industrial revolution causes (empty presentation)

BLUE 1ST YEAR - 2013 GREEN 1ST YEAR - 2013 Industrial Revolution

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Page 1: Industrial revolution causes (empty presentation)


Industrial Revolution

Page 2: Industrial revolution causes (empty presentation)

Why did the Industrial Revolution happen? Why in


Page 3: Industrial revolution causes (empty presentation)

Sources of water

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1. Navigable rivers

Trade within the country

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2. Natural harbours

Ships can move easily, make trade easier

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Raw materials and numerous markets

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3. Colonies supplied with abundant raw material

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4. Colonies demanded goods from the textile and iron industries

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5. Abundant deposits of coal which are easily mined and transported.

Coal provides three times more energy than wood.

Coal kick-started a revolution in XIII century Britain, a revolution which transformed not only the country but the world itself.

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6. In Britain the mines were near the sea, so ships could carry coal cheaply to the most important market, London.

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Scientific and technological new ideas

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7. The demand for coal became larger, but the deeper the miners went the more water there was underground, so it was necessary to pump water out of the mine.

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8. Initially people used horse-driven pumps, but they needed a more effective way to draw water from much deeper.

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9. In 1712 Thomas Newcomen invented the atmospheric engine . It worked by creating a partial vacuum by condensing steam under a piston within a cylinder.

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10. James Watt developed (1763–75) an improved version of Newcomen's engine, with a separate condenser. Boulton and Watt’s early machines used less coal than Newcomen's

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11. Flying shuttle

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12. Spinning Jenny

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13. The water frame