insider tips for creating job descriptions that work

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Insider Tips for Creating Job Descriptions That Work

Glassdoor is a registered trademark of Glassdoor Inc.

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Webinar Tips for Attendees

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Featured Speakers

Britt Ryan Head of Recruiting at Entelo


James Parker Talent Acquisition Partner at Glassdoor


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candidate’s decisions today

why effective descriptions matter

keys to writing effective descriptions

best practices for crafting + optimizing descriptions

key takeaways


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Inavero, 2015 Retailing Today, 2013

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Video Content Is A Must

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Source: Edelman Global Trust Barometer Survey, 2015

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© Glassdoor, Inc. 2017

Why Effective Descriptions Matter

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Glassdoor Research, 2015

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Source: The Ladders, Eye Tracking Study, 2013

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Put Yourself in the Job Seeker’s Shoes

Salary and compensation

Career growth opportunities

Work-life balance

Location and commute

Company culture and values

Source: Glassdoor U.S. Site Survey, October 2014

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Putting Ourselves in the Job Seeker’s Shoes

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Keys to Writing"Effective Descriptions

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Entelo Pro Tip: Make It Fun

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Be realistic 1

Customize for specific roles


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Entelo: How We Do It

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Glassdoor U.S. Site Survey, January 2016

Tell your company story: 1




Why Work For Us section

Add photos and videos

Respond to your reviews

Become an Open Company

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Transparency at Entelo

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Authenticity matters Communicate skills, qualities and values

Include the hiring manager’s perspective

Clearly define what’s expected

Provide the less glamorous details, too

Leave out the fluff

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© Glassdoor, Inc. 2017

Glassdoor U.S. Site Survey, 2016

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Glassdoor Site Survey, 2016

NACE Survey, 2013

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Best Practices for"Crafting + Optimizing

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Best Practices for Crafting + Optimizing Descriptions

Address your culture

Highlight your employer brand

Optimize for mobile

Create SEO-friendly descriptions

Keep it neutral

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Address Your Culture

What is the work environment like? Is it casual or formal? "Does it require you to be highly self-sufficient or collaborative?

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Highlight Your Employer Brand

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Optimize for Mobile

Glassdoor survey, April 2014

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Create SEO-Friendly Job Descriptions

Appcast, July 31, 2015

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Create SEO-Friendly Job Titles

Appcast, July 31, 2015

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Keep It Neutral

Harvard Business Review, “Why Women Don’t Apply for Jobs Unless They’re 100% Qualified”, August 2014

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Key Takeaways

© Glassdoor, Inc. 2017

Key Takeaways

Include the basics

Be convincing

Keep it consistent




© Glassdoor, Inc. 2017

Britt Ryan Head of Recruiting at Entelo


James Parker Talent Acquisition Partner at Glassdoor


© Glassdoor, Inc. 2017