immanuel evangelical lutheran next shoe will drop? many people...

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church Vol. 89, No. 12 Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin December, 2014 Dear Friends in Christ, I wanted to begin with a humorous story, but I’m not feeling it today. So this is what is on my heart! It doesn’t take very long to learn of tragedy and chaos around the world. Last week, the horrendous killing of an American aid worker in Syria along with a dozen soldiers came to us in a mille-second as it was released on the internet to go world-wide. It seems it was meant to somehow intimidate, send fear and shock to those who watched it. Decades ago, we believed we lived in a world that did not have to be concerned with this kind of violence, yet this lack of peace continues to encroach upon us as we see our safety come into question. As Christians, it is hard to be the forgiving and caring person God called us to be through Jesus Christ. We wonder how we can forgive and especially forget. Radio, TV, Internet, conversation with our neighbors all are part of a communication system that travels very quickly—No time to think or react—No time to absorb or to emotionally respond—No time to forgive or to trust the One who can help us forgive. When these difficult events take place, we tend to compartmentalize, remembering only the amount we can handle, not taking home with us that which we cannot handle. When we don’t deal with this, our home lives and work lives begin to suffer. How can we do our jobs without looking over our shoulders, wondering when the next shoe will drop? Many people in our society are breaking—people who seem perfectly normal, without a care in the world break. We too struggle and wonder how we can forgive? How can we trust again? God’s Word comes to us from Psalm 4: Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer! O men, how long shall my honor be turned into shame? How long will You love vain words and seek after lies? But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for Himself; the LORD hears when I call to Him. Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the LORD. There are many who say, “Who will show us some good? Lift up the light of Your face upon us, O LORD!” You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound. In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” “In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety”. Nice prayer! YAHWAH’s words and YAHWAH’s actions give us peace! Now may the Peace which passes all human understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Jesus brings forgiveness—Jesus brings trust and peace. In a few days we will celebrate Thanksgiving and then Advent and Christmas—for Christians this is a time of peace and reminders of the Good News we hang our hats on. Peace be with you. Pastor John Grohs Reminders: Thanksgiving worship November 26 at 6:00 p.m. Advent services begin on Wednesday, December 3 rd at 6:00 p.m. Readings and Carols will be our theme as our choirs lead us on December 21 st at 8:45 and 10:30. The Story continues on Sundays after Christmas on January 4 th . We will have New Year’s Eve worship on December 31, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Open to all our congregation. Diane and Scott Reetz, Tara and Nick Barrett will be going to Guatemala the first week in January. Sharon Riedel is retiring on December 31 st . There will be an appropriate gathering—stay tuned. Please pray for our transition to a new office Secretary.

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Page 1: Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran next shoe will drop? Many people in our society are breaking—people who seem perfectly normal, wi thout a care in

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church Vol. 89, No. 12 Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin December, 2014

Dear Friends in Christ, I wanted to begin with a humorous story, but I’m not feeling it today. So this is what is on my heart! It doesn’t take very long to learn of tragedy and chaos around the world. Last week, the horrendous killing of an American aid worker in Syria along with a dozen soldiers came to us in a mille-second as it was released on the internet to go world-wide. It seems it was meant to somehow intimidate, send fear and shock to those who watched it. Decades ago, we believed we lived in a world that did not have to be concerned with this kind of violence, yet this lack of peace continues to encroach upon us as we see our safety come into question. As Christians, it is hard to be the forgiving and caring person God called us to be through Jesus Christ. We wonder how we can forgive and especially forget. Radio, TV, Internet, conversation with our neighbors all are part of a communication system that travels very quickly—No time to think or react—No time to absorb or to emotionally respond—No time to forgive or to trust the One who can help us forgive. When these difficult events take place, we tend to compartmentalize, remembering only the amount we can handle, not taking home with us that which we cannot handle. When we don’t deal with this, our home lives and work lives begin to suffer. How can we do our jobs without looking over our shoulders, wondering when the next shoe will drop? Many people in our society are breaking—people who seem perfectly normal, without a care in the world break. We too struggle and wonder how we can forgive? How can we trust again? God’s Word comes to us from Psalm 4:

“Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be graciou s to me and hear my prayer! O men, how long shall my honor be turned i nto shame? How long will You love vain words and seek after lies? But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for Himself; the L ORD hears when I call to Him. Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Offer right sacrifices, and p ut your trust in the LORD. There are many who say, “Who will show u s some good? Lift up the light of Your face upon us, O LORD!” You ha ve put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine a bound. In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O LORD , make me dwell in safety.”

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety”. Nice prayer! YAHWAH’s words and YAHWAH’s actions give us peace! Now may the Peace which passes all human understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Jesus brings forgiveness—Jesus brings trust and peace. In a few days we will celebrate Thanksgiving and then Advent and Christmas—for Christians this is a time of peace and reminders of the Good News we hang our hats on. Peace be with you.

Pastor John Grohs Reminders:

• Thanksgiving worship November 26 at 6:00 p.m. • Advent services begin on Wednesday, December 3rd at 6:00 p.m. • Readings and Carols will be our theme as our choirs lead us on December 21st at 8:45 and 10:30. • The Story continues on Sundays after Christmas on January 4th. • We will have New Year’s Eve worship on December 31, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Open to all our

congregation. • Diane and Scott Reetz, Tara and Nick Barrett will be going to Guatemala the first week in January. • Sharon Riedel is retiring on December 31st. There will be an appropriate gathering—stay tuned.

Please pray for our transition to a new office Secretary.

Page 2: Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran next shoe will drop? Many people in our society are breaking—people who seem perfectly normal, wi thout a care in

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold,

I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” ~Luke 2:10

Good News!

Good News! After much prayer and deliberation, Robyn and I have decided to return the call to Golden Valley Lutheran and continue ministry here at Immanuel. It is good news for those here at Immanuel, but was not the news the members of Golden Valley wanted to hear, which then begs the question is it really good news? What makes the news good? In many cases in today’s society what is good news for one person is often bad news for the other and in reality there seems to be more bad news floating around out there than good lately. This world really needs to hear some good news! Thankfully, we all have some good news we can share…it’s good news of great joy and it is for all people. It is the good news of Jesus. Jesus is for all people in all places at all times. Jesus is the one who came to this earth for the purpose of redeeming all people from their sins so that all who believe in Him would have not die an eternal death but through Him have eternal life. That is good news that all people can celebrate.

With Thanksgiving now behind us, we turn our attention to Advent and to Christmas. The time of preparing for the celebration of Christ’s birth, for the coming of the Savior into the world and the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises. I invite you to take a moment in the midst of your Christmas preparations, whether it be putting up decorations, purchasing and wrapping gifts or baking cookies for the 4th annual Ritter Christmas Open House on Saturday, December 13th, (Shameless plug) to take time to remember what it is and why it is we have reason to celebrate. I am not at all worried about sounding cliché because it is the truth. Jesus is the reason for the season! The reason we celebrate, the reason we worship, the reason we have hope. That, my friends in Christ, is good news!

In Service of the Savior! Pastor Tim

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Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

As always, there is a lot happening this month at Immanuel! We just sent out College Care Packages (many thanks to those of you who helped with this ministry) and, as many of you are aware, the time is drawing near for the annual Youth Cookie Bake! Cookies will be available for purchase/pick-up on Sunday, December 14th between services in the fellowship hall; $6 for one dozen frosted, $5 for one dozen unfrosted. Please check this newsletter and your weekly announcements for a cookie order form to ensure that you get some! We also have a few opportunities to spread some Christmas cheer in the Wisconsin Rapids community: Monday, December 15th you’re invited to carol at The Renaissance. Contact Thea Hanson for more information. Lessons and Carols will be Sunday, December 21st, and our children will be joining the Choirs to lead part of our worship that morning. The School Christmas program is Monday, December 22nd, and then of course our Christmas Worship services: Christmas Eve 3 p.m., 6 p.m. (A special family service designed for young ones), 10:30 p.m. (our candle-light service), as well as 9 a.m. worship on Christmas Day.

As you prepare for Christmas, please keep in mind the wonderful ideas that Advent Conspiracy has been teaching us over the past couple years (Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, and Love All) and look for some family devotion ideas in your weekly announcements. As we all strive to Love All, I encourage you to participate once again in our Penny War. This year it’s going to be Boys vs. Girls, and everything we collect will be given to the Family Center.

November 30th-December 21st, there will be two containers in the narthex at Immanuel. You can support your side by placing pennies into the corresponding container. You can also attempt to thwart the other’s progress by placing any non-penny currency into their container. At the end of each week, the monies will be counted (pennies counting for positive points, and all other currency worth negative its value). Be sure to pay attention

to the announcements each week as we will keep you apprised of the progress. Then, on Sunday, December 28th we will be having a congregational family fun night to celebrate! If the boys win, we will be doing a video game night (with a few different consoles going and many other options). If the girls win, the activities will have a variety of family craft projects. We are very aware that many people do not fall into these stereotypes, so feel free to

place your pennies according to gender OR your activity preference. No matter which ‘team’ wins, there will be fun for the entire family, so please plan to join us! I look forward to truly embracing Christmas with you in the coming month! I pray that we all take time to praise and thank God for the many blessings He’s shared with us – especially the gift of His Son – and that we use this time to share the hope and joy we have in our Savior, when it’s so easy to get caught up in the stress of the season. I pray that you all have a very blessed Christmas season! Thank you for being a part of the wonderful family that is Immanuel Lutheran Church!

God’s Peace and Blessings,

Tara Barrett, DCE

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Inspired Report for the first 8 months of our Inspi red Journey!

We remember before our God and Father your work pro duced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance INSPIRED by hope in our Lo rd Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 1:3

Your Inspired efforts at Immanuel continue to bring exciting changes in God’s Kingdom as we journey forward. Here are a several comments overheard recently:

• “Things at church are getting better and it’s good to see and experience.” • “This Story is really good. I love how it’s written.” • “Our church continues to get friendlier every week.” • “It’s fun to see LG in front of the congregation asking us to help with community needs.” • “The NLSA presentation was inspiring as God has blessed us!”

Goals are being worked and completed—here are a few: redesigned website; increased enrollment Immanuel’s school ministry of 17; two mission trips completed and two more planned; technology upgrade at church/school office and in our classrooms; weekly offering has increased; Immanuel’s school ministry achieved NLSA accreditation this fall; baptisms continue to grow in 2014; an AV upgrade for recording at church; power door openers at church; more people are taking advantage of Joyful Response and online giving. All and all, we are continuing to “Share the Good News of Jesus, Grow in Faith and Serve Community.” Nice Job!!! To make these goals a reality, we knew we needed to fund the mission. Dreams are simply dreams until they are made concrete and funded. To do the kind of ministry that we are doing takes commitment of time and investment of our resources on our part. The rewards are great as we see families being transformed by the Gospel of Jesus and relationships are built. Thank you for your commitment and your investment. So, here are some of our investments over the last 8 months. Remember that our financial goal for this 2 year journey was $2.4 million. All of our general offerings, Inspired offerings, school and tuition count toward our goal. So here goes for the first 8 months (March 16th - November 16th): Offerings were $478,618 and Tuition was $239,941 for a total of $718,559. Eight months is 1/3 of our 2 year journey and so if we only assume the same for the next 16 months, our total would be $2,155,667. This means we would be short of our goal by $244,323 or $122,163 a year. We see this as a success as we are improving each week. This means year two will be even better. We also are aware that December is ahead of us and all of you are very generous in December. There are several good points we should consider. Weekly offerings have increased by over $2000 per week so far this year. This is a good sign and an ever increasing amount is coming from our automated giving (Joyful Response). We increased our number of school choice enrollment by 17 (26 total). All this has helped and we are thankful. In February, we have a celebration of sorts as we commit to “Continue Strong”. There will be those who did not get involved, but may be moved by the Spirit to change that. There will be those who may choose to invest more. There will be our new members who have committed to our effort. Watch out as with God’s Inspiration, the results can be overwhelming! We can encourage those who did not get involved in the inspired effort to change that and look for over and above ways to help. We can look at our own giving and ask the question, is there a way I can help even more. Our new members have asked about this effort and we are informing them. You see, we can choose to “Continue the Inspired Journey and do it well!” We are seeking to honor God with our response. Prayerfully consider where you are in this journey and how God is using your generosity to build His kingdom.

Inspired in Christ,

Brian Betts, Tony Belanger, Quinn Hansen, Jon Lee, Pastor John

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Board of Directors Meeting – November 17, 2014

Dale Dix called the meeting to order at 6:30.

Pastor Tim opened with devotion and prayer.

Approval of Minutes from October 20, 2014: Motion by Ron Karnatz, second by Jon Lee to approve minutes. Motion carried. Official Acts: Motion to accept by Pastor John, second by Ron Karnatz. Motion carried.

Pastor John, Pastor Tim and Tara Barrett’s reports are available.

Pastor Tim reported the 2015 Live Your Faith Live event will be held Friday, May 1st, 2015.

Treasurer’s Report: Jon Lee reviewed the new format of the Treasurer’s Report and explained many of the different options available with the new software. It is a work in progress and the board is liking what it has seen. Treasurer’s report and Financial Secretary’s report are available. President's Report: Nothing to report this month.

Principal’s Report, Minutes from the November 3rd Day School Board Meeting, and Day School Child Care Report are available. Final profits from the Fun Fest held Friday, November 14, we're not available; but Brian reported attendance was good. Lois Gellerman’s Human Care report is available.

Caitlin Shuda reported for Discipleship: Incourage Community Foundation will be sponsoring an event Thursday, November 20th, to share information on our community contained in a Vital Signs report and how this information is helpful to all concerned with our community. An invitation was extended to anyone available to attend. She is also looking into a Silent Greeter program some churches are using. Greeters are available in the narthex, but their identity is not known. Ron Karnatz advised help is needed to decorate the church for Christmas on November 29th.

Tony Belanger reported for Stewardship and shared the picture which will be used to track our Inspired Journey. Old Business: None New Business: Pastor John reported we are in need of updated audio video equipment for recording church services. A much better sound system and new cameras are needed for a quality presentation for all who view these services. Motion by Jon Lee, second by Lois Gellerman: Pastor John and Ron Karnatz to look for and purchase equipment to update Immanuel’s audio video system at a cost not to exceed $5000.00. Money to come from the Dedicated Worship Account. Motion carried. A load test will be done to the church elevator at a cost of $975.00. In the future, this test will be done at the same time the school elevator is tested. Motion to adjourn made at 7:41 by Tony Belanger, second by Jon Lee. Motion carried. Members Present: Pastor John, Pastor Tim, Brian Betts, Tim Sullivan, Dale Dix, Tony Belanger, Lois Gellerman, Ron Karnatz, Jon Lee, Caitlin Shuda and Pauline Szelagowski. Members Absent: Amy Stromley & Paul Vollert. Respectfully Submitted, Pauline Szelagowski, Recording Secretary

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Items from the various organizations and committees need to be ready and handed in by FRIDAY, December 12, 2014, for the JANUARY 2015 NEWSLETTER. You may send or bring your articles to the church office, 111 11th Street North, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, call 715-423-3260 or email them to [email protected]. Thank you.

The Renaissance and Harmony House

Pastor John and Pastor Tim will have a Bible Study/Chapel Service December 11 at Harmony House (2 p.m.) and The Renaissance (2:45 p.m.). If you or a family member is a resident at these places, we invite you to attend.


Blood Pressure Screenings are being offered the second Sunday of the month by our nurses, who are members of our congregation. They will be available in the narthex of the church on Sunday, December 14 following the early service

and before the 10:30 a.m. worship service to check your blood pressure. Thank you for helping in this worthwhile project for our members.

4th Annual Christmas Open House

Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, December 13 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to come to the 4th Annual Christmas Open House at Pastor Tim and Robyn Ritter’s, 2810 Brahmstead Circle in the Town of Grand Rapids. Come enjoy some fellowship with your Immanuel family, share your hunting stories or any other stories you like while enjoying a wide array of Christmas goodies. Come and go as you please, even if you stay for a minute or two, we welcome all into our home. No need to RSVP or bring anything, just bring yourselves.

Holidays are upon us and we want to remember our homebound friends with the traditional poinsettia plant. We need your help to deliver them and at this time we are anticipating to have them for Sunday, December 7. Stop down to the church fellowship hall and take a Christmas card made out with their name and address and a plant to deliver to them. And as you deliver the plant visit with the person for a little while. Start your Christmas season taking cheer and a smile to someone by picking up one today so the plant can be enjoyed! Thank you for your help.

Blessed Christmas, Lois Gellerman, Director of Human Care and Nancy Starr, Project Compassion


If you have a change of address, please phone the church office immediately at 715-423-3260 or let us know by mail that you are moving or have moved. We pay for each newsletter that is returned for change of address from the post office. They DO NOT FORWARD BULK MAIL. For those of you who have email please call the church office with your email address as we are moving towards emailing your newsletter to reduce our costs of printing and mailing. Thank you in helping us. We will still send out to those who do not have an email.

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Worship Services Advent season begins with Sunday, November 30 and we will have Advent worship services on Wednesday evening, December 3rd, December 10th and December 17th at 6 p.m. with Holy Communion. These services will be different from the services on Sunday morning of November 30, December 7, 14, and 21 at 8:45 and 10:30 a.m. The Immanuel Church Choir and school children will present Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 21 at both services. Christmas Eve worship services will be 3:00, 6:00 and 10:30 p.m. with Holy Communion at all services and Christmas Day at 10:00 a.m. with Holy Communion.

Caroling at The Renaissance This is our fourth year of caroling at The Renaissance, 1500 Pepper Avenue on Monday, December 15 at 6:15 p.m. in the dining room. If you’ve come in the past years, you would agree that we all enjoy the evening visiting with the people. God has blessed us with this opportunity of bringing cheer and happiness to others. Call Thea Hanson with questions at 715-423-5329.

Don Getzlaff’s 100th Birthday You are invited to come and celebrate with Don his 100th birthday at Immanuel Lutheran Church in the Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, December 6 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Bring a memory of Don and Stella to share.

“In The Spirit of the Season” You are invited to join the ladies of Evening Guild for their Christmas Dinner at Bull’s Eye Country Club on Tuesday, December 9 at 6 p.m. Dinner menu is Grilled Chicken Breast with Mushroom-Sage Sauce, Cranberry Rice Pilaf and Amaretto-Butter Acorn Squash, Side Salad, Roll and Beverage for $18 which includes gratuity and tax. Rochelle Pennington, Award-winning Newspaper Columnist and Author will present stories behind our most loved Christmas Hymns and Carols. RSVP by Friday, November 28 to Dottie Appel 715-423-2226.

Casual Get-Together Lunch The Casual Get-Together Lunch will meet on Monday, December 15 at 11:30 a.m. at Perkins for those who have lost their spouses. Invite friends and other members, who have lost their spouses to come and join us for a brief devotion and great time of fellowship and lunch. If you have questions please call Lenora Fletcher at 715-423-7994.


The Immanuel Prayer Group meets every Sunday from 10 – 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary of the church and we need you to join us too! Come and pray for our church, our community, our country, and your special needs. Come and go as you are able! God CAN do immeasurable more than all we can ask or imagine! Ephesians 3:20.


Ladies Quilters meet Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. in the lower level of the church. Come and join the ladies and help with the quilting project. The ladies will not

meet December 23 and 30 but will resume on January 6, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. They will be happy to help you and show you what to do. The ladies are always in need of inner material for liners such as bedding, mattress pads, electric blankets, and old blankets. Please bring to the lower level of the church and mark for QUILTING. To make at home these are the quilting directions: Recommended fabric: cotton, cotton blends, twill, corduroy, fleece, and bamboo. Finished size: 62 X 82. Seam allowance: ½ inch or more. Tops/backing can be made from whole pieces of fabric or any type of patchwork pattern of smaller pieces: examples are twelve 21-inch squares; forty-eight 11-inch squares; or use rectangles or create your own. (Make sure there are no stains or holes in the fabric).

Ladies Aid Christmas Party The ladies will meet Wednesday, December 10 at 11:30 a.m. at Gracie’s Restaurant for the Christmas Party Dinner. Ladies please bring a $5.00 liquid gift exchange.

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Board of Directors Meeting – November 17, 2014

Our Mission Statement “Immanuel Lutheran Church and School exists to shar e the love of Jesus Christ, grow in faith and serve community.”

Our Vision Statement

“Immanuel Lutheran Church and School seeks to be a joy filled, Christ centered family, equipped, encouraged and empowered for acts of love as we honor God throughout the community.” The Board of Directors Minutes from November 17, 2014 is included in this newsletter.

Officers of the Congregation

President, Tim Sullivan 715-347-7697 Vice-President, Dale Dix 715-424-1409 Treasurer, Jon Lee 715-421-1373 Recording Secretary, Pauline Szelagowski 715-423-0767 Financial Secretary, (Vacant)

Directors Of Ministries Ministry of Christian Day Sch. Paul Vollert 715-570-6455 Ministry of Discipleship, Caitlin Shuda 715-424-3170 Ministry of Human Care, Lois Gellerman 715-421-5829 Ministry of Outreach, (Vacant) Ministry of Parish Ed, (Vacant) Ministry of Property, Dennis Hall (Temporary) 715-569-3995 Ministry of Stewardship, Tony Belanger 715-213-7823 Ministry of Worship, Ron Karnatz 715-421-5691 Ministry of Youth, Amy Stromley 715-423-3992

Board of Elders

Cliff Starr 715-424-2614 Merlyn Koopman, Dennis Martin, John Sawaska, Irv Vollert, and Brian Hanson

Auxiliaries Evening Guild, Diane Reetz 715-424-2824 Ladies Aid, LaVerne Habeck 715-423-4092 Men’s Club, Charles Karnatz 715-423-6471

Professional Staff The Rev. John K. Grohs, Senior Pastor 715-423-3260 The Rev. Timothy M. Ritter, Associate Pastor 715-423-3260 Tara Barrett, DCE 715-423-3260 Mr. Brian Betts, Principal 715-423-0272 Mr. Ted Voelker, Athletic Director 715-423-0272 Church Office Number – 111 11th St. N. 715-423-3260 School Office Number – 111 11th St. N. 715-423-0272 Church Phone Number – 160 8th St. N. 715-423-5190 Pastor John’s Phone Number 715-410-4160 Pastor Tim’s Phone Number 715-558-4054 (Land lines must dial “1” first for both Pastors’ Phone Numbers)


Please have your reports emailed or brought in to the Church Secretary by Wednesday, December 10 to be included for the Board Meeting on Monday, December 15 at 4:30 p.m. (NOTE TIME CHANGE due to Caroling at The Renaissance).


The Board of Directors is seeking to update and revise our constitution. We had 18 people at the scheduled forums. The major updates/revisions are the following: 1) The Board of Directors [BOD] will be reduced in number and elected by the congregation. The BOD will be concerned with vision, property and finance; 2) Ministry Board Chairpersons will now be appointed by the Board of Directors and serve with staff on a new Board called The Board of Lay Ministry. They will report to the BOD and will help prioritize ministry and engage congregational teams to accomplish ministry; 3) The School Board will continue to oversee our principal ministry and report to the BOD. 4) Job descriptions will be removed and left to a smaller team to help us meet our needs and keep our staff engaged. 5) Financial spending limits will be updated. 6) Major decisions concerning the purchase/sale of property, calling a pastor, electing the BOD and approving the operating plan are still left to the congregation. Copies are available at the office or on our website under “news you can use.”


CHRISTMAS OFFICE HOURS Church and School offices will be closed November 27th and 28th, 2014 for Thanksgiving vacation. In December, the offices will be closed December 24th, 25th and 26th for Christmas vacation. Please plan ahead for business and scrip purchases. Thank you.

Advent 2014 December 3rd, 10th & 17th will feature Advent Worship with Holy Communion and “Light The Advent Candle” song and will be different from our

weekly teaching through the Bible (Story). “Behold Your King Comes!” reminds us of how powerful our God is as He intentionally intervenes in the lives of His created and unleashes undeserved comfort and forgiveness upon His people. This Word of Promise—God’s Word of Promise stands forever. Sundays will continue with the Story! And December 21 will be a service of Worship with our Choir leading in Lessons and Carols.

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We will be decorating the church for the Christmas season on Saturday, November 29 at 9 a.m. Come and help put up the trees, wreaths, banners, garlands, etc. Come and help beautify our church for the Christmas season as we prepare for our Lord’s birth.


PRISON FELLOWSHIP Imagine yourself in prison and it is Christmas time, but you won’t be home with your family. Your spouse struggles to make ends meet so there will be few, if any, gifts for your children, who have a parent in prison, Christmas this

year won’t be merry. Would you like to change that? You can…through Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree Program. Angel Tree volunteers, in conjunction with our church, buy and deliver gifts to children whose mom or dad is in prison. Here is how it works. You select the name of a prisoner’s child. With that name, we’ll give one or more gift wishes of the child…clothing or a game or toys. You will purchase the gift or gifts and the volunteers will deliver them to the home of the child. If you choose not to take an angel but wish to donate, you may do so. A box will be located in the narthex of the church for donations. The ANGEL TREE will be in the narthex Sunday, November 30; Wednesday, December 3; Sunday, December 7. Please return the gifts on Wednesday, December 10 or Sunday, December 14 so they can be delivered by the volunteers in time for Christmas. Volunteers are needed, please call Chris Voelker (715-435-3816) or the church office (715-423-3260) to volunteer to help.

DECEMBER 2014 STEWARDSHIP “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). God became man; He took on human flesh, so that men would once again dwell with God. In the fullness of time, the Son of God from eternity became a part of history to be born under the law in order to redeem those under the law. Christ came from heaven above to earth below for us men and for our salvation. He who knew no sin became sin so that we would be declared righteous in God’s sight. He was defiled so that we would be cleansed. He was born so that we would not die, and He died for us so that we would live in Him. He took upon Himself everything that rightfully belongs to us—sin and death—and in exchange gave to us everything that rightfully belongs to Him—righteousness, life, and the status as the sons of God. This is what we celebrate in Advent and at Christmas. We celebrate the coming of our Lord to save us from sin, death, and hell. We celebrate that God in Christ cared for us in body and soul, for He came not only to reconcile us to the Father by taking away our sin, but also to redeem us from death and hell so that we would live with Him in His kingdom, which has no end. In a sermon on Acts 6 for St. Stephen’s Day, preached on December 26, 1522, Martin Luther said this: “From this story we learn in the first place how a Christian community should be constituted. In addition, we have a true pattern of spiritual government that the apostles here provide. They care for souls, occupy themselves with preaching and prayer, and yet also see to it that the body is cared for; for they suggest several men who are to distribute the goods, as you have heard. Thus the Christian rule is concerned for the people in body and soul, so that no one suffers want…that all were richly fed and well cared for in both body and soul.”

And this is one reason we give to the church. We give so that people will see the church not just as a place that cares for souls, that forgives sins, but also a place that cares for the body. For the church is a place of mercy. It is a place where we inhale God’s mercy and loving kindness through the Word and the Sacraments for the forgiveness of our sin. And it’s a place where we exhale the mercy we received there in love and service to our neighbor. The church cares for both the body and the soul. The church is not so heavenly minded that it forgets those in need on earth. In fact, it cares for the needs of this body and life precisely because it is heavenly minded. We seek to do what God has

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done for us. The church is so ordered that it does both. Giving to the church is a responsibility given to those who are the church. This can sometimes be difficult. But it is also a great joy. For in giving to the church we are giving back to God for His use for others what He has first given to us. In giving to the church, we participate in God’s work here in time for all eternity. In giving to the church, we who are heavenly minded do what God has done for us: dwell with those who live in a fallen world and care for them in both body and soul. Let us, then, in this most joyous season of the church year, dwell not on the struggles in giving, but rather on the joy set before us in caring for body and soul as God in Christ has done for us.

“Joyful Response ” I missed church this weekend! But, the Lord will receive my Offering! How? Through an Electronic Funds Transfer program called “Joyful Response”. And, I still get a box of envelopes, to make extra offerings. Come, join me with Joyful Response! See Sharon, Church Secretary or by giving her a call and she will send you a form.

2015 Offering Envelopes The 2015 Offering Envelopes will be available on Sunday, November 30 in the church fellowship hall in alphabetical order (except for those who contribute by Joyful Response you will still have the envelope number you currently had in 2014) and your labels will be highlighted in yellow. If you cannot find your offering envelopes please let the church office know and a box will be made up for you.

2014 Church Contributions Please have your 2014 Church Contributions into the Church Office by Wednesday, December 31, 2014 so the Financial Secretary can close her books for 2014. Thank you.

Christmas Eve Offering The “Christmas Eve Offering” envelope and plate offering will go to support the many charities that our congregation supports.

Christmas Day Offering The “Christmas Day Offering” and plate offering will go to the General Fund or One Fund of Immanuel Lutheran Church.

College, Technical or Military Bound

Please let the Church Office know if you are going to college, technical school or into the military and what your current address will be so our church records can be updated. Need your name, school you will be attending, address that you will receive mail at or if going into the military your mailing address. If you have an email please include this information too. If you have finished your schooling and have relocated please let us know your current address so we can update our files and what your current occupation is also. If you have an email please include this too. Send to Immanuel Lutheran Church Office, 111 11th Street North, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494 or email to [email protected] or by calling 715-423-3260, ext. 10.

Lutheran Laymen’s League The Lutheran Laymen’s League Zone 17 meeting will be Friday, December 5 at 6:00 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church, 8020 South Park Road, Kellner. Roast Beef dinner will be served. Program will be Marv Altis and the Choristers singing holiday songs and a sing-a-long. Any contributing sponsor of Lutheran Hour Ministries is a member of the Lutheran Laymen’s League and welcome to attend. Make your reservations with Duane Steinke at 715-423-2716 by Tuesday, December 2.


The Bethesda Thrift Shop in the Rapids Mall still has a large amount of Christmas items, winter clothing and lots more! Special sales include discounts on Christmas items and blue tagged clothing and shoes beginning December 7. Special 75% clearance discounts on Christmas items begin December 21 and a year-end clearance sale (50% off) on almost everything in the store will be held on Friday and Saturday, December 26-27. The store will be open on Sundays from11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. till December 21. We thank you for your support this past month. The 120+ volunteers at our Bethesda store wish you all a very Blessed and Christ-filled Christmas season.

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Lutheran Witness Subscriptions New and renewal subscriptions for 2015 of the Lutheran Witness are due by Wednesday, December 31, 2014 by sending your check payable to Immanuel Lutheran Church to the Church Office. The subscription runs from March 2015 until February 2016 and the cost of the subscription for a year is $22.01. If you have never seen a subscription of this magazine there are copies at the Church/School Office with interesting articles of our synod and also the North Wisconsin District News. Come and check out a copy.


“A Carpenters Christmas” – While The Carpenters are known for over a dozen chart topping hits, they also won over their fans with their Christmas celebrations. Singer and playwright, Lisa Rock and her 6-piece backing band are keeping The Carpenter’s holiday traditions alive and bring their unforgettable Christmas songs to the stage. Based on the music of The Carpenters’ two holiday albums and Christmas variety shows, A Carpenters’ Christmas featuring “Merry Christmas Darling” and the jazzy “Santa Claus is Comin to Town.” It’s a holiday concert that spreads joy and cheer to all on Thursday, December 18 at Performing Arts Center, 1801 16th Street South at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $26. Sponsored by Solarus. January 30, 2015 Good Vibrations (A tribute to The Beach Boys) and the cost is $29. Tickets are available at the Arts Council, 1040 8th Street South, Suite 101 or by calling 715-424-2787, they also have flex pass pricing 6+ show season ticket save 15%; 5 show season ticket save 10%; and 4 show season ticket save 5%.

ADVENT by Candlelight

St. Paul Lutheran Church and School in Stevens Point is hosting this event as an opportunity for women of all ages to set aside the hustle and bustle of holiday preparation and focus their minds and hearts on the birth of Jesus. Tammy Trent, a Christian singer and songwriter is committed to the call of HOPE in her life and sharing that message with the world. She commits her resources to outreach, service and ministry to help others discover a real relationship with Jesus Christ and to fully understand His promises of eternal life. Program is 2 to 3 p.m. with dessert and fellowship following. Please RSVP to 715-344-5660.

Peace Lutheran Campus Center

Annual Christmas Party Pastor Andy has invited Men’s Night Out to join them for their Christmas Open House on Saturday, December 6 at 3:45 p.m. Dinner will be served at 4:30 followed by worship at 6 p.m. Special Music by Rev. John Eyer and please bring a plate of your favorite Christmas cookie to share. RSVP by November 30 by calling 715-345-6510 or [email protected].

Cookie Walk Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, 3210 Maple Drive, Plover will be hosting Cookie Walk on Saturday, December 6 from 9 a.m. to ??. Cookies and candies will be sold for

$6.00 per pound. Proceeds will be used to support mission projects.

Christmas Cookie Walk St. Lawrence Ladies will host Christmas Cookie Walk on Saturday, December 6 at 530 10th Avenue North, Wisconsin Rapids from 8:30 a.m. until sold out. Price per pound is $7.00. Choose your own selection of cookies and candies. Raffle baskets and items – tickets $1.00 each or 6/$5.00. Proceeds will go towards CCW and Parish projects.

“Sing” Christmas

Please join us for an afternoon of music and fellowship to bring in the Christmas season at Trinity Lutheran Church, 990 3rd Street, Port Edwards from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Performing Choirs are: 1-1:30 Port Edwards MS/HS Combined Choir; 1:30-2 Moravian Church (Trombone Choir); 2-2:30 Lincoln High School Choir; 2:30-2:50 Nekoosa High School Chamber Choir; 2:50-3:30 Faith Reformed Adult and Men’s Choirs;

3:30-4 Trinity Lutheran Adult Choir; 4-4:30 Sacred Heart and St. Alexander’s Choir; 4:30-5 Trinity Lutheran Kingdom Ringers; 5:00 Nekoosa/Port Edwards Combined Choirs (United Church of Christ, Sacred Heart and St. Alexander’s, Bethlehem Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran, United Methodist Church).

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“Christmas Bazaar & Bake Sale” A Christmas Welcome to our Annual Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale on Saturday, December 6 at 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Junction City. There will be Christmas wreaths, quilts, crafts, many bakery items. Christmas cookies, church cookbooks. Serving a delicious lunch of hot cream chicken on a bun or Bar-b-que, lots of desserts, pies or tortes with continuous serving by Ladies Aid Society.

Toys For Needy Children Program The explorers of Post #199, stationed at the Wisconsin Rapids Police Department, would like to announce that the Toys for Needy Children Program is now up and running after a twelve year absence from our area. This program previously ran during the old Explorer Post #199, which was disbanded in 1997. Now in 2014 the Post is running again and trying to bring back this opportunity to help families in our local community. Please help in the Post’s endeavors to assist families that may not have enough money to buy Christmas presents and food this holiday season. You can help by donating money or a check to Wisconsin Rapids Explorers, Post #199 and sending it to Wisconsin Rapids Explorers, Post #199, Officer Brandon Abbott, Post Advisor, Police Department, 444 West Grand Avenue, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495.

Ruby’s Pantry

Ruby’s Pantry Food Distribution takes place the third Saturday of each month (December 20) at East Gate Alliance Church, 2203 East Becker Road, Marshfield, WI. The food distribution is available for anyone regardless of financial income or place of residence. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and food distribution begins at 9:00 a.m. until approximately 10:30 a.m. Please bring two large boxes or baskets to put the items in. The cost is $20 per share to cover the transportation cost of the food. You will receive approximately 72# of food stuff which vary each month that are donated directly from manufacturers: bread, chicken, potatoes, onions, cereal, milk, yogurt, pizza, etc. Questions please call 715-387-3654.

LUTHERAN HOUR MINISTRY Lutheran Hour radio program will no longer be heard on WFHR 1320 AM. The Lutheran Hour will be on the following radio stations on Sunday: WAXX 104.5 FM at 6:30 a.m.; WDLB 1450 AM at 8 a.m.; WDUX 92.7 FM at 8 a.m.; WSAU 99.9 FM at 8:30 a.m.; WCWI at 9 a.m.; WRVM 101.3 at 10 a.m. December 7 – “We Need Something Stronger” (Based on Mark 1:1-8) – Jesus exchanges our weakness for His strength. December 14 – “In Christ, Unbroken” (Based on Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11) – God’s grace restores those broken by sin and grief. December 21 – “Surprised by Grace” (Based on Luke 1:26-38) – God’s grace comes as a surprise and blessing to those who deserve none of it. December 28 – “Monsters in Our Tomorrows” (Based on Romans 8:37-39) – Unknown monsters lurk in the shadows of the new year but Christ will carry us through.

Camp Luther News

Cottage Retreats This Winter – Enjoy a cottage retreat at Camp Luther this winter. Our cottages have everything you will need for a relaxing getaway in the midst of God’s beautiful creation. Spend the day cross country skiing or snowshoeing then settle in for a cozy evening next to the fireplace. Stay for a weekend or a week. Camp Luther offering a special rate that is 25% off of our regular rate from December 1st – April 30th. Family Flurry Retreat (February 6-8) – Bundle up and bring the family for a weekend of winter activities and growing together in faith. Families can join in our staff led activities or do things on your own. There is something for all ages. Activities include tubing, broomball, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, Bible study and devotions. Registration For Summer Camp 2015 is just around the corner! Camp Luther summer camp dates will be up on our website soon. Register early for your favorite dates and housing locations. Camp Luther will begin accepting registrations January 1 at

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Year-end Giving Five weeks and 2014 will be behind us as December 31st is fast approaching. December 31st is also the end of the time that you can make tax-advantaged gifts to Immanuel for 2014. Please prayerfully consider how you can honor God with a year-end gift to help support or continue supporting the ministry here at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Your donation may come in different forms: cash or a check; an appreciated investment; an IRA or a required IRA distribution; appreciated stock that it is time to sell; a gift of real estate or other assets. If you have questions, please check in with our bookkeeper at [email protected] or afternoons at 715.423.3260. It is always advisable to check in with your tax advisor as you consider what God is calling you to do.

Health Events at Riverview In Our Hearts Forever – A Bereavement Support Group for those who have experienced a pregnancy loss, stillbirth or newborn death, will meet Tuesday, December 2 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the lower level conference center at Riverview Medical Center. No fee or registration required and the group asks that no children attend. Heart Healthy Eating is a free, one-hour course of menu planning, cooking demonstration, and tips on heart healthy dining out to be held on Wednesday, December 3 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the lower level conference center of Riverview Medical Center. Jessica Hutchinson, Registered Dietitian with Riverview Medical Center will be presenting the demonstration. Advance registration is requested by calling 715-421-7500. “Christmas At The Ridges” will be Saturday, December 6 at The Ridges. You are invited to this event which includes a luncheon, style show, entertainment and an exclusive raffle. It also features the very popular Tour of Tables – 30 uniquely themed tablescapes designed by area individuals. 2014 Holiday Memorial Remembrance will be Thursday evening December 11 at 6 to 7 p.m. at Riverview Medical Center Main Lobby. Service of music, readings and poems to honor the memory of loved ones which is presented by the patient care staff of Riverview Medical Center, Aspirus Comfort Care & Hospice Services, Heartland Hospice &

Ministry Home Care Hospice in memory of those we came to know in the past year. Fellowship and refreshments will be served following the service. The service will include a photo presentation in memory of loved ones. You may share up to three photos. Please drop them off – along with the name of the person being remembered as you prefer it in the presentation – at the Riverview Medical Center front desk, email them to [email protected] or mail them to: Riverview Community Relations, 410 Dewey Street, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494. Photos received by December 4 will be included in the presentation. Submitted photos may be picked up at the memorial service, or you may include a self-addressed envelope for return by mail. (Please do not submit your only copy of a precious photo.) Gentle Flow Yoga can make you stronger and more flexible, help your body heal, improve your sleep, and help you relax. Movements are safe, gentle and flowing. Classes involve time on the floor, on hands and knees, and standing. Gentle Flow Yoga will be held Thursdays, January 8 through February 26 from 5 to 6 p.m. in the lower level conference center of Riverview Medical Center and led by Heidi Goodreau. Chair Yoga for Strength & Balance can make you stronger, help you breathe better, increase your range of motion, and improve your balance without getting on the floor. Movements are adapted to the ability of the participant. Classes include movements in the chair and standing with the support of the chair. Chair Yoga for strength and balance will be held on Thursdays, January 8 through February 26 from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. The cost of each of these eight-session series is $40 ($32 for those 60 and over, Riverview employees and volunteers, and Riverview Auxiliary members). Registration opens on December 9 at 8 a.m. Participants may register and pay by credit card at (click on “Classes & Events”) or by check at Riverview Medical Center’s front desk. Early registration is recommended, as space is limited. Only one registration per person will be accepted. A signed waiver will be required prior to participation. Waiver forms will be available at the front desk or at the first class. Minors require the signature of a parent or guardian.

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Dakota Ciriacks 12/1 Connie Dorski 12/1 Doug Henke 12/1 Denise Hofer 12/1 Amy Huchthausen 12/1 Marjorie Jinsky 12/1 Dave Straka 12/1 Troy Tammen 12/1 Brenda Van De Loop 12/1 Mikayla Volk 12/1 Neil Chamberlin 12/2 Richard Dillman 12/2 Frank Hofer 12/2 Glenn Hofer 12/2 Scott Hofer 12/2 Sara Jennings 12/2 Andy Pudder 12/2 Brett Vallin 12/2 Bob Nash 12/3 Delores Bier 12/4 Avis Grover 12/4 Diane Keller 12/4 Jon Keller 12/4 Maurice Petta 12/4 Larry Tohm 12/4 Steve Zuege 12/4 Nancy Habeck 12/5 Katelyn Koth 12/5 Bob Lee Jr. 12/5 Arnie Rotermund 12/5 Mike Stensberg 12/5 Katie Steward 12/5 Cathy Brockman 12/6 Doris Burmeister 12/6 Cole Plowman 12/6 Kolten Sarver 12/6 Candace Bubolz 12/7 Happy 100th Birthday Don Getzlaff


Tracy Joosten 12/7 Sarah Stromley 12/7 Alexandra Arzt 12/8 Paige Trench 12/8 Kevin Foley 12/8 Harriette DeLorme 12/9 Eden Hahn 12/9 Amy Johnson 12/9 Robyn Ritter 12/9 Dave Saeger 12/9 Happy 95th Birthday Chester Turbin


Ryan Worzella 12/9 Belva Bloomfield 12/10 Jeanine Schneider 12/10 Judy Steinke 12/10 Tod Johnson 12/11 Dave Moon 12/11 Philip Pagels 12/11 Josh Reetz 12/11 Beth Roach 12/11 Jenna Weigand 12/11 Rollie Lieber 12/12 Tory Bredlau 12/13 Pam Carlson 12/13 Jim Fota 12/13 Brenda Mansavage 12/13 Tracy Oleson 12/13 Carole Rustad 12/13 Rhonda Sanger 12/13 Elaine Fredrick 12/14 Randy Sanger 12/14 Cassie Davis 12/15 Tyler Tesch 12/15 Abigail Trickle 12/15 Jodee Dhein 12/16 Rebekah Drewiske 12/16 Alex Walczak 12/16 Aliyah Jennings 12/17 Dan Koch 12/17 Chuck Habeck 12/18 Jared Henke 12/18 Kevin Heuer 12/18 Mike Speich 12/18 Ryan Sullivan 12/18 Lisa Barton 12/19 Steve Dallman 12/19 Jayda Gross 12/19 Ellie Hoefs 12/19 Hayley Jensen 12/19 Caitlyn Muraski 12/19 Alissa Savage 12/19 Teagan Williams 12/19 Grace Hawke 12/20 Dan Williamson 12/20 Adrionna Cour 12/21 Aurora Bredlau 12/22 Ethen Joosten 12/22 Joyce Marti 12/22 Dave Walters 12/22 Ray Wunrow 12/22 Julie Buerger 12/23 Bill Haske 12/23

Stefanie Oilschlager 12/23 Kaitlyn Betts 12/24 Stacey Hahn 12/24 Nick Moon 12/24 Kris Tohm 12/24 Jay Hartjes 12/25 Grace Mortenson 12/25 Bonnie Petrick 12/25 Carmen Pfeiffer 12/25 Bob Sanger 12/25 Katy Gruetzmacher 12/26 Jere Jackson 12/26 Jake Schweitzer 12/26 Lorraine Tesch 12/26 Codi Halbur 12/27 Kim Moon 12/27 Justin Mueske 12/27 Rebecca Munro 12/27 Noah Hawke 12/28 Brennan Huber 12/28 Elijah Ritter 12/28 Jean Schillinger 12/28 Bennet Tilberg 12/28 Tami Zwicke 12/28 Tom Mews 12/29 Amanda Oligney 12/29 Isabella Peterson 12/29 Jackie Sawyer 12/29 Cole Sorenson 12/29 Wayne Wolf 12.29 Auttum Bowen 12/30 Destiny Droste 12/30 Dani Flatoff 12/30 Dick Goldamer 12/30 Sally Murphy 12/30 Natalie Schweitzer 12/30 Frank Bengsch 12/31 Mike Boellaard 12/31 Troy Halbur 12/31 Lynnette Hansen 12/31 Char Karnatz 12/31 Jana Kissinger 12/31 Tim Kobza 12/31 Jason Thomas 12/31 Renee Tilberg 12/31 Sage Zimmerman 12/31