in what ways does your media product use

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? POSTER

Upload: katyb27

Post on 22-Jul-2015




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Page 1: In what ways does your media product use

In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media



Page 2: In what ways does your media product use
Page 3: In what ways does your media product use

USE• I have used the stereotypical colours for a horror

poster, using the colours red, black and grey. These are dark colours which connotates danger and death.

• I used the mystery element convention, allowing suspicion, by using the hand that holds the photo, the audience are unaware who the hand belongs to, or why they are doing what they are doing.

• The use of a tagline is also another convention usually found on a film poster, it helps aid the audience on the direction of the film narrative, therefore it is an important part and should be on every poster.

Page 4: In what ways does your media product use

• I have used the convention of making my poster a teaser poster. I have done this, as it is quite vague with the date ‘this January’ and the element of the unknown. This does not give away much of the narrative, or the characters within the film.

Page 5: In what ways does your media product use


• I have developed conventions on the poster in different ways.

• A main poster would usually have the actresses names around the edge on their own somewhere, however I have decided to place them in the poster credits, at the bottom of the page. This is because I want to make use of the blank black space around the page, to make it more effective. I have still used the conventions of having the names of the actresses however they are just in a different position to what they normally would be, therefore by changing this I have developed the use.

Page 6: In what ways does your media product use


• Another challenged convention is the date display, for a main poster. Instead of displaying the date, I have written ‘Coming to haunt you this January’ it is as if, along with the horror genre, the film will creep up on the audience, they have to wait in anticipation for the film to be released. This is challenging the usual specific date on a main poster, but including the audience more in the film.

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• I have challenged the convention of having a photo revealing either characters or a plot or scene within the film. My main poster shows one character, using direct mode of address (looking directly at the audience, main convention to create relationship) however it is not a full face picture, and so the main attraction of the page is the fire, with an electric colouring against the black, it is first to reach the attention of the audience. The poster does not show any other people and therefore is very limited on the narrative.

Neither poster shows an element of the unknown as much as my poster does, featuring the mysterious hand, and why the burning is happening to a girl within the film.

Page 8: In what ways does your media product use

• My product works together as a brand, from using the same typography throughout each of the products, and using the same characters displayed on them to the public. This creates an awareness and sense of connection between the products, in order for them to work in synergy, as a brand. It is marketed directly towards my primary and secondary audiences.
