increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

Increasing and Decreasing Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Functions and the First Derivative Test Derivative Test Objectives: 1.Find the intervals on which a function is increasing or decreasing. 2.Use the First Derivative Test to classify extrema as either a maximum or a minimum. AP Calculus – Section 3.3

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Page 1: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

Increasing and Decreasing Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Functions and the First Derivative TestTest


1.Find the intervals on which a function is increasing or decreasing.

2.Use the First Derivative Test to classify extrema as either a maximum or a minimum.

AP Calculus – Section 3.3

Page 2: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

Increasing and Decreasing Increasing and Decreasing FunctionsFunctions

• The derivative is related to the slope of a function

Page 3: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

Increasing and Decreasing Increasing and Decreasing FunctionsFunctions

On an interval in which a function f is continuous and differentiable, a function is…increasing if f ‘(x) is positive on that interval, ( f ‘ (x) > 0 )decreasing if f ‘(x) is negative on that interval, and ( f ‘ (x) < 0 )constant if f ‘(x) = 0 on that interval.

Page 4: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

Visual ExampleVisual Example

f ‘(x) < 0 on (-5,-2)f(x) is decreasing on (-5,-2)

f ‘(x) = 0 on (-2,1)f(x) is constant on (-2,1)

f ‘(x) > 0 on (1,3)f(x) is increasing on (1,3)

Page 5: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

Finding Finding Increasing/Decreasing Increasing/Decreasing Intervals for a FunctionIntervals for a FunctionTo find the intervals on which a

function is increasing/decreasing:1.Find critical numbers. - These determine the boundaries of your intervals.2.Pick a random x-value in each interval. 3.Determine the sign of the derivative on that interval.

Page 6: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

ExampleExampleFind the intervals on which the function is increasing and decreasing.

Critical numbers:


23)( xxxf

xxxf 33)(' 2 033 2 xx0)1(3 xx


Page 7: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

ExampleExampleTest an x-value in each interval.

f(x) is increasing on and .f(x) is decreasing on .


Test Value

f ‘(x)

)0,( )1,0( ),1(

1 21


6)1(' f43


f 6)2(' f

)0,( ),1( )1,0(

Page 8: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

PracticePracticeFind the intervals on which the function is increasing and decreasing.

Critical numbers:

xxxxf 93)( 23

963)(' 2 xxxf0963 2 xx

0)1)(3(3 xx


0)32(3 2 xx

Page 9: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

PracticePracticeTest an x-value in each interval.

f(x) is increasing on and .f(x) is decreasing on .


Test Value

f ‘(x)

)3,( )1,3( ),1(

4 0 2

15)4(' f 90' f 15)2(' f

)3,( ),1( )1,3(

963)(' 2 xxxf

Page 10: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

The First Derivative Test

AP Calculus – Section 3.3

Page 11: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

The First Derivative TestSummary

The point where the first derivative changes sign is an extrema.

Page 12: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

The First Derivative TestIf c is a critical number of a function f,

then:If f ‘(c) changes from negative to positive

at c, then f(c) is a relative minimum.If f ‘(c) changes from positive to negative

at c, then f(c) is a relative maximum.If f ‘(c) does not change sign at c, then

f(c) is neither a relative minimum or maximum.

GREAT picture on page 181!

Page 13: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

Visual of First Derivative Visual of First Derivative TestTest

Page 14: Increasing and decreasing functions ap calc sec 3.3

Find all intervals of increase/decrease and all relative extrema. 108)( 2 xxxf

82)(' xxf082 x

4xTest: )4,(

28)5(2)5(' fdecreasing is f

Test: ),4( 8)0(' f

increasing is f

CONCLUSION: f is decreasing before -4 and increasing after -4; so f(-4) is a MINIMUM.

Critical Points: