information night 24 th september 2012 st. augustines college st. augustines college

Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustine’s St. Augustine’s College College

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Page 1: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Information Night

24th September 2012

St. Augustine’s St. Augustine’s CollegeCollege

Page 2: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Transition Supports Curriculum Homework and Assessment

Parents’ Association Diary Dates

Page 3: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Core Subjects (Gaeilge; English; Maths; Geography; History;

Business; Science; CSPE; SPHE; Religion; PE;


Choice between French / German

Choice of one Practical Subject

(Art; Music; Woodwork; Technical Graphics; Home Economics)

Taster in choice subjects Mixed ability grouping

(Mixed-ability grouping in First Year leads to improved progress in literacy and numeracy and can give students more

confidence as learners. Moving Up -ESRI/NCCA 2004)

Page 4: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Dear Parents / Guardians,As you are aware your son/daughter has to choose one of the following subjects to take

to Junior Certificate. The choice is between Art, Home Economics, Materials Technology Wood, Music and Technical Graphics. Please tick in order of choice – 1 = first choice, 2 = choice etc. in the appropriate box below and return tomorrow.

Please be aware of class size restrictions:- 20 max in Home Economics and 24 max in the remainder of subjects. Due to Health & Safety regulations the school must adhere to these class sizes. The school cannot guarantee your child will get their first choice; however, we will endeavour that your child gets the highest choice possible.


Home Economics

Materials Technology Wood


Technical Graphics

All boxes must be filled (number 1 to 5)

Page 5: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Induction process (School tour/familiarisation

day)Class structure and organisationMentor system (Buddy system) Year Head / Class tutor/ Subject teacher ‘Teach’ key policies (code of conduct; anti

bullying) Parent/teacher meetings Extra curricular events/clubs

Page 6: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College
Page 7: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Actively involved in student’s education Encourage attendance Oversee homework Check and sign school diary Be familar with school procedures (ref to website) Inform the school if child is absent Send in written notes of explanation when child returns to

school (use pre-printed note in diary) Students going home early must have appropriate prior

permission to leave school and must sign out Attend Parent – Teacher meeting (13th December 2012 /

4:15 – 6:45pm) Help develop good homework and study habits

Routine is the key to SUCCESSSUCCESS

Page 8: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Open Door PolicyOpen Door Policy

Student Journal / Diary

School Office

(Helen Russell or Fr. Cooney - 058 41140)

Email - [email protected]

Meeting Year Head / Class Tutor / Teacher (Contact Helen

beforehand to arrange suitable appointment date and


Page 9: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Written homework

Learning homework

Continuous revision/study of each subject

TimeTime Put routine (plan) in place as early as

possible 1½ to 2 hours per day Supervised Study in the school

Page 10: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Assessment on a regular basis Continuous Assessment (CA):Homework, positive classroom

participation & classroom based tests

Term assessment (Christmas / Summer)Reports sent home.

Page 11: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

School times - 9:10 am – 3:45pm School Journal – attendance / notes/

explain absences / “call-parent” / contact numbers

Sign in / out Uniform / Track suit Mobile phones Lunch / canteen Maintain “GREEN SCHOOL” Avoid Litter / chewing gum (school dates, news,

extra curricular activities, policies, presentations

Page 12: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Inputting on issues

Fundraising for the school

Partaking in Policy Development

Representing the views of all parents

AGM - October 2012 ???

Page 13: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College


Fundraising: Bags2school before Monday 1st October 2012 clothes for re-use e.g. -

Adult’s and Children’s clothes, Soft Toys, Shoes, Hats, Bags etc

Page 14: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College

Bags2school: Monday 1st October 2012

Class Picture: Monday 8th October 2012: €12 paid to Carol in Finance office

Parent Teacher Meeting: Thursday 13th December 2012 @ 4:15 – 6:45pm

Page 15: Information Night 24 th September 2012 St. Augustines College St. Augustines College