infections an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · infections – an integrative...

INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate (CT) Medical Consultant for Boiron Laboratories

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Page 1: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to

diagnosis and treatment

Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate (CT)

Medical Consultant for Boiron Laboratories

Page 2: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

Infections viral, bacterial or fungal

But how do we actually distinguish between the three?

Do different types of infections require different forms of treatment?

Page 3: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

I am going to spend a bit more time on viruses, as in my opinion, they can be far more dangerous than other micro organisms, and here is why…

Page 4: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

What exactly is a virus?

A virus is a small infectious agent that replicates ONLY inside the living cells of other organisms

Page 5: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

Let’s go back a couple of steps in cellular biology… A cell is a stand alone living entity that is able to eat, grow and reproduce.

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Viruses are nothing like that! They are tiny particles that are about a thousand times smaller than bacteria, and bacteria are much smaller than most human cells. In fact viruses are so small that they can not even be seen by a light microscope, but must be observed with an electron microscope!

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Page 8: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

Viruses vary widely in their shape and complexity - they can literally differ in view from a basic round shape to something looking like the Apollo lunar lander!

Unlike human cells or bacteria, viruses don't contain the chemical machinery (enzymes) needed to carry out the chemical reactions for life. Instead, viruses carry only one or two enzymes that decode their genetic instructions.

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So… a virus must have a host cell (bacteria, plant or animal) in which to live and make more viruses.

Outside of a host cell, viruses cannot function. For this reason, viruses tread the fine line that separates living things from non living things.

Most scientists agree that viruses are alive because of what happens when they infect a host cell.

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How does a virus actually infect us?

Viruses lie around our environment all of the time just waiting for a host cell to come along. They can enter us through the nose, mouth or breaks in the skin

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Once inside the body, the virus finds a host cell to infect.

For example, cold and flu viruses will attack cells that line the respiratory or digestive tracts.

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks the T-cells of the immune system.

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Then what happens? (cue scary music)

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1. A virus particle attaches to a host cell. 2. The particle releases its genetic

instructions into the host cell. 3. The injected genetic material recruits

the host cell's enzymes. 4. The enzymes make parts for more

new virus particles. 5. The new particles assemble the parts

into new viruses. 6. The new particles break free from the

host cell.

Page 15: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

The sequence of events that occurs when you come down with the flu or a cold is a good

demonstration of how a virus works:

1. An infected person sneezes near you. 2. You inhale the virus particle, and it attaches to cells

lining the sinuses in your nose. 3. The virus attacks the cells lining the sinuses and

rapidly reproduces new viruses.

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4. The host cells break, and new viruses spread into your bloodstream and also into your lungs.

5. Viruses in the fluid that drips down your throat attack the cells lining your throat and give you a sore throat.

6. Viruses in your bloodstream can attack muscle cells and cause you to have muscle aches.

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Your immune system responds to the infection, and in the process of fighting, it produces chemicals called pyrogens that cause your body temperature to increase. This fever actually helps you to fight the infection by slowing down the rate of viral reproduction, because most of your body's chemical reactions have an optimal temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. If your temperature rises slightly above this, the reactions slow down. This immune response continues until the viruses are eliminated from your body.

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Because a virus is merely a set of genetic instructions surrounded by a protein coat, and because it does not carry out any biochemical reactions of its own, viruses can live for years or longer outside a host cell. Some viruses can "sleep" inside the genetic instructions of the host cells for years before reproducing. For example, a person infected with HIV can live without showing symptoms of AIDS for years, but he or she can still spread the virus to others.

Page 21: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

So how can we try and reduce the spread of a virus?

The way that viruses spread is specific to the type of virus. They can be spread through the following means: Carrier organisms - mosquitos, fleas The air Direct transfer of body fluids from one person to another -- saliva, sweat, nasal mucus, blood, semen, vaginal secretions Surfaces on which body fluids have dried

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To reduce the risk of spreading or contacting viruses

1. Cover your mouth or nose when you sneeze or cough.

2. Wash your hands frequently, especially after going to the bathroom or preparing food.

3. Avoid contact with the bodily fluids of others.

Page 23: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

So what approach does one take in treating a virus?

Antibiotics have absolutely no effect against a viral


Page 24: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate

The most effective manner in which you can treat a viral infection is by stimulating your immune system in order for it to have an optimum response when fighting off the virus particles

The leucocytes (white blood cells) attack the virus

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What is a bacteria?

Bacteria are organisms made up of just one cell. They are capable of multiplying by themselves, as they have the power to divide. Their shapes vary, and it is this characteristics variation that scientists use these to separate them into groups.

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Bacteria exist everywhere, inside and on our bodies Most of them are completely harmless and some of them are very useful. But some bacteria can cause diseases, either because they end up in the wrong place in the body or simply because they are 'designed' to invade us.

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Not only are bacteria much larger than viruses, but they have the ability to live on their own and reproduce.

They are responsible to infections such as: • Impetigo • Strep throat, some middle ear infections • Carbuncles, cellulitis

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The upside of a bacterial infection is that it is treatable using the most appropriate antibiotic.

The correct procedure is for a microscopy, culture and sensitivity (m,c&s) test to be run on the sample.

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What this entails is a microscopic examination done to determine the presence of pathogens in patients with suspected infections, which are most often caused by pus-forming organisms. If an organism is found, it is then (cultured) grown on a petri dish to identify it, and then lastly, a process of determining which antibiotic is most effective against it is followed – sensitivity.

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When treating a bacterial infection, finding the specific bacteria responsible and the most effective antibiotic against it is ALWAYS preferable to just taking a broad spectrum antibiotic.

The reason for this is that we do have bacteria in our body that play a vital role in our defence system, and when all the bacteria are obliterated using a broad spectrum antibiotic, the body is then at risk for another opportunistic infection.

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One of the biggest crisis’s that medicine is facing currently is due to the over prescription of antibiotics as well as patients not completing their course of medication as their symptoms improve and they feel better.

Drug Resistant Strains of Deadly Bacteria

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Let’s move onto the most opportunistic little critter…

Fungal infections

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Fungi exist naturally in our environment, as well as on and in our bodies. They do not normally cause disease. Fungi can be passed on quite easily from one person to another, but this does not mean that the fungus will necessarily infect the other person. Some people are more susceptible to fungal infections than others, e.g. poor immune systems. In these people the presence of fungi on the body will result in fungal infections. Fungi can live on people, objects or animals for several months, and can be transferred in this way.

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Types of fungal infections

• Ringworm (and related superficial fungal infections of the skin)

• Pityriasis/Tinea versicolor • Nail infections • Oral thrush

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Oral thrush

The Candida albicans organism causes thrush. Babies with thrush have usually contracted it during delivery, when they passed through a vagina infected with Candida. Symptoms appear as oral thrush within seven to 10 days after birth.

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The condition may occur after treatment with antibiotics. During the treatment, the antibiotics kill all the normal bacteria in the mouth, giving the Candida fungi the opportunity to flourish. People are more prone to thrush if they are chronically ill, malnourished or have severely impaired immunity. Candida can sometimes lead to infection of the skin in other areas of the body.

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Fungal infections

prevention and treatment

Since fungal infections are opportunistic – they will always be looking for ‘cushy’ environments that provide everything that they require for growth warm, moist environments

The best prevention is ensuring that the environment is dry and optimising the immune response!

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Something to consider with a patient with persistent fungal infections…

Fungal organisms love feeding off sugar – so if a patient’s fungal infection keeps on returning regardless of good therapeutic doses of anti fungal medication, the clinician must consider the possibility of a hyperglycaemic patient (presence of diabetes)

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When treating fungal infections, it is important to remember that you should continue treatment for a good few days after the infection appears to be resolved as if there is even one tiny fungal spore left…

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1. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are three very different organisms that require individualised and specific approaches to treatment

2. It is crucial to know what organism you are dealing with in order to provide the correct treatment

3. The most efficient manner in treating a virus is to optimise the immune response whereby the specific leucocyte can attack the virus as an antibiotic will have categorically no effect whatsoever on the viral infection

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4. By swabbing the suspected bacterial infection and having the laboratory run an m,c&s – the bacterial organism can be identified and the antibiotic that is effective against that particular organism can be isolated.

5. Fungi are microbes that are particularly opportunistic (read lazy) - they love growing in warm and wet environments where the perfect surroundings allow them to proliferate exponentially. They often are present in patients whose immune systems are compromised.

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Homoeopathy is the ideal system of medicine to embrace when preventing and treating

viral infections as it’s method of action is to optimise the immune system and thereby allow the

white blood cells to forge a victorious response!

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Bonus Questions

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1. Will an antibiotic ever be effective against a viral infection?

2. Can a virus live outside a host cell?

3. What is the most effective manner in dealing with a viral infection?

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Thank you

Dr Jaci Schultz

registered clinical homoeopathic practitioner, AFMCP graduate

medical consultant for Boiron Laboratories

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Page 56: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate
Page 57: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate
Page 58: INFECTIONS an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment · INFECTIONS – an integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment Dr Jacquelyn Loren Schultz M.Tech (Hom); AFMCP graduate