improving eyesight relaxing all the way down

Relaxing All the Way Down Relaxation is important for overall health. It reduces stress and helps the body calm down and sleep more soundly. Relaxation relieves unwanted tension and gives an overall good feeling. Relaxation also helps the eyes see more clearly and focus better. The hardest part of relaxing is silencing the mind. Thoughts move at a rapid pace and as the ‘to do’ list grows so do the racing thoughts. Shutting down the mind is the tricky part of total relaxation, but it is possible. The key is to move all that energy stuck in the head down through the entire body and out the feet. May sound like hocus pocus, but it actually works through a process known as ‘exhaling through the feet’. Here’s how it works. Lie on your back in a dark room, works great just before bed. Imagine your breath moving from your lungs down through the entire body. As you exhale, picture the air moving down toward your toes. Picture your breath passing through every organ, heart, liver, kidneys, and continuing down the thighs, calves, ankles, and toes. Exhale completely, until all the air is out of your lungs and the next breath naturally comes. Inhale naturally, don’t force anything, and let your body do its own work. Once the lungs are full once again, start the process again of picturing the air moving through the body. Repeat the process as many times a possible until you fall into a deep sleep. The next morning you will feel relaxed and refreshed ready to face the day. A great night’s sleep is important to reduce stress and strain and start the day out right. Staying up late and waking up early, leaves us feeling groggy and lacking sleep. This can leave us ‘off’ for the remainder of the day. We are not as productive and the eyes are straining through the day. Plenty of rest, but not too much, starts the day out right and in a positive mind frame. We will feel more productive and happy to get work done. Learning to relax is an important habit to pick up. Once you learn good relaxation techniques, getting to sleep will come more naturally. Your body and eyes will thank you. Do these Eye Strengthening Exercises to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness and astigmatism at

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Post on 05-Jul-2015



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Improving eyesight relaxing all the way down


Page 1: Improving eyesight  relaxing all the way down

Relaxing All the Way Down

Relaxation is important for overall health. It reduces stress and helps the body calm down and sleep more soundly. Relaxation relieves unwanted tension and gives an overall good feeling. Relaxation also helps the eyes see more clearly and focus better.

The hardest part of relaxing is silencing the mind. Thoughts move at a rapid pace and as the ‘to do’ list grows so do the racing thoughts. Shutting down the mind is the tricky part of total relaxation, but it is possible. The key is to move all that energy stuck in the head down through the entire body and out the feet. May sound like hocus pocus, but it actually works through a process known as ‘exhaling through the feet’.

Here’s how it works. Lie on your back in a dark room, works great just before bed. Imagine your breath moving from your lungs down through the entire body. As you exhale, picture the air moving down toward your toes. Picture your breath passing through every organ, heart, liver, kidneys, and continuing down the thighs, calves, ankles, and toes. Exhale completely, until all the air is out of your lungs and the next breath naturally comes. Inhale naturally, don’t force anything, and let your body do its own work. Once the lungs are full once again, start the process again of picturing the air moving through the body.

Repeat the process as many times a possible until you fall into a deep sleep. The next morning you will feel relaxed and refreshed ready to face the day. A great night’s sleep is important to reduce stress and strain and start the day out right. Staying up late and waking up early, leaves us feeling groggy and lacking sleep. This can leave us ‘off’ for the remainder of the day. We are not as productive and the eyes are straining through the day. Plenty of rest, but not too much, starts the day out right and in a positive mind frame. We will feel more productive and happy to get work done.

Learning to relax is an important habit to pick up. Once you learn good relaxation techniques, getting to sleep will come more naturally. Your body and eyes will thank you.

Do these Eye Strengthening Exercises to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness and astigmatism at

Page 2: Improving eyesight  relaxing all the way down

You'll learn what to do to improve eyesight and how to repair eyesight naturally:

1) 15-minutes-a-day Bates method eye exercises action plan to literally FORCE your entire visual system to work as a cohesive unit to self-correct and promote crystal clear sight and naturally restore eye vision in 1 - 3 months! These unique eye strengthening exercises have helped thousands of patients repair vision naturally.

2) The grave mental danger posed by "authoritarian" doctors and optometrists, and a simple 3-second "trick" to brush off their sticky negative influence in a heartbeat... (hint: you want placebo to work in YOUR favor, and not the other way around!)

3) The proper way to use glasses and contacts without ruining your progress towards the natural eye sight correction...

4) A deadly diagnostic mistake made by most doctors and optometrists concerning the difference between strained and stressed eyesight... and how to correct both ailments from the comfort of your own home!

5) Fool-proof 60-second relief from headaches and eye strain without drugs, pills, or other harmful chemicals...

You will also learn these at

A) How & why glasses and contacts are practically guaranteed to ruin your vision over time (and a little known way to prove it for yourself!) and why you should choose natural vision correction to restore eyesight...

B) The obvious and overlooked reason why optometrists and doctors are so misinformed and skeptical to Dr. Bates natural vision correction... (No, it's NOT a big conspiracy of self-interest and profit like many people seem to think!)

C) Dr. W.H. Bates hidden-in-plain-view secret that speeds up recovery with more than 400% and massively improves Myopia (near-sightedness), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight), macular degeneration, eyestrain, Glaucoma and more within mere weeks of starting the program...

Learn more about the Bates Method Eye Strengthening Exercises and claim your 3 bonuses at

Tags:eye exercises for myopia, improve hyperopia, improve astigmatism, improve short sightedness, improve near sightedness, improve long sightedness, astigmatism correction exercises, improve

Page 3: Improving eyesight  relaxing all the way down

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