implementation of singly linked list

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  • 5/16/2018 Implementation of Singly Linked List



    Wednesday, Augusl26, 2009Implementation of Singly Linked ListA Linked l ist isa chain of structs or records called Nodes. Each node has at least too tweetmembers, one of which points to the next Node inthe list and the other holds thedata. These are defined as Single Linked Lists because they can only point to thenext Node inthe list but not to the previous.


    int Datajstruct Node"Next;


    viewplain printstruct Node{

    We use above structure for a Node in our example. Variable Data holds the data in the Nodewhi le pointer of type struct Node Next holds the address to the next Node inthe l is t. Head is apointer of type struct Nodewhich acts as the Headto the list.

    Initially we set 'Head' as NULL which means list isempty.

    I viewplain print ?01. //Set HEADas NULL02. Head=NULL;Let us see Insertion Functions ..addBeg, addEnd, addAt.

    viewplain print ?01. II Adding a Nodeat the Beginning of the List02.03. void addBeg(int num)04. {05. struct Node"temp;06 .07. temp=(struct Node")malloc(sizeof(struct Node;08 . temp->Data = num;09.10. if (Head == NULL)11. {12 . //List is Empty13. Head=temp;14. Head->Next=NULL;15.16. else17. {18. temp->Next=Head;19. Head=temp;20.21 .

    D A T A

    We create 'temp' node and save the Data part.

    If Head is NULL it means l ist isempty. So we set temp node as the Head of the list and set theNext as NULL. Else we set the Next intemp node as Head and reassign Head with temp.




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    01 .02.03.04 .05.06.07 .08 .09 .10 .11.12.13 .14.15.16 .17 .18 .

    view plain print ?//Adding a Node at the end of the listv oi d a dd En d( in t n um ){ s tr uc t N od e ' te mp l, ' te mp 2;

    t em pl = (s tr uc t N od e ' )m a ll oc (s iz e of (s tr uc t N od e ;templ->Data=num;II Copying the Hea d location into another node.temp2=Head;i f( He ad = = N UL L){

    II If List is empty we create First Node.Head=templ;Head->Next=NULL;else{

    I I Traverse down to end of the list.w hi le (t e mp 2- >N ex t ! = N UL L)temp2=temp2->Next;II Append at the end of the list.templ->Next=NULL;temp2- >Next=templ;

    t~n:'ip2H'!l i ld


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  • 5/16/2018 Implementation of Singly Linked List


    view plain print ?01. II Adding a new Node at specified position02 .03. void addAt(int num, int loc)04. {05. int i;96. struct Node *tempJ *prev_ptrJ *cur _ptrj07 .0S. cur_ptr=Head;09 .10. if(loc > (lengthO+l) II loc

  • 5/16/2018 Implementation of Singly Linked List


    01. II Deleting a node from List depending upon the data in the node.02.03. int delNodeData(int num)04. {

    view plain print ?

    95. struct Node *prev_ptr, *cur_ptrj06.07. cur_ptr=Head;0S.09. while(cur_ptr != NULL)10. {11. if(cur _ptr->Data == num)12. {13. if(cur _ptr==Head)14. {15. Head=cur _ptr->Next;16. free(cur_ptr);17. return 0;lS . printfC\nElement %d is not found in the t.Lst ", num);34. return 1j


    prev_ptr->Next=cur _ptr->Next;free(cur_ptr);return Bj


    prev_ptr=cur _ptr;cur _ptr=cur _ptr->Next;


    If the value to be deleted isthe head of the l ist .

    If the value to be deleted is notthe head of the list.


    d . : : u r . _ p t r


    Similarly if we want to delete a node based on its location inthe l is t.

  • 5/16/2018 Implementation of Singly Linked List


    01. /I Deleting a node from List depending upon the location in the list.02.03. int delNodeLoc(int loc)04. {

    view plain print ?

    95. struct Node *prev_ptr, *cur_ptrj06. int i;07.0S. cur_ptr=Head;09.10. if(loc > (lengthO) II loc Nextjfree(cur_ptr);return Bj


    for(i=l; iNext;

    prev_ptr->Next=cur _ptr->Next;free(cur_ptr);


    Displaying a list.view pla in print ?

    01. /I Displaying list contents02.03. void displayO04. {05. struct Node cur_ptr;06.07. cur_ptr=Head;0S.09. if(cur _ptr==NULL)10. {11. printf("\nList is Empty");12.13. else14. {15. printf(" Elements in the List: );16. /ltraverse the entire linked list17. ..hile(cur _ptrl =NULL)lS. {19. printf(" -> %d ",cur _ptr->Data);20. cur _ptr=cur _ptr->Next;21. }22. printf("\n");23.24.

    Reversing a list.view pla in print ?

    01. /lReversesing a Linked List02.03. void reverseO04. {as. struct Node *prev_ptr, *cur _ptr, *tempj06.07. cur_ptr=Head;0S. prev_ptr=NULL;09.10. ..hile(cur_ptr != NULL)11. {12. temp=prev_ptr;13. prev_ptr=cur _ptr;14.15. cur_ptr=cur_ptr->Next;16. prev_ptr->Next=temp;17.lS.19. Head=prev_ptr;20.

    For complete source code - Checkout Singly Linked List in C

  • 5/16/2018 Implementation of Singly Linked List


    L A BE LS : C , D A TA S TR U CT UR E S

    32 comments:m anil kumar said.. .

    wry good and s impleOctober 29. 2009 9:13 AM

    Anonymous said ...This program helped me better understanding Linked Lis ts .. Thank you wry much.Noverrber 11, 20094:24 PM

    Anonymous said ...Thanks for posting an example.Decerrber 16, 200911:18AM

    Anonymous said ...d li lagi sya mo' run ay. ..January 18.201012:23 PM

    ~ Siva said ...Helps me really friendFebruary 2, 2010 11:29AM

    amar said.. .wry good example to understand the singly l ink l ist conceptFebruary 23, 2010 5:30 PM

    Anonymous said ...thank u wnmrmnyy much . .. .. post l ike these simple programs withcomments . .. .April 15, 2010 7:01 PM

    Anonymous said ...Thanks a lo t fo r posting the code. Very clear and clean code. Good Job.May 9.2010 12:01 AM

    Anonymous said ...i t's useful for ewryone ...wry great amazing ... .. .. .August 22, 2010 4:33 PM

    Anonymous said ...thanks a lot posting this example ... .. .. ..August 22, 2010 4:34 PM

    Anonymous said ...Thanks fo r posting these codes. It he lped me a lot to understand Linked List. Good job! Godbless. =)August 29, 2010 8:47 AM

  • 5/16/2018 Implementation of Singly Linked List


    Amy said . really wry he lp 4 my subject thanxSepterrber 6, 2010 11:14 AM

    m Rajiv Chandel said ...Thank youSepterrber 7, 2010 3:11 R>1

    m Rajiv Chandel said ...Thank youSepterrber 7, 2010 3:11 R>1

    Anonymous said ...easy to understand step wiseSepterrber 15, 2010 11:18AM

    m dileep said he lped me a lot... thank u wry muchNoverrber 14, 2010 6:46 AM

    m dileep said he lped me a lot... thank u wry muchNoverrber 14, 2010 6:46 AM

    dileep said ...

    Noverrber 14, 2010 6:47 AMsimply easy to understand ... . ty:)

    m joenayjoe said.. .

    February 12, 2011 12:47 AM

    wry good explanation and indeed WrIJ helful! ! i bookmarked your blog.. thanks for yourcontribution

    Anonymous said ...really helpful. . . thank you so muchMarch 17, 2011 12:31 AM

    Mayur said ...Great!!!March 17, 201111:44AM

    Anonymous said ...I was totally confused about linked lists and the set of codes set it out all clear to me in a wrysimp le manner. Kudos to the person for his effo rts to bring out things in a lucid manner to al l.Apr il 9,2011 6:02 R>1

    Anonymous said ...Wow! Thanks a lo t :-)Apr il 20, 2011 12:08 R>1

  • 5/16/2018 Implementation of Singly Linked List


    m riddsaid ...grS post mate . .. really good job!April 28. 2011 8:08 AM

    Mahendra Gupta said.. .superb!!!!!!!!!!!!simple and easier to understandApr il 30, 2011 11:32AM

    Anonymous said ...While most of it works I dont get why the while loop to find the end of the list has become anightmare. I ts become some inf in ite loop i cant fix.f lley 5, 2011 3:23 RIl l

    m priyanka said ...simple and easy to understand ... .. ..f lley 5, 2011 4:43 RIl l

    Sneha said.. .really really effectiw codingAugust 20, 2011 9:25 AM

    islam said.. .i understand l inks wry easi ly

    islamAugust 20, 2011 5:22 RIl l

    Anonymous said ...wry helpful l in understanding the basics of l inked lists ... .. . thanks alaI. .. .August 28, 2011 10:10 RIl l

    Anonymous said ...excellent..n wry helpfuL!!Septerrber 2, 2011 10:33 RIl l

    Anonymous said ...wry helpfulSepterrber6,20111:17R111

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