wltb a fine of not less than one nor more tban fifty dollars for each offense, for tbe occupant or occupants of any build ings to bave or erect any banging or other signs over tbe sidewalks of any street In the Taxlng-D.s- - tricr. UNMUZZLED DOGS TO BR MURDERED. The following ordinance offered by Mr. Goyer passed on first, second and hnal read ing: Be t ordained, Tbat sub section 0 of article 5 of HeiekeU't Digest of the Taxing Dutmiet Ordinance bi amended so as to read. "During tbe months of May June, July, August and September." Tbe or- dinance so amended Is with reference to not permit ting dogs to run at iare unless muzziea, so as to prevent tbelr blt r.g, said unmuzzled does to be de- stroyed br tbe polloe wherever lound on tbe streets or other place of public resort Tne old ordinance amended above included the months of July, August and September. ADJOURNMENT. Oa motion the council adjourned, subject to the call ot tne president. Fifty Dorses and Mules. We bave some forty or fifty horses and mules which we will sell on laJl time, witn good city acceptance.- - J. A. IPS BK3T A CO., 61 Monroe St Klrkland's Imp.rtM Woveltlea. French Steam Dye-Work- s. Ladies' and gentlemen's goods dyed and cleaned at Louis Heitrf l'n.581 Jorlernon street. Awnings Mattresses. H. Jt U TT KJ at KBU, gat Beessg at. Floyd's Candies Speak for th mselves. Everybody knows how nice they are, ana those tcho out canaies al ways go or send to FLO HP S. Klrklnad'a Goodyear Overcoat. Brown A Jones, nttebara-- , IS hat well aad Caaael Coal. 8 Mala mtreet. HAND-MAD- E FRESCH CORSETS! MENKEN BROTHERS Sole agents for the improved Side Steel and celebrated Health corsets. These goods are superior to any in this market, and are offered by ns at unusual- ly low pries. Our $1 25 corset is now sold for 85c. Bay Jordan' lee-erea- aad Coafee- - tlaaerlea, 140 Mala. Beat aad eMeapeat. ve f Ktrklaad'a floe Htr.w Hata. Economy is Wealth. Gents' clothing dyed, cleaned and repaired by I. Isaacs, 270 Second street, o posit e Court quare, Memphis. Trtnns. Klrklaad'a wliu. I mbrellaa, at S SO. Moda, M ead or Vichy Very co'd and refreshing. Will in a few davs add another draught apparatus to ae commodate many more of our customers. If you want a nice glass of soda you will al- ways find it at Floyd's. Bllrklaad'a Karl A Wllaaa Collar. Fishing Tackle, Beat Atiortmeat la the City, at VKANK gCHEBAH'R OVX BTOKE, Ma. Ill Beale Street. See advertisement of Southern in "for sale" column. H lee lot seata' lew aboea, from Sit SO to S3. Wrn. Mlller'a. l Mala. Assignee's Male of Clothing At 247 Main street, near Jefferson. Must be closed out as .peadily aa possible, to wind np the late business of E. Lehman. A full line of men's, youths' and children's clothing, and a large stock of hats, regardless of coat. Stock tnrj fixtures for sale, wholesale and retaQ. D gensburger. . Assignee. Klrklaad'e Nobby Derby Hata. Flovd's Restaurant Growing in public favor every da.' Business men dine there; ladies shoppina lunch there, and all the country people while in the city pet their meals at Flood's. PEKSOAAL. Mr. Hugh L. Brinklet has returned to the city. Dr. H. B. Blackburn, of Arkansas, is registered at the Peabody. Colonel F. A. Ttler, of the Holly Springs (Miss.) South, is in the city. Colonel Addison White, of HunUville, Alabama, is stopping at tbe Peabcdy. Colonel Charles Richardson, of Fred-ricktbar- Virginia, is at :he Peabody hotel. Dr. Reillt. national board of health in- spector, leaves y tor Vicksburg, Missis- sippi, to be absent a few days. Mr. D. J. Allen, of Austin, Mississippi, was married at the First Presbyterian church last night to Miss Jessie Murphy, of this city. Dr Sntder has fresh vaccine matter from the cow. orders at his house or at Jones's druit stare, between ten and twelve o'clock dai'y. The L;ttl Rock Democrat, of Ihe fifth, that Afcsr.. J. R. Miller and J. W. Cochran, of Memphis, deeply interested in several L;tt!e Rock enterprises, arrived on that rcor&ine'a train. THE fJESIKlCriVU FIRE Occasioned by Ihe frematnre I!a cherae of a Torpedo Cost Jait three Hundred Thoataad Dollars. Bradford, Pa , May 6 R?w City, a village ten miles. Irom Bradford, composed of abdt one hundred houses, was entirely destroyed, not one building remaining. The extent c.f the territory bemir so great it is impossible to get ct the exact amount of property destroyed. The fito is now under control. It is ist'm 'ted that Ibrea hundred derricks aud great quantities ot oil have been consumed. Tbe 'o will reanh three hun- dred thousand dollars, witn no insurance, fx-c?- pt a small amount on the buikiicgs in Rew city. The report of several mn bing in- jured by glycerine exp'osiou is unfounded. Ae other 'allure. San Francisco May 6. D. G. Yost & C) , stock broker?, fail d L'abilities, one bondrcd ard ten thousand doliert. NT IK A 33 B4IATS. FOK CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. 1st. Mais and VieStebiir IniUnr l.toe r. Mall FOR CAIhO AND 6T. LOUIS. City of fSelna, gu M'Kee master. Will leave the Anchor Llnewharfbont TEI3 DAT. May 7th, at 5 p m. Kor frelgut or passage apply to. AD STOHM. Hunt mi wi.irtoni. FOR NEW OKLEANS. Southern Transportation Line Kor Vicksburg, Natchez aud New Orleans-Steam- er i; olden City J. D. Begler mater I Adsfm Waylaid clerk Win leave as above THIS DAY, May 7th, at 6 p.m. For freight or passage, apply to J. T. WASHINGTON, Agant, 814 Front, a. at. Lnil. and Mew Orleans Anchor l.lae For Vicksburg, Natchez and Iew Orleans .'teamer Tallies ISoward, q Jas n. Pepjier master. Will leave the Auchor-ltn- e wharftxvt S.4TCRDAT, May 8th, at 5 p.m. Kor freight or passage apply to AO STORM. fi"P't on whHrfboat. FOR VICKSBDKU Mr. Loblsacd Vlrk4harc Anehwe Line Coiled. H'ste. n.il-f- O riCKSBUKO. City of Vi cl h n rjj Flem. Calvert master. Will leave the Anchor Line wharfboat FHID4T, May 7th, at 10 a.m. For freight or pasage apply to AO STOHM. Hup't. FOK ARKANSAS RlVtH. Mempbls and Pine Bluff U. e. Mall Line. For Pine Bluff. Little ltock. and through to Fort Smith Str. Iatie Siwoer, Ed. Nowlanl master I J. N. Tbompon clerk Leaves as above SATURDAY, May 8th, at B p.m. For freight or passage apply to JOHN N. H HBIN. i!r't. 9Q9U Front t FOR CO.V1M&RCE DAILY". Tbe Elegant Accommodating Bends Packet, Silvertiiorii, jE3& H Tf. Whitehead. ..master I Nell Booker clerk Leaves Memphis Daily, at 5 o'clock p.m. For freight o. e ap;ly on board, or Ko. 3 MBrtt.on .treet FOP. WHITE K1VER. Memphis & White River Packet. Berwlar Independent Tleciphls and White Blver Packet For Augusta. Jacksonport " Searcy, aud way points. Tbe reguiar Independent . Packet Ed. C Postal master I Charles Postal clerk Will leave Memphis EV'EHY WEDNESDAY, at 6 p.m. t or rre!ni or passage appir t B. W. LIOHTBtrBNE, No. 7 Monroe -- t, opp. Peabody hatel FOK LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI Memphis & Ohio River ,iPAGKET COiriPANYii JFOK Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati HTEAHERs ANDY B1CM, COSS MILLAR. JAMES W. GAFF, VIM SHISKLE, JAS. D. PARKER, VlltfcilE LEE. Steamers of tbls line leave Mempbls for CAIRO, LOUISVILLE AMD cirtcixtrtAii Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays AT 5 OCLOCK P.M., Connecting at Cincinnati Jftth Railroads and Steam ers tor au Eastern, Northern and Western Points, Giving THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS, OBIOAOO, TOLEDO, BUFFALO, RIOHMOXD NEW YORK, WASHINGTON CITT, PHILA- DELPHIA AND BOSTON. Eastern tourists will Dnd tbe La Belle Blver Rome Sate, Delightful and Economical. Bates by tbls line Cheaper than any other nrst-clas- s route, jueaia and Staterooms Free. Baggage checked through. tsvPassengers can rely on a splendid trip by tbls inn. as the steamers are all first-clas- s, baving been xpressly built for the accommodation or passen- - ers. acn steamer carries a iuii omus douu. For full Information, apply to R. W. LIGHTBTJRNK, General Freight and Ticket Agent, . fin. 7 Mnnim trt. Momrtht., FOR ST. FRANCIS R1VKR. Mempbls and St. Francis U. S. Mail Line steamer Uatesviiie. O. K. Joplln master A. L. Banning cierk Leaves Memphis TUESDAY and FRIDAY, 6 p.m., for Marianna, the Cut-of- f and all Intermediate land- ings. For freight or passage applv on board, or to I. n misrriAl.i, ann'r FOit OSCEOLA. Trl-Week- ly D.m. Null racket-F- or Kan-doip- b, Fultou, Osceola and way landings Str. Osceola lielle, Henry Cooper master I Wra. Smltbers c erK Will leave Mempbls every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 6 p.m. For Information apply on board, or to Nn. 8 Madison street. LEE LINE STEAMERS. For fcilendale, Helena and riara fotat Jainea Lee, Zsg&z. Slack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow .. .clerk Will leave as above on every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 4 P.m. fw No. S ManUon fnt. FOR ARKANSAS CITY & GREENVILLE. AdaniM Ncal-wrrkl- y I . f. n.u l.i.e For Arkansas City, Pine Bluff Railroad, Greenville, and all way landings Tbe elegant steamer Ouacliita llelle, 43 Hark R. Cheek master I A. L. CnmmlDB... clerk Leaves as above EVERY MONDAY and THURS- DAY, at R pm (1W. dn. Hllinl't. FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. Afllr UAKHV MSK. Hesapkia White Klver aad Atlaekt Blver V. (. Mall Packet. For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devoirs Bluff, Dea Arc, Augusta, Jacksonport, West Point, Searcy, Batesvllle, Powhattaa, and Pocahontas. Tbe new steamer aosie Harry, . M. R. Harry, captain. Walker Outlaw, clerk. Leaves Mempbls on and after November 2d, every SATURDAY, at 5 p.m., connecting direct with the new Black river U. S. mall packet MILT HARRY for Powbattan and Pocahontas, and wltb Dally Packets to Batesvlile and Upt'er White river. Tbrougb tates to all points. Freight consigned to Milt Harry Line, Mempbls or Terrene will be promptly forwarded. Offiee, No R Mn.ii.nn street FANCY DYEING. Dress liti, anU cluLLiiii Uyed m dirll'lort; t rnfe VoiU l)ve-i- . DRY CLEANING. Dretises. m nit fibnea ci;uteti without ripcin; or removiDg (he triiumiu. The nio-.- t el chorale And thtttncal drt-ti- sue thus tleg.utly cleaned. WM.Il.TE.SIALI"2e6 Walnut St., Cincinnatlr Q Bijj uim lt ivi a i u a b iji i .ti ijciirtl. Coni itf at Last j. DR. WM. CAWEIN'S HALES1A I Aa Infallible Care aad Preventive for Yellaw-reve- r and all Malarial aad Coataglsas tMaeasea. DR. Wm. CAWElrFs CHILL CURE For Chill, and wiag Fever. Six doses will break tbe worst type of Chills and Fever, it directions are strictly followed. iy These remedies are narelr voietable. and contain nothing poisonous. W. M. WLLkKHSON C CU., Wboleuale Drngglsts, 834 Main street, Mempbla. Tenn FOR SALE v - , f THE GREAT MALARIAL ANTIDOTE OF THE! AGE. Safe. Certain, Sure and Speedy. NEYERFAILS TO CURE . The only article knownihat Will esacffeerfelhis disease permanentlyXvoxxz system. J. C.RICHARDSON, SOLE PROPRIETOR General Agents, RICHARDSON S. CO. WHOLESALE. DRUGGISTS. VERYWHERE. SURMCURE N. NO W. X. BROWNE, IS prepared to do kinds of In tbls line In thorough manner; especial attention to ami Building Connections. Also, large stock of r'lXTTKKH, Gas. Water-nttlngsa- Fixtures. Pumps, H iee, Bathtubs, etc Bis large force of compe-te- dt All work warranted. Agent the Halladay WIND-MILL- S. solicited. BKOtYXE.TIIE PLUM.BER, Madison Street. "W'liVLliAiL' AND ALL DISEASES OF THE TIIKOAT AND LU.NGS. l'nt DI In Quart rtizn Sioitlea for Fatally TTtTTXT DON'T BE DECB1VEO BY TJNPRINCIPLTD DSALER3 WHO TRY TO U J- - J. VJ LN . palm off upon you Rock and hye In tlace of cur ToLU. ROCK AND which Is the only GENUINE medicated article made, having tiovernineut Stamp on tach Kxtraet from Report of the Commlnsloaer of Internal Bevenae. TREASURY DEPARTMEN T. Office of Intemul Revenue, Washington, D. C. January 2rJ, 18S0. LAWRENCE MARTIN, 111 Madison CblCHgo. Gentlemen : nave received "a certified formula," giving tbe Ingredients and relative proportions ued tn tbe msnutacture of an article wbt b you advertise and under tbe name ot " TOLU, ROCK AMU BYS " Tbls compound, according to your formula. In tbe opinion or thlsotnce, would bave sumslent quantity ot tbe BiLSAM OF TOLU to give It all tbe advanlasies ascribed to tbls article in pectoral complaints, while the Whisky the Syrup eontUute an emulsion renaerlng the compound an agreeable remedy to the patient. In iheoulnlon of this oQlce, nn atllcle compounded according to tbls formula, progrcrly be clacstd Bi medicinal preparation un ter the proisloiis of ScUedule A, following Section :)4 I7, United Hevl-e- d Statutes, and when so !itain:ed be -- old by Drui'glt. Apolbecai les and other persons, without them liable to if.y rueciat tix as dealers. Yours respectfully, bKCU' U Bllin, Connltiilaeer. LiYKE.CE & MARriX, 111 Madison street, ttic9g:i. tay-Hu- ld In .ItiDpily by all Uraif elHt h, t.roeer. and Wine Merebaais generally; 11 at Wholesale by . MAXBHKLP A 1 f . It -- i wtf on)lf'1h. teffe n 2 S M fc U a B B H II 300 FRONT LATEST HTTLE8. LOW H. uavu m. Malllvan. Oar L BAINEY devotes his wnoie time to &, Jno. W. IS. ANDKJLIV Hew vrleans, Nos. 356 Front -- t A. 3 New A. 1XP0RTEBS work a and sanitary gives Sewer bas a UAfl Steam and a workmen. Orders 40 ( l A BYE, a bottle. Messrs street, I a and may a Stales may liiiuor Siomicd I'rpprietors, f f Jota lEOHT'EOOPHTG For Buildings ofall For circulars and prices address W. G. HYNDMAN fc CO CINCINNATI. O. JOHN MAM'llIE.ien'l IQfl Main Wentpfcla.TVnn LACLEDE HOTEL, 5th, 6th and Chestnut Sts ST. XOUIS, ::: MO. KANkflSI rgUKA" a MOSE3 H1LLABD J. H. CUAAING Ratks-- 2 RO and ?3 per day rrvTTTCJ T A TJTTT, mar te found on file at Oeoi 11UO X p. Rnwell & Co'. Kewnpaper A(tvertmtn(r Bureau 10 Spruce St. I. where advertising may lie maae lor it 131 isuw luatvi 1 or Coughs, Bronchitis Asthma aud Consumption. CO., J. I. It IX fA CO. bad .. mn.if.fi nri-- r' plrM. Anii ST.. lTElVTPmS. tm. Clara. n. j.Clarsu .tie WeLglHrw and Sale or Cotton intrusted to rays 20O to 500 Per Cent. Proflt on the Investment. All Farmers should try lu Guaranteed to pay. Send tor Circulars and l'rices to HUNEINS. I... Cotliu. Jtt. u. II ail 1. U. IMa k Vauce FINE CUSTOM-MAD- E CLOTHING! SPRING- - STOCK US r 5KECJ31 VEO. GENTS' FUllNlMIINli GUODS OF Suits Made to Order! GOODS 7? PRICES 305 MAIN ST. M. GAVIN" & Wholesale Grocers. Cotton Factors, Aad Commission Merchants, 3 3 3 tardea. ITront stroot, aiom rla.lg "r pnHW, w na.n onr own i r rnn warannntA, pfirnpf wjaninamn r-- v wonn. LA PLAST THORN PLUMBER! SOO anil 311 Monih xlreet Mt I nnis. Itliaannri lillarl. BILMBD, COFFII & 00, Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers, MDKXW bTXWART. STEWART, 2& S58 - 1 TT r - Orl.l. VACCAHO. K. VACCARO. J. all for ararmTHI Classes, Agent afreet, . XVI. contract, . i Colds, VltCAKO ftii UWYKNK, P. HAIl'LEY, J GOOD . Q34 Twelflli neaiplrla. aaeaaphfa 6WYME5 CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COTTON FACTORS Stewart Brothers & Co., St., Memphis, Tenn. TI T . I.nniainnn. A. B. VACCAKO. AXD DEALERS IN A. VACORO & CO., Wines, Liquors and Cigars, i GREAT SALE OF- - LADIES' UNDERWEAR! TRIS WEEK, AT wenstein I Bros. FIXi: CHKniNE-Trimni- ed with Torchon Inserllon and Kdg-infi- :, prettily tncKed, at 75 ctnttu SO DUZ.TI t'KKl) CIIKIIK Ti iranied with llatnbni-j- ; Inser- tion ana 7iubrie IIa file, at 50 cents. 75 DOZ. MDIEV TUCKEU NKillT.H-t.oodcl- olh aad shape, 50e. TL'CKi;!) Bl'FFLED SKI BT.l-- 53 cents. CA311SUIC HlTFFs I MilUT8-KleRan- tly trimmed with Lace Insertion and Edging:, 91 ". 05 JLOZ. ItOHIQ SlfGHT HO WNH-Tuc- ked and rallied dowu the f ro ii t.f good quality and well made, at 75 ceats. 50 IiZ. YOKK CaOtVJVM KlalMrateI trimmed with finellant--bar- s Insertion and Edging. 1. 35 UOZ. JSIBK OWV-Ext- ra qoRlity mid flnisb. tucked and trimmed with handsome Insertion and Edging down the front, at 1 50 worth S3 5U. TUL'IiED IHUWERS-Ttimm- ed with neat Embroidery. .'Of . llA.MSOtlEI.Y TRinjJEll 1II WEU -- luble rnRle ot Em- broidery and Insertion, Jjll 25 wrlh $1 75. BR11aIj )ETt Tbreepieees trimmed with I'nfTs and iineL.ace latent noveltie. IiADlE' AiA.W. SACQCE-- in great variety. CORSETS! CORSETS! CORSETS! French handmade Crrvts I Worm Corsets ! Tbe superb Corset perfect fitting and embroidered In silk, SI HAIE-CLOT- H BUSTLES from 75 cents up. UO0P SKIRTS new shape. INFANTS' WEAK! Great attractions this weeic. Infants' Bobes, Infants' Slips, Infants' Phot Drese, Infants' Lace Dresses, Infanta' Pique LongCioaks. Infants' Lace Caps-a- ll at very lonprloob talswertat L0VE mum wami Straw Me? 1 Kirkland's Unlaundried Shirts, 6 for $5. Kirkland's Best Unlaundried Shirts, $1 each T. jVT. Al'KTilE Bas given these goods his Special Attention, and can assure bis customers of Barcalna. Kirkland's Undershirts, 50 cents each. Kirkland's Linen Drawers---fine- st and best. BLUFF CITY CLOTH!! G HOC NOW IlSIJLiA.YII T II 0L0TIM6 To be found anywhere. Beat 3Iake. Cholcpst styles. Lowest Prices. VESNDIG-- , l.(a. Large at.elc hand for Wholesale Trade, ta wale a. the atteatl.a of Herehaata la directed. School Books! Ilia Aa P Si Booksellers, Stationers, Blankbook Manuf'rs 315 TtTain street, : ; Mempliis, Tennessee WE WOULD CALL THE ATTXNTIOM OF MERCHANTS TO OUB UNUSUALLY LARGE AKD well as!.ortrd stock of Blaak d Hrko.l tlwhw. Mratleaery. Kie.. Kte., which wo ofTr at VTJUV L- - W KMiima, pm-- Prompt attention i"n t order. t I .. I THE AEW HOWE, t hr SIXGER, I AND WEED, The Kinir of Warhlnes 31. C. IX FACTS' W 12 Alt Ill iiamiomk'st line of vr ATN ST. Blank Books! TAYLI AND- - J.B. ALDRICH&CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers all klndg3 SEWING MACHINES! And Seirin-Machin- e Uoods. GENERAL AGENTS FOB E. BUTTERICK & CO.'S PATTERNS Aad KAbHIOK PtJBUCATIOKM, No. 254 SECOSD HT IBVINQ BLOCK, TcnneNta L.. It. 0Q .W. JlcCAI.LL rosTua. HILLFONTAINE& COTTON PAOTOBS 296 and 298 FRONT STREET, COR. THIRD AND LOCUST STS., MEMPHIS. .TEJf X. ST. LOCI MISSOURI. fy Agent for the Celebrated V; tlarver Uttnn-itwi.JF- 1 iLOKEDUE, WHITE, Dauntless, DOMESTIC, WHEELER WILSOX, AMERtHAN l'EABt'E. 059 tfemnliln HUUU.M. NKAUUAII. PEARCE, SUGGS & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, io. 258 Front' Street, Slempbis, Tenn. KT Particular Attewtton Paid to the Nal ot Cotton.! J. T. FARGASQ Wiiolesale Grocers and Cotton Factors. 369 Front street, Memphis, Tennessee, an is Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants ltH tiiravier street, Acw Orleans. L,a. TTTIE HAVE OPENED A PEBHANENT BBANCH OUR HOUSE NEW ORLEANS MEET Till VV want. f our tra.-t- erinste-nment- . of emtnn h..e eitrftil ,tp.rlnn j. R. uuir iM. D. JBULL1XS. Jr. GODWIN k CO. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants 33G Front street, cor. Union, Hempliis. Part i I atten t Ion riven tohe handilngof cotton while In atted m- - m KA!MA n C K-- ! i: In S. Jl J. AT and will JL. ar at. n, OK TO en 1 rail ho. OIilTjg T bJ3 Grocers, Cotton Factors, AND SAZ.T AGENTS, Union street. : : ; : Mempliis, Tenn.

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Page 1: Iill!D33auIl MIASMS! I s - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045160/1880-05-07/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · A ""em"nnnnn Iill!D33auIl I? DRESS TI o S KI TI G SILKS! mm PARASOLS,








Milk Crown Turbans, 75 cents formerly 81 25.Leghorn. 50c, 75c, 91, Si 25.IotibIe-wld.- h French I2nntlii. G5 cents all shades.

for assortment and quality.Langnedoc Ficbus, 25 cents,dor Pelerines at 01 25.Wraps balance of stock nt astonishingly low figures.Trimmed Hats New designs Just in.Flower Department Host complete in the city.

TGiiier, Merzog,1 VI IMEM KNTM.

OLVHrlO KM BADIUilMajr 7. lWO.J. T. Harris erne', sorrel g. Billy.II W Kennedy eners bay mum Nettle O.

(Tnn owner or I tie bona bets 8200 to $150 tbatas beat. I be

B. Bll enter. B'iclteye Tom.J. T Se r. enters Minnie Sunset,i hu'lp- - H.'llna ente a sorrel mare Mamie G.JT. It. Huilon ei lers b. g. John Brandy.

Bl'NNUQ RaCK.rarer enters B. a.11 W. Kennedy enteraem Collier.

1 1 hi. Mill bo a clo--e rare.)Trains will leaTe L nd N DepoC at a and 2Vt p.m.

iWlcallltrH TWKNT1KTU

a l) --X DAY v MAT 10, 1880


Tut feast will begin In tbe afternoon wltn a


wbo will danos In Innumerable flocks for bandaomeprize. At 4 o'clock,


assisted by Maenoeicbor and Casino Blnglnc Cbolr

In Iba paues, games and aurpilse for small andlarge children, and Merriment to reign supreme.

Throw away all cares and eome out.

After S aclock lranelaac will Beg la 1

TICKKI3 riTTT CINT3ladles and children free.

f No Return Checks limr).1 Kl HItl:'' THI 4 l.KJLA (Formerly New Mempbls Theater.)

Greatest Attraction of the Season 1

War Friday. Mar 7th, aad Batardty3Iatlaee,aay St.


For tbe benefit of tbe

ORPHANS OF THK CHURCH HOME.Orer One Hundred Children are engaged In tbe

performance 1

Tickets for .ale, wltb reserved seats without extracharge, at Hollei.berg's Muaic Store, ererj ditf thisweek. Half-rat- e fares, or excurs'on tickets, can besecured on tha Memphis and Charleston Railroad,from SomerrlUe and Intermediate stations, good toreturn on 8th May. and also tbe following steam-boats, viz : Ouachita Belle, SUrertburn, James Lee,Osceola Belle, good to return on first trip after tbeperformance. ,

Tickets to Pre Circle and Parquette. SI; FamilyCircle, hO cents; Coloied Circle, 25 Ouuta. Matineetickets, to illp-ns- of the houe, fnj cents.

I BtOBMlfc'M THKATKK.SL4 (formerly Mempbls Theater.)


CH0IK0F CALVaIIY CHURCll!Assisted bj seveml prominent amateurs and

a Kull Orchestra,Taaraday. Friday A Matarday Hatlaee,

Hay ltftn, 14th and lSin.COX AND UUX I

Com la Operetta, by AHltt SulllTan, author of Pinafore.

DPAMATiSJus. Jno. Cox. alourneiiuan Hatter.. Oeo. L. CastnerJno. a. hot. m Journejman Inter W. J SteeleSergeant Bouncer, late ol Ibr Iroinpshtre Yeomanry,

IMr. Bell W. kUhertdgsFOLLOWED BT

lb JACOBl.taellillloaaire BootblackLuey Ann Miss Jennie CamtiBibronla Mla Mangle Appers inII jHOjbl.-Mr- . W.J. Steele and Mr. boll W. kthtrtdgs

CONCLUDING WITHJTAUlilItiK, the Belle of Saratoga 1


Pauline Western, the Beile ol Saratoga,Jennie JonesLnl.s M'Clellan

Meonte Artient Mr. U L CastnerSir' liarleeUrandleaeU Mr. W.J. bteeloCaptain Weotein Mr. Bell W. Ulnerlage

Tbe fol'owln mnslcal gems will be Intro-duo- rd

In'o the onreila,: Swiss K'ho Song:" Waltzsong, " 0111)8 Kins;" "TrlofP'm Vatanltza;" "Quar-tette from Iun Pasguale;" Soio, "Kvenbudy'afriend;" "Echo Quartette;" -- Thj Last Smile."

Under tbe management of ....Mr. J A3. KIBEXANDMu-lo- -l Director Pror.BMILK LKVYConuuotor Mr. OKORUK HANUWBKKEB

TRKKT-t- l. Beats may be renerred, withoutextra ebanre, at Klrkland's Hat Store, on and. alterMihi.i v. Mm 0in


J, V. M KIaSO M ,lentistXf Hala Mtrcet.

BT3T 8KTOF TIKTH TIN DOLLARSGold rulings Two DollarsStiver and I In Itillnns ..One Dollartias snd Kitriu tlriR. each.. . . rifty Centset iwr-ti- M 44wrflwfen

ifis ami iioaki).K C)M-Nlo- rly Ki'nished rooms for rent to gen

litaien at 1 1H Court streetKOOUtktceiurtilstied rooms, cneau, at


I.tNT.ivd leather pocket-cas-

POc'KK.'-CtSK-- suigical InMniment", Id a Hernandostreet i ar. a liber 1 rwrd will be pad for It.

of PR. R. I.. LA-K- I. 817 Ma'n ,LOnlkLu- - Fine tl iieU .lileiU, ".. d. Sroret Ber-- D

vice." Kinder will p eane leiurn to Joe Kuimer-Iv- b,

lli Main, or to ioil-- UeKiijuarters. A liberalreward will be paid for Its return.

LO K AT O i wetliieauey uigut, one gent's goldlocket, with red end black seals and iuononm

T. 8 on blxefc side. Kinder w.ll be rewarded bi re-turning in N-- t V3 Main "itreet.

jut pa a;k.Attention, liadies !

Sale of Jewelry and Fancy Goods

I OKI' KB FOR SALE A LARQK STOCK Ofkiald-riate- d Braeeleta (Ladles' 4 Children's)

Necklace.. Beta, Lritrkcta.Italtatiaa teiaatead Uaada (mounted In gold)

lUaulca' aa fern I a' Watcaeaalaa.ALaO. AN


130" All goods warranted as re i reaen ted.




Bohemian Glassware,French & American China,


Sar-rutare- s, Mirrara, ete.4sarale-ri-a K aires, Caaiara.etellatel sis nteajasbaat Ware.

321 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn



E. CARVER GIN AT AUCTION,For account of whom it may concern.

ONE X. CABTBB GIN,In perfect order, nearly new,Friday aioralaar. May 7fb,at 11 o'clock.

A. M. STODDARD. Anetloneer.

I'EKSO.AL.OCK-BT- SALVE FOR PILES- - t old bj all druj- -B gita ri cents per nottie

BEWABDiS0 BEWARD Stnlen from No. 89aHORSE extenoed. on tbe otubtof April 2Hih.

one dark brown borse; 8 years old; ltt bands high;black streak down bis buc: and rump; one whitebind foot; small star In lace; baoly crestfallen;paces and walks well: saddle and barnes- - marks onbis body. Theanove reward will be paid on returnol said borse, or Information leading to tbe recoveryotsame,a'. W. W HAMrT' N l.O.'a,

ROH Front elreet Memphis. Tenn.

NT ISA Y Kit,COWS AND HEIFBR-S- 5 BE WAR 11 FromTWO trm. on the Paducab road, neat

Glenooe, two sows and one beifer: one or tbe cowsyellow, wltb wKe boms; tbe other black, wltbwhile face, back and breast; tbe beifer Is brown andwbite color. Any information should be sent to 72Court str-et- . Memphis, or Dr. KrUKht. ftlenone.

WA&T&.Those without any knowledge of tbeAGKNTd are mak ng 81 8 1 40 weeKiy. Ad-

dress PHOCNIXCO.1W2 Fullon strei-r-. New York.

Woman to do housework;HOUSIKBBPBR Apply at Jamea Park.Aa horsekeeper or governess forSITUATION no objection to going north. east'

or went; mmrtle ged r. K. D. Joy. Bolivar. Tenn.STALLIOAS FOR SEsSON OFTROTTINGWe bave ason of Bysdyck's " Hamll-tonlan,- "

and a son of Dr Herr'a "ManbrlnoPatcben," and a stvlUb black Jack, whtcb wekeep for public service. We bave One pastures, andgriz. norses and mules for the city

HUGH D. AND JOHN B GREER,Six miles southeast ol tbe city.

ABDENBRS TO KNOW That 1 am buyingCI GtifcEN EAS; will I ay blgnest market price.

VICTOR D. FUrBd. an-4-1 Jefferson st.--i rr bTONK CUTl EB3-- S3 per day. Apply at

L U VJ btoneyard. Twenty-secon- d street and Mo.Paclfli Ballro-- d. at. Lcula. Mo

ANTED -- Man and wlie to go to tbe country.vv Apply at 34 Mjlberry streetjK KAMIL1E8 To board t.ls summer at tbe

C Colliervllie Hotel. CoUlervllle, Tenn.

FOR SALE.TOVB One nearly new Champion Monitor CookS' Miove, cbeap, at o. 13 Madison street.

12 GOiD MULE3 In gjod order for bardwork, for sale at



size; nearly new. Apply toCnautlPalace Saloon. M'UAB 4 CO.

AND BINDERY MATERIAL Qul'ePRINTING Quantity of secend-ban- d material forsale. In quantities to suit purchasers. Tbe abovematerial comprises tbe establishment of tbe lateBoyie Printing Company, which we now own.

8. C. TOOK 4 CO:, Memphis.INGINK AND BOILER bhaittng, pulleys and

bangers, complete. J. v.CORN-MIL- CHEAP InBLOUKINGAND la made Immediately;

engine 1 cylinder and b stroke. Also, adteani Fire Ermine, of Lattn's make, Cincinnati.Inquire at Carnentt rahoo. - Vrt Second street

FOU It EAT.I will rent my residence, 358RESIDENCE give possession June 1st. or sooner,

If required; large groundi1; all modern Improve-ment.; bouse In good repair G. M. WBaTON.

COTTAGE, CHEAP Five rooms, cornerNICK ttreet and Kajburn avenue. Applyat 180 Madl'on street'

well furnished; 12 rooms onROOMS-Gente-


near business; large grounds fu 1 trait;batbroom, barn, eta; good vie of nver, city, gov-ernment buildings, etc.; will rent for tbe summer togood family. J. GOLDSBL'HY, Davenpoit, 1'wa.

OK I AHHK HOUSE Six rooms, InPART repair, pleasant location, large yard, goodpure water, at reasonable rent.


HOUSE-84- 9 Linden sueet, 8 rooms; nowby K. jr. fbllllpa. Esq.; In good repair;

bath-roo- water, gas and tiler conveniences. o

J. D. QUIGLEY. ViHVt Front St,YARD On Madison street, now occupiedC10AL a R. Bryan 4 Co.

HESIDENCKS Nos. 105 and 109 Madison, and122 Court street. Apply to R. B. Snowden, or

J. 8. GOODLOB. 88 Madison.

A large and commodious bouse,HOUSE thirteen rooms, and two detached COT-TAGES of two rooms each, wKb a good spring anda garden spot, at Sewanee, Tennessee. The bouseIs partly I urnlsbed, and Is suitably located for aboardlnghouse and hotel. For terms, etc., apply to

T. H. ARMSTRONG.Sewanee. Franklin county. Tenn.

Large unfurnished front room, wltb smallROOM eonnectlrg, can be bad, wltb good board,St 72 Court street. References required.

FuiTjished or unfhrnlehed, single or InROOMS wllpout board: apartments suited lor

bt housekeopli.-g- . at 101 Jefferson street.

R OOM3 urnlsbed room. io8 ptrf juoutu.I I I 4 jan"rwt' iwi


Practical BuilderOF FIKK

LightGarriagesA SELECT STOCK (exelaalTeljr afIKEEPawa ma.sf.rtare) CONSTANTLY

ON HAND. 1 am also prepared to build (TO CBDKR aay avail or the aosrr. atjlra ofMaisirs, and Family Camatres now In use. Iuse nothing but tbe VERY BBS r MATERIAL, andemploy strictly nrst-cla- mecbanlca.

KKPAlUlNfJ,In all Its branches, done promptly and In tbe best



Carver and Eclipse Hulling Gins,Feeders, Condensers and Cotton


lairve4 Arrow awd w)rrew Proaaeator Steam er Horne-powe- r. Sbaftlng, Pulleys,

etc., and dealer In Belting, GluwrlgbtMaterial, etc., eis.

Ae't Atlas, and other Steam EaKlneB


We repair all kinds of Glcs. Engines and PlantationMachinery. Send toe oatalouue.

391 to 3iH helby St., Memphis.

W. A. FAIRES & CO(Sueoeasors to J. B. 4 W. A. Falrea), Dealers In

HOUSES andNo. 55 Union street.

WS keep eonstanUy on band a eholce selectionof Hones aod Mules. KvaryUUna guarac-1- 4

as raprssenias. Oroars sol telle.




Carload Fine' Bananas1 75 to $2 50.

Ta arrive Tanraday, XOta a prll. Beadla your orders early.

6 cars Choice Lemonsto 81 50.

2 cars Fancy Lemons$3 OO.

All soaraa teed aaaad. aad laUse ahlpplag; order. Hoeelalprleca made oa 50) aad lOO

ksx lata. '




Races at Olympic park this afternoon.Literary exercises at MissH'gbee'a scbojl


Local cohtica is not boomina worta acent as yet.

Tht sweet-perfum- magnolia bloomsare appearing.

Motions will ba heard at the chanceryciurt y.

The Japanese umbrellas and parasols areall tbe rag-- just now.

The thermometer indicated eighty-tw-

degrees in the shade yesterday at nocn.Confederate Decoration day at Elmwood

cemetery Sunday week at three o'clock:.Madison street, between Main and Front,

is now being treated to a rock pavement.Coronatien Extravaganza at Leabrie's

Theater (o night and at toe matinee

Business continues brisk among thewholesale grocery and plantation-suppl- y mer-chants.

Contagious diseases reported yesterday:Louis Randolph, Seventh street, Chelsea,measles.

The lad e s'rawberry festival i3 openUtlv at No. 302 Main street, opposite thePeabody hotel.

Qaite a large number of our lawyers atein attendance upon the supreme court, in ses-

sion at Jackson.. Block! of buildings deprived of the un-

sightly awnings present a neat and business-ik- e

appearance.The society for the prevention of cruelty

to animals is making it lively for those whoare cruel to brutes.

Hundreds of citizens stop and watch theprogress of fctone paving on the corner ofMain and Madison streets.

Adams street is clear of Nicolaon blocksand plank from eid to end, and the stonepavement is taking their place.

TheMemphiacs who went to New Oi-lea- ns

to lock over the route of the Cowdon-lan-Baratar- ia

canal have returned.OT the three hundred people at the Na-

tional maes-meetin- g last night, at least twohundred were Democrats or Republicans.

A co chiding affair on Main street yester-day was talked of among a few, but the nut-ter was hushed up by the parties interseted.

A Confederate memorial association isto be organized for the purpose of takingcare of the heroic dead at Elmwood ceme-tery.

Q'lite a number of our Knights Templarhave gone to Columbia, Tennessee, wherethe annual conclave of the order met yes-terday.

La4 night a colored member of the policeforce, Charley Wilson, residing on' Averystreet, was united in marriage with MissRosa Holmes.

The belated bomeward-boon- d Sou'hMemphians have to look cut ahead to avoidthe sewer ditches which intersect that end oftown in all directions.

Quite a number of choice seats at theTheater can be secured tor the CoronationExtravaganza entertainments for ht

and the matineeWhen the street sidewalks shall have

been widened the awnintr-post- s midway between tbe houses and curbing will become anuisance and obstruction to be abated.

The members f the cotton exchangehave been invited to attend the annual meeting of the Cotton planters' association, to beheld at Vicksburg on the eignteenin instant.

The legislative council yesterday passedon first reading an ordinance abolishing allhanging and other street signs after the firstof June. This ordinanco is one of the goodsigns of the times.

When a lawyer opens a case saying,"Gentlemen of the jury," is he trying tomake an invidions distinction or draw an in-

vidious comparison between the twelve menwhom he is addressing ?

Thecbancery.cirjuit, criminal and UnitedStates courts were not in session yesterday,owing to the absence of a large number oflawyers who are attending the session of thesupreme court at Jackson.

At the stationhouee are the followingarticles: A couple of quilt, a eaw and anax, which a thief dropped on the corner ofVance and Orleans streets on Wednesdaymorning, when chased by Officer Randolph.The owner can recover the property by call-ing at the stationhouse.

Tbe following marriasre licenses were is-

sued by the county court clerk yesterday:Whit Walter P. Aikin and Laura E.Bennett, John Fletcher and Mary N. Grady.Colored Anderson Ward and Sarah Mit-chell, Robert Jones and Ella Harris, CharlesWilson and Lulu Holmes.

Yesterday forenoon, at the corner ofBeale-- and Turley street?, a sewer pipe-layt- r

was suddenly covered np in the ditch by cav-ing earth. It was nearly an hour before hiscompanions were able to dig him out. Hewas nearly suffocated and received severe in-

juries, but will recover.dog-owne- r will, on and after Satur-

day next, muzzle his canine, or else the un-

muzzled cur of either high or low dcgree.wi!lbe killed by the police if found on the streetsor other public olaces. The policeman willthen say, with "Richard III": "Un mannereddog ! stand thou when I command."

At half-pa- st seven o'clock yeterdaymorning a still alarm of fire cnused th firebrigade to move out to tbe corner of Unionand Lrsoto streets, a frame kitchen in tberear of No. 116 Union street being oa fire.The flinies were suppressed in a few min-utes, and but little damage resulted. Thefire is supposed to have been the work of anincendiary.

Genuine ImportedHoff'8 Malt Extract. The true health bev-

erage. Hmhly recommended for nursingmothers, thin, cold and aged people, con-

valescents, etc. Owing to its wonderfullynutritious qualities, it is especially recom-mended in epidemics and in fevers, wherebodily prostration is great and life dependsupon a nourishing stimulant. None genu-ine witdout the label of Tarrant & Co., eoleagents, New York. For sale by all druggistsand grocers.

Klrklaad'a Htetsoa at Knox Hats.

A Card.In answer to a call made on me by a large

number of my fellow citizens, recently pub-lished in the Appeal, to announce myself asa candidate fur to the effise I nowhold, I beg leave to say that I am more thangrateful for their indorsement of my officialcourse. It has certainly been my aim to dis-

charge the duties of my office faithfully, and1 regard the good opinion which they haveseen proper to express as a priza of morevalue than the sheriffalty.

The delay in answering the call grew outof the fact that I did nat now what wouldbe the action of the Democratic party of Shel-

by county, and, being a Democrat, I did notwish to embarrass the party by anything Imight do. I will now say, ihat it is my pur-oo- se

to be as&ddidate for Shouldthere be a Demoe'ratw uwyection, I will sub-

mit my claims to it and abide iu t:oa. Ifthere is to convention, then I will announcemn.nir . a - , rl win l a before the people, sub- -

jct to their will at the ba110!:01,.A. UV

MmpHls. May 6, 880- -

Qernaam Millet,Haagarlaa Meed aad Mtaek PeaJ,

OTTO BGHW1LL A CO..Mala Mtreet

JMrklaa'a Ieat Kid ttleyea.


XieKlelatlve Caaaell Meetla AaneadedHealth Ordlriaaee Adapted Be-por- ta

af Oflleero, K;e.

At tbe usual hour yesterday afternoon thelegislative council held a meeting at thecourthouse. Tne following members werepresent: D. T. Porter, John Overton, jr., W.N. Brown, R. Galloway, J. M. Good bar andC. W. Goyer.


The minutes of the previous meeting wereread and adopted. The following businesswas then transacted.

rtRK DEPARTMENT AFFAIRS.The following communication from the

chief of the fire department was referred tothe fire and police commissioners with powerto act. The communication called attentionto the necessity of puttine a new roof on

No. 4. and repairing the roof ofenginehouse No. S. Attention was also calledto the necessity of purchasing a new hindaxle tor engine No. 4, and also to the neces-sity of making sewer connections at the dif-ferent engmehonses.


The amended house connections o'dinance(heretofore published in the Appeal) waspassed on second and final reading.

MAIN STREET PAVEMENT, EAST SIDE.The committee on Main and-Mark- streets

reported in favor of accepting the bid of 0.H. P. Piper for paving the east side of Mainstreet, from Adams street south, twentythousand square yards. The report wasadopted.FRONT AND AUCTION STREETS PAVEMENTS.

The committee on paving Front and Auc-tion streets reported in favor of authorizingtbe engineer to contract with J. S. M'Djnaldit Co. tor the stone, and that the work bedone by the engineer or by contract, as maybe deemed best. Tbe report was adopted,provided the contributors deposit the fourthousand dollars to tbe credit of that fund.


The president of the board of heallh madea report on condemned buildings, to bee thertorn down or put in good sanitary condition.The report was referred to a committee ofthree, to examine and report back to thecouncil. The committee is composed ofMessis. Galloway, Brown and Goodbar.

CITT REGISTER'S REPORT.Tbe report oi Register Tuck for April is as

follows: Total amount of tax-bil- ls andlicenses countersigned, $26,615 71.

POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT.The report of the police department for the

month of April was read, a to lows: Totalnumber ot arrests 272; males, 217; females,55; white males, 124; white females, 13; col-

ored males, 93; colored females, 42; cost offeeding chain-gan- g prisoners. $70; cos"; offeeding ordinary prisoners, f73 80; amountof stolen property recovered and returned to.owners, $500.

yiRK DEPARTMENT REPORT.The fire department report tor April showed

that the 'Jepartment was called out as fol-

lows: Number of fires of material !o, 6;other alarms, 2; total loss to owners, $1715tout insurunjf ot owners, f33 050; total ioaaot oxurxnts, $120; total insucancH ot occu-pant", $150; grand tntal loss, $1835; grandtotal insurance, $33,200: insurance over loss,$31,305.

BOARD OF HEALTH REPORT.The secretary of the board of health re-

ported for tbe mouth of April, as follows:Loads of garbage removed, 1814; earth-box- es

emptied, 7175; priv vaults emptied,disinfected and not rilled, 7; number of casesof scarlet fuver, 17; of diphtheria, 1; ofmeasles, 17; patients sent to city hospital, 77;number treated at city dispensary, 1C6; birthsduring the month, 55; deaths, 86; still-bor-

11; daily average rf men employed by tbeservice, 31 i; daily average of carts,

12; average ot wac-ns- , 5; pay-ro- ll of sani-tary labor force, $796 b2;. pay roll ot policesuniUry force, $200; pay-ro- ll of biard 'fhealth, $326 50; bills incidental, $39 12;total amount, $1362 41; buildings destroyedduring the month, 32; repaired, 26; bnild-"g- s

destroyed to date, 171; repaired to date,83.

CITY HOSPITAL REPORT.Dr. Liurence, of tbe c'ty hospital, reported

for the month of April as follows: Patientsremaining March 31st, 111; received daringtbe month, 93; discharged, 104; died. 9; re-maining, 91; total nu nher treated, 204. Ex-penses tor month, $979 30; receipts frommarines, $500 50; cojt to Taxing-Distric- t.


R. H. M'Cain reported collections forSouth Memphis market for the month end-ing April at $231 50.

city inspector's report.Inspector Maliory reported collections for

April at $222 96, of which amount the laxreceived $55 75.COAL 8CALB KIOSK.

The petition of Brown & Janes for permission to erect a fancy kiok at the corner ofSecond and .Poplar streets, for tbe purpose ota coal scale office, was referred to the policeand bre commissioners.

STREET SIGNS TO BE ABOLISHED.The following ordinance, offered by Mr.

Overton, was adopted at the first reading,Mr. Uoyer only voting no:

Be it ordained by the Legislative Council of the Taxing Duarict, Tbat on and after June 1 , ls0. It shallbe a misaemeanor, punishable wltb a fine of notless than one nor more tban fifty dollars for eachoffense, for tbe occupant or occupants of any buildings to bave or erect any banging or other signsover tbe sidewalks of any street In the Taxlng-D.s- -


The following ordinance offered by Mr.Goyer passed on first, second and hnal reading:

Be t ordained, Tbat sub section 0 of article 5 ofHeiekeU't Digest of the Taxing Dutmiet Ordinancebi amended so as to read. "During tbe months ofMay June, July, August and September." Tbe or-

dinance so amended Is with reference to not permitting dogs to run at iare unless muzziea, so as toprevent tbelr blt r.g, said unmuzzled does to be de-stroyed br tbe polloe wherever lound on tbe streetsor other place of public resort Tne old ordinanceamended above included the months of July, Augustand September.


Oa motion the council adjourned, subjectto the call ot tne president.

Fifty Dorses and Mules.We bave some forty or fifty horses and

mules which we will sell on laJl time, witngood city acceptance.- -

J. A. IPS BK3T A CO., 61 Monroe StKlrkland's Imp.rtM Woveltlea.

French Steam Dye-Work- s.

Ladies' and gentlemen's goods dyed andcleaned at Louis Heitrf l'n.581 Jorlernon street.

Awnings Mattresses.H. Jt U TT KJ at KBU,

gat Beessg at.Floyd's Candies

Speak for th mselves. Everybody knows hownice they are, ana those tcho out canaies always go or send to FLOHP S.

Klrklnad'a Goodyear Overcoat.

Brown A Jones,nttebara-- , IS hatwell aad Caaael Coal.8 Mala mtreet.


Sole agents for the improved Side Steeland celebrated Health corsets.

These goods are superior to any in thismarket, and are offered by ns at unusual-ly low pries.

Our $1 25 corset is now sold for 85c.

Bay Jordan' lee-erea- aad Coafee--tlaaerlea, 140 Mala. Beat aad eMeapeat.

ve f

Ktrklaad'a floe Htr.w Hata.Economy is Wealth.

Gents' clothing dyed, cleaned and repairedby I. Isaacs, 270 Second street, oposit e Courtquare, Memphis. Trtnns.

Klrklaad'a wliu. I mbrellaa, at S SO.

Moda, Mead or VichyVery co'd and refreshing. Will in a fewdavs add another draught apparatus to aecommodate many more of our customers. Ifyou want a nice glass of soda you will al-

ways find it at Floyd's.

Bllrklaad'a Karl A Wllaaa Collar.Fishing Tackle,

Beat Atiortmeat la the City, atVKANK gCHEBAH'R OVX BTOKE,

Ma. Ill Beale Street.See advertisement of Southern

in "for sale" column.

H lee lot seata' lew aboea, from Sit SOto S3. Wrn. Mlller'a. l Mala.

Assignee's Male of ClothingAt 247 Main street, near Jefferson. Must be

closed out as .peadily aa possible, to wind npthe late business of E. Lehman. A full line

of men's, youths' and children's clothing,and a large stock of hats, regardless of coat.Stock tnrj fixtures for sale, wholesale andretaQ. D gensburger.

. Assignee.

Klrklaad'e Nobby Derby Hata.

Flovd's RestaurantGrowing in public favor every da.' Businessmen dine there; ladies shoppina lunch there,and all the country people while in the citypet their meals at Flood's.


Mr. Hugh L. Brinklet has returned tothe city.

Dr. H. B. Blackburn, of Arkansas, isregistered at the Peabody.

Colonel F. A. Ttler, of the HollySprings (Miss.) South, is in the city.

Colonel Addison White, of HunUville,Alabama, is stopping at tbe Peabcdy.

Colonel Charles Richardson, of Fred-ricktbar-

Virginia, is at :he Peabody hotel.Dr. Reillt. national board of health in-

spector, leaves y tor Vicksburg, Missis-sippi, to be absent a few days.

Mr. D. J. Allen, of Austin, Mississippi,was married at the First Presbyterian churchlast night to Miss Jessie Murphy, of this city.

Dr Sntder has fresh vaccine matter fromthe cow. orders at his house or atJones's druit stare, between ten and twelveo'clock dai'y.

The L;ttl Rock Democrat, of Ihe fifth,that Afcsr.. J. R. Miller and J. W.

Cochran, of Memphis, deeply interested inseveral L;tt!e Rock enterprises, arrived onthat rcor&ine'a train.


Occasioned by Ihe frematnre I!acherae of a Torpedo Cost Jait

three Hundred ThoataadDollars.

Bradford, Pa , May 6 R?w City, avillage ten miles. Irom Bradford, composedof abdt one hundred houses, was entirelydestroyed, not one building remaining. Theextent c.f the territory bemir so great it isimpossible to get ct the exact amount ofproperty destroyed. The fito is now undercontrol. It is ist'm 'ted that Ibrea hundredderricks aud great quantities ot oil have beenconsumed. Tbe 'o will reanh three hun-dred thousand dollars, witn no insurance, fx-c?- pt

a small amount on the buikiicgs in Rewcity. The report of several mn bing in-

jured by glycerine exp'osiou is unfounded.

Ae other 'allure.San Francisco May 6. D. G. Yost &

C) , stock broker?, fail d L'abilities,one bondrcd ard ten thousand doliert.


1st. Mais and VieStebiir IniUnr l.toer. Mall FOR CAIhO AND 6T. LOUIS.

City of fSelna, guM'Kee master.

Will leave the Anchor Llnewharfbont TEI3 DAT.May 7th, at 5 p m. Kor frelgut or passage applyto. AD STOHM. Hunt mi wi.irtoni.

FOR NEW OKLEANS.Southern Transportation Line Kor Vicksburg,

Natchez aud New Orleans-Steam- er

i; olden CityJ. D. Begler mater I Adsfm Waylaid clerkWin leave as above THIS DAY, May 7th, at 6 p.m.

For freight or passage, apply toJ. T. WASHINGTON, Agant, 814 Front, a.

at. Lnil. and Mew Orleans Anchor l.laeFor Vicksburg, Natchez and Iew Orleans .'teamer

Tallies ISoward, qJas n. Pepjier master.

Will leave the Auchor-ltn- e wharftxvt S.4TCRDAT,May 8th, at 5 p.m. Kor freight or passage apply to

AO STORM. fi"P't on whHrfboat.

FOR VICKSBDKUMr. Loblsacd Vlrk4harc Anehwe Line

Coiled. H'ste. n.il-f- O riCKSBUKO.

City of Vicl hnrjjFlem. Calvert master.

Will leave the Anchor Line wharfboat FHID4T,May 7th, at 10 a.m. For freight or pasage applyto AO STOHM. Hup't.

FOK ARKANSAS RlVtH.Mempbls and Pine Bluff U. e. Mall Line. For Pine

Bluff. Little ltock. and through to Fort Smith Str.

Iatie Siwoer,Ed. Nowlanl master I J. N. Tbompon clerk

Leaves as above SATURDAY, May 8th, at B p.m.For freight or passage apply to

JOHN N. H HBIN. i!r't. 9Q9U Front tFOR CO.V1M&RCE DAILY".

Tbe Elegant Accommodating Bends Packet,

Silvertiiorii, jE3&H Tf. Whitehead. ..master I Nell Booker clerk

Leaves Memphis Daily, at 5 o'clock p.m. Forfreight o. e ap;ly on board, or

Ko. 3 MBrtt.on .treet


Memphis & White River Packet.Berwlar Independent Tleciphls and

White Blver Packet For Augusta. Jacksonport" Searcy, aud way points. Tbe reguiar Independent. Packet

Ed. C Postal master I Charles Postal clerkWill leave Memphis EV'EHY WEDNESDAY, at

6 p.m. t or rre!ni or passage appir tB. W. LIOHTBtrBNE,

No. 7 Monroe --t, opp. Peabody hatel


Memphis & Ohio River,iPAGKET COiriPANYii


Cairo, Louisville and CincinnatiHTEAHERs

ANDY B1CM, COSS MILLAR.JAMES W. GAFF, VIM SHISKLE,JAS. D. PARKER, VlltfcilE LEE.Steamers of tbls line leave Mempbls for CAIRO,

LOUISVILLE AMD cirtcixtrtAiiMondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

AT 5 OCLOCK P.M.,Connecting at Cincinnati Jftth Railroads and Steam

ers tor auEastern, Northern and Western Points,



Eastern tourists will Dnd tbe La Belle Blver RomeSate, Delightful and Economical. Bates by tbls lineCheaper than any other nrst-clas- s route, jueaia andStaterooms Free. Baggage checked through.tsvPassengers can rely on a splendid trip by tblsinn. as the steamers are all first-clas- s, baving beenxpressly built for the accommodation or passen- -ers. acn steamer carries a iuii omus douu.For full Information, apply to

R. W. LIGHTBTJRNK,General Freight and Ticket Agent,

. fin. 7 Mnnim trt. Momrtht.,

FOR ST. FRANCIS R1VKR.Mempbls and St. Francis U. S. Mail Line steamer

Uatesviiie.O. K. Joplln master A. L. Banning cierkLeaves Memphis TUESDAY and FRIDAY, 6 p.m.,for Marianna, the Cut-of- f and all Intermediate land-ings. For freight or passage applv on board, or to

I. n misrriAl.i, ann'r

FOit OSCEOLA.Trl-Week- ly D.m. Null racket-F- or Kan-doip- b,

Fultou, Osceola and way landings Str.Osceola lielle,

Henry Cooper master I Wra. Smltbers c erKWill leave Mempbls every MONDAY, WEDNESDAYand FRIDAY, at 6 p.m. For Information apply onboard, or to Nn. 8 Madison street.

LEE LINE STEAMERS.For fcilendale, Helena and riara fotat

Jainea Lee, Zsg&z.Slack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow .. .clerk

Will leave as above on everyMONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 4 P.m.fw No. S ManUon fnt.FOR ARKANSAS CITY & GREENVILLE.AdaniM Ncal-wrrkl- y I . f. n.u l.i.eFor Arkansas City, Pine Bluff Railroad, Greenville,

and all way landings Tbe elegant steamer

Ouacliita llelle, 43Hark R. Cheek master I A. L. CnmmlDB... clerkLeaves as above EVERY MONDAY and THURS-

DAY, at R pm (1W. dn. Hllinl't.FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS.

Afllr UAKHV MSK.Hesapkia White Klver aad Atlaekt BlverV. (. Mall Packet.For Indian Bay, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devoirs

Bluff, Dea Arc, Augusta, Jacksonport, West Point,Searcy, Batesvllle, Powhattaa, and Pocahontas.Tbe new steamer

aosie Harry, .M. R. Harry, captain. Walker Outlaw, clerk.

Leaves Mempbls on and after November 2d, everySATURDAY, at 5 p.m., connecting direct with thenew Black river U. S. mall packet MILT HARRY forPowbattan and Pocahontas, and wltb Dally Packetsto Batesvlile and Upt'er White river.

Tbrougb tates to all points.Freight consigned to Milt Harry Line, Mempbls or

Terrene will be promptly forwarded.Offiee, No R Mn.ii.nn street

FANCY DYEING.Dress liti, anU cluLLiiii Uyed mdirll'lort; t rnfe VoiU l)ve-i- .

DRY CLEANING.Dretises. m nit fibnea ci;uteti without ripcin; or

removiDg (he triiumiu. The nio-.- t el choraleAnd thtttncal drt-ti- sue thus tleg.utly cleaned.WM.Il.TE.SIALI"2e6 Walnut St., Cincinnatlr QBijj uim lt ivi a i u a b iji i .ti ijciirtl.

Coniitf at Lastj.


Aa Infallible Care aad Preventive forYellaw-reve- r and all Malarial aad

Coataglsas tMaeasea.

DR. Wm. CAWElrFs CHILL CUREFor Chill, and wiag Fever.

Six doses will break tbe worst type of Chills andFever, it directions are strictly followed.

iy These remedies are narelr voietable. andcontain nothing poisonous.

W. M. WLLkKHSON C CU.,Wboleuale Drngglsts,

834 Main street, Mempbla. Tenn


v - ,f


OF THE! AGE.Safe. Certain, Sure and Speedy.

NEYERFAILS TO CURE .The only article knownihat Will

esacffeerfelhis diseasepermanentlyXvoxxz system.


General Agents,RICHARDSON S. CO.







IS prepared to do kinds of In tbls line Inthorough manner; especial

attention toami Building Connections.

Also, large stock of r'lXTTKKH,Gas. Water-nttlngsa- Fixtures. Pumps,H iee, Bathtubs, etc Bis large force of compe-te- dt

All work warranted. Agent theHalladay WIND-MILL- S. solicited.


Madison Street.


AND ALL DISEASES OF THE TIIKOAT AND LU.NGS.l'nt DI In Quart rtizn Sioitlea for Fatally

TTtTTXT DON'T BE DECB1VEO BY TJNPRINCIPLTD DSALER3 WHO TRY TOU J- - J. VJ LN . palm off upon you Rock and hye In tlace of cur ToLU. ROCK AND

which Is the only GENUINE medicated article made, having tiovernineut Stamp on tachKxtraet from Report of the Commlnsloaer of Internal Bevenae.

TREASURY DEPARTMEN T. Office of Intemul Revenue, Washington, D. C. January 2rJ, 18S0.LAWRENCE MARTIN, 111 Madison CblCHgo. Gentlemen : nave received "a

certified formula," giving tbe Ingredients and relative proportions ued tn tbe msnutacture of an articlewbt b you advertise and under tbe name ot " TOLU, ROCK AMU BYS " Tbls compound, accordingto your formula. In tbe opinion or thlsotnce, would bave sumslent quantity ot tbe BiLSAM OF TOLUto give It all tbe advanlasies ascribed to tbls article in pectoral complaints, while the Whisky theSyrup eontUute an emulsion renaerlng the compound an agreeable remedy to the patient. In iheoulnlonof this oQlce, nn atllcle compounded according to tbls formula, progrcrly be clacstd Bi medicinalpreparation un ter the proisloiis of ScUedule A, following Section :)4 I7, United Hevl-e- d Statutes,and when so !itain:ed be -- old by Drui'glt. Apolbecai les and other persons, without themliable to if.y rueciat tix as dealers. Yours respectfully,

bKCU' U Bllin, Connltiilaeer.LiYKE.CE & MARriX, 111 Madison street, ttic9g:i.

tay-Hu- ld In .ItiDpily by all Uraif elHt h, t.roeer. and Wine Merebaais generally;


at Wholesale by . MAXBHKLP A1 f . It --i wtf on)lf'1h. teffe

n2 S M fc U a B B H II




H. uavu m. Malllvan.

Oar L BAINEY devotes his wnoie time to


Jno. W. IS.

ANDKJLIVHew vrleans,

Nos. 356 Front

--t A. 3




worka and sanitary gives

Sewerbas a UAfl

Steam anda



(l A

BYE,a bottle.

Messrs street, I


may aStales



f f


lEOHT'EOOPHTGFor Buildings ofall

For circulars and prices address


JOHN MAM'llIE.ien'lIQfl Main Wentpfcla.TVnn

LACLEDE HOTEL,5th, 6th and Chestnut Sts

ST. XOUIS, : : : MO.KANkflSI rgUKA" a

MOSE3 H1LLABD J. H. CUAAINGRatks--2 RO and ?3 per day

rrvTTTCJ T A TJTTT, mar te found on file at Oeoi11UO X p. Rnwell & Co'. KewnpaperA(tvertmtn(r Bureau 10 Spruce St. I. where advertising

may lie maae lor it 131 isuw luatvi

1 or Coughs, BronchitisAsthma aud Consumption.

CO., J. I. It I X f A CO. bad ..mn.if.fi nri--r' plrM.



tm. Clara. n. j.Clarsu

.tie WeLglHrw and Sale or Cotton intrusted to

rays 20O to 500 Per Cent. Proflt onthe Investment. All Farmers shouldtry lu Guaranteed to pay. Send torCirculars and l'rices to

HUNEINS.I... Cotliu. Jtt. u. II ail

1. U.





Suits Made to Order!GOODS 7? PRICES

305 MAIN ST.

M. GAVIN" &Wholesale Grocers. Cotton Factors,

Aad Commission Merchants,3 3 3 tardea. ITront stroot, aiom rla.lg

"r pnHW, w na.n onr own i r rnn warannntA, pfirnpf wjaninamn r-- v wonn.



SOO anil 311 Monih xlreet Mt I nnis. Itliaannri

lillarl.BILMBD, COFFII & 00,

Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers,



- 1 TT r -











. i










neaiplrla. aaeaaphfa


Stewart Brothers & Co.,

St., Memphis, Tenn.






Wines, Liquors and Cigars, i



wenstein I Bros.FIXi: CHKniNE-Trimni- ed with Torchon Inserllon and Kdg-infi- :,

prettily tncKed, at 75 ctnttuSO DUZ.TI t'KKl) CIIKIIK Ti iranied with llatnbni-j- ; Inser-

tion ana 7iubrie II a file, at 50 cents.75 DOZ. MDIEV TUCKEU NKillT.H-t.oodcl- olh aad shape, 50e.TL'CKi;!) Bl'FFLED SKI BT.l--53 cents.CA311SUIC HlTFFs I MilUT8-KleRan- tly trimmed with Lace

Insertion and Edging:, 91 ".05 JLOZ. ItOHIQ SlfGHT HO WNH-Tuc- ked and rallied dowu the

f ro ii t.fgood quality and well made, at 75 ceats.50 IiZ. YOKK CaOtVJVM KlalMrateI trimmed with finellant--bar- s

Insertion and Edging. 1.35 UOZ. JSIBK OWV-Ext- ra qoRlity mid flnisb. tucked and

trimmed with handsome Insertion and Edging downthe front, at 1 50 worth S3 5U.

TUL'IiED IHUWERS-Ttimm- ed with neat Embroidery. .'Of .

llA.MSOtlEI.Y TRinjJEll 1II WEU -- luble rnRle ot Em-broidery and Insertion, Jjll 25 wrlh $1 75.

BR11aIj )ETt Tbreepieees trimmed with I'nfTs and iineL.acelatent noveltie.

IiADlE' AiA.W. SACQCE-- in great variety.

CORSETS! CORSETS! CORSETS!French handmade Crrvts I Worm Corsets ! Tbe superb Corset perfect fitting and embroidered In silk, SI

HAIE-CLOT- H BUSTLES from 75 cents up. UO0P SKIRTS new shape.

INFANTS' WEAK!Great attractions this weeic. Infants' Bobes, Infants' Slips, Infants' Phot Drese, Infants' Lace

Dresses, Infanta' Pique LongCioaks. Infants' Lace Caps-a- ll at very lonprloob talswertat


wami Straw Me? 1

Kirkland's Unlaundried Shirts, 6 for $5.Kirkland's Best Unlaundried Shirts, $1 each

T. jVT. Al'KTilEBas given these goods his Special Attention, and can assure bis customers of Barcalna.

Kirkland's Undershirts, 50 cents each.Kirkland's Linen Drawers---fine- st and best.



0L0TIM6To be found anywhere. Beat 3Iake. Cholcpst styles.

Lowest Prices.

VESNDIG-- ,l.(a. Large at.elc hand for Wholesale Trade, ta

wale a. the atteatl.a of Herehaata la directed.

School Books!

Ilia Aa P SiBooksellers, Stationers, Blankbook Manuf'rs


well as!.ortrd stock of Blaak d Hrko.l tlwhw. Mratleaery. Kie.. Kte., which woofTr at VTJUV L- - W KMiima, pm-- Prompt attention i"n t order. t


. . I




The Kinir of Warhlnes

31. C.



iiamiomk'st line of

vr ATN ST.Blank Books!


AND- -

J.B. ALDRICH&COWholesale and Retail Dealers all klndg3

SEWING MACHINES!And Seirin-Machin- e Uoods.




TcnneNtaL.. It.






fy Agent for the Celebrated V; tlarver Uttnn-itwi.JF- 1













Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,io. 258 Front' Street, Slempbis, Tenn.

KT Particular Attewtton Paid to the Nal ot Cotton.!

J. T. FARGASQWiiolesale Grocers and Cotton Factors.

369 Front street, Memphis, Tennessee,an is

Cotton Factors and Commission MerchantsltH tiiravier street, Acw Orleans. L,a.

TTTIE HAVE OPENED A PEBHANENT BBANCH OUR HOUSE NEW ORLEANS MEET TillV V want. f our tra.-t- erinste-nment- . of emtnn h..e eitrftil ,tp.rlnn

j. R. uuir iM. D. JBULL1XS. Jr.

GODWIN k CO.Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants

33G Front street, cor. Union, Hempliis.Part i I atten t Ion riven tohe handilngof cotton while In atted

m-- m KA!MA n C K--




S. Jl


ATand will


arat. n,



1rail ho.OIilTjg T bJ3

Grocers, Cotton Factors,AND SAZ.T AGENTS,

Union street. : : ; : Mempliis, Tenn.